od/on -off light flashing!

Member Posts: 30
edited March 2014 in Ford
help three days ago my od-on/off panel light starting flashing and when I push th ebutton in it won't turn off,only does it after I have driven a couple of miles.turn the truck off and back on its gone! Also noticed the transmission is slipping ( I think) because it jerks into the next gear,I have to almost floor it to get speed in order to merdge?The fluid level is not low could it be the filter needs changed? its a 2000 explorer just bought it AUG.13TH!!! the check engine light has come on for the second time? any suggestions, can I still drive it until I can get an appointment ? HELP



  • Member Posts: 2,353
    of a failing transmission or transmission control component - it may not be the transmission itself, but the TCM or PCM that controls all the input.

    Get it in quick, or have it towed - it may strand you.

    Not trying to be a killjoy here, just being honest.
  • Member Posts: 30
    thanks ZUESLEWIS for your quick reply! but what is TCM-PCM?Is this something I can have my mechanic look into himself or can I? Sorry to ask this but I'm a single mom just trying to save money and I have no other means of transportation and I need to be at work espeically since "Isabel hit" any thing I can do to ease the stress on my transmission until I can get it into the shop by Thursday? I keep turning the od-off when IT LETS ME and I don't floor the gas pedal when I need the speed I just let it get to the power I need in its own time. Sorry to go on & on but I'm just really concerned now, any ideas on the cost I could be looking at?

    again thanks
  • Member Posts: 2,353
    TCM is the Transmission Control Module and the ECM is the Engine Control Module. Your vehicle also has a PCM (Powertrain Control Module) that sort of translates for the two other units.

    I've seen O/D light trouble codes lead to just a wiring repair or a faulty control module.

    It doesn't have to be an internal failure to cause issues - your transmission may be fine, but is getting told to do something stupid by a faulty control module.

    I don't think there's a "stress" issue to be concerned with - if it IS an internal problem, all the soft toe driving there is won't change things much.
  • Member Posts: 30
  • Member Posts: 30
    thanks again ZUESLEWIS! I will have it checked out asap! Hope its just a small jobcause I really love my truck!I'll try and post whe I have the answer.

    many thanks
  • Member Posts: 2,353
  • Member Posts: 30
    Hi again ZUESLEWIS,
    had the car towed back to the dealer just this morning! Will get an update by Friday ugh! Oh well at least its in their hands! will keep you posted !I barely made it home last night, couldn't get the speed even with my foot to the floor it just dragged on?

    many thanks!
  • Member Posts: 2,353
    Doesn't sound good, but again, could be a control module.

    What's your warranty situation?
  • Member Posts: 30
    Zueslewis--Warranty ? Well I had only a 30 day warranty ( I know ) BUT! the thing is I called the dealership WAY before it was to expire but they NEVER called me back to schedule the service.I sent 3-e-mails & left several messages .when I didn't get any call back I wrote a letter to the companies corporate office ( still within the warranty time) & I stated that loudly in my letter -BINGO! when I still didn't get a reply from the corporate office I sent them an e-mail explaining that my attorney advised me to try one more time before he proceeds, and I went one better I told them that were I live they have a local news station that does stories for consumers on fraud i/e and that I would make sure this story was told because I would make it my lifes work to let EVERYONE KNOW about their "shoddy service department" quote: "you make a person happy they tell 10 people-you "ticked them off they tell the world!! Anyway after that e-mail within HOURS & I mean hours someone from the dealership contacted me at my home after 7pm & stated they received my letter
    (imagine that) anyway they told me to have the truck towed,if I needed a loaner let them know and they would take care of my truck!! I said "bout time" and I don't plan on paying a dime whether its a simple fix or a "shot trans" I will not accept a bandaid" how's that? Sorry so long but I will let you know,again many thanks!!!

