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Buick Rendezvous Start Stall and Idle Problems



  • krazylady2krazylady2 Member Posts: 1
    This exact issue is happening to me as well. My 2003 Rendezvous has 130k miles and has been doing this for over a year. It only seems to happen when its hot out; in the winter I do not notice a problem. Even the 25-60 minute time frame is the same. Is this a known or common issue? Any chance someone knows exactly what this is and what to do about it?
  • martinaemartinae Member Posts: 1
    I have been reading all the posts but have only seen one the resembles my problem with no solution that i can find. My car often, not all the time but often, will not stay running when started. It seems to start but then stalls right away. I have to give it a little gas to keep it started. This is not happening during any paticular time either, hot or cold. Nor has it stalled while moving. Please help.

    Thanks Martina
  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    A couple simple things you could try are a new fuel filter and air cleaner if they haven't been changed in a while, other things might get more complicated.
  • gmcustsvcsarahgmcustsvcsarah Member Posts: 1,964
    Good afternoon martinae,

    Do you happen to know if/when you had spark plugs and wires replaced on your Rendezvous? While this is not an official GM diagnosis, I hope it's helpful as you gather information. If you decide to work with a dealership on getting your starting concern looked into, please let us know by emailing us at socialmedia@gm.com (include your name and Edmunds username, contact information, and the last 8 digits of your VIN).

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • 1wildpete1wildpete Member Posts: 25
    Couple things here to try. 1 - take a look at your mass air flow sensor, its just after the air filter, but if it was an issue your check engine light should be on. 2. Clean your throttle body, which is above the mass flow sensor. I would 1st try using a can of "Sea Foam", in the gas tank, this will help clean up any deposits on both of the above.
    ps: Just a note, the gas pedal in todays cars only opens the throttle body to increase air to the fuel being supplied by the electric fuel pump. The days of a gas pedel are gone as we know it. Hope this helps
  • jxnfamilyjxnfamily Member Posts: 1
    I have just recently started having problems with my Rendezvous not turning over. A friend told my husband and I to tap on the fuel pump, and the vehicle will start. The first time we tried this it worked. No problem until now. We are having the same problem, and the tapping did not work this time. My spark plugs have been changed. The wiring harness has been replaced, even-though; the idiot who replaced it knew he was cheating us. I am going to try getting the fuel filter replaced to see if this is the problem. Until then, anyone who has a solution, please let me know. The Rendezvous acts if it is going to start when the key is turned over but never catches to start. Is this problem related to any recall?
  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    Hhmm, Does it not turn over (nothing when key is out in start position) or does it turn over but fail to 'fire up' and run?

