1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo

I own a 1997 Grand Cherokee that I have had in the
repair shop twice now in which the dealership has
completely removed the dash to try to find a water
leak which I believe is coming from the air
conditioning system. It only occurs in the summer
when system is in use water stands in the
floorboard almost constantly. Dealer has supposedly
caulked cracks and replaced the drain system,
repair shop twice now in which the dealership has
completely removed the dash to try to find a water
leak which I believe is coming from the air
conditioning system. It only occurs in the summer
when system is in use water stands in the
floorboard almost constantly. Dealer has supposedly
caulked cracks and replaced the drain system,
This discussion has been closed.
Water leaks, warped rotors and failing differentials.
Still curious though with all you know today, would you buy it again.
I felt that way after 138K miles on my 88 which by the way is still going strong and the favorite vehicle of my friend that bought it from me.
I never had problems like those you are describing.
It's my wife's car and she won't let me sell it. I need it to pull my boat, so for me and the Jeep it's a love hate relationship.
I've had the rotor problems. They were recently replaced under the recall. I had to pay for new pads. No big deal... That has been the only major problem. Knock on wood. It's a wonderful utility vehicle. Pulls my boat like a champ.
When the work was done, I asked the front counter service rep. if the new rotors would fix the problem with the warping. He didn't know and wasn't given any information from DC whether it would or not. Hmmm... Not a warm and fuzzy.
See if you can that 88 back. :-)
My girlfriend has a 1995 GC Laredo. It has over 80k on it and hasn't had any problems. I love the Jeeps and would recommend one to anyone looking for an SUV.
The key to long life of the vehicle is proper care and maintainence.
Will I buy again.?...NO..... I am going back to Toyota. Had a 4Runner previously, no major problems and only replaced brakes and tires at 75,000 klm. Vehicle is still running....
Hope this helps some unsuspecting buyer...
I like the vehicle so much that I hate to say anything bad about it. But, now I think, I should discuss it.
Initially it had the problem of pulsating brakes. When I took it for the major service at 30k, the service people said it needs new front brake pads. Don't remember how much it costed me, but it's not covered under warranty.
Then there was a problem with the overhead display buttons. The SKIP button would not work most of the times. Had that replaced under warranty.
Then just before 36k, I took extended warranty till 60k miles. I think that's a very wise decision I made. After a few days, I started feeling some vibration at the speed of around 65mph. Above 70mph, there were no vibration. I thought it's not a big problem, but within a few days the vibrations started increasing. I had to take it for repairs again. This time there was something wrong with the driveshaft. They replaced the shaft or some joints.
Next was the problem with the ABS indicator. It used to come up at least once every day. When u restart the engine, it used to go off. Some ABS controller unit had to be changed.
Then came the problem which the JGC is known for... the transmission. It started with frequent fluctuations of the engine rpm. It used to go up and down a few hundred rpms with the same amount of gas pressed and going on a an even road. This also happened when the cruise control is set. This problem started a long time back, and whenever I used to show it the service people, they said nothing's wrong. I've taken it to them at least 5 times. Initially, it used to happen only at speeds around 60mph, but then it started happening even at lower speeds, around 40mph. This a very irritating feeling, u feel that the vehicle is suddenly pushed and the next moment u feel it's pulled slow.
The story continues... The above problem aggrevated and now the vehicle hesitates to pick the top gear. Sometimes, when it does pick the top gear, it would immediately shift down to 3rd. And there are times now when I'm driving at 70mph at more than 3000 rpm. I'd taken this for repairs, now it's slightly better, but it's still far from normal.
And the newest problem I have is not as bad as the others. It's just that the AC is not so effective as it used to be when I bought it. The cooling effect has reduced. Sometime back, I got the front rotor changed under the recall. But the brakes still make noise while starting and stopping. Don't know if that's normal.
I like the Jeep very much. But there had been so many problems with it. Luckily most of these repairs have not costed me any money. I'm so glad that I'd bought the extended warranty/service contract. Now, I'm so fed up with this I sometime think of trading this vehicle for a Pathfinder, even though I like the looks of this more than any other SUV on the road today.
What I wanted to know... is everybody facing similar kinda problems with their JGC? Also tell me about the lemon law in tennessee. What is it exacly?
For one thing, the electronics are flaky. The stereo works sometimes. The windows and rear wiper work most of the time. For another, all four inside door panels are peeling off - very strange.
