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Chevy Silverado and GMC Sierra Transmission Problems



  • Lady3bgloverLady3bglover Member Posts: 24
    When you said your tire monitoring is messing up, what have you done to assure yourself you're not driving on a flat?

    The battery in the transmitter could be going out. 43k mi on a vehicle you should still be covered under warranty, unless you're the second owner.

    Go old school, get a tire gauge and check it. Do the tires look low? Do you hear a leak?

    IMO I'd have those sensors torn the hell out, and get nitrogen in at the next rotation.

    As far as the transmission, have you flushed when recommended, or did you pass it up?
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405
    Replacement sensors can be bought cheaper than from the dealer. He would have to go to the dealer to recalibrate. Also, the thing with taking the sensors out is the light on the dash will always be on. There is not an easy way (if possible at all) to turn it off.
  • angrygmfanangrygmfan Member Posts: 3
    I have worked on cars my whole life, so I have a pretty good idea of when something is messed up. This many problems should not be happening this early. And I do have nitrogen in my tires. I also do not have a flat. The sensors are messing up. They aren't covered under warranty, however, because they are only covered under the bumper to bumper warranty
  • bigman55434bigman55434 Member Posts: 22
    Ever since GM went to fly-by-wire for their throttle control, and went to 6 speed transmissions, there have been nothing but problems. Of course we all saw the original advertisements that said they did it because "you will get better throttle response". What a joke. The only reason they did it was so they could manage peak torque in the drivetrain, and have a shot at having the transmissions and other under-engineered drivetrain components make it the 5 year 100k powertrain warranty. The end result is an absolutely [non-permissible content removed] driving experience. Unless you are going to drive it like a grandpa, forget it. The horrible programming in these ECU's and TCU's has resulted in very sluggish downshifting, transmissions slamming into gear and lurching when downshifting from 2-1, and missing shifts altogether. I called the dealer once, and they said it was normal. I asked if it was normal for me to hold 1/4 throttle and 4k RPM's doing 15mph in 1st gear, and them for it to slam into 3rd. This is over the course of 2 city blocks, with no load on the truck. I told the service manager I would bring the truck in once parts were blowing out the bottom of it, otherwise, I knew I would just get the same run around as I did on my 2008 3/4 ton gasser, which shifted like crap ALL the time. GM engineers should be fired for putting this crap on the road. BTW, my current truck is a 2011 Sierra 1500 5.3.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    I knew I would just get the same run around as I did on my 2008 3/4 ton gasser, which shifted like crap ALL the time.

    And you bought a 2011 hoping it would be better? That's what's called brand loyalty?
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Good afternoon lm69000miles,

    We're sorry to hear that you are having troubles with your Silverado. It looks as though you may already have started a Service Request with us, but if you haven't and if you wanted for us to get one going for you please contact us at socialmedia@gm.com with more information (including your name and contact information, a summary of the situation, the last 8 of your VIN and mileage, and the name of your dealership).

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • ceb66ceb66 Member Posts: 70
    New GM 5.3 liter 6 speed truck buyer; make sure you test drive these trucks extensively at 45 mph on level ground. Not just a normal test drive. Make sure you take it out for a while.

    -Place the display on Active Fuel Management (AFM) mode (display shows movement from 4 to 8 cylinders) and determine if the truck growls, lags and may even occasionally bang when switching from 4 to 8.

    -Check for slop/slash in the rear end as you slow to turn a corner. Especially to the right for some reason! As you step on the gas, see if the truck lags, then "catches" and lurches.

    -Ask the salesman if there are any internal GM service bulletins regarding the 6 speed transmission with AFM.

    I you're going to do alot of driving like I do (in town and out of town) between 40 and 50 mph, make sure you test drive these trucks at that speed.

    My 2011, like other 2010's and 2011's, is incredibly annoying to drive. Worst part, GM knows it.


  • bigman55434bigman55434 Member Posts: 22
    At first, the 2011 didn't seem like it had all the horrible tendencies of the 2008, but it does, and worse. I got a screaming deal on the 2011, including $3k in buyback assistance, and about $9800 in other incentives (off dealer invoice, not sticker price). As of today, with 10k miles on my truck, I can trade it in for what I paid for it. I am just waiting for GM to address the problems. From a stop, the truck shifts fine when going 0-60. All of the problems are at 45mph and slower. Downshifts take max throttle input, which I can live with. The worst of it is getting on and off the throttle in slower traffic. The tranny seems like it is fighting itself, loading up, slamming in and out of gears, and always wants to push me into the vehicle in front of me when slowing down. I don't know if it is a software or mechanical issue, but it is dangerous in my book. I will not have this truck past the 3 year 36k warranty. Some of the shifts are so bad, I wonder if a u joint is going to snap. Then try driving it cold (ambient temp 32F). Everything is magnified 10x.
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405
    I don't know if it is a software or mechanical issue, but it is dangerous in my book.

