Hyundai Santa Fe Climate Control Questions and Problems



  • kdahlquistkdahlquist Member Posts: 130
    FYI, the SE has the 3.3L V6, does not have auto climate control, and is available with heated seats (cloth) as part of one of the packages. So you could have gotten a Santa Fe with the 3.3L (no timing belt), no climate control, and heated seats. When I priced one that way, however, I found that it was almost the same price as a Limited, which added leather upholstery, climate control, and a few other nice touches, so I paid the extra few hundred bucks for the Limited.
  • gizzer777gizzer777 Member Posts: 335
    I think you misunderstood, and I was not clear enough. I did get the SE mainly because of the 3.3L engine. I was aware of the premium PKG that had heated seats. Unfortunately, I wanted the Touring Pkg as well and my dealer only had 1 se with that and it was not my color and had the beige interior which would be a huge dirt catcher here. I also did not like the hyundai leather seats and did not like the sound system on the I chose the SE and surrendered on the heated seats...that would not have been ,but the beige interior would have been a deal killer....besides he really wanted to sell one from his lot so he did not have the expense of getting one from the system...He DID make it worth my while!~!! Thanks!
  • rick2456rick2456 Member Posts: 320
    Climate control is easy, but the concept to me is idiotic and to add insult to injury, we have to pay more for it. The climate control system either puts out either hot or cold air depending on the temperature inside the vehicle (and outside). There is no way to get it to put out cool or warm air.

    I prefer to set the manual controls to get the amount of air at the temperature (hot, cool, warm, cold, etc) I want, as opposed to setting the temperature to try and get the amount and temp of air I want. I had it (Hyundai XG350) before and I will never ever get it again. Like someone wrote, to each his own. I am happy, you are happy... good for us.
  • kdahlquistkdahlquist Member Posts: 130
    "The climate control system either puts out either hot or cold air depending on the temperature inside the vehicle (and outside). There is no way to get it to put out cool or warm air."

    Um, wrong. That's true of your home HVAC system, which is either on or off, but not of a car's climate control. Just as with manual controls, an auto climate control blends heated and unheated air (in the case of heating) to achieve varying degrees of "warm", and also varies the fan speed. With my climate control set at 73 degrees, the AC will run at full capacity when I first start the vehicle on a hot day (90+ outside). It will engage the recirc feature, put the fan on high, and blow fully cooled air until the cabin temp gets close to the set point, at which point it drops the fan speed and begins blending heated or cooled air with outside air to maintain the set point. It just does it all automatically without me having to fiddle with the controls.
  • davesuvdavesuv Member Posts: 149
    I agree with you. The Santa Fe is the first car I've owned that actually puts out comfortable air from the vents. Previous vehicles would pump out cold air and I'd always have to point the vents away from me because it was too cold after the initial cooling period. Not so with the Santa Fe. It's almost like some little elf was inside setting the controls perfectly for me. This is true with both the AC in hot weather and with the heater in the winter. Not once have I felt the need to override the climate control because the temperature was uncomfortable. This car has the best automatic climate control I've ever used! (Our Lexus RX350 comes in a close second :) ).

    2007 Santa Fe AWD Limited with Premium and Touring packages
    Dark Cherry Red with beige leather interior
    Aug 01, 2006 build date, Oct 06 purchase, 9000+ miles.
  • bhmr59bhmr59 Member Posts: 1,602
    My '05 Sonata has automatic climate control and it works like a charm, just like mentioned in posts #55 & 56.

    As a side note, my parents had a new '66 Buick LeSabre with climate control. We were driving from CT to FL in the days before the interstates were completed. First night we stopped in Virginia. I had first shift driving on the second day and it was chilly. The heat came on. A hour or so later the system switched over to A/C with no notice of getting too hot or too cold..cabin temp was relatively constant.
  • nifty56nifty56 Member Posts: 279
    Well the temps here have been in the low to mid 30c with high humidity so I thought this would be a good time to test the Santa Fe's A/C. Glad to report it performed very well and had no problem cooling the cabin. A nice surprise.
    an "A-"
  • mpuzachmpuzach Member Posts: 635
    Yup, same here in northern California. On 100+ degree (F) days, it has no trouble whatsoever maintaining a comfortable interior temperature. I'm very pleased.
  • gizzer777gizzer777 Member Posts: 335
    I have the manual AC system in my SE and happy to works great at about 95 here in Northern Nevada..(It will get hotter too!)High Desert Sun is Brutal! I will keep the 10% Humidity ...Thank You :P It does get down into the 50's at night...What a temp swing!
  • sothpaw1962sothpaw1962 Member Posts: 1
    I have an A/C question for everyone with a 2007 Sante Fe:

    With the back seat air vents positioned just to the left and right sides of the front seats, has any of your rear seat drivers mentioned poor A/C circulation? I am not talking about the 3rd row seating here...just the 2nd row of seats and the amount of air that your passengers receive.

