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2007 Chevrolet Silverado and GMC Sierra - First Impressions



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    bowtieladbowtielad Member Posts: 8
    Trade 'er off if you hate it that bad. They've had the release there for years.

    Did you place this post on a Toyoyo site, too. I'm sure they'd love to see it.
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    summerwind4summerwind4 Member Posts: 20
    boy that's a new one..........driven chevies with the release there since '82, and never ever got my foot in it...........but then again, i don't have big cumbersome feet.........LOL
    oh and,
    "good luck on this one now!"
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    1offroader1offroader Member Posts: 208
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    12ozcurls12ozcurls Member Posts: 65
    I'll second that opinion... I just recently returned from Los Angeles for a surprise birthday party we threw for my Grandma. Needless to say there were a bunch of cousins I hadn't seen in years. Well, you guessed it, one of them just recently bought a brand new '07 Chevy Silverado extended cab. I had my doubts, mainly because I didn't like the exterior design, but once he took us for a ride that night, boy was I impressed. The interior is one of the best i've ever seen in a truck or car for that matter. Unlike the Tundra, the gauges were extremely well placed and and easy to read and use. There was plenty of room. At night, the gauges looked really freakin sweet..and the sound system was kickin. I was surprised at how smooth the ride was and how effortlessly it accelerated on to the freeway..all and all, like you said, once you're in it, you gotta have one...
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    04cad04cad Member Posts: 131
    Sorry you had the misfortune of inadvertantly hitting the hood open lever with your foot and it almost opened up almost blocking you vision. Glad you weren't hurt. Oh, another thing you might consider a bonehead move is there is a lever on the column that you can inadvertantly move into reverse at speed causing lots of interesting things to happen.... oh and there is a large round object directly in front of the driver's position that can, if turned suddenly, cause the vehicle to swerve violently. You may want to buy a bicycle to be safe.... ;)
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    dutchbros154dutchbros154 Member Posts: 5
    I have the Sierra Denali 6.2 Any given morning if I do not let my truck warm up completely, it pings as I drive out of my neighborhood. I have taken it to the dealer twice and they say it is normal. I dont know about everybody else here but I didnt pay 45k for a truck that pings like a pile of [non-permissible content removed]. Had an 05 Sierra 5.3 and Denali 6.0 and never had anything like this. Yes I run premium fuel everytime and and even if I didnt it should not ping like this one.
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    04cad04cad Member Posts: 131
    How many miles are on it? Have you tried contacting GM's zone manager? Have you tried a different dealer? Good luck.
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    skytop1skytop1 Member Posts: 106
    As posted, I am struggling with GM's problem laden Denali Sierra truck. I was advised today that the banging, lurching, clanking transmission, the unintended acceleration while braking to a stop, the incorrect selection of gears, the shuttering of the shifts, the A/C system that routinely stops blowing cold air and blows warm stagnant air, the clunking steering column, the vibrating suspension, the impossible to read instrument cluster, the poorly painted and missing paint under the hood ARE ALL NORMAL GENERAL MOTORS VEHICLE BEHAVIOR. Yes, this is the build criteria according to GM and my truck has nothing wrong with it. Three dealerships cannot fix ANY of these problems since they do not have the skill or technicians to correct computer software, firmware, paintwork, suspension defects, and more. GM service has proven to be hopeless, helpless and USELESS. What they cannot fix, magically becomes 'normal' for the vehicle. Two service managers at different dealers could not keep a straight face when talking to me about their inability to fix the computer codes and firmware! It was tragic to witness.

    GM's "We examined everything...We overlooked nothing" motto is a crock of total bull SH.T. This is standard General Motors SCREW THE CUSTOMERS, TO HELL WITH THE CUSTOMER behavior.

    My truck is a rolling problem of defects, screwups, botched design, remarkable poor paint/missing paint and MISERABLE build "quality." Anyone foolish enough to consider buying a GM vehicle after seeing what I, an American consumer am going through at the treacherous hands of GM, is going to have rocks in their head. I am finished with this disgraceful corporation and their deceptive, deceitful business conduct and grossly inferior vehicles. There is NO INTEGRITY AT GENERAL MOTORS. And you can rely on that!~!! This has been my experience and my ultimate conclusion based on the terrible way I have been treated by GM.

