Infiniti M35/M45 Audio System

misterjimmisterjim Member Posts: 9
Hi all - I'm interested in getting input from owners of the M35 of their impressions of the audio systems available for this car. The base system is a 6-speaker configuration, and there's at least 2 optional systems - one is a 8 speaker system made by Bose and a second is the 14 speaker surround system also made by Bose.

I was pretty impressed by the sound system in the G35- but that's apparently not the same as what's available for the M35. The M base system seemed to be unimpressive in my test drive, but I haven't heard the two Bose systems. I do know that just because it's a Bose system doesn't make it great---I have one Bose premium system now in my Audi A4 - and it isn't in the same league as the BMW upgraded sound.


  • james27james27 Member Posts: 433
    My last car was an Audi A6 with the Bose system. Two things: the Audi is quieter so you could hear what it did output easier; the Infiniti version is similar, but not identical; the 5.1 channel system of their best system is nice - you have a stereo pair of speakers on each of the front seats. If you have access to music that makes use of the 5.1 sound, then it is really nice. I didn't want to spend that much, and ended up with the 2-channel Bose system. I also spent nearly $1k to add some Dynamat, which made the car significantly quieter.
  • max929max929 Member Posts: 16
    Just keep in mind that the Bose 5.1 surround sound audio (and its specific speakers in the seats etc) is only used by discs played in the DVD player in the center console, not the 6-disc changer in the dash. However, it does sound great and I enjoy playing (listening not watching) concert DVDs etc on the system.
  • golfgod2golfgod2 Member Posts: 53
    I have the 8 speaker system and I think it is very good. I guess the 14 speaker system is probably better but I like to crank it up and the 8 speaker system more than meets my needs. I've also had clients in the car who are in the car stereo business and thought the system was excellent. If you're not an audiophile, I'm sure the 8 speaker system will more than get the job done.
  • gdatlantagdatlanta Member Posts: 5
    I own a 45 sport with the 8 speaker bose. In my opinion it is subpar. How can a 55 k plus car not have a subwoofer?
    I am not happy at all as my former Bose system in a 2004 A6 was much better all around.
    I was not able to get the 14 speaker system in my car at the time I needed vehicle delivery. I don't think it has a sub either?
    Good Luck
  • deekmddeekmd Member Posts: 12
    I have the 5.1 surround on my M35 (14 speaker system). with this system at least, you dont need a subwoofer. The bass is deep and rich without it. I came out of a car with a dedicated subwoofer, and this system is much better. The sounds all around are cleaner and more expansive. I really honestly would say that it is the best sound system of any car I have had, including acura's dvd-audio and mercedes.
  • dhellerdheller Member Posts: 28
    I just got my 2007 M35 a few weeks ago with all the goodies, including the 14 speaker system. I have to say that the Bose system continues to disappoint me in nearly all regards. A car of this caliber (and cost for the premium sound) sure leaves a lot to be desired, particularly if it is not in the 5.1 mode (which, in and of itself, lacks timbre and tonal qualities of such an expensive system). Frankly, my Polk speakers with OEM head unit in a 2005 Chevy Silverado sounds much better on non 5.1 audio. If there is anything that Infiniti can do to upgrade the M series, it is in the audio area - it's a very disappointing aspect of an otherwise great car - IMHO.
  • kivikivi Member Posts: 12
    I would have to agree. We also have a 2007 m35x with 14 spk Bose system, and I think it is significantly inferior to the premium sound systems offered by other car makers. Wifes father has a Mercedes S class which sounds stunning by comparison, as does her mothers audio system in her Jag XJ. We have driven Bimmers in the past and always got the premium sound systems, which I have to say were also superior to the premium sound in the Infiniti. I do like our M, but I was somewhat disappointed with the pseudo premium sound of Bose.
  • james27james27 Member Posts: 433
    One of the prerequisites of a good sound system (IMHO) is a quiet environment so that you can hear the music without competition with engine and road noise...the M's are fairly noisey, so unless you are sitting still, you will never get the full benefit compared with cars that are actually quiet while moving. Given what it has, it's not bad.
  • cdnpinheadcdnpinhead Member Posts: 5,583
    ". . .compared with cars that are actually quiet. . ."

