Have you recently bought a Tesla or are you currently shopping for one? A reporter would like to speak with you; please reach out to PR@Edmunds.com by 3/13 for more details.
Hi guys. I guess I'm a little late to this discussion....
Test drove the coupe a few days ago. Very impressed! It seems like a lot of car for the the price. Wow.
Question: two friends said: "Oh, yeah, Nissan: great cars, but they rust so fast that you can practically hear it happening." I have never owned a Nissan before - is this true? And given that I will only own the car, say, 5 years max, before trading it in, is this something to be concerned about? or just an urban legend? :confuse:
TIA for any advice...... Right now, it's still at the top of my list!
I've onwed 2 (3 including my 07 altima) and never had a problem with rust. the other two were kept 12yrs and 9 years and counting for the other. It's starting to rust some on the part inside the door where the kick plates are, but there is no rust underneath, or on the visible exterior.
But my vote would be urban legend. if you wash and wax your car regularly (wash every 2-4 weeks, wax twice a year) no car will rust out on you.
My brother-in-law has a 2003 Altima and as far as I can tell there is no rust on it. He's not a fanatic waxer either. The rust legend may come from the past when Japanese cars did have a habit of rusting quickly. My 1986 Toyota rusted through in 3 years and was a complete wreak in 10. I'm told they don't do that any more.
Oh, my brother-in law's only complaint about his Altima is that little trim pieces keep falling off.
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible
That program exists for all our vehicles. Don't think of it as discounting on the Altima, but rather pulling money from a giant pot for all those pissed off Quest customers.
Unfortunately, there have been some issues with those minivans. :lemon: They're nice now though!
Nice car! I am a posterchild for the market segment this car represents. I want something with style an originality, desire a moderate amount of luxury or gadgetry, want some performance but not a speed demon, reasonable MPG, use regular fuel, and I want to spend in the sweet spot range of $25-$30k.
My favorite thing about this car is its looks. Its not boring, its not boxy, its got curves & class, and looks swift.
The ride was alright, more sporty than I expected - I wasn't sure what to expect, but I felt more of the road than I wanted. I instantly hated the blindspots created by the rear window pillars. I liked the smooth accelerating engine. I like having a handbrake - have had to use it before in an emergency. I am sure I would become irritated with the tight access to the rear seat. Audio system is ok, nothing special. No car is perfect, but this is getting close in most of my criteria!
Now I am undecided on the Navi system, looks more complicated than its worth - I can always pull over and look at my maps, or install map software into my PDA. But voice recognition seems cool and probably be easy once I learn it.
Now all I have to do is wait until they pull out more heavy incentives or discounts and I that's when I'll buy it! :shades:
I am in the market for a altima coupe 3.5 6MT with premium package. The MRSP is $28,715. The edmunds invoice price is $26,490. How much am I suppose to be paying for this car? How much discount should i look for? Im in the new york area btw. Thanks.
The rebate is a $1000 dollars torwards any new nissan if you have a 2004 Quest.
If you trade a 2004 Quest for a new 2007 Quest you will recieve a rebate of $2000.
The reason for this rebate as many of you probably know is that the 2004 Quests had a lot first year problems with rattles and squeaks. It was built in a brand new plant with brand ne w people building a brand new product. You guys know the drill. :sick:
Well, after thinking I would go for the new Accord coupe when it came out this fall, I think I'm leaning toward the Altima coupe now...test drove a few of them, and love it...the fact that it's smaller than the new Accord coupe is the biggest draw for me. That car just keeps getting bigger, although I know it's a great car...may wait to get inside one to see and compare. I was worried about fitting into the Altima coupe (6-5, 215 here), but it's fine. Now I need to decide color...think Precison Grey is my top choice, with radiant silver behind it...
I've got a similar build as you and I definately had great headroom and leg room in my test drive (took out a 6 speed V6) but felt a little snug on my left arm. Shoulder room is much better in my 05 accord.
Well, after thinking I would go for the new Accord coupe when it came out this fall, I think I'm leaning toward the Altima coupe now...test drove a few of them, and love it...the fact that it's smaller than the new Accord coupe is the biggest draw for me. That car just keeps getting bigger, although I know it's a great car...may wait to get inside one to see and compare. I was worried about fitting into the Altima coupe (6-5, 215 here), but it's fine. Now I need to decide color...think Precison Grey is my top choice, with radiant silver behind it...
