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Dodge Dakota Warning Lights and Trouble Codes

dsweetdsweet Member Posts: 15
My engine light came on and the code is P0161 and it went off within a week and came back on and remains on, a month later. Any ideas on where to find the malfunction and correct the problem?


  • nbacheldernbachelder Member Posts: 3
    2003 Dakota 4X4 sport 6 cylinder..36,000 miles About once a week or so, the truck will loose power and backfire for anywhere from a minute to 5 minutes and then will clear up and be fine. Been doing this for 6 months or so..Anyone else with this problem or suggestions
  • sunburnsunburn Member Posts: 319
    That code is for the following:

    O2 Sensor Heater Circuit Malfunction (Bank 2 Sensor 2).

    Sensor 2 I think is the rear O2 sensor. I don't remember if Bank 2 is the right or left. Check to make sure that the connections are good and clean. If it persists, then the O2 sensor will probably have to be replaced.
  • dustykdustyk Member Posts: 2,926
    New one on me.

    When it does this how does the engine idle?

    Have you tried stopping the vehicle, shutting the engine off, then restarting? What happens then?

  • nbacheldernbachelder Member Posts: 3
    This problem only occurs once or twice a month...Loss of power, backfires, engine does not shutdown but is extremly rough. After a few minutes of driving down the highway the engine will clear out and all will be fine again. I have gone thru many tanks of gas so it is not bad gas. Had tune up of truck. Problems occure at any time,,,under load, going down a smoothe highway, driving thru town at 30 MPH. There is no common cause to this problem.
    2003 Dodge Dakota 38,000 miles 6 cylinder engine 4X4
  • dustykdustyk Member Posts: 2,926
    Have you tried pulling a trouble code from the PCM using the ignition switch?

  • slickwilliedjslickwilliedj Member Posts: 252
    hey dsweet, funny a friend and I were working on changing his Oxygen sensor on his Toyota Echo and I got into my 01 Dakota q/c the next morning and yes you guessed my ck engine light was on! anyways I had the same code as you. according to auto zone they told me it was the left cylinder side.Well they were wrong!Of course I had to figure this out after having already installing it .Good thing I still had the original. I reinstalled the orig on the left side. I purchased an(Haynes) repair manual and discovered it was infact the right cylinder side rather then the left.The manual states "downstream sensor heating circut problem right cylinder bank" this is the sensor just after the cat. Kinda hard remove very tight space for a wrench to get enough turn on the nut. Good luck in finding the sensor avail in store I had to order mine (Napa) $77.00! turns out since I had ordered the one for the left in error, the plug on it didnot match the right.Thus I had to cut the old plug from the right old sensor and spice it onto the new sensor what a mission but its done and the light is off... these sensors are a real pain anymore and a real expense!! the 4.7 has four of them you do the math @ $ approx $ 70 apiece.. at approx 30,000 mile I had a similar problem and replaced all four and here I'm 60,000 mile replacing one again. I hope this not a every 30k occurance!! good luck!!
    btw you can read your trouble code by turning your ignition key 3x off on (donot start) and the trouble codes will appear in the odo....
  • dustykdustyk Member Posts: 2,926

    Something else might be going on with your Dakota. You are only the second one I know of that's had an O2 sensor failure on a 4.7, and the only one that's replaced all four!

    By any chance have you had any over charging problems with your truck?

    Best regards,
  • slickwilliedjslickwilliedj Member Posts: 252
    hey Dusty, I havenot had any overcharging problems. I however my battery's have not lasted more then 3 yrs.. I'm on my third bat since factory. first one lasted just about 35m o dodge replaced it and that one lasted approx 34mos. I just replaced it with a duramax since the truck is out of warrenty.
    fyi 01 q/c 60k 4.7
  • dustykdustyk Member Posts: 2,926
    You may not think you're overcharging, but a battery every three years indicates somethings wrong. More times than not a vehicle that requires premature battery replacement is either getting an inexpensive battery (poor design or materials) or burning them out through overcharging.

    If you ever get a chance, measure the terminal voltage after the vehicle has been driven for some time with minimal use of the accessories (lights, fan, etc.) and the engine running. Take note of the air temperature.

