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Tundra Bashers....

capt2capt2 Member Posts: 57
edited March 2014 in Toyota
To the Town Hall management.....I used to really
enjoy this forum. But you are allowing about 3 or 4
Tundra bashers to fill EVERY Tundra topic with
their babble. The title of these topics is not
whether something else is better. I would just like
to read comments from people that pertain to the
topics. Do not allow a few to make this forum


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    scape2scape2 Member Posts: 4,123
    I agree that some may enter rooms and "bash". At the same time you must be able to accept facts, figures that show the Tundra what it is, MIDSIZE.
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    bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    Well Vince8, see that is the problem, exactly. Anything factual that the Tundra owner hears from a non Tundra owner is considered Tundra bashing.

    The Tundra owners want to live in a clouded fantasy world where their Tundra reins superior. Anyone that shows that their Tundra is no better or worse than any other truck and they start feeling bad about having paid way too much money for a truck with an "assumed" but not "factual" reliability advantage, and also smaller in size with less options available. It stings hard and the Tundra owners don't like it, so then they scream bashing.

    However, it is ok for them to all talk trash they know nothing about and say how inferior domestic trucks are. Bunch of hypocrites.
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    rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Just got back from the Saudi sandbox. Doing my part to keep that oil flowing. I love the bashing, keep it coming for laughs. I'd hate to see anyone banned from a topic for babbling or otherwise. Felt good to drive my Tundra after being gone for a month. BTW, all the Arabs drive Toy Landcruisers. Well, almost every freakin' one of them. Saw an occasional suburban in town but not in the sand. It's a real harsh environment, 130 degrees and dusty sand blowing everywhere.
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    obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    Is this an example of what capt2 is talking about when he states that Tundra bashers fill up their topics with babble? What say on this capt2? Oh yeah, capt2, you may also take note that a Tundra owner in post #3 actually enjoys the bashin. I guess everyone has their opinion.....
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    rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Your right,
    It doesn't bother me to have the same old bashers month after month. Every attempt to ridicule, berate or bash my beloved Tundra makes it clear that I bought the right truck. People who are unhappy with their purchase will try to find fault with another product to escape their own misfortune. For example, I feel chevy's have an inferior build quality, but I don't post on the chevy topic because it's not my problem and I don't own one. I support everyones right to write what they like about the Tundra...good-or-bad!
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    scape2scape2 Member Posts: 4,123
    Is last post a Psych 101 class? "Everyone bashes my Toyota so they must be jealous"?!! LOL. Ever thought folks just don't like the Tundra? or think the outragous price is not worth it? Take a look at your axle and driveline and compare it to the F150's. Then we'll talk.
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    quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    I'm glad you don't include "bent frames" as an item of Chevy, inferior build quality. That explains your many posts there.

    Still, I'm glad you're back from the desert sands. You make things interesting here!

    While you were away, I drove a Tundra. Even had some nice things to say about it. You can catch up here http://members.aol.com/sturbridg1/utahtrek.html
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    rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    That's really great! Glad to see you've at least driven a Tundra. My buddy bought a Tundra TRD while I was gone and got a much better deal than I did. My next project is to create a custom rack for my hang gliders.
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    capt2capt2 Member Posts: 57
    cause I won't be back. That is exactly what I was referring to. I didn't make any claims about the Tundra...but they all jumped in and made the same statements they make in EVERY OTHER subject. Nothing to do with the subject, just like to see their name in lights. Well, Edmunds doesn't seem to care (no response) so neither do I, there are plenty other forums available that don't allow this sort of trash. See ya...
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    rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    In answer to your question..."ever thought folks just don't like the Tundra?"

    No! Even a diehard GM man like quadrunner has a place in his heart for the Tundra since test driving it.
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    RoclesRocles Member Posts: 982
    As long as attacks don't get outrageously personal or stupid, they should be allowed without censorship. If you want a sterile enviroment, then go to the many sites for your truck in the vast world of the net and quit crying.
    Where else can you witness some bonehead spew forth ramblings in favor of a Chevy or Dodge?

    (Yes, the second paragraph was a poor attempt towards humor....)
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    bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    I don't think being a diehard GM owner had anything to do with it. It's called buying the most for the money and value. The Tundra just isn't it. I guess if you don't mind paying too much money for a false sense of reliability factor, you bought a good truck.
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    quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    Make no mistake. I like the way the Tundra drives. From the front, it looks great, almost full size. From the rear, looks just like a compact truck. Small tail gate, small quarter panels, shallow bed, small bumper, small tail light fixture, small rear window, small mirrors. The biggest thing about it is the font size. Those large, chrome badges for "Tundra," "V8" look great.

