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Buick Enclave Lease Questions



  • lwolf99lwolf99 Member Posts: 83
    edited September 2010
    Hello to all,

    I have a 2008 Buick Enclave (loaded) that I got in June 2007 (just a month or two after they first came out). My 39-mo lease is ending this month, so I starrted looking around for my next vehicle. I test drive a lot of competitive vehicles, and I am now back to an Enclave or an Acadia - I really just like the layouts, features, etc.

    I have two offers from two local dealers for the exact same Enclave that they both "located" for me at another dealer. Both offers are good prices, and both exactly match CarMan's figures of 48% residual, $2200 rebate, and 2.9% rate.

    But both offers include a $$795 administrative fee (for GMAC, or Ally, or something), Looking back, I paid a $595 GMAC lease administrative fee in 2007. I was feeling stupid that I should have negotiated that to $0 last time, so this time, I wanted to get rid of this fee. To my surpirse, both dealerships held firm that this fee was fixed, and they "could not even change it on their screen". I figured they were lying, but I was surpirsed by nboth giving me the same story, and both holding firm.

    Does anyone know is this GMAC/Ally lease administrative fee can me eliminated? or reduced?

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745
    The fee goes to the leasing bank... The dealers don't have any authority to waive the fee.

    Some banks allow the dealer to mark up the fee for extra profit. (BMWFS for example). I'm not sure what the base fee for Ally is now, but they have mostly been on the rise for the last couple of years. It's possible both dealers are marking up the fee for extra profit, but doubtful.

    If you want a lower price, you'll have to negotiate more off the price of the vehicle... Since you have two dealers offering you the same deal, maybe you can play them off one another?


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  • lwolf99lwolf99 Member Posts: 83
    To all,

    I just too another look at the lease worksheets, I noticed that both dealers have also included a $775 "security deposit". Can;t beleive I missed that.

    When I questioned them, they said GM has only 4 vehicles that they will wave the deposit on. They are the Chevy Malibu,Cruz,Silverado,and GMC Serria. They will not wave any other security deposits.

    I said I was a loyal GMAC lease customer, setup on autopayment, and I would want the security deposit waived. They both said GMAC woudl not waive the security deposit.

    Does anyone have any different experience with this recently? Is there anyway to get GMAC to waive the security deposit for a 2011 Enclave, for a customer who is an existign lease holder, with good paymet history?

    Thanks in advance.
  • delta737hdelta737h Member Posts: 626

    Your request is very reasonable. Unless GMAC's lease rate is outstanding, I would look for another fund provider such as Ally Bank or, possibly, US Bank. Remember, you're not obligated to use GMAC.

  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745
    I'm pretty sure that GMAC and Ally are the same institution..

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  • lwolf99lwolf99 Member Posts: 83
    edited September 2010
    Yes, Ally and GMAC are the same. My local dealer is swaping another dealer for the vehicle that I want. We shook hands last night on the deal, so he is going to initiate the swap today.

    I asked about getting Ally/GMAC to waive the security deposit. He "said" he has asked multiple times over the last several months, and they always told him know. Of course, I have no way to verify that.

    I was going to call Ally this morning, and see if I could talk with someone directly there. Who knows, I might get lucky.

    My deal includes a $2500 lease rebate, 48% residual and 2.9% rate - which is a pretty good deal IMHO. So I could go with someone else, but I would loose the $2500 lease rebate.

    The manager did say they offer an option for no security deposit, by the lease rate then becomes 3.4% instead of 2.9%.
  • kyfdxkyfdx Moderator Posts: 258,745
    GM doesn't own GMAC, any more.... that's changed a lot of things from that end..

    On the plus side, the security deposit is refundable, and I've yet to see any difference at the end of a lease, regardless of the security deposit amount, or whether there is one... The end charges are what they are..

    If the deal is better with GMAC, and it probably is, or they would have used someone else, and you have no other options, make the security deposit, rather than take the higher rate.. you'll be dollars ahead in the long run.


