hi, i have a '95 m3 bmw. i was wondering what relativly inexpensive dectector i could buy for it.i've seen them for as low as 50 bucks. but i read all about this v-1. i already got a 81mph wreckless driving ticket within 24hours of purchasing the car. yes, i was in virginia. 20 over untill 81mph. makes no sense.
The V-1 is by far the best detector I have ever had. Most small towns in my state, still use traditional radar guns. The V-1 has saved me plenty of times and has detected radar with plenty of early warning. It also helps a great deal with false alarms. I used to hate my old detectors for this reason. But it does have it's limitations. If a state trooper hits me with his laser gun on his first shot, I'm doomed. Most major highways in the US use laser nowadays. A V-1 coupled with a laser jammer system of some sort would be the ultimate protection in my opinion. The V-1 is still a great investment, but you still have to be careful also...
Very, very few highways I've driven on have used laser. No radar detector can protect you from that unless you're lucky enough to get a reflection.
In any case, when driving on long, straight stretches of road, I usually get a radar detection range of 1.5 miles in front (by odometer) and a whopping 3 miles in rear.
It's saved my butt each and every time I'm over 80 mph.
Here in New England, it's been mostly laser on the highways. My detector hardly ever alerts me of any K,X,KA radar when I drive by state troopers. The only times my detector goes off is through urban areas. And those are all false alarms. I do see them parked along side of the highway every once in a while shooting people with laserguns. I've been zapped a couple of times, but was not speeding, thankfully...
I just bought a valentine1 .. still I need to get used to it.
Those of you who had this for some time, can you please tell me ..what modes you use often ? Is it all , logic or advanced logic ? The manual doesn't say how it will differentiate between false and real threats in the logic modes. Can we trust the computer's decision on this ?
I use Advanced Logic; it does a great job of filtering out the garbage and letting the good stuff through.
I dunno how it does it, but I hardly get any signals driving through urban areas with it on. Even better, I've never missed a signal that I needed to know about.
Advanced logic all the time. It picks up radar just as good and filters out most of the false signals like dnk1 says. Even if it picks up a false signal, you can immediately tell it's one by sound, counter or arrows.
Anyone ever drive I-95 between NY city and New haven CT with their V-1? For some reason, my V-1 never stops going off on this stretch, even in A-logic mode. I would say it's finding signals 80% of the time. It only does it on this stretch of highway. I wonder if the state put some sort of radar detector jamming devices on this highway to pi## people like me off. If they have, I give them credit because it works. I always end up turning the volume down...
Does it go off whenever you pass an overpass? I remeber a while ago when I use to drive on the NJ turnpike, my detector would go off whenever i drove under an overpass.
I was going to a mets game the last time and the radio was in the shop. The girlfriend had to listen to the V-1 go balistic for over an hour. It was'nt just over/under passes, it was everything. It's a busy highway, people travel up and down 95 between boston and NY every day, rush hour traffic sometimes stretches 30 miles. Theres always construction going on somewhere. An exit every 2 miles with at least a couple of businesses. Everyone drives at least 80mph. I understand it going off more than normal. But almost 80% of the time is too much. There must be something transmitting in the air...
As you drive that stretch of I-95 take a closer look at those grey-painted, approximately one square foot, boxes facing you, towards the right side of the overpasses. I'm convinced that the Connecticut DOT is using some kind of microwave device to monitor traffic. I believe that's where all of those false alarms are coming from.
I have'nt seen them, but that sure does make alot of sense. I'll look for them next time and check the signal strength. I bet thats causing the problem. The thought of microwaves traveling through my brain for an hour sure makes me feel queasy. I also love it when cops sit behind me at a light blasting me with their radar. Or when a person sticks there head in front of a microwave watching the food go in circles. Ahhhh it feels great!! Thanks...
I have had remote units in my cars for 17 years now. Not coincidentally, they have all been Bel units. I just bought a new Toyota Solara, and gave my son my old '95 Saturn with the remote unit still in it. I consider remote units to be essential primarily because if you are stopped for speeding by instant-on (now most common almost everywhere), or any other traffic infraction, and if you do have a detector, you will definitely get a ticket. My experience is you can often talk your way out of a ticket some of the time. It also depends on how much you were over the limit, and mostly, how you address the officer. (Always call him Sir!). I just got the Bel 815STiR remote unit ($299) http://www.radar-guys.com/bel/bel815.htm
Maybe it can be found elsewhere cheaper but I could not find one. It is almost impossible to find a remote unit in a local electronics or automotive store as well. Even on the web, there were not many sites where I could find them.
