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Mazda6 Maintenance and Repair



  • mz6greyghostmz6greyghost Member Posts: 1,230
    No problem.

    What year is your 6?
  • tminchewtminchew Member Posts: 5
    It's a 2006 s-5 door hatch back with the 3.0 V6
    Glacier Silver Metallic

    I LOVE the car so far; the engine is so smooth and responsive, as well as the 6-speed automatic. It's my second 6...my first was an 04 i sedan with the 2.3 4 banger. I thought it was nice until I upgraded to the s model!!!
  • isseyvooisseyvoo Member Posts: 121
    Does anyone know if there is a way to circumvent the requirement that the headlights be turned on in order to activate the fog lights? Thanks.
  • fitguyfitguy Member Posts: 220
    Wondering if anyone has replaced their front brake pads yet, I am hearing faint squeak like wear-sensor noise and will be checking pads tomorrow. Car only has 26K with 50/50 city/hwy mix, no hard driving. Seems way to soon to be doing front pads compared to other midsize sedans I've owned. If anyone did replace, did you go with ceramics, and which brand? Thanks!
  • gmckenzigmckenzi Member Posts: 3

    My 1-year old Mazda-6 GT/V6 Sport (6-speed auto) has brake problems that Mazda won't fix. The brake pedal sinks too far upon constant and light application or repeated application. Taking my foot off the pedal causes the pressure to return until the next application.

    The dealer was going to replace the master cylinder until they noticed that the brake fluid was bright green. When they began to bleed the system, the fluid came out clear in the back and green in the front. The fluid in the reservoir is green also.

    Because the brake fluid is apparently contaminated, though it isn't understood what it is contaminated with (one service mgr suspected antifreeze because of the color), the dealer says that he is unable to make a warranty claim. Any brake components found to have failed will be assumed to be due to the contaminated fluid. They are now also stating that most of the brake system (ABS sensor modules etc.) will need to be replaced -- any portion of the system that might have a rubber-seal degradation due to the contaminated fluid. Hence the potential repair costs have gone from $500 to potentially thousands.

    I have gotten the same response from two different dealers, and Mazda corporate is saying the same thing.

    So, I'm stuck. I have a vehicle classed as not-safe-to-drive, under a comprehensive warranty that isn't helping me one bit, and green brake fluid that is a mystery to me.

    I'm a sixth-time Mazda-only customer, and I'm not happy.

    Anyone got any thoughts to offer?
    Has anyone else experienced the green brake fluid as mentioned in the other forum posting (referenced above)?

    Any help or direction is appreciated.

  • audia8qaudia8q Member Posts: 3,138
    Is the routine maintance done at the Mazda dealership?

    We had a Mazda a year or so ago that had brake issues similar to yours....turned out that a local shade tree mechanic put the wrong fluid in the brake fluid reservoir and it created all kinds of problems.
  • gmckenzigmckenzi Member Posts: 3
    No, over the last 15 or 16 years I've been getting all oil changes performed at a local lube service outlet. That said, the one service manager basically said to me that it wouldn't matter -- had the vehicle only been serviced at a Mazda dealer, and it had of been one of their guys who made a mistake (but didn't know it), they'd still be no further in terms of disputing whether the fluid was contaminated. In short, they don't care who contaminated it, just that it is.

    Also, I'm meticulous about my Mazdas. The level of skill present in lube shops clearly isn't very high. But I always refuse their upselling ("Would you like an engine flush today sir?"), I insist that they use a genuine Mazda oil filter rather than an aftermarket filter (even though legally I'm not required to, and the filters may in fact be produced by the same supplier), and I oversee their service of the vehicle ensuring that they don't venture beyond just changing the oil and filter.

    But, again, it turns out that it wouldn't help me.

    I have heard reports from other Mazda-6 owners that they too have green brake fluid and that possibly some portion of Mazda-6 production have dyed fluid rather than clear. I know that you can buy aftermarket brake fluid that is colored to aid in the process of bleeding the system.

    I may have to resort to sending out the fluid to a petrochemical analysis/testing laboratory in Toronto who could determine whether a sample of the fluid is, in fact, brake fluid or whether it is contaminated with something else.

    But, I dearly wish I didn't have to be going through all of this.