  • Member Posts: 2,353
    and TV coverage IS NOT the way to get someone to do you a favor...whether you consider it a favor or not - you're dealing with a human element - don't go out of your way to slam them.
  • Member Posts: 30
    sorry didn't mean to come off so strong! its just that I don't want to be taken for granted AGAIN! I feel that I have tried in vain to get service and I WAS IGNORED until I shouted! you know I once worked for an attorney who told me something over 15 years ago & I've never forgotten it "he who yells the loudest gets heard" so I used that term? look I'm a single woman and I just feel I have to keep my guard up ( so to speak) because I have in the past be taken for granted when I was dealing with something in the "man's world" excuse the expression please but I just won't lie down quietly with out a fight! maybe if I could explain "everything" this dealership has "jerked me through you would understand like the last time I had service for the "check engine light coming on,the service idiot told me "just put a piece of tape of it if it bothers you" HELLO !!!
    would you? Now maybe you can see why my feathers are a little ruffeled.I admire you compassion for the "human element " and all but there is more to this story--haven't you ever been taken for a ride sorta speaking ? anyway I'll keep you posted,by the way I fully understand the line "you catch more bee's with honey" I'll remember to use as my last attempt to get satisfaction.

  • Member Posts: 2,353
    I can't post it here, but it involves the lawfirm I work for - e-mail if you'd like.
  • Member Posts: 30
    i posted a reply this morning but for some reason it didn't take? anyway i also tried to send you an e-mail & that didn't take think my computer is tired? anyway now I'm curious as to your story please e-mail me @jln0514@hotmail.com when you can.my truck was sent to a transmission shop ? the owner called me about whether or not i purchased the extended warranty --doesn't sound good i explained my entire story and than he said well they have a program called "customer care" and he believes i'm fully qualified & he will do what he can to get this problem covered? i'm praying now BIG TIME! will wait for your e-mail.

  • Member Posts: 30
    well I just received a phone call from the dealer who said that they were going to take care of the problem for me in FULL! said he believed that the tranny had to be re-built and that they were going to cover me under the "customer care program" because I have had the truck under six months! WOOPE! now what should I ask for concerning the problem (just in case) god forbid it happens again-he also stated that explorers are known for the tranny problem especially in the older models ,my is a 2000 I asked him than why would you sell them? anyway I had to ask course I didnt get or expect an answer-lol so how did I do? I'm still keeping a diary of dates ,calls conversations i.e again -just in case!

  • Member Posts: 2,353
    just keep your repair order copies and notes on who you talked to..

    Fords, in general, have transmission issues. In my line of work, I see Ford transmission cases all the time.

    The dealer sells them because they're a Ford dealer - not much they can do about it except deal with what comes up.
  • Member Posts: 30
    YES! it is good news but? I have learned from other people that a "re-built" tranny normally only comes with a 30 day guarantee? so basically I'm right back were I started from aren't I? I don't mean to sound or come off as so neigative but wouldn't you feel just as nervous about driving it? When they call me to come pick it up
  • Member Posts: 30
    continued--sorry hit the wrong button I hate when that happens but as I was saying-I'm not sure what paper work they will give me I plan on "demanding" an explanation written that is of what was done and replaced as well as a warranty,because if they "sorta speak" did the banaid treatment I would than want to apply for help under the lemon law.Really I would just rather have them take it back being that I started having these major issues six days after the purchase,but than again do I have a leg to stand on? thanks again for your reply.

  • Member Posts: 30
    YES! it is good news but? I have learned from other people that a "re-built" tranny normally only comes with a 30 day guarantee? so basically I'm right back were I started from aren't I? I don't mean to sound or come off as so neigative but wouldn't you feel just as nervous about driving it? When they call me to come pick it up
  • Member Posts: 2,171
    all the rest are rebuilts. that's how it's done. it isn't going to change.

    but the new one is remanufactured to factory specs and does carry a limited warranty, so if it was dropped on the dock and munged up, it will fail real early and be replaced for you.

