Lincoln Navigator Lease Questions

CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
edited January 2019 in Lincoln
Hi everyone. Please use the following discussion to post any questions that you have about leasing a Lincoln Navigator. Thanks.

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  • crookstercrookster Member Posts: 40
    If I put down 8000 dollars on a fully loaded 06 Navi. What would I be expecting to pay for a 24 and 36 month lease?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi crookster. I always advise consumers against making any sort of down payment when leasing. I do so for two main reasons. The first is if your vehicle is totaled in an accident or stolen during your lease, your insurance company pays off the bank that you were leasing it through and your down payment essentially disappears. The second main reason is that down payments on leased vehicles do nothing to reduce their lease-end purchase prices. So your lease-end purchase option price for your leased Navigator would be exactly the same, regardless of whether you had put $8,000 down, or had made absolutely no down payment at all.

    I would be happy to work up a sample lease payment on the truck that you are interested in for you, however in order for me to do so I need you to provide me with its full MSRP (with the destination charge added in) and an approximate selling price.

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  • apd2apd2 Member Posts: 1
    I am a friend of Ford employee with a year round x plan. What is the best deal Iam likely to get on an 05-06 Ultimate Nav with either 2 or 4 wheel drive. Only option extra would be entertainment DVD. Thanks.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi apd2. This is an excellent time to purchase a Ford product through its x-plan. When it ended its Ford Family Plan pricing program this month it enhanced its cash incentives, finance rates, and lease rates on most models. Since you are still able to buy through the plan you can take advantage of both the low price and the higher incentives. I would be happy to give you an idea of what sort of lease payment to expect on this car, however in order for me to do so I need some additional information from you first. This information includes the full MSRP of the truck that you want, its selling price, how long you want to lease it for, and how many miles per year you need sot be able to drive it.

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  • lcd952lcd952 Member Posts: 2
    I am working on leasing an 06 Navigator (Ultimate model with Elite Package) and was give the following deal: MSRP $60,220.00; CAP COST $53,331.36; 12K miles per year with at 36 month lease for a monthly payments of $692.58. They also factored in a $2,000 rebate and an addition $2,000 Aviator loyalty rebate for a total of $4,000 in rebates. They also deducted $1,095 (discount package on power running boards). And last but not least they want $1,227.21 cash down from me. Please let me know how this sounds, its driving nuts, too may numbers and its still seems like a high payment, doesn't?
  • bisco1bisco1 Member Posts: 2
    Hey Car Man,

    Where did you find that lease? I just leased an 06' fully loaded Navigator (MSRP) aprx. $ 64,000.00 with a cap cost reduction to $ 54,000.00 (Prior to putting money down) and the lease payment was quoted at aprx $ 1,000 month?? 36 month lease 36k miles..... What is the deal with leasing??? For every $ 1,000 down the lease price is reduced by ~ $ 25.00
  • snjoyntsnjoynt Member Posts: 3
    Wow - can you please let me know what dealer you worked with to get that lease. I need to call them right now before I make a decision. Thanks, Scot
  • snjoyntsnjoynt Member Posts: 3
    Car Man - Do you know where this below guy got this lease he mentioned. He has not responded to 2 of us now and that lease is GREAT from what I can tell. Or do you know someone who will match something like below?

    "I am working on leasing an 06 Navigator (Ultimate model with Elite Package) and was give the following deal: MSRP $60,220.00; CAP COST $53,331.36; 12K miles per year with at 36 month lease for a monthly payments of $692.58. They also factored in a $2,000 rebate and an addition $2,000 Aviator loyalty rebate for a total of $4,000 in rebates. They also deducted $1,095 (discount package on power running boards). And last but not least they want $1,227.21 cash down from me. Please let me know how this sounds, its driving nuts, too may numbers and its still seems like a high payment, doesn't?"
  • snjoyntsnjoynt Member Posts: 3
    Ok - since no one got back to me - I will help others with the deal I ended up getting. I had some inside owner relationships but in todays competiive market that should not keep you from getting a deal. On Oct 31 the last day of month I had another dealer begging me at 8PM and called back 5 times after I said no asking what it will take. However, my friend convinced me to not worry that his team will better any deal and I will take friends any day over a deal. I did use the above guys numbers to help his people get me to the below numbers. This seems like fair deal after researching and my friend made it easy but you should be able to shop around until someone gives it to you or better over the Holidays. A good place to check your lease is see what or has for lease payments. You do not know how much people put down orginally but it gives you a good idea of how your deal is matching up.

