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  • isellhondasisellhondas Member Posts: 20,342
    And didn't bother reading all of the posts.

    But...I must be doing something wrong!

    I HATE the stuff!!!

    I've tried it on three seperate ocassions and have followed directions.

    It leaves a haze on the windshield and streaks.

    I threw away almost a full bottle the other day!
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Don't worry, Isell, you aren't alone.

    SUVs, Vans and Aftermarket & Accessories Message Boards
  • 8u6hfd8u6hfd Member Posts: 1,391
    It's supposed to be there when you apply it.

    Since I don't have the bottle in front of me....it tells you to do either 2 things to remove the final haze:

    1. Buff it with a dry cloth until the haze disappears.

    2. Sprinkle a little water & wipe off the haze with a paper towel. (I personally do this one)
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Try applying it before you wash the car. That has worked for some.

  • barnonebarnone Member Posts: 118
    1. use a glass cleaner
    2. throw the lousy product
  • isellhondasisellhondas Member Posts: 20,342
    I threw the crap away. I just replace my wiper blades every six months and all is well.

    But I'm glad it works for some of you!

    I've learned my lesson.

    Just don't get me started on Armor All !
  • saddaddysaddaddy Member Posts: 566
    Go to Kroger and get a can of BarTender's Friend or something like that. It will be next to the comet and is a similar product. It works better than anything I have ever seen. Paste it on with a wet towel and then hose off. Not easily done to the inside of glass, though.
  • joffficerjoffficer Member Posts: 169
    A couple years ago I got two big bottles of this rain-x (gift). What crap this is! I tried it on a new truck, and it smeared (next day it rained). For the next month I was trying to get it off the window. I figured maybe the glass was 'to new', and tried it on another car (50k miles). Same thing.... smeared, and the wipers chattered across the windows. If you never turn your wipers on, and it pours all the time by you then use it. If you get road spray, or light rain forget it! The only place I use it now is on the side windows, and rear (if there isn't a wiper).
    Now I offer it to anyone who wants it...." go ahead, I have plenty!"
    BTW...I tried the antifog also. Worked as well as the repellant!
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    The anti-fog stuff did nothing for me, but I like Rain X. Apply several coats; the faster you go the better it works (sans wipers).

  • 8u6hfd8u6hfd Member Posts: 1,391
    No problems whatsoever. No problem with smearing, since the haze was removed by spraying the window with some water, then wiped it off.

    And it rained and snowed the next morning.

    I always wondered if that's that step many people don't do, and have complaints about it "smearing".
  • chikoochikoo Member Posts: 3,008
    buy the silicon rubber wipers from www.sspinc.com

    Thewipers will coat the windshield with rain-x type coating and u will need to keep the wipers only at intermittent positions even in heavy downpour while driving on a highway.

    Better than messing with bottles, fluid and cloths and fogs :D
  • timz58timz58 Member Posts: 44
    I have been told that rain x actually enters the surface of the glass bonding with it and will not allow windshield repair of pits, cracks etc. Anyone have any experience with this? I have been using a product called Drywash and Shine on paint and glass for about a year now. It seems to provide a good slick protective coat but must be redone about every 4 month. No streaking or smearing on glass. Works great on side mirrors, rear window and door glass and lasts about a year or more there.
  • twitch1942twitch1942 Member Posts: 2
    After it dries,you MUST sprinkle a few drops of water and then wipe again,Also try using the rain-x windshield washer fluid it's awesome and prolongs the effectiveness of the rain-x greatly
  • dahuberdahuber Member Posts: 53
    I use Rainx regularly and love the product. We had a chip fixed a couple weeks ago by a guy we trust. He commented that he noticed we use Rainx but made no comments about it being a problem. Repair looks great and no worries.My $.02.

  • s76drvrs76drvr Member Posts: 15
    1.) GOTTA have cool glass (early a.m., garage, or late afternoon with NO sun heating the glass!

    2.) Completely cover glass, don't skimp on the amount applied!

    3.) Get a clean cloth (ideally a diaper that HAS NOT been washed in fabric softner), soak it in HOT water, wring it out, and then wipe off haze with it.

