2011 Kia Sorento



  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    we get plenty of snow in minnesota and fwd has always gotten me thru. im sure awd would get thru even better but for the extra cost, maintanance and lower mileage the fwd works for me.
  • mtnman1mtnman1 Member Posts: 431
    My views of the 2011 Sorento EX V6 FWD that I have owned for several months have dramatically changed. The following is a message I posted on the Hyundai Santa Fe Forums in which I was replying under the thread Visor falls off:

    What a coincidence. I have a 2011 Kia Sorento and the same exact thing happened to me when I flipped the visor down in my driveway just two days ago. It was still hooked into the clip, but the post that is inserted in the hole in the headliner came completely out. I consider the two the same vehicle. I reported this to a representative at Kia Motors, not my local dealership, today. Of course, the representative at Kia said she had never heard of this issue. This is just one of the growing list of problems that I have with this vehicle which I purchased back in June. It only has about 3500 miles on it. First problem that I encountered was that the Automatic Climate Control quit working at 600 miles was replaced then stopped again at about 2200 miles. The service department said that rather than replace the sensor they were passing it along to Kia engineering. Started working again one week later, but now the A/C is always on even when we just want to allow outside air to flow in. Also, has numerous rattles inside the cabin. So many that I can't begin to explain to the dealership where they are coming from because they are coming from everywhere. Just a major disappointment. This is the first time in my 54 years that I have absolutely regretted buying a vehicle. I emphatically profess to never buy another vehicle from Hyundai/Kia again in my life. I should have stuck with my 2004 Mercury Mountaineer which was the best vehicle I have ever owned along with the 2009 Fusion which I still currently own and love.

    My suggestion is to run away as far as you can from any thought of buying this vehicle. I will continue from this point on to warn as many people as I can that this is not a quality vehicle.
    2012 Highlander Limited AWD V6 and 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE
  • bestmickeybestmickey Member Posts: 4
    Wow, Scarey. Keep us updated. I'm listening!
  • m6userm6user Member Posts: 3,181
    edited September 2010
    I know the Sorento is compared to the CR-V and NOX(I think Kia does this as it permits an easier comparison) but it is much closer in size to the Ford Edge. In fact it is almost the same exact size and the interior dimensions are very similar as well. It is huge compared to the CR-V and Escape. A EX-L w/NAV CR-V maxes out at about $29k while the Sorento gets to around $36k which is closer to the decked out Edge prices.

    The 3.5L '11 Edge does have the power seats, cooled seats and memory seats and gets about the same EPA numbers as the 3.5L Sorento. Edge Fwd 19/27 versus Sorento Fwd 20/26.

    I've been doing some research into the Edge mainly but am also using the Sorento for comparison purposes. On paper they are pretty similar except you can get some highend stuff in the Edge that isn't offered in the Sorento.
  • mtnman1mtnman1 Member Posts: 431
    edited September 2010
    You forget that Ford is worlds ahead in quality. I know since I just traded in one and have a 2009 Fusion that I bought new. There is absolutely no comparison. I have sat in the new Edge and I regret not waiting. Thing is the Edge with the same options would run about $36,000 compared to my Sorento which had a MSRP of $31,100. The Edge is much more roomy as far as width and second row legroom. The third row on the Sorento is a joke, but they don't give you any oprtion when you buy a V6. Ours is always folded down. The Edge is also much more luxurious and I wouldn't put the Hyundai, Kia, Crv, Rav4, or Equinox in the same class. A fully loaded Edge Limited AWD with all options is $44,705 according to Ford.com.
    2012 Highlander Limited AWD V6 and 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE
  • sorentox3sorentox3 Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2010
    I bought a 2011 Sorento on 7/30/10...It is the LX V-6 2WD, from a almost day one it sometimes makes a "thunk" noise when it starts. Sometimes it lunges. It only seems to do it in the afternoons when it is the hottest part of the day. It has never done it when I start it for the first time in the morning. Everthing else about it has been great. Fuel economy has been about 23 combined and no other problems to report. My wife and father both liked it so much they purchased the LX 4 cylinder 2WD in August. Neither of their vehicles have had any problems. I believe it has somethng to do with the V-6 and something to do with the engine and transmission tolerances and expansion in the heat but who knows....I even took it to my local dealer around Louisville, KY and it would not do it for them so they have dismissed my complaint. I love the vehicle and hope they diagnose other similar problems so I can get mine fixed.
  • mtnman1mtnman1 Member Posts: 431
    edited October 2010
    Received a call from the Kia Regional Office on 9/29. I'm taking my Sorento into the local dealership and they are giving me a loaner to drive. They want their technician to ride with me so that I can point out the rattles. Don't know if there is a fix for the Climate control issue, but I will be happy if they can eliminate the rattles and fix the sun visor so that it doesn't fall out. I love the looks of this vehicle and I am beginning to have a more positive feelings towards it.

