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Pontiac Aztek



  • barresa11barresa11 Member Posts: 277
    Duh...I guess we must have been talking about some other Aztek....gee...thanks for observation, NOT!

    Besides, as I recall you seem to have all the pertinent Aztek info anyhow. :-0

    Frank: Thanks...Atlanta has checked in, zero Azteks spotted on the road (at least under their own power).
  • tincup47tincup47 Member Posts: 1,508
    I saw one on the road the other day, hope it was just passing thru. :)
  • barresa11barresa11 Member Posts: 277
    You may be skewing my sighting survey :-)
    I give you this one though.

    1 on-the-road sighting in the Great State of Maryland. BTW, I used to live in Landover and Ft.Meade in 2nd grade and junior high. I did some crazy things there to be sure :-)
  • alingaling Member Posts: 598
    The Aztek was parked next to the Insight at the EdmundsLive event. They actually look rather similar from this angle.

    Townhall Community Leader/Vans Conference
  • lxownrlxownr Member Posts: 16
    Would you prefer cheese or crackers with that
    WINE....! I have followed this post because of the funny quotes here; However it seems only you and some lizard guy likes the Aztek. So maybe, just maybe, that might give you a clue of the popularity of the "Pumba the Talking Pig" ( thanks Edmunds) Aztek. SO my uneducated guess is that if 99% of the people in the USA do not like the Aztek that could spell doom for resale!!

    I do think it was "Intellechoice" that stated it would be worth 50% of it's value in two years!!
    No car is an investment, but to lose that amount of value would be pure stupidity to purchase a car that loses 50% of it's value in just two years.

    By the way my mother used to say " if you cannot stand the heat get out of kitchen"..........
  • koolguy123koolguy123 Member Posts: 37
    When in the heck did I mention resale value? Me and some lizard guy huh? WHATEVERRRRRR. I just don't know how you can come up with things I didn't even say.
  • barresa11barresa11 Member Posts: 277
    What's your deal anyhow? I think it's obvious to anyone else who reads Lxnownr's post that he was adding info to his topic and not stating that you "specifically" said anything about resale value. I've copied the first paragraph again for your viewing pleasure (re-read carefully, maybe slower this time).

    "Would you prefer cheese or crackers with that
    WINE....! I have followed this post because of the
    funny quotes here; However it seems only you and
    some lizard guy likes the Aztek. So maybe, just
    maybe, that might give you a clue of the popularity of the "Pumba the Talking Pig" ( thanks Edmunds)
    Aztek. SO my uneducated guess is that if 99% of the people in the USA do not like the Aztek that could spell doom for resale!!"

    It's quite clear that he started a new paragraph after this exerpt, having nothing to do w/you. All he expressed was that you and Triplizard seem to be in the minority as ones that like the Aztek especially when compared to the sales numbers.

    Honestly, sometimes I think you either read to fast or see something that others don't!
  • SporinSporin Member Posts: 1,066

    C'mon man... if you're going to drive an Aztek, you need to develop a thicker skin. In the last 10 or 20 posts, we've only been commenting on availability and sightings, the C&D road test and compared it to the Forester. How is that NOT talking about the Aztek????

    If you've got something to add, jump right in. :-)

    btw-A black one appeared at one of my 2 "local" Pontiac dealers yesterday. Still haven't seen one on the road.
  • kate5000kate5000 Member Posts: 1,271
    don't you think so? where are the Russian guy and Triplizard? and Evilone should be done with honeymoon by now, I think ;-)
  • midlifecrisismidlifecrisis Member Posts: 391
    I have not seen any Azteks in central NJ. I commute 60 miles per day and still haven't seen any actually purchased. The Pontiac dealer down the street has had the same two Azteks for months. The service manager takes one home every night to his house near mine. That's about the only use they'll get out of it. I looked in the inside once and hated it. And I have a radical new Grand Am with the "tennis ball" vents. Aztek is even beyond my wild taste!