    4.) rewipe wet glass with dry cloth (again one that HAS NOT been washed in fabric softner.

    Many of the complaints I read and hear about are because:

    a.) Glass is hot

    b.) Cloths were washed (with or without knowledge) in fabric softner.

    This stuff works and I've used it for years on both vehicles and aircraft.
  • beazlebeazle Member Posts: 11
    I have been using Rain-X on my windshield for about 3 years. I will always put on a fresh coat before a trip. I have NEVER EVER had any streaking problem with wipers afterwards. I will religiously clean the windshield and wipers with Windex before I apply it. Maybe that's the difference. I also use Rain-X squirt juice if I can find it.

    The Rain-X anti-fog stuff in the black bottle is great too. I don't use it inside the car, but if you are a hunter or XC skier and wear glasses, try it! It's the only glasses anti-fog stuff I have found that lasts all day, even in spring turkey season. I keep a small rag saturated with the stuff in a ziplock bag if I need to renew it, but have hardly ever needed it. Any other crap I have tried lasted only about 20 minutes.
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I tried the anti-fog stuff a while back and the windows still fogged up.

    But the regular Rain X works well for me. Go figure.

  • tntitantntitan Member Posts: 306
    Rain X is great but the anti-fog stuff sux in my opinion. The easiest way to apply RainX with no hazing is to apply two coats liberally on the windshield, wait 5 minutes and then just wash your windshield while you are washing your car. Use a good car wash soap and just wash your windshield. Been proven by several people to never leave a haze. Guarantee it.
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I used the anti-fog and the windows fogged up badly in the first rain. I think it was actually worse than without it. Yikes.

    I use regular Rain X on the outside and love it.

  • kpluskplus Member Posts: 1
    Rainx is the best water repellant. I've been using it for over 10 years now. Even though you have to keep reapplying it, it is still by far the best solution. Works best when the glass has been thoroughly cleaned before applying.
  • americanflagamericanflag Member Posts: 400
    One thing no one mentioned is how peaceful it is to not have the windshield wipers knocking back and forth in front of your field of vision all the time.

    The only drawback is that it must be reapplied about every 3 months for maximum benefit. But then, this reminds me it is time to rewax my car too!
  • declansdaddeclansdad Member Posts: 120
    I'm with you. The last time I had an opportunity to RainX my windows was back in November. The stuff is still doing it's job (except on the windshield). This winter had been exceptionally wet here in the mid-atlantic and I'm sure glad I got a coat on the cars.

    Just can't wait for a sunny day above 45 degrees F.

  • peachy1peachy1 Member Posts: 21
    in order to prevent smearing, which a lot here seems to have a problem with, you HAVE to use a very wet (soaked) towel to basically rinse the "hazed" rain-X. it's super easy to remove the "hazed" X. i made this mistake once when i was a novie... that was many many yrs ago. i love this product. another way is just spray the damn windshield w/ water from a hose.... then wipe it dry with a very damp cloth.
  • odie6lodie6l Member Posts: 1,173
    did anyone else see they now have a Rain-X Carwash and spray-on wax. I wonder how good this stuff works?

    Has anyone tried it, and if so, how did it work?

  • fserve55fserve55 Member Posts: 17
    RainX car wash and stuff??? yea,.....whos used it and how did it work out??!!
  • odie6lodie6l Member Posts: 1,173
    Got my annual "Pulled over for not using my wiper's" the other evening.

    I just got pulled over the other evening by a rook police officer, because I was not using my wipers during a VERY light rain. Granted I had my lights on but I use RAIN-X so I don't have to use my wipers unless it is pouring its gluteous maximus off. Needless to say, when he came up to my window and asked me "Do you know why I pulled you over?", I said "Because I was being such a good driver you wanted to thank me." He laughed and said "No you were not using you wipers, you need to turn them on.", I then said "But I use Rain-X on my windshield.", He in turn said "Does that stuff work, Oh, nevermind, just drive safe."

    I was only about a mile from the hospital that I work at, so I could do nothing but laugh, and so did my co-workers (which one of them knew the rook)

    Point is I get pulled over at least once a year during the summer / fall season because of the wiper laws in PA. Does anyone else get (gotten) pulled over because of not using your wiper.

