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Mercedes-Benz E-Class Diesels



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    jimlockeyjimlockey Member Posts: 265
    My wife and I drive our Passat TDI all over the US. True about a harder ride, but with low profile tires that's what you get.

    MB does have a lot of problems with their cars and with so few dealers you can get up the well known creek without a paddle very quick.

    If I want a nice ride then we can go back to the mini vans. We've had four of those, but with todays fuel prices no thanks.
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    eliaselias Member Posts: 2,209
    the ride of the passat tdi is nowhere near as good as an E320 but i think it is fine even for long drives such as my 7000 mile roundtrip commute last summer and a couple of 3000 roundtrips to Orlando.
    the big factor keeping me out of a Benz CDI is the unreliability of MBenz. in my experience and research, the VW TDIs are WAAAAAY more reliable than any Mbenz model. i don't have time to kill half of my workday every few weeks due to some unreliablity/problem with a Benz.
    one thing that i really miss on the 2005 E320 CDI compared to Y2k E320 wagon 4matic is the "retained heat" feature.
    imho the features of a Benz are mostly unparalleled but more features basically always brings less reliability.
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    nedzelnedzel Member Posts: 787
    "in my experience and research, the VW TDIs are WAAAAAY more reliable than any Mbenz model." That wasn't my experience with my 2000 GTI GLX (gone and not missed) versus my wife's 2002 C240. The C240 has not been the most reliable car, but it is head and shoulders above my GTI. I got rid of the GTI after 40,000 miles after $2000 repairs in a single month. YMMV.
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    greasykid1greasykid1 Member Posts: 336
    Just picked up this with only 3500 mi. on it and it is LOADED. The usual HK Nav plus lighting, rear seat pkgs,voice command,dynamic seats,panarama roof,electronic trunk,keyless EZ GO,etc.
    So far no problems with all the gadgets. Made a fast 700mi. trip and averaged 35.4 mpg.
    LOVE IT!
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    cctdicctdi Member Posts: 82
    I have been driving both of 3.2 CDI and 2. TDI for about eight months; the CDI is a fast solid car, except onetime back to the dealer for the transmission leak, with 8.3k miles in the odometer this car is a charm, on the other hand, I got over 13k on the TDI and it went back to the dealer shop one time only for oil change, it is a workhorse. With almost double the TDI price for the CDI, it goes without saying the CDI is much more enjoyable to be on the road, the TDI gives me a decent ride too on the road. If the CDI compares with the A6 3.TDI, the scale may be equal, the result will be easier to judge. As far as the reliability is concerned, I got really a bad taste on VW the Allroad 4.2 and the V10 TDI, both of them had to go back the dealer many times to fix the hard to fixed problems. For the E320 CDI and Passat TDI, I am happy on both cars.

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    eliaselias Member Posts: 2,209
    cctdi, what a great "comparo" and photo - thanks big-time for posting.
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    andmoonandmoon Member Posts: 320
    what ranges is everybody getting?
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    greasykid1greasykid1 Member Posts: 336
    Anybody who wants to know what the Blueteck 2008 should read the current issue of the STAR------the MB club magazine. After reading this article I am glad to have a 2005,

    In order to pass the new emissions there will be an elaborate new exhaust cleaning system that will also be expensive when you buy the car but could also be expensive to maintain. Expect the price for a 2008 to be more expensive. Probably at least a few thousand more than current model.To quote"the differance will be comparable to the current differance for a Hybrid."

    If you are REALLY serious about the BLUETECK you need to read this issue of the STAR. Believe that you can buy it by calling the MB club or at their website.
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    cctdicctdi Member Posts: 82
    I seconded your feelings; the well balance inline 3222 cc engine with iron block is built to last up to 500k miles, and I think the engine can be tweak to have more horse and torque when the ULDS is available, the 2987 cc V6 has the curb weight of 3836 Lb, that is not lighter than the inline 6, with about same EPA, I got no interest for the coming Bluetec models unless the 4996 V8 diesel engine is here.
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    andrew1cohenandrew1cohen Member Posts: 2

    Does anyone know the status of the CDI for Califronia?

    I'm interested in
    1) When new ones will be avalible
    2) How I can get a used one?