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  • scvmomscvmom Member Posts: 3
    Hi. I am looking at leasing an Enclave through the current promotion:
    2011 Buick Enclave FWD CX
    Payments are for a 2011 Buick Enclave FWD CX with an MSRP of $36390. 39 monthly payments total $15555.

    I want to upgrade this promotion to the CXL 1 with Navigation and DVD entertainment package which brings the MSRP to $42150 when I build it using the promotion on the website (which factors in the discount using the promo). What should the monthly payments work out to?
  • lfranco1lfranco1 Member Posts: 3
    Hello all,

    It is new car time again and I am so appreciative for this forum to help me not get ripped off. I am looking into a 2011 Enclave CXL-1 lease. Sticker price is 39,635 including the destination charge. I was offered a lease deal of $2000 total out of pocket, $499 per month plus florida sales tax for 39 months, 15,000 miles per year. Is this a good deal? Does anyone know the money factor and the residual that I should be paying? Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.
  • flbeachgalflbeachgal Member Posts: 2
    Hi Car_Man,

    Do you know what GMAC's October base rates are?

    Tomorrow I'm going with my father to lease a 2011 Buick Enclave FWD CXL-2. He turning his 2007 GMC Yukon Denali in since he has one month left on his 39 month lease. I think the MSRP is $44,955. This will be a 36 or 39 month lease for 15k miles.

    I really appreciate the information. I wish I knew about this site when I went with my mom to lease her Audi in June. I think she got a really bad deal.
  • flbeachgalflbeachgal Member Posts: 2
    We went in today and made the down payment. We expect to take delivery some time this week as the car we want was not there yet. It was a 2011 Buick Enclave FWD Black W/ Nav, leather, 7 pass. I believe MSRP was about $44k. We negotiated a 36 month, 15k miles per year lease at $638 per month + 6.5% FL tax= $681. We are turning in a GMC Yukon Denali one month early to avoid the last month's payment of $935. The deal was 47% residual value, $1000 Conquest incentive for our 2006 Lexus, and I believe it may have included $1,500 cash incentive if the interest rate is 2.9%. We don't know the actual interest rate since they didn't run the Ally credit check while we were there. It's a done deal though since my father signed the papers agreeing to the monthly payment and they took the payment. I guess since it's a corporate lease they can do it and my father leased his GMC there last time.
  • lfranco1lfranco1 Member Posts: 3

    I have a similar deal allegedly on a car not at the dealer yet.....what dealership did you go to. I am also in south florida.

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi scvmom. I would be happy to work up a sample lease payment on the exact Enclave that you are interested in for you. However, in order for me to do so I need you to provide me with an approximate selling price, or at least this truck's dealer invoice price first.

    You can find that data over in the New Vehicle Pricing section of Edmunds.com.

    Let me know and I'll crunch some numbers for you.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hello lfranco1. Ally's current base lease rate and residual value for a 39 month lease of a 2011 Buick Enclave CXL-1 AWD with 15,000 miles per year are 2.9% and 44%, respectively.

    As you can see, Ally (formerly known as GMAC) publishes lease rates instead of money factors for vehicles. You can convert its published lease rates into approximate money factor equivalents by dividing them by 2400.

    It is much more difficult to evaluate this deal without this truck's selling price. Let us know what the selling price is and I'm sure that either myself or another knowledgeable community member will gladly let you know what they think.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey flbeachgal. GMAC's (now known as Ally) October base lease rate for a 36 or 39 month lease of a 2011 Buick Enclave is 2.9%.

