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Saturn VUE



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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    re:-Condescend ...
    -Sorry that you had an ' off ' sales person.
    -I am not sure that he/she intended to insult you. I know from the media that zero/zero is only for the top credit scorers and that auto folk don't tell you that until you come ' visit '. (Suzy Ormon Show this week had a bit about it too).
    -But, in the endless chats that I have had with my "Saturn Girl", (no sexism intended), I got the impression that they work very hard for their customers, bad credit or not. They don't care and they don't judge. It's the REAL WORLD.
    -I mean, the ultimate goal is to get you into a car which is what you want and credit in this country is such a ' game ' ' and one which we "little folks" don't control.
    -All sorts of folks come thru their doors and it would be unrealistic to assume that you had great credit. Alot of folks don't and it's often because of some ' blip ' miscommunication. (And it doesn't mean that you are a bad person!!)
    -Zero/Zero is also a BIG DEAL , hence the waxing on about it. Firstly, (NY Times), the auto folks had their first bad month in September after a year of growth with the great incentives. GM's is probably due to cancelling zero/zero). It's also a big deal because it now includes the 2002 & 2003 VUEs which it didn't previously and they really want to make up for last month.
    -I'm just grateful that my three month wait for my Blue VUE means I can get zero/zero. Makes a big difference to my projected monthlys.
    -Don't be put off. Just pretend you had an off day at the Post Office.

    ... oh! And the Sports Package ... I would be nervous about waiting. Also, zero/zero expires 10/31/02.

    re:-Fees ...
    -Delivery Charge is included so may not be shown. ie:- Their sales base price on the sticker already includes the delivery.
    -What you will see:-
    1)Base Price
    2)Your add-ons if any
    3)Sales Tax
    4)DOC & Registration fee ... (mine is $184 for NJ and I'm keeping the old vehicle and not exchanging license plates)
    5)Minus your down payment
    6)Final Total ... end of story.

    -Relax. Saturn doesn't play games like the other guys.
    -Good luck. Keep us POSTed.
    -Later ...
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    apatiaapatia Member Posts: 36
    Thanks for all the info. I appreciate you help.

    The sales lady probably didn't intend to offend. But, I do think that she could have acknowledged that one needs fairly perfect credit to get 0% financing. So, it's logical on my part to not expect the rate (especially if I'm ordering and looking for a December purchase). It's my understanding that most credit ratings below an A (and even some A's) won't qualify for zero percent.

    As for the Sport Package, I've gotten over my initial concern. I'll keep tabs on when new vehicles are allocated to the dealership.
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    erunicerunic Member Posts: 23
    Finally a reason to post. I have a new gremlin, the horn has started honking on its own. The car can be parked, running, stopped, doesn't seem to matter. If I hit the steering wheel it stops. I ended up pulling the 15A fuse for the horn to get around the problem. Now, the service wrench light is illuminated. I think it is related to the missing fuse. Anyone else have this problem?

    Other things I have noticed: a thunk when engaging the clutch (doesn't appear to be suspension, the headliner around the sunroof rattling, the right rear speaker [still] rattles (they replaced the wrong speaker last time, and the suspension still seems to have that annoying squeak.

    Just thought I would post the problem. Eric
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    mmspealmmspeal Member Posts: 122
    Jeff, you could have let that one about the Suzuki plant in Toronto go by ... :-) I caught it too but I figured to someone in the US, a plant 1 hour outside the city is close enough to Toronto to call it that.

    I am just glad they realize that we don't live in igloos and that it is not a plant that builds dog sleds. :-)
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    steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    No igloos? Next you'll be telling us Thanksgiving is next week or some other crazy thing!

    Be careful not to run over any penguins on your way home from work tonight....

    SUVs, Vans and Aftermarket & Accessories Message Boards
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    mmspealmmspeal Member Posts: 122
    Yeah, I'll have to be careful. I don't think the VUE has that much clearance.
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    Actually I killed a penguin last week as I was driving over to my buddy's house with some maple syrup donuts and a 2-4 of Molsons eh! What a hoser I am!