    Hmmm - - good point.

    The 3.5 litre Nissan engine may be thirsty for fuel, but at least it's noisy.

    Before you draw a possibly incorrect conclusion, we have a '04 PF in our household & don't mind the noise so much, though we'd like better fuel mileage. Besides which, the only vehicle I've ever driven over 225K miles is a Nissan product.

    Crude, but effective.
    '08 Acura TSX, '17 Subaru Forester
  • seeker7seeker7 Member Posts: 4
    Hi everyone, first timer. I am planning to purchase or lease a 2008 M35 next month.
    Has Infinity upgraded the stereo? I leased a 2007 on biz a few months ago. I was typical rent a car beat up a little. The throttle from a stop is a real neck jecker. Nomatter how I tried it continued, so I got used to it. I heard they fixed it with a software upgrade. Thanks for reading. I look forward to your wise advice.
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Welcome to CarSpace - glad you found us! :)
  • james27james27 Member Posts: 433
    With the M35x, you do get an option to slow the thottle response down a little if you select the snow mode. This also always starts in 4-wheel drive mode, so I'm not sure how that would affect reliability in the long term. Personally, I let the car start to roll after a stop without touching the gas, then once it's moving accellerate away. Don't know about if they've changed the programming, although it should be easy to do.
  • dhellerdheller Member Posts: 28
    I've had my '07 for 2 months now and find the stereo one of the most disappointing aspects of the vehicle. Bose has never failed to disappoint me in tonal quality or spatial reality of the soundstage. In the M, Bose has gone to new depths of performance. Frankly, my 99 Toyota Avalon had a better system than this vehicle. Oh, and try to explain that to your service advisor to see if there is really a problem - are they all tone death?

    From what I have read, the 08 is basically the same in performance and sound realism.
  • seeker7seeker7 Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for your input. I'll probably still buy it. Maybe I can get a better aftermarket
  • nyarlathotepnyarlathotep Member Posts: 20
    Is there an iPod/mp3 hookup in last year's model?
    If no, is there a way (some sort of aftermarket hardware?) to be able to control an iPod from the nav screen?
  • kobe5kobe5 Member Posts: 1
    I am also wondering if there is an iPod hookup.
  • bocatripbocatrip Member Posts: 194
    I've heard alot of negative criticism on the bose systems for the M. I have an 04 G35 Coupe with the optional bose system and it too had quite a bit of negative reviews. However, for my needs, I actually find it to be ok. I was wondering if anyone is familiar with this system and can compare it to the basic system that comes in the base model M. If it is close in sound quality, I would be fine as I'm planning on purchasing an 08 M35 with no options.
  • seeker7seeker7 Member Posts: 4
    Just picked my 08 M35S, w/ tech pkg. Music is passable, but I have heard better, much better. The tech pkg is worth it alone. Buy one and spend a few bucks at the auto sound shops.
  • jackconlyjackconly Member Posts: 1
    Well, we just bought a 2008 M35X a few days ago and are happy with the sound system. High and low notes are crisp and clear. We've had both good and not so good Bose systems in other cars we've owned, and the eight speaker system on this car is one of the better ones. Don't know if they improved since 2007, but no complaints from us. And we're pretty picky about the sound.

    On a related topic, loading music into the hard drive is a pain -- you've got to do it through CDs -- won't accept recording from a flash drive or I-Pod. This "feature" definitely needs work.
  • xargsxargs Member Posts: 3
    Yes, the Music Box system is a bit of a disappointment. I was expecting to be able to copy music from the Compact Flash slot (or possibly even the iPod) to the internal hard drive. No such luck. The iPod, hard drive, and CF slot are all independent inputs which are completely walled off from each other. This means you also can't do something like have a random shuffle from multiple sources.

    Another problem is the Gracenote database. Any new CDs aren't going to be in it, so you have to enter song information yourself (I just popped in the Hairspray soundtrack, and it wasn't recognized).