    I was wondering if anyone has been able to order crossbars for the roof rack. I e mailed Kia about 6 weeks ago and they said they should be available in a couple of months.

    How is your car hunt going? Any decisions as far as which vehicle you may be leaning towards. Have you thought about maybe checking out the 2011 Ford Edge. Really nice.
    2012 Highlander Limited AWD V6 and 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE
  • bestmickeybestmickey Member Posts: 4
    Happy to see you're getting some attention to the problems you've had w/your Sorento. Hope everything gets resolved.

    I've been leaning towards the Honda CR-V, merely based on reliability ratings. I still haven't test driven anything. :confuse: :confuse: That will wait until early December. I'm waiting till then so I will have a few thousand more towards the down payment. And, based on what I've learned from financial gurus (Suzy Orman, Clark Howard), you should do your test drives all within a very short window. Reason? Because the dealerships tend to do credit checks on you, and if the credit checks are all within a short window, it won't hurt your credit ratings nearly as much as it would if you did test drives over a stretched out period. See, I do tend to research some things to an extreme. Heck, I'm a retiree, I've got the time to spare.

    I haven't considered the Ford. Not sure I will as I haven't been impressed with some ratings (Edmunds for one).

    Keep us posted on your Sorento issues. Good luck!
  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    there is no way a dealership can do a credit check on you without your permission. they wouldnt even have your ss number unless you were actually going to buy a car. dont ever give that out unless you want to buy and finance the car. ive worked in finance for 29 years and know what is illegal.
  • mtnman1mtnman1 Member Posts: 431
    As the poster before me stated there is no way they can do a credit check without your SS# and your permission, so don't let that be a concern. I didn't realize that the new 2011 Edge had gotten any bad reviews. From what I've read they rate pretty well. Ford has been making very good vehicles lately. Our '04 Mountaineer, which we traded for the Sorento, was great and the '09 Fusion which I purchased in October of "08 has been an excellent vehicle. I guess I'm not much of a Honda fan though I understand why people buy them. Just never cared for the appearance of most of their line. I'll let you know how things turn out with my Sorento.
    2012 Highlander Limited AWD V6 and 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE
  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    ive had my 2011 sorento almost 7 months now. 9800 miles and so far its been flawless! its been a great vehicle. ex v6. great to drive and decent mileage. had an 08 saturn outlook before.
  • microrepairmicrorepair Member Posts: 508
    Yes, the AC does put a small load on the engine. However, on a really hot day if you are traveling over 40 or 50 MPH, opening the windows instead of using the AC with windows closed can cost as much as 2 MPG due to the increased drag on the car. (Or SUV.)
  • sphisssphiss Member Posts: 7
    I have been lurking for a while and this is my first post. I have been considering the purchase of a 2011 Sorento but have heard rumors of better things to come and wanted to see if any of you had any insider information. Here are the rumors:

    1. That a more powerful and more fuel-efficient 4-cylinder engine (Theta II?) will find its way into the Sorento.
    2. That the release of Uvo has been delayed so that it can be fully integrated into the navigation system.
    3. That the dynamic damper suspension released on the SX models would make its way into the other trim levels to improve the harsh suspension.

    Thoughts on this? Maybe Kia will wait for the 2012 model year to make these improvements?
  • sphisssphiss Member Posts: 7
    I have been lurking for a while and this is my first post. I have been considering the purchase of a 2011 Sorento but have heard rumors of better things to come and wanted to see if any of you had any insider information. Here are the rumors:

    1. That a more powerful and more fuel-efficient 4-cylinder engine (Theta II?) will find its way into the Sorento.
    2. That the release of Uvo has been delayed so that it can be fully integrated into the navigation system.
    3. That the dynamic damper suspension released on the SX models would make its way into the other trim levels to improve the harsh suspension.