    When I see the Aztek parked in the manager's driveway, it looks like one of the 1980's Civics from the rear, with that funky hatchback. I see no redeeming value to this vehicle, especially for $27K. I like Pontiac, but they've struck out big time with this White Elephant.
  • barresa11barresa11 Member Posts: 277
    Re: "honeymoon", you mean Evilone actually bought an Aztek?!? Oh, you mean the other kind of "honeymoon" :-)

  • alingaling Member Posts: 598
    Both actually :-)

    Townhall Community Leader/Vans Conference
  • koolguy123koolguy123 Member Posts: 37
    Yesterday, at my downtown dealer, I saw a black Aztek GT with leather and all the stuff on it, for 26,000 no less! Anyways, it had the
    AWD wheels on it and it was not all wheel drive. I looked for the 4 wheel disc brakes but I found none. I wonder why there would be a FWD Aztek with AWD wheels?!
  • nigelpnigelp Member Posts: 12
    Just got back from a week's vacation in Central America. An ad for the Aztek came on the bar TV and the bartenders (2 of them) started cracking up. Then they started asking me, if America's such a great country, mon, what eez UP wit dat Aztek? No kidding.

    Also, I just read a minivan review and the Venture (sibling of the Montana) came in dead last. Among the very long list of dislikes were buzzes and rattles over every bump in the road. However, they did like the motor.
  • stick10stick10 Member Posts: 1
    Hey Y'all,

    I'm new and this message board seems pretty cut throat, so please don't hurt me. I just wanted to hear some other info besides the look of the car (I like it!!!)I've done some research, but I wanted to find out if you've heard from anyone that owns one if they like how it performs? I own a volvo now (very high maintenance) so I'm looking for something that is not going to break down a lot and is safe. I know about the side and front impact airbags, but I can't find crash test ratings. If anyone knows anything, please let me know
  • xmf314xmf314 Member Posts: 154
    Does medical insurance cover retinal damage caused by looking at an Aztek?
  • nrd525nrd525 Member Posts: 109
    No, I don't think mine does, and the damage just keeps on rising. I saw a half dozen of them over the last couple of days. ALL were driven by women 5 of them were 40+, the other was a pretty decent looking 25 or so.
    So, I think I can safely claim that Toledo is one of the "Main Hives" ,and that the Aztek is pretty much officially a CHICKMOBILE!!
    Oh, I saw a RESTORED 74 AMC Matador going down the street friday afternoon. That car, to me is still more "amusing" than the Aztek. Ugliness, it's a toss up, but those insane fenderwells on the Matador give it my all time "Dorkmobile" prize...
  • rysterryster Member Posts: 571
    Southeastern PA...one "real-world" sighting, red Aztek.

    Local dealer still has original shipment of 6 Azteks (3 red, 1 white, 1 black, 1 blue) None of them have moved from their original parking spots, other than the demo model.

    Went so far as to inquire about one of the red ones, then came to my senses and stopped. Not so bothered by the looks. Just do not think it would be the wisest purchase given its uncertain crash rating, uncertain reliability, and probable dismal resale. Maybe in a couple of model years...
  • lxownrlxownr Member Posts: 16
    Contestant had a choice :

    1. Aztek

    2. Set of golf clubs and a trip to Ireland for a week of Golf...

    Contestant stated "Wow ..Ireland here I come"..!!
  • steverisitysteverisity Member Posts: 39
    After putting up Halloween decorations I got to thinking that the month of October has got to be the Aztec's big chance to increase sales.
    With inventory aging
    the looks are frightful
    and the re-sale value has to be scary
  • beatfarmerbeatfarmer Member Posts: 244
    No crash test have been performed as of yet for the Aztek. Some speculation is that it will perform similarly to the Montana. No hard data exist yet. As for reliability, no major problems have been reported yet, and since it shares it's major components with other Pontiac/GM vehicles, you can research how well they have held up. The only untested piece, mechanically, is the AWD system, which is unavailable right now anyway.
  • nigelpnigelp Member Posts: 12
    I'm not sure. Keep in mind the freakish, grotesque, giant plastic beak this vile car sports. You've got at least 2 good feet of low-grade Tonka plastic to crunch through before you hit any actual mechanical parts, nevermind feet and legs.

    Imagine a big toucan flying beak-first into the trunk of a mahogany tree...maybe the baboons who run Pontiac actually designed the big beak as a safety feature.
  • alsobrspalsobrsp Member Posts: 1
    We rented one (Avis said it was the car designed by Aliens, so we tried it). We had the option to get the Jimmy if we didn't like the look. It stood out, it was different, it took a little getting use to.

