Mazda CX-7 Starting Problems

First of all I am very impressed with this site and some of the posts I have read. Bought a new cx7 2.5 months ago, about 3 weeks ago I noticed a problem that has occured pretty well every morning. When I start my cx7 it starts fine, I go to drive it down the road and it is if there is no gas coming into the vehicle. It jerks, makes a terrible noise and moves very slowly. Almost as if I was running out of gas. I pull over and put into park and hit the gas pedal a few times and within 5-10 mins it is fine.
Only happens when the car is cold...I do experience the lag I read about which I now know it is normal..I use the recommended octane gas, I do not drive hard
Made appt to bring into dealership and wonder if anyone can give me some suggestions or thoughts so I can be prepared?
Someone mentioned that Mazda engines have to be re programmed?
Thanks for your time,
First of all I am very impressed with this site and some of the posts I have read. Bought a new cx7 2.5 months ago, about 3 weeks ago I noticed a problem that has occured pretty well every morning. When I start my cx7 it starts fine, I go to drive it down the road and it is if there is no gas coming into the vehicle. It jerks, makes a terrible noise and moves very slowly. Almost as if I was running out of gas. I pull over and put into park and hit the gas pedal a few times and within 5-10 mins it is fine.
Only happens when the car is cold...I do experience the lag I read about which I now know it is normal..I use the recommended octane gas, I do not drive hard
Made appt to bring into dealership and wonder if anyone can give me some suggestions or thoughts so I can be prepared?
Someone mentioned that Mazda engines have to be re programmed?
Thanks for your time,
Adding to what carlitos recommended, keep detailed records - it's wise no matter what car you own.
Hi,I have exactly the same problem with my CX7.I bought the car 3 weeks ago and it happens twice so far.First they told me that they have to do some settings?!?!?!But the next day it happens again.Now it's in the service and they don't know what is the problem.Please let me know if you find something....
Thanks a lot,
I will update you in few days.
Here's what the district manager told me:
· The drive belt had been installed 1 tooth to engine side over the edge of pulleys, this caused the belt to be torn off at about 1/6 width (1 tooth).
· Some pieces of belt materials and fuzz stuck/touched the crank position sensor and trigger wheel and would then interrupt the crank sensor signal momentary. (approximately 50 milliseconds)
· The Powertrain Control Module would detect the momentary loss of signal from the crank sensor and would kill the fuel injection, which was causing the jerking.
There were issues with an "IMRC valve" recall; I think it just affected the 2007s, but cold weather made this defective part act up and cause real problems.
Sorry for the delay! The dealer finally found my problem with my cx7. I had it in 3 times, the first two times they had it overnight and did all the usual stuff. Computer downloads, flashing this and that and nothing worked. I finally left it with them for 9 days and the problem ended up being my fuel pump. (High efficiency fuel pump which had to be ordered from Dallas)
I can get more detailed info if anyone needs them. Have fun driving..
I feel for what your going through! Do what I did...tell them you are leaving your cx7 with them till the problem is fixed and arrange for the use of a loaner car. If they do not have this service available find a dealership that does....There is a fix, be patient and I wouldn't go buying the lemon air freshener just yet.
I know how frustrated I was, but my cx7 is running perfect now. Drop it off and tell them to fix it. Keep me posted!
Thanks Charlie32
The car was running fine last night. No warning lights.
I'vew tried starting it in Park and in Neutral, checked the battery terminals, tried the remote start. Nothing. Not the slightest sign of life. ALthough I don't think the battery is dead (lights go off automatically), I will put it on a trickle charge just in case.
Of course, I rather suspect that some expensive electronic thing is at fault. BUt I'd appreciate any suggestions other members might have.
Call Mazda free roadside assistance.
Fun to drive, but so not worth it. I think I am going to follow your lead and put a lemon air freshener in it....maybe then it will get the message LOL.
In regards to the engine light, for me, it has been the gas cap. A friend of mine who also has a Mazda with high mileage (not CX7) has also had the same problem. I just make sure to push in the gas cap and turn it so it clicks 4 - 5 times. The light rarely comes on any more, and when it does, adjusting the cap fixes the problem.
Occasionally, the car just won't start. No "clicking" like a dead batter no nothing. BUT, the radio, lights, etc. all work.
I've had it into Mazda (third time today) and they keep telling me there's no problem. They called a while ago and said there's a bad wire somewhere and in certain positions it will cause the car not to start.
Previously they checked battery, started, solenoid, connections, etc.
Hope they fix it this time, because I'm getting gun shy every time I start the car. I'm afraid of getting stuck again!
We are having the same issue when we fill up with gas only then it runs fine. I have not taken it in but seems like something with the fuel pump or maybe when we had the air filter changed at the valvoline oil change place.
Did you have any luck locating the problem?
I am having the same problem with my 2007 Mazda CX7. About 5 months ago, it was running great and when I turned it off it would not start- power to everything, all lights windows and remote worked but not even a click when trying to start. It seemed like the car was left in drive and the ignition would not work. I tried unhooking the battery ( to try and reset the computer), rocking the car, investigating fuses, moving the shifter from park to neutral with no luck. I left the car in the parking lot and next day I arrived with some tools to check out the starter - I thought I better try and start it one more time and it fired right up after sitting all night. It gave no more problems until last night and the same thing happened - I tried a few things and nothing worked and then in the morning it fired up ( this time I had to try the ignition 3 times before it worked) - It ran fine today and has started on each occassion today. I phoned 4 Mazda dealerships today and no-one could give me a solution. Did you find a solution for your Mazda Cx7 not starting? I was told to 1) check the connections on my starter for corrosion, 2) check the shifter cable where it goes into the transmission and see if it is sticking giving the car the signal it is still in gear 3) in the mazda 3 it was the indicator in the shifter so perhaps I should check the shifter. I'm at a loss for a solution. I may call a few more dealers tomorrow for ideas. Can anyone help me out?
Is the mechanic correct?
the car has over 80K miles, but I don't expect these issues at all....
any help will be appreciated... the local mechanic is telling me its the starter. based on the various post, it may not be the starter at all.
It was a purge valve stuck open causing excessive vacuum leaking
part is L33L-18-740B VALVE SOLENIOD
I found the problem with my 2007 CX 7 that was having the starting issue. I looked at the wiring harness at the starter motor and the one grey wire that comes out and clips onto the solenoid must have been corroded. I simply unlocked/unclipped the grey wire connection at the solenoid and cleaned the connection and the clip with some fine sand paper/emery cloth and clipped it back together. Touch wood but it has started every time since ( about 3 months ago now).
Is mazda even aware?