more space for kids!!!
I purchased a 2003 access Tundra. While I am fully aware of the future model proposed for the 4 door Tundra, in the meantime my 8 and 6 year old complain about the space back there. I start to second guess the purchase and envy the 4 door dodges, fords, etc. Someone out there tell me the quality of the truck outweighs this space problem, please. If not, maybe on down the road, I might have to consider a trade in (ugh $$$). Suggestions? (someone said : gag the kids and throw in the back- ha)
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When did parents start asking 8 y/0's for auto shopping advice? This seems to be the first generation of parents that are genuinely afraid of their own kids and actively seek the approval of children, as if they know anything about anything at that age. Are you that afraid your kids won't love you if you don't do their bidding? Will they be traumatized for life if they can't recline their seats like in first class airplane seats on trips? The space in a Tundra is perfectly adequate for a child, and even an adult for shorter trips. Try the back seat of a Porsche 911 if you want to see torture.
I'm a baby boomer myself, but god, this generation is messed up when it comes to parenting.
Try asking your doctor for some testosterone shots if what a 6 y/o kid complains about ruins your day. Good grief!
P.S. - God needs to be uppercased.
I'm happy I'm not your child... Do us all a favor, and take a chill pill.
Now, back on topic, touc, I've been riding in small cars/trucks all my life, and I actually feel UNcomfortable in a large car. Too much space, but I never complained (Never wanted to, and still, to this day, I never complain about roominess in any automobile). After a while, you seem to get used to it, but next time, maybe you'll want to take your kids for a test drive. When you have a family, they ALL have to be comfortable, or else someone's going to complain.
Now, if I hit my head on the ceiling of the car, IT'S TIME FOR ME TO COMPLAIN!
Further proof that most people try to make like they buy a vehicle for its attributes but what always wins in the end is image and style.
A pontiac Vibe has more room in it than most SUV's and the back seat is way more comfy.
The whole 'third seat' thing is just so people with two kids can keep the kids separated and from fighting with each other. I would just tell the kids to shut the up and sit quiet. No one buys a van or SUV with a 3rd seat and actually carries 7 passengers around.
I know some people who have traded in their mini vans for a suv, and boy have they regretted the loss of space. And now, with the gas prices....whew!
IF there is ANY drawback to it:
bigger truck + same engine= lower gas mileage
What a beautiful truck!
The new Quad-Cab is an awesome looking truck from Toyota. I'm single and my Tundra is my daily driver. I do plan on getting the quad-cab as I hate listening to my lunch partners whine and moan about rear seat room. I had originally planned to purchase a SCrew, but was won over by the Tundra's great build quality and performance.
The new quad-cab is overdue and I look forward to buying a purty red one with a sunroof and rear windshield that lowers!!!
That new Tundra Quad-Cab sure is nice looking though. I'm totally happy with my Tundra (2001, Thunder Gray, 2WD SR5 Access Cab) but I'd seriously consider upgrading to the Quad-Cab if the price was right.
The Tundra Quad-cabs are slated to show up in showrooms this fall (Nov. 15). Here's a link to a page with lots of pics: Tundra Double-Cab yumminess!
The 2000-2003 Tundra is small, undersize. Period. And, indeed, that is the only factor that put me in a dilema whether buy the Tundra or not. When I see the 2004 models, I felt in love with it and that is *the* truck I've been waiting for. Check in for pricings on the new Tundra.
1. Drives pretty well for a vehicle this big. Coming from a 98 Lexus GS400, so will miss the speed and handling but with two small children this made more sense. Very quiet, good exhaust sound, lots of understeer.
2. There is a huge amount of room in the truck, I put the front seat all the way back and my 6'1" neigbor sat in the back and his knees did not touch the front seat.
3. No company has as of now started producing a fiberglass cap for the bed, but there will be several around Feb-March.
4. Even with the 17" wheels the tires don't come close to looking big enough for the truck. Better start selling some more stuff on Ebay!
Overall we like our decision, the red is definitely the way to go!