  • gizzer777gizzer777 Member Posts: 335
    So complaints. Between the air and the "assist" from the 3rd row vents, the SECOND passenger row appears comfortable.

    I might add that I am pretty happy about the speed that the cabin cools off after sitting in the sun! I open the windows, put the system on High recirc...and in a few minutes it becomes noticeably more comfortable on the way to full comfort! (I do use a windshield sun blocker which helps while the car is sitting)

    I also appreciate those 3rd row vents when bringing groceries/produce home from the market...helps a lot! (My 3rd row seats are usually in the down position for storage aft!
  • somedai1somedai1 Member Posts: 416
    the instructions for automatic should be there (Page 1/135)
    press "mode" and "dual" simultaneously for 3 seconds - let me know if it works - i haven't tried it!
  • somedai1somedai1 Member Posts: 416
    !!! OOOPS - I WAS TALKING ABOUT the '07 - SORRY!!! :(
  • econn1econn1 Member Posts: 2
    I called Hyundai and they looked it up in the manual that matched my car. I had to hold the TEMP down button for at least three seconds, then push the AMB button. Not exactly intuitive, but it worked. Hyundai customer service was very friendly!

    Sounds like 07 may be as confusing as 03. Thanks for trying.
  • stonejd1stonejd1 Member Posts: 2
    I have a similar problem with an '07 Santa Fe. A damp spot appears on the carpet in the area of the passenger's left foot in the front seat. This is directly under the A/C vent, with the water seen to be running down the plastic along the inside of that footwell area.

    Interestingly, a friend with the identical vehicle has the same problem.

    A call to the dealer elicited the reply that "I never heard of this before".

    Anyone have a similar complaint?
  • somedai1somedai1 Member Posts: 416
    not yet...
  • kdahlquistkdahlquist Member Posts: 130
    You have a plugged drain tube. It's a somewhat common problem in any car equipped with A/C. If the drain tube gets plugged or kinked, condensate can't get out and instead backs up until it finds some other way out. In your case, it is getting in the passenger footwell. You need to get it corrected right away, or you can have mold start to develop.

    If you've ever been in an old car that really smelled bad when the air was turned on, it had the same problem.
  • sanibelsanibel Member Posts: 9
    See previous messages 4, 5, 9, 13 & 18. Info there may help. Since I got my Santa Fe out of the shop in June, the air has been fine. :confuse: I still can't explain that one! Hopefully, it will continue working, and I hope you can find a solution to your problem, too.
  • stonejd1stonejd1 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for the prompt response. I was concerned about mold or mildew in the damp carpet and will get the drain tube looked at right away (if I can't find it myself).
  • ejdiffejdiff Member Posts: 2
  • rugzyrugzy Member Posts: 16
    I have a 2007 LTD AWD Santa Fe. Just today the control panel for the climate system has begun to flash like crazy. All the switches and functions still work but all of the button lights and the whole screen flashes intermittently. Obviously this is a warranty issue but I was wondering if anyone else has run into this.
  • rugzyrugzy Member Posts: 16
    Today I went out and did a little investigating and I found out that the climate control panel only flashes when I have the headlight switch in the "off" position and I have the dimmer knob anywhere but full intensity. With the headlight switch anywhere else, the dimmer works and the climate control panel dims as normal with no flashes. I also noticed that there is a strange electrical buzzing noise coming from the engine compartment fuse box when the above conditions are set up for the flashing control panel.

    Very strange.
  • somedai1somedai1 Member Posts: 416
    maybe it's a safety feature to remind you to turn your lights on
  • jcwsbltdjcwsbltd Member Posts: 167
    It shouldn't be doing anything like what you are describing - it sounds like a short or fuse somewhere - the dealer should be easily able to reproduce and check the system. The intensity of the daytime light emission cannot be altered, unless the headlights are switched fully on - the dimmer only works on the headlights on/night time interior light intensity.
  • bluesfbluesf Member Posts: 2
    The above is a quote from page Sec.6-16 of the 2008 Santa Fe's Owner Manual. With the picture, I still do not know how to 'slip the O-ring (at the end of the damper strap) over the clip' without possibly damaging the clip. Q1. Does it need a special tool? Q2. Where can I buy a 'replacement air cond filter (z-fold paper with plastic edge)'? Q3. How much $ for this replacement filter?
  • jcwsbltdjcwsbltd Member Posts: 167
    I didn't bother dropping the compartment all the way down by releasing the damper strap for that reason.

    If you've undone the two "H" clips and the compartment dropped down some, there is just enough room to reach over the top of the door and behind it to the filter compartment.

