High Miles on a Toyota 4Runner

Member Posts: 2
edited June 2015 in Toyota
I have a 4runner with over a 160000 miles on it run great how much longer you all think it will run.Its been well taken care of had everything it needs

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Top Five Ways to Make Your Car Run Forever


  • Member Posts: 1
    I have a high-mileage but well-maintained 1999 4Runner. It currently has 243,000 miles, uses about 3 oz of oil between oil changes (every 7,000 mi)--I use synthetic oil exclusively, the auto trans is perfect--I change the oil in the trans every 30,000 mi, routine maintenance is ALWAYS done as recommended, the sum total of "broken items": pinion bearing in rear axle at 185,000 mi, repair of the rear window open/close switch & broken wire in door at 181,000 mi, repair of wiring to trailer "plug". I've just replaced the rt-extension on the rear bumper due to corrosion. That's it! On my last set of Bridgestone tires I got 92,000 miles they were worn but not quite to the wear bars. I replaced them with another set.

    There is zero rust on the vehicle which speaks well for Toyota's undercoating and paint system. I live in NE North Dakota were salt and sand are normal fare...

    So, how long will this Toyota last? I plan on keeping it until it really starts to "cost" me...probably another 100K or so. Note, I have a good friend in Colorado who has 460K on his 1995 4Runner but his is a stick shift. He said he's about ready to "start" looking for a new one.
  • Member Posts: 1
    I am just selling my 1993 4runner with 205k miles, but only because it got totalled three times in the past year (it still drives). I bought it at 138k, and did literally nothing except replacing a radiator hose ($88 inc. P/L) until I replaced most of the transmission and got hit with the water pump / timing belt at 195k.

    The exterior, interior, and the engine all have been stellar. I had a volvo that died at about 320k miles (the odometer broke at 190k 12 years before it died) and I had no doubt that the 4runner would have lasted as long if it wouldnt have gotten totalled thrice.

    BTW, if anyone in San Diego or Southern California wants to switch out wheels (stock upgraded alloys) and tires (bought last year), I could be persuaded to switch em out before I give it to the junkyard. try nienberg9@hotmail.com
  • Member Posts: 10
    My '91 has 297,000 miles on it, and the engine still runs well. However, I am finding that I need to do occasional replacements on it. In the last year and a half, I have had to put on a new starter, alternator, and clutch. Looks like I'm needing to do the power steering pump as well.
  • Member Posts: 2
    Hi wanted to ask you a question.
    I purchased a used 2001 two wheel drive 4runner. Do you know how long the timing belt lasts. It has 105k miles. Also , I also noticed that when I driving down the road, resting my hand on top of shifter (auto trainy), and I go over undulations in the road, I can feel shifter moving up and down slightly. Is this a problem or is it a character of a 4runner. Thanks for your reply, BRAD
  • Member Posts: 2
    Hi wanted to ask you a question.
    I purchased a used 2001 two wheel drive 4runner. Do you know how long the timing belt lasts. It has 105k miles. Also , I also noticed that when I driving down the road, resting my hand on top of shifter (auto trainy), and I go over undulations in the road, I can feel shifter moving up and down slightly. Is this a problem or is it a character of a 4runner. Thanks for your reply, BRAD
  • Member Posts: 34
    Wow,I have a 1997 4Runner with a V6 I bought new and it now has 115,200 miles on it.Changed the timing belt at 60,000 and no other money spent on the truck.It still looks good and runs strong.My wifes telling me to go out and buy a new truck. After reading these stories,I don't see any reason for going out and buying a new truck.I may as well drive it till the wheels fall off.Thanks guys.

  • Member Posts: 1

    I just purchased a 91 4runner for my daughter, and it has no manual in it. I failed to ask the seller how to open the rear door, because I saw the key location on the door. BUT, there must be a lever to pull or button to push inside, but i can't find it. Any help out there? Where can i find this? How can i get the back door to open?

    Any help is appreciated :)
  • Member Posts: 1
    I just bought a 93 yesterday. If you have the electric rear window, insert the key, turn it to the right, and once open, reach inside the tail gate and pull the latch. The latch is located about where a tailgate latch would be on a regular pick-up truck, but inside.
  • Member Posts: 31
    I bought my 99 SR5 Sports new in June of that year. It had 15 miles on it. I had changed the oil every 3k miles, but for convenience sake started changing it every 5k after about 60k total miles. I have changed the timing belt and plugs at 60k. Currently, it has 102k on it and it runs like a CHAMP. I still love this truck. I have replaced the tires and a battery, NOTHING ELSE. IN fact, the brakes havent even been done (even the dealer is amazed). The 4Runner is not my primary vehicle these days; company car, plus a minivan for my wife towing the kids around. However, I plan to get another 100k enjoyable miles out of her. Besides the paint and leather interior are still in great shape. Best of luck and travels.
  • Member Posts: 1
    Hi Eveyone,

    Can anyone enlighten me on some of the common issues you, or someone you may know have had with the engines in the 90 edition 4Runners?