    Best regards,
  • slickwilliedjslickwilliedj Member Posts: 252
    I think it was a result of poor battery from mopar. Now that I have a different brand well see how long this one lasts.
    I will ck the voltage though what should it read? wouldn't the volt gauge in the truck tell if I was overcharging though?
  • dustykdustyk Member Posts: 2,926

    When I stated "over charging," I meant that the charge rate was more than required to keep the battery at specific gravity. The voltage regulator could be causing an incremental increase in the charge rate, not enough to boil over a battery in a short time, but enough to overheat the plates and cause eventual warping as well as aggresive electrolyte evaporation.

    Unfortunately, the voltage gauge on the instrument panel is probably not accurate enough to be a reliable indicator to make a judgement on charge rate. However, the the Powertrain Control Module gets a signal from the battery temperature sensor mounted in the bottom of the battery tray. If that sensor's bad it may be falsely triggering a slight overcharge rate. This would be an item to check, for sure.

    The charge rate specifications are as follows:

    -20 F = 14.9 to 15.9 volts
    +80 F = 13.9 to 14.6 volts
    140 F = 13.3 to 13.9 volts
    above 140 F = less than 13.9 volts

    NOTE: Temperature is ambient at the battery.

    NOTE: Voltage is measure at the battery terminals.

    Best regards,
  • slickwilliedjslickwilliedj Member Posts: 252
    Hey, thanks for all the info I'll ck it out and let you know what I find. Matter fact I need to replace my battery cover whom ever replaced the battery last time at the dealer over tighten the bolts and cracked the mounting slots on the cover making the cover unusable. So for now I have a bungee cord holding the battery down.
  • dbrunnerdbrunner Member Posts: 2
    Have you checked the O2 sensors? My dakota (97 sport V6 engine) was doing the same thing.
  • malmad2007malmad2007 Member Posts: 1
    We have a 2002 Dodge Dakota Sport 4x2 V8 4.7L. We've had less than 2 years and have spent a lot of money trying to fix a problem that seems to elude everybody. Engine will bog down, then check engine light will come on. Tranny code P0845 will show up at Autozone, which they say is Trans fluid pressure sensor code. Dealership says no code P0845 exists for truck. They show problem with trans code 2C pressure test failure and say that is "uncommon code". Dealer replaced trans filter, flushed, and replaced trans pan, which they say was leaking. 2 months later, same problem. Same code at Autozone P0845, which dealer still says does not exist for truck. When Autozone turns check engine light off, truck runs better with no bogging, but problem will still eventually pop up at inconvenient times. Is trans going out? Is it simply a sensor problem? Is something affecting sensors? Wiring? What is going on here? Truck is a pain in the a**.
  • nbacheldernbachelder Member Posts: 3
  • b36b36 Member Posts: 15
    i have a 04 dakota with a 4.7.
    the check engine light came on.
    i have no problems with the truck at all.
    how do i reset the light myself?
  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    you want to check the coes first before worrying about resetting. With the engine off, tun the ignition to key to ON (not start) and rapidly cycle the key to OFF-ON-OFF-ON and then leave it there in ON. Watch your odometer readout and it will tell you what computer code triggered the light. You can find code descriptions all over the internet if you search on "Dodge Dakota" and the code number (usually P followed by a 4-digit number).

    If it was something like a loose fuel cap, the light will reset itself after a few days.

    kcram - Pickups Host
  • crowe5crowe5 Member Posts: 6
    i have this code on my 1997 dakots 2wd, with the 2.4 4 cylinder, 5 speed.. no air.. any input would be great.. i also had a po108 (map sensor voltage to high).so i changed the map senser and that went away..also :po320:: (no crank dif signal @pcm) no clue whT THE HECK THAT WAS.. ANY INPUT?? HELP PLEASE.. THAKS.. CHRIS
  • crowe5crowe5 Member Posts: 6
    :confuse: I am the one above.. now my problem has vanished and the truck is running better than ever! I am clueless!! i keep getting the code idle rpm doesnt reach +200 rpm??? very didturbing this keeps going in and out.. the map senser code was taken care of with the change of the sensor itself.. now i havent a clue????? any input would be great.. thanks..
  • dustykdustyk Member Posts: 2,926
    Well, its been a while but I suspect the P0320 code is being triggered by an intermittent crankshaft position sensor, a common problem on older vehicle of that year.