I found this new unit to be even better than my last one. It rarely falses, and even though it is located in my grill, the range to pick up a radar device is unbelievable. Yes the V1 is probably the best, but this unit performs admirably. For instant-on, your reaction time is what counts. For stationary radar over the hill, etc. this unit gives plenty of warning. It also has a laser detector, but I consider that to be pretty useless except to begin formulating what you will say to the officer. I almost didn't even bother to install the laser part. The only ticket I have had in over 15 years was from laser last year, and the way it is used I think the detector might have had a chance to pick it up as they were shooting everyone in a large saturation trap with 8 chase cars which is becoming common in the southern part of NYS lately.
BTW, I believe that CT (Connecticut) also makes it illegal to use a detector. NY makes it illegal for trucks but I can't remember over how many pounds from using one (12,000?).
I guess my point is that if you are going to get snagged, it will most likely be with instant on, as most cheapo's can hear plenty far the standard always-on radars of X,K and Ka bands. If you get hit with instant-on, quick reflexes are a must, and even then you might not have time with any detector (I have beat them several times as they shot while I was to far away), or luck handing you the gift of hearing him try to snag someone ahead of you, and range does become very important here. Both my current and former Beltronics remote units had plenty of distance capabilities. I think Bel came in close to the V1 in this regard.
Bottom line...if you get stopped, you'll never get grace if he sees your unit. Remote units prevent that.
Connecticut dropped their prohibition against radar detectors several years ago. Now the only places in the U.S. where they are not legal are Virginia and DC.
What happens if the officer looks at or around your dash while he's writing the ticket? No more stealth remote!
Best of luck with your Solara. By the way, I'm from Rockland.
I have always placed my remote units in the same place...under the dash by my legs. In the Saturn it was on the right side, in my Solara it is on the left. I drive by sound. When there is a real hit, I know it and don't need to look at the lights. I can always look down and see if it is going up from 2 - 3 - 4 lights, but the sound and the relative speed of the clicking is all I need to hear. If I get stopped, I just push the power button off so he doesn't hear the clicking. He can't see me turn it off because of where it is. I rarely get stopped, as you should slways be looking for them and see them before they see you. You know the likely places for them to sit. If you blow through these places without first looking, you deserve to be ticketed. If you can't pay attention, you shouldn't speed. However, you can't always know where they are if they get real sneaky, so a radar detector is your only defense. As I said, I've beat instant on several times, but you have to act fast. My guess is that your speed changes too much for it to lock on if you do it quick enough and from enough distance from the officer. If he's nestled in the weeds, and shooting at a 90 degree angle, your only hope is to hear him sample the traffic before you get there. From that angle, it is harder for him to judge speed, and he has to sample more often.
Thanks for the info about Connecticut. I always felt what could he do? I'm from out of state, my unit is hard wired (literally), and chances are he'd never know I had it to begin with.
The worst trap I've ever seen anywhere was last fall on the NYS Thruway southbound between Harriman and Mahway, route 17. For those of you who know, this is a 16 mile stretch without an exit, and the commuters enforce 80+ in the left land, 70+ in the middle and everyone else....beware. It can get really scary, as there is often only 2 car lengths between you and the guy in front. The troopers normally get out of the morning and afternoon rush pretty much, as they would cause havoc if they tried to pull people over with this speed and closely packed cars.
However...one day they decided to get tough. In this 16 mile stretch, there were...28...yes you heard it right...28 state trooper cars. Marked on the shoulders with instant-on, unmarked Bronco's up on the hills with laser, chase cars, and slick tops (no lights on top, the new favorite in NY, but marked on the sides, rear and windshield). Just as you thought you were through, it began again. They had people pulled over everywhere. Even I almost bought it. New Yorkers are hardened and just speed up after a trap, and they capitalized on it..literally. They must have brought in every trooper from a hundred miles. Did this stop us from doing 80+ the next morning???? Nope. To this day, if you want an adventure in fast driving, hit the NYS Thruway southbound from Harriman NY from 7am until 9am. It will be an adventure. I promise. BTW, the speed limit here is only 55. I can imagine what the fines were.