  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Seems silly that it would be a primary offense (i.e. a reason to be pulled over), but in MD we're required to have our lights on in the rain, as well.

  • brbanrubrbanru Member Posts: 2
    My 2003 Subaru is a great car, my only problems are tires wearing unevenly,(probably just needs alignment and not to be loaned to Ex) and most annoying for an audio book addict, the radio will not turn on. I think it still has a (library) CD in its maw. Has anyone else had a problem w/ 2003 radio dying after 2 years? The fuse is not the problem, the light around the outside of the radio comes on when headlights do, but the push button will not turn on the radio or CD player. Clueless Luddite,brbnru1
  • r3kusr3kus Member Posts: 1
    HELP!!! :sick:

    i applied Rain X, and i have terrible chatty wipers!! and alot of HAZE what can i do??? HELP ME PLEASE!! :cry:
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Just use a good glass cleaner!

    tidester, host
  • terryb1terryb1 Member Posts: 2
    We recently bought a foreclosed house. I went in to clean the master bathroom mirror and without knowing, discovered that there was something on it. I am assuming the people used RainX or a product similar. I have cleaned over and over again with Windex, and it is nothing but a streaky mess. Any help would be appreciated. You would think that Windex would cut it, but NOPE - only made it worse! HELP!
  • terryb1terryb1 Member Posts: 2
    I would think that Windex would be considered good glass cleaner - now it is a streaky, hazey blurr, and I've tried getting it off several times.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    I'd find a glass company and ask them what they use. Some will probably have cans of the "industrial" stuff for sale. Don't use any heavy duty stuff if your window is tinted though.

    I usually use a bit of vinegar in water, or a drop of dish detergent in water, but I'm not trying to get RainX off the glass. And sometimes it's hard to clean the glass above the dash; all those plastics outgassing can coat the glass.

    I also have a clay bar, and that works on glass just like it does the sheet metal.

    Steve, Host
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Try goo-gone, maybe.

    Painters use a rag moistened with paint thinner to clean up before painting, but that is harsh so be very careful and try a small spot first.

    Nail polish remover is even more harsh and should remove anything but I'd also test a small area to see if it does any damage.

  • flyguy4flyguy4 Member Posts: 1
    My brilliant nephew, trying to please,..........applied original Rain X to the inside of the windshield on my Suburban. After trying all of the cleaners in my kitchen and garage, I've had no luck getting it removed to a point where it's not streaked.
    Any help with my problem.........short of replacing the glass, would be appreciated.
    Thank you.................flyguy4
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    I would try a squeejee (sp?). Put a fine mist and try that. That won't leave streaks. You'd still have to deal with the lines at the edges, but at least it would not be streaky all over.

  • wired2wired2 Member Posts: 1
    I had the same problem. In October this year I took a trip to Florida and it rained all the way down. My wipers made one hell of a noise, chatty. When I was in Florida I was at a Wall Mart store and was talking to someone in the Automotive section about this problem. A young guy was standing behind me and over heard our conversation. He suggested that I get the product Rainx and a real good set of wiper blades, cannot not recall the the name of the blades but I think that it had something to do with rain. But with the new wipers and the Rainx it was pure pleasure driving back home in the rain, no chatting. This is a very good product. I have not had any problems with haze or streaks or blur. The secret is that once it has dried to a haze, spray water on it and use a paper towel and wipe until it is very clear. It worked for me. I now have a question, if you wash your car does this remove the Rainx? If not how often must you apply it? Is it available in Canada?
  • jeep1988jeep1988 Member Posts: 40
    If so, do you like it or recommend it. :confuse:
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Haven't heard of it - someone in the Store Bought Waxes Part II (No Zaino Posts) discussion may know about it.

    Steve, Host
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    For me it works great, especially on the rear and side windows. Water tends to bead right off.

    In the front you can get some wiper chatter, plus fine water droplets are missed by the wipers. Overall, though, I'd still say it stays more clear than it would without RainX.