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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    (mspeal et el )
    ... yeah, yeah, yeah ...
    -Like we have never been to Canada ! Hey, I've been to Winnipeg in March !! Beat that ! My longest, most loyal customer is Canadian ... so we love you folks !!
    -I bet I was the only 'Yankee" that was "gob smacked" , (read dropped jawed), and embarrassed when I first saw Robin Williams do his sing n dance number, "Blame Canada", funny that it was.

    re:- The "girls" ...
    -10/10 is "D" day today. Or "V" day. The "late Miss Vivienne VUE" is schedule to arrive in English Creek today.
    -My "Saturn Girl" is off today, but she is going to call in and call me if it actually happens ... five months to the day when I first walked into Saturn. I'll go visit tomorrow first thing.
    -It's their first Blue. It may be the only Blue on the truck.
    -I'll try and POST a pic somewhere for 'you guys' to see.

    re:-Dog Fights ...
    -I think there was almost a 'duking' out amoungst my 'Saturn girl' and another sales person over the Orange/Blue VUE thang.
    -It appears that the original Orange "Miss Penny" with the Sunroof/ABS that I wanted was ordered for me/stock and has been sitting on the lot for a few weeks. Another sales person had a customer that wanted the same list of 'stuff' that I wanted and didn't care about color.
    -My Saturn person wanted to have both cars available tomorrow so that I could decide Blue or Orange. Of course, the other sales person wanted to just close the deal even though her customer was cool about waiting three days and having the decision made for her. All hell broke loose !!!
    -Boy, it's great to have someone so loyal and looking after me. I am not sure how it resolved, if it did, but I will wait for an Orange if the Blue is plain or not my style and "Miss Penny" is sold off.
    -Can't believe it's finally happening. Oh, what a long, dry Summer this has been.
    Later cyber friends ...
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    joelisjoelis Member Posts: 315
    "Like we have never been to Canada ! Hey, I've been to Winnipeg in March !! Beat that ! "

    OK, if you insist - before I escaped to the "tropics" of Minnesota, I lived in Winnipeg for 30 years. That includes December, January and February (x 30)! It is true that Winnipeg IS the center of the Arctic Circle. There were many winters where you could go 6 straight weeks when the tempurature would not go above -30 at any point in the day. BEAT THAT !
    (true stories only please...)

    I wonder how the interior plastics of the Vue would hold up in those conditions?
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    mmspealmmspeal Member Posts: 122
    That is why us Canadians are smart and avoid "Winterpeg" in December, January and February. I have never experienced it but have heard many horror stories!!!
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    steverstever Guest Posts: 52,454
    Been there, done that, got the parka?

    SUVs, Vans and Aftermarket & Accessories Message Boards
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    THIS IS IT !!!!

    FINALLY !!!!

    ....Tales of Betty & Veronica ....

    Alas, Poor Penny. Vivienne won.

    Presenting, (at last), the "Late Miss Vivienne VUE" ....

    1st see, the 2003 Bright Blue VUE.

    PS:- I'm "buster1' in my other cyber life ...


    I hope this comes out as a 'hot link' ... other wise go to saturnfans.com, photos, VUE photos ...you can't miss it.

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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -"Winterpeg" !!! Picking myself off the floor. That's so funny and that's the first time I heard that.
    -Very true. But, if I can see Winterpeg in all it's gray glory and still think Canada is neat ... that says something. On a clear day you can see Japan! Someone forgot to plant trees and stuff.
    -Yeah Parka. Very cute. Very Funny.
    -Not ever going to get into a 'guy match' on coldest places. You can win that one with my 'salams' ! No problem.
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    ... and then I really am going to do some work today !
    Too excited. It's "V" day tomorrow. Then I get to be (mmspeal) with a VUE and gardening and a life !!!