    Thoughts on this? Maybe Kia will wait for the 2012 model year to make these improvements?
  • ediamiamediamiam Member Posts: 17
    I'm thinking the 200 hp 4 cyl gdi and 4 cyl turbo 275 hp engines will be available at some point. I'm deferring a purchase until it's confirmed. GDI seem to be the happening thing with engines these days. Ford is releasing the ecoboost variations and equinox already has a gdi engine. SInce I buy for the long haul I'm on the sidelines.
  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    id much rather have the v6 but because of federal regs it wont be available soon. 4cyl and 4cyl turbos are the new engines of government choice.
  • mstarrmstarr Member Posts: 1
    Have a 2011 sorento,awd v6with exactgly the same problem,a 'thunk" when starting ,The problem is intermittent and therefore hard to duplicate at the dealership.
    Other than that,its been great.
  • mtnman1mtnman1 Member Posts: 431
    I don't quite understand why everyone is fixated on the "thunk" when starting. I have a V6 and there is like a jolt occasionally when we start ours, but I have never thought of it as being an issue. I just think it's something that is normal for this car. Frankly, I think this is way over blown and not a problem.
    2012 Highlander Limited AWD V6 and 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,254
    A reporter is interested in talking with owners of the Kia Sorento who are also parents. If you are interested in commenting on your experience, please reply to pr@edmunds.com no later than Saturday, November 20, 2010 and include your city and state of residence, the model year of your vehicle and the age of your child/ren.

    Thanks for your consideration,
    Jeannine Fallon
    Corporate Communications
    Edmunds Inc.

    Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
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  • mtnman1mtnman1 Member Posts: 431
    I was having my new Sorento EX V6 w/Premioum pkg in for it's first routine maintenance. Have 4200 miles on it now. Dealership does the first Oil & Filter change free and only charges $19.99 for all future Oil & Filter changes.

    Saw the SX up close for the first time. Very nice with the chrome Exhaust and the Chrome on the front and back end. Also has a bright Chrome Roof Rack. All one color. No black plastic around the bottom of the vehicle. Sharp but I wonder who will want to spend $33,800 minimum for a Kia. By the time you add the Panoramic Roof it's well over $34,000 and if you get the AWD it's over $36,000. Too many nicer vehicles at that price competing with it. I paid about $28,788 OTD for mine that retailed for $31,100 before taxes and fees. That was max that I was willing to pay for a Kia. My wife and I wanted to scale back our vehicle spending. No more spending close to $40,000 for a car anymore.
    2012 Highlander Limited AWD V6 and 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE
  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    I hear you. The fully loaded V6 AWD SX is $35.8K MSRP. It looks much nicer and refined. WIth all the cash back and incentives, I should able get one for $4500 off from Kia plus dealer discount.... let's say $30K. I think it is reasonable consider all the features. But I still don't understand why there is no power liftgate.
  • j2jj2j Member Posts: 147
    Have to compare the Sorento w/ other models similarly equipped (the price advantage is still there, esp. taking into account the Kia discounts).

    Kia has had to adjust production to increase the no. of fully-loaded EX Sorentos due to the demand.
  • califasramsfancalifasramsfan Member Posts: 31
    We bought our SX for 26,985 + tax/lic. MSRP $32,990. I believe we got an excellent deal and you are corrent, the SX is nice. Ours is fully loaded except for the glass roof.
  • geotxgeotx Member Posts: 1
    I traded in my 2005 Sorento EX Lux 2WD and picked up a Dark Cherry Sorento SX with all options except AWD (dont need it) and the sunroof(never used it on my '05). I got 7k for my 05 and paid $23,164 out the door including TTL. Super sweet deal from what I am seeing on here and elsewhere online.
    I loved my 05 and the '11 SX is far better in EVERY way. I still think the Kia dealerships need A LOT of work but I am sold on the vehicles. I walked out of 6 different dealers before I foudn one that treated me like I am human.
  • califasramsfancalifasramsfan Member Posts: 31
    We got the same color and options with our SX. Bought it Sept. 6 and we absolutely love the car. The only issue we had with the dealership is that they insisted we had to take their financing to get the deal so even with excellent credit we got a 4.99 financing. I just received our plates so I'm re-financing with my CU on Monday at 3.15%. Pretty bogus but they had the best price by far. Other dealers in So. Cal. couldn't touch the sale price.
    Enjoy the Sorento!
  • mthrunmthrun Member Posts: 5
    I'm thinking of buying a new sorento but am thinking since its so late in the year i may wait until the '12 sorento's come out to take advantage of model year end clearances. Anyone know when that's supposed to be since the 11's came out so early? Also, i'm only looking for a AWD with no options, can anyone share with me what they got theres for out the door? I live in AZ now so i'm sure there may be an adjustment for taxes and license.

    thanks in advance for the help.
  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    they almost always have price increases during the year so if you wait until next end of summer for year end deals you may get a little more off but still pay more than you would now because of price increases.
  • shooter2747shooter2747 Member Posts: 1
    Purchased my Sorento SX-V6 on 10/23/10 and on 10/24/10 after 84 miles had to have it towed to the dealer because it wont start when the start button is pushed. Here it is Monday and the dealer has no clue on what the problem is or might be. Anyone have a clue????

