Chrysler 300 Owners: Meet the Members



  • Member Posts: 12
    Check out the Garmin Street Pilot Nav, have used these in the past and they are great.
  • Member Posts: 11
    Mike: I bought mine on ebay. Are the Chrysler slush mats with the Chrysler logo.

    Also you can look on these two web sites:

    Congratulations and enjoy your new ride. I own two 300C's, his and her.

  • Member Posts: 6
    Funny you should say that, scpa, I was just reading up about one that has had very good reviews - the magellan roadmate 700.
  • Member Posts: 29
    I am Aldo from Los Angeles. Placed an order over a week ago for a Cool Vanilla. Can't wait to get my hands on it. Dealers around here ask $5,000 above MSRP for the C. I got mine through an employee discount for 1% below invoice. It was tought finding a dealer who will honor the price. I hope to get it soon. I drive a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee and 2001 Mazda Miata. Plan to trade both for the 300C when it arrives. The car is not very common around here. I probably see one a week or so.
  • Member Posts: 7
    Thanks Herminio:
       Website's were a good help. I'm looking for a little more protection from snow & dirt on my floor carpet, which is white. I found a good website

    These rubber floor mats are what I'm looking for, but they are custom made and don't have any for 300C's. I'm near Detroit & wonder if anyone knows of a retail place to buy these type's of floor mats?
  • Member Posts: 23
    Hey thanks for those links I been looking at those parts for along time.
  • Member Posts: 28
    It seems that 99% of the problems are centered around the 300C. I have a 300 Limited on order. Anyone have any bad or good experiences for that model
  • Member Posts: 24
    You can order slush mats for the 300 from this site. You can also find some other cool accessories.
  • Member Posts: 2
    I just bought my Silver Metallic 300C and it's been absolutely satisfying. Looks and runs like a dream with no problems at all. Only slightly annoying item is that the parking break is easy to bump against when you get in, which signals that the brake is on.

    I've been researching 300C Accessories and have posted some links from my 300C blog. Rubber Floor Mats are a necessity in winter where I live. Rear Painted Spoiler and Stainless Mesh Grille look good too.
  • Member Posts: 1
    I am an ex Lincoln driver since 1981. Best car ever is the 99 Continental with 182,000 on it. This is my first Chrysler product and am hoping for the same type of life because I put 40 to 50 K on a car each year. My 300C has about 12,000 on it since picking it up with about 3k on it in August. I doesn't ride or handle like the Lincolns but who cares... It is a wild ride. As I look through the other msg's I see many similarities. I love the car and I have even had someone that I did not know jump in front of me in the yacht club driveway and ask me to show him the car, it is just so unique that it stops people in their tracks. My kids call it the "Gangster Car" and every guy wants to know if it has the HEMI. I do have the rattle in the right front dashboard and the one that sounds like it is something loose outside the passengers side door. For you with vibration problems I raised enough cane until I got a new set of tires from
    Continental and had a very attentive dealer put them on. All road vibration went away. Tires also cured the slight pull to the right some have experienced but mine was not bad. I had the pleasure to run into one of the design engineers who worked on the new engine. He told me not to run Mobil 1 until I had 30k on it and has been great with info on the engine itself. On trip it averages about 22 mpg all around driving. I would do better if I could keep my foot out of it, it's just so much fun to kick the HEMI. Going to the lake is mostly two lane roads and passing is a blast. I am also impressed with the headlights. However, both the fog lights are cracked like I have heard from others. I think Chrysler has a winner here and so far I am very pleased with the car. Hope I'm still as happy when the snow flys.
  • Member Posts: 7
    I would try turning the mats over they are rubber on the other side
  • Member Posts: 2

