Jeep Grand Cherokee Vibration



  • waxer92waxer92 Member Posts: 9
  • rkoz1rkoz1 Member Posts: 14
    I can understand what you are going through. My 07 has had three tires replaced and all of them re-balanced. I still have driveline vibration above 70mph. I made an appointment for the 26th for them to once again look into the problem
  • wholelottahemiwholelottahemi Member Posts: 12
    I have posted my problem here a few times before. I have the same vibration at exactly 70mph. Chrysler knows about the problem. They changed both my rear drivesahft which helped a lot, and front which helped even more. With the repair/replacement the vibration went from being intolerable to still slightly noticable at exactly 70 mph. The only way to get it 100% is to file a lemon law with your state as Chrysler's attitude is most people won't bother fighting and pushing the matter and the dealer is useless. I am debating filing a lemon law myself but I am in the midst of a divorce and can only handle one fight at a time.

  • rkoz1rkoz1 Member Posts: 14
    I took mine back in today and once again they told me there was nothing wrong with it and that they all ride this way. I am still not buying it but don't know what to do at this point
  • afranafran Member Posts: 7
    After using a monitor on my Jeep and monitoring the transmission parameters when the vibration was present at 45 mph, the engineers at Chrysler want the dealer to replace the torque convertor. Since I'm leaving for FL for the Winter, I'll have to have the work done there early in January.
    I'll keep you posted.
  • rkoz1rkoz1 Member Posts: 14
    I have an appointment this afternoon to drive another vehicle at my dealership to confirm that it also vibrates the same as mine. I am being told that they all do it and that this is the nature of Quadra-trac. Having owned numerous other four-wheel drive vehicles I find this one hard to accept
  • facultusfacultus Member Posts: 8
    I'm taking my '06 Cherokee, 6 cylinder in tomorrow with the shudder problem. I'm directing them to look at the torque converter as there were service bulletins about reflashing the ECM to improve performance.

    How much did it cost for the new torque converter or the new drivelines?

  • facultusfacultus Member Posts: 8
    I got the report back from the dealer. New Torque Converter and seals, some other transmission stuff. Total bill=$2200
  • rkoz1rkoz1 Member Posts: 14
    My 2007 GC Rocky Mountain 4.7 still has vibration after having three tires replaced and all of them road force balanced. I sent a letter to Chrysler Customer Asistance and the outcome was that the vibration I feel is a characteristic of the Quadra-trac II system. That's nice to know on a $34,000.00 vehicle
  • baldhill37baldhill37 Member Posts: 9
    I had the Fotrtera HL tires balanced 3 times at 3 different tire stores on 3 different machines, the last, today 1/9/2008 on a hunter ROAD FORCE IT STILL VIBRATES
    still waiting for Chryrser Engineers to set an appointment to look at the VIBRATING JEEP sticker was 41,500.00 and it rides like [non-permissible content removed] . this will be my one and only JEEP if this problem can't be fixed
  • baldhill37baldhill37 Member Posts: 9
    THE Last goodyear tire store manager said they have had many complaints about JEEPS with Fortera HL tires, that it the only tires JEEP puts on their SUV's
    the major Problem is the wheels with the PLASTIC wheel covers.
    Chryser/ JEEP should admit the problem are with the wheels. Stop putting those wheels on the SUV'S. they should try Michelins or yokomahamas. or just recall all the JEEPS and fix them..........................................
  • afranafran Member Posts: 7
    My dealer in NH was directed by Chrysler to change the torque converter on my GC to see if the 45mph vibration could be eliminated. They made the decision after a day of recorded measurements made by the dealer, and sent to Chrysler engineering.
    Unfortunately the dealer wanted to change the converter just as I was leaving for Florida for the Winter. He told me to go to a local dealer and he would replace it.

    After getting the run around for the FL dealer I've decided to live with the problem until I get home in the Spring. Then I'm going to trade in this POS for a real car like a Lexus or a BMW. This car has 7K miles on it and had the vibration problem since I got it 3 mos ago.
    Never again will I buy Chrysler(this is my forth!) and I'll make sure that everyone I know hears the story, especially the folks on this forum.

