can anyone give me feedback on what would be the best price to pay for a '04 350Z Performance model. I am looking for one but don't know what price I should negotiate the dealer with. thanks
I just bought the standard edition Silverstone 350Z 2004 model and to me it's better then the track model because the leather wrapped steering wheel is more comfortable. It looks the same and has 17" rims and 11 1/2 inch brakes versus 12 inch Brembo brakes and 18 inch rims on the track. Big whoopie.I got it for $27,000 with extended warranty,GAP insurance,and permaplate out the door for $32,000. I also get lifetime car washes and a slew of coupons for extended services.Elkgrove Nissan in Elkgrove California was great.
I was told that less 350Z's were made this year than even the Porsche 911 carreras to keep the interest high over the years and keep their value high. Has anyone else heard this????
I haven't heard that from Nissan, but yes if they don't sell a lot of 350Zs the resale value will remain high. I thought Nissan was going to sell like 30K in the beginning, but looks more like around 20K now. Face it you can go and find plenty of RX-8s and Crossfires, but not a lot of 350Zs at a Nissan dealer. In a way, I like it if they keep it a low selling to keep the 350Z more interesting, but it also makes it harder for me to find the perfect Z this fall when I am in the market for a car.
I was at a Mazda dealership last weekend and they must have at least 40 Rx8s on the lot. Dealer says he just can't get rid of them. This was a very small dealership and at least half of their inventory was RX8s. Then I went by the dealership that I bought my 350Z from and they only have 2 on their lot.
I just bought an Enthusiast Roadster for $500 under list. I wanted cloth seats and automatic. was told that there were only three in the midwest (the region that includes chicago.
Love the car. sorry to hear about the tire and paint problems, hope nissan steps up and makes things right.
I guess I was lucky. They had the exact model Z I was looking for on the lot of a sort-of local dealer, DCH Freehold Nissan, in Freehold, NJ. I got my MY 2004 Super Black 6 speed Touring coupe, with all options, including Navigation on the last day of November 2003.
I wound up paying about $2500 off of MSRP. They had originally quoted me just under invoice in an email from their Internet manager. They claimed it was an error, and they don't sell the car for under invoice, as there were no incentives on it.
Well, I was more than a little peeved about them not honoring their original quote, which got me down to their dealership in the first place, but overall I feel like I still got a pretty good deal on the car.
By the way, I have about 4300 miles on the car and so far (knock on wood) the tires are not exhibiting any "feathering," or uneven wear, but I do have a few tiny chips in the paint. I really only notice them when I'm washing or waxing the car. Otherwise, it's an awesome car!
I am interested in getting the 350z base model. I test drove the other day and told the salesman I did not want to pay over 25k for this model. He said it was highly possible to get the price I wanted. Is 25k (sans TTL) a good price? How low do you think they will go? Also how much is TTL for this car (in Texas)? And when do 2005 models come into the dealership? Thanks.
Hi all I just ordered a 350Z 2004 Daytona Blue Touring 5-sp auto with dark leather last Sat. I got 700 of MRSP and should get it around late Aug. Can't wait till then. Since blue was hard to find around here had to order it.
This week I bought a 2004 Enthusiast Roadster from Sheehy Nissan in Waldorf, Md. Price was slightly less than MSRP at $35,790. Options included floor mats, convenience net, aluminum kickplates and splash guards. Plus, the dealership included a Silencer security system at no charge (it requires an extra "key," so even if a thief somehow manages to get a coded Nissan key, he still can't start the vehicle. I thought I could use all the help I could get in protecting my new Roadster). They usually sell it for $429. From the test drive to delivery, it was a painless experience.
Yeah I just bought my 350Z Base model from Bankston nissan in Lewisville TX. The TTL was around 1100.00. I got the car for about 500 below invoice but I had a Ford Explorer sport Track (Never get one they suck!) that I had to trade in. I am looking for some after market Shifting knobs, does anyone know any websites that may carry these? I found 1 or 2 but there were about3 different designs and thats it! I read about the tire problem before I bought my Z, so I purchased the Tire warranty product that they sell. Only 3.00 extra per month. Better then blowing out a tire and having to pay for it out of my own pocket. Oh yeah, whats up with Nissan collecting a montsh payment up front? That sucked and of course they don't tell you that when they say you can get the option of no money down! Shifty Sales guys.
Tire warranty Product? A blown tire will be the least of your worries if your Z is plagued with the alignment problem prevalent with 2003 and '04 Z's. My Father just got his Z re purchased by Nissan because of this non fixable issue. Good Luck!!
