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GM Navigation system

tonyskitonyski Member Posts: 1
Greetings all. I'm a Newbee here.
I have a 2007 Tahoe LTZ with the factory DVD/Navigation system. It causes a "Caution Screen" to display on the LCD to warn me about the perils of paying too much attention to the nav display while driving.

Well "OK I Get It". Now, is there any way to stop this screen from popping up every time I'm in the car? I can't find it anywhere in the owner's manual. I'm guessing there might be some undocumented feature that will let me cancel this.

Your help will be appreciated.



  • coerich1coerich1 Member Posts: 2
    I'd like to know the answer to this as well. What a pain to have to hit the OK button every time I start the car. I searched for the solution and this is the only match so far. Everything's about CYA (cover your a__) these days. Why else would GM not make it easy to disable that screen. Jeez, GM's a bunch of wimps, and lawyers made them that way.
  • valvestudvalvestud Member Posts: 35
    By law, every time you start any vehicle with factory NAV and go to any NAV mode, the warning will come up. No way to defeat.
  • tedebeartedebear Member Posts: 832
    I recently bought a Chrysler vehicle with a similar warning screen in the factory installed GPS nav. I had to press the "Accept" button every time when I first started the car.

    A software update fixed the problem. Although the warning still pops up it goes away by itself after 5 seconds or so.

    Perhaps the next GM nav update will solve this problem.
  • coerich1coerich1 Member Posts: 2
    Good to hear about the 5 second caution screen - I could live with that. Just hope GM catches on to the idea. Since I usually end up driving before I hit the OK button guess what?...My eyes are off the road. Usually end up latching my seat belt after I take off, too - guess I'll have to change my evil ways.

    Maybe a programmer will get get interested and figure a workaround and post the solution. Meanwhile I'll just keep pressing that button...
  • jefglassjefglass Member Posts: 1
    I've got an '08 Suburban with Nav and XM. When the car is moving, certain touch screen sections are disabled for driver safety. I noticed in the manual that you should be able to disable this, however this preference does not show on my screen. Any ideas how to turn off the "driver safety" feature?

    On long trips across interstates, the inability to use the touchscreen is very frustrating.

  • dsmallwodsmallwo Member Posts: 1
    I share your frustration and am interested in any replies. I do have another question for you: I'm troubleshooting CD/DVD read errors in my '05, and would like to borrow your nav DVD. Be a friend and either burn a copy or bring it with you to Wichita next week. I'll buy you a beer.
  • andy47andy47 Member Posts: 1
    I have the same issue plus is their a way to use the screen to control my itouch when playing music.

  • mparker59mparker59 Member Posts: 1
    While researching Bluetooth kits I found a couple that also allow use of the nav screens while in motion. They also allow you to watch DVDs while in motion (hmmm...) and to turn on the rear view camera while in motion. I'm not sure, but it wouldn;t surprise me if they also got rid of the annoying safety message on startup. Look here: http://www.coastaletech.com/SUPERGMLOCKPICK.htm and here: http://www.gnetcanada.com/navvideo-models-gmunlock.asp
  • jmarondejmaronde Member Posts: 1
    I have the same problem with my 08 Acadia. GM has been dancing me around and I didn't get much satisfaction by writing to Rick Wagoner. Guess he doesn't answer customer's letters. I explained to them that getting rear ended on the interstate was a real possibility due to this safety feature but the guy in India that I talked to didn't get it.

    How about disabling the switch that tells the computer the car is in park? I would think if you closed the contacts the nav would think you're in park. Anyone know how to do that?
  • jdseiverjdseiver Member Posts: 1
    Try this web site they sell an unlocker that does a lot more than just unlock Nav modes.

  • TitoGTitoG Member Posts: 1
    I recently received and loaded a new Nav Disc sent to me by GM for my 2007 Tahoe. I loaded it in and it completely messed up my system (DVD Read errors, no display, etc.). I can't get it out of the unit because my touchscreen doesn't work so I can't get to the NAV Menu to eject the disc. Does anyone know of another way to open the unit so I can chane the disc back to the old one?
  • bhoundbhound Member Posts: 1
    Push the eject button down until the unit opens. May take up to 30 sec or more. I hope this helps.
  • toyota2003toyota2003 Member Posts: 2


    My car's DVD Navigation system CD & Navigation buttons do not respond sometimes even if I press it several times. And on certain occasions everything works fine. I checked the wire connections are all are good.
    Since you had this kind of misfortune with your car could you advise me on how to get it functioning normally?

  • detaildavedetaildave Member Posts: 7
    I have a 08 suburban. nav. screen went out, or is just turned down. when you turn the key you can see the screen try to come on. Is there a reset for the nav. unit. touching the screen you can hear beeps like its working. check the fuse,nothing. went thru the manual trying to adjusting the contrast. no luck. any help would be great.
  • toyota2003toyota2003 Member Posts: 2
    My NAV system is manual does not have touch screen and it does not have a reset button. Try by disconnecting and reconnecting the battery terminals. That might help to reset. Otherwise I am clueless.
  • jeff142jeff142 Member Posts: 1
    Hey, I am having the same problem. What worked for you??

    The disc is reading error and since the dvd goes in behind the gps unit (it opens on its own, slides up and out) I can't get it open. The screen keeps flashing between different codes, back to the radio, black and so on. Is there a manual way to open these things? Or another way to get the map dvd out??

    GM wants $2700 for a new unit??!?!?!?!
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Try the Toyota Matrix discussion.
  • mejvissermejvisser Member Posts: 1
    I just purchased a 2007 Tahoe LTZ with the Navigation/touch screen. The screen works well around the edges, but in the middle it hardly registers my touch - I have to really push hard or tap it several times to type in something.... I am afraid I will crack the glass. Is this something that can be fixed? :confuse:
  • bigdirtyhawgbigdirtyhawg Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2008 GMC Denali that we purchased used. Ever since we've had it, the navigation system defaults to Constitution and Pennsylvania Ave in Washington DC. The problem is, I live in San Antonio TX. Every time I reset the zone to the one I'm in, and adjust the time back an hour, within 10 minutes it goes back to its default. Any idea how to correct this?

  • drslk230drslk230 Member Posts: 1
    I have this same problem on my Cadillac DTS... Any soln. yet?
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