Just stumbled on post #361 from anniebogart regarding the use of a radar detector. If the officer asks you why you own a radar detector if it is not to avoid being caught speeding, you might try this: "I carry fire insurance on my home but that does not mean that I intend to set it on fire". Good luck. Keep you AAA current just in case you need the bail bond!
how much am i looking at spending for a v-1. does it provide adequate protection from laser? does it have to be professionally installed? i read some of the posts about it but i haven't seen them advertised or for sale anywhere. where can i get one. i'll tell you the truth, i want you speed and not get caught.
1. $400 2. No 3. No 4. From the factory--Valentine has a web site search for it. 5. Let me know when and where you are going to speed so I can stay home.
I wish others would do this more: here's my research I checked speedzones, radartest.com,and radar reporter. The clear leaders are V-1 but very close was the new Bel 980 for distance and instant on, all others way behind. Price: V-1 399.00 firm bel 980 229.00 as several sites (List 339)best:wholesaleconnection.com Bel has features (Talking alerts, Short wave alerts (ambulance,road) V1:multiple bogey counter, 2 antennaes hope someone else would do this for me. Good luck..
Wasn't it C&D that had their typical test where the text showed the Valentine 1 was in a class of it's own and then had them in second place? I know they just did this with V6 sedans where each of the testers said they preferred the Lincoln LS6 but it finished third or fourth. They have caught so much heat for this sort of thing that maybe they have taken a sabattical from their "scientific" tests. I enjoy reading their tests, but I always ignore their rankings. I only care to see about features and any objective tests they may do. I have had several detectors and find that the V1 is far superior to the others, but my Escort was pretty good too. I just don't think it is worth $100 to take that kind of risk with my driving record.
I concur about their inconsistancies lately. They've gotten a bit too cutesy. I was particularly ticked at the poor review that they gave to the Cougar and then a couple of months later, in another review, half-heartedly saying that it was OK.
I love my V1, (my Escort Solo, being battery powered is very convenient, but it has a dangerously short warning range) but would like to see an OBJECTIVE updated test of the whole market.
thanx for all the information. it looks like the bel280 is more in my price range and is pretty close to the v-1. question: how do you go about getting a remote system and does most of these detectors tell you how to install in the grill. i have a m3 and i know if smokey sees me with a detector even 5 mph over i'm getting a ticket.
Be aware that a low mounting position, such as behind the grille, will give you significantly less warning time and distance than say high on the windshield. Also, the grille material, especially any chromed reflective surfaces, will block too much of the inbound radar signal to allow your detector to operate most effectively.
Unless you drive in Virginia, DC or Canada, who cares if Smokey sees you with a detector. They are perfectly legal in all other jurisdictions.
I'm wondering whether anyone here has had experience with installing a radar detector in a Toyota Land Cruiser or a Lexus LX470. I'd like to know where you placed it--on the dash, on the windshield, behind the grill--and how it has worked.
It doesn't matter what kind of vehicle you mount it in (Except that the very few vehicles with metallized windshields are a problem. Do those two models of Sports Utility Roadhogs use such windshields?). You should mount it as high as possible, so that when you reach the crest of a hill and Smokey is aiming his radar gun up on the other side, you will get the earliest possible warning. The lower the mounting, the later the warning under those circumstances. A second or two could mean a violation.
This is somewhat less of an argument for LIDAR (laser) detection. In that case, Smokey will probably be aiming for a highly reflective front license plate. It probably wouldn't make much difference though, unless he's aiming at the vehicle ahead of yours and you pick up the stray signal. LIDAR is just too fast for you to react to.
Since in FL we don't have front licnese plates where are the cops aiming at? I realize at times that I get laser alert on my V1 coming from the front but I hear that Lidar doesn't have much reflection so what is going on? Hope to hear some answers.
They can get a strong LIDAR signal off your headlight reflectors too. Any brightwork/chrome surface will do. It's just that the best reflection will be off the larger surfaces.
