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Toyota Avalon Radiator/Cooling System Questions
I noticed on my 2000 Avalon XL that the coolant level in the overflow reservoir drops a couple inches every year. I understand that temperature affects the level reading; however, I usually check first thing in the morning and compare the readings in similar ambient conditions (i.e., similar weather conditions, etc.). I've had the system flushed once already and pressure checked by the dealer, and no leak was found. Is a slight coolant drop a normal part of all cars or should the amount of coolant in the system remain constant between flushes when there is no leakage? Personally, I don't understand how a closed system like the coolant system can lose fluids when there is no obvious leakage. I would appreciate an explanation.
2 inches a month or week a major issue. 2 inches a year, really no problem
Yes, your system is "closed", but it's not "sealed". In other words, if the pressure from expanding fluids gets high enough, the radiator cap releases coolant into the overflow reservoir. When the engine cools, the fluid is supposed to siphon back into the radiator, but that needs a lot of luck. Here is some background information. Coolant is better than water because it stays liquid below water's freezing point and above it's boiling point. But it does have a nasty tendency to expand more than water when it gets hot. That is why you need a mixture of water and coolant. If you use straight coolant it would expand too much and overflow even the reservoir under normal engine temperatures. The water actually helps the coolant work better in your car. Second, coolant can vaporize in the presence of oxygen, so if it is in the reservoir, and its hot, it will evaporate. It will also weep out of the hose that leads back to the radiator from the reservoir. That is why the siphon thing doesn't always happen, air gets in the line. So, MBT1 What your experiencing is relatively normal. It is possible that your coolant mix is a little rich and you have more expansion going on, and therefore more evaporation. I hope you are using water to top off your radiator, because if you are using coolant, you are making matters worse. You can buy a device that will indicate the range of temperature your coolant mix will be effective in, some mechanics have them (Hygrometer), but I'm not sure this is a problem worth investing money in. "Just add water". Fun Fact, Fog machines use coolant to make the fog. It actually works the same way an iron makes steam to press your clothes. Coolant drips from a reservoir onto a hot plate and a fan pushes the white smoke down a hose. Just like in your car, the coolant combines with oxygen and dissipates.
One evening,we came out to the car and found a steady flow of coolant running out fom under the car.,
The problem was that the thermostat stuck in the closed position,caused the engine to overheat ,causing the frost plugs to pop out ,and causing a leak in the heater core.There was green coolant fluid on the ground outside the car,and what we couldn't see,the same fluid INSIDE the car absolutely sopping the rugs
In order to replace the heater core and replace the frost plugs,the car had to literally taken apart,like a body having all the organs removed and then put back .We are still putting full rolls of paper towel on the floor in the back of the car to sop up more coolant which is still not all gone after repairs and cleaning.It seems to be drying out now,and the smell is almost gone
Total cost? Over $2000.
I have tried to find out why this happened.The Toyota dealers that I spoke to anonymously,and the newspape car journalists that I E mailed all said they had never heard of such a thing in a Toyota carof this age .Dealers said they don't even keep the parts in stock because this never happens
I called the Toyota hotline and it was suggested that this car was "too sophisticated" for me.I had asked why it was so difficult to replace $17 frost plugs [whole dashboard taken apart and airbags removed and later put back]I said I suspected that was a bad design flaw and wondered if Toyota has changed design in recent years.
One repair man said that the newer Avalons don't have the pan that would guide any leaking coolant OUTSIDE and prevent it going INSIDE. He said the other Toyotas do have this. Is this true?If it is,wouldn't that be a design flaw ?
Our biggest problem is that we have lost faith in the brand after a love affair 30 years and feel betrayed.Will this car be ok now it is fixed? Did we get a lemon? Has Toyota made changes in design?
Has anyone else out there had this problem?
Your years of Toyota success are the norm. The unlikely failure of a thermostat is the exception. It happens. Unfortunate and expensive, but it happens.
My '99 XL was perfect. Like new when traded at 92k miles. But, the '03 XL I purchased got a new battery at 18 months (original totally dead in a parking lot, the case had split?). Then, going over a bump, the rear view mirror bracket broke and the mirror falls off. Cost almost $200. to fix, and again, no warranty.
Each car is different. This rare thermostat event is not a design flaw. Probably will happen only once in a model year, if that often. The Avalon, any model year, is a great car from a great company. I still enjoy mine, even with the battery and mirror expenses.
Keep the faith. My .02 worth... :-)
Thanks for sharing your story above. I have an 02 without that problem and have 63K on it. I wish their was some advice that could have come out of this. Toyota response seems underwhelming, and I like their vehicles but have not love lost for loyalty to that corporation.
I can say to you that the 2000 model year, was the FIRST year of the past Avalon model, and buying one especially a used one presents a higher incidence of problems, when looking at CR statistics.
You can also reduce the heat load on the radiator by running the A/C in the most, more efficient mode. Turn the cooling down to maximum and then manually adjust the blower speed to maintain the cabin comfort level.
The fan, or a part of the fan such as the switch, may be bad (see *wwest* comments above). Easy check: Is the fan running when you overheat and shut down the engine? If you warm up the car in the driveway, does the fan come on? It should.
Did you change coolant regularly? It is possible that the radiator, water pump, internal engine coolant passages or a radiator hose are partially blocked or a hose is collapsing slightly under heavy demand.