    The "PRM doesn't reach target" might be caused by a bad throttle position sensor, also a common problem. Or, you have a binding Idle Speed Solenoid (or Motor, depending on the year).

  • nesielheumnesielheum Member Posts: 2
    I need a little help understanding two diagnostic codes that I am seeing on my 2002 4WD 3.9L V6 Dodge Dakota Club Cab SXT Pickup.
    P0340 - (M) No CAM signal At PCM No fuel sync.
    I am assuming that this is a faulty or shorted Crankshaft sensor but I am not sure. Looking for a little advice on possible solutions and or the location of this sensor and any tips on changing it.

    P1494 - (M) Leak Detection Pump Sw or Mechanical Fault Incorrect input state.
    This code did not show up until just after taking the vehicle to the dealer for an oil change. I strongly suspect intentional damage at the dealership, but I am powerless to do anything about it.
    Anyhow any additional info on the two engine codes above will be appreciated.
  • nesielheumnesielheum Member Posts: 2
    OK, I figured out the P1494 code. A vacuum line was removed from a "Y" connector near the left front (drivers side) fender well. No damage, no cracks in the tubing, and it was difficult to put it back on. Hmm I wonder how this might have fallen off during a routine oil change at the dealership?
  • dustykdustyk Member Posts: 2,926
    I can't imagine how an oil change would bring anyone is close proximity to the vacuum hose, nor for that matter how it could become disconnected.

  • lion_souljahlion_souljah Member Posts: 2
    Today when I started the truck the abs and e brake lights came on. Also the spedometer quit working. Made it almost home when the truck wouldn't shift into overdrive. Then it wouldn't go into gear. Automatic transmission, V-6 1998. I have the worst luck. My girlfriend and I are moving (today now).
  • lion_souljahlion_souljah Member Posts: 2
  • surfer5274surfer5274 Member Posts: 3
    There is a sensor in the rear diff that is an input for the abs which also is used to calibrate vehicle speed. That is almost always the problem. As far as the transmission, check the fluid and make sure you're using Type 7176 ATF +3 or +4. Any other fluid will most definitle eat clutch material. If you haven't been using the right fluid, good luck or be prepared for an overhaul bill.

  • campymancampyman Member Posts: 13
    Hello All,
    I have a 2001 dak quad cab 4x4, auto, 4.7 V8, I love this truck, if I do not change the sensor what will adverse affects be on my Dak?
  • jminceyjmincey Member Posts: 3
    How do I turn off my check engine light on a 2003 dodge dakota?
  • jminceyjmincey Member Posts: 3
    what does this code mean?
  • jminceyjmincey Member Posts: 3
    I have replaced the gas cap but don't know how reset the check engine light. Lil help?
  • dustykdustyk Member Posts: 2,926
    Chrysler electronic systems store Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) by priority based on type of failure. There is a DTC Self Erasure feature built in to the Powertrain Control Module (PCM). DTCs can be erased anytime with the scan tool (DRB2 or DRB3).

    Self erasure feature is rather complicated, but in the case of emissions related DTCs they should erase with three "Good Trips" if the fault has been repaired.

    The definition of a Good Trip has different definitions depending on type of fault, but basically once the vehicle completes three cold start to full warm up and drive cycles, the fault will clear on its own. Some faults only clear after 40 restarts.

  • djdimaurodjdimauro Member Posts: 2
    looking for easy check for problem; both the abs and brake light in dask are on. Is there anything simple to look at first.
  • ronslakie1ronslakie1 Member Posts: 57
    There is a speed sensor over the differential that is most likely the problem. Not expensive and easy to replace.
  • djdimaurodjdimauro Member Posts: 2
    Thank you; jr is going to learn how to work on brake this weekend
  • etomorietomori Member Posts: 11
    Got back a 2002 Dakota 2W/D from the shop for other work. Shop said the ABS light flashes and chimes and the test for codes has 82 for ABS and 83 for Tire Speed Mismatch. Is this the speed sensor over the differential problem?

