Jeep Commander water in dashboard

in Jeep
Our 2006 Commander has been in the shop several times for water that collects in the dashboard. The water overflows into the interior and soaks the floor. It creates moisture and when driving you can feel a cold draft. It has been repaired three times and we are going to the shop again in the morning. Has anyone else had this problem?
I called chrysler customer service to explain my case, the next day they called back and denied my claim because my jeep is out of warranty. I told them that i am not asking to replace a bad part, but asking to install a part that i originally paid for. After about 10 minutes of going round and round, they were still not willing to do anything.
I'm not sure what my rights are here, but it does not seem fair.
My first leak was from the hold bar also. Jeep told me that the sun roof drains were clogged? Maybe I should have boght a commander without the sunroof....
The smell in my Commander is getting really bad. My Jeep has the funk.
Well it has been six months with no water, so I will keep my fingers crossed.
One thing I notice was it would only get water on my dash and floor when I was parked in my driveway face down the hill. Of course I would hear the water over my head until I drove the car and the water would managed to escape.
When I spoke to Jeep, they said that they have never heard of this complaint before. I to am not a happy Jeep owner. I had a sunroof in my Cherokee and never had a problem in the 10 years I owned it. So for now this will be my last Jeep.
This commander costs me about - and i was hoping this year it would be just regular maintenance - $1-4k/year in repairs on top of regular maintenance since i purchased it. So far this year i had to get new gas cap, the sunroof drains cleaned and the interior detailed 2x because of sunroof leak-drainage problem, i.e., already repairs are costing $500+ and we are only 3 months into the year.
can i bring it to the jeep dealer where i purchased the car and will they fix it? can i bring it to pep-boys?
msgmsg (@)
Worked for me but I'm not liable for anything you do with this information . . . blah blah blah.
This issue with my commander, oddly enough, I have surmised is the same concept that occurred with the tubes draining water out of the air conditioner in the attic, which had become clogged and would fill the tray from condensation (and shut off the A/C upstairs). Mold clogs the tubes after years of wetness. Hence, the same solution (below). A/C drain tubes may take 10-12 years to clog from mold, as opposed to only 4 years on a Commander.
You can buy 1/4" clear tubing from Lowe's and you can work this down about 3 feet into the tubes that start at the sunroof corner drains. (One each side.) This actually partially unclogs the drain tubes. I also ran the several feet of the other end of the clear tubing into the hose of my shop vac and covered the vacuum hose with my hand so the little tube would have suction on the other end. It sucked water out and gets the hot water/bleach mixture working faster when you use that afterward.
If you don't use the tubing, the hot water still works, it just takes a minute or so to start working.
I put a garden hose on it at full blast for several minutes and now . . . NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER.
BACKGROUND EXPLANATION. What happened is that after several years the mold blocks the drain tubes. Hot water and bleach fixes that. But when the drain tubes are blocked, when the reservoir tray below the sun roof fills up, the rain water flows over the tray and down the A-pillar, which is why it comes out the bolt covers in the A-pillar grab-handle. It soaks your carpet and it also is getting your wiring wet behind the plastic down by your feet. USE A SHOP VAC to dry out the carpet more quickly.
Rain, car washes, etc. will always leak water through the sun roof seals. Once I used the bleach down the sunroof tray corners, the tray will no longer fill up with water - it now drains super fast.
This is a procedure that should probably be repeated annually.
People on this post were saying crud gets down the drain tubes, but that can't be since the sunroof window weatherseal isn't big enough for that.
I had resorted previously to trying to supplement the weather stripping, but that is not the way this car is engineered and you'll never solve the issue that way.
One person even said he was having some stopper at the end of the drain tubes removed (???) but there are metal plates under your car and that is not the correct approach, if even feasible.
This drove me crazy but I now totally get it. I hope this helps you and saves you time and money and aggravation. Who wants to go to a mechanic when you can easily fix it yourself. You ought to be able to weather a torrential downpour with confidence.
And, if you haven't already seen these Technical Service Bulletions published by Jeep, here is the link:, i.e., Jeep Chrysler Corporate acknowledges the manufacturing problems but they still obviously won't take responsiblity for them.
And, yes, I am interested in joining a lawsuit. I plan to resume the process begun in 2009 by which I will file/join a legal filing in order to compel the company to take respsonsibility; as I told the customer complaint representatitive today, it's on My To Do List and I always do everything on that list even if it takes me a bit of time; i also explained that if they didn't cover cost of diagnostic they say is necessary in order for them to consider covering cost of repair of drains by Tuesday (when Commander goes in for yet another safety recall that i was not advised of by Jeep), that i will then begin legal proceeedings by end of February 2012.
Again, thank you!
he recommended i pursue legal route in order to encourage a recall because the repairs he is seeing in this car are unacceptable; he explained that there is no way any car manufacturer would allow these types of complaints to continue and that he has never seen one car that he knows is well maintained require so many repairs/replacements, etc.; and, again, he services many classic cars and custom cars as well as cars fresh out of warranty.
Given that the Jeep dealer told me that the sunroof drains needed to be repaired and seals around the same replaced, the repairs costing minimum $575 and could be as much as $1,200, i was reluctant to believe that the independent repair shop's remedy was correct, but, I can say that after the recent heavy noreaster, there was NO H2O in Jeep, i.e., the solution is air hose the drains and silicone the seals.