    -So Miss Viv did actually make her debut prom date, 10/10/02. I called in and they said nothing had been delivered ... no surprise ... then they called right back and said she had already been thru the pre-checks.
    -My "Saturn Girl" wasn't scheduled yesterday, but she came in, got told off for being out of uniform (!), and I dashed up there to see my 'girl'.
    -I have to say that I still did the "Penny vs Vivienne" thang. Glad J _ _ _ wasn't packing a fire arm ! Still undecided though the Blue is a gorgeous COBALT blue, and yes it is 'metal flake', 'metallic, 'shiney s _ _ _' or whatever.
    -Noticed the neutral body posts that (mmspeal) mentioned. But J _ _ _ lost that Penny battle to the other sales person. Miss Penny is being delivered to a good home today. So it was decided. We drove back and I kissed her on the mouth ... (Vivienne that is) ... then she be mine. No going back.
    -We'll take care of the biz stuff today and do the Saturn sing-a-long thang on Saturday. Their first Blue VUE and the only one delivered.
    -J _ _ _ is a saint ! Twalk about going beyond for a lunatic like me.
    -But, we hit the Casinos for a fun night.
    Later all ...

    -Check out this 'purdy Spring Hill Tennesse gurl' ...
    -The Blue is good. You will love it.
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    apatiaapatia Member Posts: 36
    Over the past few days, I had almost talked myself out of a VUE. Given my preferred timeline, current events and the potential future events, I was becoming convinced that this is not a time to be making such a purchase.

    Common thoughts that have swirled through my head recently:
    "The VUE get good mileage but not as good as a... civic or something" or "Nothing is cheaper than a vehicle already paid in full". or "A used souless, boring-mobile accord would be the logical purchase". etc, etc..

    But - I clicked on the link gehe posted. I realized beforehand that doing so may be dangerous, but I clicked anyway. And now I'm stuck - I want a Blue VUE !!!
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -I just loved your response ! And thank you for your wonderful reaction ... I am bowing respectfully ... as I type ... and Miss Vivienne VUE thanks you too.
    -Yep. She's a looker. I peeped out of the bedroom window down to see if she was still there, and she was. It's no dream.
    -The whole pick-up was a blast. My Saturn gal went way above and beyond to make it a great day. Baloons, a tiny gift to hang from the mirror, the notice board with 'congrats' and "finally !!" which I thought was a hoot. She also arranged to pick me up in an Orange VUE demo, the last of poor Miss Penny. (We drove back 'jiving' along to Cher's "Believe" turned up loud!).
    -She dedicated most of her day to making this very special. She even called me this morning, (Sunday), to see how things were going).
    -The financial guy came over and chatted. He remarked at how long this process had taken, (... and actually some of the big guys there were convinced that I wouldn't stick it out for the long haul). He also remarked that, as recent VUE owners and new purchasers came in and saw Viv in the module they all wanted to know why they hadn't been offered the blue. Remarks like ... 'hey the web site says it's not available' etc. And she really did look stunning in the Module with the lights on. All the add-ons were on. The roof rack, wheel locks, moulded mud flaps and great Saturn rubber mats.
    -Of course, the whole Saturn team came out to do their Saturn cheer ... I love all that corny s_ _ _ ... and the big boss gave a brief speech and reassurance about quality, care and back up. Love to see GM do that. I don't think they would take the time to help you photograph the event.
    -Of course, they were also very strict and business like when it came to the paper work, the 0.0%, insurance, tags etc ... I did the 5yr/75, zero deductable, extended warranty as it's zero/zero. Won't have to worry for the length of the car payments.