    The torque converter spends as much time as possible "locked" when it's in gear. That's what you are feeling. The brakes work when applied.
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405
    GM truck buyer, please know "ceb66" has a personal vendetta against GM and doesn't like some of the normal operating parameters of his truck. For example, if you put the truck in manual mode gear 5 around time, it doesn't display those characteristics at all. Besides, who wants any vehicle shifting in to 6th gear around town. Unlike some manufacturers, GM actually gives you away to avoid this. Also, check check out cebs66 hundreds of other posts where he says the same thing over and over and over again. He thinks if the post count under this topic reaches some miracle milestone GM will buy back his truck.
  • bigman55434bigman55434 Member Posts: 22
    "The torque converter spends as much time as possible "locked" when it's in gear. That's what you are feeling. The brakes work when applied. "

    I never would have guessed that brakes work when applied. And yes, I understand that the converter is programmed to lock up as much as possible. HOWEVER, the converter should NOT be locked at low speeds, like below 25MPH, and it should NEVER be locked when I am trying to stop and am at a slow speed. Even with the brakes applied, I can feel the transmission still trying to push the vehicle forward, and it fights the brakes. If the stupid thing would just uncouple and coast, problem solved. The tranny waits until the last possible second to downshift, forcing the RPM's up to keep the truck from stalling, and as the slush box finally drops to first, the ECM can leave the throttle alone. I have seen the tach drop to 300 or 400 RPM's when coasting to a stop, and due to the fly by wire throttle, the computer determines that it needs a bit of throttle to keep from stalling. This is what I am talking about. Solenoids are sticking in this transmission, or are very poorly designed.
  • bigman55434bigman55434 Member Posts: 22
    ceb66 is 100% right on the driveability issues with the late model GM trucks. Aside from the shifting problems I already mentioned, at around 40-45mph and a steady cruise, I can watch the tach, and it's like the tranny slips or almost starts to come out of lockup. The tach needle spikes up about 100-200rpm at least once every few seconds. I can feel and hear it driving, too. I haven't really noticed any issues with the AFM, unless this is it. I just know that every GM truck I have had since my 2005 Sierra Denali 4 speed has shifted far worse than the 2005 and prior gas trucks I have had (the exception being the two Duramax's I had, which were 2006 and 2011 models, which had awesome Allison tranny's). Ever since around 2007, they went to the fly by wire throttle, and I just don't think the ECM and TCM do a good job of working together. I can't believe that GM all of a sudden can't make a tranny that works properly. I want to believe it is a software issue, whether intentional or not. All I ask is they FIX IT.
  • cementhead1cementhead1 Member Posts: 1
    transmission or transfer case started acting up today - 3 times while driving on highway the engine revs up, speed drops and there is a loud grinding sound from the transmission area - sounds like shifting a manual transmission without the clutch and not getting the gears engaged - stopped the first time and made sure the transfer case manual shifter was in 2 wheel high and it was - the next two times let off the throttle and noise stopped and normal operation returned - not fun when cruise control is on - fluid levels are good - no trany problems before this - occurs when vehicle goes over small bumps on interstate highway - will check the fluid in the transfer case for metal filings and check the shift linkage but not sure where to go from there - any ideas?
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    To arrive at the EPA mileage GM programs their trans. The dealer can override the shift points (so can some of the performance programmers) to solve your driveability issues. The problem with the dealers programming is that once their tech 2 is disconnected you will lose the shift points. That leaves you with an aftermarket programmer which runs between $300 and $500. Whether it's worth the money or not is your call. GM will not approve a reprogram as it will alter the mpg which is posted on their trucks nationwide. And yes I agree with you it sucks.
  • ceb66ceb66 Member Posts: 70
    edited November 2012
    Hi bigman,

    Don't get distracted while driving, however, switch your driver display to "Instant Economy". Watch and feel it in the mid 40's! The annoying lag and growl will coincide with the 5.3 liter 6 speed awkardly trying to figure out "should I be in 6th at 45 mph, or 5th or maybe 4th. 4 cylinders? Maybe 8? Wait a minute, I'll just pick up the slop and BANG"!

