2008 Jeep Wrangler

mb789mb789 Member Posts: 89
Have the TIPM stalling problems been fixed with the 2008 Wranglers?

I am trying to decide on a 2007 or a 2008 Wrangler, but I didn't want to buy one that may have stalling problems.


  • har57har57 Member Posts: 6
    Yes, there was a recall for the 2007's. I just got a 2008 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited X 4Door.
  • cwdobbercwdobber Member Posts: 12
    I ordered an Unlimited X back on July 18th, took delivery yesterday. Well worth the wait.

    hard top (hoping it won't leak)
    s package
    power convenience group
    7 speaker group
    anti-spin diff
    flame red
    6 speed
  • bookittybookitty Member Posts: 1,303
    We have just traded my trusty 200 Dodge Dakota Quad cab 4X4, V8, 5 speed, limited slip (and on and on) for a 2008 Wrangler Unlimited 4X4 Sahara with manual transmission, limited slip and the tow package. I would have preferred the 3:21 rear(s), but this was as close as I could come to a metallic Jeep green Sahara with manual. Expect to take delivery on Tuesday (11/13). We still have my wife's 1999 Jeep wrangler (Sport) which stays here in FL and her 2007 Liberty that we leave at our beach house in New Jersey (we are there for 5 months a year). I am very excited because I have wanted a 4 door convertible for years, and the last one to be built here I believe, was the 1962 Lincoln with suicide doors. Please wish me luck, and I will post from time to time to let others know of my experience. Thanks.

  • jeepunlimitedjeepunlimited Member Posts: 9
    Congrats on your purchase of the new Wrangler Unlimited. I love my Unlimited Sahara and get tons of compliments on it. I think you will just love it. Keep us posted when you get it! 0lllllll0..only in a Jeep!
  • bookittybookitty Member Posts: 1,303
    Thank you for your very encouraging and welcoming post. We are looking forward to our third Jeep.

  • bookittybookitty Member Posts: 1,303
    We took delivery of the new 2008 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (Sahara) 4X4 6 speed manual with all standard equipment and the following options. The limited slip rear axle which we did want, and the tow package, which we didn't want. Would have preferred the 3:21 ratio and added the tow hitch ( easy bolt on installation along with the wiring kit) later. The rear windows would not power down, and the Sirius radio would not play. The technician thought it was a switch, and the switch was ordered. I had an appointment set for Friday (yesterday). They would give me a loner while my new Jeep was repaired. The windows as it turned out, were not plugged into the wiring harness, and they fixed that. The Sirius radio problem turned out to be a pinched (and broken) antenna cable and that part is supposed to come in today and at this point in time, will be ready mid-afternoon. The dealership is really knocking themselves out to service us, and in all fairness, this vehicle was brought in from a dealership some 500 miles distant and was "prepped" prior to bringing it to the local dealer (Douglas Jeep in Venice, FL). We have no complaints with Douglas Jeep whatsoever. Love the vehicle, and the way it feels and handles thus far. Also, we were prepared to pay cash, or source a third party car loan (5.99%) but Chrysler just that day came out with a 0% loan package for 36 months. Free money! Sorry for such a long post, but needed to vent.

  • bookittybookitty Member Posts: 1,303
    Douglas Jeep in Venice Florida went the extra mile to get my Wrangler back on the road. They loaned me a 2008 loaded Liberty and worked Saturday to repair the antenna for the satellite radio (they fixed the rear window problem yesterday. A great dealer! Love my Wrangler(s).

  • 1marcello31marcello3 Member Posts: 3
    Just purchsed a brand new 08 Unlimited.
    After 400 miles the "electronic throttle control" light came on. Great!!!
    Called the dealer and got the answer I expected: "Never had that problem before" It's winter and I live at 9000 feet and can't go without a 4x4 for who knows how long. Enough venting...
    I followed the owner's manual and cycled the key on and off and sure enought the light was off. It came on while driving and the loss of power kicked in. Pulled over, cycled the ignition with the same result and kept going.
    From the research that I have done, it seems to be a connection issue. The problem seems to arise when I turn the ingition to start. Sure enough, the light comes on. If I turn the car to "on", then let all the dash instruments turn off prior to starting, it seems to do fine. That's about all that I have determined thus far. This problem also seemed to start as soon as the temperature dropped.
    I need to find out where the ETC unit is and check the connection.
    The Jeep has only 600 miles on the odometer, so I will keep checking or see if I can narrow the problem. I would like to have this taken care of outside of the Chrysler Sevice Department, mainly due to the answers I have received over the phone and the horror stories I have read about.
    If anyone has had this issue resolved I would appreciate some help.
    Thanks :mad:
  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    Consider writing up a review in Dealer Ratings and Review!

