Well maintained '99 w/ 113,000 miles. I just got 10 mpg all around town. Am I heavy footed? I do like to get it into the higher RPM's every now and then. Do Discoverys really like to drink gas when you do that? 10 MPG seems pretty low.
Recently purchased a 99 DII with 77K. On a recent highway trip I got 17.8 MPG. Around town I've been getting 12.3 to 12.8. I'm soft on the gas pedal. On the highway trip I think I had all the tires around 35 MPG. I've since put them to factory specs, 28 PSI in front, 38 PSI in back. We'll see how that affects MPG.
My o4 disco with 4.6 gets 12mpg in the city, (which I don't frequent) to 16mpg on the highwway. I usually travel at 65 mph, because these arn't sports cars. out in the boonies, I can go all day long, comming back well after dark with 1/4 tank of gas still left. Can't beat that.. :shades: