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1999 Pontiac Grand Am SE brake problems
I have a 1999 Grand Am with 12,000 miles on the
odometer, and has been to the shop twice to have
the rotors turned. This last trip to the service
department. I met a lady that was in for the same
repairs on her car. She had even less mileage on
her car than I have. The question I would like to
ask is, are there any other Grand Am owners
experiencing the same problems? is this a factory
defect in the braking system?
odometer, and has been to the shop twice to have
the rotors turned. This last trip to the service
department. I met a lady that was in for the same
repairs on her car. She had even less mileage on
her car than I have. The question I would like to
ask is, are there any other Grand Am owners
experiencing the same problems? is this a factory
defect in the braking system?
This discussion has been closed.
It also is covered under the warranty. I also drive to work an hour each way, unfortunately I have to cross the Tappan Zee bridge daily so my brakes get plenty of use in stop and go traffic and I think the problem maybe re-occurring. The car currently has 12K on it. Other than that, I haven't had any of the other problems that I know others have had(knock on wood)!
vibrations, etc.). Car had about
8K miles when the problem really started.I'm just now turning the rotors in September 99. Also, my car has been in the shop three times for the following: right side windows trim, left side windows trim and for the clip inside the door which made my windows inoperable. I going to call the dealership owner as soon as possible. They want me to pay( $86 ) for turning the rotors.I have 19k miles on my car and I think the warranty should pay for the service.
With this one exception the car has been great so far knock knock
Good luck, I hope the factory makes good on what is obviously a problem with these cars.
The dealership/GM still won't cop to a design problem and I can't see waiting until the warranty is used up to see if they will permanently repair this problem. I love my 99 SE2 but the brake problem is heating me up. If GM does not make this right I just have one thing to say....can you say LEMON LAW????
I can not begin to tell you how many sets of brakes both front and rear I have put on this car Not to mention sets of rotors due to warping etc. Before I purchased my Lumina, I owned an 88 Cutlass Supreme (front wheel drive) I had the exact same problem and believe it or not, the breaks were even worse. My husband has a 94 Beretta and has replace his brakes 3 times. Do you think that GM might have a problem with their brake design?????
usually only during slow stops...the dealer replaced the rotors right away. but while i had the car in the shop i complained about the interior lining coming off at the windows, which they have to take the car back again to fix, and that the steering wheel seemed off center & that it doesn't "lock" when the car is parked. now, the dealer couldn't find anything wrong with the steering, but can someone tell me if the steering wheel is supposed to "lock"? based on what i've read in the manual, i would assume so. but i can't even get a response from pontiac's web site!
Too bad as I my 1995 GrandAm was such a reliable car.
Thanks David A
This is the second time I had to take my car in for this problem(vibrating/pulsating brakes). It had 8K the first time and 14K this the time. The dealer said that GM doesn't want to replace them. GM wants the dealers to keep resurfacing them(which is pretty stupid since they will become so thin that they need to be replaced anyway! It would be cheaper in the long run to just replace them). Then the dealer said that if I have the same problem again he'll replace the rotors and NOT follow GM's directions(since he thought it was stupid too). I thought to myself at the time that I hope this won't happen a third time, but if it does, maybe the problem would be solved once and for all. Then I read the other postings and it seems that even replacement of the rotors and pads STILL doesn't solve the problem!! I just pray that maybe I'll be lucky, but I doubt it. It's too bad because I do like the car very much.
As for the steering wheel "locking" when the car is parked and turned off, my steering wheel doesn't "lock" either. I also have a 1996 Honda Civic(an excellent car) and the steering wheel on that doesn't "lock" either so I wouldn't be concerned about it.
Haven't had any steering problems ...yet.
THE CAR IS JUNK! It's a lemon. With a price of $23K this should not be going on. I'm now wondering how I can get rid of this thing before it will cost me to much money. BTW. Does anyone know of a government agency we could contact to report this stuff? thanks.
what I can tell you is that all the problems with the brake shimmy is from the front brake rotors getting to hot and warping (twist out of shape due to heat). what can be done to fix this problem acording to the dealers is turning the rotors which ultimately achieves nothing because your just reducing the metal thickness which makes it easier for the rotor to warp again.
yes it true technicly if your 10'000 miles into the vehicle life they don't haft to warranty the brakes; but if usually if you talk to your dealer the'll turn the rotors for free. What we all can do is contact pontiac and see if there going to perform a recall or voluntary upgrade on the front brakeing system.
Take care and good luck!