  • Member Posts: 1
    I have '97 4runner, bought it new, have 398,326 miles. purrs like a kitten. minor things replaced like> muffler, catalaytic converter, starter, alternator. frequent oil changes and tune ups it will last forever. if at all possible use whatever gas octane that is recommended by manufacturer.
  • Member Posts: 28
    In my case for my 1998 4Runner V-6 the timing belt change is reccomened at 90,000 miles. If you know the person you bought it from ask them if was changed already. Also call the dealership and what the scheduled mileage change is for your belt or chain.. Timing belts are something to be taken serisouly when they go it will be very expensive to repair because of the damage factor. If you dealer the dealer where the car was purchased they have records of such service. If they don't ask for the reccomened mileage to change the belt or chain. My 98 has a belt, newer models I believe have a chain instead. It's definatly worth a phone call. These 4Runners can go upwards of 250,000 miles when well cared for. As for the vibration in the shifter handle on a rough road that's a very common thing. The transmission mount is absorbing the shock of the road and the vibration is coming from that. I hope this was helpfull.
  • Member Posts: 28
    In my case for my 1998 4Runner V-6 the timing belt change is reccomened at 90,000 miles. If you know the person you bought it from ask them if was changed already. Also call the dealership and what the scheduled mileage change is for your belt or chain.. Timing belts are something to be taken serisouly when they go it will be very expensive to repair because of the damage factor. If you the selling dealer where the car was purchased they have records of such service. If they don't ask for the reccomened mileage to change the belt or chain. My 98 has a belt, newer models I believe have a chain instead. It's definatly worth a phone call. These 4Runners can go upwards of 250,000 miles when well cared for. As for the vibration in the shifter handle on a rough road that's a very common thing. The transmission mount is absorbing the shock of the road and the vibration is coming from that. I hope this was helpfull.
  • Member Posts: 161
    I bought my 2002 4Runner 4X4 new and currently have 88K miles. It is the last year of the "old" body style. I always loved the looks so I bought one before they changed the design. I just completed the 90K mile service, replaced all belts, fluids, battery, and water pump (not needed, but recommended by dealer). The only problem was the electronic antenna but it was due to my wife not putting it down prior to going through a car wash. The other problem is that the inside, driver's side, back door handle doesn't work.

    I have been considering replacing the 4Runner, but only because of the miles on it. It is our main vehicle for long trips, and I am worried that it might break down some place without cell service when my wife and nephews are with me. I love the truck, and would not be replacing it for any other reason than peace of mind on long trips.

    My question for the high mileage guys is this: Is this anything you would worry about in the 88K to 150K mileage range?

  • Member Posts: 28
    You've done a lot of good service to your 4Runner. And at the right time interval. Your Toyota can get more than 250,000 miles without a problem. Because people like you who follow the reccomened serviceing get many years and enourmous amount of trouble free driving. I saw one post on this site the person had over 400,000 miles on their 4Runner SR5 and still running strong without and engine replacement, or heads. It blew me away. As far as selling your vehicle, because of the door handles, I'd get get them repaired before I even considered selling this 4X4. The cost of repair out weighs the price of the trade-in loss in dollars. And you you'd be buying a new car you really don't need.The Sales Tax and Registration Fees and Increased Insurance Premiums for another new car would be more than the door handle repairs itself. Duke I would really give it some thought before selling. I love my 1998 Toyota 4Runner SR5, and intend to keep it for at least another 10 years. Ben
  • Member Posts: 161
    Thanks for the reply Ben. I wasn't thinking of selling due to the door handle. I'll probably get that fixed soon, but even if I don't, cosmetically it is fine and I rarely use the door. When I do, I can always open it from the outside for anyone sitting back there.