    So I guess I'll be sticking to the iPod interface.
  • bocatripbocatrip Member Posts: 194
    I just came back from test driving and listening to the base sysem of an 08 M35. I'm comparing it to the upgraded Bose System I have in my 04 G35 Coupe with premium package and I can say for myself it sounds as good as the system I presently have. I did not get a chance to listen to it at length but it was more than satisfactory for my listening habits which is primarily burned CDs. Everyone has their own tastes, but I remember after purchasing my Bose in my Coupe everyone was trashing the unit. I never understood this as I found it to be fine. I guess it's all subjective.
  • nyarlathotepnyarlathotep Member Posts: 20
    I test drove a M35x the other day. The nav screen listed the XM station but not the actual song that was salesman switched to a seperate screen where the song was listed. Is this correct?
  • xargsxargs Member Posts: 3
    Yes, it's correct. The XM info appears on the main status screen (press STATUS), or on the XM screen. It doesn't appear on the map screen, which is a bit odd since iPod info does appear on the map screen.
  • nyarlathotepnyarlathotep Member Posts: 20
    Hmmm...weird. :confuse:
  • dhellerdheller Member Posts: 28
    Interesting, I too had a 99 Avalon and traded in for a M35. Indeed, I found the Bose on the Infiniti far inferior to the Avalon. The only salvation is XM which broadcasts 5.1 on some channels (periodically). You certainly do have to fiddle with the settings a lot, I find myself jumping in and out of the Center Point settings, for talk shows vs. types of musics, etc.

    I reading many of these posts, I find people say " seems fine...", or "'s okay...", but frankly for what I spent on the M, I would agree, it is far inferior to what it should be in overall performance, particulaly with the very idiotic iPod interface on the back of the console. Whoever dreamed that up, should be escorted to the " designer's funny farm...".
  • nyarlathotepnyarlathotep Member Posts: 20
    I'm looking to lease/buy an '07 M35x. I know this question has been asked before, but is there any way to integrate an Ipod into the existing stereo controls? It seems ludicrous that NOBODY has figured out how to do it in this digital age??? :confuse:
    Is it really that unrealistic to just put the new audio/nav system featured in the '08 into the '07?
    IF that's not possible, does anyone know how cost effective it would be to replace the entire nav unit with one that does? Thanks for help & possible options!
  • seeker7seeker7 Member Posts: 4
    My wife got her Highlander wired at Toyota where she bought it. $150.
    Changing out the whole nav pkg sounds too expensive to me. Good Luck.
  • dhellerdheller Member Posts: 28
    I would expect that to be very expensive (add an 08 Nav to and 07). It would probably be easier to add XM and let it suffice while in the car. Though I am annoyed about the poor iPod interface, I find I rarely take my (new) iPod in the car. There's just so many options on XM and Sirius, I'm not sure I'll ever use iPod again.
  • nyarlathotepnyarlathotep Member Posts: 20
    I'm thinking about an Infiniti, and as a music fan would like to hear about your Pros and Cons of the audio/Nav system...esp. the Ipod interface if you'd be so kind.
  • dhellerdheller Member Posts: 28
    I would rate the audio (Advanced, 14 speaker system) as mediocre, at best. The iPod interface on the back of the console (2007 model) is quite useless, as it doesn't charge the unit, nor provide good fidelity (you have to really crank up the volume).

    I love the M, but the audio system is the most disappointing aspect of it (in my opinion).
  • nicmonicmo Member Posts: 5
    Had an 03 G35 with premium system, now have an 07 M35. The G35 premium system was significantly better than the base M35 system. For an old guy (49) I wasn't looking for lots of volume or bass but there is very little in the base M35.