    re:-First impressions ...
    -Very smooth ride and very sure on the road. Handles bad surface well.
    -There is definitely a "helicopter" sound when the windows are open so I will figure out what combination of open and shut works best.
    -Very quiet all closed up.
    -Love the sun roof.
    -Love that toxic new car smell.
    -Did groceries and did my (mspeal) "have a life thang" ... (I'll take care of the garden later) ... and used that cargo basket. I love it. Nothing moved. Of course, the proof will be when my Mum comes over and buys out Shoprite.
    -The interior seating, space, height, distance from wind shield is great. The center 'nook' easily holds 6 CDs. The cassette gap handles my log book for tax mileage.
    -Okay. I getting boring here. I am on a cloud ... and driving cautiously.
    Later all ...
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    gehe : Congrats on the new VUE. Love the color. Avoid Winnipeg at all costs in the winter, what a nightmare. I think southern Ontario is cold enough.
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    millspdmillspd Member Posts: 104
    Gehe, your vue in blue is beautiful! Really, really sharp!

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    vuefor2vuefor2 Member Posts: 490
    LOVE that color, congrats and welcome to the Vue family!!!!!!!!!

    What a long wait. Looks like it was worth it though.
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    ... from Miss Vivienne & I.


    -Will avoid Winterpeg. Thank you for the kind comments.


    -Thank you. Yup. The blue is winning me over. Saw it in actual sunshine today and it's awesome. Gets deep and moody in the evening. Kinda like me !


    -Thank you for the welcome. It does finally feel great to be an actual VUE owner . Now I really know what you folks are on about.

    -She has been getting 5 star ratings and great comments @ saturnfans.com

    ... if I am not being too boring ... this is a clubphoto link to the complete "Miss Vivienne's Debut" album.


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    shultzieshultzie Member Posts: 10
    Congrats on that beautiful "Blue Vue" and welcome to the VUE family. I own a 2003 Black AWD 4 cyl and I tend to hear a squeaking noise when I release the break pedal. Has anyone had or have any issues with this type of problem, If so any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    If it's coming from inside the car it likely means something needs to be greased.
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    ottawascottottawascott Member Posts: 13
    I have had my 2003 black vue for a month now. After waiting for 7 months due to the problems with the CVT, I can say Im very pleased. I find the acceleration more than adequate and it hums along nicely at 120km. The ride is smooth and quieter than I expected. The motor sounds a bit like a small diesel when idling but its just been a matter of getting used to it. Problems so far include the floor vents not pushing air out and a very annoying squeek in the dashboard. Once I wedged a nickel (a temporary fix) between the door post and the dash, it made it less noticeable. All'n all Im happy and would recommend the Vue.
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    Do you have AWD or is it just FWD?

    My thinking is the 4cyl AWD would be a little short on power. I have driven a 5-speed 4cyl and it was just fine though. Glad you like the VUE.
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    ottawascottottawascott Member Posts: 13
    Hiya Dindak....I bought the FWD....previously having owned an Acura 1.6 EL, and all things being relative, I have more torque and horsepower than before so Im happy. I would have liked the V6 as I have a fishing boat, but, I couldnt justify the added cost.
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    Can you tow a boat with the 2.2L?

    If we go for a VUE in a year or two it will likely be a 4 cyl also.
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    ottawascottottawascott Member Posts: 13
    dindak, you can tow 1500 pounds with the 4 cyl...my boat is approx 1300 pounds. I will enquire about the transmission cooling "package" for towing heavy loads. I wouldnt attempt long hauls over hilly terrain, but for local and flat conditions I was assured up front that the 4 cyl would be sufficient.
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    vuefor2vuefor2 Member Posts: 490
    I would not have guessed a Vue could really tow anything with a 4 cyl motor.

