2008 Lexus LS 460/460L
Does anyone out there know of any changes for 2008? New colors? Other slight changes that might be in the works?
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Apparently they have also fixed the wind noise, but that's all I'm aware of.
My LS 460 SWB was built in May. It does not have any wind noise whatsoever, you can hear a pin drop at highway speeds. Several other people who have similar recent builds have reported that they do not have any wind noise either. That's why I say they have "apparently" fixed it.
In 12 years of driving Lexus cars over 500K miles I've still never had anything but routine service done and I stretch out the service to 7-10K miles.
I also had the unfortunate experience of a deer hit. She actually ran into the driver side of my car after emerginng from a bushy area. I was driving at 45mph at the time and I could hear her hit the side pretty loud. I expected the worst but after inspecting the car real closely there wasn't a mark on it. I hope the deer is OK. She must have turned abruptly and the car must have just sideswiped her. But If I hadn't heard the noise I'd never have known anything happened by the car's look. My wife was out there with a magnifying glass in the sun the next morning and also couldn't find a thing.
As for changes - I'd say almost nothing except adding memory passenger seating.
cadillac has a 4 wheel drive $ 52 k sedan and you get 4 years supply of eggs but no chickens .
why don't you write directly to mr. toyoda in nagasaki ,
and ask him to build you a 4 wheel drive ls . let us know what he has to say .
best to you with a smile ...
mitchell rowe
I had originally ordered the LS600HL, but I was turned off by the EPA gas mileage estimate of 20/22 and I canceled the order. Yes, yes, I know what you are thinking. If I can afford to buy this car, why would I care about gas mileage. It is the principal of the thing. I cannot be driving a so called hybrid that only gets 20/22 mpg. Maybe a few years from now when the Lithium-Ion battery is perfected, I will go hybrid.
ljflx, how have you been? I have not communicated with you for a long time. There has not been much going in recent months. That is an amazing story you describe above about the deer hitting your beautiful LS and coming out of it without a scratch.
Cyclone - Been dormant on Edmunds as there isn't much to post about and these fragmented boards remain a big turnoff to me. Having a great summer so far. Weather's been very good here in the northeast (save for last week) and I got back from vacation in North Myrtle Beach early last week. We are looking for land in the Southeast and are probably going to buy a lot on the intercoastal on Pawley Island. Key will be whether or not we are forced to build sooner than we want (about 3-4 years).
The deer thing still amazes me. There isn't a scratch or indentation mark on the car. In fact the new Lexus paint method seems to ward off scratches a lot more than the earlier cars. The ride, braking, interior space and amenities are just all top shelf and it's the usual Lexus perfect execution. Handling is very agile, more than you need for a lux car like this. I'm also very satisfied with my gas mileage. The car resets itself to about 450 miles to empty everytime you fill up but it adjusts as you drive. Typically it ends up showing 480-520 miles once you get it rolling past 50 miles of driving - depending on type of driving you do and the actual mileage is better than the miles to empty. Overall I averaged 22mpg thru the first 2500 miles but I stopped keeping track. One pure highway stint I did was well above that though. Finally the much maligned brake issue that C&D created was pure fiction. The Brakes on this car are fabulous and I see almost all new reports are in the 110-112 feet range braking from 60-0.
You are going to love this car. Best of luck to you with the purchase. My wait was just over 90 days.
What's your color combo?
I love the exterior color we've both chosen. IMO - it's richer than the old flint mica but maybe it's just my imagination. There's no question that the paint quality is much higher than before. What color is your wood given the black interior? On my old LS I had a dark antique walnut color that was awesome with the black interior. On this car I went with the ash interior and I have the dark gray wood. I love it but it gives the car's interior a sportier lux look rather than a more classic lux look.
I do keep discovering things (small nice touch details) this car has that I've not noticed before. Tonight I went to get my laptop out of the rear seat and discovered a nice aux spot light at the back of the front seats for rear seat passenger support. Today I dropped a mint between the seats and there's a safety cushion down there that prevented it (or change, keys etc) from falling to the floor. The old LS had it but this one extends much further. One thing I need to look at the manual for (I'm bad when it comes to reading manuals) is the outside mirrors. They close up if you lock the door with the key. But if you shut the engine and lock the door with the outside toggle switch or with the interior lock they don't fold in. Could be that it is a setting adjustment I can make or have the dealer make. Given a keyless system those mirrors should always fold in (if you have them set at auto) regardless of how you lock the doors.