I got caught by a laser:84 in a 65. The Law enforcement officer saw my detector and asked if it detected the laser. It did but when he read my speed. He let me play with it checking out other cars. The laser has a projected dot type site. You put the dot on the car, pull the trigger, and the laser reads distance and range instantly. You can pick out individual cars. I was getting 900 foot ranges. At that range, it could be reflecting off any thing. How would you know ? So your laser detector is just to let you know at what speed you're caught at.
are you pat 84 because of your 84mph ticket or is it just a quicedance? Anyways, thanks for the info and thank also blane. So I guess the laser on my v1 is useless. what a waste of money. Oh well, i guess sometimes you have to learn the hard way.
when i drive by a construction site in FL, it seems to set off my x band radar. I mean this signal i get is so great that is give it the full strength, does anyone know what this is that sets my radar off? would appreciate the help. ps, quincedance is spelled wrong and I realized it, dam it's sad how badly i butchered the word.
should have said "speed and distance" . The # 84 was given me by Edmund's. Pure coincidence. I remember the 84 because the officer said he'd have given me reckless driving for 1 more MPH. BTW Blane is 100% correct on getting more range to your detector keeping it as high on your vehicle as possible. My Bel 855 TSI is on the driver's visor of my minivan. I have the wires concealed in the front pillar and in the headliner. It is almost invisible from outside the van.
1) Laser - Yes, you probably won't have time to do anything except come up with an excuse, but.... the other day, my laser went off, and down the road the cop was shooting at cars ahead of me. Saved my butt. If you are on a highway with few cars, a laser detector probably won't help you, but if there is a good amount of traffic, you may have a chance.
2) Location of detector - For those who have seen my previous postings, I have had remote detectors for many, many years. The downside as some of you have said is they are usually mounted lower, and therefore you may have less warning. My experience is this, if you buy a good one, such as a Bel, the difference is negligible. I always mount mine with an UNOBSTRUCTED view of the road. That means through a grill. If the grill is black you really can't see it, as it ends flush with the grill. My new Silver Solara has the grill low, so you still don't see it.
My experience has been, that since radar is a transmitted radio beam, unless he shoots you with instant-on right near you, you can hear him just fine, EVEN OVER A HILL! I defy anyone to conclusively show that it effects the distance of detection. Radio waves are much too spread out at a distance to make any difference in this regard. The distance my remote unit detects is outstanding.
I've never felt in jeopardy of being too late. The only thing I worry about is instant-on, and that is prevented by being smart and knowing the possible hiding places as you watch the road unfold in front of you. If you blindly drive fast and hope your detector will save you ...Forget it!
I have ordered a radar detector from the Radar Guys on July 3,2000. They have removed the money from my checking account. I have not been able to get them to contact me in regards to my order. I have called their answering service everyday since ordering, sent two faxes, and have emailed them everyday. They still refuse to contact me. They will not let you contact them directly. Something you don't find out until after you place an order. The awards they claim to have received are false. Anyone considering using them, should reconsider.
Thanks for the warning, but have you considered filing a complaint with the authorities? I don't know anything about this entity, but try the postal authorities (postal inspectors) if the mail was used. Try the consumer affairs department of their home state. Try the local newspapers "Action Line" or ombudsman or whatever. I know it may not work, but if they need to stay in business for some time (to bilk others maybe), the first complainants will usually get reimbursed to put off the day of reckoning. A good reason to use a credit card. It is hard to stop a check. An unauthorized charge can be reversed and the merchant having an account with Amex or visa will have it deducted from their monies. Good luck.
You defied anyone to show that height of your detector affects range. First, the obvious, you have no range to the rear with how you describe your mounting in you grill. Many police have mobile radar in their cars. You can have your speed read by radar from the rear. Second, from the radar equation, range(of detection) = 1.23 X Square root( Height of detector in feet). So, if your detector is 2 feet below the height of your windshield highest mount point, you are getting square root of 2 less range or 70.7 % the range you could get at the higher mounting. I have my detector in my van probably 5-6 feet over the height of your detector. That is 235% greater range than you with the same detector. I illegally use my hardwired in detector in VA. They don't expect detectors and cruise with their K bands blazing away. I pick them up at well over a mile. I slow down immediately so when we pass on opposite sides of the road 20 seconds later (assumes closing velocity of 120 MPH after my reaction time and initial 75 MPH typical) I am in the safe range of 60 MPH and he didn't see me slow. As for hiding your detector, don't you think that your obvious braking you do before a cop with a radar is a dead give away you have a detector. I'll bet they can pick out 9 out of 10 who have detectors. Does your Bel announce what radar band it's detecting? Mine does and instant on is Ka band.
hi, i've been looking around for a used detector because it is more in my price range. how does a bel 840 or 830 compare to the bel 980 and most other detectors?