    GM is a fraud, a promise unkept, a commitment broken. To the American consumer: beware of this low life corporation and its treacherous practices. CAVEAT EMPTOR GM!
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    skytop1skytop1 Member Posts: 106
    The dealer I purchased the truck from refused to provide the "zone manager's" phone number. I finally went on line to GMC website and emailed them a letter outlining the list of problems I was dealing with. They initially promise you total satisfaction but ultimately kick you in the butt.

    Actually, GM does not have zone managers anymore. They created a remote customer service operation that supposedly acts on the customers behalf. They are remote and the amount of assistance they provide was marginal if anything.
    I have been to the only three closest dealers within 40 miles.
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    schlogschlog Member Posts: 19
    Good Lord, the treacherous luck you are having with your truck! I can't imagine that anyone would lay out that much money for a vehicle and never have test driven it. I personally evaluate anything I dole out my hard earned money for before hand, not buy it and then pick the crap out of it to the point that I loathe it. The hood opening at 65 mph had me ultra concerned so I went out in the garage and tried to open mine with my tennis shoes on, I couldn't do it! I'd just love to know how you contorted your leg and foot all the while driving at 65 mph to accomplish this?
    I'd re-enact this move with a video camera and put it on YouTube, maybe a lawyer would love to take that case.
    Sounds to me like you've got a perfect lemon law case, I'd pursue it... not a moment too soon. My experience has been to the extreme opposite with my truck and I absolutely love it, and I picked it apart on the showroom floor, knew what I was getting myself into. Hopefully next time you'll do the same. Best of luck! Schlog
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    obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    I had a warranty folder over 2 inches thick at my Chevy dealership that performed the warranty services on my '00 Silverado. Because of that I had filed for "buyback" via the BBB in having lost use of the vehicle for over 30 working days. I had the dealership's support when the "buyback" rep called the dealership to find out more on my case. The service writer that I had worked with over a years period simply told the GM rep that my warranty folder was over 2 inches thick.

    In lieu of buyback (which I didn't really want since I had over $10K of mods in the truck), GM offered their Major Guard "bumper to bumper" no deductible 5/100 extended warranty for free (worth around $2500).

    If I were you, I'd devote your time in doing the research and file your complaint here:


    You may want to check what's required under your state's lemon law as it varies from state to state.

    Live is too short...dump it and for goodness sakes don't buy a Tundra..... ;)
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    skytop1skytop1 Member Posts: 106
    Two points:
    1. Today I was forced to take off from work and drive to the selling GM dealer to have them look at my A/C AGAIN, which periodically was not blowing cold but stagnant warm air in the 95 degree high humidity heat we had.

    2. While they had the truck, I walked over to the Toyota dealer and priced a Tundra Ltd. This particular dealer who saturates the TV with ads screaming 'we will beat all prices' gave me a price which was straight list. The manager stated that he is "selling a Toyota and not some American truck." I laughed so hard I almost gagged. Needless, to say, I told him that there are plenty of other dealers willing to sell at discount and left.

    When I got back to my dealer, they told me they could not fix the A/C but on Wednesday, a specialist would be at the dealership and so I will once again have to take off work and appear at the dealership for them to play mechanic with the truck once again.

    I thank you for you kind suggestions and link.
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    04cad04cad Member Posts: 131
    If this vehicle is still under warranty, did the dealershipp offer you a loaner vehicle to keep you from having to take another day off of work? The dealer I buy from is 40 miles away and they will give a loaner and even bring the car back to my town and swap with me when it is fixed if it is under warranty. I would think with all the problems you have had they would be trying to make getting it fixed easier on you. Maybe you have a bad vehicle, but it sounds like the dealer could probably be doing more to help the situation.
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    skytop1skytop1 Member Posts: 106
    The dealer did give me a loaner car each time. I have another appointment for this coming Wednesday and I received a call stating they would have a car waiting for me. The truck is most certainly under warrantee as it is only two months old.
    What is galling me is how GMC dealership has acknowledged all the problems and admits they exist. However, GMC customer support has the audacity to tell me that all these problems (like the A/C that blows warm, stinking air in hot 98 degree humid weather, the transmissions many problems, the unintended acceleration while braking, clunking steering column, suspension vibrations, loud thumping rear end, etc.) are all within "NORMAL OPERATING PARAMETERS OF THIS GM VEHICLE." IN other words, GM flat out refuses to formally acknowledge any defects and problems and MAGICALLY defines all problems and failures as normal opertion for this vehicle. This is such a travisty of honor, such a breach of trust, such a total load of miserable disrepectful, dishonoring treatment of a customer. Think I am over reacting? Wait till it happens to YOU!

