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The Honda CRX

entropic1entropic1 Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Honda
Hi everyone.

If you are reading this, I am assuming you ethier
own one, or wish to own one.

In ethier case, I encourage you to check out
http://www.crx.org This is a website with in depth
information reguarding every facet of these cars,
including a discussion forum and on-line classified



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    mznmzn Member Posts: 727
    bnormann & I have a Honda CRX and we like it just fine. Any other satisfied CRX fans? Lurkers, tell us what you think about this late, great car.

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    entropicentropic Member Posts: 1
    the reason I bring it up is I want to give all CRX Fans plenty of warning time before our annual CRXPO in Northern California. This year, we expect over 100 CRXs and owners, and a ton of fun.

    Check out http://www.crxpo.org for more details, and we look to seeing you and bnormann there.
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    mznmzn Member Posts: 727
    Sure, take a look. And then hurry home and tell us what you think. :-)

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    pam2pam2 Member Posts: 185
    Didn't Honda quit making the CRX?
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    mznmzn Member Posts: 727
    Yes, they did but it still has plenty of fans around.

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    volfyvolfy Member Posts: 274
    Great car. Died an undignified death along with the MR2 and the (urrghh!) Fiero. I hope someday 2-seater sport coupes will be back in fashion, preferably in place of the Tyranasaurus SUVs.

    While Mister 2 is a more entertaining car to drive mostly due to its mid-engine RWD setup, the CRX has a better balance between fun and practicality.
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    volfyvolfy Member Posts: 274
    Mighty fun car for Auto-Xing, might I add. Short wheelbase, quick steering and light weight. The only thing I remember was that the gearing could've been a little tighter. But then, that was an '85 I drove.
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    thornthorn Member Posts: 91
    I have an '84 CRX 1.5 that I bought new, having waited @ 7 months (I had paid only $500 over list and the dealer was subsequently getting much more -Honda forced them to give me a car when I complained.)

    When I got the CRX I had the bottom painted white to match the rest and added 14X6 Weds Turbo wheels (alloy) and 195hr60 Yokohamas.

    In 1987 I added air conditioning with a Honda coupon that installed it for @$450. The air works great and was recharged last year.

    Only problem I've had has been seizing brake calipers, the result of winter salt and probably the wheels. Hasn't happened for about 7 years.

    Car has 181,000 miles and original clutch - which still shows no wear. Problem is underbody rust - though the car looks pristine, the jack points and rockers are rusted out. Dealer says that's how all the CRX's go in the NE, claims the engine will last for 600,000.

    Been checking out the new Hondas and like the HX, EX and SI coupes. From what I can see the HX is actually faster that the EX, but like the SI it comes in really lousy colors. The EX is too loaded - don't what garbage like a moonroof. And the SI looks like it will be extortion bait.

    It is true that Honda will wait until 2001 to bring out new model Civic and especially CRX?

    If that's the case I might just jump ship for a new Jetta Turbo Diesel - 50 mpg and better looks than the Civic.

    btw, aren't the Civics galvanized? The Jetta is.
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    n299n299 Member Posts: 3

    I'm considering a CRX as my first car, ( I'm 17 ) but I've heard they're extremely expensive to fix and they break down often... is this true?

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    mznmzn Member Posts: 727
    Brandon, my husband & I have a 1991 Honda CRX and we haven't had to do any really expensive work on it. The CRX isn't made anymore so be sure to have a trusted mechanic check your potential purchase carefully before you buy.

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    lex28lex28 Member Posts: 5
    Why did Honda drop the CRX in 92 and replace it with the Del Sol? Why?!??!?! =(
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    alextalext Member Posts: 63
    I've heard rumors that Honda is going to start making the CRX again! I don't know the depth of truth involved here, but as things are on the internet, who knows. I think it may just be in the concept stages, but Honda is planning a "CRX-like" model that may not even be called CRX at all to debut in the next 2 years or so.

    ANybody else know if this is true? The pictures I have seen of the alleged NeoCRX look quite nice, as if Honda finally realized the money they could make by selling add-ons to the multitudes of kids who are customizing their hondas.
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    camaroboycamaroboy Member Posts: 6
    I drive a Camaro and when it was in the garage I got to drive my friends CRX and I loved it. I never liked the looks of them but if you do they are great cars until you hit about 85mph then they sound like there going to fall apart so don't go that fast or buy a Camaro.
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    bnormannbnormann Member Posts: 335
    You're right about the 85mph thing. Fortunately, in my daily commute, I don't drive that fast. Up to 80mph though, it's great. I think of mine as a large form of go-kart.