I bought my 350z redline, touring with navigation, flaps, matts, side airbags, and all other carpets for $35,399.. About $1k above kelly TMV. Supply is very low in the area and demand is high. I don't really car though because I love the car. Dealer: Quirk Nissan in Quincy MA. They were good: but like I said the above and think my trade was worth $500 more. No big deal!
They sold just under 20,000 units in 2003 according to your link. YTD sales are down 14.2% through June. The good news for Nissan is the last time I checked their site they were down 17.5% (through April sales) so maybe there's some upward momentum but its hard to see how they will reach 20,000 units in 2004, much less 35,000. Especially considering the 2005 300HP Mustang GT debuts this fall which many auto analysts expect to be a home run for Ford.
Actually, I consider this good news. Nissan dealers should deal. In my area, $1,500+ "market adjustment" stickers are still out there but yesterday I got a $1,100 off MSRP email quote from a local dealer for a $29,300 (list) Enthusiast model. A couple hundred lower than the total market value for my zip. No great bargain but a fair offer, IMHO.
What is worrying me less than the monthly payments is the cost of ownership after reading the forum on 350Z problems. I'm not looking forward to replacing the crappy audio system and yearly (or more frequent) replacement of high-priced performance tires.
After looking through all the inventory in Los Angeles I finally found one car with Liquid aluminum paint and burn orange leather interior. The car was in storage still wrapped in plastic at Universal City Nissan The salesman asked me to drive it back to the dealership. I knew right then that this car was mine. When we got back to the dealership all the salepeople kept looking at the car saying they had never seen a Z like that one.
Anyway I got a Touring Z with navigation and auto for $36,000. Edmonds had recommended a price of $35,700 and the dealer wanted $37,000 for the longest time. I've never been so excited about a new car!!!
I just got an end-of-month only offer for a 2004 350Z Roadster and I'm not sure if I should take it: $1,000 over invoice. I've seen people paying $1k over on this board, but is that still a good price this late in the model year? Thanks for your opinion...
I think you can prolly do better-I originally got $700 over invoice but they worked real hard to get me what I wanted so I consented to the $1000 over.
Thanks smazzy. I actually threatened to walk and they came down to $500 over plus $50 doc fee. The only thing holding me back is the rumors about a more powerful 2005 model.
Mossy Nissan in Houston is only willing to knock $400-$500 off MSRP for an '04 Performance Coupe. I had a chat with my salesguy, and we even logged onto Edmunds so I could show him the TMV. He told me (with a straight face) that they had never discounted a Z more that $400 off MSRP. To add insult to injury, they offered me an insultingly small amount for my immaculate trade. Looks like no Z for me!
Go somewhere else. I ordered the last 350z Roadster (6-speed, Enthusiast) in AZ and CA for $2,140 under MSRP. No dealer add-ons, no BS. Coupes were going for even bigger discounts. If you have to, buy the car on-line and have it shipped. It will cost you less and you may save on sales tax too.
I ordered mine from Power Nissan of El Monte. The only problem is that most dealers don't have much inventory in roadsters if you want a 6 speed. If you haven't already, try the website and search their inventory.
My new 350Z Roadster arrived today and I sent it right back. Somewhere between the showroom floor in El Monte and my office in Tucson, the air dam got curbed and left a 9" gash. So, I refused delivery and sent the car back.
What a drag! The dealer was totally understanding and offered to fix the damage, but in my book "new" means undamaged. Now I'm back to hunting for a deal...
After doing what is probably WAY to much research, I have a final plan to get my new 350Z
-I plan on getting a 350Z Enthusiast (preferably blue). -I am selling my old car instead of trading it in. -I should have 1000-2000 cash for down payment. -I am getting a loan at my local credit union (I have done much business with them before). -I intend to search the three local dealer web sites and locate an Enthusiast that fits my needs. -I plan on printing out Edmunds TMV and a similar CarMax asking price. -I plan on going in to the dealership with the vehicle that most closely resembles what I want. -The first salesman that walks up to me will hear -I will buy this car right now cash if you can sell it for 27,500 (a bit below TMV counting no options... like floormats)". -I plan on entertaining no more than 2 other offers, and if its more than 28,000 I am walking to the other dealers.
Does this sound like a good plan? I am not typically a rude/confrontoation person, but looking at sticker prices, the dealerships here are crazy. 2000 for a *protection package*?
I work hard for my money, and I don't want to get taken. Does this sound like a fair offer and a method that will work?
Trick is my credit union offered me 4.45% but only up to wholsale!
So I have to cover TTL and any amount over invoice.
I have 2500 cash to put down.
Found a Blue Enthusiast 6spd, Edmunds and KBB show invoice at 27212.