Anyway I give the car real high 90's grades and am completely satisfied with it. I just drove an LS430 this past weekend. In my book there's no comparison between the two cars. This car, in the config I have with the air suspension blows that one away. But I also remember feeling the same way when I test drove a base suspension car.
Lastly - it's funny how colors make the same car look so different. This evening I saw a black LS460L on the road and a black S550. If I were going MB that black is a knockout. But then I came across a dark gray S550 and couldn't believe it was the same car. The car looked lost in that color. On the otherhand the LS looks a lot better to my eyes in the smoky granite color than in black.
Car has been flawless so far (every Lexus I have had since my first in 1995 (8 vehicles now) has been flawless) and I waxed it this week and it looks better than new. I'm still astounded, and very happy, about that brush with the deer. I hope the deer came out of it as good as the car did.
BTW - totally different experience - but the Infiniti G is also a great car. Good as that car is though - you can see the superior Lexus build over an Infiniti build. I noticed it even on the IS loaner I took this summer when my GX was in for maintenance. But I'd still take a G over an IS though I do prefer the looks of the IS.
.....Well, just kidding, guys. Sometimes rationalization helps to support and confirm a preference.
It's the LS460L Touring. I dropped my 2 year old order for the LS600h when I had been 1st in-line, because of the small trunk---unacceptable for my purposes. I got the same tires and brakes on the this car as are on the LS600H. I've had no problems, except I miss the side mirrows on the LS430 that my wife drives. The 460 mirrows are much smaller and do not offer the same view. Form did not follow function in this case.
But...great sound system with 19 speakers and my first XM radio and traffic system experience which I enjoy.
I'm a spirited driver, so I enjoy the twisties and the acceleration. Haven't tried the self-parking feature, but then again I seldom parallel park.
In the long run, if I'm as happy with the 460 as I have been with the 2004 LS430, I'll be happy camper.
You are singing music to my ears with your experience. I decided to go with the same wood color I presently have on my LS430.....it is that reddish brown. What do they call it, burl walnut or something like that?
It is good to hear that it has that safety cushion between the seats. I have dropped my "beloved" pen quite a few times in between the seats only to find it on the floor days or weeks later.
BTW, I drove a 2007 LS460L the other day just to see what it is like. I agree with you that there is lot of improvement between the LS430 and the LS460L. I don't know if you ever look at the LS forum on Club Lexus, but there have been a few horror stories about wind noise, etc. The LS I test drove the other day was incredibly quiet and I loved everything about it. Thanksgiving can't get here soon enough.
Oh ya, did I tell you that I got a $3,000 discount off the MSRP? I am paying just a hair under $82,000 for the 2008 LS460L with everything on it except the rear seat upgrade. They gave me a good deal since I have been a loyal customer for quite a few years.
My car is very very quiet. No wind noise at all and equally quiet as the LS430 at idle and noticably quieter than the LS430 at 85mph. I drove it yesterday in the comfort setting and the ride was super smooth. My wife prefers that over sport. I use the sport setting and find the handling crisper with only the slightest change in ride quality.
friday . september 28 - 2007 , lexus of cherry hill received theirfirst 2008 ls . it was a ls460 swb ,
mercury silver with light grey leather , and grey wood .
i drove the car extensively , and found NO WIND NOISE ,
i bought the car on the spot , the first ls 460 at cherry hill . Yes : i am back in the fold for another round .
i am in atlantic city right now , after driving 60 miles
from camden county , and ENJOYED EVERY MINUTE OF THE DRIVE .
the 2008 is claimed to have no changes , but : it is truly a different machine for the better . i believe LEXUS will be # 1 again . this car has magic .
mitchell rowe
Best regards -- Renny
happy to be conversing with you again . hope you are well .
answer : YES .... i tried the brake in the hot position 50 times ... with no failures .
the automobile is flawless , like a beautiful painting .
probably the late "07's are also , as the factory claims
there is no difference in the '08's . however , i myself tend to feel there is a build difference . i tried a couple '07's and they had slow to respond steering , and quicker action brakes .
one can get used to anything , except failure that results in damage .
i' m happy .
the price of an "08 460 swb is $ 550 more on the monroney sticker .
