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VW New Beetle (Pricing & Information)



  • parkerparker Member Posts: 5
    i dont like the new beetle. i dont like the old beetle. i guess its "cute" appearance isnt appealing to me, because it's just that--cute. i dont like the commercials that advertise it, and i dont like the attention it gets. why is everyone looking at it? it's not like it has one quality that truely makes it great, except its looks, but even that's a thing that you will either love or hate. i was at a car show and i sat in one, and i was noticing something. what does the speedometer go up to? 140? the top speed of the car is a little more than 100, i think it's about 109. i dont think companies should put high speedometers on the cars just to sell them. my car's top speed is 135 and the speedometer goes to 115. nissan is modest about their cars. and the handling can't be that great. look at the car. it's not that wide, and it's not made for performance. its definitely not a sports car, but it isnt a family sedan either. so what is it for? i guess the only person i would really agree with owning it is a young single female who likes "cute" cars. i dont mean to offend anyone, cause i know you beetle owners get nasty when someone insults your cute little diesel cars, but im sorry its just making me sick.
  • gba2michgba2mich Member Posts: 22
    Why did you post here? I don't like this, I don't like that, etc.....What do you like?
  • FEHarperFEHarper Member Posts: 70
    To each his own. I can't understand the SUV craze - how many SUV's really go off road? Wouldn't a minivan with 4 wheel drive or a roomy sedan be a better, more environmentally friendly choice? The New Beetle, to me, is a beautiful car from any angle, but I liked it for the drive. It's light, tightly sprung, and has typically Germanic sports car handling (I have often referred to VWs as a poor man's BMW). The Fiat X 1/9 went from 0-60 in about 12 seconds, top ended about 90 mph, as I remember, but was an absolute gas to drive. The New Beetle captures, IMHO, the same type of handling sensation. You don't get that from driving a Buick - and if you don't understand that, I can't explain it to you.
    PS: the 1.8t is just beginning to appear in some parts of the country and WILL probably use much more of the speedometer.
  • KAURELIOKAURELIO Member Posts: 20
    Where are all the 'old-timers' to this topic? It has really slowed down.

    I guess there all out driving and enjoying their Beetles!

  • greenml430greenml430 Member Posts: 21
    If you don't like the New Beetle you are in the minority, & that's OK. Just go to your cars forum & see how much interest it generates. The New Beetle has been wonderful mostly because it has made automobile fanatics out of the masses. Not 1 in 50 people can identify the make or model of your "modest" Nissan, but 49 out of 50 can point out a New Beetle, & they know it's a Volkswagen. Whether you admit it or not the NB has been a boon to a rather lethargic industry. Oh, & my daughter absolutely loves her Yellow 99 Beetle GLS. She always wanted a car when she turned 16, but until the NB arrived, they were all just cars. Now she's sort of interested in autos & it gives us another common interest. Ah, I got a little side-tracked there but I think the NB came out at just the right time. as always thanks for your time... Randy
  • corvettecorvette Member Posts: 10,532
    Really, where did all the traffic go? For goodness sake, surely we can outpost the Saab 9-3 topic!

    Frank is right, a car doesn't have to have a high top speed to be fun to drive. Without question, the NB handles better than any sport ute. It's a neat little car, although Edmund's problems with the quality of their NB disturb me somewhat. Now that I see a handful on the road, I'm in the process of rethinking whether or not I want one.
  • parkerparker Member Posts: 5
    feharper, i agree, what is up with SUV's? the only thing theyre good for is staying alive in an accident. but what is this "handling sensation" of the new beetle? what kind of handling sensation can you get from a beetle? actually, what am i talking about? it's amazing the rush you get from the slow acceleration and horrible handling of the car.

    greenml430, i have been to my car's forums, and they generate enough interest. and how would you know not 1 in 50 people could identify the model of my car? actually, when i tell people what kind of car i have they know what it is. the beetle is sort of like the backstreet boys. everyone knows who they are but the only people who really like them are screechy little teens, sort of like your daughter.