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    aceroneacerone Member Posts: 12
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    xanaxxanax Member Posts: 1
    I had an 87 civic hf.(crushed by a RYDER truck two weeks ago) :(
    It never shook at all,
    even at 110mph. (downhill)
    I find it hard to believe that a CRX would be that unstable at only 85mph.

    I'm currently shopping for a CRX, si would be nice. Anyone trying to sell one in the southeast U.S. E-me Jald@bellsouth.net
    88-92 only please
    must be 5 sp.
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    boredomboredom Member Posts: 1
    I've got a 87 CRX Si with well over 200k miles on it and it does over 80 mph everyday with no problems. It also still gets about 33 mpg. The only problem that this car has with speed is up around 100 mph or higher, the engine is just too small and has to run too hard.
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    rollerfunkrollerfunk Member Posts: 15
    I have to agree 100% with you. My second car is a '89 CRX Si with only 81k miles. Even going between 80-90 mph, I get 35 mpg. This is the best car that I ever had, but I have notice too that after 105-110 mph, is like the car would have an "invisible-wall" that stops it. Anyway, the maximum speed that I was able to get from this car was 125 mph in 4th. gear at 6,800rpm.
    The problem is the final ratio, is toooooo laaaaarge for a 1.6 liter and the car has trouble to gain speed after 100 mph.
    Anyway, from 0 to 100 mph is very, very fast.
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    erik22erik22 Member Posts: 1
    I bought an '88 CRX 3 years ago, the thing had 60k miles, and now has 120k, it has been fantastic. I totally agree with you about the speed barrier, after 100 mph forget it. Does your CRX emit a small amount of blue smoke out the exhaust every once in a while? I have been faithful about changing the oil every 3k miles, but who knows how the previous owners treated the car. I was just wondering if it was common, I've heard others say that it is.
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    rollerfunkrollerfunk Member Posts: 15
    No, my car only emit a bit of black smoke when I switch gears at 7000 rpm...let's say when I "kill" the engine tryin' to go as fast as I can.
    I really think I got a lottery with my 89 CRX Si, I bought it one year ago as a second car for just only...$900! The car was in horrible paint condition, needed 4 new tires, a new axle and exhaust. But the engine was in OUTSTANDING conditions, no vibrations, shaking, smoke, oil lickin...and only 68,600 miles. I spent almost $600 dollars on it, and after this little investment, I put 13,000 miles on the car with "zero" problems. The car is fast, great on gas, reliable and fun to drive. (I rather prefer it better than my other car, a 95 Mitubishi 3000GT-SL!)
    I use MOBIL 1 Synthetic oil, and I change the oil every 7,500 miles...remember that synth. oil allows you to change it later.
    Anyway, don't worry about the little blue smoke, in a car with 120k miles is normal that sometimes the engine smokes some oil.
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    judasjudas Member Posts: 217
    What kinda CRX are you driving Rollerfunk? Don't get me wrong, I used to have a CRX and they are a lot of fun to drive, but it's not because they're fast. They handle fairly well and they're so small it is like driving an oversized go cart. But 0-60 is in the high 8's for an Si, and I'm guessing 0-100 is over 20 seconds or so, not exactly blinding speed.
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    sesterhssesterhs Member Posts: 1
    Hello all!

    Just relocated to the city and thinking of selling my expensive car in favor of a cheap used CRX. I've read lots of positives on reliability and the "fun-to-drive" factor, but does anyone know anything about safety ratings? As it weighs something like 2000lbs and is a 2-seater, I would think safety would be worse than average. Also, how about insurance for this car? I don't plan on driving it more than twice a week as I commute on the train.

    Thanks folks!

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    bnormannbnormann Member Posts: 335
    My experience has been awful re. insurance. Geico adds a "Performance Surcharge" to the rate because it is a two-seater. Total BS.....
    I pay ~$1k per year for a 39 yr old male in Washington DC {%^(

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    fastfocusfastfocus Member Posts: 42
    To sesterhs,

    I have a '90 CRX and the insurance rates aren't bad because at this point the car itself isn't worth much and most of my insurance cost goes toward covering the risk of potentially injuring someone else in an accident (I'm obviously not an insurance agent, but I believe that's "liability"). Two-seaters ARE penalized, true, but it's much less of a real hit when the car is ten years old.