    I can assure you that if you buy replacement headlight bulbs or spark plugs at the dealer, those are indeed new, but won't last forever, either.

    trannies are more expensive and vexing when they fail, but what you're getting is better than what you had now. and you're getting it free thanks to customer care, which works for now.

    drive like you paid for it, and you have a good chance it will be OK. if not, stuff happens and we die, but not today and not from this, and you get another chance to get a good one.

    not a great answer, but not a lie.

    the 5-speed auto trannies with the V8s and trailer packages in SUVs and trucks seem to do better than ford's 4-speed autos, and one would think Ford would get their act together because this is common knowledge, but only time will tell.
  • Member Posts: 30
    yes you may be correct and I may luckey because they also sent me a letter advising me that because of all my trouble they are going to extend my warranty until dec.31.2003,however I still wonder if I will get the breakdown on what was fixe,replaced i.e ? I ve requested it three times but I'm told we forgot but we will get it for you? I'm to pick up the truck tonight so before I sign anything am I being to unreasonable to request that again? thats all I'm saying hear.

    thanks for your input
  • Member Posts: 2,353
    it will break down (no pun intended) everything done to the truck. It the trans was rebuilt, it'll list all the parts.

    Warranties will also be listed. If not, have it written in and signed. Sounds like they really stepped up when they actually didn't have to - don't beat up the dealer too badly.
  • Member Posts: 30
    your right they did step up and for that I'm grateful but thanks I was looking for that answer of what I should expect for my own records thats all & NO I won't beat up the dealer but FORD--thats another story,you would think that with all the problems here that they would step up to the plate after all have you seen their new commericals "BUILT FORD TUFF'? maybe it should say"FORD'S BLUFF" lol

    thanks again
  • Member Posts: 2,353
    regardless of what you and I feel is right, the dealer and manufacturer weren't bound to do ANYTHING...

    The repair order should explain everything fully for you.
  • Member Posts: 30
    No! it wasn't out of warranty when they kept ignoring me thats when I wrote the corporate office for the dealership ,and they received the letter while it was still under warranty!! But when they contacted me at home the serv tech stated they had received notification of my letter which was sent to corporate and they were sorry they thought my truck had been serviced already!!! So technically it was under warranty when corporate got the news it was parked in my driveway for two weeks, either way it worked out and for that as I said I'm grateful but I woould have pursued it had corporate ignored me too.

  • Member Posts: 30
    No! it wasn't out of warranty when they kept ignoring me thats when I wrote the corporate office for the dealership ,and they received the letter while it was still under warranty!! But when they contacted me at home the serv tech stated they had received notification of my letter which was sent to corporate and they were sorry they thought my truck had been serviced already!!! So technically it was under warranty when corporate got the news it was parked in my driveway for two weeks, either way it worked out and for that as I said I'm grateful but I would have pursued it had corporate ignored me too.

  • Member Posts: 2,353
    for my misunderstanding...

    Then again, if I remember correctly, you notified the dealership during the warranty period, but couldn't get the truck into the dealership, right?

    For whatever reason that doesn't matter now, bear in mind that Ford gets thousands of warranty claims per day, and when they see something "out" of warranty based on the mileage on the vehicle when the repair order was actually written, they deny the claim.
  • Member Posts: 30
    ok I have another question I need answered because I'm so confused and the owners manual doesn't help me much. I drive normally about 12 miles to work along the interstate between 65-70 no upgrades,hills curves just straight flat roads.
    so I've assumed I don't need it on. But when I go out of state to west va. and I'm cruising at 75 it should be on until I hit the mountains than absolutely keep it off while taking the mountains is this correct? I just don't fully understand this od system because I've always driven a manual truck so I knew when to shift and when not to? I really prefer a manual over the automatic any day because it just seems to me you have more control. Have I confused you yet?

  • Member Posts: 2,353
    but you won't confuse me over a few easy questions about transmissions.

    The truck can stay in overdrive mode during any normal driving condition, like your commute. If you're in the mountains and the truck is searching between overdrive and the next gear down (downshifting a lot), then take the O/D off and let it sit in the next gear down. You can drive at 90 in that gear, so don't worry about driving 50 up a hill.

    Also, if you're ever towing, switch it off unless you're on flat, steady ground and going a set speed with no changes.
  • Member Posts: 30
    Thanks Zueslewis I just received a call to come pick up my truck anytime today,so probably after work I'll do that & let you know what the repair order reads tomorrow .