It always comes down to personal tastes for sure. I have the 3.5 sedan with spoiler. I got dark slate and charcoal interior. I had the windows darkened and I got all kinds of compliments on it. Most people think it's a BMW, ha Enjoy your new ride, it's an awesome car.
I'd love to see a face-to-face match up between the Altima and the Honda. My lease is up in four months, so hopefully there will be some dialogue in magazines regarding the two. Right off the bat, I think the Honda will have the better shifter. The Alti will probably win the performance war with a slight edge in torque and weight. Hopefully there will be one of each to test drive before I make my decision.
Hey guys, I plan on purchasing the 08 coupe fully loaded...only thing im waiting on is for nissan to offer a deal on financing options. I know right now they have 2.9% for 60 months on the sedan but not the coupe. Do you guys think bc this car is in demand theyre not going to offer any finance specials? Should I just purchase the car now and settle for paying around 6% or wait it out? Thanks!
Demand is high. I doubt you'll see special rates on coupes for awhile. If you're in no hurry, then just wait till the end of the model year. Perhaps they'll give financing specials then, but I don't see it anytime soon.
Compare the monthly payment with a special rate and regular rates and go from there. If your payments are pretty close, then just go ahead and pull the trigger. If you see a massive difference, then perhaps you ought to wait.
well, I don't have the car yet, but gave a deposit and signed off on a number for the Altima Coupe 3.5 SE CVT in Precison Gray with all the trimmings except the sunroof wind deflector. It's supposed to be transferred from a dealer nearby when they get it. Whoo hoo! NOW, my questions turn to the Security Plus and Maintenance Plus options. Do I want these? Ugh. Any advice is appreciated...I think I want the Security Plus Gold, and like the idea of the Maintenance Plus package...but it seems expensive. I don't have dealer quotes yet, but found online quotes for them both. The Maintenance Plus has Gold Preferred for 60 months at $1,599, and the Gold Schedule 1 for 60 months at $1,179, with a little less coverage...primary differences being replacing engine drive belts, CVT fluid, Radiator caps and hoses. Are those expensive to do? Most of it would be at 30,000 mile intervals.
Another issue...I can get the door edge guards and wheel lip moldings for no charge, but am unsure if I want them. Visually, I think I like the car better without them...they don't look too bad, but I'm wondering how helpful they really are. Thoughts?
I like to have plenty of Plus in my security and maintenance. I'd also like to have some gold in there too. I guess the best would be Super Plus Gold with Diamond Clusters and a Cherry on top.
Seriously, it's a new car, how much can go wrong that's not covered by the warranty? You don't say how long you will be keeping the car but the service you describe seems like overkill. Except for the CVT fluid I don't see the value in replacing the parts you mentioned at 30K. If you had all that done at an independent shop I bet it wouldn't cost more than a few hundred dollars.
My general position on extra warranty coverage is: If it needs all that is it a car I want to own?
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible
I am looking to buy this car in the next 2 weeks. Can somebody tell me what they paid for 2008 altima coupe 3.5 se with premium and tech package. Thank you.
I bought a 2.5S coupe yesterday -> tech package + premium package + fog lights + kick plates + destination charge + 100,000 warranty for $27,486.
I somehow had an impression that you can't bargain much on these cars and that people have been paying above MSRP to get the car...this is what some of the posts in this forum say! But believe it or not, there is a lot of room for bargain in this car too. Good luck.
I am looking to buy this car in the next 2 weeks. Can somebody tell me what they paid for 2008 altima coupe 3.5 se with premium and tech package. Thank you.
I just came back from the nissan dealer ship, and was close to buying it $30,000 with everything included, with tax and tags. I think its a good deal, what do other people think? I am trying to see if i can get a buyer for my current car, then go ahead buy this one.
I'm not sure how this even works, i couldn't find a faq coupe 3.5 se with premium package.....any color....any transmission.
My parents are going 50/50 with me on this car as a grad present and i told them what i wanted about 2 weeks ago. I figured they were in the process of getting it, but they thought they could just go to the dealer and pick one up, they found out today otherwise. The dealer called around, I live in PA and the closest dealer that has one is in New Hampshire.
Was hoping to have it this weekend and absolutely need a car by next weekend for the whole interview thing. Is it possible to get in a week and a half?