  • audia8qaudia8q Member Posts: 3,138
    had the vehicle only been serviced at a Mazda dealer, and it had of been one of their guys who made a mistake (but didn't know it), they'd still be no further in terms of disputing whether the fluid was contaminated

    the dealership would have specific records of any fluids that went into your car and the tech involved. The local garage doesn't keep such detailed information. So there wouldnt be any mystery if the car had been dealer serviced. Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against local mechanics, many are great, but this is when you need somebody to go to bat for you against the manufacturer. Your lack of dealership loyalty might not help your case though...

    anytime there is something suspect on a warranty claim the mfg will ask the dealership if routine maintance was done at the dealership....if yes, most mfg will bend bend over backwards to help but if no routine maintance history is found they rarely go the extra mile...
  • miasmalmiasmal Member Posts: 5
    Although the topic may not be specific to my car - 06 Mazda6s GS 5-dr, just a month old - I got a very small rock chip on the front passenger side window. There are a zillion web pages devoted to windshield repair, but is there such a thing as being able to repair a side glass? Or do I grin and bear it and hope the tempered glass will hold up?

    The closest info I've come is to apply clear nail polish to keep out the dirt and moisture.

    I'll try posting in the generic forums too. Tx for any leads.
  • m6scargom6scargo Member Posts: 2
    It has been a long time since I have posted here. I am the happy owner of a 2003 M6S Auto with 36k. Have had no issues besides recalls to date. I will admit to a bit of transmission quirkyness, but nothing nearly as bad as many have stated here. I did @ approx 20k install a trans cooler which seemed to help a bit and have done the 3 quart swap every 10k. Last year during my yearly dealer inspection visit, I had them flash my PCM/TCM.
    The real reason for my post was to comment on the green brake fluid. I was quite curious after I read this post and went and checked mine. Lo and behold mine was also a dark antifreeze green. I could not believe it! No one has done any maintenance on this car but me, so there is no chance of contamination. I immediately bled the brakes and changed the fluid. Since I have changed out the fluid the brakes have their once familiar linearity and grip, whether real or placebo effect. They had started to be not quite as good as they once were, but I attributed that to wear.
    I also have a Ford E-150 and my curiosity got to me and decided I would check the Brake fluid on it. Well guess what........GREEN. This either must be an issue with the fluid Ford puts in their vehicles or the color their fluid is or turns to after some use. I would suggest to all to check theirs and post to help out this persons cause.
  • idrivea6idrivea6 Member Posts: 3
    During my routine check up the Mazda dealership noticed that my L front rotar was damaged so they replaced it and my brake pads also at no charge under warranty.
    I never noticed any noise, they must have caught it before it started sqeaking.
    My 6 had 25,800 mls at the time. If you have a factory's warranty, USE IT!
  • radocharadocha Member Posts: 26
    Your brakes should last to about 50k with 50/50 driving (of course, nothing is given). I am in '03 M6s with 53k (mostly highway) and hope to go another 10k before replacing pads. I have also noticed that pads in the rear seem to be wearing out a bit faster.
  • xplorx4xplorx4 Member Posts: 621
    50k is optimistic. Brake pad life depends highly on how many miles you drive and the type of driving that occurs over those miles. If you drive agressively or in heavy traffic your brakes will wear much sooner than if you drive mostly highway miles and don't have to use the brakes very often.

    I heard somewhere that Taxi drivers in San Francisco have to replace brakes every 10,000 miles. My friend who drives like a senior citizen still has 20% left on his original pads on a Toyota Celica at over 75,000 miles.

    In other words, brake life is directly related to how often and how hard you use the brakes.
  • isseyvooisseyvoo Member Posts: 121
    Does anyone know if there is a secret for disengaging the display of the trip odometer? I can switch it from Trip A to Trip B, but can't turn it off and I find its prominence irritating. Is there something I missed in the manual? (I know, it's a silly, minor thing, but sometimes those get under one's skin the worst!!!)
  • mazda6iguymazda6iguy Member Posts: 365
    I have noticed a vinegar like smell coming from the vents of my a/c (the a/c is off and it is on recirc) I took it to the dealer and they sprayed some deodorant type stuff but the smell came back. Is there a fix for this? I'd like to take it back to the dealer before the warranty runs out (I'm only 5000 miles away from the warranty end). The service writer said there was a bulletin on it from Mazda.
  • sbryansbryan Member Posts: 1
    I am three hours into the same scenario as Gmckenzi. How has your brake situation resolved if at all? As my fiance and I are both working and the car is in the shop I don't yet have all of the info. However, it sounds as if the technicians at the dealership are "concerned" about the green fluid. Although we do not use the dealership for oil changes etc...I highly doubt the place we went "topped off" the brake fluid. I am still waiting to talk to them to see what # DOT fluid they do use.

    Anyway, the car is still under warranty and if it is the master cylinder I was curious if the dealership finally acquiesced and fixed the problem with your Mazda?