    I guess a small boat is pretty light though.
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    oarloxoarlox Member Posts: 45
    Winter is near in these parts, there is fresh snow creeping down the slopes and frost on the wind shield. So I figured that I'd better get things ready. First of all I decided to put on a new set of wiper blades. Like any good do it yourself guy I decided to measure the wiper blade so as to get the proper size. Then drove to Anchorage in my Suburban of coarse and purchased a couple of those winter blades. I don't drive the VUE much as it's my wifes car. Boy was I suprised when I tried to install the two new blades to then discover that the VUE uses two different sized blades. Then my next winterizing project was to add on a set of winter/studded tires. Woa those were expensive! Last winter after we took delivery of the VUE in Feb we decided to make it the rest of the winter on the factory tires. They were marginal at best so we opted for a better traction tires this winter. I was set on sticking on a set of Nokia tires without studds but the only ones I could find were P235/75/16 with studs. I know that is one size larger than the factory tires but they fit very well. Boy do those heavly sieped tires help that VUE handle wet conditions better! If there is one thing that I would reccomend to all of you winter VUE drivers is to upgrade your tires. I realize that most folks don't care much for studded tires, but when you drive 6 months out of the year on ice and snow it seems like the safest insruance that we can buy.

    Now it's time to give you a 25000 mile report: All is well. No problems to report! We haven't even been to the Saturn dealer to get a car wash!
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    markopolomarkopolo Member Posts: 27
    Has anyone heard the roof warps when a rack is attached. I called the parts department to order a rack. At this time the parts person told me not to put the rack on. He told me it would warp the roof, depending on the attachments. I called the service department and asked them about the roof warping. They almost sounded like this is true. Has anyone else heard of this problem. I already purchased my Thule 725 ski rack. I would like to attach it without roof problems.
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    Boy this forum sure is quiet all of a sudden.
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    enniskillenenniskillen Member Posts: 87
    Green Vues have arrived in Canada, the other day I drove one, with AWD, leather, and heated seats, with a window sticker of almost $36000.00

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    mmspealmmspeal Member Posts: 122
    I have had the Saturn crossbars on the roof of my Vue since I got it. I've never put any weight on them, more just for decoration but I don't see how they could possibly warp the roof. The sockets to attach them to are there already and they don't weigh much at all. If you hear any more though, please let us know.

    Yeah we miss you Jeff!!! Is it a nice green? I really like the pics of the blue that Gehe got.
    I see that out here in Oakville, the price of a Rendevous is down to $26995 - is that cause they can't get rid of them ??? (just kidding ya)
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -Yeah ! What happened ? It sort of fell off a cliff.
    -So you are still out there !! Thanks for the 'blue' comment. 'She' really is a "purdy girl", my Tennesse baby ! Had her first 'Auto' bath this week. I am up to 1000 miles now. (Saturn are not getting this baby back).
    -Drove down to Richmond, Virginnia, Monday/Tuesday on a surprise visit to see my Aunt & Uncle in from Africa that I hadn't seen in 25 years.
    -Not really familiar with the VUE mileage range, but I tanked up on the Jersey side of the Delaware Memorial Bridge intending to ride thru and avoid that sniper guy. There had been a killing in Ashland that morning.
    -I was down to 1/4 tank just outside Richmond wondering what to do and I looked up at the next road sign that read, "Ashland 19 miles" !!!! Knowing my luck with a Bright Blue VUE, I would attract attention ! I drove thru.
    -However, had to exit right after Richmond on 95 for the return and was pleased to see those Red Beret, New York "Guardian Angel" guys pumping gas so that we could hide in our cars. Glad it's all over.
    -Miss Viv was great on the trip. Boy do I love that cruise conrol. She is totally a different car around 75 plus. RPM around 2000 she flies .....
    -My first quick calculation was 24 MPG in mixed driving. I will check it again soon.
    Later all ...
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    Wow, $36K is a lot of dough. That is too much, in that range the market has some better choices. I would stick with an under $30K VUE.
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    enniskillenenniskillen Member Posts: 87
    The green looks great with the Tan hydes, it's a very Jaguarish colour scheme. But then again Green is my favourite colour.