    I guess we know why the Japanese are taking us to the cleaners!
  • rkoz1rkoz1 Member Posts: 14
    The wheel problem may be true for some but my Rocky Mountain has all aluminum wheels. No plastic cladding. Living in the Detroit area and being in the auto industry gives me the ability to have automotive contacts. I had one Chrysler Engineer drive mine when I fist got it because of the shudder problem I have at 40mph. He told me that they have a known problem and are working on a software fix. Unfortunately it still has not been released. That will only fix one of my concerns, it will do nothing for the 70mph vibration. I also mentioned to my service manager that if they can not fix the problem that I will most likely get rid of mine next year.
  • dhfinleydhfinley Member Posts: 16
    The only way to get rid of the vibration is get rid of the vehicle, and don't get another Chrysler product. Read back in this chain, that's the main theme. It's not the tires.
  • facultusfacultus Member Posts: 8

    There was a TBS for a ECM Flash to improve Torque converter operations. Does anyone know what this actually does:
    Bulletin Number: 2101105

    Bulletin Number: 06002
  • afranafran Member Posts: 7
    I guess that Jeep has had a problem with this for some time. My dealer has said that he has replaced TC in the past for this problem. It describes the problem I'm having with my 2008GC exactly! Maybe Chrysler will own up to the problem and come out with a real fix.
    I don't think I'll keep mine that long...Its gone in the Spring!
  • facultusfacultus Member Posts: 8
    I just spent $3000 to get it fixed, low and behold, replacing the torque converter did not fix the problem.
  • youngmoneyyoungmoney Member Posts: 9
    I'm in my 5th month of a 27 month lease. Can't wait to get out of this lease. I got a 2007 Grand Cherokee Limited with the Hemi and Quadra-Drive II, $39.960. Right now I have about 7500 miles. All I can say, Chrysler does not know how to build a car. I haven't had this many problems with a car. Over the last five years I have driven an Envoy and a Yukon Denali, and so far the Jeep has been to service more than both of those cars combined, and all in 5 months. It's sad, because this can be a really good car. Some things I like about my Jeep, is the handling and the brakes, the Hemi engine, and the features like Remote Start and RainSense wipers. The rest of the car is trash. It has a throttle delay, and just today I felt the vibration. I was going about 70-75, on cruise control. It wasn't that bad, it felt like the strips at the side of the road that warn you when you are at the edge of the road, but it was annoying, especially at 7500 miles. God Bless Chrysler, because if they are expecting to be profitable like they have been talking about, they have to get rid of these problems. I have a Commander U pkg also and that has a much smoother ride than the Grand Cherokee. The only problem with the Commander is the windshield that cracks every winter. The only things that really make me want to keep the Grand Cherokee is the power and handling, and the dirt cheap price I got.
  • youngmoneyyoungmoney Member Posts: 9
    I also forgot to mention the clicking sound I got, when I drove over a small bump in the road. If I remember correctly that happened at around 1000 miles. Sounded like a parking cone was stuck under it.
  • facultusfacultus Member Posts: 8
    Hi all, I took my GC '06 in with the "rumble strip" problem. They replaced the TC and some various transmission seals, etc. It cost $3000.

    I'm am trying to put together a case that Jeep knows of the problem and has no fix for it, so the Jeep delaership (who performed the repairs) really did not have to replace the TC.

    My point is that Jeep knows the problem, it's a fairly common problem and I honestly want my money back because the problem is still there. I want to go to the owner of the dealership provide him of the evidence that this is a common problem with no known fix and ask for my money back.

    Can anyone point to a resource or someone to talk to get more cases of where Jeep has acknowledged the problem and has said in public that they have no fix for it?

    Several people on the board mentioned some engineers they have spoken with, is there anything out there in the public about Jeep talking about this issue?

    I did find this link that might be of interest with a few suggestions of a fix. You need to read further down:

    Any help would be appreciated.