    Thanks to Viper01 on the factory order board, I will soon have a similar discount available to me. I also live in Los Angeles. Can you tell me which dealership honored the 1% under invoice price on the 300C? Thanks for your time.
  • Member Posts: 4
    I'm also interested in picking up some nice rubber mats for the winter. I found this website that has OEM Chrysler slush mats. Check it out. I'm going to order some. They have allot of other 300C goodies also.
  • Member Posts: 4
    I know the manual says that DVD's will not play in the NAV system, but I'm wondering if anyone has tried playing one. If so, what was your experience?
  • Member Posts: 32
    Just purchased my Light Gray Stone set of matts for my 300C from dealer part number 82208928
  • Member Posts: 4
    I just bought my 300C in black after 4 weeks of searching. I wanted black, moonroof and no nav. I drove 65 miles to Ocala Florida yesterday and finally got one!
    I own some car audio stores in the Daytona Beach area and can't wait to play!
    I ordered 22" wheels today and a custom "Bentley-looking" grille.
    Next, the audio comes out for a custom 10.4" touch-screen computer w/ nav, wireless internet, dvd changer, headrest monitors for the kids, PS2 ports, remote-start security system w/ gps tracking and more!
    I'll keep ya'll up-to-date.
  • Member Posts: 995
    Niiice... bring on the bling!!! :-)
  • Member Posts: 4
    I want to post a pic of my 300c w/ 22's...HOW?
    If anyone is interested in my 300c chrome 18" wheels w/ 153 miles on them...let me know.
  • Member Posts: 8
    Have 1000 miles on my 300 Limited and the car is absolutely awsome!! Have owned several Linclons and Cadillacs and will stack up[ the performance, ride, quietness, and handling of this 300 with any of them. The styling is superb and commands attention wherever I park the car. This vehicle is priced so unbelievably low that people in my area are still willing to pay the sticker price if they can find one available.
  • Member Posts: 8
    The 300 Limited is one of the very finest sedans I have ever owned(this includes several Lincoln Town Cars and Cadillac Devilles) I have a 1000 miles on my Limited and to date the car is absolutely fantastic. My car is Black and I have added all the chrome moldings (door pillar and rocker panel mldgs.)which really add to the beauty of the car. I have also installed a wood dash kit which really looks great and eliminates the plainess of the interior.
  • Member Posts: 995
    I want to post a pic of my 300c w/ 22's...HOW?

    You have to be able to host it or use one of those online albums and just link to the website/album. A popular one is You sign up, it's free and load your pics. The majority of people are members of this website so it'll be easy to see.
  • Member Posts: 995
    but you have too much gap in the wheel well. Bring it down an inch (suspension wise NOT springs) and you got a nicer looking car, not to mention less air lift and handling.
  • Member Posts: 4
    Who offers a suspension lowering kit? Will it work with 22" wheels?
  • Member Posts: 995
    My post got deleted for violating a rule of putting up a link to another message board, sorry!

    IF you missed the link, email me and I'll send you the info I posted.
  • Member Posts: 14
    Since most of the posters here have some sort of concern about their vehicles I wanted to ask this question. I have 3 month old C with about 8,000 miles. Drives me nuts that I have to put so many miles on this car, but work calls for it. I have a number of problems but I've been able to "bear" with them. Right hand pull, metallic popping or click every morning from inside the middle console or dash, rough idle, erractic shifting, wheels make a cracking sound before they get "warmed up," window makes a weird dragging sound when I roll them down automatically, all without any answers from the dealer...but anyways I was curious to know if anyone out there knows the lifespan of the engine??...i want to be able to drive this car as long as possible, but I also need to plan my future accordingly...if the engine is going to die before 100K, i'll probably need another car in 3 years, but is it the engine I should be worrying about or the transmission. Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks


  • Member Posts: 4
    I've had my black 300C for about 4 months now... I have installed a new air intake (which I was told would increase my hp by 15-20), put on the bently mesh grill, racing pedals, and have new TSW wheels scheduled to be delivered in 1-2 weeks.

    What I want is to find the same style grill I have for the LOWER part, near the fog lights. Anyone know where to find this???

    Oh, by the way, my car didn't come with the xenon headlights, so I got some aftermarket hyper blue headlights, and I they look spectacular at a FRACTION of the cost from the dealer.

    My intention is to also paint the brake calipers...and i'm thinking, but i'm not sure yet, to install the sports vents on the rear doors, wheel well trim, and maybe the rear deck (truck) trim. Any comments or advise on any of this? I'll be happy to email pics of my car to those who are interested.

    For those of you freaks like myself, I got myself for xmas a remote controlled 300C...and it RIPS!!! It was cheap, and it's a whole lotta fun....
  • Member Posts: 29
    Where did you find the remote control 300C? I have a Vanilla 300C. Never thought of painting the brake calipers. The chrome around the wheel wells and trucks sounds like it might look good also.
  • Member Posts: 4
    Remote 300C - available in different colors can be found on ebay.... check it out mp;item=5946269209&rd=1

    It rips, has spinners, and is a whole bunch of fun.