    I am cancelling my extended GM warantee contract since I will never use it. The regular warantee is TOTALLY WORTHLESS so the expensive extended warantee is doubly worthless. They are literally unable and helpless to make repairs on these vehicles. The technology and intracasies of the systems are totally beyond them. I have now been to three dealerships and it is the same with all of them.

    I pity the poor bastards who will buy these GM vehicles because they haven't a clue as to what they ALL will be in for at the treacherous hands of General Motors. My painful experiences are indicative of what owning and dealing with GM is really like. No bull, just fact. "You can lead a horse to water but you sure cannot make'm drink"
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    lionclawzlionclawz Member Posts: 12
    I have to say since owning my new '07 GM vehicle I am so satisfied from top to bottom of the vehicle in which I have purchased.

    Interior and exterior Fit and trim, power and all the looks of admiration that come with the purchase of this fine vehicle has garnered even more admiration of this fine truck.

    I am grateful of this forum to allow myself to express my happiness. Excellent forum - very informative, correctly maintained. Kudos to you the admins!!!

    I purchased my Truck from, Criswell Chevy in Gaithersburg, MD. From start to finish my the GM slaes reps provided all the info I needed. After much time and careful consideration I went ahead with a well thought out mindset to purchase this truck as opposed to a Toyota tundra (just didnt live up to my expectations). My sales rep called me and asked if everything was going well with the truck- I did have a error message for a airbag system which was easily corrected with my first service call.

    So happy to have invested time in a dealership that cares and honors my needs. It really pays off think about your purchase and the individuals involved in a fine purchase like this.

    Im buying air intakes and some minor add-ons to jazz up the look of my truck. Doesnt need much to look even better. I might be sounding too happy with this, but if you consider the plain fact that this truck is extremely well built. You have to agree with he countless other positive reviews of those that dont make careless purchase decisions.
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    04cad04cad Member Posts: 131
    Really sorry you are having such a hard time getting your vehicle fixed. Yes vehicles today are complex and require more knowledge than vehicles in the past, but that is what the dealership gets paid to do. I don't have experience with the engine you have, but the 5.3 and the old 350 have been very good for me. I think if I had as many problems as you have listed, I would be contacting GM as high up as I could get and if I still didn't get satisfaction, I would definitely go to my states attorney general with all my information. If that didn't produce results, I would probably seek legal counsel. The GM dealers in my area have been very responsive to what few issues I have had with my vehicles. Actually they are almost over the top trying to ensure the customer is happy. You must have gotten the king lemon vehicle along with buying it from a really bad dealership. At least you will know not to buy from them in the future. Good luck in the future with you vehicles.
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    skytop1skytop1 Member Posts: 106
    Thanks for the note.
    I will be persuing all necessary and appropriate actions until I ultimately succeed.

    It is unfortunate that such a handsome vehicle should suffer so many major defects. When you purchase a new vehicle these days, with global competition, you expect a new extremely high level of reliability and build integrity (especially at these stratospheric $50,000 truck prices!)

    This was not the case with my vehicle. But the eye opening revelationary disappointment concerned GM's total inability and impotence in their attempts to make necessary repairs.

    All is smooth sailing if you are fortunate to have a truck that works or you are the type of person that isn't sufficiently aware/knowledgeable to recognize a defective system or failing mechanism. Many people drive around with worn out brakes or burned out lights, wobbling wheels or low oil pressure and notice nothing. However, if you do have vehicle problems and seek genuine warantee repair, GM service certainly appears and has proven to be an exceedingly poor resource.
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    1offroader1offroader Member Posts: 208
    At 8,500 mi., I'm still extremely happy with my 2007 Silverado. Just finished a 4,700 mi. tour of the West and Midwest, no glitches, no problems. Smooth, powerful, good looking - just like me ;). And roomy, too. No squabbling between wife and daughter over who has to sit in back!

    Got 17.6 mpg overall, but that was with lots of 80 mph highway with the a/c on, and a few 95 mph bonzai passes around slow tractors & trucks. During several long stretches at 65 mph, got a whopping 19.4 mpg from my 6.0L. Hard to believe that so much power could give such good economy. 80 mph in the Silverado feels like 55 in my two previous Toyotas.

    My only disappointment so far is that the truck should come with splash guards at all four corners. You know the kind -nice molded/fitted guards. If anyone knows if these are available now, please post the info.