best to you
mitchell rowe
i spent 2000 miles on my 2007 ls 460 swb last november ( 1 year ago ) . i was a lexus fan and collector . i had a mishap in the '07 , and blamed the shortcoming of the car . it was one of very early builds .
yes , i really "feel " there is a difference between the early '07 and the '08 . major difference .
ordering cars from lexus is like going to the dentist .
if you want a car , go pick out the one that thrills you when you drive her . you can wait till xxxx freezes over before an ordered lexus comes in . and when it does , you have to hope the codes were placed correctly or the car won't be what you ordered . then frustration sets in .
then there are no cars to choose from . then you start on the kleenex for the tears ... and on and on and on .
you want one ... just go buy one .
nice tomeet you , best of luck
mitchell rowe
What you state above is music to my ears. I expect my 2008 LS460L to arrive sometime in November. Even though you have concerns that a special ordered LS may not arrive the way you want it, I think I will be fine. I special ordered mine with basically the exact specs as ljflx did and he had no trouble getting the car exactly as he ordered it. Both of us want the full trunk capacity so we ordered it without the rear seat upgrade. I loaded mine with every other option available.
Please let us know how the driving goes for you on your 2008 LS460 SWB during the next few days or weeks. I'm sure everyone is interested to know of your experiences.
re : the LS 460 swb : no problems , complaints ,
or dissapointments . this model ( 2008 ) is
as perfect as could be created . i just love it .
they must be whipping those auto workers on the line
as the cars come down and accross . ( or they take away their sake if they don't behave ) ...
i do hope your car is everything you are expecting .
if it's a november delivery , it could be on the water already .
mitchell rowe
my sources which are as good as any , say :
please take into account this comes from a source considered reliable . ???????
mitchell rowe
I wish Lexus would get its act together on this.
i was asked about all wheel drive on a LS 460 swb
i have no knowledge of up and coming "L" models .
lexus is doing a large part of their sales in climates that do not require all wheel drive on a 2 ton + automobile with traction and vehicle skid .
re : mb ... the 4 matic is a service nightmare . i know that one personally .
mitchell rowe
I'd be interested in hearing from you....what model and year, and what sorts of problems did you have? Thanks.
I must have been smoking something this morning that played games with my mind. Going to work at 3:30AM doesn't help in this regard either. I was told that the LS will not be available in AWD even for 2009.
Len, are you planning to put on snows by early December or so? I really want to test how the new LS handles in the snow with the all season tires before I go to snows. I heard reports from last winter that the new LS was doing much better in snow with all season tires than did the LS430. I found it impossible to drive in snow without snow tires on the LS430.
The beauty of having three cars allows me to leave the LS in the garage on snowy days. So I won't bother with the snows.
My gas mileage is increasing. Since I got the car my average MPG is now 21.8 (the car keeps track of it's average MPG since day one if you go thru the diplay switch on the steering wheel). Since my last fill up I'm actually averaging 25.8 mpg based on that reading and given that I went 291 miles on just about a half a tank of gas that seems about right. CR reports that it got mileage as high as 31 or 32 mpg in pure unadulterated highway driving. I don't doubt it given the mileage I'm getting on the crowded NY area highways. The LS actually puts the 6cyl G35 to shame in fuel economy. Must be that silky smooth 8 speed transmission. BTW - when you get the car make sure you check out the display button on the steering wheel as it shows a lot of info on the dashboard - ranging from tire pressre in each tire (spare included) to the average speed you've travelled since the car's inception. One of the controls also shows you a chart of the MPG you are getting with your foot pressed on the gas pedal. This changes by the second depending on the actions you take. In cruise control that reading will often be 40+ mpg.
I love this car!
I'm paying attention to it for the first time and know that most people don't ever explore this stuff - hence my point.
I still believe you are confusing the chicken with the egg. Here in the Northeast most Mercedes sold are AWD.