    Thank you.
  • six__packsix__pack Member Posts: 1
    This is my first post on this board and I have been looking for the right Mazda6 for a couple of weeks now. After reading the green break fluid issue I started checking the break fluid on all cars I have looked at. Nearly every one had green break fluid including one that just had a four wheel break job performed under warranty by Northtown Mazda in Kansas City. I think your dealer is just making excuses because a customer pays more than Mazda for service/warranty work. Go to a Mazda lot and check the color of the used 6's break fluid, ask your dealer to do the same thing on his own used car lot. 9 out of 10 will be green.
  • jnj066jnj066 Member Posts: 1
    This is my first post to the board. I just recently purchased a 2006 5-door with a 2.3 atx. Upon cold start up the engine has a really loud rattle and sputters. I have had it to the dealer and they tell me this is normal?? They said they did re-flash the computer with a updated program, but that did not help. Has anyone else had this issue or any suggestions.
  • wrjoycewrjoyce Member Posts: 51
    I love the subtle spoiler on the Mazda 6 speed version and dislike the wing spoiler on the hatch. Does anyone know if they can be switched. Would really like to get the hatch but i just have an aversion to wing spoilers.
  • barlobarlo Member Posts: 23
    The other day I got in the car and I heard a pop sound. I then noticed the lumbar support dial did not work. Has any one else had this problem on their 2006 Mazda6 and what is involved in getting it repaired. Do they have to replace the seat? Thanks
  • isseyvooisseyvoo Member Posts: 121
    Couldn't believe my eyes when I saw your post! The exact same thing happened to me on my '06 i hatch this past Tuesday! Pop, and I felt the lumbar support give way. Now the dial just spins without doing anything and with no feeling of resistance. I haven't bothered to get it repaired yet. Since my dealer is 25 mi. away, I just figured I'd wait until my first service appointment. But I assume they'll have to replace the seat (complicated by the fact that there's an airbag embedded in it). Anybody else?
  • kmaynardkmaynard Member Posts: 1
    The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago with my 06 s Sedan. Pop and now the dial just spins. I have not had in into the dealer yet because I live about 85 miles away.
  • slickcitystanslickcitystan Member Posts: 2
    I have a Mazda6 grand touring sedan with 6cyl and 6spAT. my horn began sounding a steady tone like it was stuck. the engine immoblizer light is on steady. the car has 1720 miles. any ideas or suggestions before I take to the dealer. I had to pull the fuse to stop the horn but that also disables the brake lights.
  • gmckenzigmckenzi Member Posts: 3
    The brake issue very recently got resolved. Thankfully the service manager at the second dealership kept an open mind and started pushing back on corporate about the green brake fluid. He called the internal Mazda tech-line and when they also thought the brake fluid should be green, he asked them to start popping hoods on 6's and look at the color - alas, the tech was amazed to seen green fluid. He went through the same thing with the regional rep, who also was amazed to see green fluid.

    After more digging, the theory passed down from the tech-line is that Japanese-built 6's have clear fluid, and Michigan-built 6's have green fluid. I suspect it isn't that straightforward because I've heard North-American owners claim that their fluid is clear. Regardless, after enough Mazda corporate people were convinced that green fluid wasn't abnormal, they started diagnosing the problem back at square one. In the end, they only had to replace the master cylinder and the brakes worked great.

    The service manager was highly apologetic, and embarassed, about how much I had been put through on this issue. I intend to visit the first dealership's general manager and service manager (the dealership that wouldn't keep an open mind and told me that I was going to have to pay out of pocket) and have a little chat with them, as well as write a letter to corporate about the way the first dealership handled the problem.

    I owe a big thank you to everyone who sent me responses to my web postings on this subject -- it made all the difference.

  • jason27jason27 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 6i with 45K. The upholtery on the seat on both sides of the rear bench is literally falling apart at the seams. In both cases, it's where one type of cloth meets another. I took it to the dealer today, and they said they can only "look" at the problem and send to a Mazda rep, then I have to make sure I get back to the dealer (30 miles away) on his schedule so he can make the call. As little use as my back seat sees, there is no excuse for these tears...other than there simply wasn't enough fabric for the stitching to hold onto. Has anyone seen a similar problem? I'm anxious to know...my interior looks about ten years old right now!
  • barlobarlo Member Posts: 23
    Took my M6 into dealer on Monday for broken lumbar support. He had to order part. They have had a few of these come in.
    I will let you know how it turns out.
  • mz6greyghostmz6greyghost Member Posts: 1,230
    Has anyone seen a similar problem? I'm anxious to know...my interior looks about ten years old right now!

