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Buick Enclave Lease Questions



  • jenntljenntl Member Posts: 33
    Bueller?? Bueller?? Frye??? Frye???
  • nyswatbravo10nyswatbravo10 Member Posts: 3
    Hello to anyone who can lend a hand... Is the following in the realm of a good deal???

    2012 Enclave Leather/Sun roofs/Bose/Roof rails/AWD

    The lease deal: $1500 out of pocket (covers 1st month payment, DMV fees, etc.)
    39 month lease/15k miles per year @ $603 per month (includes tax).

    Further info: $43,435 selling price with $3,075 cost reduction rebate ??= $40,360 bottom price

    MF = .00040
    End residual = $19,839.60 (residual value 44%)

    DO these #'s quoted make overall sense?? And does sound like a decent deal?


  • nyswatbravo10nyswatbravo10 Member Posts: 3
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi nyswatbravo10. The money factor that you were quoted looks great.

    It's excellent that you know what this truck's selling price is. The selling price is one of the most important figures to find out when leasing. Unfortunately, I don't have anything to compare it with. Do you happen to know this truck's MSRP? This will give us a sense of how much of a discount you are being given.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • nyswatbravo10nyswatbravo10 Member Posts: 3
    Thank you very much for the response. Our MSRP was $45,090.

    Thanks Car_man!
  • hbqhbq Member Posts: 33
    hi Car_man,

    Can you tell me the lease terms for a 2012 AWD Enclave w/Leather package 36 month / 15k year, and also for the base package.

    Many thanks
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're welcome nyswatbravo10. OK, so you were quoted a selling price of $43,435 on an Enclave that has an MSRP of $45,090. That's probably equivalent to around $500 over invoice, give or take. Since the dealer took the available cash incentive off of that, I'd say that this is a pretty good deal.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    I'd be happy to help you out hbq. Ally's January base lease rate and residual value for a 36-month lease of a 2012 Buick Enclave Leather AWD with 15,000 miles per year are 1.0% and 46%, respectively.

    When negotiating your deal on this truck, make sure to take advantage of the $2,325 cash incentive that is currently available on leases of it through Ally into account.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • nesspornesspor Member Posts: 1
    2012 Enclave: I have seen online in several places a deal for a 39 month lease for $399.month. It is on a base model enclave with an MSRP of 37510. The only difference between the offers is the amount due at signing, sometimes $1999, sometimes $2299.

    Has anyone heard of this deal? I am trying to find out the basis for the $399 payment as far as price interest rate and residual.

    Is this a good deal?
  • heathergophersheathergophers Member Posts: 1

    Can you tell me if this is a good deal

    white 2012 enclave, FWD, leather package
    39 months, 12k per yr, $465 per month with zero down.

    I dont know residual...Is this important?

  • graceo1graceo1 Member Posts: 9
    I am trying to get a feel for all of the incentives and rebates are for the Enclave lease at this time. I am looking at a FWD Leather Package with a MSRP of $46,695. I see the Ally incentive of $2325 and the lease rate of 1%. I have been quoted residuals of 45% on a 39 month deal with 12,000 miles per year and 47% on a 36 month deal with 12,000 miles. I am curious if there is anything else out there as far as incentives go. Maybe dealer cash or another rebate?? Thanks.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi heathergophers. The residual value isn't really all that critical a number to know when negotiating a lease. It doesn't hurt to know it, but by far the two most important figures to know are the main negotiable ones, the vehicle's selling price and its money factor or in Ally's case lease rate.

    The selling prices of leased vehicles are negotiable, just as if you were paying cash for or financing them. Without this number it is much more difficult to tell how large a dealer discount you are being given and in turn if there is any room left to negotiate.

    Let us know what this truck's MSRP and selling price are and I'm sure that either myself or another helpful community member will gladly tell you what they think.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi graceo1. You are right on the money with the cash incentive that is available on 36-month leases of the 2012 Buick Enclave. The only additional cash on top of that that I am aware of is $2,000 that is only available to current lessees of non-General Motors products.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • bigcb37bigcb37 Member Posts: 12
    Looking at leasing a 2012 Enclave AWD Leather and of course this forum is the 1st place to stop!! Anyone have some lease comps recently? Ally seems to be doing special lease rates on 24 month terms but the sweet spot for me is 36-39 months, 15k mi a year. Any info would be much appreciated.