    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • 08jk08jk Member Posts: 1
    Have two questions:
    1) Has anyone figured out how to random play music on the 6-disc. systems?
    2) I have the 6-disc. with 7 infinty speakers and get a thump sound with some songs. Play Kid Rock Cowboy around the 1 minute mark and a thump like the speakers are blown. Went to dealer and tried other jeeps with same system and all of them did it. Does anyone have the same problem and how did you fix it?


  • clarkkentclarkkent Member Posts: 154
    Glad you like your Wrangler. What did you think of the 08 Liberty???

  • pirategirlpirategirl Member Posts: 2
    Hey there fellow Jeepers.........I am one unhappy one right now. I bought my 3rd Jeep on 11/23/07, a 2008 X with a Freedom Top. My 2001 was on his way out the door and I needed something quickly. My other 2 Jeeps have been soft tops, never had water problems, 2 weeks after owning this one I have some droplets forming where the left roof panel meets the right at the windshield. It's now been back to the dealership twice, with the last visit just this past Monday 12/31. Today, I go out and what's going on.....yes, it's leaking again. Is this a common probem, or does the dealership I go to just staff *****. The service person informed me that "If it were to happen again, we would order these 3 parts" and gave me the part numbers. So if anyone has any comments or suggestions I would sure appreciate it, because my BP is about through the roof right now.

  • jr318jr318 Member Posts: 17
    Hi i bought my 08 in October 2007 its been back to the dealership 3 times for the same leak! Just got it back on thursday of this week im hoping they fixed it this time.The water was running right acrossed my dash..Although i love the ride im not at all happy with the leak.I am really triing to keep my kool with the dealership but i dont think that they are treating it as a big deal..To me it is a huge deal its brand freckin new.ill keep you posted..and if they fix yours correctly let me know what they did! Tack care J
  • pirategirlpirategirl Member Posts: 2
    J - may I ask what state you live in? I'm from OH and bought the Jeep from Brunswick Auto Mart. A friend of my brothers has the same problem with his that he purchased from there. Just curious. What work was done? They told me that they 'modified the seal' and that it never leaked for them under pressure test. Just wondering if you had the same explanation or put off that I had. I'm calling tomorrow to get it in again.