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  • scvmomscvmom Member Posts: 3
    Thanks carman! The MSRP on the car is $43650. Edmunds shows the invoice to be $41217. Again, the lease offer we used as a starting point was the "low mileage" offer they currently have running. $2359 due at signing. $399- 39 months- 39,000 miles. MSRP for that is $36390 and so the dealer said they would adjust the numbers (use the same rebates) for the vehicle I want.
  • scvmomscvmom Member Posts: 3

    I just got a call back from the dealer. Says he can do $500 over invoice but can't find the exact car I want so that brings the selling price (with a couple extra options) to $42949. He quoted me $2669 down and $627 a month. This seems high to me for a 10,000 mile a year lease.
  • koko19koko19 Member Posts: 4
    Can someone help price out a 36 month, 12,000 mile p.a. lease for me? MSRP $45,950, Net Capitalized Cost of vehicle is $40,700. Residual value is 48%, Interest Rate 2.9%. I will pay document and mv fees, and acquisition fees out of pocket.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're welcome, scvmom. Thanks for the additional information.

    According to my calculations, if you were to lease a 2011 Buick Enclave CXL1 AWD that has an MSRP of $43,650 and a selling price of $39,217 ($500 over dealer invoice minus the $2,500 cash incentive on leases) through Ally right now for 39 months with 12,000 miles per year, your zero down, pre-tax monthly payment would be around $563.

    It wasn't clear from your post whether the dealer was taking the $2,500 lease cash into account on your deal. Make sure that they do.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi koko19. I just crunched some numbers for you and according to my calculations if you were to lease a 2011 Buick Enclave CXL AWD that has an MSRP of $45,950 and a selling price of $40,700 through Ally right now for 36 months with 12,000 miles per year, your zero down, pre-tax monthly payment would be around $594.

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  • koko19koko19 Member Posts: 4
    Car_man, Thanks for the calculations. Another quick question, when G.M. is offering $1500-2000 cash back on vehicles, can I then reduce that amount from my Negotiated Sale Price to further reduce the adjusted capitalized costs. A salesman at one dealer is saying when doing a lease deal, I can't get this G.M. cash back offer. That cash back is only for cash or financed purchases?
  • pmnj1pmnj1 Member Posts: 1
    2011 Enclave CXL1 AWD 36 month, 12k p.a.Miles Lease MSRP is 45755 Sale Price is 44000 Residual is 49% Money Factor .00045 I will pay mv fees and other inception cost at closing.

    How much should the monthly lease be ?

  • eringarbarinoeringarbarino Member Posts: 1
    hi, I'm a first time car buyer/leaser. could someone help me evaluate the following offer I got from a NJ dealer for a 2011 FWD enclave with chrome wheels, sunroof and nav.? (He says they also put in extra wood embellishment in the interior.)

    39 month with 12 k miles per yr
    sales tax, dmv and first month payment paid on day 1: approx $2900
    residual value: 46%
    money factor: .00045
    MSRP: $46450
    selling price: $44950

    Financing provided by US Bank
    activation/acqusition fee of $695 included in monthly payment
    no security deposit, but a $350 buyout fee if elect to buy car at lease end, or $395 fee if don't buy.

    many thanks!

    monthly payment: $619
  • koko19koko19 Member Posts: 4
    Had a NJ GM dealer tell me that Ally Bank leases (36 mos/12k miles p.a.) are not attractive right now, and US Bank beats them in price all the time. US Bank supposedly has a money factor of .00045 while Ally is .0012 That's only 1.08% vs 2.9%. While its a big difference in percentage, at these interest rates it is still minimal. Also, US Bank had a 49% residual (36 mos) vs Ally at 48% (36 mos). So,again US Bank slighly better but not by much (1% on a $44k priced vehicle over 36 payments is only $12/mos). Cap Cost reductions: US Bank ($1600) and Ally ($2500). So how much cheaper is this US Bank lease really going to be vs. Ally?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi koko19. General Motors' normal consumer cash incentives are not compatible with its special lease program. Having said that GM often has special cash incentives that are good on leases only. In fact, GM's lease cash on the 2011 Buick Enclave is $2,500 (through 11/1)...even more than its consumer cash. Make sure to take this cash into account during your negotiations.