    I am going to find similar Enclaves at two different dealerships and have them negotiate against each other. This has helped me get decent deals in the past. So once I get some offers I'll post them here.

  • rbailey2012rbailey2012 Member Posts: 2
    Car Man,
    Can you please tell me if either of these are a good deal? I've been working with two dealerships one via email only and the other I met in person when I test drove the vehicle. Below is the info they have provided me on a 39mo/15k lease. I have excellent credit and plan to pay 2k down. I live in the DFW area in Texas.

    Dealer 1 (email only)
    MSRP = $39,070
    Invoice Price is $37,874
    Preferred Pricing with Texans Discount is $37,693
    *$2000 + TTL Down (unless you want to roll it in)
    *Residual is 44% = $17,190.80
    *Money Factor is .00074
    *Cap Cost Reduction ( Lease Rebate ) $5,025
    *Total Payment of $439 per month

    Dealer 2 (this is the one I met in person)
    MSRP = $38755
    Credit Union Price =$37430.13 + $1580 for Leather =$39010.13
    Rebates = $6025 on the lease
    We will show you the money factor and residual when you come in
    Your TT&L = $2775.50
    39 month lease 15K miles/yr.= $0 down = $532 / month this is with TT&L rolled in.
    I plan to purchase the vehicle this weekend, hoping you can provide some advice as to if this is a good deal.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi Rachele. The first offer looks like a very good deal to me. It appears as though the dealer is running it through GM Financial. If you like the truck, I personally wouldn't hesitate to go with the first offer.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • rbailey2012rbailey2012 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks so much Car Man! :)
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're very welcome rbailey2012.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • poormonkeypoormonkey Member Posts: 2
    Is this a good deal. We were looking at this over the weekend.

    2012 Enclave, Leather, FWD
    MSRP = $44,775
    APR 1%
    24 month lease, $565 per month, with $1500 due up front for (tax, title, dealer fee's, etc.)
    residual 66%
    12k miles per year, 20 cents per mile over.
    oil changes included and tire rotation for term of the 24 month lease
    2 years on star, 2 year sirius XM

    Dealer was working all the deals that Buick currently has going on to get the $565 per month lease payment

    Is this a good deal or no? thanks....
  • poormonkeypoormonkey Member Posts: 2
    Is this a good deal for a 24 month lease?
    2012 Enclave, Leather, FWD

    MSRP $44,775
    Residual (66%) $29,551.50
    Initial Cap Cost $43,352
    TTL add to cap fee $630.39
    Rebate: $1775
    Total Sales Tax: $3048
    Adjusted Cap Cost $45,255.39
    Term 24
    Apr 1%

    12k miles per year, 20 cents per mile over.
    oil changes included and tire rotation for term of the 24 month lease
    2 years on star, 2 year sirius XM

    I just read that buick has lease offers as well, for up to $4200 cash back. I noticed the dealer offered us the lowest one at $1775. There is also $3025 and $3625
  • jerrycanjerrycan Member Posts: 7
    HI. New to site...and appears to be very information.
    Looking at the following:
    2012 Enclave w/leather convenience group -sunroof. List for 43000

    $3500 out of pocket (total)
    $399 a month for 36 months
    12k miles a year

    Any insigts would be appreciated.
  • gfreakgfreak Member Posts: 5
    Great forum!

    I have a friend who is being offered what I think might be a nice deal on a Buick Enclave Leather package with the double sun roofs, FWD, upgraded tri-coat white paint, normal wheels, 12,000 miles. Here are the numbers I have:

    MSRP: 43, 350
    Base Invoice: 41,400
    Vehicle Price: 40,400
    Tax: 2850

    Gross Cap Cost: 44,100
    Net Cap Cost: 37, 200
    Rebate: 6,300

    Resid: 43%
    Resid: 18,500
    MF: 1.0

    "Front End Profit" : -1,200

    $200 down and first month free
  • cargirl123cargirl123 Member Posts: 4
    2012 Buick Enclave with Leather

    MSRP $41,035
    Residual 43%
    Initial Cap Cost $39,888
    Rebate $6,445
    Aquisition Fee $495
    Term 39
    APR 1.5%
    Base Monthly $450.34
    Total Monthly $479.61
    $0 Down
    Central Florida
  • johnnhjohnnh Member Posts: 5
    Hi Car man....
    I was at a local Buick dealer to Lease a 2012 Enclave Convenience FWD model (MSRP ~ 37,000) and was offered the following options:

    Current Buick Offer for 10 k Lease is $3200 down payment, $299 monthly + fees + tax.