    I'll keep you posted.
  • unclelowellunclelowell Member Posts: 2
    Was your Jeepster built on Friday? Did you know that if you call Chrysler Customer service that can not only tell you the day of the week it was built, but the exact date your car was born. Another birthday party to celebrate in the family! :)
  • unclelowellunclelowell Member Posts: 2
    My 08 Wrangler Unlimited X top leaked after I drove it through a high pressure car wash. The drips came down in a semi steady stream just over the radio cover. I called Chrysler customer service and they said they do not recommend high pressure car washes- so I've stayed away from them. The vehicle has since been involved with some heavy rain storms without any problems. The 2007 Wrangler forum suggests that there is a proper sequence to follow when installing the front top pieces after you take it off- I think the sequence is spelled out in your owner's manual. I believe my leak was caused by a curious prospective customer that loosened the long turning screw overhead and did not torque it back down. :)
  • haylehayle Member Posts: 1
    Just bought my first jeep (never will again at this point) Chrysler is very hard to deal with. Got my brand new Jeep Wrangler X on Friday by Saturday the engine light came on, called the dealership right away and they said they just filled up the tank with gas and probably the cap was not put on right. Reasonable explanation: by Monday engine light was still on. Called the dealership they came to my employment picked up my Jeep and put it on the computer and it showed codes for a transmission problem. Now this Jeep only has 40 miles on it. The service department called Chrysler for the codes on the computer to see what the problem was. Chrysler never called them back until late Tuesday night and probably wouldn't have called then if I didn't call the customer hotline and find out why. Well the code said it was a sensor in the transmission. The sensor was overnighted to the dealership and on Wednesday when the service manager pulled the transmission it was not a bad sensor, the factory built transmission is garbage. So on this brand new Jeep with only 40 miles on it has to have its transmission rebuilt. In the mean time Chrysler would not even authorize the dealership to give me a loaner car. If the dealership did not feel guilty over the Jeep, they gave me a SUV to use because I live in the mountains and no normal car gets me were I am going. So has anyone else had transmission problems with their new Jeeps and problems dealing with Chrysler???
  • tcs2tcs2 Member Posts: 11
    Same problem here. Bought mine on 1/1/08. Radio and Sat play fine. But when you put in a good cd or play hdd, thump, thump, thump. My dumbass dealership said it was the receiver. So they replaced it. Didn't even test it before I picked it up cause it did the same thing. So this time, they said it must be the speakers. So they ordered all new speakers and sub. Well guess what, that will not fix it either but I'm gonna let them put new speakers in anyway. This has the makings of a factory recall in my opinion. What ever happened to yours? Thanks.
  • tcs2tcs2 Member Posts: 11
    I bought mine 1/1/08 and has been in once for the leak problem. They said it was fixed. Rain storm yesterday proved them wrong. Jeep still leaks at the same point I am reading about in the forum. I immediantly drove to the dealership right around the corner from my work and showed them the leak. Now, they want to try again. Does anybody know if this problem is fixable? And any info for me to tell the dealership to help them along. This is a hugh Chrysler dealership and I would have expected they knew what they were doing.
  • jr318jr318 Member Posts: 17
    Hi they put a new seal around the door jams it has been a problem with them they had a few in at my dealership plus a few more in my area.I bought from advantage jeep Troy NY you can have them call the service department.They will know what you are talking about because mine has been there 4 times 3 do to the leak.But the leak across my dash board seems to be fixed.3 times the charm! Maybe... One would hope!
  • jr318jr318 Member Posts: 17
    A few weeks now and no leaks(3 time the charm) The door jams do drip into the jeep when you have the door open they told me the jeep has water exit holes under carpet WTF is that,, still moist and damp smell The service deptment were i bought mine is awful unless the sevice manger moves on i will never buy another thing from there..All she cared about was the surveys...I no why cuase they stink.
  • tcs2tcs2 Member Posts: 11
    It is so strange hearing your experience because I am going through the exact same thing. Even the survey stuff. My dealership in Memphis, TN is scared to death that I am going to blast them on a survey. Which I am! So next week will be my 2nd visit for this problem. After hearing your situation, I am allready preparing myself for the 3rd visit. Please keep me posted if your leak starts again.
  • tcs2tcs2 Member Posts: 11
    And you wonder why Chrysler Corp is having problems? I just hope they stay alive long enough to fix my jeep!
  • jr318jr318 Member Posts: 17
    Call the Troy NY Dealership I really do think they have it this time.It rained here pretty hard yesterday and no problem.My leak was right by the windsheild were the lilttle speaker is on the drivers side.I put a tissue under the specker to be sure it wasnt getting wet.No water so far.. Good luck to you.Also with the problems i still love it.Sending in bad survys arent you afraid if you take it back what they may do to it?
  • tcs2tcs2 Member Posts: 11
    I really like my jeep too. Even with the hassel of getting it fixed. I am not affraid at all of being honest on a survey. It can only help them be better. There are other Chrysler dealerships in Memphis that I can use if I get totally fed up with this one. This one is just so close to my office which makes it nice. My service tech is doing a great job, but once my jeep goes to the back, I'm not so sure.
  • jeepboy08jeepboy08 Member Posts: 49
    As the title says, I am going to buy a Wrangler, but first, I want to talk to people who have bought wranglers in the past.

    here are my main questions:

    1) I drive a 2005 Dodge Neon SXT, 5-speed manual, and I have never driven a manual SUV. Is it much different than that of a sports car?

    2) Pros and Cons of the 2007-2008 Wrangler?

    3) We also own a 2005 Jeep liberty, Special Edition, 3.7L 4X4, 5-speed manual. Does the 2008 Wrangler drive anything like the 2005 Liberty?

    Please answer ASAP!
  • tcs2tcs2 Member Posts: 11
    This is our first Jeep Wrangler to own and we love the vehicle. It's fun to drive and we can't wait till summer when we can shed the top. Our's is automatic, so can't help you there. We got the 4 door loaded with every option Jeep has including the premium sound package with navigation and a hard drive. As you can read in my other post, we have had problems with a leak where the front two tops meet the windshield and also with a thumping noise in the stereo when playing cd's or mp3's with a lot of base. Once my dealership figures out how to fix those problems, we will be set....I hope! We bought the extended warranty of 100k miles to cover the electronics. I would do this if you buy one with the upgraded sound system. Also, have the sales person give you a lesson on removing and installing both the hard top and the soft top. Do this before you sign the contract because afterwards, they treat you totally different!
  • jeepboy08jeepboy08 Member Posts: 49
    Yes, the lessons would be a great idea. Have you taken it off road yet? If not, is it a 4X4?