  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    try emergency start in console. hold button down 10 seconds also. if something in one of the brake lights is burned out you have to use either emergency start of 10 seconds cant remember which.
  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    thought it was interesting in the last motor trend it says that kia started building the new sorrentos in georgia on novemer 16. mine says on the door it was built october 29th....
  • lok888lok888 Member Posts: 1,788
    they probably got it wrong. new Sorentos (for US markets) are being bulit in Georgia plant. the Hyundai Santa Fe will be built in the same plant later this year.
  • maddogg2maddogg2 Member Posts: 2
    we just bought one also that has factory installed car starter, however, can't figure out to start it using the remote. Any ideas.
  • maddogg2maddogg2 Member Posts: 2
    Okay, just figured it out. You have to press the lock button and then press the start button within 3 seconds.
  • hyukiahyukia Member Posts: 2
    "usually after a corner i push on the gas and nothing happens. if you lift off the gas pedal and get back on it, it starts to pull normally."

    This is normal because if the car detects the higher than recommended speed when cornering, ESC and Traction Control systems kick in and shutsdown the gas supply to avoid the rollover.
  • hyukiahyukia Member Posts: 2
    "The car has a great deal of rolling resistance. It's almost like you are driving with your foot on the break. It appears to be the transmission."

    If it is happening when cornering or on a slippery surface, then it is normal because when car detects the higher than recommended speed when cornering or when car detects a slippery surface, ESC and traction control system kicks in and shutsdown the gas supply for safety reasons.
  • jazzman7270jazzman7270 Member Posts: 2
    We bought a Kia Sorrento back during the President Day sales in February. I do not recommend buying this Vehicle. It was against our judgment because there wasn't a dealer within 80+ Miles of our house, but as we had a family member that worked for a dealership, we decided to buy it as it was well advertised. Throughout our short-lived ownership, the vehicle went to the dealership several times to have recall work done on the ECM module, and also to have an issue with the climate control module not working repaired. Finally in July, my wife was on a road trip on the highway and it caught on fire under the hood. Thank goodness somebody passing by noticed as none of the gauges on the dashboard indicated that anything wrong was occurring. She was fortunate that she didn't have our kids and she got out safely. Kia only called us once just to see if we were ok, but never offered any help. Needless to say, we own a Subaru Outback now as the replacement and haven't had an issue with it yet.
  • jazzman7270jazzman7270 Member Posts: 2
    We bought a Kia Sorrento back during the President Day sales in February. I do not recommend buying this Vehicle. It was against our judgment because there wasn't a dealer within 80+ Miles of our house, but as we had a family member that worked for a dealership, we decided to buy it as it was well advertised. Throughout our short-lived ownership, the vehicle went to the dealership several times to have recall work done on the ECM module, and also to have an issue with the climate control module not working repaired. Finally in July, my wife was on a road trip on the highway and it caught on fire under the hood. Thank goodness somebody passing by noticed as none of the gauges on the dashboard indicated that anything wrong was occurring. She was fortunate that she didn't have our kids and she got out safely. Kia only called us once just to see if we were ok, but never offered any help. Needless to say, we own a Subaru Outback now as the replacement and haven't had an issue with it yet.
  • moymoy Member Posts: 7
    We purchased a SX V6 about 3 weeks ago. So far no issues and everything has been great. I drive a mix of highway and city and average about 21MPG so far with about 2500 miles on it.