    Use a flashlight to see the clips on the front filter panel to remove it, then you can pull the filter out over the top of the door.

    When it's out, you simply squeeze the paper filter in the middle and it releases itself from the retaining tabs. Squeeze the new one in the same way and release it so the retaining tabs hold it in place in the tray.

    I got my replacement cabin filter from Pep Boys for around $20.
  • bluesfbluesf Member Posts: 2
    Thanks for the info, jcwsbltd. I'll try your suggestion after I pick up the replacement Z-fold filter from Pep Boys. I have heard the dealer charges $90 for this filter (might include both plastic frame and element). Could this filter be rejuvenated 3 or 4 times with a vacuum cleaner? Or is it a single use disposable?
    How do you squeeze the paper filter in the middle? Fingers? Combination of fingers and L-nose appliers?
    I've undone the two 'H' clips, as well as pinching the front clips to slide out the plastic frame about 45% (when I got stuck). Have not tried to collect and squeeze filter in the middle.
  • dukesdad2dukesdad2 Member Posts: 2
    My new Santa Fe Ltd. has automatic climate control. Is there a way to just have the outside air blowing at different fan speeds? It seems it's either a/c or heater, but not just outside air. Thanks.
  • oscar_gataoscar_gata Member Posts: 96
    Can't you just turn off the Auto function and press the fan button a few times to reach your desired fan speed? :confuse:
  • paulnzpaulnz Member Posts: 16
    I have the same problem as dukesdad2. You would THINK that if the climate control system is off that it would just let the outside air in without heating or cooling it, but that is not the case. The air that comes in the car seems to be heated or cooled based on what the temp setting of the climate control system is(even though you can't see that temp when the system is 'off').

    I have only found two ways to get around the problem:

    1. Push the recirculate button, but then you don't get any outside air into the car.

    2. Set the climate control temp to the same temp as the interior of the car thereby causing it to neither heat nor cool the air. Seems like an awful lot of work just to get some fresh air.

    Have others noticed this same thing? Or do we perhaps have defective Santa Fes?
  • jcwsbltdjcwsbltd Member Posts: 167
    Yep - it's made that way - it's simply attempting to keep the temp at the desired setting. The big question is : is the Auto control really off, if it is switched off?
  • rick2456rick2456 Member Posts: 320
    Remember when heating and cooling your car was simple (simple twist of a knob). This is why I chose the SE instead of the Limited. I absolutely hate auto climate control. It is a huge step backward (in function) and only increases the automakers profit margins.
  • rick2456rick2456 Member Posts: 320
    I have the same vehicle (2007 SE). No complaints here at all and I live in the high humidity of the south.
  • mr_rplmr_rpl Member Posts: 2
    I have an 2003 Santa Fe. A/C started blowing hot air, so I checked the a/c and the freon was low. We charged the system to recomended level. It was just a minute or two after charging the system that we hard a loud noise and a cloud of freon coming from under the hood. It seems like a release valve opened and let the freon out, because we checked the freon level again, and it was low. We charged the system again, and again a cloud of freon was released. Does anyone know what may be causing this problem? Thanks in advance.
  • NY_MaverickNY_Maverick Member Posts: 26
    I can confirm the same conditions on 2008 Limited AWD. The system seems to always be in an ON/SLEEP state even if the fan is not engaged resulting in either HEAT or COOL depending on the ambient temperature.

    I've learned to live with it.
  • aquavishalaquavishal Member Posts: 2
    Hi All,
    I have 2003 Santa Fe LX with 77K miles on it, It has Automatic heatiing and cooling controls installed.
    From the last few days when I started A/C first time in this season, it was not blowing the cold air. I verified it for 5-7 days by turning-on /off A/C but it surely not working.
    I went to Hyundai dealer and had it checked for 100$. He told me that there is some problem with clutch tied with A/C compressor and need to replace clutch and rebuild A/C compressor. I learned that this seems normal wear and tear. Total cost with labor is close to 700$

    Seeing the cost too high, I thought of verifying with my local mechanic. He checked and told me that A/C is not getting power from electronic controls. and need to see where electric current is breaking?? this response was totally different than what was told by dealer - no relation with A/C compressor or clutch.

    now this become complex, I thought of verifying it with Firestone. They also had it checked for 40$ and told the same electric current missing problem. They double checked that A.C and clutch seems fine. They also told me to investigate fully with additional 90$ cost.
    Now I am totally confused. I would have trust authorized Hyundai dealer more than anyone else but this incident is puzzling me.

    I would like to ask other people opinions and have they ever faced such an issue. Maybe any clue about or related to this problem.
    one thing to note here is tht FREON and other things are full and AC unit seems fine.