    I need any information that I can get. I really like the car, but I am scared that if I buy one for my wife behind her back, she may not like it. I am going this week to test drive them, but I don't want to waste any of my time.

    Thanks, Trevor.

    P.S. In our 2005 Liberty, we are not able to take our dog Rockie (black lab) with us when we go off roading, because the interior of the truck is not washable with a hose, nor is it easy to clean mud out of. Is the wrangler much different? Would I be able to hose it down without worrying about it rotting, or about that mildew smell?
  • tcs2tcs2 Member Posts: 11
    Mine is 4x4, but I have not tested it off road yet. I am 100% confident that this Jeep will handle great off road. As for buying a car without your wife seeing it first...now that's could be a million dollar question! As for my experience, I shopped many makes and models. Took my wife one day to look and drive every one of them. Then I saved this Jeep for the last stop. I stayed in the showroom and let her drive it with the salesman. She only said two words when she got back. BUY IT. That's all I needed. Sent her home and I left with the Jeep shorly after.
  • kella23kella23 Member Posts: 1
    I order my fully loaded automatic 2007 Sahara in May 07, and after much run around from the dealership, it finally arrived 6 months later (to the day!) in October. As if the wait was not bad enough, my Freedom Top was leaking right onto my NAV system and into the vents on the dashboard. I immediately brought it back to the dealership to be fixed. It took 4 tries for them to finally fix it!

    The first time they service department "gooped" all the seals, hoping to fill in the leak. The second time, they followed the instructions per "service bulletin" that Chrysler released in December. This did not work either. The third time they replace all the seals and the valves. Again, this did not work. Finally, after much frustration on my and the service manager's part, they called Chrysler corporate to send a tech out to look at it and (successfully) fix it. Apparently in order to successfully fix most leaks the adhesive (or goop as they called it) actually needs to be squeezed in between the seals and roof tops and not just put on the grooves of the seals. Since they have done this I have not seen a single drop of water! It has rained heavily for the past 3 days and still my dash is dry.

    I strongly recommend anyone who is going through this issue to have your service department call the regional Chrysler representative to have a tech come out. It is a win for you and the dealership, as the the tech who fixed my Jeep taught the whole service department how to properly apply the sealant, thus preventing the need for customers to return (usually more irate than before!)

    Hope this helps!!
  • tcs2tcs2 Member Posts: 11
    Thank you very much for the info. Mine goes back next week for try number 2. I will tell them how to handle the leak situation. My leak was also on top of my NAV system and into the vents. I am also having speaker problems. Getting 7 new speakers next week too, even though I am sure that is not what the problem is. But they insist this must be done.
  • mycommandmycommand Member Posts: 5
    I have an 08 wrangler with a hardtop that leaks. We got the car in November and it started leaking in December, but just drips while driving onto the NAV area. I am worried about bringing it in because I also have a Commander that I just got back 2 weeks ago that has been in the shop since Oct for air leak. One of the previous posters said they sealed or gooped up the hard top and it fixed it. Does this make it where you cannot take off the top?
  • jr318jr318 Member Posts: 17
    Hi MIne leaked around the winshield/speaker on the driver side.I took it back 3 times the 3rd time they put all new seals/gasgits(sp) and for one month or so i have had no problems at all.crossing my fingers good luck
  • jr318jr318 Member Posts: 17
    I have the Wrangle unlimited 2008 4 door freedom top and the soft top hard top is the one that was leaking seems to be good now tho
  • sobrnessuxsobrnessux Member Posts: 1
    hey yall
    i was wondering what exactly the difference between the unlimited and trail rated was
  • tcs2tcs2 Member Posts: 11
    Mine has been in service since Monday morning for this same issue. I also have stereo issues. Before you make two trips to the dealership, try putting in a cd that has bass in it. Turn up the stereo and make sure you don't hear popping noises from all speakers. I have been told by a stereo retailer that the amp in my jeep can not handle what the NAV stereo is sending out. I told the dealership to keep mine until both problems have been fixed. I will let you know the outcome!
  • dashboardjesusdashboardjesus Member Posts: 8
    I bought an 08 Wrangler the day after Thanksgiving. It was that same week that the roof leaked for the first time. I brought it back to the dealer to have it fixed. They suggested that I had put the top on wrong. I still have yet to take the top off for the first time...it being winter in New England and all.... They call me up, "All Fixed" They gave me the free carwash and did such a half-assed job I took it to the touchless automatic.Imagine my surprise when I drive out and the water pours in. I dropped it off for a second visit, they replaced the seals. It rained really hard one night, but I wasn't worried because the problem was fixed....HAHAHAHA The leak was back and worse than ever. Today a tech from jeep is visiting to fix it up. Hopefully I will have the same luck as some of you that have posted that this is the visit that the leak stops.