    I wouldn't be honest if I didn't tell you, no matter how nice it drives, I can't get used to the smallness. It's a little undersprung in back for a big payload, but rides great empty.

    The other feature I can't get used to is the car like interior. It's just preference, but everything, from the colors, materials, layout, not enough truck, too much sedan! Just my $0.02
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    pchengpcheng Member Posts: 162
    Have you ever wondered why those who 'bash' don't list their e-mail address in their profile? With the exception of Quad (who I consider rather open minded; do not consider a 'basher').

    Personally, the discussions don't really bother me. The only thing that does are ignorant/derogatory statements and repetitious comments that have been beaten to death. I've been on the Tundra boards since middle of last summer, and have pretty much seen them all. I don't object to any comments other than pure ignorant comments and derogatory comments. Hey, it's a free country, and if you have followed this board, you will see that I own a Tundra, and have defended even rubluetoo's right to post.

    Which brings me to my original question. The reason why this even came up was that I was going to respond to an ignorant comment by some one on another board. As I was typing the post, I realized that this may make the person to whom I was rebutting look bad (or rather worse than the orignal post). That is not my intention of being here. So I thought better, and thought I would respond via e-mail, rather than post something that may be embarassing that everyone would be able to see and read. I noticed that the person didn't have an e-mail in his/her profile. I went through the other posts and check, and it seems that most 'bashers (for lack of a better word)' didn't list their e-mail addresses, yet most Tundra owner's did (kinda makes you wonder...but hey, it's a free country).

    Well, I decided to neither to post a response, or try to contact the person. I doubt if my petty words will change such opinions that surely must run strong.

    For what it's worth ... Just my $0.02.
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    jcmdiejcmdie Member Posts: 594
    The Tundra is a good little truck. It has its market and will sell well.Toyota did the same thing that rest of the manufactures have done. They made it a little different, not necesarily better. These diferences distiguishes it from the rest and sales people use these differences to sell thier trucks. They all have a little different character about them. The biggest reason that they get picked on is that they ride both sides of the fence on the size issue. Its a good little truck.
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    quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    They do get picked on about the size, and I just did myself.

    It's good, but is it beautiful? Well, at least from the front.

    I tended to think the rear quarter panels are just a slab of sheet metal. But they really do affect how the truck appears. Like the F150 Ford, the Tundra is two different trucks, front and the back. Tundra has the pretty face, F150 shakes its booty.

    If I could put aside the size remark, it's really the shape of the rear quarters of the Tundra that don't do it justice. After grafting on the TRD flares, and it suddenly is over-styled.

    The Silverado has the prettiest quarters, body colored mouldings, et al, but the extended cab, while spacious, doesn't blend the way the F150 does. Ford does this so well, sometimes you can mistake an extended cab for a regular. I think the Tundra extended cab blends nicely, and is a better looking truck than the regular cab.

    The Ram, well actually has a very nice ride, and quiet interior. Has the greatest seat of all. But, it needs to be compared with Ford Super Duty. Styling is unique, love it or hate it.
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    rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    What happened to rublutoo while I was gone? His replacement...BLD...is not nearly as intelligent or engaging. I hate to admit it, but I miss the old fart.
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    swobigswobig Member Posts: 634
    or broke down and bought a Toyota. I enjoyed his post too. Funny guy...
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    devil1devil1 Member Posts: 74
    Them Toyotas be breaking down left and right; can't even go down the highway without seeing a Tindra on the side of the road. Them Ford be the good ones now - that's why everyone be bashing them imports.