    Offered choices:
    24 months /12 k Lease for $ 364/mon
    36 months /12 k lease for $ 391/mon
    39 months /12 k lease for $ 383/mon
    (all above offers with 2 yr free maintenance, On Star, and XM radio).

    With my 1st requested offer is 2000 down, dealer wants a monthly payment of $385/mon. What would be the best monthly rate that I should seal the deal? Any thoughts/recs......

    Many thanks.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi cargirl123. The dealer invoice price of the truck that you're interested in is around $39,063. So the price that you were quoted is around $800 over invoice...which isn't bad. The cash incentive that you were given looks good, through the lease rate looks slightly high. I believe that the rates for US Bank and Ally are 1.0% or lower. It isn't much of a difference, but it's worth looking into.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi johnnh. If I was in the market for a 2012 Buick Enclave right now I personally would shoot for a selling price of a couple hundred dollars over dealer invoice minus any available cash incentives plus the use of GM's base lease rates.

    You can find the exact invoice price of the truck that you want over in the New Vehicle Pricing section of Edmunds.com.

    General Motors is currently providing a $2,020 cash incentive on 24-month and $4,445 on 36- to 39-month leases of the 2012 Enclave through Ally.

    Ally's current base lease rate is 1.0% for all of these terms.

    If you provide me with the exact MSRP and invoice price of the specific model that you're interested in I'd be glad to use the above data to work up a sample payment on it for you.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • mrc123mrc123 Member Posts: 1
    I saw the sweet 24 month lease Buick is offering on the Enclave and thought I would be able to get out of the negative equity situation I am always in.
    Dealership says the bank will only finance $1000 to $1500 over msrp on a lease.
    Is this true?
    They didn't even run my credit. They said I have 9000 in negative equity. They have never had a problem rolling it in before 125% above msrp. Are leases different?
    If the lease deal is 299 per month and you add in negative equity it should be less than the 736.00 that I am paying now right? Then after 24 months no more negative equity. I can then start over.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi mrc123. What you were told is correct, mrc123. Most banks publish something that is called an MRM, which essentially is the maximum amount of money they will finance on a particular car or truck, for every vehicle that they lease. Dealers are not allowed to exceed this MRM on any transaction. I don't know the exact cap on this vehicle from GM Financial, Ally, or US Bank (the three finance companies that GM runs its leases through), but it is very possible that they will not finance much more than full MSRP on a lease. Keep in mind that most banks are being much more conservative today than they were prior to the financial crisis.

    To be honest with you, unless there is some huge reason why you need to get out of your current vehicle now, you would probably be much, much better off waiting until you are less upside down on it to get something new.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • vsaviolivsavioli Member Posts: 4
    Hi, I am trying to get a feel for a good lease offer on a 2012 Enclave Leather AWD. The MSRP is 47,175 with an invoice of 44,845. I am eligible for about $5500 in rebates. I am thinking of putting $3000 down and was wondering what would be a good monthly payment for either 24,36,or 39 months. The dealer sale price right now is $41,625 with rebates included. Thanks for your help.
  • fabster32fabster32 Member Posts: 4
    2012 FWD Buick Enclave Leather Group, White diamond Tricoat, 12K miles/yr, $42,020 MSRP; 1st month+tag out of pocket ($685); 39-month lease for $455 taxes included...also dealer takes my 2009 Saturn Outlook XR with 63K miles (owe $16600 vs trade-in value of $15,250) off my hands and pays it off...
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi fabster32. What is this vehicle's selling price? That number will make your deal much easier to analyze.

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  • fabster32fabster32 Member Posts: 4
  • greez82greez82 Member Posts: 13

    Can you please post the money factor and residual for the awd enclave with leather

    Looking for both 36 month and 24 month numbers 12k/mi

    Also can you please let me know of all cash on this vehicle ( I have a trade as well)

  • mich2006mich2006 Member Posts: 20

    What is the current money factor for Enclave with 39 month lease and 15000 miles per year

    Thank you
  • dsun2dsun2 Member Posts: 4
    Any updates on current enclave offers?
  • eemsueemsu Member Posts: 6
    I just purchased a 39 mo, 15k mi/yr lease on 2012 Enclave FWD-Leather Group w/ white diamond tricoat total sticker price = $41,335. Agreed upon value = $38,685. Then minus $2750 trade in and $3750 factory rebates I walked out the door with $375/mo payment w/no money down. Key is to negotiate the deal on the 2nd and last day of the month. We walked when the best previous offer was $390/mo.
    Now I regret the purchase due to the problem I posted tonight about the known noise bulletin that Buick / GM / Chevy have no resolution. See my post under audio problems.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    edited August 2012
    Hi mich2006. Ally's current base lease rate and residual value for a 39-month lease of a 2012 Buick Enclave with 15,000 miles per year are 1.55% and 55%, respectively. This is for a model with the 1SD or 1SB trim level.