  • doug22doug22 Member Posts: 3
    I called Shell who sells RainX and they recommend using SoftScrub. It may take some elbow grease because it is a polymer which has bonded to the surface of the glass.

    btw they recommend applying only very thin application of RainX for the best results and prior to application make sure the glass is clean especially of any cleaning chemicals.
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Join the Eagle One team in a live chat event tonight to find out how nanotechnology is changing the future in car appearance products.

    There's also going to be a special offer available only to those attending the chat. The chat starts at 9PM ET/6PM PT. Here's the link:

    Eagle One Team Chat

    Steve, Host
  • gkm1gkm1 Member Posts: 1
    I love RainX and have been using it for years. However, the last several applications have only lasted about a week before returning to a smeery windshield. I thought it might be due to a new formulation. (The instructions on the bottles now tell you to only apply one coat.) SO I tried an old bottle I had. Same thing. The RainX effect still only lasted about a week.

    I'm diligent about cleaning and drying the windshield before applying. Really haven't changed anything about my application style. Anyone have a suggestion?
  • ateixeiraateixeira Member Posts: 72,587
    Could it be build-up?

    I might try a cleaner that'll strip any residue off the windows first. I'm not sure what specific product to suggest, though.

  • abbeysdadabbeysdad Member Posts: 17
    I wonder why all posts stopped 06/FEB ?

    I really like RainX!
    I think the key is getting the glass really, really clean first, then clean it again. Then apply as per the directions (except I like to go over the haze a second time with product). Wipe the haze with a dry paper towel, mist with water and buff to a clear shine.

    The stuff is really great. Even at slower speeds, the water just flies off. I've even driven in heavy rain and don't really need the wipers on at all, or just intermitent! (Without rainx they'd be going full blast and visibility would be far less.)
    About the only bad thing I can say is the distraction in seeing (er..watching) a zillion tiny water beads flow up/off the windshield - looking past them though, the visibility is fantastic and can potentially make for a much safer ride.
  • odie6lodie6l Member Posts: 1,173
    "I wonder why all posts stopped 06/FEB ?"

    Probably becasue when edmunds changed their format, it made it alot harder to find topics you were following.

    As for the rain-x, I did notice having the rain-x blades helps alittle bit more along with the rain-x juice.

    Odie's Carspace
  • odie6lodie6l Member Posts: 1,173
    I went to a local auto store today to get a new bottle of the Wash / Wax from Rain-x and they had NONE. I asked the guy at the counter and he said that the bottles are very hard to come by. Is rain-x pulling off store shelves?

    Odie's Carspace
  • ssssssssssss Member Posts: 2
    I have used Rain-X since it first came out. I believe it is a great product. However, I don't think it is a good as it used to be, like many things. I remember driving my 1967 Chevelle in a down pour and did not need the wipers. I only had to go 45 mph to get the benefit. I am sure effectiveness varies with speed and the angle of the windshield. BMW may be against it because you must keep it off of your paint!
  • mikee6mikee6 Member Posts: 3
    Hi Guys,
    I've only just bought and applied Rain-X having seen the incredible stuff in action in a mate's car. The problem (and seems like I'm not the only one, having read all of the Rain-X posts)was that it has left the hazy layer, and I'd no idea we were supposed to remove this. THe bottle instructions are ambiguous - the final step says something like 'sprinkle on water and remove with a cloth'; I took this to mean you only do this if you want to REMOVE the Rain-X. They don't make it clear at all. If I hadn't come across this forum, I would have had no idea - !! As such I'm yet to wipe off the haze, though will it remove OK? It's been on my car now for prob. 4 days (haven't been out in it since applying). In fact the screen looked quite spectacular at a distance - looked like a shiny film at a distance, on inspection there was condensation and mist on the winscreen, that wiped easily away with my little finger. I presume all is not lost - do I just wipe away the condensation (or sprinkle water on if needed) and dry with a cloth? How does one know whether the rain-X is still there or not - can you actually see the polymer once wiped clear? Any advice for a newbie like me would be appreciated.
  • tmarttmart Member Posts: 2,347
    Yes, sprinkle with water and dry. This does not remove the Rain-X. No, it isn't visible to the eye when applied, at least not to mine.
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