    If it does turn over does the problem happen at any time (when engine is cold or warm) or does it happen only after engine has been warmed up?
  • havasubettyhavasubetty Member Posts: 1
    My Buick 2004 has done this twice? Going up a steep hill battery light comes on and car stops! Then it will start running again after it sits for a while! Not the battery -- all lights work! So I had it towed they said it was the alternator $600 later.... Now just the other day it stops again. Friend said to check the fuel cap! It was not in tight? Would a lose cap make this problem? Someone else said no because it is fuel injected??? Some one else said dirt --- fuel filter? Help, going on a 1700 mile trip and do not want to break down! Any ideas?
  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    That could be a tough one to figure out. I don't think fuel cap would cause problem. I suppose fuel filter could have issue. One other possibility is the c-305 connector, it can cause stalling problem (you can google 'gm c305 connector' for more info)
  • 1wildpete1wildpete Member Posts: 25
    First of all did u have a full tank of gas ? A loose cap causes the pressure to drop in the fuel system, fuel injection requires pressure, lose cap or defective cap will cause light to go on. so the advise u were given was wrong. maybe U need a new gas cap.
    If your alt light did not come on, then it was not the alt, Auto part stores cann do the complete test in 15 minutes, alt, starter battery for free.
    The other issue is electrical.
    Another cause is the fuel pump is going bad - was the fuel pump tested?
    MY 2004 fuel pump died long ago. Have u been driving and it has felt the car has lose power and then just appears to be fine, its like a stall and then the car picks up again - that fuel pump going.
  • tiny450tiny450 Member Posts: 2
    I know these vehicles hate short trips but anyone know why sometimes you turn the key and have to turn it again ?Dealer doesn't have problems.Any suggestions? I did run it on the highway yesterday but
    after that my husband had to turn the key 3 times before it caught.It did sound like it was trying.
  • 1wildpete1wildpete Member Posts: 25
    I have this same problem and have to use my remote starter sometimes to start it then i put in the key. I was told to keep my keys away from any magnets, as magnets mess with the clip in the key, which is an anti theft devise. This devise reads the key clip and it can be going bad. If you have another key, try it when u are having this issue. WE used to hang our keys near a magnet, that how we found out. BUt we have had this issue since we purchased the car, good luck. One mechanic said he would replace the key reader also.
  • tiny450tiny450 Member Posts: 2
    had the starting relay switch replaced..mechanic said that should do it..for a whole $25.The dealer wanted to charge me close to $1000 for diagnostic work and replacing the fuel pump....lordy I remember when Dad replaced those things himself...of course nothing was computerized...hopefully that is the end of that
  • lena_31754lena_31754 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2007 Buick Rendezvous, i am just now starting to have troubles. When I crank it first time of the day, no problem, yet after I drive about 15 miles, it just cuts off. No lights, no warning, just shuts off. Some of the time it starts right back up, Most times it will have to sit like 30 min before it will. Someone told ,me it could be the fuel pump, someone else says the ignition, I dont know! But its very aggravating! PLEASE HELP!!!
  • talltaylortalltaylor Member Posts: 1
    Could this be an Idle Air Control valve problem?
  • 1wildpete1wildpete Member Posts: 25
    I would just get a new gas cap and see what happens. It may sound weird, but sometimes it works. Does your gas cap look worn, look at the rubber gasket inside it.

    Good Luck.
  • laura83laura83 Member Posts: 1

    Way past frustrated with our 2004 Rendezvous. We have had it seen by many and still having problems with high idle, parked and driving. Also it won't start right away after even the smallest trip, across the street, down the street. UGH!! We have spent soooooooooooo much money on this POS,
    Someone, anyone, please help!!!

  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655

    @laura83 said:
    Way past frustrated with our 2004 Rendezvous. We have had it seen by many and still having problems with high idle, parked and driving. Also it won't start right away after even the smallest trip, across the street, down the street. UGH!! We have spent soooooooooooo much money on this POS,
    Someone, anyone, please help!!!

    For the high idle problem I woulds suspect it may be TPS (Throttle Position Sensor), I have had it a couple times on our Pontiac version. In our case the vehicle starts ok, but while driving the Tach may go up to around 2K RPMs and stay there until vehicle is restarted.

    For the starting problem is this after driving for a while and then making rather short stop (5 Mins or so) and then doesn't want to restart? If so I have never heard of a real fix. What I do is after it fails the first time, the second try I hold key in start position until it does start, may be quite a bit longer then usual. My experiance seem to be the more 'times you try' the worse it gets.

  • laura83laura83 Member Posts: 1

    We have replaced the following: ignition relay, throttle position sensor, mass airflow sensor, wiring harness from the connector to the top of the gas tank.
    We are holding our breath and praying our problems are over :)

  • laura83laura83 Member Posts: 1

    And Thank you so much for your time and help :D

  • breezybreezy Member Posts: 8
    i having idle issues with my 04 RDV. 3.4 rough idle when it is idling by itself. if i touch accelorator a bitt it runs smoother. hard to start when warm. have 4 full pages front and back of parts and tests done to car. gonna try some of the things i have read here that havent been done yet. my car would make a preacher cuss.
  • breezybreezy Member Posts: 8
    my Rdv by the way drives down the road fine now. i have had other issues with it and this is the last thing that needs fixing. my auto locks don't unlock when i put it in park sometimes unless i remove key from ignition aggressively. dash lights not working. it had problems going up hill jumping into traffic and passing other cars but a new MAF sensor fixed that. it use to surge when idling up and down. the tp sensor fixed that. it use to run away on me going down hill and even acts like it taking over the accererator pedal. i guess it getting stuck if i press it down too far. there has been so many things and i am at my wits end. mechanics just been throwin parts at it. the mechanics have had it more then me i have only had it 3 years. ready to trade it for a ford.
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