    When negotiating your deal, make sure to take advantage of the $2,750 cash incentive that is currently available on 36-month leases of this truck through Ally.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • wantanewride1wantanewride1 Member Posts: 1
    Before I go to the dealership. I drive a lot-about 25k miles a year-and I'd like to lease an Enclave for 2 years. I am looking at a FWD Convenience package with an MSRP of 38540. I have factory pricing available to me (Father in law) but I have no idea what that would be. I am in Ohio. CarMan...do you have any idea what I should expect on a lease payment with 3500 down to cover tax? (7%) Thanks
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi wantanewride1. You should be able to find out this vehicle's exact selling price by visiting the following website: GM Family First.

    Let me know what the exact selling price is and I'd be happy to use GM's current lease program to work up a payment for you.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • jungle1074jungle1074 Member Posts: 5
    I'm trying to get prepared for a negotiation on a 2012 Enclave FWD Convenience model (MSRP $39,019). It looks like a fair value before incentives on this thing would be in the $37,500 range.

    I'd like to do a 24 month lease with $0 down. My understanding is that the lease rate is 1% and the residual is 66% for a 24 month lease. Can anyone confirm those?

    Also, are there national incentives out there that apply to the lease? I see a $1000 Conquest Cash that looks like it applies (I am a non-GM owner). Does the $2000 Consumer Cash apply to leases as well, or is it just purchases?

    Want to make sure I don't miss something that could help me get the price down.

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hello jungle1074. General Motors is currently providing a $2,000 cash incentive on leases of this truck through Ally. This is available in addition to the conquest cash.

    Prices Paid: Buying & Leasing Experiences Forum
  • stacyf419stacyf419 Member Posts: 3
    Hello - I've never leased and just got a quote as follows:
    2012 Enclave Leather
    List: $43225
    Selling: $41250
    39 months, 10,000 miles
    due at signing $1485.59
    $473 per month

    My questions are:
    -How will I affect the monthly payment for each additional $1000 I put down up front?
    -Should they be taking any additional incentives off?
    -If so, where can I quote those figures from?
    -Do the incentives come off of the selling price?

    Just to play my hand here, I'm looking to spend around $350/month with no more than $5000 down

    I appreciate your help!
  • lasvegasrphlasvegasrph Member Posts: 102
    edited October 2012
    Hello there!
    Just to shed some light on a few things for you, and help you out. I have been leasing vehicles for the last 12 years (since my Chrysler 300M in 2000) and I have learned a few VALUABLE things.

    First: NEVER put money down on a lease. Why?? Well, you will never own it for one thing (or you would just finance it instead of leasing it) and secondly, what if you wreck it during lease and it gets totalled? You LOSE that money you put down.

    Second: The payment should never be negotiated....just negotiate the actual selling price of the vehicle. What I am saying is this, don't get caught up in the "payment quote game" the dealers try to play. Once you drive your hardest deal on the actual price for the vehicle....the calculator does the rest on a purchase OR lease. Its that simple.

    Third: Don't over extend to get a vehicle you cannot afford. If the Enclave is too much a month with ZERO down payment, then look elsewhere for a different vehicle. DO NOT put $5,000 down on a lease. That's going to be a HUGE mistake.

    Fourth: Usually, you want to lease a vehicle that doesn't have all the "bells and whistles" on it. Why? You aren't buying it.....you are "renting" it. Lease is just like renting. You will turn it in after you use it.

    So, lets look at your deal.
    It stinks.

    Why? There is WAAAAAY too much support on the Enclave right now from GM to only get $2,000 off MSRP. You should be getting about $5,000 off MSRP at least.
    So, you have some work to do. The Enclave you are looking at should sell for:
    $38,225 (or less)

    then LEASE it for 24 months (GM featured lease with 24 months of free maint, XM radio and Onstar) 66% residual --NOT 39 months!! That lease has NO SUPPORT on it and the dealer is taking advantage of you on it.