    Looking to moderately upgrade the system without affecting the radio unit's controls or the warranty. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  • camarykarencamarykaren Member Posts: 1
    HEY I JUST BOUGHT THE M35x AND THE IPOD INTERFACE IS THE LEAST OF YOUR PROBLEMS. PAY EXTRA AND THE WILL GIVE U A CONNECTION FOR THE IPOD I DID. now the navigation cant b programmed when moving . LAWSUITS I HEAR R THE REASON FOR THIS NOW. THE BOSE SYSTEM AND MIND U I GOT THE TOP OF THE LINE ONE WITH THE TECHNOLOGY PKG (5.1 AND 14 SPEAKERS) AND BROTHER IT SUCKS. FIRST place its a bose no high no lows it must b a bose, the mids r so high its annoying and im not a guy who has to hear thumping base but there's hardly any to speak of and it just not a great acoustic sounding system at all, Please dont let this stop u from buying it except for the sound and the gas( 12 mpg in the city) its a awesome looking and riding car.
    i just bought this puppy in march and already i'm thinking about ripping out the speakers and putting in some Polk Audio SR series speakers like i had in my old camry . Sweet. PS if u can go listen to the Mark Levinson system in the Lexus . TOTALLY AWESOME SOME OF THE SWEETEST ACOUSTIC I EVER HEARD IN A CAR. so clean its amazing . GOOD LUCK.
  • nicmonicmo Member Posts: 5
    Just had installed JL Audio coax in the front doors. This alone with the stock amp provided the highs that were missing. These even provided some bass. What came out was the cheapest speakers I have ever seen. Must weigh a total of 6 ozs. each. Then a hole was cut where the factory sub would go and covered with the Bose grill. A JL Audio 75x4 amp was added with 75 watts going to each front speaker and 75x2 bridged to a JL Audio flat wedge. Sounds 100% better, for the most part can't be seen and does not take up hardly any room.
  • alanpreston05alanpreston05 Member Posts: 36
    I know some people have been asking, but I haven't seen any replies to the question of whether it is possible to add an iPod connector to the factory Bose premium system in the '06 M35x. I have the Nav system but no rear seat DVD, but there are AUX inputs and a power/cig outlet at the rear of the console. I use that now to hear my iPod through the stereo, but of course it's not a true "connector". It would be great to be able to actually control the iPod via the steering wheel controls and see the display on the nav screen. Has anyone been able to do this? Is there an aftermarket or OEM solution out there? Thanks.
  • odumonacoodumonaco Member Posts: 5
    How is the sound quality when you plug your ipod into the AUX inputs behind the console? I really want to buy a used M35 but I wasn't sure that the inputs they put back there actually sound decent.
  • alanpreston05alanpreston05 Member Posts: 36
    Actually it's excellent. I experimented with a few different cable and power cord configurations until I found one that has both RCA (sound) and a power adapter with an iPod connector on the other end. Before I found this one, there was a fair bit of engine interference noise but that has been dramatically reduced with this new cable. This way I am not using the headphone jack of the iPod, only the power/synch connection point on the bottom. Less cord mess and also better sound since the Bose system is controlling all volume (no volume used on the iPod itself). Found it on eBay - here's the item link: 3AMEWN%3AIT&viewitem=&item=220217750394&rd=1

  • ltcadviserltcadviser Member Posts: 38
    Am I understanding correctly that to take full advantage of the 14 speaker system, I was supposed to be playing my cd's in the dvd drive in the armrest, not in the 6 disc changer for the last 2 years?! :sick:
  • 442w30442w30 Member Posts: 2
    I did not know you could play cd's in a dvd player! Any body actually try this?
  • walt18walt18 Member Posts: 54
    I was told to buy digital audio cd's but I never could find any so I don't know.
  • barryendbarryend Member Posts: 121
    I played video DVD of music performances and I bought a DVD audio on Ebay that I enjoyed.

    The sound system is great with Dolby Digital 5.1 audio encoded media. But I think the speakers are only fair. CDs are PCM encoded 2 channel as are the audio tracks of some DVD/CD mixed media. I doubt which CD drive would matter since the media limit the number of channels.

    Bose is overhyped junk.
  • navyscponavyscpo Member Posts: 20
    I am very disappointed with the Bose Stereo. I have the standard system with the M35AWD. Sounds muddled at times. My wifes Ford Focus has a better sounding system. Never again. If I didn't have a leased vechicle, I would have swapped the speakers out the first week I owned it.
  • walt18walt18 Member Posts: 54
    Does the subwoofer work without having to play a digital audio cd? Someone told me that the only speakers that will play with a regular cd or ipod is the 4 door speakers and that the other ones only work when watching a movie. If so I will not get the 14 speaker system cause it will be a waste of money.
  • palincalpalincal Member Posts: 4
    All 14 speakers including the subwoofer work all the time. You can take a regular CD with you and play it while test driving. You can hear the sound coming from the seat speakers. Having 14 speakers (especially the seat speakers) does add lot of depth to the sound.
  • reinsteinreinstein Member Posts: 11
    Hi everyone. I just bought a 2008 M35x and I would like to upgrade the sound system if possible. I have no experience so any and all advice is welcome.