But the biggest problem is the "Check Engine" light. The last two times I towed my boat on the highway, this light came on after about 100 miles. When it did, my mileage went from 14 mpg to around 6. The engine would run rough and black smoke would periodically belch from the exhaust, especially when I would slow down. Both times when this happened, I took it to a mechanic (one Jeep, one independant) and they couldn't find anything wrong (despite the codes stored in the onboard computer). So they reset the Check Engine light and sent me on my way. It seemed like after the engine cooled down it would behave itself (sometimes for the rest of the trip).
And also something underneath (suspiciously near the transmission) rattles when I start it up. And the rear end makes noises too.
Anyway, I was just curious if anyone else has seen anything similar? And, no, I wouldn't buy another Jeep.
Chrysler.......Never Again....unless I want a cool looking car
Dear Jeep:
In May of 96 I purchased a Jeep Grand Cherokee to escape the maintenance cost associated with my two older vehicles and to own just one vehicle instead of two. I chose the Grand Cherokee because of the following:
It was a vehicle that seemed to be designed for what it was supposed to be. Not a compromise (i.e. truck chassis)
A very smooth ride
Good Power
Decent Styling and interior conveniences
Very good handling in poor road conditions
Good reputation or so I thought
And most importantly since it was new I should have relatively little concern with major repairs. I thought that since I was the sole owner and caretaker that I would have much better chance of preventing problems by having the proper maintenance correctly performed from the beginning of the service life of the vehicle.
For the first year and a half the above reasons were all true. Beginning in October of 1997 it all seemed to change. Prior to this time the only noticeable problems/defects were the interior panels, which started peeling.
Since October of 1997 the following repairs have had to be performed.
Shock absorber mount coming completely loose - vehicle was towed
All Door panels had to be replaced
Black exterior plastic faded - no fix
Door lock solenoids and switches failed and had to be replaced
Engine temperature sensor failure along with getting occasional black smoke
Air Conditioning compressor failed - In the middle of the summer
Air Conditioning hose failed - One year later
Water pump failed
Thermostat housing leaking and replaced
Battery failed (3 years old)
Rear differential bearings failed
Rear differential bearings failed again
Front differential failed replaced ring and pinion
Front differential failed replaced ring and pinion again
Front differential failed again - unit was entirely rebuilt
I am presently experiencing the following:
Popping sound when backing and turning or moving forward and turning.
Loose bracket rattle sound when the vehicle shifts from 2nd to 3rd gear
Brakes always squeal - no fix
The vehicle has not been off road, ever; nor has it been abused. The most severe duty it has seen was towing a medium sized trailer for about 1500 miles.
It seems ridiculous to have experienced so many systems/mechanical failures in the last 2 and 1/2 years. Thank God I did purchase an extended warranty! I imagine the repair tab that you have footed thus far must be nearing the $8,000 mark!
In almost all cases the parts and labor have been covered under the warranty minus the following:
My $50 copay, plus whatever minor item the service advisor can convince me isn't covered under warranty.
Scheduling and car rentals and wondering whether they would be on time, available and covered.
Getting a car that was half the size of my jeep.
And just the stress , frustration and suspense of wondering when I wilI get stuck for a $1500 repair bill for parts that really should last much longer than the ones on my Jeep have. I have never ever had a vehicle that needed a differential repair! Furthermore, all of those cars were used with much higher mileage.
Maintenance and repair costs are anticipated when owing a vehicle. They just shouldn't be so high.
Who knows what will happen next? The transmission? The timing chain? Well Its time for me to stop living in denial and get a different vehicle. Something that is reliable. Perhaps a Japanese vehicle might do fine but the size factor and the fact that after working at Japanese Car company I'd rather sell my soul . than own another Japanese car.
After reading this letter and realizing what a poor deal I have received if you feel so inclined please send over a dealer and have them purchase the vehicle for fair market RETAIL value. I would then suggest that you let the local "FORD EXPLORERS" club "test" the vehicle (ha ha), or you could take it to the Chysler proving grounds and use it as a frustration venting tool.
Sick and tired of the mechanical systems on my Jeep,
We just bought a 1997 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo. I hope it is just like the 96 we had.