  • Member Posts: 2,353
  • Member Posts: 5
    In the process of trading in my first & last Ford, 02 Exploder XLS. Has nickled & dimed us since purchased new in 8/01 (mfg 4/01). New trans @ 40K after hounding dealer there was a problem since 30K. Upper & lower EGR control switch replaced after computer said only one was needed, after replacing the one the computer said to, the idiot light came back on and lo and behold....the 2nd EGR switch was needed. After replacing both the service engine light came right back on...code P1400 Differential pressure EGR Circuit low output code. ABS sensor replaced at 40K, ABS light now back on showing code C1237 PPFE Sensor circuit low voltage on computer. Front left squeeking, apparently some kind of kit needed to fix. Fan belts squeek during rainy weather. Built Ford tough though!! ;) I'm going Toyota!!
  • Member Posts: 2,171
    the fan belts IMHO are sick. I got tired of squeaking and put on a Gates belt. problem solved. my 2000 has been quite solid.

    I can't help but suspect that a few too many parts were replaced looking for your check engine light issue... but sensors fail, and they might have been legitimately nuts.
  • Member Posts: 462
    You should always leave the transmission in O/D except for the special circumstance zueslewis mentioned. Cruising in 3 wastes fuel and increases heat in the transmission.
  • Member Posts: 30
    ok sorry it took me so long to get back but I just picked the truck up last night,and it drove well (well it got me home) but here goes? the morning I warmed it up and proceed to work got only about 3 miles and loh & behold the od-light starting flashing again and again I put my foot to the floor and the truck didnt want to go! I pulled over,turned the damn truck off sat a minute turned back on & proceed to the nearest gas station-the truck had less than a quarter of a tank-so I filled it up and drove to work-the light stayed off & it drove find ?? Now I'm really puzzeled?? The repair order stated & I quote" transmission componment failure-,service: complete transmission overhaul done" end of quote! thats it, now do I have a reason to "scream" !!! help!

  • Member Posts: 2,353
    if the light goes on, it throws a code - definitely have it checked. Maybe you can just drive by at lunch or something and have them put the diagnostic scanner on it.

    Do it ASAP, though.
  • Member Posts: 30
    well I attempted to do just that drive it back but I didn't make it! it was fine driving at 35 mls per hr but when I went to merge onto the highway it got stuck in gear ( I believe) anyway I almost got rear ended by a tractor trailer because I couldn't get up speed was stuck at 30 in a 65 mile zone! Finally I was able to crawl to the shoulder and turned the truck off,sat for awhile and tried again--it took me an hour and forty five minutes to get home-normally a 20 minute ride! So here I go again, the truck is sitting in my driveway waiting to get towed back for the second time! I have made two payments ( early) on this truck,two Insurance payments and have had to put gas in it and a loaner twice and I have onlt be able to drive this ( pos) a total of less than three weeks! This is getting annoying!My personal mechanic said it now sounds like the converter in front of the trannny? I will keep you posted again!

  • Member Posts: 2,353
    on the bright side, since repairs were just made, there's not a question about the warranty...
  • Member Posts: 30
    ok I just received the call my truck is ready again for pick up tonight the tech stated the problem was a "seal"???? sound right? guess I will find out during the drive home,keeping my fingers,toes & eyes crossed here! I'll let you know. Still haven't received the detail repair sheet I was informed by the tech to contact the owner of the transmission co and ask him to fax it over to me ( I really feel I need to have that with all my paperwork on this trucks service.
    Anyway I feel lucky today,will keep you posted.Thanks for all your advice and help.

  • Member Posts: 2,353
    out to a private shop? I didn't know that - getting a repair order on a sublet repair can be tough - your dealer has the actual invoice from the transmission shop - bug them about it. They wouldn't have paid for the repair without a repair order from the transmission shop...
  • Member Posts: 30
    yes sorry I forgot to mention that actually I purchased it from a multi dealer ? I'm not sure I can mention there name on this form? But I thought that the dealer so to speak would have the actual repair order and I asked them that,so now I will bug them. Funny when I picked up the truck last night the repair invoice stated that the problem had been corrected they replaced a front seal, & they also stated it was low on tranny fluid? I quickley pointed out to the service tech by saying," uh don't you think if they over hauled the transmission that they would have also replaced the fluids or at least topped them off? He looked at me like I had two heads and shook his head.