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    andmoonandmoon Member Posts: 320
    You can buy a diesel in ca if the car has 7500 miles on it. Some vw (MB too?) dealers specialize in bringing in just over 7.5K cars.
    If you are a non ca resident and move to ca. you can bring in any diesel.
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    blissfulblissful Member Posts: 84
    Just curious: how much did you pay? Sounds like you have nearly every option! Good for you! :shades:
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    rubyred2rubyred2 Member Posts: 1
    Im considering a 320 cdi and was worried about winter driving (starting-etc) Wondering about the parrifin problem with waxing up.
    Anyone have experience with winter driving with this car? Thanks
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    rbarkleyrbarkley Member Posts: 14
    I've had a e320 for 10 months now and live in Minnesota. I travel MN,IA, WI and have no problems starting or snow conditions. I put on winter tires and it goes thru almost anything.
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    cctdicctdi Member Posts: 82
    I am just curious and glad to learn your E320 driving experience in the winter time. In this past winter I didn’t see too much snow here in Jersey; for a couple of the snowy days, I switched to the Hybrid Highlander. I would like to know if you just put on the snow tires on the rear wheels or four wheels. Oh, the CDI has much more torque and this might have some impact on the icy road.
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    johndix60johndix60 Member Posts: 21
    I am considering the purchase of a 2006 CDI with Premium Pk. Any current information available on South Florida pricing?

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    greasykid1greasykid1 Member Posts: 336
    Bought it for $48,000. Also has full leather pkg. Have new car sticker...a little over $64,000. Don't buy new cars anymore. Found last 2 MB's on the internet.

    Last year found a 2005 350SLK for my wife with only 1,800 mi. on it.Paid about $9,000 under sticker. Car was only 90 days old.

    Takes a while and you have to look at a lot of sites. Between the 2 cars saved $25,000 off MSRP.
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    nealsneals Member Posts: 1
    My 2005 E320 CDI has developed a transmission problem and I am curious as to whether others have had similar issues. Basically the transmission doesn't down shift properly after having been driven at highway speeds for an extended period of time. If the vehicle slows down the car can not accelerate properly but instead builds up speed gradually. The situation does not occur every time but it seems to becoming more frequent. Normal shifting is not an issue during most driving conditions and corrects itself once the car is parked and then restarted. The Dealer indicates he has not seen similar problems but continues to look for a cause.
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    tomotomotomotomo Member Posts: 57
    I have a 2005 E320 CDI and also have had some transmission problems. Several months ago I had a leak that was apparently due to a defective electrical device (my wife's '02 C320 had the same leak). I also had a diesel fuel leak that required the replacement of the fuel line. Since the above leaks were corrected, when the car is cold the first few shifts upon starting off is rather harsh. The car has been in the shop to correct the shifting but is still harsh. I am waiting until winter when the shifting is more severe to take it back for them to tackle the problem. Good luck on your problem.
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    cctdicctdi Member Posts: 82
    A couple of months ago, I voiced my transmission leak problem in this forum; with 9k in the odometer, the only problem I got now and then is the shift down to first gear too soon in low speed when my feet is off the gas pedal by using the S mole.
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    rbarkleyrbarkley Member Posts: 14
    I've been out of town and couldn't get back in touch with you. To answer your question you need snow tires on all 4 wheels.
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    bduserbduser Member Posts: 4
    I recently had the same problem with my 2005 CDI. It lost power when accelerating and wouldoften stall. I brought it in to the local MB dealer, and they didn't know what was wrong, so they called MB. MB asked if I was using biodiesel, and when they found out I was, they said the warranty was voided for the fuel system, and replaced the fuel system. I am trying to get them to refund the cost of the repairs, as the never said biodiesel was not allowed when I purchased the car.

    However, while researching my problem, I came across your post. You seem to have experienced the same problem, as did several other people, and MB never blamed the fuel. In fact, it sounds like they have no idea what causes the problem, but they got $2600 from me for replacing the fuel system, and it may have had nothing to do with the problem.

    Have you, or anyone else had this problem since? What was the diagnosis?
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    gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    I think it may be the use of biodiesel after you have used very dirty diesel. Biodiesel is a very strong solvent. It can clean out built up stuff that will plug injectors etc. That is pretty shaky on a new car. It would make me very unhappy with Mercedes.
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    bduserbduser Member Posts: 4
    The only diesel I ever used in the car was the first tankful provided by the dealer. Since then, I had run over 15,000 miles on B100.

    I have read other posts from CDI owners with similar problems, where it ended up being in the emissions system. I don't believe MB knows exactly what the problem is, but they seemed eager to blame it on BD.
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    gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    You might want to contact Pacific Biodiesel. They have had a couple run ins with MB over B100 in the E320 CDI. I know Willie Nelson uses B100 exclusively in his E320 CDI. If you have run it for that many miles it would be interesting to find out where they are coming from. As long as your source is up to ASTM D 6751, I think they are out of line not repairing your car.

