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GMC Envoy Losing Coolant

melmccunemelmccune Member Posts: 1
edited July 2016 in GMC
Envoy Losing Coolant very slowly
I have a 2003 Xl. It has been losing about 1/2 gallon of coolant every month. I have looked every where for leaks with no luck. Any suggestions???


  • burdawgburdawg Member Posts: 1,524
    If your saying that you never see any sign of leaks underneath, then the only other possibility is an internal engine leak. 1/2 gallon is a good bit to lose, if it's an external leak you see signs of it especially when it sits with a hot engine. The best thing to do is have the cooling system tested under pressure to confirm.
  • paco42754paco42754 Member Posts: 2
    I have a F150 Sport 4.2L V6. I have a ticking noise that I can't find. It's driving me nuts. Sounds like it could be in the exhaust but not sure. Is this common in the 4.2? And how can it be fixed?
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Try posting in one of the F-Series discussions, like Ford F-Series Noises - Squeals - Rattles.
  • reg11reg11 Member Posts: 2
    Any success with finding the coolant leak? I am having the same issue with my 2002 Envoy 4.2 L engine. HAd it in the shop twice, cannot seem to locate where coolant is going. Loosing 2 litres or more between oil change?? I know there were cylinder sleeve crack issues with these engines when they first came out- hope it's not that! Anyone else having similar problem or had it fixed.
  • reg11reg11 Member Posts: 2
    I am having the same issue with my 2002 Envoy 4.2 L engine. Had it in the shop twice, cannot seem to locate where coolant is going. Loosing 2 litres or more between oil change?? I know there were cylinder sleeve crack issues with these engines when they first came out- hope it's not that! Anyone else having similar problem or had it fixed.
  • agageagage Member Posts: 2
    My baby sister is having the same problem with her 2007 Envoy 4.2.L engine. The radiater has been pressure tested and ok. Compresson tested ok. No sign of fluid on driveway and no discoloring of the tail pipe. Has anyone out there found a answer to this problem? If so what is the answer.
  • agageagage Member Posts: 2
    Have a 2007 Envoy that loses antifreeze at a abnormal rate. The radiater has been pressure tested and ok. Compression tested and ok. No sign of fluid in driveway and no discoloring of the tail pipe. No increase in oil level, which would indicate it leaked into the block . Has anyone out there found a answer to this problem? If so what is the answer?
  • mrashleymrashley Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2003 envoy that has been running almost flawlessly until this weekend. Suddenly it has started to drop coolant after driving around town. It does not pull temp, gauge stays below 210. I have checked fluid levels and coolant was low, filled and after driving a few blocks when I parked coolant is running out from behind front passenger wheel. I cannot see where its leaking from but it flows down the inner wheel well. I was assuming its coming from the overflow tank, but it was dry inside. Any suggestions? I'm off work the next two days and going to work on it.
  • dblev1dblev1 Member Posts: 1
    Did you ever figure out what was wrong? I just had the same problem yesterday. If anyone else reads this and has this case solution please post in the reply. Thank you.
  • 03envoy103envoy1 Member Posts: 1
    2003 Envoy losing coolant. Have replaced cooling fan, thermostat, water pump, radiator and added a stop leak. No drippage, no water in the oil, no vapor in exhaust. Overheats everytime under a load and sometimes under normal operation. Our friend, a mechanic, is stumped and we are frustrated. HELP please! :(
  • oldbunnyoldbunny Member Posts: 5
    Hey guys, there is only one solution inregards the symptons which stay that the Engine Head Gasket leakin and need to replace!.. period no more guess is proven!

    The slows loosing coolant are eat in engine combustion chamber and this are the reason because over time the gasket often havin partial such problems in this car model and need replacement!

    I know.. it's very expensive to open the engine head but, this are the necessary job to fix..

    Othervise wait for suprprice when on trip and the engine will stop workin for good now flooded with collant including full engine Oil Case and more..

    Now the engine will need a heluva job to clean the whole Oil lines and cooling system in entire engine where oil + coolant remains almost everywhere..

    Inregrads the labor and used times as well as new Gaskets totally the price will heat the Heaven high!

    @just.. 1 cent
    (35 yrs Technician Mech)
  • whiplash669whiplash669 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 GNC Envoy XL that is leaking radiator fluid from behind the front passenger wheel. There is still coolant in the radiator and the overflow, but the engine runs really hot.
  • chilldickchilldick Member Posts: 1
    edited March 2016

     I have the same problem and I'm getting really annoyed !

    What is it, did you find out?
  • kathrynokckathrynokc Member Posts: 2
    edited July 2016
    I'm having the same issue with my Envoy. It's dumping in the firewall, so I'm smelling it inside the vehicle as well. Im not taking and disconnecting everything to change out overflow tank first, because I'm going to try to replace the radiator cap to see if the seal is the issue causing it not to hold pressure . I was researching how to replace it when I ran across someone that had the same issues and replacing the tank wasn't a fix for him. I'll let you now if this $9 investment helps or not.
  • kathrynokckathrynokc Member Posts: 2
    I replaced the cap and again no improvement, so I started digging and tossing parts over my back until I hit the heater control vaule.
    that is where I could trace the leaks to.
    replaces it and no leaks at all.
    I had to take off the windshield washer tank, lair filter, air conditioner condenser, very easily move this out of the way,, the overflow tank for the radiator and then finally take off the three the lines and remover the heater control vaule .
    Make the line because you'll be taking apart a lot of lines and number them so you know where things go back.
    $40-$50 and your done.
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