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Dodge Ram Starting Problems
Throughout the day the truck did not experience any problems. Parked at the office and was attempting to leave for the evening and no luck. When I turn the key all dash lights show up bright, but no starter turnover. After continuous key turnover several times you would get a quick knock at what sounds like the starter then nothing. I tried jumping, still nothing. I put the truck in neutral (automatic trans) and nothing. Again, at the dash all appears fine.
It does have the cummins. Other than this, have had no problems at all.
See Also
Edmunds Answers: Dodge Ram Starter Problems
It does have the cummins. Other than this, have had no problems at all.
See Also
Edmunds Answers: Dodge Ram Starter Problems
Thanks for the reply.
Thanks for reading.
I don't see or even hear of very many bad injectors on Dodge gas engines, unless they have a lot of miles (>100,000) and have had a steady diet of cheap fuel. One punky or completely inoperative fuel injector would not explain a no start condition, in my opinion.
Just a hunch, but I'm suspecting you might not be getting ANY injector or ignition coil voltage at that initial start, or no fuel pressure. I have worked on two Dakotas with this symptom and found that after replacing the ASD relay the problem did not return. The techs at my local Dodge dealer have also told me they've found bad connections in various connectors or ground points that have caused the same problem. I know of one RAM that had a bad fuel pump relay that caused a no start condition similiar to yours. The Fuel Pump Relay is of the same type as the ASD Relay.
Best regards,
I apologize. Since the days of full-size GM cars, I have successfully avoided having anything to do with diesels, and my knowledge is very limited with respect to the Cummins version of the RAM.
Best regards,
and i have the same problem, will start at first then stall out, wont start agan till next day and when it does start that one time a day, it bogs a couple times like it wants to die. it runs for about minute or 2 before it dies.
replaced coil, cap, rotor, wires, plugs , camshaft sensor.
turn key can here fuel pump going everytime, good fuel pressure.
when it does die out, check coil , no power.
i dont get it when it will start at least once a day everytime i come home from work it will start up runs for a minute then dies.
swap ASD relay around with other ones like it still no start. no check enigine light.
hooked up scanner , no code. when it dies , no spark at plugs, engine cranks but doesnt fire up.
next on the list is crankshaft sensor and then computer, am i on the right track anyone or am i missing something?
Swapped crank sensor no spark?
Any Ideas?
Gonna Check ASD today... Be back to report later!
I was so certain to find something... I traced wires from the coil to the PCM and checked for continuity both fine. (GRN/ORG wire left harness plug on PCM & GRY/WHT wire far right harness plug on PCM.)
While doing so I then noticed the PCM Computer ECU whatever... was a junkyard replacement! (Yellow paint marker numbers and a big lakeview junkyard sticker with a check mark on it lol Also pry marks all around it from someone opening it it seems lol).. I was shocked lol ..I never would have thought this was already changed lol.. Im NOW thinking the PCM is just bad. Any thoughts out there....
I will get another PCM I guess unless someone has a idea for me to try I love experimenting!
Driving it acted like it ran out of fuel and died. It has fuel, cranks strong but won't fire up. I checked everything I could think of. Now my son's 2001 has done the same thing recently and no one seems to know what we need to do.
I would really appreciate your help and known what anyone else has found out when this problem occurred
I've checked everything I could think of now
:sick: :confuse:
The first thing to check in both trucks is the trouble code listing. In both trucks, turn the key to On (but not Start), then quickly cycle to Off (but not Lock)-On-Off-On. In your 94, the Check Engine light will flash in sequence with any codes... example: blink (pause) blink blink is code 12. Code 55 means end of codes, so if that's the only one you get, the truck has not detected any problems. In your son's 2001, you should see the codes in the digital odometer.
If both trucks come up with no codes, my first suggestion would be testing/replacing both batteries. The Cummins needs both batteries at full capacity to get the engine going... "a battery and a half" will crank but doesn't give enough electricity to do the job.
kcram - Pickups/Wagons Host
A recon ecu is about $150 with lifetime warranty. I think I'll just buy it rather than spend another $90 to have it diagnosed by dealer.
Are there any other possibilities?
Recently during a long rain storm my 9 year old son and I were out hitting mud holes in town. The last hole we tried I got high centered and had to call a tow truck to get me out. :-P
The next day the truck was running rough and the check engine light came on. I checked the code and got a P0305 which I researched and found called out misfiring 5th cylinder. I was going to pull out the plug and check the wires but the engine compartment is real dirty from the mud and built up grime so I tried to clean it up by treating the whole compartment with a can of Black Magic Engine Degreaser and Shine. I followed the instructions by spraying it on the motor compartment but avoiding electrical components. I then used a light water spray 15 minutes later to remove it once again trying to stay way from electrical. The engine cleaned up real nice.
However, now the truck won’t start. It will turn over but not start. At first I thought something might still be wet, so I put a fan on the motor. Still no luck, so I let it dry a full day in the Sun. Still won't start. I hooked up my computer again and I'm now getting codes P0300, P0301 and P0305, all of which talk about cylinder misfires. I read up in an online manual and it recommends checking the spark plugs when the motor turns over but doesn't start.
I'm no mechanic, but I can change oil, plugs, belts etc. I've once put a lift kit in on a previous truck. However, my expertise stops there. Drop or rebuild a trany/motor is a little past my experience dial not to mention I don't have the tools. That said, I could use a little guidance with a problem if verifying the plugs and wires are good.
Perhaps I am a fool for letting this go so far, but I actually believed the mechanic when he said the problem was fixed. Now we have a challenge. Can anyone offer a suggestion that may lead me to a resolution?