    In terms of safety, you're taking your chances. It is a little car, shorter, I believe, than the old Fiat X/19. And, it doesn't have "modern" safety features - air bags, anti-lock brakes, etc. If you get hit (or if I do), it probably wouldn't be pretty. On the other hand, there's what's called "active safety," the ability to AVOID an accident before it happens, and in that sense the CRX would be superior because it handles very well and is quite stable. Visibility is also good. Still, overall I wouldn't exactly call it a "safe" car when compared to others which also handle pretty well and surround the driver with more metal. If you want a safe, fun small car and you want low monthly payments you may want to consider leasing a VW New Beetle or Golf, or another newer vehicle. Good luck!!!
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    ataieataie Member Posts: 84
    you may want to drop /change your insurance company. I'm 39 and Allstate gave me a quote for less than $300 for six months.

    I'm thinking about getting a CRX as a first car for my soon to be 16 son. He likes the look of those cars and the potential for 'fixing it up' adding graphics, exhust, etc, just for look and not racing.

    Any idea as which model is best? should I go with the latest year (ie 1991) or say the cleanest (ie, 1988)? I really apprecite some feedback on this and anything specific I should look for when buying a CRX.

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    parrieparrie Member Posts: 4
    I just bought a '91 CRX Saturday for my 17 yr old son. I hadn't even thought of it as a sports car, as far as insurance quotes, so that 2seater biz scared me for a minute. state farm considers it a subcompact econo class, tho, whew!!! Anyway, he is pleased! This is a BIG change for him-last ride was 87 Caddy S-dvl- the "pimpmobile" as the buds called it. all well and good, but a t-total gas hog.wouldn't ever admit to mom that it kept him broke, but once he was rearended and insurance totalled it out, he was circling small cars. i am amazed at the mpg of this little blue jewel. i have figured, based on what we put on it this weekend, it's getting 39-41 ( a far FAR cry from the 9-10 of dearly departed CAD) Any ideas from CRX lvrs into thumping? the cargo space looks ideal for a really phat system. any experience out there????
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    judasjudas Member Posts: 217
    kid and youre asking how much of a system he can fit in it? Ick. Tell me it's not an Si, so you're at least not wasting what can be a decent little performer. Bass systems are annoying for everyone over the age of 18, and they dont know any better. You should.
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    parrieparrie Member Posts: 4
    Everybody's gotta have a hobby! We live in a relatively rural area, not much for kids to do and they have meets, competitions,etc. beats alot of other things kids do these days. What can I say? He's not into 4-H! I'm not buying the system- I just want to make sure he doesn't overload and mess up the car. SOOOO...anyone with knowledge about my original question,how much can a CRX hold amp/watt-wise without killing it?
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    isellhondasisellhondas Member Posts: 20,342
    Just think...Long term hearing loss....!

    Please, be a responsible parent and be watchful for the welfare of your child!

    Oh, I know, none of my business! Still, I had to say it!

    Good Luck!
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    judasjudas Member Posts: 217
    Okay, if you're going to do it at least do it right. First off, ditch the pathetic factory speakers. There's nothing I hate more than some guy with 600 bucks worth of competition subs in the trunk and high and mid's so distorted you cant tell whether hes playing Ice-T or Barry Manilow. You can get some Boston Acoustics two ways for pretty cheap that sound fairly good. If your head unit has enough power great, if not just get a 25x4 or maybe a 40x4. As far as subs go, the car is dinky. Plus it's a hatch. It's hard to beat that setup for good bass response so you don't need much, trust me. Two 8 inch subs with 75-100 watts going to each will sound great. If you really have to go overboard go for 10's. If you want your kid to need a bel-tone by them time he's old enough to drink, go for 12's (Seriously, don't got for 12's, its big time overkill) One thing you can do if your CRX is similar to my old one (91 Si) as there's a pretty nifty little locking storage case behind the seats. I took the big one in the middle and removed the lower part of the case (So there was more room) and mounted my two amps in it. Not too difficult and if you do it right it looks really trick. Make sure you check it out though first, my amps were pretty small (a 25x4 and a 75x2, both were precision power, i think, it was like 5 years ago) Just make sure theres room to mount the amps down in there. I cant remember if i ended up using a piece of plywood or if there was already a flat surface under the compartment. And make sure theres enough room on all sides of the amps for airflow if you do do it. You should be able to find an electric amp fan or two to mount in the top of the case so the things dont overheat.
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    parrieparrie Member Posts: 4
    I will pass them along to my son. He wants to fix it up nice for a "show car", and keep it 'til it becomes a "classic". He's got a lot of plans- custom paint job, chrome wheels... Right now his plans are a few times over the price of the car itself. but it is a cute little car. I loved driving it around the first couple of days we had it. The only thing I noticed is that the steering seems real stiff, harder to turn in drive but not reverse. Is that typical of the car? My mechanic didn't see anything wrong with it, but I'm still not sure.
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    parrieparrie Member Posts: 4
    Well, leave it to a kid to find the real problem when a mechanic can't. seems the front tires were underinflated. now it steers just fine.
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    kristi4kristi4 Member Posts: 13
    This is a long shot, this topic does'nt have many posts, I thought I may as well try. I live in MI an hour out of Detroit, I am selling my 87 silver CRX almost perfect condition outside-the windshield is cracked- 125,000 mi. No mechanical problems except needs an alternator. ( I had it in the shop for pvc-pcv joints??)I'm getting an Echo, I will let it go for $1,000 OBO. Anyone interested post. Thanks
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    importboyimportboy Member Posts: 3
    88 CRX with an 89 ZC Engine.