I would advise you to save your money and buy a better detector. The older detectors are much more false alarm prone and limited range compared to what's available.
If there is such a detector that not only advises you of possible police radar, but also scrambles the radar and makes you invisible to the cop?
My older sister had a detector, but all it did was alert her of the radar after the cop was on her tail. I want one that makes me, as far as the cop's radar gun knows, nonexistant. (Legal, of course.) Any info would be appreciated.
There is nothing RELIABLE that scrambles their signal and makes you invisible to police radar. However, there are several devices, being marketed to the gullible, that claim such super powers. Save your money.
Each unit is a custom job, and they do not offer the mirrors seperately.
Ohio's fuzz seem to use mostly laser on the highways.
i have a '95 m3 bmw. i was wondering what relativly inexpensive dectector i could buy for it.i've seen them for as low as 50 bucks. but i read all about this v-1. i already got a 81mph wreckless driving ticket within 24hours of purchasing the car. yes, i was in virginia. 20 over untill 81mph. makes no sense.
How much did the ticket cost you?
You're worried about $50? Buy the V-1.
But it does have it's limitations. If a state trooper hits me with his laser gun on his first shot, I'm doomed. Most major highways in the US use laser nowadays.
A V-1 coupled with a laser jammer system of some sort would be the ultimate protection in my opinion.
The V-1 is still a great investment, but you still have to be careful also...
In any case, when driving on long, straight stretches of road, I usually get a radar detection range of 1.5 miles in front (by odometer) and a whopping 3 miles in rear.
It's saved my butt each and every time I'm over 80 mph.
It's worth every single penny you pay for it.
I've been zapped a couple of times, but was not speeding, thankfully...
Those of you who had this for some time, can you please tell me ..what modes you use often ?
Is it all , logic or advanced logic ?
The manual doesn't say how it will differentiate between false and real threats in the logic modes.
Can we trust the computer's decision on this ?
I dunno how it does it, but I hardly get any signals driving through urban areas with it on. Even better, I've never missed a signal that I needed to know about.
Anyone ever drive I-95 between NY city and New haven CT with their V-1? For some reason, my V-1 never stops going off on this stretch, even in A-logic mode. I would say it's finding signals 80% of the time. It only does it on this stretch of highway. I wonder if the state put some sort of radar detector jamming devices on this highway to pi## people like me off. If they have, I give them credit because it works. I always end up turning the volume down...
I understand it going off more than normal. But almost 80% of the time is too much. There must be something transmitting in the air...
As you drive that stretch of I-95 take a closer look at those grey-painted, approximately one square foot, boxes facing you, towards the right side of the overpasses. I'm convinced that the Connecticut DOT is using some kind of microwave device to monitor traffic. I believe that's where all of those false alarms are coming from.
I bet thats causing the problem.
The thought of microwaves traveling through my brain for an hour sure makes me feel queasy.
I also love it when cops sit behind me at a light blasting me with their radar. Or when a person sticks there head in front of a microwave watching the food go in circles. Ahhhh it feels great!!
Maybe it can be found elsewhere cheaper but I could not find one. It is almost impossible to find a remote unit in a local electronics or automotive store as well. Even on the web, there were not many sites where I could find them.
I found this new unit to be even better than my last one. It rarely falses, and even though it is located in my grill, the range to pick up a radar device is unbelievable. Yes the V1 is probably the best, but this unit performs admirably. For instant-on, your reaction time is what counts. For stationary radar over the hill, etc. this unit gives plenty of warning. It also has a laser detector, but I consider that to be pretty useless except to begin formulating what you will say to the officer. I almost didn't even bother to install the laser part. The only ticket I have had in over 15 years was from laser last year, and the way it is used I think the detector might have had a chance to pick it up as they were shooting everyone in a large saturation trap with 8 chase cars which is becoming common in the southern part of NYS lately.