    After driving it for four days:
    * A decent ride
    * comfortable seats front and back
    * Dash was a little big
    * Lots of storage room
    * Handled well in Miami rain storms
    * tight turns
    * Nice stereo and features...

    So we went to a dealer to get a book and see loaded versions. Extras are nice, some practical, fun car, sound handling, something I would have like to be able to afford when I was younger. Still young enough to get one now.
  • nrd525nrd525 Member Posts: 109
    Well, almost. I did see the puke green one the Pontiac dealer down the street has sitting out front when I went home. But I saw nobody driving one, so I guess that was one positive thing that happened in a lousy day for me...

  • p0926p0926 Member Posts: 4,423
    Aztek - The official car of Halloween!

    To quote a post from another forum: "Park it in the driveway, turn on the headlights, and you have an Aztek-O-Lantern"

    Sorry....couldn't resist.

    -Frank P.
  • barresa11barresa11 Member Posts: 277
    if you could rig the Aztek-O-Lantern to flash it's lights and do a low moan horn sound as trick-or-treaters approached...yikes!
  • alingaling Member Posts: 598
    You mean the standard theft deterrent system doesn't do that already? ;-) I just know that someone is going to do a theft deterrent joke about the Aztek's looks now. Oh wait, did I just say that? :-) Sorry, back to the topic a hand...

    Townhall Community Leader/Vans Conference

    P.S. I enjoyed your story about your past vanity plates. I saw my first Aztek on the road last weekend; it had the licence plates (INKADST) - Inkas' dust?
  • meredithmeredith Member Posts: 575
    Inca's Dust....

    Inca's, Aztec's - pre-Columbian central and south american indian civilizations....

    Front Porch Philosopher
    SUV, Pickups, & Aftermarket and Accessories Host
  • nigelpnigelp Member Posts: 12
    Don't forget the Mayans. I just took a Mayan ruin tour...had to say it. If Pontiac ever comes out with an Inkka or a Mayya I'm going to lose my mind...

    I bet you'll see a lot of Azteks with custom license plates...they're both marks of people who don't know the value of a buck.

    BTW, I don't see Koolguy and his pals anywhere. Hope we haven't offended them......
  • gonzo7gonzo7 Member Posts: 259
    Speaking of license plates...
    I saw my firse Aztek on the road today.

    Of course it had "manufacturer" license plates so it really doesn't count.
  • lxownrlxownr Member Posts: 16
    What's the name of the Island the Navy is using for target practice...Island of Vasquez ( I am not to sure that is the correct name)...
    Well GM will have a lot of unsold Aztek's so why not ship them to that Island and there our "Top Gun" pilot's can use them for target practice..

    I think The Island is near Porto Rico...??
  • xmf314xmf314 Member Posts: 154
    I dont't think the Navy should use Azteks for target practice. It would be a terrible waste of good ordinance.
  • triplizardtriplizard Member Posts: 2
    Well, I hadn't been by here in quite a while, but I was in a curious mood so I thought I'd drop in to see if the level of discourse had improved any. Glad to see that it's hasn't risen much above the level of a bunch of cretins drooling on each other, so I haven't missed anything. Let me know when there's an open swing, maybe I'll sit in for awhile.

    Gonzo -- word on the street is that you're WAAY out of touch with the current pricing patterns at the Arizona Pontiac dealers.

    Stopped by my local dealer -- they have sold every Aztek they've had delivered thus far. They just got a red GT which has a $500 over MSRP price adjustment sticker. The dealer who sold me mine says he fully well expects to get list price for it. He might be lying, but then again I have an Aztek, so he knows he's not selling it to me.

    And for the record -- I've only seen 1 other Aztek on the street in Los Angeles. But then again, considering there's 5 million or so cars here, and only a few hundred Azteks, statistically I don't really expect to see another for awhile. I'll keep looking, though.