    corvette, you CAN have fun with a car even though it lacks top speed. but what does top speed have to do with anything? when in your daily driving will you really go over 80 mph? in the beetle's case, it is pushing it's top speed at 80, but what are you gonna do, right? you DO need a quick car that handles great to have fun. admit it. if you have a slow car that feels shaky on the curves, you're not gonna have fun. i guess you need a certain type of personality to enjoy riding in the beetle. i guess to some, just rolling slowly around in the beetle would be fun, but to me, performance is a big part of a car, that's just the way i like to drive cars. if a lamborghini was slow as a golf cart, i wouldnt like it.
  • michaellnomichaellno Member Posts: 4,120
    Um, Parker, not to disagree, but ....

    I am not a screechy teen. My wife and I are in our mid 30's, and we love our NB. So do our two kids, ages 10 and 12. No, it's not the most roomy vehicle in the world (our other vehicle, a Ford Expedition, is the polar opposite in that, and most other, respects), but that isn't why we bought it. We bought it because it is fun to look at and fun to drive.

    In my life, I've owned 3 Hondas, 1 Mazda and 1 Nissan. All great cars --- reliable, good on gas, roomy --- but now that I've driven my NB for 3 months, they all seem quite boring. To each his or her own, I suppose.
  • govugovu Member Posts: 62
    Well, this may be what we need to get more traffic going on this topic again.

    Parker, why am I going to buy a New Beetle? It was a lot of fun to drive. You can push it in the corners. The TDI has more oomph than any car anyone in my family has ever owned, apart from my brother's old RX7. It's no sportscar, but it certainly has more than enough acceleration for getting around town and tooling down the highway. It accelerates and passes just fine on the highway.

    On top of that, if gets good mileage and has enough head room for me. I don't fit in the Nissan SE-R (or whatever it is) series, Chrysler Cavalier, etc.

    By the way, you'll get a much stronger response if you try fishing on the SUV board. They seem a little more defensive than the group here.
  • FEHarperFEHarper Member Posts: 70
    Handling is a complex and subjective issue - I have never owned a compact Japanese car (I've owned several over the years) that had what I call "Germanic" handling.
    I'm not the only person to feel this way - go read the NB reviews in "Automobile", "Car and Driver", or "Road and Track." These are enthusiasts mags that LOVE this car, not for it's nostalgic looks but for it GERMANIC handling. In short, it's fun and acceleration is OK (0-60 in 9.7 isn't bad for a car in this price range). Drive your Nissan all you want. That company sadly may go broke (or merge with Renault) making mediocre products (but the speedometers are honest).
  • greenml430greenml430 Member Posts: 21
    Of course they know what kind it is AFTER you tell them, sheesh! Unless your car is painted Neon Yellow, or is making enough racket to wake the dead, I seriously doubt if anyone notices it. The NB is 2 years old, & people still stare, & then smile every time they see one. Well except for the small number who are so jealous they can't bear to admit it, or the occasional "I hate all Imports guy". The only really exceptional car Nissan has imported was the 90 & up 300ZX Turbo, & it's gone. See ya... Randy
  • corvettecorvette Member Posts: 10,532
    That's exactly what I was saying, it is _not_ necessary for a car to have a high top speed for it to be fun. A car with tons of power is fun, but a car that handles well is also fun. Given the choice, I would choose handling over acceleration.