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    bduserbduser Member Posts: 4
    It's tough getting anywhere with MB, because they refuse to discuss the issue with me. Their toll-free customer "support" employees will not let me speak with anyone else, and all they will say is that the warranty is not valid. I've never bought anything from a sleazier, more unfriendly company. It doesn't matter what the BD supplier (or anyone else, for that matter) says, because MB refuses to listen. Obviously, I will never buy another car from them, but they don't care about that. Their arrogance is amazing.
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    Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    A large local newspaper is looking to interview consumers who recently purchased a diesel vehicle and would like to talk about their car. Please send an e-mail to ctalati@edmunds.com no later than Thursday June 22, 2006 by 2:00 PM PST/5:00 EST containing your daytime contact information and the make and model of your car.

    Chintan Talati
    Corporate Communications
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    eliaselias Member Posts: 2,209
    why complain about voiding your warranty if you knowingly voided it by running B100? did you RTFM before driving the car or did you discover B100 was prohibited after cluelessly using it. either way it seems valid that the warranty was voided - at least on the engine. tough love!
    but i hope MB would honor the warranty on your window-motors for example!
    also please enjoy this parting bumper-sticker idea:
    drink locally, attack globally.
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    gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    I have to agree. As much as I am an advocate of biodiesel, I don't think I would risk voiding the warranty on a $60k car. I am very curious if the biodiesel is the culprit and where the fuel came from. If it was made in some garage from old cooking oil, well that is risky. I don't know of anyplace here in San Diego that sells B100. B20 would have been a better start. MB has no problem with B5. I do think that MB would have to prove that the Biodiesel caused the failure.
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    blissfulblissful Member Posts: 84
    I don't think MB would have to PROVE that Biodiesel caused the failure. However, if you kept the parts they replaced, perhaps you could prove that it did not. Regardless, the question that is really telling is: Did the car no longer exhibit the symptoms with the newly replaced fuel system? If the symptoms persist, or recur, despite using non Biodiesel, then you have a case worth pursuing. :shades:
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    bduserbduser Member Posts: 4
    MB NEVER told me I couldn't use BD. When I purchased the car, I specifically told the dealer that the only reason I was buying it was so that I could run it on B100. He never said I couldn't, and even nine months later, after I had the problem with MB and spoke with him about it, he still wasn't aware that the CDI shouldn't be operated on BD.

    Read the manual? A few days after I received the car, I noticed that the manual and warranty guide that came with the car were for a 2006 E350, not the 2005 E320 CDI that I purchased. I called the dealer up and asked for the correct manuals. He said they were very similar, not to worry. Well, of course the E350 is a gas-powered car, so it made no reference to the use of BD. When I told the customer support person this he first blamed it on the dealer. The dealer said they just gave the package of manuals that came with the car from MB.

    Nowhere on its website does MB say that the use of BD is prohibited. Nor do they tell their dealers to inform customers that BD will invalidate the warranty. This is willful deception. They believe there is a problem with BD, but won't tell anyone, and won't make the information public.
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    chereatheychereathey Member Posts: 5
    This E-320 cdi is our first diesel. I don't recall detecting hesitation on the test drive. Also, I'm noticing a little shaking when I shut the car off.
    I've had the car less than a week, ordered it new. (It developed these things while on the original tank of fuel). It has less than 250 miles on it. If this is normal for a diesel, I guess i can live with it. It just doesn't seem like it's performing right to me. What do you say? When you accelerate, does it take a second or 2 to respond?
    Thanks, Chere
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    peakoilerpeakoiler Member Posts: 1
    Congrats on your purchase! I'm sure you will enjoy the car and it's 30+ MPG. The slight shudder when shutting off a diesel is normal. The delay of a second or two that you have when accelerating is probably due to the car's transmission being in "comfort" mode 'C' which has the car accelerating from second gear (hence the hesitation). Try selecting 'S' "sport" mode (which has the car accelerate from first gear) and you will find much less hesitation and in my opinion better performance. The C/S switch is by the transmission shifter.
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    chereatheychereathey Member Posts: 5
    Thanks very much for your response. I do know about Comfort and Sport settings and it's been in Sport from the beginning.
    The hesitation happens starting out in D-1 also, but not every time.
    In researching, I've read a couple of negative things about a left foot braker. My husband (drove the car initially) is a left foot braker and I'm wondering if that messed something up initially with the "computer driver learning" process (if there is such a thing).
    Do you know anything about this left foot braker issue?
    We have an apt. on Monday morning to have it checked out.
    Thanks again for your post.
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    greasykid1greasykid1 Member Posts: 336
    I have been a left foot breaker for over 40 yrs,but times change.