Just wanted to share my experience...after a summer of consideration (initially thinking I would get a new Accord coupe, dabbling with dreams of an Infiniti G37), I finally bought the Altima Coupe on Sept. 29 in Northern VA. It's a 3.5 SE V6 CVT in Precision Grey (the color I was holding out for) with Premium and NAV, and also VDC, floor mats and kick plates (no moonroof deflector--I'm fine cranking up the music if it gets loud; I think those deflectors cover up too much of the moonroof, and I much prefer the full open view!). The MSRP was $32,155, and the selling price was 31,655. Add in $299 processing, $958 tax and $125 license/registration fees, it came to $33,037 and change, which at the time was a tad below the $33,208 Edmunds was listing (actual listed Edmunds number was $32,125, but that doesn't include tax or registration fee). I pretty much went with the number they gave me...it's a new, hot car and it was below the Edmunds price, so I was happy. My only haggling came on my trade in. They said they would give me $250 for my '96 Cavalier (*sniff* she served me well!) but I insisted on $500 and got it. Yeee haw!
I also decided to get the Gold Security Plus package for the full 7 years/100,000 miles, no deductible. I came in armed with my $1,826 quote from the NissanExtendedWarrenty dot com site, which also allows you 17 months of no interest. They initially tried to push the non-Nissan warrenty on me (Fidelity something?), then had to go "check numbers" on the Nissan one when I insisted that was all I wanted...the salesman asked to see my printed quote sheet from online, which I thought was funny...and I didn't let him see it ("You tell me your quote first" I told him). He first came back with a quote over $2,000...when I told him my other quote was lower and had 17 months no interest, he returned, said he made a mistake and that was for the Gold Preferred package (the one above Gold Security Plus)--which I'm sure was a lie--and then quotes me $1,600. I asked for $1,500 for it, we settled on $1,550. I was happy with that, so I hope that's a realtively good deal.
The only issue I had with the car after I drove it off: I noticed there were very mild scratches on the passenger side of the windshield, like someone had wiped it clean and there was a grain of sand in the towel or something. It was very faint, but slightly noticeable at the right angle in sunlight. So, I took it back, and they are fixing it--and I'm getting 4 oil changes and free all-season mats for my trouble.
Love the car...I'm 6-5, so it's a squeeze for me, but I'm comfy enough...I wanted a sporty, smaller coupe, and this had the Accord beat on that (and I'm sure the new Accord is still a fabulous car). It also has enough cool stuff to make me fine with not having the G37 (do I really need a digital card reader, hard drive burning system AND iPod adapter? A little overkill). I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the keyless entry and push-button ignition. It wasn't a reason I got this car, but now that I have it, it's so dang cool. Ditto the Bluetooth voice command stuff, XM, 6-CDs...I haven't even begun to learn the NAV system yet. Love the car! Now I just have to stop being so nervous driving and parking it (still haven't been to downtown DC yet...scared to even try!!!).
they probably can't get it that quick, but if you explain it to them, they may be able to provide a car for you till it comes in. I doubt they want to walk away from a 30k sale.
Is this a joke??? do you know me??? Haha....seriously it really felt like you were/are someone i know playing a trick on me. I've actually had it happen a few times...yeah PA is really boring.
Evo was my #1 pick, but i want the X and I really do NEED a car now.....i just can't deal with getting the IX when i know the X is 5 months away.
350Z was my number 2 and found a few a couple hours away, but my dad refused since it was rear wheel drive. He's freaking out due to snow. So he refuses to have anything to do with that car and i really can't afford it if they aren't paying about 15 atleast.
g37 was my number 3 and same issue..RWD.
To be honest...the altima is my # 8 pick.... besides the 350Z...don't seem to be able to find choice 1-7 in PA, and i really do like what i see, but what turned me on the most was the dealer, who is a family friend, said he had one on his lot.....then when we actually showed up a day later, a dealer from another state bought it. Actually found one in virgina today, but had to wait for their manager to show up and the 2 hours in between that happened, the car got sold.
And then lastly my only job offer so far is D.C.....so 90% chance i'm ending up there (the last line of your post)
I really appreciate your time for the post and your comment about the moon roof let me know you are on the same page as me.
I got the 2008 altima coupe 3.5 se with premium package, tech package, floor mats, and kick plates for $30500 including tax/tag and processing fees. So far i am loving it, the audio system rocks.