    Just to provide you with a little fodder for the next few days of name calling: my roommates have named my Aztek "The Roach." I wasn't too sure about it at first, but maybe I'll go with it. What do you think?
  • alingaling Member Posts: 598
    "The Roach", I love it! :-)

    Townhall Community Leader/Vans Conference
  • gonzo7gonzo7 Member Posts: 259
    I was at the "$2500 under invoice" Pontiac dealer with my father who was looking at a used $10,000 Toyota truck. We were talking with the sales manager and I asked him how the Aztek business is going.

    He, jokingly, said "You buy this truck and I'll throw one in for free"
    I told him "Don't threaten me with that or I'm leaving"

    More seriously, He said it's the most difficult to sell vehicle he's ever seen.

    "Some people love it and the other 99% hate it"
  • ruskiruski Member Posts: 1,566
    yeah... Porto Rico... I think they called it Porto Rico because it was some kind of a pre-historic Web Portal to somewhere...

    triplizard - I love your assessment (cretins). This place has become a Special Olympics where cretins are competing in trash talking.

    gonzo7 - did that dealer pinch you cheeks and give you some candy?
  • gonzo7gonzo7 Member Posts: 259
    No, but we made use of the "camping kit"
    in the park, like in the Aztek commercial.

    It was magical.
  • p0926p0926 Member Posts: 4,423
    FYI: The island of "Vieques" is off the east coast of "Puerto Rico".

    triplizard- I'm not too surprised that Azteks are popular in the LA area given the region's demographics. However, it's already become apparent that this popularity doesn't hold true everywhere.

    Gonzo7 has said that they are having a tough time giving them away in Phoenix and I know that Atlanta area dealers are also offering steep discounts on them (feel free to go to your library and checkout the dealer ads in last Saturday's paper for each city if you don't believe us).

    Of course many other vehicles also have different levels of popularity according to geographic region. For example: Subaru's are very popular in the northeast and northwest for their AWD but are far less popular in places like Florida or southern CA.

    Thus far, it just seems that there are few areas of the country where the Aztek is popular. Toledo and LA to be more specific. Anyone else know of a region where Azteks are selling near MSRP? Or for that matter...selling at all?

    -Frank P.
  • koolguy123koolguy123 Member Posts: 37
    Sales of the Aztek are up from the high 1,000's in August to the lower 2000's (units) in September. Hmm.. I like that! Oh yes, by the way, some of you may be wondering if the Aztek, Chevy Silverado, GMC Sierra and GMC Yukon and Chevy tahoe are included in the Firestone recall because the BASE Aztek, and all the others have these tires. THEY ARE NOT in the recall, PHEW! P.S. No Nigelp, I don't think Pontiac will come out with an incan, or mayan. And you haven't offended anyone....this time....But I'll be watching....BWA HA HA HA! ;)
  • tincup47tincup47 Member Posts: 1,508
    they should sell about 24000 units, a far cry from the 65,000 they thought they would sell.
  • 95wrangler95wrangler Member Posts: 17
    Most normal, well-balanced people would avoid things they dislike…not go on and on with their ranting…seemingly overly preoccupied with the Aztek. It's not the sign of a mentally healthy person. There must be at least one other car they don't like…are they going to those sites and ranting too? They subconsciously are dying for something big. Let's see who will respond first with the Biggest Aztek Envy!
  • cleggpcleggp Member Posts: 2
    I couldn't get to even MSRP on the Aztek I bought here in the SF Bay Area, but that may also be because the area is the second most expensive place in the US to live, and the dealers need the extra cash for rent.

    When waiting for some of the paperwork to get photocopied at the dealership, I chatted a bit with another salesman. He said he'd sold four Azteks himself in September, which means from that dealership I can account for at the very least a half dozen sales, though I still haven't seen any on the roads around here yet.

  • lxownrlxownr Member Posts: 16
    I do not think it is your place to question the Mental Health of the people making fun of the Aztek on this site...However, the REAL question you should ask is this.....!

    Why would anyone buy the Aztek if??

    1. It is based on GM minivan platform, wich came in DEAD last in the offset crash test..

    2. "Intellechoice" state that the Aztek should lose 50% of it's value in just two years..

    3. Last but not least.."IT'S UGLY" and I am sure at least 90% of Americans (not Russians) will
    agree that it is painfull on the eyes...