    I recently looked at an 1988 CRX with an 89 ZC engine dropped in. It has a performance air
    filter,new transmission, new fuel lines, new springs, and many other mods, all with only 100k kilometres (70mi.) The problem is the body. It needs new quarter panels and a new hood with a possible new paint job. The sunroof is no longer flush with the roof and some minor body work would be nice. The guys father is a mechanic and the engine seems sound. I want to know how expensive repairs on the body could be as it is a uni-body and whether or not there are any common problems with the frame. If the frame is rusted is there anything I can do? Please give me advice as I have bargained him down to $1800 Canadian.
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    bnormannbnormann Member Posts: 335
    You need to find a pal who's father owns a body shop. It sounds like the mechanicals are in good shape. My 1991 has 140,000 miles on it and still runs great...

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    matismatis Member Posts: 1
    Unless the body is hanging and the pans as in floor pans are shot. Theres a area right under the front fender down by the rocker panel behind the jacking spot on the unibody frame thats been a problem. CHECK IT OUT FIRST! Remember anything can be fixed for a price. I restored a 72 Datsun 240Z that had little or no frame under it. So it can be done. Besides now I own a cherry 84 CRX never been painted and I even have the orig window sticker, also a 87 CRX that I was going to fix up but started pulling parts and now thats what it is (parts car).Anyway if you never owned a real pocket rocket thats great on gas and a BLAST to drive get it. Good Luck D'ale as in the DA beer
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    isellhondasisellhondas Member Posts: 20,342
    Why buy a junker when there are so many non wrecked, non modified ones out there?

    You may have to spend a bit more, and you should!

    If the body is so warped that the sunroof is twisted, this car is probably pure junk!
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    arunafunkarunafunk Member Posts: 1
    Howdy CRX Afficionados,
    There's a CRX for sale (1991 Honda 2D 5 speed manual with 125,000 miles on it). The owner wants $3500 for it. Hmmm... I'm getting it checked out at Midas, but I can't help feeling ripped off for an 85 dollar check up (look at the coolant? I can do that myself.. Still, peace of mind...).
    Any ideas? The upholstering is really crummy, but if it has an engine as good as people say it does... then maybe...
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    mznmzn Member Posts: 727
    As one who just donated a 1991 CRX to charity, I would say that price sounds mighty high. On the other hand, supply and demand are at work here as the CRX does have a following.

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    ataieataie Member Posts: 84
    found a very nice and clean 89 si, but both front fenders are damaged (he said during the shipping the rope was too tight).

    my question, the paint on the car is good, if I replace the fenders, then they need to be painted. If the two fenders are painted, then I should probably paint the hood as well, but that's about it, as I don't want any over spray, and it really doesn't need it. I've heard the red is hard to match. any other suggestion out there?

    with this being 'the only' problem and 115k miles how does $3000-$3500 sound? this is a one owner car. and is all stock, and really clean, from seats to dash, carpet, headliner, etc. thanks in advance for the info.
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    mznmzn Member Posts: 727
    For thoughts on paint, I'd visit our Maintenance & Repair conference. As for price, our 1990 pricing gives a general market price of $3250. We don't go back as far as 1989. Go to Used Cars, then Honda, then 1990, then CRX so you can see how you need to modify the price depending on mileage and equipment. Good luck and please, keep us posted!