  • baldhill37baldhill37 Member Posts: 9
    Hello Youngmoney 1/18/2008
    I had a meeting with the service manager at Dover Dodge and the regional manager with Chrysler on Wed 1/16/2008. We all when for a highway ride 60-78 MPH.
    I told the rep about the problem with the Goodyear fortera HL OWL tire balance problem. 1 Wheel was found to be out of balance they removed that right rear tire and put the spare tire on the Jeep, the vibration did decrease, however I said I was still not 100% happy. The Chrysler rep asked what I would like. I said I want all new tires on the car since those Fortera's seem to be the problem since all the wheels had 2-3 oz of weights on each one. I wanted Michelin Cross Terrain SUV tires.
    Friday 1/18/2008 I took the Jeep back to the dealer, they installed the 4 new
    Michelin tires, I took it for a 25 mile highway ride. Results are NO VIBRATION at all. much quieter and smother ride. Less than 1 oz weight on all the wheels
    My advise to all jeep owners with Fortera tires, tell the dealer they want all new tires and not Goodyear, they must be having a Badyear making good tires.
  • rkoz1rkoz1 Member Posts: 14
    i hope the fix works for yours. drive it a little more and you will find that the problem is in the driveline.
  • wholelottahemiwholelottahemi Member Posts: 12
    Hello to all,

    This thread applies to a driveline vibration on '07 and '08 Grand Cherokee's that ONLY occurs at speeds between 65-80 MPH and has to do with the drivetrain. More specifically, the driveshafts. Most have the Hemi engine. It is NOT about other year vehicles or crankcase problems. Please start a different thread for earlier year vehicles as we are getting a bit off the path of the original posts.

    Thanks to all,
  • steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    This discussion started with 2005 model year vibration problems in Post #1 and has had various model year threads and off-shoots.

    Having similar posts grouped in one discussion helps more people find answers, and many members tend to watch certain discussions and may miss new ones. Please just scroll past posts that don't interest you.
  • rkoz1rkoz1 Member Posts: 14
    Jeep Grand Cherokee Owners:

    I need your assistance with vibration problems on my '07. If anyone has had their driveshafts or u-joints replaced by the dealer could you let me know. So far the dealership I am working with will not replace mine and says that the vibration I feel is a characteristic of the quadra-trac II system. I am waiting to have an area rep review my complaint but would like some back-up material to show them. Your assistance is greatly appreciated
  • afranafran Member Posts: 7
    After digesting the many posts on this forum and the comments by my dealer, I'm convinced that Jeep has a problem with the torque converter which they cannot fix.

    The way I'm going to fix mine is to get rid of my 2008 GC ASAP and buy a car from someone who knows how to design them...BMW, AUDI, Lexus...too bad they are not American brands!
  • facultusfacultus Member Posts: 8
    I'd hold off on spending any money on getting it fixed if you don't have the warranty. When they say Characteristic, I'd read between the lines and see : "Something's wrong and we don't know how to fix it." There have been several discussions about potential software fixes for it but nothing has been out out yet. The flashes don't work and I spent $3000 to get it fixed but it still does it. The shudder problem is not a characteristic its a big problem.

    The main culprit seems to be the torque converter and not the joints. If you search the thread further you can find some other ideas and get more information on what HAS NOT worked.
  • waxer92waxer92 Member Posts: 9
    I had my rear drive shaft with no noticeable difference in the vibration at 70mph. I would agree there is an issue with the Quadratrac II or the torque converter that is not fixable. There is a design flaw in these vehicles that make them vibrate at highway speeds and makes them uncomfortable to drive. I personally have just become used to it -- only 21 more shaky months to go!!!
  • jeepsickjeepsick Member Posts: 7
    Hi. I haven't checked the site for awhile.....but your post is an answer to prayer! Yes we have had the exact same problem! We have an 2006 Jeep GC and yes it rumbles. Our jeep has high mileage with 48,000 miles and we are no on torque converter number 4!
    We are so ticked off with jeep that we want to get rid of it, but there no longer is value in jeeps. So if any else is interested we want a class action (although - I am not sure that is what we have?) but yes were disgusted with the poor product we bought.
  • jeepsickjeepsick Member Posts: 7
    Well - its been a while since your posting. But I to have the same problems and feelings with Jeep. I have and 06 Grand Cherokee, it shudders (rumbles) and lurches under a load. It has 48,000 miles and we just replace torque converter number 4! After having the rear differentials rebuilt! Trust me its not the tires for anyone who reads this! We have put over $4200 into this car in the past year and it has an extended warranty at that.