So the most I can pay out the door is 27212 + 2500 = 29712.
In TX, does this sound like something the dealer will accept?
He'd better if he wants to sell it hehe.
But whats is the best way to negotiate? Should I try and focus on the OTD price or should I try and negotiate on the vehicle price (I believe 27700 or so should put me at around my limit).
You really should negotiate an OTD price - this reduces the possibility of invoice scams & sudden extras when you're signing the paperwork. If $27,700 is your upper limit, you don't want to negotiate a $26,900 sales price and then find a $350 ad fee, a $75 documentation fee, and a $200 administrative fee tacked on.
kirstie_h Roving Host & Future Vehicles Host
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Thank you that is very helpful... I think I have done enough math so that I can figure an OTD price of 29712 should give them 500 to 700 dollars over invoice, and at the end of month with a ready to go sale, I figure they will go for it.
I'm interested in leasing a 2004 350Z Touring Roadster. 2 questions for this esteemed group:
1. With what I've read about some quality problems on this board and elsewhere, particularly the tire feathering problems, would you recommend this car? Are these major issues/problems or relatively minor nuisances that can be resolved?
2. What is some of the latest lease pricing you've experienced? Looking at a 36 or 48 month lease with 10k or 12k miles and as little cap reduction as possible.
Any input you have would be greatly appreciated as I will likely make my decision imminently.
The 05 is really the same with the exception of tire pressure monitors on all models ,seat lifts for front/back of seat and yellow as an available color. Unless you can wait until this time next year this price on 05,you will pay more for nothing. Maybe you might want yellow ,in that case wait for the 05 around this time next year.
bought an 05 roadster, 6speed enthusiast, $1400 off msrp. probably could have gotten a few hundred more off, but didn't want to spend hours haggling. negotiations were done in 15 minutes.
painless experience at Douglas Nissan, Orange, CA.
p.s. don't use buying services. you can do much better on your own.
With the 05's starting to roll off line, some deals on 04's in inventory can be had! Local dealer Brown's Sterling Nissan of Sterling, VA was offering $400 over dealer invoice for all '04 350Z's in stock. Invoice price matched what you find here on I jumped on it. (FYI: for this vehicle MSRP=$38,590, invoice=$34,400, my walkaway price=$34,800.) I was in and out in under 90 minutes, driving away in my new Touring roadster (chrome silver, black interior) with the top down! Thank you Sterling Nissan.
Just got my '04 Touring from Passprt Nissan in MD for invoice and no processing fee. If you are not stuck on getting an '05, this is the time to get a good deal on an '04.
Hi newguy here, Forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask, mods feel free to delete if thats the case.
Im in the market for a 05 350z, but im in las vegas and if you dont know already, all nissan and pretty much every car dealer here is a major joke.
So im going around to all the different nissan boards asking, if any of you can recommend a Socal nissan dealer/internet sales guy?, thats reputable, with no BS? Yeah I know wishful thinking, but heck no alternative. links to other boards to will be helpful also.
Tobi, that's not the kind of info we exchange here on these boards. You can get dealership recommendations, but not names or contact info for individuals. Our Membership Agreement also doesn't allow promoting other automotive forums.
Hopefully you'll get some good Nissan dealership recs, though!
kirstie_h Roving Host & Future Vehicles Host
MODERATOR /ADMINISTRATOR Find me at - or send a private message by clicking on my name. 2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h) Review your vehicle
I bet they're closer to 35,000 by year end than 25,000.
Most dealers around me have 4-5 on the lot, maintaining some exclusivity, certainly more than the RX8 which must have had 30 at my local dealer.
Love the car. sorry to hear about the tire and paint problems, hope nissan steps up and makes things right.
I wound up paying about $2500 off of MSRP. They had originally quoted me just under invoice in an email from their Internet manager. They claimed it was an error, and they don't sell the car for under invoice, as there were no incentives on it.
Well, I was more than a little peeved about them not honoring their original quote, which got me down to their dealership in the first place, but overall I feel like I still got a pretty good deal on the car.
By the way, I have about 4300 miles on the car and so far (knock on wood) the tires are not exhibiting any "feathering," or uneven wear, but I do have a few tiny chips in the paint. I really only notice them when I'm washing or waxing the car. Otherwise, it's an awesome car!
Actually, I consider this good news. Nissan dealers should deal. In my area, $1,500+ "market adjustment" stickers are still out there but yesterday I got a $1,100 off MSRP email quote from a local dealer for a $29,300 (list) Enthusiast model. A couple hundred lower than the total market value for my zip. No great bargain but a fair offer, IMHO.