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    ataieataie Member Posts: 84
    the car prices listed in Edmunds is about 20-30% less than the market value here. and the Kelley blue book is about 20% higher than here. so they're not much help to me. the only thing I have going is to compare within my market. I'll keep looking, and will update you on my search.
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    jen408jen408 Member Posts: 1
    To potential buyers of the CRX -
    I own a 1990 Honda CRX (white - w/a few minor surface Rust kisses). It has 135k miles on it, but still runs like a charm. The interior is clean & it comes with a cassette player + 4 Blazak (sp?) snow tires (only used 2 seasons) and a headbolt heater.

    I love this car - it's easy to manuever, easier yet to park and has been 100% reliable. Owning this car for 3+ years has made me a life long fan of Honda. Sadly, I need to upgrade to something a bit bigger & I am casually looking to sell. If you are in the Duluth, MN area & want to take a look - email me at jen408@aol.com The book value is $3100 and I am asking $2700.

    I am looking to buy a 1998 or newer 2-Door Honda Civic EX. The options I want include: keyless entry, spoiler, power moonroof, anti-lock brakes, A/C (do I REALLY need A/C in Duluth, MN - HA!), cruise control and it MUST be silver. If you have one & want to sell - let's deal! = )

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    pks1pks1 Member Posts: 32
    I'd like to know what kind os gerboxes do the 89-90-91 Crx come in are they 4 or 5 speed . Do the manual crx last a long time ? I am planning to buy a crx but all I find is ones with over 100k.
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    snakrichsnakrich Member Posts: 10
    came with five-speeds or automatics - no four-speeds to my knowledge. My '91 (5-speed) has almost 119K on it, and I agree it's tough to find one with less. Unfortunately time moves on, and in ten years or so most of these cars have accumulated significant mileage. On the other hand, even if you have to put some money into one, what other car promises so much fun for the buck?
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    pks1pks1 Member Posts: 32
    Yep today I talked to a guy and he said they come in 5 speeds . I also found interesting is that the Crx's come in 3 different models , and that the horsepower on them ranges from 60 to 110 horspower . I think it said that the HF has 67 , Si has 109 and the Standart one has 92. Is that true . Also how can I tell which crx is which model if it dosnt say it on the back of it . For your Crx 119k is not that bad , I bet the car will go well over 200k . Have you had many problems with it?
    happy driving
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    snakrichsnakrich Member Posts: 10
    That's right, three models - HF, DX and Si. My DX is rated at 92 horsepower and moves along just fine. How can you tell which model is which? Hmmm. I think the Si does have a badge on the rear glass, as well as "CRX" imprinted or sewn onto the interior surface of the doors. Si's also have the nice alloy wheels. I'm not really sure how to spot an HF, but with such a power deficit you may not want to spot one. I've had few troubles with my car. Bought it with roughly 98K and had the timing belt and water pump replaced immediately, as preventive service. Since then I've had one CV joint replaced, which was rather expensive. Other than that, it's only had oil changes and a couple of tune-ups. Considering what I've put into the car, total, there are times when I'm zigging and zagging down a local back road and can't help but think it's one of the greatest performance steals in the world. On the other hand, there are some negatives. It's certainly not the world's safest car simply because it's so little. Second, if you need to carry passengers you're limited to one - luggage space is amazingly good, though, with the hatch. Also, some people would not like the image of the CRX - they might want to be seen driving a newer car or a larger car. The safety thing bothers me but the rest I don't particularly care about. The only significant worry apart from safety is the fact that it's got a lot of miles and something could break at any time, but this is balanced by the knowledge that CRX's are incredibly tough cars. Sooner or later I'll probably have to get something else, but keep in mind that nothing's a sure bet and in the meantime I have no car payments and I'm driving a cool little car that's more fun than 95% of all the cars on the road. For now, that's a deal I'll take.
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    dupperdupper Member Posts: 6
    I have a 1988 CRX-SI for sale with 51K original miles. I owned this car from day one and have every fill up oil; change documented. Is red with cruise, am/fm/cass, NO air, New Tires, runs like a Porsche. $5000 FIRM.
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    pks1pks1 Member Posts: 32
    I have been thinking . Would be better to get a CRX Si or a 90-93 Accord. I like the looks of the Crx but the Accord seems more lasting and more powerfull , conftable . Have you heard much about the Accords how do the older ones perform . My firend got one that has 160k and it runs like new . What do u think?
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