Pontiac Grand Prix AC/Heater Fan issue

polipinopolipino Member Posts: 1
I have an issue with the AC/heater fan that seems a little different from the other threads here. I have a 97 Grand Prix GT without climate control.

No matter what settings I put the fan on, I get nothing more than just a trickle of air out of all the vents (defog, head, feet). When I change the speed settings, the fan gets louder, like its trying to blow air harder, but still nothing more than a trickle of air from the vents. Changing the vent selector doesn't affect the airflow out of any of the vents. If I turn on the AC, it seems like the trickle of air does get cool eventually, but not nearly enough to make the car comfortable.

Has anyone seen this issue, and can point me in the right direction to fixing it?



  • malathionmalathion Member Posts: 1
    i have an 02 izuzu trooper who's blower motor works only after driving about 20 minutes or more. you can turn car off, and the blower will not work again for several more minutes. sometimes it startes right up with car. fuses, relays and wireing all check out! really need defroster. colorado
  • sonyarsonyar Member Posts: 5
    my heater only works on 5.what can i do to fix this?
  • sonyarsonyar Member Posts: 5
    my heater only works on 5.what can i do to fix this?my car is a 2000 pontiac grand prix
  • hydrashokhydrashok Member Posts: 3
    I had this problem and I had a mechanic replace the ignition switch after reading other forums.
  • beamer22beamer22 Member Posts: 5
    I had the same issue with my 2001 Gran Prix GT, in my case not only the AC, blower fan and daytime driving lights and auto headlights plus my rear window defogger. It turned out to be the ignition switch. All these components work through it. Once replacing the ignition switch it solved all my problems especially the fan just working on 5.
  • bmsmith7499bmsmith7499 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2010
    I have a 2001 Pontiac Grand Prix GT and my fan will not shut off. It will continue to blow constantly even with the car turned off. I have to unhook the battery to get it to shut down. I recently put in a new battery and it worked fine for about a day. Any ideas? :confuse:
  • bimmerman94bimmerman94 Member Posts: 1
    i have a 05 grand prix gt. At any given time that you start the car the ac/heat wont come on. no blower, no noise no nothing. as for other times it works just fine. I ve read so many post that i don't know where to start. anyone have the similar problem that has had it fixed? where should i start?
  • gearkatgearkat Member Posts: 13
    I have the same problem, and instead of unhooking the battery I simply pulled the 30 V HVAC fuse in the glove compartment fuse box to get it to shut down.
  • redsoxfan9redsoxfan9 Member Posts: 1
  • thunderdadthunderdad Member Posts: 1
    bmsmith, I've got a 2002 Grand Prix. My fan is staying on too. Were you ever able to find a solution to this problem?
  • emarkeremarker Member Posts: 7
    I have a 2005 pontiac and after I had smoke fill the inside cabin because the fuse blew, I replaced the blower motor and resistor. That worked for about 2-3 weeks and then blew just last week. No smoke this time. I can hear the compressor and other parts turning on underneath the hood, and there is a little air flow and its very cold, but nothing more. I'm not sure if its a short in the wiring, bad parts, or the a/c cluster on the dashboard, but something isn't right. Any ideas?
  • grumhgrumh Member Posts: 1
    Did you ever find out what was causing the intermittent behavior? I have the exact same problem now!
  • gmcustsvcsarahgmcustsvcsarah Member Posts: 1,964
    Grumh (and bimmerman94),

    Thanks for posting, and I'm sorry to hear about this concern you're having with the HVAC. We can look We can look into the situation further (see if any recalls are associated to your vehicle specifically/help you work with a dealership towards resolving this concern). Please email us with your name/user name, contact information, the last 8 of your VIN, and your involved dealership.