The VPP program is not given out to everyone. Do you work for Nissan or know someone who does? If you have a friend/family member who works DIRECTLY for Nissan, then you could qualify. You get the VPP number from one of them.
I think that explains why you aren't getting a free VPP ID.
Edit: Incidentally, many dealers will not honor the VPP discount on a coupe or "hot" vehicles. The customer did indeed get a great deal.
Yea i went around to a few dealerships near DC, but they wont except it. But then i found ANTWERPEN NISSAN in clarksville, md. They accept vpp, but i think their prices are extremly reasonable. Like they have a precision gray for 26,304. Thats a 3.5se with premium package. Let me know if you give you the info for the guy who sold me the car. I found that there was no pressure towards the deal. Let me know.
If I'm going to plunk down 26K for a new car I want it EXACTLY how I like it. I want a 3.5SE in Precision grey with no options but the CVT.
I've looked at the local inventory and all they have are loaded models. Quite frankly,I don't want to pay $3500 more for useless junk.
Is it realistic to ask a dealer to order the Altima coupe the way I want it? I have no problem waiting as long as 3 months for delivery. I'm going to keep the car a long time so I'd like it just so.
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible
Thats really good and cheap, but I'll just say, I absolutely LOVE the tech package.
I live in Chicago, and I got a Super Black 3.5SE, Premium, Tech for $27,900. That was with a 1000 or 1500 dollar trade in (dealer never gave me a specific price for it - but it was a 98 Ford Taurus with 186k miles, so I know it wasn't a lot), so say $28,900. This is what I did, and what I suggest you do.
1) Go to www.carsdirect.com, edmunds.com or any other website that you can send out notices to numerous dealers. What you'll do is get several dealers responding to you inquiry. They'll be giving you a low quote to get you IN the dealership.
2) Know what the invoice price is, and try to shoot for below, regardless of if you're on the VPP. I wasn't.
3) Play dealerships against each other. They all want the sale. I would call three of them, and let them know the other dealerships offers. This may or may not work for you. I was upfront and honest and told them I wanted to buy within a week. That sped things up.
4) Negotiate the sticker, then the trade in, then the financing. I was going to buy from one dealer the whole way, but I got a better financing deal from another, so I went with him.
And, if you can get the right financing - get a pre-approved loan and have a blank check mailed to your house. Walk into a dealer, and tell him you'll buy the car right there for 1500 below invoice.
Sorry to hear that the store you went to didn't have any base 3.5's for you. Did you ask them to locate one? If they said there wasn't any around I would ask another dealer.
"I want a 3.5SE in Precision grey with no options but the CVT. I don't want to pay $3500 more for useless junk."
That was my notion when I got my 2007 3.5 SE last December. The dealer located the exact color I wanted little more than 100 miles away--I don't care what they call it, it looks burgundy to me--with blond cloth interior. Only extras were floor and trunk mats, which I would like anyway. Cars today are already loaded with the important things, i.e. AC, power windows, seats, brakes, steering, cruise control, radio we used to consider options 30 years ago. All this other stuff is just horsefeathers. I've seen 2.5's on the lot optioned up to $29,000--that's $9,000 worth of extras and you still only have four cylinders!
"...I've seen 2.5's on the lot optioned up to $29,000..."
The 2.5 I saw at the auto show was over 27K. That's a lot of extras.
It wasn't until the second time I came back to the show that I was able to talk to a sale rep. He said they could do a dealer locate "pending availability". I guess that means I'm out of luck. He said a factory order would take 2-3 months "or longer" because "they have to stop building to make yours". I guess he only wanted to sell what was on his lot.
I must have been his first "up" of the show because he wanted me to come in "first thing Monday" to test drive. He wanted to call me to remind me. Very hungry salesman.
That was better than the Pontiac booth where the sales people gave up and went home leaving the power seat on the G6 so high up nobody could sit in the car.
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible
or longer" because "they have to stop building to make yours". I guess he only wanted to sell what was on his lot.
I am hoping you didn't believe that they stop to make one car... I just did a locate for a percision grey/ auto/ MSRP around $26500 depending on options.... for 2007 and 2008 there are about 15 between the two of the model years. I ran that locate from Maine to New Jersey... Are you open to other colors? If you and if it helps I can run thise for you too. Free of charge. I am not sure where you are located but at least I can tell you the info around this area. Sorry my bad I ran that as a Sedan I will check for coupes. There are 11 coupes percision grey with charcoal interior from Maine to New Jersey with a MSRP $26,355. If that is in your area.