    I was thinking about selling it due to the 88K miles and it being our primary vehicle. But it seems from this forum and your post that I might just be at the break-in point now :)
  • Member Posts: 6
    I've got an '00 with 140K miles, and the only big thing outside of routine maintenance that I've done was a new cat (bought a OEM from Toyota - ouch - on the advice of my mechanic friend who questions the quality of the cheaper aftermarket cats), and new shocks in the back (cheap and easy to install).
    Otherwise, the car is truly as good as new - I agree with your comment that yours, at 88K, is just broken in. The old body style is much nicer looking anyway, and like Bandit said, it's be a waste of $ to replace it now.
    Drive with confidence!
  • Member Posts: 161
    Thanks Steve, and here's to many more years with no car payments!!! :shades:

    I agree on the style. It has always been my favorite of the past couple of decades. The new 4Runner looks nice, but it looks more like an also-ran than the classic styling of the model we have. Of course the other SUV model I like is the range rovers from the 1960's, so I guess I'm a traditionalist.

  • Member Posts: 127
    I have a 1996 Sport with 215K miles and a 2004 Sport with 109K miles. Only repairs are normal service such as tires, and timing belt. On the 1996 I did change the front break pads. Amazingly, the 1996 is a 5 speed manual. Wish they made the new ones with a 5 speed.
  • Member Posts: 2
    Recently bought this 1995 car (six months) it has 380,000 miles on it - we were assured it has been well maintained,however, we truly thought there must be something wrong with the odometer since the car is in excellent shape. Everything on the car works and it has cold A/C. But after reading your forum perhaps the odometer is correct. To say the least "I am impressed"
  • Member Posts: 20
    My 97 SR5 has 185k miles, and is still a rattle-free pleasure to drive. I have the 5-speed manual, and will probably drive this as long as I can. About a year ago I wore out the tape player, and decided to replace the radio with something with a cd player. That worked out fine, but six months in the auto antenna stopped working the whole way in either direction. The motor still attempts to extend at on, and retract at off, but it fails to make it the whole way, then the motor just runs on and on attempting to complete the move. I assume the motor runs a nylon gear track up and down, and either some of the gears are stripped, or it the track is kinked or something. Anyway, I have been unable to find my way through the double fender wall to attempt to repair, and I sure don't want to pay a dealer to work on this. Anyone ever replace, or repair the auto antenna on a similar year vehicle?
  • Member Posts: 161
    I've never done it myself, but I had a similiar problem with my 2002 4Runner. My wife ran it through a car wash with the antenna up and it broke some chord that attached the atenna to the antenna motor. On mine, you could hear the motor, but the antenna no longer moved and stayed stuck in about the half-way up position. The dealer fixed it and said it was a pretty common problem. He also said they had to take the fender off to get to it.
  • Member Posts: 20
    Sounds like a rainy weekend in the garage job. I'd be happy to have it be a manual extend/retract, I just don't like the grinding motor.

    Thanks again,
  • Member Posts: 2
    We have a 4Runner with 382K - it has been well maintained. I wish ours had only 90K miles. We bought it from the original owner and everything works on it.
    Good luck with the next 300K miles.
    Jim Webb
  • Member Posts: 1
    I have a 94 4runner 3.0 with 153,000 miles on it and everytime when it is cooled down and started theres a loud exhaust sounding noise coming from the motor. I hit the gas and it gets louder and keeps going for about a minute or 2 unil it gets warmed up then the noise goes away and it runs quiet again... Ive never heard this noise before and not sure what it is.. i would appreciate any feedback. thanks!
  • Member Posts: 161
    Thanks. I'm up to 103K on mine right now, and hope to keep it as my primary vehicle for at least a few more years. I still love it after 7 years and 100K+ miles. I did start experiencing a problem the past couple of days with some random hesitation while accelerating from cruising speeds to go a little faster. I'm bringing it to the shop on Wed and hopefully it won't be too bad.
  • Member Posts: 1
    My husband and I are nervous about purchasing this vehicle because of the high mileage. Body is in great shape with no rust and there are a lot of scratches which aren't a big deal, but another dealership that is interested in our business said that $15,000 is a lot of money for a car with high mileage and only a 60 day warranty. What do you think?
  • Member Posts: 161
    Quick update in case anyne ever has a similiar problem: The hesitation I was having when driving got considerably worse within a week of starting. When I went to the dealer, they couldn't find anything mechanically wrong but said that I needed the carbon cleaned out of the engine (never done before) and that one of my plugs was bad. I thought they had changed the plugs at 88K miles when I had the 90K mile maintenance done, but they told me (this trip) that it is not part of the package. So I had them clean the carbon build up and replace the plug and my truck is running great again!
  • Member Posts: 161
    We'd need more information about that specific 4Runner. Check out www.kbb.com and www.edmunds.com for value estimates for your area.