    I have a great-uncle that's one of those "I hate all imports" guys. He thinks the Japanese are going to invade the United States. I usually just ignore him. I also had a friend that hated imports until she drove a 5-speed Passat V6. The "I hate imports guys" just don't know what they're missing.
  • parkerparker Member Posts: 5
    Frank, I'm not defending Nissan about going broke now. My car is from 1990, I really don't care about Nissan anymore. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to see it go, but if it does, oh well it's not a huge hole being ripped into my life. I dont love Nissan. I just like their cars. I think VW makes better cars than the Beetle. The passat and the jetta are respectable, they're nice cars.

    greenml430, I agree that the beetle gets a lot of attention. I don't know why, I'm guessing because it's an old car reborn. Sort of like the Plymouth Prowler. It's designed after older models of cars years ago, and thus gets attention. The difference between the Prowler and the Beetle is that the Prowler's look is more exotic, and not as "cutesy". Plus it's a fast car, and also $25,000 more expensive. And what is there to be jealous about? The beetle(as you probably know) is only 15 g's, 17 fully loaded, pretty much any middle class and even lower class people can afford it. If they were so jealous they would go out and buy one. I know I'm definitely not jealous. If I had the oppurtunity to even ride around in a Beetle, I probably wouldn't unless it was necessary. It's just my opinion, but i think the Beetle is too trendy. The Nissan 300ZX was a great car, however the way they changed the look in the later years of production was horrible. And just so you know, the 300ZX is coming back... well actually now it's called the Z and is being released in 2002(i think).

    corvette, of course I would pick handling over acceleration, but if you can have both, why not?
  • laturjlaturj Member Posts: 45
    The Nb is a great drive, we test drove hondas, acuras, and bmw 318s and felt like the handling of the nb was just behind bmw but far above the other two. I love to be going about 35-40 when i take these turns we have in texas on the access roads (i call them texas uturns) that turn you around in traffic but are less sharp then right turns. So really the NB is a great drive (better then our 97 passatt as far as cornering) Also had two people come see my car at the gas station (had it since last august) last night, the crowds have died down a little, but we still get the stares. The gas attendant even offered a free carwash, another bonus you might not get from a nissan, or whatever.

    by the way after two nissan's we won't go back; they were a major hassle
  • FEHarperFEHarper Member Posts: 70
    I'll lend you my cybergreen 2.0L gas NB with a 5 speed for a week and I would bet real money that you would change your mind about the car. It's hard to get a good overview of any car with a brief dealer-demo drive. You won't get the same driving sensation in a Passat (which is a much heavier car with different handling characteristics). If this is trendy, I'll take a 1.8T with 2 beanie babies.

  • KAURELIOKAURELIO Member Posts: 20

    I hate the Beetle too!!! Can I have your car for a week!!! ;-) Just kidding, I love the Beetle. (can I still have the car??

  • FEHarperFEHarper Member Posts: 70
    Why not! Just get in line behind Parker and the rest of my neighborhood.
    Took my NB to a downtown restaurant recently and people spilled out of the bar to give it a look. Of course, it could be the Zaino's shine.

  • jc9799jc9799 Member Posts: 70
    One thing to remember about the New Beetle is that it IS different. It looks like no other (new) car on the road. It's a car to be noticed. Whether or not a person likes it is another matter. Someone in another post wrote that people tend to either love or hate VW's and I think the New Beetle brings out the strongest of these feelings.
    In our family I love it, but my wife would be on parker's side of the fence.

    BTW, Frank, where's the end of that line? Or how about a trade? Your New Beetle for my Cabrio for a week.

    Happy Beetle-ing (Beetling?)
  • tnt2tnt2 Member Posts: 115
    You SAT in one at an auto show and drew all your conclusions from that? Just goes to show, the part that does your deductive thinking was the part touching the car. I have vehicles from just about every spectrum, (98 NB TDI, 97 expedition, 99 F350 PSD, 98 Cobra) and I still like to drive the NB. Like it or hate it, drive it to rate it.
  • ddeebleddeeble Member Posts: 2
    A couple questions for you TDI pwners out there! I am now in the process of picking my next car (I currently drive an '86 Mustang that gets in the teens for mileage and commute 120 miles to work each way) and the TDI engine in the New Beetle seems like a dream come true - 49MG!!! My wife and I crunched numbers this week and it looks as though the gas savings alone will cover the entire cost of the car! My questions are these - I have seen a couple of postings stating that the TDI s 50-state compiant, but when I go to http://edmunds.com/newcars/1999/volkswagen/newbeetle/glstdi.html there is a California Emissions option listed at $100. I may be buying the car out of state since TDI's appear to be in short supply in California and don't want to get dinged with the $300 polluter penalty the DMV levies. Has anybody done this before and what was your experience with the DMV? Second: As I stated before, TDI availability, as far as I have been able to tell, is atrocious in California (I live in Sacramento) - does anyone know a dealership anywhere in the U.S. which seems to have a decent supply of TDI New Beetles (or who the 5 largest VW dealerships in the U.S. are)? The only one I have been able to find so far in Sacramento was a black TDI with damage to the hood incurred during shipping (and they still wanted $2500 over MSRP!) I would greatly appreciate any help you may be able to provide!