    The Feds upped the CAFE standards right after the $54 Billion "bailout" (TARP).

    Hmmm? General Motors tweaked these things to squeeze out mileage. They appeased the Feds and still haven't paid back the "loan"(to tax payers).

    GM kissed.... and politely went along with the CAFE increase (which the car manufuacturers rarely if ever do) and we got stuck with a very confused computer-controlled powertrain/drivetrain combo.

    Be prepared. They're pushing for higher CAFE standards in 2017 (I believe in the 40 MPG range!). That means more hoaky tricks to appease. I've had many GMs. This may be it.

    Hopefully nobody else gets stuck with one of these things like I and others have.

    Thanks GM. You should be proud. You've made the Federal Government happy.
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405
    I've had many GMs. This may be it.

    Yes, please unload it and move on.
  • ceb66ceb66 Member Posts: 70
    edited November 2012
    Potential General Motors truck buyers, make sure you test drive this 5.3 liter 6 speed Active Fuel Management AFM General Motors truck extensively at 45 MPH before purchase.

    Ensure it doesn't clunk lag growl and sometimes bang .

    If it does, don't let any GM employee insult you by saying it has to adjust to your driving habits!
  • Lady3bgloverLady3bglover Member Posts: 24

    Really?! I'd call the dealerships GM and let him know what kind of people he's hiring...idiots.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    I think ceb66 was referring to chucky.
  • ceb66ceb66 Member Posts: 70
    edited November 2012
    Hi lady3bglover,

    There must be alot of "idiots" working as sales managers for GM! I'm exagerating. I really don't think so. They're just doing what the corporate people tell them to do. Contrary to the sales numbers, they're under a huge amount of pressure do to GM's financial situation.

    However; many, many new 2010, 2011 and (apparently) 2012 GM Sierra and Silverado buyers have been told exactly that when they complain of the wierd/ackward transmission; "it has to adjust to your driving habits"!

    Insulting to anyone with even a minimal mechanical background. I walked out when I was told that.

    If they're using lines like that and there is an internal bulletin addressing the tranny/AFM issues, it's definitely widespread and they're keeping it under wraps. I know that from talking to techs and GM employees. My family worked in the industry.

    After GM took the TARP money, they seem to have gone back to their old (1970s/1960s) approach to the customer; "just get the car sold, and use whatever line you have to to get them out of here if they have a problem."
  • bigman55434bigman55434 Member Posts: 22
    Ceb, I tend to agree with you that most of the weird behavior in the drivetrain is software related, and it is probably related to the CAFE standards. My question to GM is if this is actually what is happening, how much improvement can it honestly make? Like 1 MPG? What tricks to you have up your sleeve for when you need to squeeze out another 5 MPG? I can't wait for this to happen. If I could easily reprogram my engine/tranny to behave like my 2005 Sierra Denali, I'd do it in a minute.
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405
    edited November 2012
    No one ever denied that the 6 speed transmission and/or AFM sometimes does not make for a smooth power train.

    However, with the number of SOLD units with the six speed transmission on the road-a software program reflash to fix or improve the power train is not going to happen IMHO, it's simply too costly.

    And it doesn't matter how many negative posts people put on this board.

    You can either live with it or buy a Toyota.

    So far it HAS NOT AFFECTED RELIABILITY of the vehicle. They sell 40,000 units a month and I have yet to sell one sitting over on the shoulder of the highway.

    Also, you can buy these trucks for $10,000.00 off sticker and save thousands over comparable trucks.
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405
    You could reprogram with an aftermarket tune. There are several on the market that have had good reports. However, if you have a 100K powertrain warranty IT MAY void it.

    COST between $300-$500.00
  • chuck1919chuck1919 Member Posts: 176
    Yea-I will go pullout those TPMS sensors now.
  • ceb66ceb66 Member Posts: 70
    If you're a new potential 2012 2013 GM truck buyer make sure you test drive these trucks extensively.

    The 2011's CLUNK LAG GROWL and sometimes BANG as the Active Fuel Management kicks into 8 cylinders.

    Ask the salesman if you can constantly feel the AFM working.

    Make alot of slow right turns.