    Navigator, Ultimate, Elite, Monotone package sticker:
    Base MSRP:
    $ 55,285
    $ 5,845 ( this is after a discount of 1500 from window sticker price that ford automatically does)

    Exterior: Cashmere Clearcoat Tri-Coat - Monotone
    $ 495
    $ 820
    $ 62,444
    With 1300 down and 10,500 miles per year the lease payment is 754 per month with taxes figured into payment. Actually the taxes are suppose to be paid up front so they took one of the rebates and paid the taxes so my payment is slightly higher. I did not have a Ford trade like the guy above had another 2000 in rebates for the Aviator loyalty program. Before I sign tomorrow I am going to have them decrease the down payment following the CarMans advice above. Email me with any questions
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,263
    Thanks for sharing your deal with us! I hope that folks will post their questions here rather than sharing privately by e-mail - that way, everyone can benefit from what you learned along the way.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi lcd952. Once the $4,000 in cash incentives that you are eligible for are factored in, you are being given just under a $2,900 discount on this truck. A 2006 Lincoln Navigator Ultimate 4WD with the Elite package has a whopping spread of over $6,400 between its full MSRP and dealer invoice prices. As a result, I would not be surprised if you were able to negotiate a lower selling price. You may be able to find out additional information on how much you will have to pay for the truck by stopping by the following discussion: "Lincoln Navigator: Prices Paid & Buying Experience".

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    I'm not sure what lease you are referring to, bisco1, but I can estimate what your lease payment should be like on the truck that you are interested in. According to my calculations, if you were to lease a 2006 Lincoln Navigator Ultimate 4WD with an MSRP of $64,000 and a selling price of $54,000 through Ford Credit right now for 36 months with 12,000 miles per year, its zero down, pre-tax monthly payment should be around $700. As you can see, something definitely is not right here. Either you are not being given this truck for the price that you were quoted, or the dealer is padding the deal somewhere.

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  • qwazrqwazr Member Posts: 12
    On the deal you just mentioned . is there a way you can tell me what residual % and lease rate you are using?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    I sure can, Qwazr. Ford Credit's current base lease rate and residual value for a 36 month, 12,000 miles per year lease of a 2006 Lincoln Navigator Ultimate 4WD are 1.5% and 48%, respectively.

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  • qwazrqwazr Member Posts: 12
    Thanks CarMan. The residual is higher than I expected. I hope everyone realizes how awesome having this info is. Very little a dealer can do to snow you when you are armed with the facts. I just need to know what lease rebates and incentives are out there for December and I am ready to go. Does the loyalty discount of $2000 pertain to a Ford Expedition Red Carpet lease (which I will be coming out of)? Also, any other incentives out there? I read about $1500 cash back but someone else referred to $4000 total back.
    Thanks very much!
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    You're very welcome qwazr. In addition to the "Keep It Simple Plan" pricing that Ford is offering this month, it also has $1,500 lease cash plus a $500 bonus for deals through Ford Credit ($2,000 total) on the 2006 Lincoln Navigator. That's a good question about whether your current Ford Credit lease of an Expedition qualifies you for the loyalty cash. I suspect that there is a very good chance that it does since you would be leasing your Navigator through Ford Credit as well, but you need to check with your dealer to find out for certain.