What is worrying me less than the monthly payments is the cost of ownership after reading the forum on 350Z problems. I'm not looking forward to replacing the crappy audio system and yearly (or more frequent) replacement of high-priced performance tires.
Looks like they've currently sold (thru June, 6 months) 16,839 this year and 19,503 in the same 6 months in 2003.
The prices are coming down (check with prices anywhere from $1,800 to $2,400 off MSRP which equates to as little as $240 over invoice.
It will be interesting to see what the new Mustang offers and what the fianl pricing will be when it hits the dealers.
Dealer orders for new Zs starting earlier this month are for the '05s. So you could order one today. 60-90 days delivery.
Thx in advance.
The car was in storage still wrapped in plastic at Universal City Nissan
The salesman asked me to drive it back to the dealership. I knew right then that this car was mine. When we got back to the dealership all the salepeople kept looking at the car saying they had never seen a Z like that one.
Anyway I got a Touring Z with navigation and auto for $36,000. Edmonds had recommended a price of $35,700 and the dealer wanted $37,000 for the longest time. I've never been so excited about a new car!!!
That is amazing, I guess they are discounting on the roadsters now. Back in December of last year you were lucky to get one at MSRP.
Good luck!
I am currently looking for a Z and try to work hard to get a great deal.
I ordered mine from Power Nissan of El Monte. The only problem is that most dealers don't have much inventory in roadsters if you want a 6 speed. If you haven't already, try the website and search their inventory.
Good luck!
What a drag! The dealer was totally understanding and offered to fix the damage, but in my book "new" means undamaged. Now I'm back to hunting for a deal...
Do you think this is good or I should wait for 2005?
-I plan on getting a 350Z Enthusiast (preferably blue).
-I am selling my old car instead of trading it in.
-I should have 1000-2000 cash for down payment.
-I am getting a loan at my local credit union (I have done much business with them before).
-I intend to search the three local dealer web sites and locate an Enthusiast that fits my needs.
-I plan on printing out Edmunds TMV and a similar CarMax asking price.
-I plan on going in to the dealership with the vehicle that most closely resembles what I want.
-The first salesman that walks up to me will hear -I will buy this car right now cash if you can sell it for 27,500 (a bit below TMV counting no options... like floormats)".
-I plan on entertaining no more than 2 other offers, and if its more than 28,000 I am walking to the other dealers.
Does this sound like a good plan? I am not typically a rude/confrontoation person, but looking at sticker prices, the dealerships here are crazy. 2000 for a *protection package*?
I work hard for my money, and I don't want to get taken. Does this sound like a fair offer and a method that will work?
is this STILL a significant issue?
My 2004.5 has no feathering yet *knock on wood* at 9000+ miles. So far I am happy, I hope to reach 15k before I have to replace the fronts.
When posting, be careful when using the "2004.5" designation at the main "Nissan 350Z" form. A guy over there is arguing with me about using that.
I posted about feathering and he knocks me for using 2004.5 LOL.
Owner's club
Trick is my credit union offered me 4.45% but only up to wholsale!
So I have to cover TTL and any amount over invoice.
I have 2500 cash to put down.
Found a Blue Enthusiast 6spd, Edmunds and KBB show invoice at 27212.
So the most I can pay out the door is 27212 + 2500 = 29712.
In TX, does this sound like something the dealer will accept?
He'd better if he wants to sell it hehe.
But whats is the best way to negotiate? Should I try and focus on the OTD price or should I try and negotiate on the vehicle price (I believe 27700 or so should put me at around my limit).
Roving Host & Future Vehicles Host
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2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
Review your vehicle
1. With what I've read about some quality problems on this board and elsewhere, particularly the tire feathering problems, would you recommend this car? Are these major issues/problems or relatively minor nuisances that can be resolved?
2. What is some of the latest lease pricing you've experienced? Looking at a 36 or 48 month lease with 10k or 12k miles and as little cap reduction as possible.
Any input you have would be greatly appreciated as I will likely make my decision imminently.
Happy customer...
painless experience at Douglas Nissan, Orange, CA.
p.s. don't use buying services. you can do much better on your own.
Loving the car!!!
Forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask, mods feel free to delete if thats the case.
Im in the market for a 05 350z, but im in las vegas and if you dont know already, all nissan and pretty much every car dealer here is a major joke.
So im going around to all the different nissan boards asking, if any of you can recommend a Socal nissan dealer/internet sales guy?, thats reputable, with no BS? Yeah I know wishful thinking, but heck no alternative. links to other boards to will be helpful also.
Hopefully you'll get some good Nissan dealership recs, though!
Roving Host & Future Vehicles Host
Find me at - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
Review your vehicle