    $0 money down
    Just pay the drive off fees (about $900 usually)

    and get the 1% lease rate currently offered
    And go from there

    The 2013 Buick Enclave is drastically changing (google it) so most people are waiting for that new model. You can get a super deal on a 2012 if you look around. Dealers are sitting on the 12 models and cant move them.

    $5,000 off MSRP minimum. I would try for $6,000 myself.
    ($2,000 lease cash + bonus cash + invoice price + half of dealer holdback = $5,000 to $6,000 discount from MSRP)
  • stacyf419stacyf419 Member Posts: 3
    Thank you so much. I'm not surprised - there are tons of12 Enclaves in inventory everywhere, so that makes more sense.

    Honestly, I can't afford the Enclave and was initially taken in by the $299 for 24 mos. deal on the base model.

    So I think I'll be looking at something more in the line of the Hyundai Santa Fe! Now need to do some research on how much I can reasonably expect to negotiate off MSRP on those.

    Thanks again - so much help!
  • muttsrulemuttsrule Member Posts: 5
    Would look at the Equinox, really most under rated car out there. And if you need the extra row the traverse is very similar to enclave
  • renee29renee29 Member Posts: 1
    I live in Texas and we went to local dealer today to look at leasing the Enclave. It's bottom price was $46393, which made the lease for 24 months $728. Yes this one did have all the bells and whistles on it but wasn't expecting a lease for that much! We received no incentives for leasing. We have never leased before but thought this was really high. Any suggestions what to ask for?
  • lasvegasrphlasvegasrph Member Posts: 102
    Hi there! I am no lease expert by any means, but I have done quite a few of them over the last 12 years and I have learned quite a bit.

    Misconception for a lease:
    You can't negotiate the sales price of the vehicle. That is so untrue. You can ALWAYS negotiate the price of the vehicle, just like you would do when purchasing it. Always start at invoice minus all the incentives and work UP, never work DOWN from MSRP.

    So, for a 2012 Buick Enclave this is what you should open with:
    INVOICE PRICE minus $2,000 conquest cash (for any non-GM owner) minus $2,000 rebate = $xx,xxx (about $5,000 to $6,000 off MSRP)

    Nothing wrong with the NEW Hyundai Santa Fe Sport, it looks very nice. I will have to AGREE with the other post here about the Chevy Equinox.....it is #1 vehicle in its class and got better for 2013 with new 3.6L engine and revised suspension.

    Hope this helps!!!
  • lasvegasrphlasvegasrph Member Posts: 102
    For the 2012 Enclave, this is what is available:
    $2,000 cash allowance (Conquest Rebate) for purchase or lease for any NON-GM owner
    $2,000 lease cash from ALLY BANK or $2,500 lease cash from US BANK

    So, for a 2012 Enclave you should receive a MINIMUM of $4,000 off MSRP. I would shoot for $5,000 - $6,000 off MSRP.

    Don't lease a fully loaded vehicle. Its a losing proposition in the lease. Remember, you will NOT own it......you are just "borrowing" it for 24 or 36 months (like a rental car).
  • stacyf419stacyf419 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks everyone! Plain and simple, I can't afford the Enclave. Looking towards Kia Sorento or the Santa Fe now. The Equinox is impressive but I need stupid leather inside (toddlers!) and the price jacks up a bit too much for what I want to spend.

    I appreciate everyone's assistance and now I feel like I can go into negotiations without being completely in the dark.
  • lasvegasrphlasvegasrph Member Posts: 102
    Hello everyone!
    I decided to spend a few minutes and get a quote from a local dealer on a 2012 Enclave Convenience Group FWD. MSRP $38,445

    Here is what I was initially offered:

    MSRP $38,445
    Base Cap Cost $33,100
    Bank Aq Fee $495
    ADJ Cap Cost $33,595
    Residual Value $25,785 (67% for 10k miles/yr and 24 months lease) *its 66% for 12k miles/yr
    Money Factor 0.00042 or 1% interest rate

    Base payment is: $350.36 a month plus tax
    Total Due at signing is: $800 (my portion to pay at lease inception)

    I was able to get about $5,300 off MSRP in this deal, and I can probably get a few bucks more if I really push.

    Honestly, its pretty solid in my opinion.
    Hope this helps!!!!!!
This discussion has been closed.