"...I am hoping you didn't believe that they stop to make one car..."
No of course not. I doubt the sales rep believed that either. Do you sales guys say things like that to see if the customer is on the ball? It was right after I choked back a laugh and said "oh? really?" that he started trying to get me into the showroom.
"...There are 11 coupes from Maine to New Jersey..."
Man, greanpea68 you are good. If this guy had been that quick to come up with some info I would feel like I owed him a sale.
I'm in upstate NY. You're in the Boston area right? I wonder How the Altima would handle a little road trip down I-90.
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible
Test drove the coupe a few days ago. Very impressed! It seems like a lot of car for the the price. Wow.
Question: two friends said: "Oh, yeah, Nissan: great cars, but they rust so fast that you can practically hear it happening." I have never owned a Nissan before - is this true? And given that I will only own the car, say, 5 years max, before trading it in, is this something to be concerned about? or just an urban legend? :confuse:
TIA for any advice...... Right now, it's still at the top of my list!
But my vote would be urban legend. if you wash and wax your car regularly (wash every 2-4 weeks, wax twice a year) no car will rust out on you.
Oh, my brother-in law's only complaint about his Altima is that little trim pieces keep falling off.
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible
Unfortunately, there have been some issues with those minivans. :lemon: They're nice now though!
My favorite thing about this car is its looks.
The ride was alright, more sporty than I expected - I wasn't sure what to expect, but I felt more of the road than I wanted. I instantly hated the blindspots created by the rear window pillars. I liked the smooth accelerating engine. I like having a handbrake - have had to use it before in an emergency. I am sure I would become irritated with the tight access to the rear seat. Audio system is ok, nothing special. No car is perfect, but this is getting close in most of my criteria!
Now I am undecided on the Navi system, looks more complicated than its worth - I can always pull over and look at my maps, or install map software into my PDA. But voice recognition seems cool and probably be easy once I learn it.
Now all I have to do is wait until they pull out more heavy incentives or discounts and I that's when I'll buy it! :shades:
I am in the market for a altima coupe 3.5 6MT with premium package. The MRSP is $28,715. The edmunds invoice price is $26,490. How much am I suppose to be paying for this car? How much discount should i look for? Im in the new york area btw. Thanks.
If you trade a 2004 Quest for a new 2007 Quest you will recieve a rebate of $2000.
The reason for this rebate as many of you probably know is that the 2004 Quests had a lot first year problems with rattles and squeaks. It was built in a brand new plant with brand ne w people building a brand new product. You guys know the drill. :sick:
Well, after thinking I would go for the new Accord coupe when it came out this fall, I think I'm leaning toward the Altima coupe now...test drove a few of them, and love it...the fact that it's smaller than the new Accord coupe is the biggest draw for me. That car just keeps getting bigger, although I know it's a great car...may wait to get inside one to see and compare. I was worried about fitting into the Altima coupe (6-5, 215 here), but it's fine. Now I need to decide color...think Precison Grey is my top choice, with radiant silver behind it...
I just saw one today "in the flesh". Dark grey 3.5 SE. Very nice looking car. Looked smaller than the 4-door. I guess that's a good thing.
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible
Right off the bat, I think the Honda will have the better shifter. The Alti will probably win the performance war with a slight edge in torque and weight.
Hopefully there will be one of each to test drive before I make my decision.
I plan on purchasing the 08 coupe fully loaded...only thing im waiting on is for nissan to offer a deal on financing options. I know right now they have 2.9% for 60 months on the sedan but not the coupe. Do you guys think bc this car is in demand theyre not going to offer any finance specials? Should I just purchase the car now and settle for paying around 6% or wait it out? Thanks!
Compare the monthly payment with a special rate and regular rates and go from there. If your payments are pretty close, then just go ahead and pull the trigger. If you see a massive difference, then perhaps you ought to wait.
Another issue...I can get the door edge guards and wheel lip moldings for no charge, but am unsure if I want them. Visually, I think I like the car better without them...they don't look too bad, but I'm wondering how helpful they really are. Thoughts?
Any input or thoughts is appreciated. Thanks!