    The cloth interiors on the 03-05s are known to wear down very quickly, with many owners getting new front seats due to the terrible wear of the cloth seats. Stay on your dealer and Mazda about this, and they'll take care of it under warranty.
  • osadnickosadnick Member Posts: 3
    I have the beige cloth interior in my '03. The kidney? support on the drivers seat broke loose last week and metal is rubbing through the seat. The back seats are trashed from 3 years of kids shoes and spills. I just ordered a new two-toned leather interior for about $1K installed. The upholsterer will fix the foam pad on my drivers seat for an extra $40 bucks while he has the seats out.
  • orangcort1orangcort1 Member Posts: 1
    I purchased a Mazda6 in November. My 6 has the bose stereo package. When I turn my stereo up to about 10 it seems as though the plastic side panels of the door are rattling really bad on every door. It is really annoying. I took it into the dealer for my first oil change and he said that it wasn't something that could be fixed. I guess I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem. If no one has there needs to be something to do to fix it if I am the only one. Cars should rattle that much when the stereo is playing. Any advice???
  • mobile1phmobile1ph Member Posts: 6
    I have a 2005 Mazda 6i sedan 4cyl automatic that i bought used from a toyota dealer. The car was a rental car, It has 14,700 miles. My problem is im getting bad gas mileage. Below 20 miles in the city and below 27 on the highway. Is there something wrong with the car? Is there something I can do to improve this? I did not notice any leaks (like fuel). I would appreciate any help I can get. Also my radio sound sometimes has static not sure why..is it the antenna?

    Thank you very much.
  • lindawwlindaww Member Posts: 7
    Obviously something is wrong, because sometimes I put my Bose up to 15 and don't get the rattle. I would try another dealer.
  • xplorx4xplorx4 Member Posts: 621
    The car may have been beat on by previous renters. It may need a tune-up.

    Follow the advice in this article for more ideas.
  • audia8qaudia8q Member Posts: 3,138
    Your car may have some open recalls that need attention...have your local mazda dealer service dept. run your VIN#. There are some TSB/recalls that may address your problem.
  • slickcitystanslickcitystan Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2006 mazda6 purchased last month and there aren't any rattles even when I turn the bose sound up to 12 or 13. The rattling sound may be the speakers themselves as opposed to the plastic side panels on the doors. Try a different dealer or take it to an independent car audio shop for a diagnosis
  • dianewdianew Member Posts: 1
    At 37,000 miles, my car screeched every time I backed into my parking space. The dealer said my brake pads needed replacing for ONLY $278. I said FORGET IT! I researched on the internet and there was a service bulletin (04-004/04) on "front brake judder and/or brake moan noise" but the dealer said it didn't apply since it was "normal wear." I called Mazda Customer Service who said the same thing as the dealer.

    Finally, I took it to my neighborhood mechanic and he replaced my pads and ROTORS (which were already too thin) for the same amount. The rotors had been machined only once at 17,000 when I was feeling strong vibration in the brake pedal (which the service bulletin also covers). I drive 15/85 city/highway but park on the lower three levels of a parking garage which may or may not have contributed to the brake wear. I LOVE the confident way this car handles but don't like the Mazda dealers. They have lessons to learn in good customer service.
  • ajmtbmajmtbm Member Posts: 245
    are the cloth interiors on the 2006's different? did they fix the problem for 2006 cars?
  • mz6greyghostmz6greyghost Member Posts: 1,230
    are the cloth interiors on the 2006's different? did they fix the problem for 2006 cars?

    The '06 models had slightly redesigned seats with different (and better, IMO) cloth material used. The problem could very well be fixed, but only time and miles driven on '06 models will tell us for sure.
  • mz6greyghostmz6greyghost Member Posts: 1,230
    Okay, I'll agree that $278 is steep for pads, but the dealer isn't to blame for anything else here.

    First of all, 37K miles on brakes isn't bad at all, considering I averaged 20K MILES on my pads for my Grand Am. Normal wear applies in this case, and the TSB won't, so Mazda was correct in this case.

    The TSB may or may not have been issued prior to when your rotors were machined, but I don't see any problem with Mazda's "customer service" in this case, besides the pricing. My dealer has been nothing but stellar with me, in terms of maintenance and for one issue I had (a faulty gas cap).
  • tac6tac6 Member Posts: 1
    The samethng happened to my rotors and pads at 23,000 miles. Dealership was horrible to me. However they are only charging me 119.00 I believe the rotors are defective I have never had to replace rotors and pads at 23,000 miles. Mazda dealer is not treating me very nice either.
  • glideslopesglideslopes Member Posts: 431
    I have 60,000 on my 03 6s. (F) Rotors turned at 15,000, replaced at 30,000. Turned at 45,000, replaced at 60,000. new (F) Pads at 30,000, and 60,000.