    GM Customer Service
  • tarah88tarah88 Member Posts: 1
    Somebody please help me! My 2006 Grand Prix started giving me some problems last winter. It would blow air, but not get very hot. I let it go because I didn't want to deal with it. This summer on a hot day, the fan wouldn't even turn on for most of the day. Finally, it started blowing nice cold air. This happened sparatically throughout the summer. Now we are back to winter and it's the same thing....not getting hot air. But now I have a new exciting issue. The blower won't shut off even when the car is off. I unplugged the battery over night once and the problem seemed to be fixed for a little while. I made the mistake of turning the heater back on and now same issue....won't shut off. Killed my battery last night. I need some good solid advice. I want it fixed right the first time. I've heard so far I need to replace blower motor, then resistor, or try the relay. No one has a straight answer. ADVISE????
  • jlawson435jlawson435 Member Posts: 1
    2000 Mercury Grand Marquis. Heater blower stopped working. The blower motor control module is probally bad but son does not have money to replace it. The EATC is OK. Can I go out to the blower motor and tap into the wires and run a new resistant switch into car and bypass the blower motor control module. When car is running you can turn on heat and place on defrost and you can feel warm air coming out just no blower to blow it out.
  • gmcustsvcsarahgmcustsvcsarah Member Posts: 1,964

    I'm sorry to hear about the concerns you're having with your HVAC, especially as colder weather is rolling in. Have you been working with a dealership already?

    GM Customer Service
  • gporter2gporter2 Member Posts: 1
    Similar Problems with 2007 Pontiac Grand Prix Heater / AC. This past summer the A/C worked but sporadically it would act like the blower was not working and shut off then come back on when it was 113 degrees outside. Then this fall it acted like no heat when I first tried the heater. Now we are nearing December and the defroster on both sides blows cold air no heat at all and after about 20-30 minutes the heater may blow a little warm air out the front vents only. But then if I turn on the defroster it is cold again. Any suggestions?
  • gmcustsvcsarahgmcustsvcsarah Member Posts: 1,964

    I'm sorry to hear about your HVAC concern, especially as cooler weather is rolling in. Have you worked with a dealership already towards resolving this?

    GM Customer Service
  • Mr_ShiftrightMr_Shiftright Member Posts: 64,481
    This is a common problem and my research indicates that in *most* cases (no promises here), replacing the resistor under the glove box will fix the problem.

    HOWEVER, there are reports that this resistor goes back on occasion because of water leaking onto it from a bad windshield seal, so you should check to see if the resistor is full of corrosion from water damage---if so, you have TWO problems to fix, or you'll be back under there soon enough.
  • emarkeremarker Member Posts: 7
    No, I emailed you more specifically about the problem that I am having.
  • emarkeremarker Member Posts: 7
    I was never able to find out the problem with my car as I am still dealing with it. As with many other people, I have read several post and have no idea where to start. I have talked to mechanics and tell them about the ignition switch and they have never heard of that or at least tell me no. But I have replaced every other part that I can think of besides pulling the wiring from the dash which is hundreds of dollars that I don't have. I have no idea what to do. I am looking into buying the a/c controls on the center dash board but I am not sure. Haven't had A/c or heat for months now.
  • emarkeremarker Member Posts: 7
    I am still having the same A/c issues as before and I would like to know where to get a wiring harness for a 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix. I replaced the blower motor resistor, but I think I fried the wiring harness when the initial problem happened, hence the smoke in the vents. Can someone help me? I know my way around a car pretty well. I also need an instruction manual.