    Jeep should know that their product sucks!
  • rkoz1rkoz1 Member Posts: 14

    I have once agian sent a letter to Chrysler Customer Service, also included one to all the top people at Chrysler. Don't know that anyone will read it or even care but its a start. As I feel everyone else's frustration I now know that I am not the only one out there with the same problem. They still have not gotten back to me about a potential software fix for the premature torque converter lock-up at 35-40mph, because of this I have gotten into the habit of using the tow/haul mode. I should have kept my Durango that had 102,000 miles on it.
  • rkoz1rkoz1 Member Posts: 14
    Pick my '07 up from repair on Monday. After three dealerships and being told that there was nothing wrong hopefully a solution. One new driveshaft, torque converter and a front-end alignment. Not bad for a vehicle that is only 6 months old
  • wholelottahemiwholelottahemi Member Posts: 12
    Hi rkoz1,

    How did the car feel after the fixes? I have an '07 fully loaded GC Hemi with the same problem. They changed my front and rear driveshaft for about a 75% improvement. I have not had my torque converter addressed. Describe your problem a bit more to me and at what speeds it occurrs. Let me know how you make out. You can e-mail me at

  • tidestertidester Member Posts: 10,059
    You can e-mail me at ...

    That would deprive other members of valuable information. It's best to keep the conversation here. :)

    tidester, host
    SUVs and Smart Shopper
  • rkoz1rkoz1 Member Posts: 14
    I'll post an update on wednesday. It is at the dealership where I bought it and that is three hours away. I plan to spend a day on that side of the state putting on some major miles on it before before heading home. Dealer agreed that i would drive it for day and have them check it out again on Tuesday. I hope this finally fixes the problem, unfortunately I am a little doubtful at this time having been told in the past by dealers in my area that the Jeep was fine. keeping my fingers crossed

    I think it's time for owners to get together and take the issue to Chrysler. I am trying to put together a pattern and see when the problem '07's were built. I know that mine was built in May of '07 and it is a Rocky Mountain with the 4.7.
  • afranafran Member Posts: 7
    My 2008 GC has the shutter problem. The problem is that it is not always there!
    I finally got my dealer to agree to replace the torque converter after working with Chrysler engineering. Unfortunately I had to leave for the Winter in FL so I'll have to wait until I return in April.
    I'm interested in how you do with your repair.
  • rkoz1rkoz1 Member Posts: 14
    Picked up my Jeep as planned on Monday. Dealer replaced, torque converter, rear driveshaft and u-joints. Also did front end alignment. I have driven the Jeep nearly 600 miles since picking it up and I think the problems have been resloved. Much smoother at highway speeds and the shudder appears to be gone. There still is an issue with it only turning 1,100 - 1,200 RPM's at 35-40 mph but that can not be fixed until software changes are released. So far I am very pleased with the results
  • baldhill37baldhill37 Member Posts: 9
    Hello Bad Bad
    I had a similar problem #1 check the wheel tire balance weights the should not be over 1-2 ounces I had on mine 3-4 ounce weights on all tires, Goodyear Fortera HL OWL tires. I took to a goodyear dealer to have all tires balanced on a road force machine, found a wheel (not tire) was bad, I met with a Chryser Rep. and told him to put on the spare. the vibration greatly decreased, I said I was still unhappy. I told him I want all new tires. They put on 4 new Michelin Cross Terrains, there were balanced, and all wheels have 1 or less weights, Your Jeep might need wheel alignment, It all this fails it torque Converter or drive shaft, read all messages in Jeep Grand Cherokee Vibrations
    GOOD Luck .....................................
    Go to
  • passthelubepassthelube Member Posts: 3
    Just traded in my 02 Liberty for a loaded 08 JGC 4x4 Limited with the Hemi. On my way home from the dealership, I noticed a vibration at 70 mph. As it was a short drive, I didn't experience it but for maybe a few seconds. Yesterday I drove it on a smooth highway and the vibration started around 65 mph and seems to persist through 80 mph, and is at its worst around 72 mph. Steering wheel shakes so badly I couldn't imagine driving like that for very long; I think my arms would go numb!