    Would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance.
  • truckerjohntruckerjohn Member Posts: 1
    What is the trick to receiving codes by using the ignition key? :shades:
  • KCRamKCRam Member Posts: 3,516
    With the key in the Off position, cycle it as follows On (not Start)-Off-On-Off-On. The codes will appear in the digital odometer on newer trucks, or the Check Engine light will flash a pattern in older trucks (example: flash pause flash-flash-flash means code 13).

    kcram - Pickups Host
  • 10folds510folds5 Member Posts: 1
    My '92 Dakota V-6 starts, but barely idles. DTC's are: memory standby power lost and MAP sensor electrical circuit. What can I do to fix this? Any help is appreciated.Thanks
  • 10961096 Member Posts: 1
    Do you need a code reader to figure out the MIL problem and code #'s. I have a 03 Dakota 4WD 4.7L w/ 26,000 miles. I tried the on-off-on-off-on method but no code # shows up on the odometer.
  • jlabadiejlabadie Member Posts: 1
    I install a new set of brake pads on the front of my 2002 dodge dakota and
    now the brake light stay on and when I put it in drive it blinks. How do I
    reset the light.
  • echidsechids Member Posts: 2
    It sounds to me like your parking brake is hung up!!
  • echidsechids Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2003 Dakota with 3.9l engine and a 5-speed. The check engine light is on when I plug it in it says" manufactured controlled emissions control" What does this mean and where do I start?
  • cindy215cindy215 Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2001 Dakota Quad cab with the codes PO432, and PO455. I just purchased Friday the air intake system has been redone to a performance intake system and the exhaust could this explain either of these codes and what will it take to fix? Also the light didnt come on until I filled up with gas
  • jwyattjwyatt Member Posts: 10
    2000 Dakota, 4.7 L, Auto
    Today I started my truck and had brake light and ABS light come on. Speedometer did not register speed at first. Later at 60 MPH, the speedo would flop about anywhere from 5 to 10 MPH to 70 MPH. Gas consumption on the computer would register anywhere from 0 mpg to 40 mpg. Finally the check wallet light came on (CEL).

    When I got home, I checked obd codes by switching off and on three times and got a P0500. Search here did not get a hit. I checked Yahoo and found speed sensor bad is what 500 means.

    Is this a DIY replacement for an old fart? Cost?

  • ronslakie1ronslakie1 Member Posts: 57
    I have not had this problem but have seen it discussed several times in various Dakota forums. It is a speed sensor mounted above the differential and is supposed to be an easy fix and as I remember the part is not very expensive.
  • devinsdakotadevinsdakota Member Posts: 3
    i need help trying to figure out what wrong with my truck. the ABS and Parking brake lights are on and im trying to figure out what wrong with my truck. i have tryed to turn on my key( not running) and pushing the brake pedal slowly to get it to aline and it didnt work. if anyone has any suggestions ill take them. if anything ill weight till school starts and take my truck to my teacher at votech.
  • devinsdakotadevinsdakota Member Posts: 3
    i need help trying to figure out what wrong with my truck. the ABS and Parking brake lights are on and im trying to figure out what wrong with my truck. i have tryed to turn on my key( not running) and pushing the brake pedal slowly to get it to aline and it didnt work. if anyone has any suggestions ill take them. if anything ill weight till school starts and take my truck to my teacher at votech.
  • gjblegjble Member Posts: 23
    Trouble code P0406 reads: Exhaust Gas Recirculation Sensor A circuit High. Is this a sensor I can change or is this a message there is something wrong in the exhaust system ? And what might that be ?

    In Atlanta
  • kenwalker55kenwalker55 Member Posts: 4
    My air bag light stays on '97 3.9 ext cab,it hasn't been wrecked.This really bugs me to have a warning light on all the time.
  • usmctankerusmctanker Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2001 dakota also and I've the very same problems. I would like to know if you got your's fixed and if so what was the cause of this.
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