    I'm painting the brake calipers because the wheels I ordered, 20" are TSW Thruxton, which has some space, so with the brake calipers so exposed, I figured painting them would be good. The chrome around the wheel wells should look good, but it is important to me to not go over the line & over do the i'm still kinda on the fence about it....
  • Member Posts: 1
    Good info on your posting. Could you e mail me info on where you obtained you xenon head lights and how easy they were to install? Thanks
  • Member Posts: 4
    xenon sure to also get the same for your fog lights too....

    be sure to check the part # on the existing light, or just look in your manuel...
  • Member Posts: 7

    Check out the link in post 62 of this forum. You can find the inserts for the bumper you were looking for. Look at "Performance and Aftermarket parts" and then "Billet Horizontal Grille by Precision." Good Luck.
  • Member Posts: 1
    82207878 Notes:Dark SlateColor:Description:Online Price:Retail Price:$69.00$60.96

    Try this site

    They have the mats youre looking for
  • Member Posts: 9
    Good day, folks!

    For those of you not aware of one of the two least-expensive OEM parts suppliers on the web, I would suggest that you check out (located in Bremerton, Washington). Pricing is about 30% under list. Dave, the parts manager is VERY responsive to questions. Mat, for example that was referenced above is only $51.75! Saving money is good - gives us a chance to buy more 'bling' stuff for our 300Cs with the same nickel!
  • Member Posts: 1
    I'm new to this forum and have just ordered a 2006 srt8 and will have it sent to Newport Conversions to have it made into a four door vert. Any suggestions
  • Member Posts: 7
    New member, took delivery of a 300C LAST WEEK, added chrome pillars, splash guards and bently grille, looks awesome and drives unreal. Traded in my audi a4 for this, I can finally stretch my legs....
  • Member Posts: 1
    My wife bought a 300 ( I'm 61 and wanted her to get the "C") you guys who have the "C" wow what a car, this base 300 is a very fine car, I can only dream of a "C". If any of you "C" owners ever had a 60's "vette" how does it compare?
  • Member Posts: 5
    Hello All,

    New member to your forum here but wanted to drop a few lines about our 300 limited we just purchased from the dealership.....................My first big pricey car, had alot of the family boxes before we shipped the kids to husbands and are on our own now.............LOVIN IT! I have to say i couldnt get enough of this car when i heard they were coming out with it .....chewed the proverbial bit till it finally showed up.....................waited while everyone else bought them up...............told i had to wait in line to get one.............wanted to wait longer to find out the problems everyone had first before buying one.................well you know the game.........cautious and willing....thats me! said the hell with it went and bought it anyway..........COULDNT STAND WAITING! LOVE IT! My wife has taken possesion of the car.....wont let me even breathe in its direction..........ha ha. like the comercial on tv.....have to wake up before her to steal it!.Really I do love this just says elegant as it drives down the road, real headturner! Its cool vanilla white with everything imaginable no nav or hands free.....thats fine hate cellphones anyway! my father has always been a chrysler guy as i was myself on first car ever 68 roadrunner..........OH YEA those were the days! dad has owned everything from a 300 to a newport.........yup always loved the boats! As far as problems go with the cars ie: pulling to the right and such and other problems with the electronics and such...........always been a problem with chryslers. every time i drove dads boats it always pulled to the right a little thought it was the size of the car actually making it do it........ha ha (electronics) always had the top of the line as far as inventions and the first of its kind on the toys new problems...............folks. I have to say take it back have it sorted out and grin and bear it ........all cars have thier quirks. Especially chryslers..........its a car you have to massage and learn to the end you will come to love the car you will never get rid becomes a part of your life....really it does........matter of fact thinking about getting another for myself and tell the wife she needs to move hers from the driveway and make room for daddys!................LOVE IT! Enjoyed sharing my words of wit with you.......glad to meet you all very much and thanks for reliving my memories only go around once in life might as well enjoy it right?