I like to have plenty of Plus in my security and maintenance. I'd also like to have some gold in there too. I guess the best would be Super Plus Gold with Diamond Clusters and a Cherry on top.
Seriously, it's a new car, how much can go wrong that's not covered by the warranty? You don't say how long you will be keeping the car but the service you describe seems like overkill. Except for the CVT fluid I don't see the value in replacing the parts you mentioned at 30K. If you had all that done at an independent shop I bet it wouldn't cost more than a few hundred dollars.
My general position on extra warranty coverage is: If it needs all that is it a car I want to own?
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible
I somehow had an impression that you can't bargain much on these cars and that people have been paying above MSRP to get the car...this is what some of the posts in this forum say! But believe it or not, there is a lot of room for bargain in this car too. Good luck.
They paid sticker. :surprise:
Need more details. A 2.5 coupe cvt fully loaded can run you about 30k too I suppose.
Need more info
I think he was talking about a 3.5 altima with NAv. But I don't really see it happening right now on the coupe. not including taxes and reg fees.
But your absolutely right right it could be a 2.5 altima. I would believe that.
coupe 3.5 se with premium package.....any color....any transmission.
My parents are going 50/50 with me on this car as a grad present and i told them what i wanted about 2 weeks ago. I figured they were in the process of getting it, but they thought they could just go to the dealer and pick one up, they found out today otherwise. The dealer called around, I live in PA and the closest dealer that has one is in New Hampshire.
Was hoping to have it this weekend and absolutely need a car by next weekend for the whole interview thing. Is it possible to get in a week and a half?
I also decided to get the Gold Security Plus package for the full 7 years/100,000 miles, no deductible. I came in armed with my $1,826 quote from the NissanExtendedWarrenty dot com site, which also allows you 17 months of no interest. They initially tried to push the non-Nissan warrenty on me (Fidelity something?), then had to go "check numbers" on the Nissan one when I insisted that was all I wanted...the salesman asked to see my printed quote sheet from online, which I thought was funny...and I didn't let him see it ("You tell me your quote first" I told him). He first came back with a quote over $2,000...when I told him my other quote was lower and had 17 months no interest, he returned, said he made a mistake and that was for the Gold Preferred package (the one above Gold Security Plus)--which I'm sure was a lie--and then quotes me $1,600. I asked for $1,500 for it, we settled on $1,550. I was happy with that, so I hope that's a realtively good deal.
The only issue I had with the car after I drove it off: I noticed there were very mild scratches on the passenger side of the windshield, like someone had wiped it clean and there was a grain of sand in the towel or something. It was very faint, but slightly noticeable at the right angle in sunlight. So, I took it back, and they are fixing it--and I'm getting 4 oil changes and free all-season mats for my trouble.
Love the car...I'm 6-5, so it's a squeeze for me, but I'm comfy enough...I wanted a sporty, smaller coupe, and this had the Accord beat on that (and I'm sure the new Accord is still a fabulous car). It also has enough cool stuff to make me fine with not having the G37 (do I really need a digital card reader, hard drive burning system AND iPod adapter? A little overkill). I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the keyless entry and push-button ignition. It wasn't a reason I got this car, but now that I have it, it's so dang cool. Ditto the Bluetooth voice command stuff, XM, 6-CDs...I haven't even begun to learn the NAV system yet. Love the car! Now I just have to stop being so nervous driving and parking it (still haven't been to downtown DC yet...scared to even try!!!).
Now I just have to stop being so nervous driving and parking it (still haven't been to downtown DC yet...scared to even try!!!).
Hmmm...I'm from PG County, MD and I would steer clear of DC too
Evo was my #1 pick, but i want the X and I really do NEED a car now.....i just can't deal with getting the IX when i know the X is 5 months away.
350Z was my number 2 and found a few a couple hours away, but my dad refused since it was rear wheel drive. He's freaking out due to snow. So he refuses to have anything to do with that car and i really can't afford it if they aren't paying about 15 atleast.
g37 was my number 3 and same issue..RWD.
To be honest...the altima is my # 8 pick.... besides the 350Z...don't seem to be able to find choice 1-7 in PA, and i really do like what i see, but what turned me on the most was the dealer, who is a family friend, said he had one on his lot.....then when we actually showed up a day later, a dealer from another state bought it. Actually found one in virgina today, but had to wait for their manager to show up and the 2 hours in between that happened, the car got sold.