    I also have a co-worker who bought one before me and loved it and that was the main reason we test drove one and eventually bought it.
  • vara411vara411 Member Posts: 2
    Wow... a terrible experience! We have had NO problems with our Sorento... in fact we absolutely love it, still. We got a Sorento SX (built in September 2010), so perhaps these issues have been ironed out with successive builds? Any car company is going to produce lemons. Consumer Reports actually rates predicted new car reliability as slightly above average for the Sorento.
  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    wonder if anyone else in snow climates has noticed that the 2011 sorento is terrible in snow. ive driven here in minnesota since 1967, have had alot of different vehicles over the years and the sorento rates dangerous on snow. im thinking its the tires. you hit the brakes and nothing. drove my miata in the snow toaday and it put the sorento to shame. the sorento has been great other than this. needs a different brand tire
  • mtnman1mtnman1 Member Posts: 431
    Yes the Sorento FWD is terrible in the snow. If I lived in Minnesota I wouldn't consider anything but 4WD or AWD and buy snow tires for winter use. I am assuming you have the FWD with the Kumho low rolling resitance tires. Those tires are awful in the snow. I wish that I would have kept my 2004 Moutaineer AWD V8 with All Terrain Suv tires. That sucker would plow through anything.
    2012 Highlander Limited AWD V6 and 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE
  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    good to know im not alone. ive had many fwds and have never had trouble with them in the snow til this one. it just wont stop!
  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    any else had this. i noticed yesterday that the drivers outside door handle, which is a large metal chrome piece, is turning green like cheap jewelry. white and green streaks down the door. i washed it off and today its back. ive never heard of anything like this. im hoping the warranty will replace the door handle.
  • mtnman1mtnman1 Member Posts: 431
    Do you have a 2011? I haven't noticed this problem at all. And yes if it's within the warranty period which I think is 5 years/50K Miles it should be covered. Not sure what the length of time and mileage the basic bumper to bumper warranty is though. I had the leather Driver seat on a 2003 Sonata start cracking at about 30,000 miles and Hyundai replaced. Also, I just remembered that the chrome inside passenger door handle started peeling which they replaced.
    2012 Highlander Limited AWD V6 and 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE
  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    its a 2011. 13k miles. ill have to have them take a look at it. never seen anything like it on a car.
  • ennyenny Member Posts: 1
    I find that the auto headlight detector is too sensitive. It turns the lights on way too soon even in the daytime. As to the driving ability in snow and ice, I found the Sorento fine in the heavy snow and ice conditions in the northeast this year. It's a heavy car and maybe the stopping problems are caused by Newton's Law. Of course better winter tires would make a big difference. I had to use the 4WD pushbutton once to get out of a bad parking space but how many cars even have this option? I used to own an Explorer which had excellent snow and ice qualities but the tires that you drove on all year long were practically snow tires. As for price paid: $29995 for an SX with sunroof and cargo cover and netting if cash, $1000 more with 36 month 0% loan. Don't get extended warrantee. Not worth it. Consumer reports did study and even cars with lousy reliability didn't use the money spent on the warrantee. Car bought in the Bronx at City World Kia.
  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    havnt noticed that with auto headlight too much but do notice you have to turn lights on manually in rain or snow. ive had gm cars before and headlights go on with wipers. i would have liked the sx but ex v6 was top of the line when i bought mine. people at kia tell me kumho kl tires are the ones not good on snow. they get alot of complaints here. if i keep it thru next winter ill have to change out tires. ive always gotten factory 100k waranties ans come out pretty well on them but with kia having 5/60 on everything i wont keep it longer tha n that.
  • forestgrumpforestgrump Member Posts: 3
    Stopping has nothing to do with AWD, 4x4 or FWD on snow. It is a function of momentum and traction helped by antilock brakes. I just bought a new Sorento and put my daughters through it's paces first. The AWD gives excellent traction in snow even if you stop on a steep slope and start in snow 8 to 12" deep. It comes up the back way 16% grade with ease even in snow. Stopping was no problem much easier than our ex Yukon 4x4 (less weight). Acceleration is a function of AWD and 4x4. If you have 4x4 and limited slip don't try off camber. AWD it's a breeze.

    In our part of the country we have chain restrictions for the mountain areas except for 4x4 and AWD with approved snow tires under most conditions. Our Honda CRV does great in the snow and expect the Sorento to exceed it. I keep the jeep with gnarly tire and lockers front and rear for the fun stuff and it slides real good on it's toboggans.

    Driving in snow requires skill and the ability to think ahead something a car does not help with.
  • onefunkaronefunkar Member Posts: 113
    seems in minnesota many say sorento has as bad of traction as anything yet some have no problems. maybe its not tires. i dont know what it is but ive driven here for 43 years and this sorento is dangerous. it wont stop. ive tried different tire pressures but it doesnt matter. when it snows we drive one of the other cars. feel lucky that yours is good on ice and snow.
  • mtnman1mtnman1 Member Posts: 431
    edited February 2011
    I never said anything about stopping ability. I mean mainly traction. I do believer the tires Sorento uses does have a little to do with stopping in snow. Ours is definitely not good for traction or stopping. Our 2004 Mountaineer V8 AWD had shorter stopping distances than our Sorento V6 FWD, but did have all terrain tires on it. I would say it has something to do with the tires combined with the weight of the vehicle. I think the fact that the Mountaineer weighed a good bit more helped push the vehicle deeper into the snow which allowed the tires to obtain a better grip. Maybe you were responding to someone else. If so, I apologize.
    2012 Highlander Limited AWD V6 and 2015 Ford Fusion Hybrid SE
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