I shopped an S-class AWD early last winter. The S is also a great car IMO. But the salesman told me that RWD MB's outsell AWD cars 10:1 in my area (NYC and suburbs) and we get plenty of snow here. The inbound cars he showed me (and this was late January and February) of E-class and S-class certainly proved his point and on the road I only see a handful of MB 4-matic cars vs RWD MB's. Nevertheless I would have gone 4-matic if I had gone S-class.
re : mb e and s class 4 matic automobiles .
currently , if you want one , there is a factory to dealer CASH incentive of $ 5000 to $ 8000 per car on the 2007 models . how much you actually receive is up to the dealer .
i asked around , and some dealers deny the incentive , some want to split it , and some who just want to sell cars give it up . ( check here at edmond's for all the auto rebates on the incentive page ) .
either the car is not to "hot" a seller , or they built too many at a $ 90 k price to give up $ 5 grand extra , plus their normal 7 % , + the 3 % holdback .
yes i found a dealer who would sell one at $ 1000 over net net of incentive , markup and holdback .
so much for all wheel drive .
mitchell rowe
What dealer? I am tempted!
Your comments are SO encouraging. It will be fun to take a long trip on the new LS and not have to fill up the tank for about 700 miles. I am really looking forward to all the wonderful features this car has to offer.
BTW, I hope you are not a Mets fan
The team that bothers me is the Jets. Pennington has great character and leadership but throws like a 60 year old. Joe Namath at his cuurent age probably has better arm strength then Pennington. I took the Directv sunday ticket in hi def this year and on every channel I see quarterbacks that can throw bullets 30 yards down the middle or to the sidelines. I put the Jets on and I see nothing but 5-15 yard flutters and lobs. The guy has no arm and can't open a defense so the Jets - my favorite NY team have no chance. Chad may have good statistics but it's not because he can pass a ball effectively and when it matters the defense just collapse the field to the 20-25 yards he can passs it andstops them or intercepts him. It's really painful to look at because it's so predictable. Clemens the back-up guy has the zip needed on his throws and opened up the Raven defense in ways that Pennington can only dream about on the day he played.
On the LS my mileage is getting better and better every week. But adjust your 700 mile expectation to 550-600 miles on open highway and whatever you get over that is real gravy.
You are right about Pennington. His arm strength is really bad. It looks like the Pats have this division basically wrapped up. I think that the Pats are going go all the way this season. I believe that Tom Brady is the best QB in the league. Look what he is doing now that he has some great receivers. As long as the Pats have Tom Brady and Bill Belichick, they will always contend for the Super Bowl.
Thanks for the info about your awesome LS. Let's keep in touch on this forum.
The pats look unstoppable right now but you never know how quickly injuries can undo a season. I think the Colts and Steelers can challenge them but are clearly underdogs. The chargers implosion under Norv Tuner was almost predictable. What an idiot that GM was for firing a 14-2 coach. I am anxious to see how the Giants play now that they've made a great defensive comeback. I'm also glad to see a power team - maybe - emerging in Dallas. I'm getting a bit tired of the power dominance of the AFC in football and the AL in baseball. In the latter I think folks around here are underestimating the Indians. I think the yankees can and will beat them but the Indians are the type of team that can hit just about everywhere in their line-up and make Rivera and Chamberlain meaningless. Think of the tigers last year and the angels hitting annihilation of the yankees years ago.
I'm actually hoping the Jets get to a 1-6 record so that they have no choice but to give Clemens a shot. If they do decent under Chad the next few games then we're going to have an 8-8 or 9-7 record, no chance at winning anything in the post season, waste away next year with a similar or worse record and be 2 years further back in QB development. Now just watch all that happen. I have nothing against Chad - he's charasmatic, a leader and tough as nails. But he lacks an arm and the last time I checked that's a QB's most important asset.
See if your dealer keeps in touch with you on the LS production process. Mine did and even e-mailed me an update fromn the factory on one occassion. Again I orderred the car on January 31, was notified it would arrive in port in early May and took delivery in mid May. So total time from order to delivery was 3.5 months. In fact the car was ready a few days before I picked it up. You will really like the new Nav as functionality, ease of use and screen imaging is all much improved. I'm curious if they put back in place the memory on the passenger side in 2008. My car has memory in all seats but the passenger seat.
BTW - remember that absurd C&D review about a year ago. They said they got 12 or 14mpg in combo driving on this car in that review. I do 15mpg on my GX for cryin out loud. I think I'd have to tow a yacht with this car to get that type of mileage. Now that I have 5 months of this car under my belt I can honestly say that was one of the worst pieces of journalism I've ever experienced and just about everything they said was dead wrong - right down to the footrest. I have zero trust and respect for that mag and threw out the renewal they sent me the other day.
No doubt about it. That C & D review was really pathetic. How could they possibly spew out such nonsense about the fuel efficiency, breaks, breaking distance, etc.?