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    suvshoppingsuvshopping Member Posts: 1
    Hi all,my wife and I are going to be starting the car buying circut and I would like to know if I remember correctly that saturn dealerships are the kind that have that no haggle policy ie the price you see is the lowest?
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -Yup. Saturn has the only NO HAGGLE policy, but also rated #1 by JD & [non-permissible content removed]. for customer satisfaction 3 years in a row. They beat out all the imports and luxury brands.
    -Saturn also has 0.0% for a limited time.
    -Check it out !!
    -Hope you will join our VUE family. Feel free to ask away and tell us what your impressions are. We are quite an opinionated bunch !!!
    Later ...
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    nippononlynippononly Member Posts: 12,555
    the CRV looks so odd! Round front end, with big nose. Plain, even ugly. Why did they bother? they should have just made an all-wheel-drive version of their minivan.

    Yes, that "grocery organizer" in the VUE looks like it will last about five minutes...

    2014 Mini Cooper (stick shift of course), 2016 Camry hybrid, 2009 Outback Sport 5-spd (keeping the stick alive)

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    rudorudo Member Posts: 1
    We were in the market for SUV, VUE was one we considered because of the financing incentives GM offered, so we test drove it few days ago. Like many others have said, the engine sounds noticeable loud (high pitching) when accelerating. The electric steering is extremely light and it is rather difficult to drive it fast - the car tends to shift to the left/right and not straight. The acceleration is pretty good for the V6 engine and the orange color makes it stands among others. The interior material is plastic-y, considering the price of the car. The build quality is argueable, when the 2rd row seats are folder, I can see the yellow foam of the seats from the uncovered fabric. Horrible. The grocery organizer looks very fragile and weak. I am afraid if we really use it, it will break in the first try. We tried the CRV LX and it is indeed *much* better, in terms of many things; value, engine, interior, gas mileage, ride quality, build quality, interior materials. No wonder people is willing to pay MSRP for CRV rather than getting the 0% VUE.
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    re:-V6 Noise ...
    -I have the V6 VUE. I remember thinking that the engine sounded whiney when I test drove it, but it seems 'throaty' now (?) I have no idea why.
    -But, I never thrash an engine or heavy accelerate unless I really need to. Actually ... come to think of it ... it performs great in emergency passing etc.
    -When in 5th gear and doing 75 mph +, it zooms !
    re:-Finish ...
    -I guess an as owner I see less and less finish issues than I did when I was shopping. I am generally quite happy with the finish. It's a budget car. The finish 'plasticy' will be serviceable and last. That's what I am looking for.
    -It's the same plastic as all the car manufacturers use. Saturn's is, I think, lighter in color.
    re:-Cargo Basket ...
    -Yup. I wouldn't like to bang the cargo basket very hard, but like everyone else that was reported here, they use the basket all the time. I love mine. It's one of the best features even though it's quirky. It's always the first thing I show people when I am 'showing off' my new car. So I guess that's "telling".
    -Whether it's to dump my briefcase, grocery bags etc., it's great not having things roll back and forth. One of my pet irritations ... one of many !!!
    re:-Steering ...
    -I am delighted that it's light when I am driving slow and tough when going fast. I have never noticed the criticisms that the car mag. reviewers made about the steering. I just drove down to Richmond, Virginnia and back and was very happy with it's handling.
    -The electrical control means zero maintenance, better gas mileage.
    -It also feels like 'mega' power steering when parking and slow driving. I love that !

    Still a big VUE fan ...
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    saturnfreak01saturnfreak01 Member Posts: 134
    I drove three new Saturn cars today/ one of which was the VUE SUV. As a second time Saturn owner myself, I walked away impressed with the VUE.

    Upon getting in, the seating position is excellent. The seats themselves are firm, and the interior fabric while it does seem "thin" it also seems durable. The dashbord seemed very nice I thought.

    Once on the road, the 5 speed manual took some getting used to for it is not a hydraulic clutch as on my Saturn SL1. The power from the four was adequate, and the ride and handling seemed well balanced and predictable. For under $ 17,000 to start, it is an excellent way to join the Saturn family imo.. It may just become my third Saturn.