    With "drive by wire" throttle you MUST release the brake before you attempt to accelerate. The computor thinks that if you are braking why do you want to go. Try it---your start up hesitation will be gone.
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    chereatheychereathey Member Posts: 5
    I am not a left foot braker; it has been I who's been driving the car for the past few days and the hesitation does it when I'm driving as well. Today at a stop light, I literally lurched forward, very embarassing.
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    greasykid1greasykid1 Member Posts: 336
    Don't have the answer but suspect either a computer or fuel problem. Let us know what your dealer does to solve.
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    chereatheychereathey Member Posts: 5
    Thanks ~ aside from the hesitation issue, I love everything else about the car. Hope it's fixable; it's more annoying than anything.
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    char30char30 Member Posts: 2
    I am relocating to Riverside, CA and would like to know if there would be a problem servicing a 2006 E320 CDI at local M-B dealerships and as this model is not sold in CA are there places to purchase fuel? What are fuel prices like in CA?

    Thanks for your help. :confuse:
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    gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    There is plenty of diesel. As of 6/1/06 it is supposed to all be ULSD. It should run great on BP/ARCO diesel. I used it in my Passat TDI and it was very good. In San Diego diesel is about equal to regular. Cheaper at some stations.
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    char30char30 Member Posts: 2
    Thanks, in Oregon we do not have ULSD yet but it is coming. Can't wait to get there.
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    autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    (Sorry if this is a repost)

    For those of us who are "Acronymicly" :P challenged like me, ULSD stands for Ultra Low Sulfer Diesel.

    I found This link about ULSD. That link also has a list of certified ULSD laboratories.

    Basically, ULSD is diesel fuel that only has about 5% sulfer which is down from the 97% that we have. My only concern with my new interest in diesel is older cars (and newer ones alike) that are used to running on the current diesel. I'm wondering if the vehicle will still function the same with ULSD. Is it like going from 91octane gas to 87octane or vice versa? :confuse: :confuse:
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    patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    I just love made-up words that totally fit what you're trying to say! :shades:
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    chereatheychereathey Member Posts: 5
    Back from the check-up and surprise, surprise all is normal. It seems there is a learning curve to the accelerator and the spooling up of the turbo charged engine. I'm a little embarassed but they were very nice about it.
    Thanks everyone for your support.
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    autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    I'll take that as a complement :). lol "Acronymicly" its kinda cool :shades: .
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    gagricegagrice Member Posts: 31,450
    The official description of ULSD is No more than 15 PPM sulfur allowed. Number 2 diesel sold in much of the USA was as much as 500 PPM sulfer. LSD Low Sulfur Diesel is no more than 30 PPM sulfur. CA mandated a diesl that was no more than 130 PPM sulfur a few years ago.

    Here is the rub. Many big diesel engines depended on the sulfur as sort of a lubricant. My understanding is that all ULSD sold will have an additive lubricant to take care of those engines. VW & MB cars of recent vintage were developed in Germany on ULSD. So they like the stuff. BP/ARCO is one of the leaders in ULSD. They claim a cetane rating of 53 on theirs. That is very good. Lots of energy in a gallon. I ran it exclusively for a year and never a puff of smoke or any tell tale diesel odor.
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    autoboy16autoboy16 Member Posts: 992
    Well now we in the states* can use ULSD because it its on the way to our local gas stations*!! :D:D:D :shades: :shades:

    *I not sure if it'll be in those low emmision states. NY is off that list. O and for those who want to by a diesel in those states, A Freshened Vw Touareg will be offered with the V10 TDI (again, but) in all 50 states for 3 months!! However, it will drop to 45 states afterwards :(.
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    klauskklausk Member Posts: 14
    I took delivery of my E320CDI last year in March at the Factory in Germany. I asked the person who delivered the car to me about BIO diesel. Her answer was not to use it. On my question: Why not? she answered that BIO diesel would attack the plastic in the tank and fuel system. Sounds like the fuel tank is made from plastic. To verify my answer I sent an e-mail to MBUSA and their answer was not to use BIO diesel. Other than problems with the climate control, which the dealer fixed by replacing the control unit, I am very happy with this car. It is my 4th new MB and my third MB diesel (240D, 300D turbo, E430 and now the E320CDI) and by far the best of all. I enjoy the forum.
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    hlcastelohlcastelo Member Posts: 45
    i am in Miami area and seriously looking at leasing a 320 cdi. would like feedback about experience with car e.g. repairs /warranty claims and if the gas mileage in city/highway is as good as I hear. Thanks.
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    jutjutjutjut Member Posts: 6
    Hi, I too am interested in a 320 cdi and would like to know if the gas mileage lives up to its ratings. Also, is bio diesel different that Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel? Are some states turning to the Bio diesel? Thanks for any help guys.
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