    I have a 2002, and that was the last year of the old engine & body style, so I can't speak towards yours very well. I can tell you that my dad has a 2004 V8 4X4 sport edition, with 65K+ miles on it, and it runs great - never had a problem. The 4Runner tends to hold its resale value better than any other brand, and used ones seem expensive until you realize how long they last.

    At 104K miles, the only problem I've had was because I didn't replace the plugs when I should have (my fault, didn't realize they weren't part of the 90K mile maintenance). Once they replaced the plugs, it went back to being an awesome truck. Although in all fairness, I should admit that I am on my 2nd set of tires, and my 2nd set of front breaks, and I've had to get the oil changed every 5K miles. :) I've never had a more reliable possession, let alone truck. I've had to replace more parts on my bicycle!

  • Member Posts: 2
    am driving a 03 4runner with 150K miles. Other than some issues with the sunroof track and sulphur smell when new, it's been great. One question tho, the ride does seem to be a bit soft. Any suggestions on tightening up the suspension, new shocks / struts? other suggestions? am planning on going well over 200K with this one, a joy to drive.
  • Member Posts: 1
    My 4runner has the same problem, let me know if you find out the problem.
    Thank you
  • Member Posts: 31
    I recently bought a 2002 SR5, loaded, from the dealership where I work. Did my homework on it before I pulled the trigger. It had apprx. 78k on it. It now has over 84k and I have had zero issues with it. I did switch to fully synthetic oil, put in a Toyota air filter and put new rubber on it. Yokohama Geolander A/T S's. Really nice tire for the money (check ot Consumer Reports), imo. From the previous posts and other research, I am fully expecting to get at least 250-280k out of this truck with nothing but regular maintaince. The 90k mile service, including timing chain, was done before I bought it, so that is out of the way. If you get that done at a dealership, expect to pay between $1,200 and $1,400, but it is well worth it. If you want to save a considerable amount of $, go independent and have them preform the recommended services from your owners manual. I would absolutely recommend this model year to anyone looking for a quality, dependable and reliable on/off road vehicle. :)
  • Member Posts: 6

    340,000 miles and counting. Never left me stranded. End of story! I'd get in it today and drive across the country without hesitation. Also, I'd give it to my 2 college aged boys to drive anywhere too. That's how much I trust it.

  • Member Posts: 2
    I have a base 2000, 4 cylinder, AT with 236,000 miles and no problems. I bought it with 103K miles and have done no major work to it. I change the oil about every 4K,and the level doesn't move noticeably on the dipstick and is still a brown/gold color. It's not real powerful, but gas mileage is consistently in the low 20's. I will definitely get another 4 Runner. My son has a 1984 4WD 4Runner with 206K miles, and it is also running fine.
  • Member Posts: 1
    Actually 79,700 mi is not alot of miles at all for a Toyota 4 Runner. Thats actually a perfect amount of miles to buy it with. I'm looking at buying one that is a 2004 Toyota 4 Runner that has 146,000 miles. That's alot of miles! But the price for your 4 Runner is perfect for a 05 with 80k miles! I would buy it, if I could find it! Take it to your local mechanic, or a firestone to have a vehicle inspection completed before you buy it. It's only 19.99 from firestone. Good Luck!
  • Member Posts: 1
    I'm looking at buying an '02 4Runner with 135K, great condition, but a little worried about the high mileage. Is $14,000 a good price for this car? I am going to test drive it tomorrow and was wondering if anyone has good advice on what questions to ask the dealer.
  • Member Posts: 2
    $14K is WAY to much money for a 2002 4Runner with that many miles. look around on autotrader,com and your local Craigslist to see what 4Runner's are selling for - but no matter how nice a shape that one is in it is overpriced by $6-7K.
  • Member Posts: 9
    the most common problems with these are the head gaskets blowing. that was one of the major problems. i know 5-6 years ago they replaced the i believe either the sway bar or torsion under a recall. the head gaskets were the main problem
  • Member Posts: 9
    to replace the antenna you screw off the silver nut that screws around the hole where the antenna sits turn the radio on and when the antenna motor stops pull the entire antenna out. it uses a gear strip with teeth to retract back down. once you have the new antenna mast, fish it down the hole and turn the radio off and it should retract back down. i have done this on my 95 runner and i learned the hard way after looking at this website. the part you can find on ebay or buy it from the dealer which is more expensive. i believe on ebay when you get the part depending on who you get it from, it should come with instructions on how to remove and install the antenna
  • Member Posts: 1,405
    You didn't mention what type of suspension you have. If you have the interlinked X-REAS - to replace the system is $3,000.00 as it's dealer option only.

