Land Rover Discovery Real World MPG

tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
edited March 2014 in Land Rover


  • tsuami1tsuami1 Member Posts: 5
    Well maintained '99 w/ 113,000 miles. I just got 10 mpg all around town. Am I heavy footed? I do like to get it into the higher RPM's every now and then. Do Discoverys really like to drink gas when you do that? 10 MPG seems pretty low.
  • channyboichannyboi Member Posts: 3
    I get about 12 miles a gallon with my 95 Discovery. 10MPG doesn't sound that bad considering the average MPG is about 13.
  • rct56rct56 Member Posts: 1
    Recently purchased a 99 DII with 77K. On a recent highway trip I got 17.8 MPG. Around town I've been getting 12.3 to 12.8. I'm soft on the gas pedal. On the highway trip I think I had all the tires around 35 MPG. I've since put them to factory specs, 28 PSI in front, 38 PSI in back. We'll see how that affects MPG.
  • rovernutrovernut Member Posts: 2
    My o4 disco with 4.6 gets 12mpg in the city, (which I don't frequent) to 16mpg on the highwway. I usually travel at 65 mph, because these arn't sports cars. out in the boonies, I can go all day long, comming back well after dark with 1/4 tank of gas still left. Can't beat that.. :shades:
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