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Ford Explorer Maintenance and Repair
This topic is a continuation of Topic 774....
Perpetual Ford Explorer Woes - II. Please
continue these discussions here. Thanks!
Front Porch Philosopher
SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host
Perpetual Ford Explorer Woes - II. Please
continue these discussions here. Thanks!
Front Porch Philosopher
SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host
we also live in the Atlanta area and are looking for a good reliable Ford service location - who do you take yours to?? Thanks - return e-mail "PurrPalace@aol.com"
Anything else I should consider before buying this car?
Please reply to me directly at <<A HREF="http://BStoops@pactec.org">BStoops@pactec.org>. Thanks!
If more serious problems have resulted, at how many miles has that happened? At 45K, no significant problem other that the ANNOYING RATTLE/PINGING noise. Anyone with similar experience? Have gone to three different dealer and all scratch their heads and do nothing.
45,000 miles. I don't know of any further damage it may have caused, the service departments at Ford would not tell you if it had. This does not sound like an isolated incident. Ford has to know they have a serious problem but they won't address it. Hopefully I can get rid of the vehicle before any other damage occurs. I have written a letter to the corporate office about these service issues and have not received any reply. "Live and Learn,
I Have Learned, Never Buy Another Ford"
after driving in traffic and trying to restart
within an hour or so. I took it to the dealer the
first time and he said it was loose cables!
Obviously it wasn't that. Next time it happened
we took it in (after being stranded miles from
home) and the dealer actually replicated the
problem. I told him it was probably the fuel
pump (after reading of the problem here, thanks)
and he ignored me. They replaced the EEC valve
after replicating the problem, and obviously
that was not it, because it happened again and
left us stranded even farther from our house.
This is all on a 1996 XLT with only 36,000 miles.
Other problems:
Broken passenger door latch
Broken Odometer
Broken hood handle
Broken CD player
Broken heat sensor ($$$)
They obviously have no clue on this problem
and can't even fix it after seeing the problem
for themselves. Not like they tried that hard
or even cared about customer service. Needless
to say, this is the last Ford I will ever buy.
The dealer blames the wear on low tire pressure.
The tires are kept at 32psi. I do not want to purchase new tires until problem is corrected.
Any suggestion?
Explorers rotors can be warped if the wheels
are put on with an air wrench and the torque
setting of the wrench is too high.If you had your
tires rotated at a gas station or tire place where they either don't know or care then that might be it.I once had my tires rotated at a tire
place and when I went to change a flat I
discovered a cross threaded nut and had to break the stud to remove the tire.I went back to the
tire place and they apologized and replaced 2 studs that had been ruined.
Has anyone else had this problem? I would like to know what to tell the dealer.
Other problems:
* The right rear door won't open
* The intermittent wipers go at "their own pace" and not the selected intervals, they also increase speed under hard acceleration
* Trasmission--The transmission gave out last month and I had it towed to ford for repair,,under warranty. They decided to call in an Ford "investigator" to see if the damage was driver induced. They then claimed the truck was involved in an accident and would not replace the tranny under warranty. We threatend to get lawyers and Ford Re-evouluated the claim, and fixed my truck, after two weeks. 3 weeks later, the transmission is shifting rough and the gear selector is very tight and hard to move. --Whatever.
Any advice on the front suspension thing, other than blowing my car up or donating it to a Monster Truck Show????
Has anyone else been told this? I am wondering if it is standard practice for Ford to treat their customers like idiots.
The vast majority of Ford products are garbage.
durable than cloth. I hope nothing serious goes
wrong before next year.
I have had similar problems.
The latest problem was.
Went over some railroad tracks on a main road
and then it stalled, tried to start it right back
but it wouldn't start, so I waited a couple of minutes then. it was ok after that.. Is this something that gets worse with age. I have 25,000
miles on it..
Get your explorer in and get it fixed...
I am on a budget and decided to trade my problematic 95 Saturn SC2 about a year ago for an 91 (yes 1991) Ford Explorer XLT. I am happy to report that after a little over a year of Hot Humid Houston Freeway Driving....it is running strong (very strong) at 130 k
Lucky for me - this was a solid buy for someone on a serious budget.
I am taking it back in today for the diesel sound that it still makes. They had to order the part for it, thats why they could not fix it when they had it for my brake problem. They said they are going to replace the "timing belt guides" and this should stop the diesel sound. They also said this is the fourth upgrade on this part they have had in recent months. That tells me they know they have a real problem with these guides.
I hope this will keep me out of the service department for a while but going on the history of this vehicle, I think I will be back for something else. I plan on trading it next month so I hope it will stay fixed until then.
Another major problem I had was a "warped manifold" which caused the check engine light to come on and the vehicle to sputter in the morning.
Still like the engine the SOHC is pretty smooth.
Anyway, try accessing Ford's "ownerconnection.com" for a direct response from Ford. I did and Ford contacted, the dealer, the dealer I purchased the vehicle from and me. All within 3 business days.
That impressed me.
Good luck. Still think it's a decent vehicle.
couple of months went by and the noise returned. I took it to a different dealership because obviously the one I was going to did not know what the problem was. I just got the vehicle back yesterday and the noise is gone. This service department told me that it was the "timing belt guides" and when they took the engine apart to replace them they said the other parts that were put on were broken and they had to have been installed that way because these parts can't break. That's encouraging knowing that another Ford service department put broken parts on my vehicle. They also told me that this is the fourth upgrade they have had on this part, so they know there is a serious problem with these "timing belt
guides". None of this work cost me any money because I purchased the extended warranty when I bought the car.
I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that it is finally fixed.
I hope this helps and I hope you get better service than I did.