    Good luck on this one now!
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    bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    You couldn't match wits at a greased pig contest...:)
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    RoclesRocles Member Posts: 982

    I had posted my address for the first two years on this site. All I ever got was a bunch of morons writing me about how Ford stinks. Yadda yadda yadda..............I've also posted my real address but no one showed up....hmmm..must have been the roofing firm I own.......
    I don't bash Toyota or others but I still keep my e-mail private because it gets tiresome deleting those unwanted messages.
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    quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    I have mine posted. I get a few emails, almost always friendly. But the mailbox where it goes, I only get around to reading once a week. I did note a marked increase in spam, unrelated to truck topics, which I think connects here, but...no big deal. There really isn't anything I would say in private I wouldn't say in public, so I prefer to keep it in the topics, generally.
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    rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    Tell me more about these greased pig contests of yours. Why exactly do you and your buddies grease up these pigs? Have you ever been one of the "pigs"? ;)
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    pchengpcheng Member Posts: 162
    I must agree...Spam is getting pretty bad. It's up there with automated telephone sales during dinner time (low life's!). I'm still trying to figure out who answers the e-mails titled 'Earn MILLIONS in just 15 minutes!'.

    As far as someone actually e-mailing you to tell you that you bought a bum truck...I think they have too much time on their hands. Can't see what you can accomplish by doing this.

    I'm not saying that everybody should publize everything about themselve. Privacy should definitely be highly respected. I just kinda noticed that those who take the biggest swipes don't list theirs. (not saying that it's bad or good) That's all.
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    bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    Naah, we leave those activities to the manshe Tundra owners. You should know all about that, but unlike you, I don't want to hear about it. Keep your "tendencies" to yourself and your fudge packing manshe's.
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    obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
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    mviglianco1mviglianco1 Member Posts: 283
    Grow Up
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    rwellbaum2rwellbaum2 Member Posts: 1,006
    If you don't want to hear about it, why did you bring up the subject? Also, judging by your tone, it's plain to see your repressing alot of anger. Something traumatic obviously happened to you in your past and I don't want to make light of that, so I'll leave it alone. But if you need some support or help, our cybershoulders are here for you to cry on anytime.
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    bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    Nope. No anger here, I drive a real truck, remember? No more walking for me, since I gave up the Toyotas. Now, it's understandable why you Tundra owners would be so hateful and pissed off and why you and your fudge packin pals would "lend your shoulders to each other" (among other body parts, I can only guess). If I had to be reminded every day just how much extra I had to spend for less truck like you Tundra owners have, I would be crying the blues too.

    Oh what a feeling to drive less truck.....Toyota!

    I can only suspect you have driven your Tundra's extensively lately. Misery loves company....:)!

    19k miles on my Silverado and nooooo problems. No problems and getting 19 mpg with more horsepower than the Tundra....:)! Yeah, I have a real reason for being unhappy.

    You can keep your [non-permissible content removed] cybershoulder for some other Tundra ownr singing the blues about his $30k Toyota mistake!
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    rcoosrcoos Member Posts: 167
    MR. Bill White,

    Are you a supporter of freedom of speech??? Let me remind you, this is the USA! We can say what we like! If you have a problem with this then why don't you go to one of those nice democratic places like China!

    You may not agree with what others have to say but it's there right to say it! DON'T FORGET THAT, PAL!

    I've noticed that the tundra owner are the most sensitive about their trucks? Are all you tundra owners really p*ssed off about your purchase or what?

    p.s. I don't have any problems with the Tundra, I think that it's a good truck, but I won't buy one.
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    bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    Never will I grow up lvstang....:) My life has too much meaning left to end up like you.
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    obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    at first it wasn't evident...now it is becoming a little bit more...and your last post where you referred to h-m- cybershoulders...it is almost identical to responses posted by ZBAD71. But then again, it could just be my imagination....;)
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    redfox1redfox1 Member Posts: 42
    Isn't it ironic that with over 1600 topics posted on this Edmonson's board since the first of the year, one of the boards is "TUNDRA BASHERS'? There are no basher boards on F-150's, Silverados, GMC trucks, Dodge trucks ar any other make of trucks. To my recollection, there has not been a board any time in the past as a truck model basher. I drove Ford F-150's for over 16 years and put close to 450,000 miles on 5 different F-150s When it came time to get a new truck, I choose the Tundra because I felt that for me it was preferred to the F-150. Why some choose to spend their time bashing Tundras when they don't own one makes them,in my opinion, very small individuals. But, that's the right of free speech.
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    knkresortknkresort Member Posts: 79
    While I have no issue with a Tundra, (no, I do not own one) I have more problem with idiots like BLD, or whatever he calls himself. Best way to deal with him -- never acknowledge him in any form. Eventually he will go away. If he goes away frustrated, all the better...

    I have to agree with others, what is it about a Tundra or a Tundra owner that want people to bash them versus Dodge(rs) Chevy-types or Fords?