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  • neilleboneillebo Member Posts: 2
    Hi, Carr man! Please help. My issue is whether Lincoln tends to change their monthly programs drastically. My current lease that is expriing ends Feb 26th. I have a great deal now through lincoln (confirmed thanks to your forums) and they only honor it until Jan 31. they said programs change each month and they cant enter into one for Feb until February. So, given that i spend 650/month on my current lease and would, in essence, lose a month if i return that car early, do i just take my deal with lincoln now, or knowing the history, wait until Feb and enter into the feb programs. Here are my details:
    2006 4x4 ultimate package
    cashmere tri coat paint package
    MSRP 63,945.
    They offered me a selling price of 54,300 after negotiating. after adding on a 595 bank fee and reducing for 4500 in dealer incentives, i get a $50,395 price.
    they quoted a 39 month lease using the "Red carpet lease" at a factor of 1.75% and residual of 42 + 2 (since i am taking 12,000 miles per year).. total monthly payment before taxes (first payment down only) of 627.67. so, only 627.67 plus tax (which they'll put into the lease as part of rebate). so, do i roll the dice and wait until feb (are my chances good there will be similar rebates, etc in feb) or just eat my one month of lease. The good news is that i'll go over by 800 miles on my other lease if i keep it , so that saves $200 in excess mile fees that i can avoid if i take it now... but hate to waste a month.. any help appreciated (ps. what is the tax at 6% on something like this?)
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi neillebo. Most aspects of Lincoln's current lease program, including the lease rate, residual values, and lease cash, are scheduled to run through April 4th so you don't have to worry about them expiring. The only part of the program that is scheduled to expire at the end of January is the $500 Ford Credit bonus cash, but I suspect that Ford will renew this for the month of February. The dealer cash that is available on this truck is scheduled to expire at the end of the month as well, but that may or many not have been used to arrive at your deal and it very well may be continued for the month of February as well. I personally would wait until Feb. to get a new Navigator if I was in your shoes.

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  • nix1957nix1957 Member Posts: 2
    Hi Car man

    Lincoln is now advertising a $499/mo 39 mo lease. Visited the dealer, was told that was for the Luxury not the Ultimate, even though the ad clearly touted the features of the Ultimate. His reply was, "Got you in here, didn't it?" So, now that I'm in, I told him I want an Ultimate. The car I picked out doesn't have the Elite pkg but has DVD in rear, ltd edition monotone pkg but no navigation. MSRP is $55,785. I offered $2,500 drive off and $500 per month. They let me walk. What's a realistic price for this vehicle? I certainly don't want to increase my drive off but I would increase my monthly. Oh, 12,000 mi/yr is fine.

    Thanks for your help
  • neilleboneillebo Member Posts: 2
    I did wait until Feb and got the deal. they also "found" another 1000 off certificate and lowered the deal i spoke of above by $400. so with no money down, other than first months payment and motor vehicle fees (ie 1000 in total), i am paying 666/month.. that includes all taxes, security deposit, etc. you name it. ultimate, etc...
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi nix1957. I would be happy to give you an idea of what your lease payment should be like on the Navigator that you are interested in. However, in order for me to do so I need you to provide me with an approximate selling price for the model that you want. You may be able to get an idea of how much you should pay for this truck right now by visiting the following discussion: "Lincoln Navigator: Prices Paid & Buying Experience". If you don't find any good feedback there, you can always look up this car's True Market Value by visiting the following section of this site: New Vehicle Pricing. Keep in mind though that savvy consumers who shop around can usually do better than the TMV that is listed there. Once you have an idea of how much you will have to pay, let me know and I'll estimate what the lease payment should be for you.

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  • kool516kool516 Member Posts: 2
    Hi Car Man,

    I'm new to this forum so any help would be greatly appreciated. I just got back from a dealer that offered me a 2006 4x2 Ultimate Navigator. It has power liftgate, power fold down seats, power deploying running boards, and power moonroof. The price we decided on was $49,020. The lease payments would be $559 tax included for 39 months and 12k miles a year, 0 down. Is this a good lease payment price?

    Thanks again for your help.
  • zygot73zygot73 Member Posts: 2
    Car Man,

    I am new to this board and really appreciate your help. I am looking to lease a Ultimate 4x4, with Elite, and Limited Edition Package for 36 months, 12k miles. Can you help me prepare some pricing that I can walk into the dealer with. I own an Expidition Eddie Bauer now and was hoping to get some great incentives as well. I am willing to pay tax upfront, but that is it...I live in Long Island NY and any dealers you recommend would be great as well.

    Much Appreciated,
  • zygot73zygot73 Member Posts: 2

    I made it into the dealer this weekend and was quoted $670/month, without tax. 39 Months/12k miles. This was for a 4x4 Ultimate with the Elite Package + Power Running Boards, Chrome Rims and AutoStart. I also do not have to make the first payment as that was just introduced. This was for NO money down except, tax + bank fee and plates. (about $3400) Can anyone let me know if this was a good deal??

    Anyone's feedback is really appreciated.

  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,263
    A major national newspaper would like to interview those who bought a 2007 Lincoln Navigator or a Cadillac Escalade and got a sizable discount off the sticker price. Please respond to before Wednesday, March 1, 2006 with your daytime contact info and a few words about the model you chose.