Last, how old is the water pump? And the hoses? Is the radiator clear of trash from the road? How about the AC condenser fins, are they clear? That air goes thru the radiator also... Check it out, post your results. Good luck....
When I worked as a mechanic, we would go through changing the thermostat, flushing the radiator and when that did not work sometime the problem is caused by road film build up on the core where the air passes through. Try flushing the radiator from both sides with a hose and maybe some detergent soap or degreaser. If air will not flow you do not get a cooling effect. Make sure the engine is turned off so that the fan is not turning.
Also try shinning a bright light behind the radiator to see if it is plugged with road grime or oil grit.
1. The car only has 65,000 miles and timing belt service isn't recommended until 90,000. I may have sold before 90k and wanted to avoid the investment.
2. I'd just replaced the spark plugs a month before. Are they inherently damaged when doing the required work and need to be replaced? If not, did they just assume I needed new ones based on the ~60k mileage regardless of their new appearance? And charging $127?
3. I had already let the Toyota dealer replace the radiator cap when it was in their shop. Is it reasonable to suspect the cap needs to be replaced regardless of appearance when working the cooling system (without asking the owner)
4. Hoses... did I really need $60 worth of hoses if a visual inspection showed no cracking or faults - especially if they could be replaced later without regard to the invasive procedures currently at hand?
5. Two occurrences of labor itemized as "machine shop labor" for $225 and "R&R cylinder heads" for $1079. Is this in the right ballpark?
Incidentally, the first day after I paid the bill it overheated. They kept it for another day to burp and refill the coolant. Then a week later I had to take it back because the coolant reservoir was bone dry (hadn't overheated) and the car would only start with a jump. They kept it for a couple of days to replace the water pump - saying it was leaking (nothing on my garage floor or driveway though) and tried to charge me $100 for a new battery. I replaced the battery myself, but wonder if the charging system wasn't reassembled properly causing the battery to drain and short (if that's possible). I'll find out soon enough if this battery bites it also.
Sorry for the long post, but thanks for any information based on your experiences.
The only sure way to get at this is have the shop pressurize the cooling system with a hand pump(or buy the tool yourself). The best way would be to pressurize it and then lift the car and see what's dripping.
If you see no external leaks (but you say you do), then you'd have to suspect a head gasket. Hopefully not. But the rough running is a troublesome sign. Hopefully not related to coolant loss.
IMMHO that just does NOT happen absent an actual coolant freezing event..!
Have you checked with the previous owner on that being a possibility sometime during their ownership..??
".. causing a leak in the heater core.."
If the engine coolant got HOT enough to do all this damage then the engine life will be foreshortened significantly. I'm betting the previous owner allowed the coolant freeze level to get too low and the coolant froze. Makeshift repairs to the freeze plugs and a can or two of Barrs stop leak and the car was good to go for another...what, 13,000 miles..??
Even if, like you say, the thermostat stuck closed the radiator cap pressure relief arrangement would not allow enough coolant pressure to build up in the system to force the freeze plugs out, the water heater core...yes, maybe.
A few weeks ago my daughter allowed Jiffy Lube, ("with this many miles it needs to be") to drain and flush her car's coolant. Within days the water pump developed a serious leak and had to be replaced.
No coolant system should subjected to more than 12-15 PSI of pressure.
Nuff said.
Ethylene Glycol no longer being used..?
That only requires past use, yesterday, of the A/C for dehumidifcation, no heater leak necessary.
K miles. The radiator cracked. I had it replaced at a local mechanic shop. It was 100+ miles away from home. After the new radiator and coolant it still over heated in about 8 highway miles. He told me it might be a headgasket. I thought possible but wasn't sure. It needed a new Timing belt on my PM schedule so I drove it to our cabin (20 miles and 3 stops to cool)and changed the timing belt. I found the water pump was broken. The shaft let the timing belt turn but not the impeller. I changed the waterpump (I had it apart for the timing belt at this point.) The pump was $50. When I put it back together it worked great. My son drove it to 275K with no other trouble. It got totalled in a rear end accident but it was still running good and giving 25mpg and no oil added between changes. It was a great car.
Turning the heat/temperature dial from low to high and back causes the fan and control panel lights to change and there's the sound of a door flap opening and closing BUT the car and air coming in to it does not warm up.
It was serviced and checked out before he left but no one thought to check out the heater---it was 104 or so when he left. During the 1,500+ mile trip, the temperature gauge was right in the middle and no coolant was added. We have generally followed the recommended maintenance schedule since purchasing the car used with about 28,000 miles on it several years ago.
Any thoughts, ideas, experiences, suggestions, remedies or fixes anyone can suggest from personal experience--even what NOT to do--will be appreciated.
Limited income, new job, start up housing expenses are all in his immediate future so knowing what he can do to get this fixed and not get too badly screwed in the process is important. A new (or newer) car right now is not an option but spending the coming winter freezing in his car because the fix is too expensive does open the door to the need to consider options.
Thanks to all who can provide information!
Any competent radiator shop that can perform flushing of heater cores should be able to fix the problem. I would not let a Toyota service dept. do this because of what they would charge!
Whatever you do, if you add fluid, use only what it's filled with, and it should only be filled with Toyo antifreeze. That way you won't be paying for new coolant system parts. Don't believe the lie that they are all compatable. The chemistry of a cooling system is very complicated and Toyo has spend millions to minimize corrosion.