Bought the 97GC with 31k, I have had the airconditioning serviced every year. They cannot find the leak (89 - Air still working at 195k). Best anwser for the rotor warping is replacing the rotors with some better quality rotors. My transfer case started leaking. The dealership replaced the whole transfer case. Funny thing is now the Full-Time will not always come out of Part-Time. I dont mean to pick on all mechanics, but, some simple follow through and checking your work would be a plus. The power stearing pump has also been replaced. My advice is to by the warrenty. The vehicles are expencive to by and fix.
My advice to anyone reading....buy Japanese! I am going to in 4 months providing this lemon doest turn into lemonade and leave me stranded again before hand!
The only thing it's good for is driving in the snow. The 4-wheel drive system is better than most, but if it doesn't run, what good is it?
Buy a Toyota.
My 97 Jeep is on its 6th rear differential and 3rd front differential. Chrysler won't do anything for us - they act as though this is a normal maintenance item - every 15K - replace your differential (although I can't find this in my handbook).
The sad thing is the differential is not the only problem. We've had to replace the evaporater - oxygen sensor - misc transmission parts - steering dampener - front power door locks - radio - fuel sensor - rear rocker arm bearings ( post 15 - this is probably what is making the popping sound when you go into reverse - Jeep kept saying this was normal until it did it at the dealership and the salesman thought he had been shot when I backed up). We just got our Junk I mean Jeep back from the shop and although they replaced the front and rear differentials we are still getting the whinning noise from the front end.
One of the newest features of our Jeep is that it hesitates when making left hand turns if the fuel tank is 1/4 full or less - (Of course Jeep says "no problem found" - It must be one of those "Jeep Things".) Anyone else have this problem????? I love our other New feature - a nice chirping noise from the front dash. My daughter thinks there are crickets in the glove box.
DO yourself a favor and avoid Chrysler and Jeep Things . JEEP ( Just expect expensive problems)
Check Engine Light - Bad oxygen sensor.
Coolant leak - replaced radiator and rebuilt water pump.
Rear end whine - replaced rear diff bearings.
A/C problems - kinked hose.
Haunted windshield wipers - dirty contacts
Weak battery.
Me and the extended warranty has shelled out over $2600 in repairs and rental cars.
Two weeks ago the rear end whine returned and an engine oil leak has developed, so trip #4 to the shop. It has been in the shop now for over a week, waiting for a new rear axle housing. Unfortunately, that part is on national back-order. God only knows what this will cost the extended warranty company, and there is no word yet on the oil leak.
Did I mention that the vehicle has only 57K miles on it, or that I have religiously maintained it?
Once I get it back, I think I will start shopping for something new, definitely something non-Jeep. Considering that Daimler-Chrysler is laying off, I would think they would want to keep all of the customers they could.
Thanks in advance
does the blue cable feed into the controller or does it connect controller and plug in the rear. Can't seem to find the blue cable
come out anywhere in the back to connect to the plug.
Anyone out there to help me figure out what is what?
). Plus, you all know it looks good. But it really is a good car, despite some of your rare Lemons. Good luck
The GrCh is making a thumping sound from the front end which the exact nature and source have not been determined. The differential has been checked, the front wheels and suspension are ok, brakes ok. tires and alignment new, and now the transfer case is the suspect in this saga. The 4wd is trying to kick in and once it is put in manually it won't come out even though it has physically been disengaged and the dash readout says it is not in 4wd...anyone else have this problem? Once this thumping goes away I will be finding a new home for this beast and going back to a Honda CRV to match my Civic. I am now willing to give up some of the sweet amenities of the Jeep for financial security and peace of mind from these constant noises and trips to the car shop.
I bought a 1997 JGC brand new.
Here are my complaints/problems:
1. Replaced the front diff bearings
2. Replaced the rear diff bearings
3. Drivers arm rest cracking
4. CD player works intermittently
5. CURRENTLY in the shop for the following as yet to be determined but diagnosed as:
PO743: Torque Converter Clutch Solenoid
PO753: Transmission 3-4 Shift Solenoid
PO463: Fuel level sending volts too high
I like a few of the others I have read about bought the extended warrenty. The only one I have ever purchased in my life. The diffs did not cost me anything. We will wait and see what the latest thing costs.
I owned a 1991 Jeep Cherokee until it had 168,000
miles on it, it never gave me a problem, just miles and miles of good journies. So I bought a
1994 Grand Jeep Cherokee Laredo, I am currently at
83,000 miles and still going strong-no problems.