    These are the REAL questions, not questioning people's mental health who make fun of the Aztek.

    P.S. If you like the Aztek, get over it, you
  • lxownrlxownr Member Posts: 16
    I meant to say , get over it, if you like the Aztek, be prepared to take the jokes along with the car..
  • barresa11barresa11 Member Posts: 277
    Like lxownr said, you have to be prepared at people laughing at you, behind you or inspite of you if you own an Aztek. If you are the overly sensitive type (nothing wrong w/this mind you) then perhaps you should have bought or be considering a different, less polarizing vehicle.
  • bluesimpalabluesimpala Member Posts: 2
    I liked the Aztek, too. If I hadn't bought a 2000 Impala twelve months ago, I'd probably be a buyer.

    I liked the room, the size of the vehicle, the forward vision, layout, the window tint, roof rack, and the extra audio outlets in rear seat for my young teenagers.

    I was concerned that the Aztek is about 10-15%overpriced and should have been brought out with the 3800 engine (more horsepower to move a larger, less aerodynamic vehicle than my Impala, and 300 or so pounds heavier to boot). Fully loaded, it would be a little sluggish, just like the Impala, which moves great with 1 to 3 on board.

    As for those who dislike this thing's looks, you must be the same folks who had a problem with the AMC Pacer and the Fiat Strada!!!

    Build quality looked good, and I have made my peace that GM has taken care of Quality Control in its Mexico factory.

    Maybe I'll buy one in a few years.
  • nigelpnigelp Member Posts: 12
    So this is what it's come to. Aztek fans are so desperate for approval and acceptance that the only explanation they have for disapproval of their car is that people who disagree with them must be mentally ill.

    I'm not obsessed with the Aztek, of all things. I am fascinated by GM's continuing management and marketing mistakes (and that's putting it lightly). The Aztek, though, is maybe 5 times worse than any other miserable car they've built in decades. And so, yes, I'm interested in the topic and, of course, I'm obviously amused by it as well, and I have no intention of hiding my opinions just because some people have thin skins or are prepared to declare people they've never met insane.
  • barresa11barresa11 Member Posts: 277
    Not surprised that you like the Aztek given that you thought enough (my assumption..)of the looks of the Impala to be a buyer. The Impala is a much better looking car than the Aztek (faint praise though)but what's up with the hugh, out of porportion taillights. It's as if GM tried too hard to ape the back end of Impalas of yore! GM should have stuck w/the 96'Impala SS on a rear wheel chassis! No whining about gas mileage w/the 94-96' Impala's, as GM manages to sell all the gas guzzlin full size SUV's it can build!
  • aztec2aztec2 Member Posts: 3
    I just purchased one and this is why:

    Competition was Toyota Siena

    1. Looked in statistics on Montana. Drivetrain engine very solid. Fundamental mechanics good.
    Passed the first gate.

    2. Engine power and handling. Test drove vehicle and it handled very well and was very responsive.
    Ideally I would like to have the engine in the BMW x5 or ML300 mercedes.....but I'm not spending $60-80 K Canadian dollars. I'm spending $32K.

    Dollar for dollar Aztec was awesome in test drive compared to mercedes.

    3. Versatility......hands down winner . No other vehicle give this type of versatility...Camping package is awesome....For pure play...Nothing beats it.

    4. Looks and styling......Sorry folks I'm not the WHITEBREAD HOMOGENIZED MIDDLE OF THE ROAD TYPE.

    I like wicked spicy food, wild and crazy rock bands that rock and roll all nite and party every day, renegades and people who swim againest the tide.......You know all the things that make USA & Canada the best places to live in the world.

    Different is good, different is fun!! AZTEC is different and I have got more......WOW what a cool car......then any comments.

    anyone have any questions....I'll answer.
  • 95wrangler95wrangler Member Posts: 17
    The "mental health" issue had nothing to do with whether or not you liked it...that's just an opinion. My opinion is that it's the must versatile SRV I've seen, and love the style. It is the fact that those that don't like it have some sort of fixation, a preoccupation as it were, to go on and on and on with their ranting. How many times do you have to post a negative opinion. Once is quite enough, twice is redundant, three or more is a mental health issue!
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