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    pchengpcheng Member Posts: 162
    So much for being open minded.
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    mviglianco1mviglianco1 Member Posts: 283
    I dony know how the things that are said in these discussions are allowed and then when I make a comment about it, my post gets deleted. I repeat my response to bud light dude.

    You would be lucky if you ended up like me. I have been there, done that, seen that and continue to do so everyday. I am, however, long past the middle school insults and the "if you dont agree with me you must be (insert insult), (insert stereotype), (insert sexual orientation)" mindset.

    PS Who is lvstang?
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    swobigswobig Member Posts: 634
    out who all these people are. Boggles my mind why they change names and say things that are mean spirited. Oh well, on with the bashing!!!
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    bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    Geeeee, I feel so childish now.....:)!
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    bud_light_dudebud_light_dude Member Posts: 330
    I have said it before....no correlation. I feel like I have had to become like him though with all these Tundra owning morons.
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    mviglianco1mviglianco1 Member Posts: 283
    Just a moron I quess. Enough bickering, time for some Bud (hold the light).
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    scape2scape2 Member Posts: 4,123
    I think Toyota shot itself in the foot when they tried to compare the Tundra to full size trucks. The data is out, the interior dimensions are out, Their 0-60 numbers are scewed, they only used the lowerend engines from Ford/Dodge/Chevy. Sales figures show most folks don't choose the lowest V8 or even a V6 in a full size truck. I think Toyota brought a lot of this on themselves. Sales have leveled off for the Tundra also. I drive past a Toyota dealer everyday and the same 6 Tundra's have been sitting there for 3 weeks!
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    dcddcd Member Posts: 25
    I'm not a Tundra basher. I have a 97 F150 and like both fords and toyotas. I was driving through town the other day and came across a Tunda owner with a big ego denoted by his "3XCHAMP" vanity liscense plate. There was a lot of traffic and my lane just happened to be moving a little faster at the time, and evidently this guy didn't like being passed by an F150. As soon as I got about even with him, he floors it (I don't respond) A little bit later I here this little dinky horn blowing... I'm looking around everywhere for a little civic or something... and finally I realize that it is that same jerk in his Tundra honking at the car in front of him just because it is making a right turn. I just looked at that guy and died laughing,he obviously felt pretty humiliated with his wussy horn.
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    devil1devil1 Member Posts: 74
    I admit the [non-permissible content removed]'s horns are weak, but that's ALL you can find fault with the Tundra??
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    tp4unctp4unc Member Posts: 437
    On my way home from dinner tonight I stopped by PepBoys and bought two Fiamm Freeway Blaster Horns(1-high note, 1-low note...132 decibels each) numbers 72102 and 72112. Total price was $29.66 including tax. Install time was approximately 5 to 10 minutes(advice: install horns "pointed" downward)......BIG improvement in sound.

    You were smart not to respond to the "floored" Tundra.
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    tpmiller1tpmiller1 Member Posts: 165
    I've been run over by each of the big three trucks, qualifying me as an expert on bashing. I was a very young child when the Ford got me, still have an "F-150" imprint on my back. A Chevy Shyann clipped me on the side, but it didn't hurt much cause he was coasting with a blown tranny. Now the Ram got me just after the restyling and the EM guys had to pry me from the front end but I still got a set of horns on my chest.
    The other day some Tundra got me while I was walking aside the road and the last thing I heard was the driver screaming "I work for Consumer Reports". Now I am dead. But I still enjoy the bashing posts, but beleive me, if you have to get run over, hope it's a Frontier...
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    tpmiller1tpmiller1 Member Posts: 165
    I never heard the horn.........
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    dcddcd Member Posts: 25
    Yes I admit, his V8 would have whipped my V6 w/ highway gears. But if I was in a ferrari I wouldn't have responded to his egotistical nonsense. Part of the reason he was ticked off is that I wasn't even trying and ended up passing him b/c the car in front of him was turning.
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    quadrunner500quadrunner500 Member Posts: 2,721
    Toy owners have been repressed for years, behind weak 4-6 cylinder engines. Give them a high performance, gas guzzling V8, they have to show everyone they paid more to drive like fools!
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    tp4unctp4unc Member Posts: 437
    I was only joking.
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    ferris47ferris47 Member Posts: 131
    Hey I resent that, I drove like a fool with my Chevy and Dodge too. Just kidding. It is a really fun V8 though.
This discussion has been closed.