Chevy HHR Interior Problems
2007 HHR LT....Driving in heavy rain floor board front and rear on driver side soaked thru and thru. Took to 3 days and I was told all is fixed. 15 min. down the hywy in a rain storm and floor again soaked really bad. Taking in to dealer in the morning. Have any others experienced this problem?
Eventually there was so much water that it caused the heating system to fail by freezing and cracking the components - on one of the coldest mornings this winter!!
It turned out that the windshield seal was faulty or defective.
If they haven't fixed it yet, when they do, make sure they thoroughly dry and then shampoo the area that was wet, so you don't get a musty smell in future. Fortunately, my dealer agreed to detail the entire car for the inconvenience.
Good Luck! :sick:
We love the car, but why in the world can't these people do their job and keep their word on repairs? It's only a band-aid job every time they "fix" it, because no more than two rains later and the carpet on the driver's side is flooded again.
They tell us it was a clogged drain tube from the sunroof, and that all cars with sunroofs have to come in for maintenance to have them flushed out constantly. I find it funny that this is the first time I have heard of this, and I know numerous other people who have sunroofs in their autos and never had it done and theirs never leaked.
I smell a little B.S. from a lazy mechanic because the last leak and "flush" was 3.5 weeks ago, the HHR has been driven 5 times since the "flush" for less than 5 miles per drive and we're seeing that leak again this morning.
I know we're not the only ones having this problem with our HHR, I have found complaints about this are all over the net. Shouldn't GM be concerned enough for a recall?
Over Thanksgiving i started hearing this loud noise from the tire area and just found out yesterday that i will have to spend $1000 to replace the front 2 wheel bearing hubs. So in all I have spent $1500 in 2 weeks to fix these problems and learned that I will never buy a GM product again!!! :mad:
04 Chevy Malibu Maxx here with 112K on it....and not one problem....other than normal wear and tear items.....
I just purchased a 08 hhr, I have noticed that when I shut my engine off there is a fast ticking sound coming from the exaust, it almost sounds like something is running. The ticking sound slows down and after about 5 minutes it is gone. Any opinions would be great.
John T
They will put a guard infront of the radiator. Take your HHR into the dealership and have them order this asap if you don't have the guard.
Would you feel the same way if this happened to your Japanese car? Would you go on a forum and say that's the last Toyota I will buy? I doubt it.
My neighbors Corolla Matrix has trouble with her headlights. Usually only one works but if you beat on the other it will pop on. Better get rid of that car right away, right?
It's all about maintenance. The rotars, pads, etc., are shared by many companies and its generally maintenance issues or peoples driving habits that cause auto problems. I can give you more bad Japanese car experiences of people who have had them but I don't go on auto forums jumping on the Japanese bandwagon. I have worked for four Japanese auto companies in the past and wasn't anymore impressed than any other car maker. They all have glithes of something or another.
Now that your done with General Motors/American autos than you shouldn't be hanging around here anymore. You can now check out the problems over at the Toyota forum.
I paid too much for this car, and it's falling apart. I feel robbed.
The head lights turn off when I make a right hand turn.
The door handle does not open the drivers side door.
The drivers door window does not roll down in cold weather.
I had to take the car to a body shop to replace the head light. (I can replace all the other headlights myself). I got rear ended TWICE...I think it has to do with the rear lights not being normal. And Yet, I've never been in an auto accident before the HHR.
The breaks ease up when the drum expands (at stop lights), and the car lunges forward (the drum is too small, but cute).
The dealer tried twice to fix the wobble in the breaking, but now the warentee is up (and I dont want them to touch the car again).
To replace the air filter, involves thirteen screws or things to disconnect, etc. What idiot designed such a fragile system not designed to last a few years. This is a disposable car.
I could not find the air filter nor the oil filter anywhere but online the first year I owned this car....I"m truely pieved at every issue with this car anymore.
I'm ready to buy a Toyota, or just take my 1983 Chevy C10 to the body shop, it'll be running when this car is dirt.
Thanks GM, every day I go to the Banks (I work for them), and complain about the HHR, and deter people from buying any GM vehicle anymore........(I work for the banks, in a PROFITABLE division of the banking industry.). Sorry for the divorce gm....I cannot afford to buy new cars as often as you thought, and forcing me to buy a new car because this one is falling apart is about the rudest thing you've done to this old country boy...... My old GM's from the 80's are still on the road. Maybe you should restore a few of those and get them back on the road...the straight six was very reliable.