  • Member Posts: 30
    ok you will not believe this but I picked the truck up again--drove to work Thursday & Friday with no problems ( only about 12 mls each way) Now Saturday drove to several stores and BINGO! Check engine light back on!!! i'm really getting tired of this, and I have 5 years to go worring what next,when will I be stranded again all alone on a dark higway? Do I have a "lemon law case here"? I mean I bought the truck on the evening of July 29th ( 11 weeks ago) and have only been able to drive it on & off less than 6 weeks !The corporate office called me after the 1st time and said if there was anything they could do just call them,well maybe I should ask them to buy this truck back and make me another offer on another one?

    Total disgusted
  • Member Posts: 2,353
    More than likely, since you bought it used, there's no chance of qualifying for a lemon law case, but the Magnusson-Moss Warranty Improvement Act (breach of warranty case) may apply.
  • Member Posts: 30
    Its a 2000 Ford XLS Explorer,with approx: 57k miles on it. And I would tell you were I purchased it but I'm not sure I can post the compaines name, its a hugh dealership that is in several states and starts with the word CAR***?
    Please let me know what I can do,whether I should contact their corporate office in Va again and ask them to buy it back or what other options I might have.I just can't go another five years like this worring all the time and being afraid to travel out of town to visit my family.

  • Member Posts: 2,353
    policies - check that out, for sure.

    At 57K miles, the manufacturer is off the hook unless there was a factory-backed extended warranty in place.

    Definitely pursue through Car Sense - they seem to be a pretty honorable organization.
  • Member Posts: 30
    according to the manual their are some issues that seem to be covered by ford and I believe I'm under the milage noted there,but it is a used truck and I believe orignal owner is only covered not sure? The car-(max) store has obligated me since I wrote there corporate office so my thought is,start from there make an offer to have them replace the truck and see what happens.I strongly feel nowthat is my only option,but what about getting an extended warranty from them ,I heard somewhere that you can request one if its under 90 days of purchase, is this right?

  • Member Posts: 2,353
    I would try internally with Car Max. The manufacturer, at 57K miles, is only responsible for the catalytic converter and the PCM - no transmission components at all.
  • Member Posts: 30
    you know I have always thought it might be something with the catalytic converter and I told them that because right before the "check engine light " comes on I have a horrible odor like rotten eggs ( I think) I also just got my emmissions notice in the mail & it will not pass with the light on thats for sure,but (dummy me ) what excatley does "PCM "stand for ? One more thing can I still get an extended warranty if I have been a owner less than 90 days,know anything about that?

  • Member Posts: 2,353
    I'm not sure on the extended warranty - that's totally part of a policy question for Car Max.

    Personally, I'd much rather swap vehicles (if they will) than worry about that one!
  • Member Posts: 30
    I'm right there with you on swapping vehicles also in fact I just finished my letter to corporate and will wait for their reply,I basically let them know that I was very pleased on the way the handeled my situation and that I can't blame them outright, but I would like to continue my relationship with them in a positive way so hopefully ( being nice) will catch me more bees than acting like a nut case! Its just been a horrible experience for me. You know I buried one of my sons, at 13 years old and thought that I would loose my mind and never get a grip, but I did and I have tried to ignore that chip on my shoulder ever since but, this truck experience just won't give me closure,it justs keeps nagging & nagging me over & over again.I try I really do to always do the right thing,I always pay my bills on time even before I buy food ,its just the way I have always lived but I can tell you writing out the check for this truck payment doesn't make me feel good one bit. I will keep you posted (if) and when I hear from the corporate office.Thanks again so very much for your honest opinions and help.

    (MEANS "JUST 4 JASON" by late son's name ) I try to do everthing morally right since his death I feel his guidance-
  • Member Posts: 2,353
    sounds like you're handling things well.

    I would hold off on the corporate letter thing unless you like slow motion. Work with them at the dealer level instead of a corporate office that receives hundreds of letters per day. You're certain to be lost in the shuffle and you'll be making calls to mystery people who never read your letter.

    How many times do you want to re-tell your story? Talk about annoying!
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