    Most of all test drive it at 45 MPH on level ground.
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405
    edited November 2012
    Those browsing this board will see your posts for what they are. A personal vendetta. The owners of the 39,000 trucks that ae purchased each and every month don't post how satisfied they are.

    The vast majority of the 1300 plus posts are from 14 people.

    On our way to 1500!!
  • ceb66ceb66 Member Posts: 70
    If you're a new potential 2012 2013 GM truck buyer make sure you test drive these trucks extensively at 45 MPH.
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405
    edited November 2012
    Congratulations to Chevrolet/GMC Trucks for October sales gains over a year ago!

    Total YTD units are 463,688

    Total SIlverado/GMC sales for October are 53,307.

    This represents Chevrolet Silverado sales up 5.7% from a year ago, along with GMC truck sales up 9% in from the same period.

    They are a great value right now!
  • ceb66ceb66 Member Posts: 70
    If you're a new potential 2012 2013 GM truck buyer make sure you test drive these trucks extensively at 45 MPH.
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405

    It looks like they are test driving them. AND BUYING THEM!
  • bigman55434bigman55434 Member Posts: 22

    Congrats on being a satisfied owner. Throwing sales stats out just makes you look like a GM troll. Knock it off. There are known issues with these trucks, and like several others on here, we are not satisfied with GM's engineering, or their lack of response to the problem. I am just going out on a limb to guess you have not bought 7 new GMC trucks since 2004. I have. The 2004 Sierra 1500 I had was great, as was the 2005 Sierra Denali, and 2006 Sierra 2500 Duramax. The 2007 Yukon, which was the first year of throttle-by-wire, had a lot of throttle lag. The 2008 Sierra 2500 6.0 gasser that replaced it was horrible to the point where I got $3000 in buyback assistance towards my 2011 Sierra 2500 Duramax. The engine and trans on this truck were great, but the very well known issues with the emissions system on these trucks forced me to trade it in. I was going through regens every 200 miles. I downgraded to my current 2011 Sierra 1500, which I wish I never would have got. It has every bad characteristic of my 2007 and 2008 vehicles, and then some. Sooo.....what happened to driveability since 2006? The only things that changed were the additions of AFM and throttle by wire. GM needs to fix these, or this will be my last, and I will be *UGH* going back to Ford or another make.
  • obyoneobyone Member Posts: 7,841
    FYI throttle by wire was standard on the GMT 800 series truck.
  • Lady3bgloverLady3bglover Member Posts: 24
    Well Ceb that just sucks.. just sell the vehicle. Hell I see that with the idiots I work with on the Hyundai-mobiles. I'm not a fan of the product, but it is what is it. Wait till the owners on the 4-cyl models realize they're going to be out $500 for a timing belt at 60k miles (suggested replacement).

    As for us GM owners, I've been in the after-market world for transmissions since 2006ish. I KNOW GM makes crappy transmissions. If I what I know now, to when I purchased my '02 in 10/02, I would straight up ordered a 5.3l LS with an 80e, but I didn't. The love affair that I have with GM is the ability to manipulate the long block for more power, and the 4.8, 5.3, and 6.0 basically having interchangeable parts.

    My point to the people who are posting to this forum, is to contact GM Customer service directly. And they can see that GM has replied to ...

    again, to those that are having transmission issues, go to the "my GM" website, register your vehicle, and you'll get a reply. I did it when I had the knock sensor and transmission issues, and they did what they said they'd do.
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405
    With the number of posts I have over the last several years on Edmunds, I guarantee you I am not a troll.
  • azmitheazmithe Member Posts: 1
    2002 Silverado with 86,000 miles and the tranny goes out. My neighbors 2003 Silverado with 102,000 on it and the tranny goes out. Will tell everyone not to buy Chevy without doing there research.
  • Lady3bgloverLady3bglover Member Posts: 24
    Here's some more beauty to your dilemma Azmithe.
    A - nothing lasts forever, and
    B - Chevys / GMC are not that costly to repair. There are too many experienced techs out there that are capable of fixing/replacing a trans. You need to find a trans guy, I bet I can find one. I belong to a nation wide performance truck group.
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405
    Your car is twelve years old....not that many miles for the year, you obviously do alot of city driving. HOW LONG SHOULD GM BE RESPONSIBLE in your mind?

    All those short city hops with the tranny shifting up and down.