    Other than that, I love the truck so far.

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    bowtieladbowtielad Member Posts: 8
    I too am sorry you're having such bad luck with your truck as I am fully satisfied and happy with mine. I have 8700 miles on my Vortec Max Z71 Crewcab and have been pulling a 9000lb camper all over the place this summer ( I live in mountainous West Va. ) and my truck is a dream. I feel this is the best truck Chevy has made and the bowties are all I drive. Again...sorry for you luck. You get a bad one in all makes every once in a while and I too am disappointed with what the dealers are telling you. I bought mine at the dealership where my good friend is the garage foreman and he'd never let something like this happen. :lemon:
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    dwyerchevy07dwyerchevy07 Member Posts: 15
    I have the New 2007 silverado. at 76 miles per hour can get 18.5 mpg with 2wd xcab 245 wheels and r17. Has anyone added anything to get in the 20's mpg? I think with all GM's technology this 2 wheel drive should get at least 22 mpg.....or am I just crazy? Any positive feedback is greatly appreciated. was think about after market air intake but not sure if that would help in milage just horsepower?
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    obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    is the suction noise. Well it will also help to dirty your throttle body faster.
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    skytop1skytop1 Member Posts: 106
    If I reset the fuel mileage indicator while I am already cruising at 75 mph, my 6.2 litre engine will show an astonishing 19 mpg. (wish it had a constant real time mpg mode!)

    However, the apparently impressive mpg reading is virtually meaningless in real world terms where it always averages down to about 14.7 mpg. All local driving drags it down to a miserable 12.8 mpg. Filling up two times a week with premium $3.29 fuel has gotten old, FAST.

    Also recognize, once the 'halo' effect wears off you and the new truck, you will surely drive it harder and faster thus realizing far lower gas mileage. That is normal human behavior.

    You can easily get artificially high readings in a very short term and at a constant specific speed. Fuel is mainly expended moving from zero mph up to your intented speed (acceleration factor). Cruising is the most economical mode of motion. However, in today's world, it is frequently impossible to cruise with heavy traffic and local stop and go.

    Other variables can seriously effect your mpg. If you prudently and safely draft a large 18 wheeler van at highway speed and take a mpg reading and then change lanes so you are not following anything and take another fresh reset mpg reading. You'll be amazed at how much more fuel is consumed fighting the wind. Any bicycle ride into the wind will also make this abundantly clear.
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    hotel1hotel1 Member Posts: 50
    Special molded mud flaps are now avail. for the GMT-900.
    They are a GM accessory.

    My bud (who works at a GM dealer) scammed a set for his
    new ride so I have no idea how much $$ they cost.

    They fit nice along the contours on the fender edges.
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    dwyerchevy07dwyerchevy07 Member Posts: 15
    I have a pair for front and back. They are 50.00 a pair.
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    summerwind4summerwind4 Member Posts: 20
    found this on the GM Truck site.
    for those of us who only have DIC by way of the push button in between the guages, which is rediculously limited, this mod is cheap and adds the access that GM really should have just put in the new trucks as a standard feature. here is a link to the topic and includes links to where to buy the part for a whole whopping 80 bucks........takes a whole 5 minutes to install too.

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    1offroader1offroader Member Posts: 208
    My mileage figures are not on short runs. I can easily get in the mid-18s on the hwy. at 70 mph cruising speed, for as long as I want. The secret is to use the cruise control - it is the most fuel efficient way to drive. But I agree with you - stop-n-go really drags down the average. I get about 14.5 in heavy Los Angeles commuter traffic.

    My Silverado has a constant mpg mode - it has the Active Fuel Management, and there is a mode in the DIC that shows real time fuel mileage.

    BTW the 6.0L engine uses (and likes) the cheapest regular (87 octane) that I can put in it. I wouldn't own a truck that required premium. There are places I go where your choice is regular, or nothin'.

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    1offroader1offroader Member Posts: 208
    Cool, thanks for the info. I'll be checking soon with my Chevy dealer for those flaps.