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  • crookstercrookster Member Posts: 40
    Hi car man I have a few questions well I would like to lease a Lincoln Navigator ultimate, black, limited Edition pkg, power running boards, and h.i.d. lamps, msrp 58890 I have excellent credit but I am currently leasing a 2004 Jeep Grand Cherokee with 6000 in negative equity. Can I use the 4500 cash back to erase some of it, leaving 1500 in negative equity? Then I would not mind putting down about 4000. What would my payment be for a 39 month red carpet lease? Thanks
  • irish6irish6 Member Posts: 6

    I am in negotiations right now for an '06 Navigator Ultimate (4x2) with the Elite package. The offers I am getting seem very good, but I wanted to know how much wiggle room you think there is given that they are trying to dump them (one article said they are trying to get inventory down from 102 days on May 1 to 30 days on Aug 1) and this is just the initial offer I received. Here are the lease terms for a 39 month Red Carpet Lease for 12,000 miles and including the Ford wear care policy (covers you for up to $2500 of incidental damage on lease end):

    MSRP - $60,220
    Sales price - $52,611 (invoice)
    $5000 customer cash
    $1000 to finance of lease from Ford Credit
    Total cap cost = $46,611
    Rate = 0.75%
    Money factor = .000313
    Residual = $25,894.60 (43%)
    TT&L = $1766

    Total Monthly = $599.53 (including TT&L)

    One other question. Do I need to bother with gap insurance? I thought I read that with the red carpet leases in Texas, that was not an issue.

    Thanks in advance for your help.
  • sonny_k9sonny_k9 Member Posts: 15
    If this is 0 down then it looks good. Otherwise they are advertising a $449/mo for this vehicle on lincolns website.
  • irish6irish6 Member Posts: 6
    I actually have it down to $568 for the Ultimate/Elite package. Any thoughts? This is no money down (except for first payment) and no trade.
  • sonny_k9sonny_k9 Member Posts: 15
    $568 including sales tax? I would be all over this one. Its a good deal.
  • irish6irish6 Member Posts: 6
    Drove it off the lot today. French silk/camel interior. Ultimate 4x2, Elite package. MSRP of $60,220. Sales price of $41,365. Only payment due at signing was $568 first month. $568 a month for 39 months, 12,000 miles. I went all over and this is the best I got, so I'm thinking this is at or very near the bottom.
  • caritascaritas Member Posts: 4
    Irish, what city are you located in (also the dealership if you don't mind disclosing)? I'm surprised that TT&L was included in this payment.
  • sonny_k9sonny_k9 Member Posts: 15
    Nothing surprising about that. TT&L can be rolled into the financing. Even negative equity of your old trade if you like.
  • caritascaritas Member Posts: 4
    K9, you've stated the obvious. My statement, addressed specifically to Irish, is that it is surprising to see such a low payment including TT&L, not whether this is generally possible. If it's accurate, it appears to be sgnificantly below market for a lease of this vehicle.
  • irish6irish6 Member Posts: 6
    I am in Northwest Houston and got about four Lincoln dealers in town to match that price. Ended up getting it from one on the Southwest part of town. I did all of the negotiating via email and was in and out of the dealership in 1/2 an hour. I did a lot of research and they have great lease deals (the 0.75% rate is huge) and I just held out. We are very pleased.
  • caritascaritas Member Posts: 4
    Thanks - that's very helpful. I'm in Texas too - what'd you find out on the need for gap insurance?
  • waltkanwaltkan Member Posts: 6
    Hi I'm in the New Orleans area and I have been in contact w/West Point via email. I told them that they would have to make it worth my while to make the trip out there and from the sound of your deal they might. Can you tell me how much of your final price was incentives? Your first email said quote of $52k minus $6k in incentives. Did this final deal have the same $6k in incentives? I'm actually looking at purchasing using the 0% and I would like to know their final purchase price before incentives to use as a guide.
    Thanks for the info.

  • irish6irish6 Member Posts: 6
    No need for separate gap insurance. It is covered under the Red Carpet Lease. Just read your lease completely before signing.

    I believe my final sales price was $45,365. It got to that from the sticker of $60,220. It included the package discounts ($1095 for running boards, $1500 for elite package). They also gave me a below invoice pricing. My company gets X-plan pricing and they gave me a deal under invoice by about $800 before the $6000 in rebates. They got to the deal under invoice because of the X-plan thing, plus they gave me part of the holdback money, plus the X-plan money that usually goes to the dealer.
  • cioguy68cioguy68 Member Posts: 1
    Can you tell me if where i could get the same deal or if anyone know a place in New York that would come close? I'm getting a much higher price.