BTW, I believe that CT (Connecticut) also makes it illegal to use a detector. NY makes it illegal for trucks but I can't remember over how many pounds from using one (12,000?).
I guess my point is that if you are going to get snagged, it will most likely be with instant on, as most cheapo's can hear plenty far the standard always-on radars of X,K and Ka bands. If you get hit with instant-on, quick reflexes are a must, and even then you might not have time with any detector (I have beat them several times as they shot while I was to far away), or luck handing you the gift of hearing him try to snag someone ahead of you, and range does become very important here. Both my current and former Beltronics remote units had plenty of distance capabilities. I think Bel came in close to the V1 in this regard.
Bottom line...if you get stopped, you'll never get grace if he sees your unit. Remote units prevent that.
Connecticut dropped their prohibition against radar detectors several years ago. Now the only places in the U.S. where they are not legal are Virginia and DC.
What happens if the officer looks at or around your dash while he's writing the ticket? No more stealth remote!
Best of luck with your Solara. By the way, I'm from Rockland.
Thanks for the info about Connecticut. I always felt what could he do? I'm from out of state, my unit is hard wired (literally), and chances are he'd never know I had it to begin with.
The worst trap I've ever seen anywhere was last fall on the NYS Thruway southbound between Harriman and Mahway, route 17. For those of you who know, this is a 16 mile stretch without an exit, and the commuters enforce 80+ in the left land, 70+ in the middle and everyone else....beware. It can get really scary, as there is often only 2 car lengths between you and the guy in front. The troopers normally get out of the morning and afternoon rush pretty much, as they would cause havoc if they tried to pull people over with this speed and closely packed cars.
However...one day they decided to get tough. In this 16 mile stretch, there were...28...yes you heard it right...28 state trooper cars. Marked on the shoulders with instant-on, unmarked Bronco's up on the hills with laser, chase cars, and slick tops (no lights on top, the new favorite in NY, but marked on the sides, rear and windshield). Just as you thought you were through, it began again. They had people pulled over everywhere. Even I almost bought it. New Yorkers are hardened and just speed up after a trap, and they capitalized on it..literally. They must have brought in every trooper from a hundred miles. Did this stop us from doing 80+ the next morning???? Nope. To this day, if you want an adventure in fast driving, hit the NYS Thruway southbound from Harriman NY from 7am until 9am. It will be an adventure. I promise. BTW, the speed limit here is only 55. I can imagine what the fines were.
Good luck. Keep you AAA current just in case you need the bail bond!
2. No
3. No
4. From the factory--Valentine has a web site search for it.
5. Let me know when and where you are going to speed so I can stay home.
I tried a "cheapie" - Uniden 6599SWS ($140)and tested it - lots of false alarms and by the time it detected the fuzz, I could see them.
Am now using a Bel 980 ($260) - much better in all phases - has saved my bacon twice already.
I'm not sure I need the ultimate V1 - but there is a difference
Price: V-1 399.00 firm
bel 980 229.00 as several sites (List 339)best:wholesaleconnection.com Bel has features (Talking alerts, Short wave alerts (ambulance,road) V1:multiple bogey counter, 2 antennaes hope someone else would do this for me.
Good luck..
I concur about their inconsistancies lately. They've gotten a bit too cutesy. I was particularly ticked at the poor review that they gave to the Cougar and then a couple of months later, in another review, half-heartedly saying that it was OK.
I love my V1, (my Escort Solo, being battery powered is very convenient, but it has a dangerously short warning range) but would like to see an OBJECTIVE updated test of the whole market.
question: how do you go about getting a remote system and does most of these detectors tell you how to install in the grill. i have a m3 and i know if smokey sees me with a detector even 5 mph over i'm getting a ticket.
Be aware that a low mounting position, such as behind the grille, will give you significantly less warning time and distance than say high on the windshield. Also, the grille material, especially any chromed reflective surfaces, will block too much of the inbound radar signal to allow your detector to operate most effectively.
Unless you drive in Virginia, DC or Canada, who cares if Smokey sees you with a detector. They are perfectly legal in all other jurisdictions.