And then lastly my only job offer so far is D.C.....so 90% chance i'm ending up there (the last line of your post)
I really appreciate your time for the post and your comment about the moon roof let me know you are on the same page as me.
I think that explains why you aren't getting a free VPP ID.
Edit: Incidentally, many dealers will not honor the VPP discount on a coupe or "hot" vehicles. The customer did indeed get a great deal.
I've looked at the local inventory and all they have are loaded models. Quite frankly,I don't want to pay $3500 more for useless junk.
Is it realistic to ask a dealer to order the Altima coupe the way I want it? I have no problem waiting as long as 3 months for delivery. I'm going to keep the car a long time so I'd like it just so.
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible
I live in Chicago, and I got a Super Black 3.5SE, Premium, Tech for $27,900. That was with a 1000 or 1500 dollar trade in (dealer never gave me a specific price for it - but it was a 98 Ford Taurus with 186k miles, so I know it wasn't a lot), so say $28,900. This is what I did, and what I suggest you do.
1) Go to www.carsdirect.com, edmunds.com or any other website that you can send out notices to numerous dealers. What you'll do is get several dealers responding to you inquiry. They'll be giving you a low quote to get you IN the dealership.
2) Know what the invoice price is, and try to shoot for below, regardless of if you're on the VPP. I wasn't.
3) Play dealerships against each other. They all want the sale. I would call three of them, and let them know the other dealerships offers. This may or may not work for you. I was upfront and honest and told them I wanted to buy within a week. That sped things up.
4) Negotiate the sticker, then the trade in, then the financing. I was going to buy from one dealer the whole way, but I got a better financing deal from another, so I went with him.
And, if you can get the right financing - get a pre-approved loan and have a blank check mailed to your house. Walk into a dealer, and tell him you'll buy the car right there for 1500 below invoice.
Sorry to hear that the store you went to didn't have any base 3.5's for you. Did you ask them to locate one? If they said there wasn't any around I would ask another dealer.
I did an inventory search of all the local dealers and found the pickings pretty light. All the 3.5SE models were optioned up.
I'm going to the auto show this week-end. I'll ask the Nissan rep about locating one.
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible
That was my notion when I got my 2007 3.5 SE last December. The dealer located the exact color I wanted little more than 100 miles away--I don't care what they call it, it looks burgundy to me--with blond cloth interior. Only extras were floor and trunk mats, which I would like anyway. Cars today are already loaded with the important things, i.e. AC, power windows, seats, brakes, steering, cruise control, radio we used to consider options 30 years ago. All this other stuff is just horsefeathers. I've seen 2.5's on the lot optioned up to $29,000--that's $9,000 worth of extras and you still only have four cylinders!
The 2.5 I saw at the auto show was over 27K. That's a lot of extras.
It wasn't until the second time I came back to the show that I was able to talk to a sale rep. He said they could do a dealer locate "pending availability". I guess that means I'm out of luck. He said a factory order would take 2-3 months "or longer" because "they have to stop building to make yours". I guess he only wanted to sell what was on his lot.
I must have been his first "up" of the show because he wanted me to come in "first thing Monday" to test drive. He wanted to call me to remind me. Very hungry salesman.
That was better than the Pontiac booth where the sales people gave up and went home leaving the power seat on the G6 so high up nobody could sit in the car.
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible
I am hoping you didn't believe that they stop to make one car... I just did a locate for a percision grey/ auto/ MSRP around $26500 depending on options.... for 2007 and 2008 there are about 15 between the two of the model years. I ran that locate from Maine to New Jersey... Are you open to other colors? If you and if it helps I can run thise for you too. Free of charge. I am not sure where you are located but at least I can tell you the info around this area.
No of course not. I doubt the sales rep believed that either. Do you sales guys say things like that to see if the customer is on the ball? It was right after I choked back a laugh and said "oh? really?" that he started trying to get me into the showroom.
"...There are 11 coupes from Maine to New Jersey..."
Man, greanpea68 you are good. If this guy had been that quick to come up with some info I would feel like I owed him a sale.
I'm in upstate NY. You're in the Boston area right? I wonder How the Altima would handle a little road trip down I-90.
2019 Kia Soul+, 2015 Mustang GT, 2013 Ford F-150, 2000 Chrysler Sebring convertible