    Thanks you all!
  • parkerparker Member Posts: 5
    laturj, crowds? you have crowds around your beetle? all the beetles ive seen havent gotten any attention. im sure people notice them and give them a second glance, but come on, not even the lamborghinis i see driving around get crowds. and yesterday i saw a beetle drive by with this huge wing on the back. what is that about? vw beetles arent exactly the drag racing type of vehicle. why were the nissans a hassle? most reliable car ive ever owned. what kind of nissan did you get, and what kind of care did you take with it?

    feharper, people spilled out of the bar? come on. seriously people, you gotta be makin this up. there's several people who live near me with beetles, no one gives it more than a second look. and all the ones ive seen in parking lots dont get any attention at all. you're giving your cars a little too much credit for what they really are.

    tnt2, i dont draw my conclusions just from sitting in it. i drew one opinion by sitting in it, which is the speedometer issue. i draw most of my conclusions by seeing it on the road, and people's reactions to it, like in this conference. i can almost guarentee you people dont crowd around the thing, or spill out of restaurants to gawk at it. unless you live somewhere where you never see them, i dont really think they get that much attention. i know most of you who just love your little beetles will get defensive about this, but i dont think it's soooo special to get all that attention. there was a nice, brand new red porsche sitting in a parking lot. more exotic looking, 6 times more expensive, known for its exceptional performance and speed, and 10 times more rare, yet it didnt draw crowds. most people looked at it, one kid went up to it and looked inside. if there was an elephant in the street it wouldnt deraw as much attention as you claim to your beetle.
  • FEHarperFEHarper Member Posts: 70

    The restaurant has large windows facing a parking lot where my car was parked. People DID leave the bar (in the front) to see the car. One piece of advise before you pan the NB. DRIVE THE CAR - Then it's OK to pan. There once was a time in this country when the population was younger and we drove small, good handling cars that were inexpensive like the VW GTI, Triumph TR-7, Austin Healy, Fiat Spider and X 1/9, and a host of others. The Mazda Miata and NB simply bring back those thrills for many of us. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less whether anyone stares at my car. The thrill, as stated, is the DRIVE. Nissan COULD have built an exciting car but hasn't for years - sad, as they don't lack imagination.

  • parkerparker Member Posts: 5
    the miata i dont have a problem with at all. infact i was going to buy one, but i decided on my nissan instead. you're right, nissan hasnt done much for a long time. hopefully in the future, maybe with the new Z, they will come up with better ideas and get back on their feet. and maybe i will go test drive the beetle just for the hell of it, to see what is so damn special about it.
  • hrpreohrpreo Member Posts: 8
    I have a yellow NB TDI ordered at sticker price but am STILL waiting (it has been 3 months!) What are prices doing around the country? Can you buy a TDI below sticker??

    I'm anxious to get my NB, but I don't want to pay more than necessary!!!