    You can take off the X-REAS and use the "not for X-REAS option" on any website. If you check tirerack, they have some options.

    Other sites are shockwarehouse.com. Do a search. There are Bilsteins, KYB, Monroe, OME, etc. For my '05, I have purchase slightly used shocks and springs from someone with an FJ Cruiser, and plan to take offf the X-Reas and install that system when the time comes. You can find used FJ Cruiser suspension very cheaply on those forums. Those guys take it right off and install new systems and lifts, hence they sell the old parts cheap! I paid $80.00 for EVERYTHING!

    It depends if you use offroad or onroad and what type of ride you want.
  • Member Posts: 161
    Stevet82 - I'd say that depends on your location; the more expensive the area, the more expensive the SUV. $7k to $8k for a 2002 would be a great price in my area, but then again, I guess it also depends on the options.

    Outdoorgal - I have a 2002 4X4 Sport Edition with 130K miles. Can't help you on the price, as I bought it new and plan on keeping it for many more years. But I've never had a more trouble-free vehicle.
  • Member Posts: 14
    does anyone know if toyota parts are now of inferior quality? we took car for 60,000 mile servicing, always followed everything by the service book, almost killed on highway because dealer said oil gasket was defective. (brakes failed, steering locked, car died, trucks would have killed us if i didn't get it up to side. always loved this car, now faith is shook uup in toyota. does anybody think their recall problems and quality control problems come to defective parts? if so, i will get rid of thiscar which runs and looks like new. thanks
  • Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2003 with 225,000 miles on it. No problems until cats went bad last month.
  • Member Posts: 161
    Can't say, other than to offer my personal experience. We get all of our work done for our 2002 4Runner at a local dealer. They have a great shop and are only a little more expensive than non-dealer shops in the area. Although to be fair, my truck has a skid plate that other places would either charge me more to take off for oil changes, or, as one did in the 2-3 times we did try less expensive oil change shops, just leave my old oil in the skid plate so I dump it all over town. That said:

    We have used all Toyota parts and have done all service by the book and ave had no problems and no service other than normal wear and tear, and even that has been light. At almost 130K miles, I still have 60% life in my original rear brake pads, and they were just checked 10 days ago when I had other normal service work done.
  • Member Posts: 2
    just turned 170,000 miles on my 2003 4runner. been a great ride so far. am about to replace front half shafts. does seem to be getting a bit sloppy and bouncy. any one have any suggestions on tightening up the ride? thx
  • Member Posts: 176
    FJ Cruiser springs and shocks struts are a drop in and do wonders. Theses can be had on the FJ Forums (do a search) for very little. Generally, $50.00 to $100.00 for EVERYTHING. They are a "bolt in" situation.
  • Member Posts: 6
    Finally. Someone with more mileage than I on their 97 4runner. I have 350,000 and I thought I was good. I just purchased a new crossover and I'm giving the 4runner to my son. He promises to take it to 1/2 million miles!
  • Member Posts: 1
    I'm considering buying a 2000 4 Runner Limited with 206,000 miles already on it, asking price is $6900. I'm sort of nervous about buying a car with that many miles on it, any thoughts on what major problems I should look for or ask about before buying it? And anyone know what the average mileage I would get out of this car would be?
  • Member Posts: 4
    I have a 1986 SR5 22RE 5-speed with 290,454.4 miles on it. I took a rock in the radiator and lost a head gasket 48K miles ago and it has piston slap until it warms up, but the engine was clean as a whistle inside - no sludge whatsoever! I owe it all to Valvoline Max-Life oil that I started using when I bought the vehicle at 79K. I and my 86 SR5 swear by Valvoline Max-Life oil because it's not parifin based like Pennsoil. I'm excited to have my first Toyota to hit 300K - even when they're damaged like mine, they last forever to answer your question. Do yourself a favor and use Valvoline Max-Life oil, it doesn't cause leaks, old age does. Relax and enjoy your Toyota - everything has a problem once in awhile, nothings perfect but Toyota are close - just bought an 2006 Corolla LE and enjoy the gas savings.
  • Member Posts: 4
    Have some one turn the key while you check the exhaust upon startup - if you see a puff of smoke the rings are weak and I'd select another vehicle - A clean engine with no oil slopped anywhere on the engine, especially underneath, maintenance records/receipts, proof of last oil change, fluid levels in the car as should be the same as tidiness under the hood - does the battery posts look clean and cared for or neglected etc indicate whether someone has cared for the vehicle or not. Drive the car for awhile, shut it off and if it will turn key without problem and you are satisfied with the sounds it makes in the engine compartment then go for it.
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