Toyota Highlander Check Engine Light
My check engine light came on at 102,000 miles.
The dealer service dept. says that the diagnostic showed no clear cause(?)but I need new spark plugs ($240),ejectors cleaned, and of course the cost of the diagnostic ($130) The total was around $475. Am I being ripped?? My big question is what will they do to get the light out?? Should I disconnect the battery abnd reset the clock and radio buttons to see if it goes out? Then I can worry again if it comes back on.
The dealer service dept. says that the diagnostic showed no clear cause(?)but I need new spark plugs ($240),ejectors cleaned, and of course the cost of the diagnostic ($130) The total was around $475. Am I being ripped?? My big question is what will they do to get the light out?? Should I disconnect the battery abnd reset the clock and radio buttons to see if it goes out? Then I can worry again if it comes back on.
net net, try the gas cap for now; ask your dealer next time you are in for service.
Fast forward to today.....
Having brought my 2002 Toyota V6 AWD with 140,000 miles to my Toyota dealership to check out a simultaneous check engine light and vehicle stability control light, I learned that I would need an oxygen sensor replaced which would cost about $400.
I passed on this repair - especially considering I'm looking at possibly not having this vehicle a year from now.
The two diagnostic codes received from an OBDII scan tool were:
P0125 (Insufficient Coolant Temperature For Closed Loop Fuel Control)
P0136 (Oxygen Sensor Circuit Malfunction - Bank #1 Sensor #2)
Any ideas on what short and long term issues I might have not replacing this oxygen sensor?
Bud H
Please remember, that the feedback from the O2 sensor will impact your programmed combustion pattern. It could happen that under normal driving conditions the computer can "balance" the faulty (lack of) signal, but under a slow-down or up-hill acceleration it could shut-off the engine. If I were in your situation, I would replace it and drive it for an other 50,000 miles. You have a reliable V-6 AWD SUV - don't give it up so easily! =Andrew
And maybe do a chargeback on the dealer's bill! :P
Yes you can drive with the check engine light on. The planet won't like you much but it will do no harm to your Highlander.
However, there are check light engine error conditions, which if you don't take care of the condition can further ruin other parts. Engine running too lean can damage heads and pistons. Wrong mixture getting dumped into exhaust can ruin catalytic converter. A number of these problems would be VERY expensive to ultimately repair.
Unless you have had the error codes read, I personally wouldn't be driving around ignoring the check engine light. Even if you definitively know what the problem is now, and choose legitimately to ignore it for a could have a 2nd problem show up in a couple weeks, which is a very serious problem. You might still think it's the first problem, and totally miss the 2nd problem.
I can't speak specifically to your year Highlander, but I've had an error code on one (non-Toyota) vehicle I own, where after the fix it required a certain number of successful warm up cycles before it would turn the light off, but that was all documented as part of that particular error condition. In those cases it is not possible to get thru state inspection until the code clears.
It's not clear to me whether your situation is one where the mechanic doesn't know how to fix and reset your error condition....or an error condition which really does take a couple of cycles to clear (after it was fixed).
I'm suspecting your mechanic may not have the detail knolwedge that a Toyota dealership would have in figuring out what your problem really is. I don't know how many miles you put on your vehicle in a week or two, but I'd plan to get it to a dealership in a reasonable timeframe, assuming you aren't putting on a ton of daily mileage.
Anything new going on with your Highlander?
my HL has been just fine without any scary check engine lights... until this morning
please post what year your Highlander is when posting a problem or comment. It would be very helpful in trying to give an answer. Different years make a difference.
I generally don't trust the minimum wage employees at the parts store to give me an accurate assessment of the problem so I bought an ACTRON Scan Tool from the auto parts store, about $150, works for every vehicle manufactured beginning in 1996. The tool will give you a code(s) readout plus give a status rundown of all the systems the vehicle computer monitors. You should be able to cross the code to the charts in the maintenance manual, (I use Haynes supplemented by a subscription to All Data). This should point you in the necessary direction.
Also responded to my question that Toyota hasn't downgraded it's quality but that they can't guarantee the "parts'- life". (HUHH???) And that my only resolve is to talk to the Dealership I'd been taking my vehicle for some discount. I just can't believe that this is now what TOYOTA is. Anyhow, my questions are for those who has the same year model: Did you have the same problems?? And what more problems did you encounter past its 62K life??? Is Toyota worth some re-thinking or just solely on Highlanders??? Thanks.
i read somewhere that if you blow in the tank after pumping gas it will keep from your CEL coming on. i've even tried that.
my error is: EVAP emission control system malfunction
i only have about 86K miles on my 2003 4cyl 2wd HL. this should not be happening. i've been a tried and true believer and preacher of toyota since 16 and have never had this many problems.
Ashley Dee: I've always loved Toyota and considers it to be the best.. I just now feel betrayed. Until then, it's "goodluck to our pockets", I guess. Thanks.
after doing some googling i found out that sometimes when they change the oil on them they might accidentally knock a hose off by/near the air filter. well in my case they did! i called my local dealer (that changes my oil, cheaper than jiffy lubes and better) and told them about my CIL coming on and they had just changed my oil. ran up there and in under 5 minutes i was rolling off with my hose attached!
You have to tell the attendant not to touch air filter and make sure if they do that they replace the hose. If you don't the CEL will come on anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months
So did get you problem solve , I have same issue EVAP emission. cost for repair is $800 , should change my EVAP Canister. this was guys recommended after running full diag which cost me $90 .
please HELP
seriously have them check to see if he hose behind your air filter has been knocked off before you shell out that $800!
Toyota calls the precat O2 sensors AFR sensors, same thing.
If you've read through the posts on this forum, you'll know that driving for a year with a CEL without knowing the diagnostic code(s) is a bad idea.
Re Toyotas or any other cars having occasional problems like the O2 sensor at 60K miles, get over it. Your HL is five years old, and if an $800 repair is all it's needed in five years, that's pretty amazing to those of us who remember when 60K was practically worn out.
This forum has been very helpful. Thanks.
anybody else experience this??
I had to get the O2 sensor from Toyota, but had my own mechanic do the work.
Truck seems to be fine now.
There haven't been any other noticeable performance issues with the car up until this point except for maybe one thing. Twice (maybe a few weeks ago) I went to start the car in the AM and it gave me a hard time starting (almost like sputtering) but it eventually started and then ran fine.
Since I've had the car for 140K, we've experienced the gas cap issue, the sensor going off for no apparent reason and even the Jiffy Lube issue (where it goes on after you have your car service from there), so I don't think it's that. I'm guessing by reading similar posts that it might be something more serious, like a catalytic converter. What do you think?
Is it time to trade it in/chuck it?