    I have two questions 1- Jeep acknowledged the issue of the leaky roof in 06 when the 2007 Wranglers came out, Why have they continued to manufacture the flawed design?
    2- Ok, let's supposed they fix the leak. What happens when I do decide to take the top off in warmer weather? When I put it back on will those seals seat properly or am I looking at more head aches and a leaky roof? -Shame on me for buying a vehicle based on it's outstanding reputation and not doing my homework before making this purchase.
    Good luck
  • sgtrock62sgtrock62 Member Posts: 7
    What did you do to stop the leaking. I just purchased an 08 Wrangler three days ago and discovered yesterday that the hardtop is leaking.
  • jr318jr318 Member Posts: 17
    They changed all the rubber stuff (seals and gaskets)around the doors and windows of my jeep i had to bring it back 3 times before they fixed it right.its very good now. It seems to be a common problem so ask them (if they dont already know) to call other dealers because it is very common there was 3 in my dealership already!My dealership was in Troy New York google it and call them yourself if you want.. good luck still lovin the jeep!
  • tcs2tcs2 Member Posts: 11
    I am hoping the 3rd time fixed mine too. But I have not had a really good test yet! They did the same as jr318. Replaced all the guts. But they have to do this in a certain order is what my dealer told me. But this is the same dealership that put a new nav systems, 7 new speakers and a new sub in my jeep before they realized there was a bullitin out from Chrylser that called for a simple download to fix my stereo popping problem. Good luck on fixing yours!
  • dashboardjesusdashboardjesus Member Posts: 8
    I have a jeep with a leak that has been looked at by a Chrysler tech. I am returning to have it looked at a fourth time. Don't blast the dealer in a survey. It is their job to sell Jeep, not their job to design them. Call Chrysler customer care at 1-800-992-1997 and tear them a new one. Also, try doing what I'm doing, I placed poster board in the side windows and in large letters it tells people why not to buy 2008 Wrangler. The poster board is most effective on the weekends when you park your jeep along side the 08 Wranglers at the dealership. Park it and wander around the lot for a while. If anyone is shopping for a Wrangler they will most likely change their mind. And, it will make the dealer move a lot faster on your repair issues.
  • dashboardjesusdashboardjesus Member Posts: 8
    I also have a 2008 Wrangler with a leaky roof. The first time I brought it to the dealer they said they tightened some nuts that were loose, water tested it and it was fixed. The second time I brought it to the dealer for the same leak in the same spot they replaced the seals. The third time I brought it back with the roof leaking worse than before an "expert" from Chrysler replaced the seals. I had seen similar posts from others saying that this is the point when the leak actually gets fixed. I now have to return because the "expert" didn't get the job done either. I have 3600 miles and am now going to be returning for a fourth time with the same leaky roof. Shame on me for buying a Jeep because of the outstanding history and reputation. Hope everyone has better luck than I am. Also, call Chrysler customer assistance 1-800-992-1997. You'll need the vehicle ID number handy so they can research the history.
  • snarl1snarl1 Member Posts: 1
    Just test drove the Wrangler Unlimited Sahara the other day. I really liked it but I don't know if I am ready to spend $32,000 to get one. Heck, I don't even know if I am even ready to buy an actual new car. Anyone have an opinion on trying to get a left over 2008 when the 2009 comes out? When does that happen? What type of price drop can I expect? Any other opinions on the Sahara vs. the X? I don't do too much off road, some beach driving and since it never rains I would love to have the top off or down. I am very confused on if I should get the dual top package. Any information for someone new looking to get into the “Jeep thing” would be great. Thank you all.
  • bookittybookitty Member Posts: 1,303
    For the most part, the X and Sahara differ in finish (painted fenders, upgraded seat material) and accessories like Sirius satellite radio, compass, outside thermometer, trip computer, fog lights, power windows and locks, cruise control, fancier bumper treatment,and other nuances. Mechanically, the Sahara offers the mono-shocks, and the 18" deluxe wheels. I have a 2008 Unlimited Sahara with the six speed manual and really love it. I hope that i didn't miss anything. Along with all that, we have a wonderful dealer, Douglas Jeep in Venice, FL. They are not the closest dealer, just the best. Happy Jeeping.

