Hyunda Azera Transmission Questions
Our '07 Azera accelerator has a problem when pushed to W.O.T. (wide open throttle), it stays there! (Almost brings on screaming flashbacks of 60s-70s-80s Chevy V8s with broken motor mounts!) It's happened to me a dozen times or more, mostly when trying to pass, or merge safely into a fast-moving flow of freeway traffic. Only occasionally does it NOT stick.
It was checked by the dealer who "lubed the cable", which seemed to handle it, but only for a couple of days. Then it was back to its old tricks.
When the frequently-noted "hesitation" is combined with the sticking accelerator, the vehicle is a real handful. I've instructed my wife re. how to deal with it should it occur, but I sure hope it doesn't. Just the hesitation is very dangerous, but in combination with a delayed but stuck W.O.T. the threat of the potential damages are all too real.
When the Azera visits the dealer again this week (dealer also denies it has suspension 'clunking, hesitation, or rough idle!), I'll definitely take a service writer and/or tech for a test ride to eliminate their perceptual difficulties.
Any other Azera owners experienced the sticking accelerator syndrome?
It was checked by the dealer who "lubed the cable", which seemed to handle it, but only for a couple of days. Then it was back to its old tricks.
When the frequently-noted "hesitation" is combined with the sticking accelerator, the vehicle is a real handful. I've instructed my wife re. how to deal with it should it occur, but I sure hope it doesn't. Just the hesitation is very dangerous, but in combination with a delayed but stuck W.O.T. the threat of the potential damages are all too real.
When the Azera visits the dealer again this week (dealer also denies it has suspension 'clunking, hesitation, or rough idle!), I'll definitely take a service writer and/or tech for a test ride to eliminate their perceptual difficulties.
Any other Azera owners experienced the sticking accelerator syndrome?
If my car experienced that type of problem I would immediately contact the dealer and Hyundai and not drive it until I was assured that the problem had been corrected.
Also, ask him to reset the computer so that it learns & adjusts to your typical driving style. Azera's transmission 'learns' and adapts the the transmission to driver's style & stores the information. Maybe the previous owner was heavy-footed.
Find out the law in your state and follow the guidelines, and either Hyundai fixes it or is forced into buying it back.
Good luck.
Another path to take my be the Better Business Bureau.
I drive the car pretty gently, therefore the adaptive transmission in my car has learned to hold higher gears in the interest of economy. However, if I go to anything over half throttle under the abovementioned conditions, the car will unlock the converter and drop to 4th gear. It is difficult to get a downshift to an even lower gear without flooring it though, and there's quite a delay in that, too. That does become a problem when I need lots of acceleration, such as when merging unto a freeway after traversing a ramp at around 35-40MPH. On one ramp in particular, where at certain times of the day I anticipate heavy freeway traffic, I have to use the tiptronic and manually select 2nd or 3rd - it's just the nature of the beast.
Other posters have suggested a reflash of the transmission, but my feeling is that it will soon adapt and operate exactly the same as before. IMO, if you purchased your car used then a reflash may be in order so that it can adapt to your particular driving. Otherwise, do what you're doing and try to anticipate a situation where the car needs to be in a lower gear and use the tiptronic.
Can someone tell me when (mileage) the transmission fluid needs to be changed?
The owner's manual seems to be confusing about this.
Dealer service people did not detect any faults and reset the defaults in shift-values. the problem did not go away.
any suggestions you have are very welcome!
My reason for this suggestion... my 2006 (with just over 145k miles) began running roughly (at highway speed) and almost seemed like it would cut off as I slowed down. Pressing the gas pedal made the car speed up, but slowly and the car would shudder as it did. I stopped, turned it off and disconnected the battery, re-connected after a few minutes...beleive it or not, the car ran find afterwards.
If that doesn't do anything for you, I would suggest a transmission specialist to take a look at it. I have heard that some Hyundai technicians don't like to find problems they will have to repair. They would rather make you think you need to get a new car instead.
Keep us posted.