  • tnt2tnt2 Member Posts: 115
    ddeeble .... Our dealer here in Dayton, has seen less than a handful since released. Also, my wife gets 43 mpg around town in her TDI, and it has paid for itself vs her expedition. The emissions I can't help you with.
  • laturjlaturj Member Posts: 45
    yes crowds,
    i think the biggest i had was 6 people once sort of snowballed.

    is six a crowd??

    this weekend had two sets of two. maybe not a "crowd" - I pulled down a row of cars and a boy - about 4 maybe - started jumping up and down pointing at the NB, asking his mom if he could have one. why would we make this stuff up??

    i would say over the life (5 months) of the car i have had 80-90 people come up to ask me if they could look at it. That is only while i was there!

    had an older nissan maxima and a tercel (actually that was my best bud's car)

    and frank is right, the stares are no big deal, the drive is why my wife and i fight over who gets to drive it.
  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    I've had the same experience, the gawking has slowed a little it seems. I've had state patrol cars pull up for a better look on the freeway. People walking around it when it's parked etc. I've been thinking of printing up little factoid cards to hand out so I don't have to explain the differences of the old/New Beetle all the time. The main thing I tell them is it's based on the New Jetta/Golf platform - same engine and suspension. I went into the VW dealer thinking I wanted a 99 Jetta, drove it and the New Beetle and it was no contest, I drove out with a 99 bright blue GLS and could not be happier with it. It reminds me of the BMW 3 series I've owned in the past, the four cylinder ones.
  • mknightmknight Member Posts: 57
    I dropped by my dealer last night and they had one TDI Beetle and 2 or 3 gas Beetles. They were very reasonable on price when I bought my Passat there.

  • hrpreohrpreo Member Posts: 8
    Thanks for the encouraging news. How do you like your Passat?
  • mgrmgr Member Posts: 40
    Had my gas GLS auto for 2 months, now. Less than 1800 miles. Still hard to get accustomed to the delay in engagement when selecting gears.

    Don't like the automatic volume control on the radio. When I want it loud, I want it LOUD. I understand there may be a way to have the radio re-programmed to avoid this.

    Other than that, I enjoy driving my NB.
  • mknightmknight Member Posts: 57

    I love my Passat. It's a 99 GLS V6 loaded with everything except an automatic. It's Royal Green with beige leather. It's pretty much stock, I've only added the VW 6-CD changer and VW mudflaps.

    I took it out Sunday for a "Sunday Drive". Did 300+ miles to Canada and back. Love that Canadian CocaCola, made with real sugar instead of the high-frucose corn syrup used here in the US. 8-)

    For more info see the Passat lists.

  • ejsejs Member Posts: 36
    >>is six a crowd??

    Well, two's company, three's a crowd. So I guess you had two crowds around your Beetle.

    Saw an ad for the turbo version... The text read "Wired" and it showed the car from the rear, so you could see the speed-activated spoiler (which was activated, although the car wasn't moving). I'm betting this board is going to see another wave of people happy to be on waiting lists paying full MSRP.

    You know what I'm surprised I haven't seen yet? NBs where the fender/bumpers and side rails have been replaced with another color. How cool would that be? Think of all the two-tone variations... Black and Silver, Techno Blue and Cyber Green, Red and Yellow, Windsor Blue and White... Red and Green, Yellow and either Blue, Black and Red, Black and Blue... I bet that would grab onlookers' attentions again.

    Come on, Beetle owners... Find another Beetle owner to trade body panels with! Demand the option from your dealers! Make this a new craze! Go! Go!!
  • DanaRDanaR Member Posts: 37
    I heard that VW has stopped making the NB in the bright blue color. Can anybody confirm? My dealer said that they were having problems with the paint... Don't know if its a true statement or just hot air.