    New (R) Rotors and Pads at 50,000.

    Still love the car.
  • azorglubazorglub Member Posts: 43
    I'm in the east bay, and the Fremont dealership wants $600 for the 30k maintenance. That sounds a bit steep to me. Any other recommendation?
  • mz6greyghostmz6greyghost Member Posts: 1,230
    Yes, skip it!

    IIRC, the ONLY thing that's required by Mazda at the 30K service besides the oil change is the air filter change (and only in Puerto Rico). The rest is just checking fluid levels and inspections (of brakes, etc). The plugs don't get changed, the radiator doesn't require a flush.

    From the Mazdausa website:

    Exhaust system heat shields, Idle speed, Front and rear suspension and ball joints, Function of all lights, Power steering fluid level, Steering operation & linkages, Tire inflation pressure and tire wear, Fuel lines, hoses & connections, Engine coolant level, Driveshaft dust boots, Cooling system, Drive Belts (tension), Bolts & nuts on chassis & body, Brake & clutch fluid level, Disk brakes
    Engine oil filter, Engine oil, Air filter - Puerto Rico ONLY
    All locks & hinges

    I'd replace the air filter myself, but it costs $20 at some parts websites and it's a 5 minute job yourself.

    The only thing I'm not sure about is the auto transmission fluid change, since I have a manual.
  • azorglubazorglub Member Posts: 43
    I got a manual too. :)

    I'd still like a recommendation for a good independent mechanic if somebody knows a good one.
  • cschneider3cschneider3 Member Posts: 39
    I am a current Mazda 6 S Grand Sport owner and am inquiring about excessive tire wear on these cars. My dad is a mechanic and told me that my uncle (a 2005 Mazda 3 S Grand Touring owner who has 15,000 miles on his car) had to replace all 4 of his tires because they were completely worn, and this is only after 15,000 miles.

    My dad said that by the tread of the 18" tires, I maybe lucky to see 25,000 miles on the tires.

    Has anyone else experienced this issue or problem?
  • jeremy585jeremy585 Member Posts: 9
    I get the same, but with a 6cyl. Overall Mazda's dont get very good gas mileage. I rarely get 300 miles to a tank
  • cschneider3cschneider3 Member Posts: 39
    I have a 2006 6S Grand Sport 6 cyl Grand Sport automatic and I am getting 25 mph with mixed driving (Mostly City) and 27 mpg straight Highway Driving. I am able to get 170 mpg on just a 1/4 tank of gas.

    Hope you are able to get that fixed, Good luck!
  • suydamsuydam Member Posts: 4,841
    I also have the 6cyl wagon (2004). I get maybe 20 mpg overall, sometimes 23 if doing highway driving. It's the single biggest weakness of this vehicle. Although I love it, I'm actually thinking seriously about the Honda Fit, especially if gas prices keep rising. It's too bad because I love every other aspect of the car.

    As to the tires, I have almost 20,000 miles on my wagon and so far the tires are fine.
    '24 Kia Sportage PHEV
    '24 Chevy Blazer EV 2LT
  • mjvchicagomjvchicago Member Posts: 149
    I have a 2003 Mazda6s and can say that I ran to 45,000 miles on the original set of tires. They were the stock Michelin MXM4 17" set. I have since replaced them with Avon M550's. I have heard a lot of people get say that they didn't get good treadwear on the Michelins, but I'm not sure why. Wonder if it was a certain batch that was bad.

    Have you regularly rotated the wheels?
  • cschneider3cschneider3 Member Posts: 39
    I only have 2,500 miles on my Mazda6, but I am very particular about the maintence of my car. I change my oil every 2,000 miles (I know they say 3,000 to 5,000 but my dad is a mechanice and I have access whenever the need/want is there) and I rotate my tires every 6,000 miles.

    I was looking for feedback because my dad said he's had a few Mazda6's in and the owners weren't getting very good mileage out of the stock tires. I just hope that is not my case!
  • sodeepcsodeepc Member Posts: 4
    Hi all -

    I am planning on buying a 2003 Mazda6S with 29,000 miles on it. The only problem I can find with it is a scratch on the front right bumper and on the right rear tire rim.

    Are there any problems that I should know about with this vehicle? Would it still be under the standard warranty?

    I'm looking at either this or the 2003 Accord EX V6 but I like the styling of this vehicle.

    The sales price they are providing is 16,991. It has leather seats, moonroof, an aftermarket navigation system, spoiler, chrome exhaust, and chrome gas tank cover, and is in good condition other than the scratches I mentioned. Good deal?

    Thanks for your help! I hope to make a decision by end of day tomorrow at the latest!
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