    As far as the CRV goes, not only does it cost more, it does look ugly. It doesn't look as an SUV should, if someone can get past the toyish looking front headlights, I don't know how anyone can stand the big boned rear with tail lights/reflectors all the way up the back.. Must have had the same designer that did the Chevy Lumina Minivan in the early 90's/ cause lets face it. IT didn't work then, and It doesn't work now. Happy motoring.
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    vuefor2vuefor2 Member Posts: 490
    rudo :: We drove both and we went with the Vue. The Vue has more features, more power and looks better all around. Yes there are some quibbles like the seat material quality, but over all we found the Vue more functional that CRV. As for the grocery holder, it looks flimsy but it works very well. The plastic it's made from is very strong.

    suvshopping :: Price is the price BUT, we had car mats and some free oil changes thrown in. The 0% financing on now makes it a very sweet deal and it is a discount of sorts.
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    maynardf1maynardf1 Member Posts: 127
    Although it appears flimsy, the rear storage bin is durable and useful. I use mine all the time. Eight months is not exactly a long-term test, but at this point the thing still looks and operates like new.
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    dindakdindak Member Posts: 6,632
    I thought it was flimsy also, but it is made of pretty solid plastic.

    The VUE is a pretty solid little SUV in my eyes. I think CR-V and Escape are the benchmarks for this category and I think with a few tweaks VUE could be the best. It's real close right now when you factor in price, features and flexibility in configuration.
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -Well I guess the 'basket' just won this election !!!
    -Funny how everyone has rallied to defend the basket ... me included.
    Later ...
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    gehegehe Member Posts: 78
    -I have been wondering if the 2003 seat covers are different.
    -I thought I was getting woven, plain cloth, but my grey interior seats are like a plush chenille fabric. It is certainly not thin which made me wonder if they are all the same.
    -I love mine including the firmness.
    Later ...
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    simonovsimonov Member Posts: 25
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    simonovsimonov Member Posts: 25
    Thanks for posting your concerns, buying a car can be a challenge. I bought a red 2002 v6 Vue in July. I got it with the ABS, Sunroof, side curtain airbag and upgraded stereo )Tape and CD). I had read some comments and concerns about the Vue previous to shopping, by and large they are true but I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I test drove the Ford Escape, Mazda Trib and Hyundai SantaFe. The Trib and escape were much noisier imo than the vue and also had a much stiffer ride, and their seemed to be some serious concerns about Ford quality in reading other forums. Personally I've never liked Fords so I am somewhat biased but wanted to do "due dilligence" in my research and I would have bought one if it was the clear choice. I did not drive the CRV but I just didn't like the look of it, I know that Honda is renowned for fit and finish and quality. I really didn't like the tire hanging off the back end. The radio button on the Santa Fe fell off in my hand and my daughter openeed the rear ash tray and it came apart. With a little reliability and dealer service issues worked out in the future I would consider the SantaFe again.I felt like it would be a gamble, it also takes some getting used to to love the shape. It did have several fetures that I liked, rear center arm rests, split rear hatch with window that opens. All that said I bought the Vue because it fit most of my criteria. I now have 4000 miles and I'm very much enjoying the vehicle. The engine does have a raspiness and the cabin could be a little quieter.... but the other features and benefits more than make up for that. I know that the rear pop up basket looks flimsy but it does work quite well and if treated with proper care should hold up for the life of the vehicle. The seats are comfortable and it's fun to drive. Several have commented on not liking the electric steering. I disagree, I do not feel any floating at all. It does feel different but I like it especially in parking situations. I drove my wifes minivan recently and now that steering felt too tight and heavy. I don't need to feel the road that much!!!! Lastly, I hate buying cars and the Saturn experience was much better than anything I've experienced. I wish you luck in your search, hope that this helps
    TO GEHE regarding the seat cloth - my understanding is that the 4cyl models have a different non-velour type cloth and the 6cyl models have what you are describing
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    simonovsimonov Member Posts: 25
    Just found this very comprehensive owner review on the Saturn site, worth checkng out!!!!


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