    Thank you
  • leena110leena110 Member Posts: 1
    Did anyone sever find the solution for the a/c heater staying on after car is off? I've tried everything except ignition switch.
  • chica85bbchica85bb Member Posts: 1
    I have a 1998 Pontiac Grand Prix GT and I have read a lot of discussions about AC/Heater issues from various websites. I have yet to find one issue similar to mine current problem or maybe I just didn't look hard enough. Anyways when I have my heater on the driver side vents blow out cold air including the floor ones and my passenger side heat works fine. When I have the AC on the driver side works great and the passenger side blows out hot air like as if the heater was turned on high. I have played with the temperature settings to see if I can get it to work even a little but had no luck. The weird thing is sometimes by chance the heater will work fine on both sides but this is rare. I don't know if this information matters but I had my AC recharged and a couple of months later my AC/Heater problems arose.
  • bobbi209bobbi209 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 pontiac gp. In recent months the internal fan has been acting up. It will turn off and on on its own and stubbornly refuses most of my coaxing. I have taken it into a mechanic as I dont have the ability to repair it myself at the moment but they keep giving me conflicting reports about what the problem is. So far I have been quoted at 50 dollars for a small fill up of coolant which I was told is not very low and no leak. Then I was told by the same mechanic that it was all my fans and my car would become damaged if i didnt fork over 400-900 dollars for a full repair. I sadly had to burst his bubble on that fact since I know the engine fan works fine as I can check it for myself without removing the dang dashboard. Then yet again was quoted 300 dollars to check the resistor which is now what he swears the problem is. All this after he has ran a diag on it. Is there anyway to get to the resistor under the glovebox without pulling the dash? I do not own a repair manual for this car yet so any help locating it would be awesome! thanks
  • tinindiantinindian Member Posts: 1
    your problem may not be your wiring, or your blower motor... it sounds like it's in the vent flap system. Your car is new enough to have that system electronically controlled (as on a 1993 Dodge Intrepid I once owned) It may need a simple calibration. On the Dodge you pressed and held three buttons at once (or some similar act) and the vent doors cycled through all their full open / closed positions. It's like calibrating a joy stick on a computer. You set the range of motion of the doors so they know where they're sitting.
  • honchobobhonchobob Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2006 Grand prix. It has a musty smell from time to time. I know the A/C has a drain tube some where, but I can not find it. My 2000 GP had the typical rubber elbow on the fire wall and I could see it and maintain it from under the car. Can someone shed some light on this? Where exactly is the drain for the A/C on an 06, and is there any other things I should check regarding the odor. My car is not at all wet inside, cabin or trunk! Thanks for listening.
  • ponmanponman Member Posts: 1
    My fan does not kick in when Heater /Ac is on, Both AC and heater kick in but no fan, While i drive the car and if i hit enough bumps then the fan comes on, If i turn the dial when the fan is working only high and low settings work,
  • gregg204gregg204 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 05 grand prix and my heat stopped working on all speeds then it kicked back in then stopped for good i get a reading on the resistor when i put the battery tester to it iam having troubles finding a spot for the battery tester. also could it be the fuse or the switch?
  • marioomarioo Member Posts: 4
    I have a grand prix 2002....the heater used to work only at 5 level...afther a while it stop working at all...i already. Change. The blower resistor and it still dont work...what could be the proble??
  • kenziemacey01kenziemacey01 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 Grand Prix and I was experiencing the exact same problem. I did some research and found out that there is a cabin air filter on the passenger side. You have to go under the hood to change it. Once we changed the cabin air filter (different from the engine air filter) the smell went away.
  • honchobobhonchobob Member Posts: 2
    Thanks much. Did so, regarding cabin filter along with finding and clearing drain tube. Seems to have worked. Thanks again.
  • tmcwill003tmcwill003 Member Posts: 1
    I am having the same problems with my 04. I haven't taken it to a mechanic yet but plan on doing that soon. Did you ever end up getting the problem fixed and if so what was it and how much was it?
  • jreck87jreck87 Member Posts: 5
    This is a Pontiac Grand Prix forum! go to your own car's forum!
  • Kirstie_HKirstie_H Administrator Posts: 11,266
    Well, you're telling that member off about 3.5 years too late. That post was from 2009. Discussions may have been combined during that time, and that member is almost certainly not going to see your message.