My first Jeep was so great, I insisted on a second. It sounds like the new models are not holding up. I heard a rumor Chrysler is going to stop production of the. I have been truly happy with both my Jeep Cherokees, but I don't own a
1997-2000, these look like they have problems according to the posting boards.
The mechanic said," see the problem is fixed." The only problem now is that I look kind of foolish in the parking garage trying leave rubber, in forward then reverse.
On the other hand she pulls my boat great. Off road awesome. I live on a hill and I am always helping people to the top when conditions get messy. It's a much better off-road than on-road vehicle. Perhaps it's just my service dept.
I just recently got my first used 97 Laredo 4.0 Jeep in Red, liked the color, liked the truck look, liked the fact it had a tow hitch and a CD player as well as power seats, seemed all original, no paint work, seemed to run fine, was actually surprisingly quick besides the need I have of it and the Killer Deal I was getting.
My needs include skiing in the winter and fishing my bass boat in the summer, figured was the right truck.
At a time not too long ago , I even owned a body shop so guess you may say I know cars very well.
So I decided to go online and see what the owners such as yourselves have to say about a truck which was and still used for WAR purposes...... You may say should be reliable / Not comfortable..
And well seems I have found many upset people, many people who would even be so upset that they would go out of their way and write out of almost what you may say is anger.
As far as all problems described herein you people must understand first what kind of a vehicle you have, the purpose it serves, what is it intended for , where made and by who, as well as who currently maintains it , and I do mean the individual performing the service may be not well knowledgeable or ever worked on your specific problem therefore has a lack of knowledge.
I have leased and never again a brand new special order Mercedes Benz, a six cylinder sport model all white, looked cool, seemed the perfect ride, noone had one, also all powers and leather which the jeep lacks hehe....
But now my problems with the Mercedes I had are by far worse than anything I have read here so far, No Dealer could correct my very loud
front banging noise in the suspension which was all completely replaced several times, now this is just one of the problems now in a Mercedes hmmm......... ????
oh and was shipped from Germany
Transmission problems, electrical problems, catalytic converter problems, 3 new radios, approximately 14 alignments done at dealer alone, engine once shut off for no reason while driving to dinner needed a tow, and there's more ofcourse,....
All ended up as a termination of lease which we shall be in court for since they did not acknowledge the problems yet they repossessed the car from while I was sitting at a traffic light, Well was pulled out my very own car window by three tow truck drivers which surrounded me and held me pinned down on the cement highway while making sure their VIN numbers matched on my car ( while I had no idea what was going on, thank God I did not carry that day ) and all this for not making one payment after 2.5 years , yes lease was almost done
They still don't acknowledge any wrong doings nor any problems that I have had with my car but what do I know I only owned a huge operation for a body shop and do have a stack of receipts from all the service done at their shops so I guess it was not a UFO sighting oh and a police report for the incident which occurred.
So Ive had my Jeep now for 1 month and have had it to service to do an oil change and got quite a few modifications in performance for it to make stronger, look better and perform as it should, ofcourse not to mention be more suitable and reliable for all terrain conditions for my outdoor needs,,,
Guess you may say is Im glad I got one Im enjoying it and am looking forward to my Bass Tournaments.
Good Luck to the rest of you fellow Jeep owners !!!!!
And now lets ask ourselves this......
Since the two companies have merged what will happen now ?????
Bottom line, the incomptent dealer support combined with the MAJOR mechanical problems with a supposedly bulletproof engine turned me off Jeep. I traded in the Jeep for a used 97 MB C230. I miss the cargo space and 4WD in the winter, but at least I'm not a daily visitor at the dealer's service lounge.
but the engine didnt crank and I didnt get the the usual low battery startup sound.I also coulnt jumpstart it.
Is there a moisture problem with the jeeps that somehow affects the ignition(plugs, dist cap.) coupla days later I was able to jumpstart the car and it was fine( after the car dried out?)
Ive never waited for the car to completely dry out, usually I just try to jumpstart it and its ok until the next time which can be in months or I drained the battery so this is the reason I end up jumpstarting it.
My dealer always tells me the battery and everything is fine.
Does anyone know what type of testing options
there are for the charging system,and what it does?
Oh did I mention Ive had to replace my actuator motors on all four car doors ( once on all four doors and 3 times on
the drivers door). and I expect more
For now I think my problems are minor(and I dont expect it to get better as the car gets more use.) considering what other people are experiencing.But if your considering jgc major or minor
problems this is the risk you take and they will cause you inconvenience.