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    dwyerchevy07dwyerchevy07 Member Posts: 15
    Thank you for your input....I live in Michigan and I just got gas for $3.05 and then mixed with $2.85 E85 just for saving in the pocket. I do use the cruise...it is the only way to go. The city driving just kills us but on the expressway up north every weekend makes it worth while to go. But the E85 what a joke.....you do not save.....The environment well I am all for green but it should cost the manufacturer not you and me! I am still looking for feedback about add ons to help with gas mileage? Any info or sites would be greatly appreciated.
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    04cad04cad Member Posts: 131
    Extang tonneau covers claim a mile per gallon fuel savings. If true, they claim you will have a free tonneau cover in fuel savings eventually and then extra money in your pocket thereafter. I got mine for the looks and convenience, any fuel savings will be gravy.
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    dwyerchevy07dwyerchevy07 Member Posts: 15
    I have the same tonneau, but I think I got a mile better w/o. Watched Mythbusters once and they proved the best gas mileage is w/o and tail gate up. But, who and what can you believe these days.
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    04cad04cad Member Posts: 131
    I wondered about that, if a tonneau cover would give GM or Ford or ? a mile per gallon increase, I believe it would be standard for the CAFE mileage. Extang does print that claim on their tonneau cover boxes. I read once that GM trucks get their best gas mileage with the tail gate up because that is the what the designers worked with. I can see how it would seem the tonneau would help, but essentially you are redesigning the exterior of the truck and wind resistance and turbulance might be negatively affected by the tonneau. I wish I would have checked mine prior to the tonneau installation just out of curiosity. Either way, I love the look of the new Chevy Silverado (with the fog lights) and the ride and interior are much improved over the nicely done 2006 models. I am a fan of the instrument cluster, may be my racing background, but it looks good and is easy to read and looks like a real instrument cluster. I have the 4 cyl 8 cyl engine and am curious how that will work out long term. :)
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    reporepo Member Posts: 1
    Head on over to www.denalitrucks.com most of the guys on there are running a Wester's tune in there trucks. The guy that does it is always posting on that site. He says you can easily get another 50 HP out of the 6.0 engines. He can turn off the torque control and really wake up these trucks alot.
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    chevyman26chevyman26 Member Posts: 4
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    skytop1skytop1 Member Posts: 106
    573 of 574 2007 Yukon Denali by snake3 Jul 30, 2007 (1:30 pm)
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    $55,000! And the dealer told me there was nothing wrong with the transmission. I almost got killed this am on the Katy Freeway in Houston, Texas because when I pulled out and accelerated, the big D didn't go anywhere, just bogged down. Gas mileage is 13.8 in city driving and 16.9 on the highway under 75 mph. The fit and finish of my unit is very good. It's just this crazy transmission that won't go when I want to go and will go when I try to stop. Seems like GMC has a problem.
    Replies to this message:
    • skytop1 (Jul 30, 2007 4:28 pm)

    #574 of 574 Re: 2007 Yukon Denali still MORE PROBLEMS [snake3] by skytop1 Jul 30, 2007 (4:28 pm)
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    Replying to: snake3 (Jul 30, 2007 1:30 pm)

    I cannot believe what you have stated in your post! My piece of inferior crap Sierra Denali does the exact same thing and does not accelerate or shift correctly!!!

    Also Snake3, you will unfortunately become frustrated with the standard GM corporate reply to your serious defects and problems with the phrase "your vehicle is operating within normal parameters." They will routinely deny the existence of defects and problems while you suffer with them. They keep stating this worn out phrase which serves to incite and ignite pure disrespect and loathing disgust toward GM and their little minions. They spawn and actually ferment customer alienation. They don't have a clue how to treat their valuable customer or regard them. Their methods are tantamount to a tragic and vile corporate policy. They are committing business suicide.

    My GMC Sierra Denali junk truck is now in for its sixth major service repair. One of the major issues is the symptom of depressing the gas to modestly accelerate and the engine RPM's ACTUALLY DECREASE!!!! Yes, pressing on the gas causes the engine to slow down. You can hear the motor bog and see the tach drop about 300 to 400 RPM's. To make this TURD move you absolutely have to STOMP on the gas and hope the transmission finds the right gear. My transmission will upshift and downshift rapidly searching for a correct gear to use. Meanwhile, nothing is happening in the speed department.

    This truck is a TOTAL DISGRACE and ROTTEN EXCUSE for a "world class" vehicle. I am so disgusted and livid at GM AND their virtually useless and in fact UNTRAINED mechanics. The "tranny specialist" assigned to my truck told me on the initial diagnosis test drive that my truck was the first 6 speed model he ever saw or worked on. I asked if GM had provided special training for the new 6 speed and he said no they had not. And you wonder why GM mechanics cannot deal with the new technology or fix vehicles? You can become nauseous watching this kind of gross ineptitude in action at the GM dealership.
    I totally regret ever hearing the name General Motors or GMC.