    If not does anyone know if the 2003 models are any good?
  • zkhanmdzkhanmd Member Posts: 1
    i am interested in a 06 Nav Ultimate fully loaded. what is a good price range for a lease?
  • craigf14craigf14 Member Posts: 15
    I am looking at a 2007 Lincoln Navigator Ultimate in the Dallas area. I was wondering if anyone knows what the current residual value and money factor are for a 2007 Lincoln Navigator Ultimate, 15k miles per year (36, 42 and 48 months). Thank you.
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi craigf14. I believe that Ford Credit's current buy rate lease money factor and residual value in your area for a 36 month lease of a 2007 Lincoln Navigator Ultimate 2WD with 15,000 miles per year are 3.5% and 48%, respectively. The numbers for an otherwise identical 39 month lease (I don't believe that Ford Credit offers 42 month leases) are 3.75% and 46%. Lastly, the numbers for an otherwise identical 48 month lease are 6.0% and 39%. As you can see, Ford Credit provides lease rates instead of money factors on the vehicles that it leases. You can convert its lease rates into approximate money factor equivalents by dividing them by 2400. When negotiating your lease on this truck, make sure to take advantage of the $2,500 lease cash that is currently available on it.

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  • jim53jim53 Member Posts: 118
    Car Man,

    Can you give me the residual value and mf for a 36 month 12K per year lease on a 2007 Navigator Ultimate 4wd in the Philadelphia area? Thanks.
  • jim53jim53 Member Posts: 118
    I am also looking at a 2007 Ultimate 4X4 with Elite package. what did your Cap cost end up being on the deal above (before the 1300 down). How much of it was discount off the sticker vs incentives provided by Ford?
  • jim53jim53 Member Posts: 118
    also, on Edumunds, the Base MSRP looks to be 50,655. Do you know why that differs from the 55K base MSRP you listed above?
  • rfogrfog Member Posts: 2
    I just signed a 24 mo. lease for a ford explorer. Is it wise to purchase the maintanence plan for 995 for 24 months?
  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi jim53. Lincoln's lease program often varies by region, but I believe that the following info is correct for your area. Ford Credit's current base lease rate and residual value for a 36 month lease of a 2007 Lincoln Navigator Ultimate 4WD with 12,000 miles per year are 3.5% and 50%, respectively. As you can see, Ford Credit publishes lease rates instead of money factors for the vehicles that it leases. You can convert its published lease rates into approximate money factor equivalents by dividing them by 2400. When negotiating your lease on this truck, make sure to take the $2,500 lease cash that Lincoln is currently providing on it into account. This cash will help you to negotiate an attractive capitalized cost.

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  • CarMan@EdmundsCarMan@Edmunds Member Posts: 38,514
    Hi rfog. I personally would never purchase pre-paid maintenance on a leased vehicle unless the bank that I was leasing through provided some sort of residual value boost for doing so. A few banks boost the residual values of vehicles that have pre-paid maintenance contracts by a point or so, the theory being that they know that they will be properly maintained over the course of the lease. I do not believe that Ford Credit is currently offering such a program. If not, then don't bother with the pre-paid maintenance. All you have to do is change your truck's oil every couple thousand miles and keep the receipts. One of the beautiful things about leasing is that one doesn't have to spend a ton on maintenance. You also might want to rotate your truck's tires every several thousand miles or so. Doing so will make them last longer.

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  • craigf14craigf14 Member Posts: 15
    I am looking to lease a 2007 Lincoln Navigator L 2WD in January as my current lease is up. Does anyone know the MF and Residuals on the 2007 Lincoln Navigator L for 15,000 miles I the Dallas area? Your help is greatly appreciated.
  • craigf14craigf14 Member Posts: 15

    I hate to ask again, but my wife is looking to lease a 2007 Lincoln Navigator L 2WD in January as her current lease is up. Do you have the current interest rates and residuals on the 2007 Lincoln Navigator L for 15,000 miles. Also, do you know what rebates are being offered on the 2007 models. Is the $2,500 still available. If so, does this mean the sales price should be about $2,500 below invoice? Your help is greatly appreciated.
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