    Please help
    Thanks and Regards
  • denvertrakkerdenvertrakker Member Posts: 132
    My vote goes with your mechanic. The dealer is taking the path of least resistance - throwing parts at the symptom without understanding the problem. If there's a problem in the controls, then power is not reaching the electric clutch, so it doesn't pull in and activate the compressor. It does have a relation to a/c and clutch, just not the way your dealer told you.

    I would certainly have your mechanic determine what's happening with the controls - that's more likely than a failure of the clutch/compressor assembly (although that's certainly possible).
  • somedai1somedai1 Member Posts: 416
    anybody check to make sure the a/c compressor relay is not the problem?
  • jmartin80jmartin80 Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2005 Santa Fe. The last week or so i have noticed that when i turn my ac on it will blow cold air, but then after i drive for about 15min. the temp of the air will start to get hotter. I have checked the freon level and it says it is at the perfect level. Has anyone run across this problem or have any incite as to what may be causing this.
  • somedai1somedai1 Member Posts: 416
    check to see how the compressor is operating...
  • mpuzachmpuzach Member Posts: 635
    To bring in outside air without heating or cooling it, just:

    Turn the temperature controls to "Lo".
    Make sure that the A/C button is not engaged (green light is not glowing).
    Make sure that the recirculate / outside air selector button is in the "outside air" position.
    Set your desired fan speed.

    As long as the outside air temperature doesn't exceed 59 degrees, no heating or cooling will take place. Keep in mind, though, that if the car has been sitting with a warm engine compartment, you'll need to drive it for a few minutes before the incoming air is no longer being warned by the engine compartment.
  • srz948srz948 Member Posts: 76
    Trying to get fresh air in my Santa Fe LTD was a little annoying at first but I think I have found a way to get fresh air into the cabin without A/C.

    Turn off the AUTO button. Set the MODE to the dash vents. Set the FRESH AIR setting. You now have fresh air coming through the dash vents at the low fan speed. However as soon as you raise the fan speed the A/C compressor will come on even though the A/C light is not lit.(Strange). At this point I press the A/C button and the light comes on. Then I press it again and the light goes off. This sequence seems to shut off the A/C compressor and allow you to adjust fan speed without A/C.
  • fighterfoofighterfoo Member Posts: 1
    I searched through the forums and didn't find a similar problem so I'm posting here.

    My 2005 Santa Fe has automatic climate control, and even when the climate control is off, the fan blows at what seems to be hi-speed all the time.

    The climate control acts normally (blows cold when needs to, looks like it's changing fan speeds when really warm, etc.) but the fan just blows at a constant speed whenever the car is on. Help!
  • tg_santafetg_santafe Member Posts: 1
    My 2003 Santa Fe seems to have an odd AC problem. The air temperature remains cold when running the AC, but periodically the air flow becomes restricted. You can hear the blower still working, the bit of air that comes out of the vents is still cold but you can feel very little air flow. Changing the vent knob to different positons (feet, defrost, etc) does not help. Turning the system off for some time, then back on will fix the problem. Seems to happen more often when it's hot outside. Dealer worked on it, changed the blower door and blower relay. Problem does not happen as often but still occurs a few times an hour when driving.. any suggestions?
  • duhbieduhbie Member Posts: 1
    I realize the previous post was from 2 years ago, but I'm having the same problem now. I want to clean out the drain myself, but can't find it. I've removed the glove box and found the space where the cabin air filter belongs, but can't find how to access the drain. Any help would be appreciated!
  • dspurlingdspurling Member Posts: 1
    I have the same problem. Any suggestions?
  • ecard71ecard71 Member Posts: 1
    Hi dancemom1,

    Did you ever get the correct diagnosis and fix for this problem? I've had my whole a/c dyed, flushed, serviced, but since they can't "duplicate" the problem, I'm still stuck with it. Spent a lot of money for a problem that hasn't been fixed. :mad:
  • david_edmundsdavid_edmunds Member Posts: 1
    i have been having the same issue for over 3 years. mine usually takes over 45 minutes of continous use before it happens and i don't drive it that far very often so i have not bothered to try and get it fixed. (reference your challenges). i am interested in you ever got it fixed b/c it just happened again today in florida?
  • palmcoastg35palmcoastg35 Member Posts: 15
    I purchased a 2010 Sante Fe a few months ago and just recently we are experiencing a problem where the A/C will go off when you are using the windshield wipers. The A/C blows warm air causing the inside to fog up.
    If I shut-off the car and restart the A/C blows cold air again, until it blows again.

    I have been told by the dealership that this is a known issue that the engineers at Hyundai are aware of. Has anybody else have this issue?
  • jmagurejmagure Member Posts: 2
    palmcoastg35, have you been able to correct the problem?
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