    General Motors is a JOKE, a humiliation and a tragic example of what was once mighty but now is humiliated and disgraced by their own ineptitude and incompetance. Maybe some lucky people are not having problems with their vehicles or don't even know if there are defects but that is all cold comfort to the multitude of those suffering and victimized by the corporate treachery, half baked engineering designs and maladroitness of the service department.
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    flysprayflyspray Member Posts: 15
    If I was having this kind of problem with my NEW truck... I would check out the lemon law in my state. The general rule is that if you take the truck back 3 times for the same problem then you have a case. From what Ive heard... the resolution to lemon law cases is a new replacement truck.

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    skytop1skytop1 Member Posts: 106
    Yes, and it is all understood.
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    dwyerchevy07dwyerchevy07 Member Posts: 15
    Well I love my truck.....I have the flex fuel option and am a believer in helping the enivronment. Using E85 gas over 87 Octane just does not cut it. You lose about 60 miles to the tank which costs you more because you have to refuel more often. It is a loss of $12 to $15 a tank. I got 15.3 with flex fuel and 19.2 with 87 Octane. You do the math.....I will pick up trash on the side of the road to help the enivornment instead.
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    tallguy40tallguy40 Member Posts: 1
    Guys, I hate to post this here, but I've searched and can't find a more appropriate discussion; if there is one, please let me know. I have the opportunity to purchase a 2004 Sierra 4x4 SLT crew cab with all the options, it's only got 35,000 miles, for around $17,000. Sounds too good to be true, but I know that it is in excellent condition, never been wrecked. The thing is, it's got the 8.1 L V-8, and I hate the idea of only getting 10 mpg. I don't really need the power (I travel mostly interstate miles - about 35,000 miles a year) and will only be pulling a boat occasionally. But the price seems too good to pass up, if I can afford the gas. So, what do you think? Buy it, or wait and get a smaller truck?
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    1offroader1offroader Member Posts: 208
    Wow that is a good deal. I suggest you first do some math -the extra cost of fuel for the older gas hog vs. the better mileage of the newer truck. 35K miles is a LOT of gas. Also crank into the formula the large depreciation of the new truck in the first few years. It also depends on your personal financial situation. Many people buy vehicles they cannot afford and have no business owning. That should give you a good economic perspective.

    Then, there are the intangibles - interior comfort, looks, warranty, pride of ownership, etc. It is hard, if not impossible, to put a price tag on them but that doesn't mean they have no value.

    I tend to buy new vehicles, and keep them for a loooong time. That way, I get the initial 'thrill' of the new vehicle, and I know what kind of maintenance it has (always excellent), and the depreciation doesn't kill me because it's amortized over many years of ownership.

    Your results may vary.

    Good luck on whatever choice you make.

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    dwyerchevy07dwyerchevy07 Member Posts: 15
    It does sound like a great deal, but I agree with 1offroader. If you have the GM card, a good vehicle to trade, watch of rebates, and work with a couple dealerships you should be able to get exactly what you want (if you are patient) for 10k more or so. For every $1000 financed is approximately $20 in payment. AND, you save money on the gas.
    Again, best of luck on your decision.

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    skytop1skytop1 Member Posts: 106
    When I went to pick up my Denali heap today from service again, I saw they had a bunch of brand new '06 and '07 Sierra (Classic) trucks on the front line of the lot selling for $17,900. They were reasonably loaded too. Before buying used with possible accident damage or whatever, you might do well to check out the new trucks. Sales are weak now and dealers are eager to move the 'old' iron off the lot with a great deal.
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    lionclawzlionclawz Member Posts: 12
    Isn't it amazing that so few people actually review the vehicles out there to purchase. Buying on looks or the sell of the commercial that makes it look so good.

    I almost went the way of Toyota the new Tundra looking so beefy and strong, Glad I didn't. The interior was a disappointment, and didn't match GM's fine remodel.

    My '07 Silverado was purchased with a years worth of review and investigation prior to purchase and I couldn't be happier.

    I even went thru 3 dealerships wading thru the myriad of purchase decisions they had to offer. I went back to the original dealership to a friend that gave me the best advice from the get go.

    I'm currently (finally) decking out the truck with the add-ons that I want to customize the look of my truck.

    I'm checking out Stepbars and retractable bed covers. Does anyone have any suggestions in these two areas. I'm about ready to get the truck line-X'd.