  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601

    When I bought my Bright Blue GLS NB in the middle of January, that was the whole shipment (4) that came in so I went in and picked mine out. I had reserved a Bright Blue NB about a month before and the dealer hadn't seen one in awhile and a month later they were all over the place. It seems VW makes runs of colors. I thought I wanted the black interior and when I saw them side by side in blue cars, I went with the Grey interior. My paint has been great, no problems at all.
  • mjb56mjb56 Member Posts: 170
    Had my bright blue TDI for a year now with absolutely no paint problems whatsoever. Acutally no problems to speak of at all. Still very, very satisfied.
  • mikyonmikyon Member Posts: 4
    Has anyone out there bought a New Beetle for MSRP or lower? I have a real bad dealer near me that wouldn't let me test drive a car(any car) without a deposit. He said that I couldn't touch a NB for less than $2,000 ABOVE the sticker anywhere in the Chicago area. True?
  • pmohrpmohr Member Posts: 12
    feharper, how do i unsubscribe from the newbug errors newsgroup?

    tired of deleting the postings.

    thanks, pmohr
  • govugovu Member Posts: 62
    I guess it depends on how far you're willing to travel. I'm in northwest Indiana but am buying my car in Michigan. There are plenty of dealers within an hour or so of you--why not get their phone numbers from the VW web site and call around? I wouldn't deal with any jerk giving you the terms you've mentioned. A deposit to even test drive?

    Who is the dealer? VW of America would probably want to know about this one.
  • FEHarperFEHarper Member Posts: 70
    Reply to the list using the newbug email address supplied with each listing and type UNSUBSCRIBE.

  • zmanzman Member Posts: 200
    I just put down a depisit on a '99 silver new beetle TDI with sunroof package and got it for $500 under MSRP. Am I lucky or am I missing something in the deal? The TDI has gotten pretty good reviews, especially for low-end torque, and it seems environmentally responsible. The silver has a reputaion for low-quality, but I heard that was fixed. The sunroof is pretty new. Any comments?

  • k273k273 Member Posts: 26
    I was driving in my NB through a park the other day and I accidentaly engaged the cruise control. I was going at around 15 mph in second gear and, what do you know, the cruise control picked up and kept the speed constant thereafter. Hey, I thought these things weren't supposed to engage below 40 mph and the specs on the VW site state 22 mph. Hmmm... I wonder if something's wrong with my car's chip. Not that I would ever get it fixed! It was too much of a kick being driven by the car at such a low speed. Anyhow, has any 98 NB owner out there tried activating the cruise control below 20 mph, and did it work?

    On another note, someone had the courtesy to key my NB on the driver's door while it was parked on a street somewhere downtown. I was very surprised to notice how thick the layers of paint are on this car. Someone mentioned it had 20 or so layers of paint. Well, I for one could stick my nails pretty deep inside the scratch, which didn't even reach to the zinc coating, as the bottom was black. Now I understand why VW put a 12 years perforation warranty on the car.
  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    I got my NB for MSRP in Orlando, only one dealer here does it, Aristocrat VW in Sanford. No hassle and no add ons at all. No paint protection or fabric gaurd (which is a rip-off anyway) and a $250 dealer handling charge. If dealers have a big dealer handling charge and make you buy expensive packages with the car they can knock $500 off and still get way above MSRP. MSRP is what you see on the Volkswagen factory window sticker not the dealers adendum sticker,I seriously doubt you paid $500 below what was on the VW sticker.
    Zman- I just checked Edmunds prices and here is what you should be paying for your car:
    99 New Beetle GLS TDI MSRP: $17,900
    Destination charge : 525
    Sunroof package: 1,000
    Total: $19,425
    Minus $500 Total: $18,925

    The dealer should then add a reasonable handling charge say $250 plus taxes and thats it. That would be an incredable deal. No way are you paying that for a TDI sunroof Silver New Beetle. Whats the total on your invoice?
  • zmanzman Member Posts: 200

    I got those same numbers for the NB TDI from Edmund's. I went back to my invoice. My final invoice price, excluding $300 dealer handling and taxes, is $18,990 (I have to pay Northeast emissions of $100 as well). The invoice is written up, and I have a VIN number. However, the car is still in transit, so I haven't seen it, but all the documentation says it's a silver TDI with the W1O package (sunroof and 16" alloy wheels). If it ever comes (I'm promised three weeks) I'll hope it's what they say it is and thank my good fortune.