    GM is scheduled to introduce its new November programs some time tomorrow, 11/2.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi pmnj1. Using the numbers that you provided in your post, a 36 month lease on a vehicle that has an MSRP of $45,755, a selling price of $44,000, a money factor of .00045, and a residual value of 49%, I come up with a zero down, pre-tax monthly payment of around $630.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi Erin. I definitely think that you can do better than this. General Motors is currently providing a $1,600 cash incentive on leases of the 2011 Buick Enclave through U.S. Bank. That's right around the discount that you were given. That means that the dealer is essentially selling you this truck at full MSRP. If I was in the market for one right now, I personally would want toms sort of dealer discount on top of the cash from GM.

    You should look up this vehicle's dealer invoice price over in the New Vehicle Pricing section of Edmunds.com and then offer say $500 to $1,000 over that minus the lease cash and see what happens. If you're in an area that has a decent level of competition, you may be able to find a dealer that's willing to make that deal. If not, work your way up from there.

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  • texan11texan11 Member Posts: 4
    Did the $1000 Conquest incentive go away?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    It might have, texan11. I haven't seen anything on it yet. I'll double check to see what I can find out, but there's a decent chance that it's gone.

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  • texan11texan11 Member Posts: 4

    I hear that there are aggressive holiday incentives for Enclave beginning on Monday 11/15. Anyone have more info?

  • mtntbirdmtntbird Member Posts: 3
    Been reading now it is time I need help please....I am the novice

    Good deal?

    Wht Diamond Tricoat
    Power sunroof/2nd row skylight
    Bucket seats 2nd row
    wheels 19" chrome
    trailering package

    MSRP = $45,350
    Selling Price = $44,264 ( which is 500 over Invoice the dealer says)
    Rebate w/ Leasing $1600 plus $1000 for Customer Apprec.= $2600
    So after $2600 rebate Price = $41,664
    Residual for 39 months = 45% ( 15k per year)

    Payment for 48 months = $579 plus tax, plus 1st payment & fees. ( now under new program they will waive 1st payment. The payment will go up) This payment is for 12k per year. Dealer didnt figure what I wanted, which is 39 month lease.

    I also wanted a DVD player, but checking stock there is no delaer w/in 400 miles that has the above...so for dealer to put one in he'e quoting:
    TV in the ceiling- Rosen brand, $1099 ( now that is a 8.5 inch tv)

    So is this lease a good deal?

    Is the TV Ok to go thru after market /price ok?

    What would pymnt be on 39 months/15,000 miles?


  • luma1luma1 Member Posts: 1
    I wanted some help with this lease.

    I'm trying to lease a 2011 CXL-2. MSRP of 49,390. The dealer is offering a sale price of 47,995 minus 2900 of rebates. The payment are for 748.47 monthly including tax with 2500 down( includes inceptions). This is lease is for 39 months/12,000 miles per year. This lease is in Miami, Fl and through US Bank.

    I would appreciate someones help.

    Money factor: .00040
    Residual value 47%
    Thank you
  • toolman3080toolman3080 Member Posts: 6
    Do you happen to know current rates for the Enclave for Ally and US Bank. I'm in Akron Ohio area trying to double check my figures. Thanks
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi toolman3080. Ally's December base lease rate for a 36 month lease of a 2010 Buick Enclave is 2.7%. The base lease rate for an otherwise identical lease through US Bank is 1.08%.

    General Motors is currently providing a $2,500 cash incentive on leases of this truck through Ally and $1,600 on leases through US Bank.

    GM is also waiving the first month's payment on leases of this model.

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  • toolman3080toolman3080 Member Posts: 6
    Thank you very much on the info.
  • toolman3080toolman3080 Member Posts: 6
    Any idea what the residual is on 36 or 39 months. Thanks again
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're very welcome, toolman3080.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hey toolman3080. Ally's current 36 month, 15,000 mile per year residual value for the 2011 Enclave CX AWD is 50%.