    I tend to like the GM dealership stepbar, has a nice look but I am not sure of the longterm wear that it will endure (not sure if it is chrome overlay or actual polished steel)

    Any suggestions on owners that have specific models they like or dislike is appreciated.
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    skytop1skytop1 Member Posts: 106
    U.S. automakers market share lowest ever By TOM KRISHER, AP Auto Writer
    Wed Aug 1, 7:07 PM ET

    DETROIT - The Detroit automakers' share of the U.S. market dropped below 50 percent in July for the first time in history, according to two analysts who track industry numbers.

    Jesse Toprak, senior analyst for the Edmunds.com automotive Web site, and Jeff Schuster, executive director of global forecasting for J.D. Power and Associates, each said that foreign-based automakers took more than half the U.S. market for the first time, citing sales data released by the companies Wednesday.

    Autodata Corp., an industry sales tracking company, pegged the market share controlled by Chrysler Group, Ford Motor Co. and General Motors Corp. at 49.5 percent including foreign nameplates they own such as Saab, Volvo, Land Rover and Jaguar.

    Excluding the foreign nameplates, Detroit's market share drops to 48.1 percent, Autodata said.

    The market share drop came during a month in which all major automakers but Nissan Motor Co. saw sales declines.

    GM sales dropped 22.3 percent when compared to a strong July of 2006, while Ford declined 19.1 percent and Chrysler fell 8.4 percent. Even Toyota Motor Corp., which had been posting strong gains most of the year, reported a decline of 7.4 percent after a record-setting July of last year.
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    lionclawzlionclawz Member Posts: 12
    Welcome to a struggling Economy......... but back to my truck requests, any suggestions??
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    skytop1skytop1 Member Posts: 106
    You are to be corrected. The economy has never been better or stronger. The stock market has never been higher. There are problems to be sure, but it is not in the economy.
    'Nuff said.
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    dwyerchevy07dwyerchevy07 Member Posts: 15
    I have the Extang toneau cover that I like, I did buy the GM 3 inch step bars, 450.00, 2 pair of the molded mud guards and look nice for 50.00 a pair. I too am going to do Line X but in Lansing, MI is about 490.00. Bug deflector chrome 145.00, side window rain vents for 82.00. All GM parts, and if I am not mistaken would be covered under your bumper to bumper warranty. Please do not quote me on that, but if all done at dealership before you bought should be. Best of luck!
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    fhainesfhaines Member Posts: 7
    I will receive my 08 Silverado Crew next week, and it will be outfitted with the following:

    - Bedlocker Electric Tonneau Top w/ Explorer Rails
    - 4" Oval GM Chrome Steps
    - Line-X Bedliner
    - Cargo Management Toolbox & Divider

    After extensive research, I opted for the Bedlocker (Pace Edwards) as is required the least modifications to the body, and looked good. It is very expensive, about $1,500.

    The Chevy dealer will install the cover, and will have to remove the rear cargo management rail. I think for me, it will work well. Another buddy of mine has the same cover. It occupies about 11" of space at the back of the bed. Hope this helps.
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    mizzouengmizzoueng Member Posts: 4
    Just got my 2007 Sierra 1500 on Saturday.

    So far I am very pleased with the truck. I got the SLE1 but with the 5.3L AFM engine. After driving 3.5 hours home I averaged around 20 mpg on the highway. The AFM kicked in quite a bit and the average jumped to around 30 in certain conditions.

    I like the new interior. The radio is more flat and open so that both driver and passenger can choose radio stations. The seats are very comfortable and didn't hurt to sit in for such a long drive.

    I didn't like the fact that there was no "seek" funnction on the sttering wheel radio controls, just a favorites control.

    Overall pleased and I want to thank everyone on here as your reviews and helpfull hints and tips helped me in this purchase! :)
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    lionclawzlionclawz Member Posts: 12
    I have a LTZ x/cab '07 Silverado and it has the favorites forward and back buttons, but it also has a seek button but it only goes forward. these are located on the steering wheel. he Seek button is right below the mute/Onstar function button nestled in the music favorite buttons on the right hand cluster.
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    summerwind4summerwind4 Member Posts: 20
    a friend of mine has a '04 ext cab rado and has the color match mouldings that are starting to show warts.........i understand there was a TSB out on this to replace them as the part number sticker under neath creates this problem.....would you happen to have a way of posting the TSB number?

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