    Because the dealership had the car transferred from another dealership located about 100 mi away the day I picked it up, I can see no reason why the driver wouldn't have informed them about the vibration. In my opinion they allowed me to drive a defective vehicle off the lot.

    I'm taking the Jeep back this morning, less than 48 hours after buying it, for service. Based on what I've read here, I'm in for a long, grueling process.

    Question: is the vibration problem limited to 4x4's? Is it limited to the HEMI?
  • passthelubepassthelube Member Posts: 3
    Thanks for the advice.

    Jeep service department told me they found that one of the front wheels was out of balance, but after adjusting they test drove it and the vibration was still there. They are going to keep it overnight in order to replace the front drive shaft tomorrow morning.

    We'll see what happens.

    Loaner car: PT Cruiser. :(
  • passthelubepassthelube Member Posts: 3
    I picked up the Jeep tonight and test drove it on the highway. No significant vibration between 65-75.

    I didn't get a chance to talk to the service technician as he had already left for the night, so I'm not sure exactly what all had to be done. I do know they installed at least one new driveshaft and another part that had to be delivered from Houston (to Austin). I'll find out the details when I call the service department tomorrow and post them here.

    So far, so good, but I really have to drive it for several hundred miles to ensure the fix is permanent.

    Will keep you posted.
  • wholelottahemiwholelottahemi Member Posts: 12

    Curious how you made out Lube. If reports are still good, please let us know what parts were replaced.

  • jaybee5jaybee5 Member Posts: 5
    Hello gentlemen, you are lucky to put "just" $43000 for a new jeep. Here in Europe, it costs at least 50% more..

    Anyway, I have same problem on Overland HEMI 5,7 2008 - steady vibrations at around 70mph, dont seem to be affected by accelerating or putting transmission on N. Vibrations disappear at higher speeds.

    Going through posts, I think following would be procedure to try to fix the problem:

    1) Have tires checked and balanced on tool with road-force feature. Check that weights go on both sides of the wheel, inside and outside. Check that weights are not much more that 1-2oz - heavier weights may indicate inproperly manufactured tire.
    2) Check perimeter of wheels if it is same
    3) If vibrations persist, instruct dealer to check tsb_wh_1600105.pdf (for export jeeps), possibly use vibrations monitor?
    4) Dont have service flash software - this causes problems and does not help
    5) Finally, replacing torque converter, rear driveshaft and u-joints and doing front end alignment could fix the problem.

    Any suggestions to the procedure? So we could then tech Chrysler how to work?

  • rkbintxrkbintx Member Posts: 6
    Had a 2005 Jeep GC 4x4 Limited w/o a Hemi and turned it in and leased another 2008 JGC 4x4 Limited w/ a Hemi at the very end of last year.Started noticing a vibration at between 70-75 MPH I had never experienced before. I went through some of the same repair items here - balance the tires first, then blame it on the skid plate under the transmission. Finally, after a third time at the dealer, they mention its the MDS feature. When only 4 cylinders are running, a "harmonic change" in engine operation is introduced and this causes the vibration (however, it seems odd that only 4 cylinders would be running when I believe I am accelerating). The Chrysler tech rep. said this is within normal operating parameters, but its not acceptable to me and I'm starting to think the "L" word. Has anyone else been given this explanation? Has anyone gotten Chrysler to take it back based on this problem? If I don't get relief, I will never buy another Chrysler product again and this is my 4th Jeep!
  • jaybee5jaybee5 Member Posts: 5
    Hello! I do not think its the HEMI feature - I know when the engine is switching 8-4-8 by gauges and it makes absolutely no difference in feeling.

    My car is currently at repair service with vibrations 40Hz (2400 rpm) at 75mph. If that is not successful, I am gonna ask them what are allowed quality tolerances for balanced shaft and I will then take car for shaft measurement and balancing to independent company.