  • Member Posts: 5
    Just recently purchased my cool vanilla white 300 problems as of all chryslers past and present it will crop up a bug or 2 ..........Ive found that dealing with it and finessing will help.......all chryslers from my dad up to me was always a beast to deal with since they always were the forefront in innovation and trying new products......youll come to love and hate it i assure you but in the end it will give you years of fun and its so cool driving down the road in the neighborhood and all of em saying under thier breth......damn!.......wish i had one...........lucky [non-permissible content removed]!

    happy driving :shades:
  • Member Posts: 9
    I was looking to get a 70's muscle car ( recapture me youth or something) and was trying to decide on what car I wanted. That's when I saw the 300 and liked their style but I wanted the muscle too. I was still looking when I started reading about the 300 SRT. My wife said she would rather have the modern conveniences. After she saw the price we started our back and forth. This went on for a couple months.

    I started calling around around and found that they were somewhat hard to come by. In fact I couldn't get one at all. The best I could do was to find a dealer who said If I wanted to come in and buy one, before they even came in he could get it to me when it did come in, and at what ever they decided to charge.

    I pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I wasn't getting one. So I was gonna do the next best thing and get the hemi C. I wanted one in black so I started calling around. I found a dealer who said he had three. I noticed in the ad that they said they had SRT's. I thought they put that in to get people to call but I asked anyway. He checked and came back. He said they had two but sold one. He said that he didn't expect it to last but a few hours. I told him I was on my way. ( I just wanted to test drive to compare to the 5.7 hemi).

    I got there and saw it and wanted it. Took the test drive and loved it. I told my wife I wanted her to drive it. She said she didn't want to, but I got her to. The guy told her to take it on the freeway. All she said was, "Oh my God"! I think we were doing about 100 by then. We got back to the dealership and went into the office. Another couple walked up and asked if we were looking at the car. Yep. Both the manager, my wife and me knew that the manager had me by the shorthairs. I probably paid way too much but I'm not thinking about that, I'd rather drive.
    The other couple just left.
  • Member Posts: 28
    We placed the order on 2/18/05. It arrived at the dealership on 5/19/05. The build date was 5/2/05. Have only put 600 miles on it. It is one spectacular automobile. Drives and rides like a dream. Sorry to read about some of the issues that folks are having ! I guess maybe it was worth the wait to order an '06.
  • Member Posts: 4
  • Member Posts: 4
    I am Scott and I just bought a 2006 300 Touring. I own a cigar lounge on Long Island, I am 30 and have most of my body cvered in tattoos.
  • Member Posts: 1
    Well, I have one now - SRT8!!!! What a car. Anyone else out there with a SRT8?
  • Member Posts: 2
    Hi Karen! I was bitten by the 300 Bug; so I got me one 2005 300 touring…Ex BMW 525i owner!!

    John M
  • Member Posts: 2
    I saw some questions about extended warranties. Read the fine print but, offers some great deals for $800 ish for the same extended warranties offered by dealers?
  • Member Posts: 5,092
    Welcome to Forums!

    You might want to take a stroll through Smart Shopper. There are several topics there that concern extended warranties.

    Also, using the "Search Forums" tool to your left, enter "warranty direct" and you will find archived discussions where members talk about their experiences with this company.
  • Member Posts: 444
    Have had our 2006 Satin Jade "C" for about 6 weeks--2600 miles. We shopped for six months. The only thing that ever held us back was the moderate sized trunk space, compared to our Intrepid. After we drove the 300, trunk space was immaterial! Enjoy :shades:
  • Member Posts: 13
    I have had my loaded beauty for 2 weeks now and no proplems as of yet.
  • Member Posts: 15
    My name is Rob and I live in Springfield, VA. I have 17K miles on my Magnesium 300 Limited, bought in Aug 2004. I'm not happy about the tire wear on the front (Continental ContiSeals) and had to replace them last week. Also think the Cruise Control knob is a bit flimsy. I bought from a dealer near Baltimore, MD since the local VA dealers didn't have much inventory at the time and one that did didn't return phone calls. I contacted the dealer via internet and had an immediate response. They gave me $ 2K off-but low-balled my trade-in. I bought it anyway but won't deal with them again. OK--end of complaints.

    This is a great road car--trips to Ohio, Maine, and North Carolina. The car came pretty well loaded--Sirius is great, as is the Navigation system. I haven't had the pulling problem, but wonder why the front tires wore out so quickly.

    I'm using a local Chrysler dealer for maintenance and any repairs--the dealer where I bought my wife's Sebring Convertible- and they're happy to work with me.

    This is my fifth Chrysler product mixed in with a Volvo, a Lincoln, a Nissan and a Chevy van and I couldn't be more pleased.
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