Thanks in advance for your information.
It doesn't matter what kind of vehicle you mount it in (Except that the very few vehicles with metallized windshields are a problem. Do those two models of Sports Utility Roadhogs use such windshields?). You should mount it as high as possible, so that when you reach the crest of a hill and Smokey is aiming his radar gun up on the other side, you will get the earliest possible warning. The lower the mounting, the later the warning under those circumstances. A second or two could mean a violation.
This is somewhat less of an argument for LIDAR (laser) detection. In that case, Smokey will probably be aiming for a highly reflective front license plate. It probably wouldn't make much difference though, unless he's aiming at the vehicle ahead of yours and you pick up the stray signal. LIDAR is just too fast for you to react to.
They can get a strong LIDAR signal off your headlight reflectors too. Any brightwork/chrome surface will do. It's just that the best reflection will be off the larger surfaces.
So your laser detector is just to let you know at what speed you're caught at.
ps, quincedance is spelled wrong and I realized it, dam it's sad how badly i butchered the word.
Does it set your detector off at night, or only when there are people on the work site?
What kind of construction? Are they expanding a shopping mall? Road construction?
BTW Blane is 100% correct on getting more range to your detector keeping it as high on your vehicle as possible. My Bel 855 TSI is on the driver's visor of my minivan. I have the wires concealed in the front pillar and in the headliner. It is almost invisible from outside the van.
the other day, my laser went off, and down the road the cop was shooting at cars ahead of me. Saved my butt. If you are on a highway with few cars, a laser detector probably won't help you, but if there is a good amount of traffic, you may have a chance.
2) Location of detector - For those who have seen
my previous postings, I have had remote detectors
for many, many years. The downside as some of you have said is they are usually mounted lower, and therefore you may have less warning. My experience is this, if you buy a good one, such as a Bel, the difference is negligible. I always mount mine with an UNOBSTRUCTED view of the road. That means through a grill. If the grill is black you really can't see it, as it ends flush with the grill. My new Silver Solara has the grill low, so you still don't see it.
My experience has been, that since radar is a
transmitted radio beam, unless he shoots you with
instant-on right near you, you can hear him just
fine, EVEN OVER A HILL! I defy anyone to
conclusively show that it effects the distance of
detection. Radio waves are much too spread out at a distance to make any difference in this regard. The distance my remote unit detects is outstanding.
I've never felt in jeopardy of being too late.
The only thing I worry about is instant-on, and
that is prevented by being smart and knowing the
possible hiding places as you watch the road unfold in front of you. If you blindly drive fast and hope your detector will save you ...Forget it!
First, the obvious, you have no range to the rear with how you describe your mounting in you grill. Many police have mobile radar in their cars. You can have your speed read by radar from the rear.
Second, from the radar equation, range(of detection) = 1.23 X Square root( Height of detector in feet). So, if your detector is 2 feet below the height of your windshield highest mount point, you are getting square root of 2 less range or 70.7 % the range you could get at the higher mounting.
I have my detector in my van probably 5-6 feet over the height of your detector. That is 235% greater range than you with the same detector.
I illegally use my hardwired in detector in VA. They don't expect detectors and cruise with their K bands blazing away. I pick them up at well over a mile. I slow down immediately so when we pass on opposite sides of the road 20 seconds later (assumes closing velocity of 120 MPH after my reaction time and initial 75 MPH typical) I am in the safe range of 60 MPH and he didn't see me slow.
As for hiding your detector, don't you think that your obvious braking you do before a cop with a radar is a dead give away you have a detector. I'll bet they can pick out 9 out of 10 who have detectors.
Does your Bel announce what radar band it's detecting? Mine does and instant on is Ka band.
i've been looking around for a used detector because it is more in my price range. how does a bel 840 or 830 compare to the bel 980 and most other detectors?
My older sister had a detector, but all it did was alert her of the radar after the cop was on her tail. I want one that makes me, as far as the cop's radar gun knows, nonexistant. (Legal, of course.)
Any info would be appreciated.
There is nothing RELIABLE that scrambles their signal and makes you invisible to police radar. However, there are several devices, being marketed to the gullible, that claim such super powers. Save your money.