  • bsfman97bsfman97 Member Posts: 2
    I bought a 08 Wrangler X 3 months ago.In the past month the fan belt has come off 4 times.It has been in the shop a total of 17 days in Feb.Every time I take it on gravel roads with 8 to 12 inches of snow the fan belt comes off.I havent even taken it four wheeling yet(scared to).I used to own a 78 CJ 5 and never had a problem.This new one is a piece of junk and I will be selling so I can buy a real Jeep.I guess I'm lucky tho the freedom top doesn't leak.Oh yea they've also had to replace the alternator and its been in the shop 7 days waiting for a new power steering pump this last time(still there).I call it the DriveWay Queen cause it looks real pretty sitting in the driveway just dont take it anywhere without a tow truck.
  • dashboardjesusdashboardjesus Member Posts: 8
    If you are considering buying a Wrangler I strongly urge you to reconsider. I bought my Wrangler the day after Thanksgiving in 2007. It has been back to the dealer 4 times now with a leaky roof. The last 2 times that it was "fixed" the work was performed by a tech. from Chrysler. I picked my vehicle up this past Wednesday, it rained. Thursday I got in to go to work and the water started pouring in. Chrysler has already asked if they could interest me in another Chrysler product. Chrysler has known about the leaky roof problem since late 2006 when the 2007 model wranglers came out with the 3 piece freedom top. They sent memos to their dealers telling them what to expect. So, for over 2 years now they have continued manufacturing the problem and passing it off to the consumers.
    I do not wish to give my vehicle back. Other than the leaky roof I really do like it. I've asked the Chrysler regional manager that I have been dealing with for a new top. There are many people with this problem, and on the other side of that coin there are just as many people that do not. It seems buying a new Wrangler is a crap shoot as far as the tops are concerned.
    The regional manager said they would take the Wrangler back and sell it at auction with a full disclosure. Here's the question- Will the person that buys it at auction disclose this information to the person that he sells it to? (The buyer that won't have the warranty that I have)
    I will be once again asking for a new top, perhaps the new one won't leak.
    If you are considering buying a Wrangler please take the time to research it. I did not. My purchase was based solely on the outstanding reputation that Jeep has had throughout the years. I think it is pretty sad that Chrysler continues to knowingly put this flawed product on the market. It bothers me that they are so eager to take it back and rush it off to auction.(ultimately screwing someone else down the road)
    I am now notifying Better Business, Consumer Affairs, and the Dept. of Motor vehicle. If I do give up my vehicle it will have "LEMON" on the title. :lemon: :lemon: :lemon:
  • sgtrock62sgtrock62 Member Posts: 7
    Unfortunately I had already bought mine. It rained right after I bought it and sure enough, it leaked. I took it back to the dealer. The dealer sub contracted the work out to a place called the Water Doctor. The service manager told me it would be better to let the experts fix it than for them to attempt it. I left it with them for one day. I brought it home and washed it. No leaks. A few days later, it poured rain. No leaks. So far so good. I haven't taken the top back off yet to see if that will make a difference. It is supposed to rain tomorrow, so I am going to take the tops off and put them back on and see how it does. I'll let you know.
  • sgtrock62sgtrock62 Member Posts: 7
    Well, I'm covinced they fixed the leaks in my top. I drove it for over 2 hours in pouring rain yesterday and not one drop came in. Looks like The Water Doctor knew what he was doing when he fixed the leaks.
  • fishjerkfishjerk Member Posts: 1
    I also have a 2008 Jeep that is 5 days old with a water leak by the front passengerside area. I baught it in Troy at Advantage Jeep. Do you know who you spoke to and should I take other steps on getting the leak fixed..... Thanks for your help
  • jr318jr318 Member Posts: 17
    Sales team is awesome!
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