  • digital3digital3 Member Posts: 1
    It's good to hear that some of you are getting your NBs for below MSRP. I test drove a NB for the first time today and I WANT ONE!!! However, I got the same lousy story from the dealer about trying to sell me a NB for as much as $5,000 above MSRP, just because I was interested in a specific color (silver or Dark Blue). In fact, he tried to sell me a RED Beetle for $24,000. I obviously laughed at that but at the same time felt a little discouraged. Any suggestions? I barely started shopping around but any advice or even fuel for my battle with the salespeople would be greatly appreciated.

    Joe from L.A.
  • rickroverrickrover Member Posts: 601
    Zman- Thats fantastic, it's great to hear below MSRP!

    Joe, You may want to look in another area or state, it would be worth the 5k savings. From what I have read here and elsewhere it's hard to get a deal in a Large Metropolitan area. The law of supply and demand I guess. It's amazing people are paying that much over MSRP. I would have passed on a New Beetle if I had to pay over MSRP to get one.

    Has anyone seen a 1.8 Turbo yet?
  • zmanzman Member Posts: 200

    Rickrover's got a point. I'm way out in the country (upstate New York), and I called about 10 dealers. The closer I got to the cities (Albany and NYC) the higher the prices went. I found shopping by phone the best answer. I found out, too, that the TDI (diesel) is not popular in the north because of diesel's former reputation for having difficulty starting in cold weather. But L.A. is probably as tough a VW market as you're going to find. Hey, call a dealer somewhere you've always wanted to visit, and you might even pay for your vacation with the savings! Good luck.

  • pemartpemart Member Posts: 5
    Has anyone Leased a NB yet? Please respond I'm very curious about what was required down and for how many months and what the payments.
    I think it will be cool to Lease a NB every 36 months, what do you think?!
  • cezeakcezeak Member Posts: 2
    I am in the market for a new car, and am quite seriously considering the Honda Civic coupe, but I figured that, just for the heck of it, I'd take a look at the New Beetle. I took a look at one close up, and now think I will actually go to a dealer and take a test drive. However, I keep thinking to myself can I really seriously consider this car over something with such a proven track record as the Civic? I have three main concerns about the NB:

    1. Look. Gorgeous looking car, but in 5 years from now, will it look like a 5 year-old fad?

    2. Reliability. New model, no track record. VW has had infamous problems with some of its past models.

    3. Cost. Seems a lot of money to pay for simply buying something that is not like everything else out there. Also, repair costs are high due to the imported parts.

    Are there any owners out there who have had their NB for a year or so? Any major probs? Any one else who has or has had similar thoughts to mine?

    Any informed responses would be most welcome.
  • DanaRDanaR Member Posts: 37

    You've brought up some good points. With me, I took the chance with the Beetle because of the wonderful personality of the car and everything that went along with it. I certainly don't regret it one bit. To me the Civic was just a collection of mechanical parts, while the Beetle was a work of art, with a happy personality that makes me smile. Besides, its a blast to drive! It's really been a memorable experience

    From what I've heard, the reliability has been great, except for minor flaws at delivery. That will be more of an inconvenience than a worry.

    Think of the safety. The Beetle is the #1 small car in terms of safety. It has side airbags and seatbelt tensioners. The Civic is not bad, but clearly offers less protection than the Beetle. The Beetle is heavier (2700 lbs). When I see the abundance of ever-larger SUVs on the road, at least I'm glad I picked out the safest small car.

    Good luck with your decision. I recommend to take a chance and go with the Beetle.

  • cezeakcezeak Member Posts: 2

    Thanks for your remarks. How long have you had your NB? Believe me, the safety is definitely a consideration, and is one of the reasons why I even thought to consider the NB in the first place. That is important to me.

    I agree that the NB has more of a personality, at least visually, than the civic does. It is more than just a machine for transportation.

    Have you had any problems with your NB?
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