Acura RL - would you purchase it again?
I am going to get a new car in July. I have been doing my homework on the RL, M35, A6, E550. Everyone writes in their complaints regarding their vehicle but rarely writes about the good things. I seem to prefer the RL above all the others. Just wanted to know from fellow RL owners...Would you purchase an RL again?
My wife has a G35 Coupe, the RL will out handle it, and hold 5 people, a BMW or Audi Or Mercedes will cost $15,000 or more than the RL equiped the same. This is my fouth Acura the first was a 1986 Integra, traded for a 1992 Legend that I still have, had a 2002 TL type S which I traded for the RL, the RL is a better quality build than the TL, sorry Ohio but the japanese factory that builds the RL is one of Honda's best factories.
The RL annoyances:
--Looks like an Accord
--Technology overkill
--Cramped rear seat and tight trunk
--Grossly excessive "lawyer warnings" in the NAV system and too many other warnings that have to be deleted.
--Excessive recalls on the 2005 models.
The M annoyances:
--Mediocre gas mileage
--Needs enhancements to NAV system
--More road and engine noise than the RL
I would urge you to drive them both and see which fits your needs and driving style. While they are both in the same class, they are somewhat different cars in feel and personality. My major reason for buying the M is personal comfort. I am 6'3" and the car just fits me better. It also has much more of a performance feel than the RL.
I do think that the look is subdued and maybe a little too pay-no-attention-to-me-ish. But that might be attractive to some - honestly, I can see it being attractive to me.
I just don't think of an Accord when I see one. JMHO, of course.
Price: the RL can be bought for about $6-7K less than the M.
M has much better lease rates.
The RL should actually be known as the 4th generation Acura Legend--it's called the Honda Legend in Japan and most of the world. It would sell a lot better with the proper moniker.
I bought a 2006 RL Tech (CMBS/PAX) in December 2006 for $11,500 off list price. I traded up from a US-built 2004 TL which was sweet but squeaky, not to mention a little cramped for my 6'1" frame.
My wife calls the RL a "grown-up car." It's that and much more. The styling is elegant and understated. The refined driving experience and thoughtfully designed creature comforts really take time to seduce you.
The RL may not be quite as peppy and tossable as the TL, yet the serene cabin makes me less concerned about dueling with other drivers. When you stomp on it and the VTEC kicks in, this big dog can haul. SH-AWD makes the car go precisely where you point it. NavTraffic is essential in Los Angeles. The ACC/CMBS system is an unexpected delight and occasional lifesaver. The 18" PAX tires handle more crisply than the stock 17s, though having the CMBS trim means you give up the option to upgrade to A-Spec suspension, body kit, tires and wheels--something to consider if you really like the excitement of the M. Oh, and the tranny learns from your driving style so if you like higher shiftpoints, just push it harder.
I rarely see another RL but when I do, I find myself thinking, "Wow! What's that!?" Then realizing, "Duh, that's MY car!"
I have tried very hard to like the styling of the Infiniti M since Consumer Reports lavished so much praise, but to me it looks exactly like a bloated G35 with blingier taillights. I never considered BMW as I find the 5-series to be ubiquitous, unbearably ugly and grossly overpriced for a car that comes with vinyl seats. Never even thought about Mercedes (Chrysler quality), Audi (nice Volkswagen, not too reliable) or Lexus (overpriced Toyota with a floaty ride). Opinionated enough for ya?
So yeah, I'm delighted with the RL/Legend and would do it all over again. Acura really needs to market this car--it seems only the thoughtful and analytical types (like us) are attracted to it. :shades:
I bought the '07 recently and love the car.
I agree. As I'm driving, I've never made the mistake of confusing one for the other. There are similarities, but that's as far as it goes, in my opinion.
Depending on what the 2008 RL offers and the price, I may buy one this fall when it comes out.
Negatives of GS350: Very small driver's seat area- I felt claustrophobic and I'm only 5'11" and weigh less than 190#. The cabin was very noisy while driving. The trunk is teeny tiny. Apples to apples with features it costs $10K moe than the RL.
Wife has an 2010 MDX and it will be our new cross country car as I hope it too does what I expected an acura to do. We have about 15 k on the mdx and we added a 100k service contract as my wife wanted it that way.
I have owned 5 Acuras since the late 1980s and the first two were very poor however, when we came back to Acura several years ago, after owning one Lexus, and then several Hondas, we will continue to stick with the Honda/Acura labels.
Good luck to all and stay safe.
I also don't recognize these cars when I see them on the road...
Since I'm in Phoenix, I will need to do a timing belt pronto.
My wife drives an 04 MDX, the only new auto I have ever bought.