    The residual value for an otherwise identical 39 month lease is 48%.

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  • mtntbirdmtntbird Member Posts: 3
    nevermind Carman Host...i guess you skipped over me as my question wasnt important and its been almost a month.

    I will figure it out on my own.
  • topgun7topgun7 Member Posts: 412
    onevermind Carman Host...i guess you skipped over me as my question wasnt important and its been almost a month.

    boo hoo hoo, I don't get my teacher attention so I am going to cry.. common, Car_man is doing us a great favor and providing us with all the information for free. how much do you pay for car_man's time? Zippo.. Be polite if you want someone to help you for free...
  • texan11texan11 Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2011
    Lease deal I signed in December (December rates, not sure if January rates/incentives changed):

    CXL1 AWD

    MSRP 47145
    Invoice 44433
    Less approx half of holdback 697
    Base Cap Cost 43736
    Acquisition Fee 695
    Less GM incentive 1900
    Less USAA member rebate 750
    (sorry, USAA members only)
    Adjusted Cap Cost 41781
    Residual value @ 47% 22158
    Money Factor (US Bank lease) 0.00045
    Term 39 months
    Mileage 12K/yr
    Payment before sales tax $531
  • tap24tap24 Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2011
    Hi, considering leasing an Enclave. Does anyone know what the residual % is for a 2011 CXL-1? Also, might be able to purchase it for $35,600 through USAA (only option added = Bose audio). Not sure whether leasing would even make sense, but if cap cost is low enough and residual is high enough, may lease. Thanks in advance.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi tap24. Here's the information that you're looking for. Ally's January base lease rate and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2011 Buick Enclave CXL-1 AWD with 15,000 miles per year are 2.7% and 49%, respectively.

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  • texan11texan11 Member Posts: 4
    Unless US Bank's rates jumped in January, or they aren't offered in your region, US Bank is a much better choice for leasing than Ally at the moment. December money factor was .00045 = 1.08%
  • g35floodedg35flooded Member Posts: 44
    Hey guys, my brother in law is shopping for a new truck and is interested in leasing this truck and needs some assistance. He got a quote which seems extremely high and I want to help him out.

    Anyway, can someone please provide the current rates and money factor for Feb when they come out? I know tomorrow is feb 1st but I figure I get the ball running as soon as possible. Also if you could provide the current incentives I would appreciate it.

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi g35flooded. Ally's February base lease rate and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2011 Buick Enclave CX AWD with 15,000 miles per year are 2.7% and 51%, respectively.

    General Motors is currently providing a $2,350 cash incentive on leases of this truck through Ally.

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  • jasontjasont Member Posts: 11
    Car Man, can you please comment on how good this Lease deal is for State of CA:

    Buick Enclave CXL-1
    MSRP: $43,650
    Dealer Incentive: - $1,809
    Lease Aquisition fee: $795
    Ally Bank Lease reduction: -2,350
    Net Cap Cost: $40,286

    39 months - 12k miles per year
    2.70 APR (they could not give me money factor)
    47% residual: $20,515.50

    $576.06 Payment (NOT including tax)
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi jasont. The selling price that you were quoted for this truck appears to be around $500 over dealer invoice minus the available cash incentive, which is a very good deal. The lease rate that you were quoted looks good as well.

    If you like the Enclave, I personally don't see any reason not to pull the trigger on this deal.

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  • bgrusdbgrusd Member Posts: 8
    Car man

    Do you have the current lease rates and residual for a 2011 Enclave AWD CXL-2.

    Looking for a 3 year lease, probably around 36,000 miles.

  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi bgrusd. Ally's March base lease rate and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2011 Enclave CXL AWD with 12,000 miles per year are 0.8% and 49%, respectively.

    When negotiating your lease on this truck, make sure to take advantage of the $1,000 cash incentive that is currently available on it.

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