    I mostly listen to Jazz and Classical so am not interested in big base sound. I am mainly interested in clarity, presence etc. (My former cheap honda accord system sounded better..perhaps due to in-dash tweeters). I also would like to do as little as possible to mess up the electronics to improve things.

    Another main goal would be to be able to hear the bluetooth phone calls I get more clearly (with hindsight I probably should have gone for the advanced tech package with speakers near my ears in the seat). I think tweeters would help here.

    So, what should I try first. Would simple door speaker upgrades help me accomplish this?

    Are there replacement upgrades for the dashboard speakers (I did not see any on crutchfield site).?

    Can I get tweeters installed relatively easily given available holes?

    How important is a new amplifier? And for that, it would mean a digital processor etc I assume? this would all take up extra real estate which is pretty limited in the M35.

    Thank you Thank you.
  • nicmonicmo Member Posts: 5
    I listen mostly to contemporary jazz. Just changing the front door speakers was an improvement but going a little further the least expensive way for me was to change out the front door speakers (JL-Audio 6.5"), used a JL Audio slim box subwoofer (mounted in the trunk up against the back seat), and a JL Audio 4x75 watt amplifier (bridged two sides for the sub and 75 watts to each door). Determined the stock tweeters were good enough and that changing the back door speakers, since passive only, did not upgrade the sound enough to warrant the money. I tried a slim line sub in the back deck but there was to much rattling no matter how much sound dampner we installed. I bought the stock cover for the hole and this ended up creating enough pass through for the bass box. Sounds 100% better. Not huge amounts of bass but much more than stock and the box does not take up hardly any room. The installer was great and we experimented with various set ups until I was satisfied.
  • reinsteinreinstein Member Posts: 11
    My new M35x (2008) has a reasonable iTunes interface and it seems to recognize and interface well to my 60GB IPOD (5G). Since it also charges it I plan to simply leave it hooked up in the car.
    MY Problem (and question) relates to the fact that I have ALOT of music... something like 950 Albums appear on my Navigation Screen when I select ALBUMS in the iTunes interface!! This is not a problem on the iPod which allows a super fast scroll through the selections or even (with newer iPods, a selection of the 1st letter of the Album for fast retrieval).

    However, the Infiniti iTunes interface always displays in alphabetical order, and even with the fast scroll through the albums, it takes several minutes to select an album that begins with the letter M (such as Marley, or Mendelson).... let alone getting to play something by Sting (S). !!!

    There needs to be a much faster scroll for this to be used with larger music collections!!!!

    Are there any hints or workarounds for this problem? I have not thought of any yet and would appreciate the help.

    (Do engineers at Infiniti listen to any of this feedback for future updates?)

  • dhellerdheller Member Posts: 28
    I'm starting down the same path, and have all but decided to go the Inifinty CS in the front doors and standard 2 way Infinity in the rear doors. They are the only 2 ohm available from multiple sources at discount prices. They come with high reviews. From what I understand, if you want to do more than this, then you have to get into the DSP from JL Audio or something similar. Too much for what I am trying to accomplish.

    Let us know how it comes out for you !
  • reinsteinreinstein Member Posts: 11
    What do you think the sound improvement will be like?

    Also, with regard to phone calls, I keep the volume on Max and with the road noise i still sometimes have trouble. Do you think these will help? Have you thought about adding tweeters?
  • wsulli78wsulli78 Member Posts: 3
    I am extremely unhappy with the audio sound of my 2008 M35x. I recently traded my 2005 FX35 for the M. The FX Bose system really had great sound. I am totally unhappy with the sounds like a clock radio. I am looking to upgrade the sound. Nothing loud, just a more rich and defined sound. Does any one have any suggestions?
  • reinsteinreinstein Member Posts: 11
    i had same problem.
    just swapped out front door speakers for Infinity speakers. This made a huge improvement. Especially the tweeters.
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