I'd probably want them to pull the carpet and replace it if that would be an option, but not before they make sure there is not the possibility of rust starting to eat on the metal floor board.
Reminds me of some of the Toyota and Nissan issues that I have heard. Have you been over to those forums lately?
Reinforcement Latch Plate Bracket (Dash borad storage bin)
To know if your vehicle qualifies for recall you need to know if you have a first-design storage bin of a second-design storage bin. The second-design storage bin includes latch pin holes on the left and right side of the latch. If you have the second-design storage bin then action IS required. A "reinforacement latch plate" is what is needed to be added to the bin latch. is the video to watch for the recall repair.
I do not have a recall number, however, below my recall notice instalation pictures are the same numbers. Which are, 2200758
Keep you H safe, cheers.
I've bought nothing but Chevys my whole driving life, around 10 different cars....but now I've learned my lesson. I never bought foreign cars mainly so I didn't have to worry about poor quality, now my fellow Americans have betrayed us. GM is going bankrupt because their quality just sucks, since they no long have AMERICAN MADE, AMERICAN QUALITY involved in manufacturing.
I paid too much for this car, and it's falling apart. I feel robbed.
The head lights turn off when I make a right hand turn. DIDO****
The door handle does not open the drivers side door. NOT YET***
The drivers door window does not roll down in cold weather. DIDO****
The breaks ease up (at stop lights), and the car lunges forward.). DIDO****
IN ADDITION: Funny (not really), but as soon as my 36,000 wrty was up that's when I started having problems:
My heater blower stopped, IN THE DEAD OF WINTER, had the fan replaced TWICE, still not working, now my mechanics says motor needs replaced, said there was rust near the motor, car is leaking somewhere.
Car left me stranded 60 miles from home, wouldn't start, wouldn't jump. Had it towed home, had to put a new starter in it.
Now, I can't get the key to the lock position and the remote start does not work. And my engine light has come on.
AND BIGGEST THING: I am driving down the road, 35 MPH in heavy traffic, 4 lanes and the car, SHUTS OFF!!! - MESSAGE- ENGINE POWER REDUCER - the power to the car did not reduce - it terminated. Real safe, huh?!
Since the warranty is up, I am now driving a piece of junk, while I am saving money to have everything worked on, one at a time.
And you know the Chevy Dealer does not give you crap as a trade. I tried that too.
Thanks GM, every month when I make an almost $300 payment, I get upset all over again. I cannot afford to buy new cars as often as you think, and forcing me to buy a new car because this one is falling apart is about the rudest thing you've done to this old country girl......
It's unfortunate that you have been having problems but GM's issues are not related to quality. In fact there quality is as good as anyone and Toyota actually is the one with quality issues if you have read the news for the last 2-years.
They are more American made than any Japanese company that you are now drawn to. What do you think Toyota's domestic content is? It's only about 49%, GM even with their 5% Aveo is still at around 70%. Supporting foreign companies definately contributed to the demise of the American auto makers along with the insurance and other high dollar benefits and unions that the Japanese automakers who assemble here don't have to worry about because the chose states with no unions and higher a high percentage of part-time workers.
Take a look over at the Japanese forums and you will see the misery there. There is really no difference. People come here to vent and talk about their problems. It's as simple as that.
I am new Chevy HHR owner as of December.
My cars brakes i have noticed recently do this as well:
The breaks ease up (at stop lights), and the car lunges forward
Any help in what you did to fix it?
See my other post too:
Thanks again,
price for. It is when I took it to have the oil changed and was told they had been having problems with the door handles breaking off and instead of recalling them they just made them better and out of metal instead of plastic. This would cost me $350.00 for the door panel. Well since I am retired I cannot afford that price . What if I was in an accident and had to get out of the car in a hurry, and couldn't get my window down in order to open my door.Is it going to take someone getting killed in order for them to fix this problem.?? Or has this already happened and we just don't know about it. I have contacted Gm and am now awaiting a reply to this problem.
Is anyone with this same yr. HHR had a problem with the Windshield Cracking for no reason. Mine cracked yesterday after parking in my driveway. The glass coverage is expire for the 12 months/12,000 mile limit. The extended warranty does not cover glass (of course).
I'm being charge $260.00 plus tax for a new windshield. The only good thing about this is that they will come out to my job site to install it.
If enough of us have this problem then there might be some recourse for reimbursement ........
kcram - Pickups/Wagons Host
Then when you have other problems with the car you gave your money to the Japanese for, you can be much more forgiving because it's not American.
Today's Americans should be ashamed of themselves.