  • wholelottahemiwholelottahemi Member Posts: 12
    The problem you are ALL experiencing is a result a large quantity of "bad" driveshatfs that were installed on our Jeeps by the factory. I have/had the same problem. CHANGE YOUR DRIVESHAFTS! YES, THERE ARE TWO!

  • rkbintxrkbintx Member Posts: 6
    Can you please elaborate - how do you know this information? How can I prove it to the dealer?
  • wholelottahemiwholelottahemi Member Posts: 12
    You have to go to a dealer who will call into "Star' which is Chryslers [non-permissible content removed] tech line . This is where the mechanics get their help when they stuck on something. Chrysler knows about the problem and they are blaiming the driveshafts (front and rear).

    How do I know this? READ! I have the same car and the same problem and it has been an issue on my car since day one. I ruled out my tires and weights and isolated the problem to drivetrain. How? It only happens at certain speeds. They replaced the rear driveshaft and that helped a lot but the problem was still there. Then I brought the car back and said it's close but no cigar. Then they called "Star" again and they recommended replacing the front driveshaft as well. That got me to 90% which is the best you will ever get so I am living with it as it is only noticiable because I have been aware of a problem in drivetrain shudder between 70 and 75MPH since I bought the car. Now, I have constant check engine lights coming on that I am dealing with. I love the car but the quality control scares me.

  • fasstdakfasstdak Member Posts: 7
    Just to give you some insight from a technicians perspective....yes, there is a vibration on "rkbintx" vehicle (I am the tech working on it) but there is much more that goes on behind the scenes that is written here.

    (1) It's a 21Hz "vibration" at 72mph that i've found (40Hz is out of the driveline range)
    (2) It's been a process of elimination with this vehicle - transfer case shield (yes, they vibrate), MDS, other body harmonics, exhaust, etc.
    (3) Yes, when the MDS turns on, you can feel (and sometimes hear) it. You can feel the surging if you really pay attention. Turning off 4 cylinders WILL cause a change in engine harmonics - there's just no way around that.
    (4) Under warranty guidelines, we can't install export driveshafts under an older model TSB that doesn't apply to the vehicle being worked on (Chrysler would just reject the claim and all h*ll breaks loose at the dealership for us)
    (5) Star is sometimes of no use to us unless you get a well seasoned "veteran" on the phone
    (6) We can't just throw parts at a vehicle in an attempt to fix it.
    (7) It's bothering me as well that I can't get a clear answer on what it is and have to take all of these steps to figure it out. However, this forum gave me some better direction with the export TSB post.

    With that said....the rear driveshaft part number on the export (2005) WK models is the same up to 2008 models. There is only one revision on it since the TSB came out. So...i've ordered the rear shaft to find out what the difference is and to find out if this actually fixes it or not. Will this fix the issue on all Jeeps in question - there's just too many variables to say yes or no - weight, load, road conditions, tire size/make/model, driveline configuration...they all come into play one can't say for sure that "all" have the same vibration unless you know that all the ones making this vibration are physically the same.
  • wholelottahemiwholelottahemi Member Posts: 12
    Dear Fasstdak,

    I respsect the fact that you are a technician and I am not. However, It was pretty easy to isolate the problem to the drivetrain for me. In fact, when all was said and done I found out that Star was recommending driveshaft swapouts for the problem. That was interesting because I felt the problem was in this area the entire time. After the rear driveshaft was replaced, there was about a 50% improvement. I took the vehicle back and said close but no cigar. I suggested they change the front driveshaft as well being that there are two driveshafts on the vehicle. Turns out I had to wait over a month to get a front drivesaft because they were on national back order! Coincidental? I doubt it. When my front driveshaft finally came in and got replaced, the improvment went up by about 40% giving me a grand total of 90% improvement.

    The saddest part to this blog is that people have to research and surf the internet for answers and help because Chrysler won't acknowledge the problem even though they are aware of it and feel that leaving the lot after paying 43K for a new truck with a shuddering vibration should be acceptable.

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