    Same question for your friend's truck with 102K on it.
  • bmarszalbmarszal Member Posts: 1
    hello could you give me the spider specs please.I have the same problem with my truck and the tech said no specs and the clunk is driving me nuts thank you Bill
  • Lady3bgloverLady3bglover Member Posts: 24
    Thank you... I was thinking the same thing.
  • jbickhamjbickham Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2012
    I have a 2012 GMC sierra. When the transmission is cold and i accelerate at a descent rate, not hard but more than a slow takeoff, when shifting from 2nd to 3rd it takes a while to engage into 3rd and the motor revvs up. When the tranny is warm, it is fine. Is anyone else having this issue. I have just over 5000 miles on the truck. It does not have to be cold outside, just a cold tranny. I can make it do this every time. if i accelerate slowly, it shifts fine.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Congratulations on your new Silverado!

    Hopefully other owners will chime in soon for you; if you decide to get this checked into at your dealership let us know as we're happy to work with you through that process.

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • jbickhamjbickham Member Posts: 13
    I just dropped it off at my dealer. Hopefully they'll have an answer for me tomorrow.
  • jbickhamjbickham Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2012
    I did run across a Tech Service Bulletin on the web:

    2012 Gmc Sierra Power Train Service Bulletin 347107

    NHTSA: Action Number: 10045063 Service Bulletin Number: 347107
    Report Date:
    Jun 01, 2012Component:
    Power Train
    Summary: Gmc/chevrolet: some trucks, equipped with automatic transmission 4l60e, may experience slipping, missed or late shifts in 3rd and 4th gears due to possible 3-4 clutch distress. *pe

    this describes my problem exactly...but unfortunately it doesn't say what is being done to fix it. Hopefully it won't require a new transmission.
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405
    It sounds by the symptoms you are describing you have a 6 speed transmission and not the 4 speed. If you have the 5.3 motor then you do indeed have the six speed. The hesitation between 2 to 3 seems to be "common" among the model years that have he new six speed. The good news is it happens only when cold. In addition, it's a software issue and not a mechanical one. It doesn't seem to affect the longevity at this time.

    I am an owner of a 2011 Silverado and am no way affiliated with GM.

    Don't worry about it and enjoy your new truck!
  • jbickhamjbickham Member Posts: 13
    Yes it is the 5.3 with 6 speed. It does it ONLY when cold. It performes flawlessly when at normal temp. I hope you are right. I wen t through transmission problems in 2003 with a brand new car we bought and don't want to go through that ever again. I was trying to choose between a Tundra and Sierra when i bought this...i dont want to regret going with the GMC...7k cheaper for the GMC, better warranty and who needs to tow a space shuttle anyways? thanks for the info!
  • jbickhamjbickham Member Posts: 13
    Well, i just spoke with the service guy at the dealership. They finally got it to mess up. He said they have been on the phone with GM multiple times today and have no clue what caused it. He says it may be the selonoid or valve body but they arent sure, it hasn't created any trouble codes. They have compared data with other trucks and nothing seems out wack. He says there are no tech bulletins out about this issue. He referred to it as "flaring" and not slipping, more of an extended shift. So i guess now i just wait......just my luck
  • chuck1chuck1 Member Posts: 1,405
    They must be the only dealership that doesn't know what it is. Maybe they should look it up on the Internet. It's a software issue, it's been said elsewhere on the Internet that GM does indeed know that there is an issue.

    Run far away and find a new dealer.
  • jbickhamjbickham Member Posts: 13
    Well what they told me and the truth may be two different things.
  • galvezfjgalvezfj Member Posts: 12
    hey jbickham, I have a 2012 silverado 5.3L 6 speed 4x4 Z71. my truck had the same issue. At 5k i finally had enough and took it in. Dealer rebuilt the transmission and said that 2-6 seloids were damage and the valve body was scored. Take it back and have them ispect the valve body and selonoids. After it was rebuilt i lost 3 gear towing my jet skies. I took it back and had the transmission replaced around 8k. They know the have a problem with these transmissions but wont do nothing about it unless you push the issue. Dont take these B.S answer and have them fix it. I ended up calling the chevy customers assistance to resolve the issue.
  • jbickhamjbickham Member Posts: 13
    That is the exact truck i have. The truck is still at the dealership. Ive dealt with transmission issues in a new Mazda we bought in 2003 and learned that being nice gets you nowhere fast. We ended up having that vehicle replaced under the lemon law. Im more than ready to battle with these folks. I just really hate that this is going on with my truck. I absolutely love it. Thanks for the info.
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