    Find me at kirstie_h@edmunds.com - or send a private message by clicking on my name.
    2015 Kia Soul, 2021 Subaru Forester (kirstie_h), 2024 GMC Sierra 1500 (mr. kirstie_h)
    Review your vehicle

  • jreck87jreck87 Member Posts: 5
    oh, ok kool and to clarify, i wasnt telling anyone "off", i was just sayin to them. thanks
  • littlesixxlittlesixx Member Posts: 1
    In my 2001 pontiac grand prix I noticed the other night when i turned on the air condition that my dashboard message center and the automatic headlights went off. I tried a few different settings and nothing. I was just wondering if its as simple as replacing a few fuses or do i have to rip everything apart. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks!
  • bigbill0908bigbill0908 Member Posts: 1
    Well u have to do a therough check on wires.harnesses .actual blower motor switch n conections to grounds all over the car for me it was the main harnes behind my radio the plug actually melted the wires on it r easy to find just look under the dash (pass side) locate the blower n follow the wires to behind the radio on the one side of harness connector there is 4 or 6 thicker wires then the rest of the wires in the harness u will clearly c if they r melted if so go to the zone .strauss.or pepboys and get the male n female connectors b sure to secure them correct because they will heat up n if not properly done wires can ark until a fire occurs n we don't want that trust me
  • jdowell76jdowell76 Member Posts: 1
    I bought a 2001 used Pontiac Grand Am GT. Car drives great but I just had the AC fan blast on full while I was driving. It will not shut off and adusting the controls does nothing. I had to unhook the battery to turn it off. The only things that happened prior to the issue is a car wash (perhaps water leaked into the electronics) and put a cell phone charger into the lighter. :sick:
  • voclovoclo Member Posts: 1
    Just bought a 2004 Grand Prix GT2 4 days ago- beautiful car! Ran great, everything worked when tested. Dealership replaced the windshield the day we picked it up since we saw it had a prominent stone chip in the middle when we took it for test drive. Picked it up on Thursday; on Saturday the air conditioner wouldn't shut off, not even when car was turned off. Had to pull fuse to get it to stop. Have read the forum- some have suggested a leak that corroded the resistor; others suggested ignition wiring, etc. Wondering if the replacement of the windshield and all the torrential rain we had actually caused this or if its something else. There was no evidence of leaking in the car. Perhaps it just happened to work correctly when we test drove it. Called the dealership but they must have closed earlier on Saturday. Left message for them. Closed on Sunday. Hoping they will make it right but we bought it without a warranty. Not sure how to proceed from here. It's our daughter's car and we/she can't afford costly repairs when money was used for down payment. I checked and buyer's remorse laws don't appear to apply to cars. A mechanic mentioned a recall for this problem, but I checked this as well and don't see one. Any suggestions?
  • jpnortheyjpnorthey Member Posts: 1
    Just signed up today to give a possible answer to your question and one from 09 ac/heater not working along with rear window defrost and auto on night time headlights not working. Had same issue with my 2000 GP started in the last month. After reading about it maybe being the ignition switch went out this morn and sprayed electrical contact cleaner into the key hole. Everything appears to be working fine again ...ac/heater fan, rear defrost, cant tell about headlights as its still day time but guessing they also work. A cheap fix to try before going any deeper into this problem . Hope this helps any one looking up this problem
  • morgan71morgan71 Member Posts: 25
    Hello all,

    I have a similar problem and hope to get some help. When I turn on the fan my ac switch/ button automatically comes on but when I press the button it wont turn off. I would like to be able to get heat now that it's getting cold. Any ideas, help and suggestions would be helpful.

  • lilianahlilianah Member Posts: 1
    I have a Pontiac grand prix 01 supercharger. When I turn my car my car is automatic so basically my head lights turn on by itself. But...when I turn on my AC/Heater both my headlights and AC/Heaters turn off...So what I have to do is turn on headlights only by hand but my AC/Heater still doesn't want to turn on...What is wrong my car.?
  • mspink_gpmspink_gp Member Posts: 1
    bmsmith, I've got a 2002 Grand Prix. My fan is staying on too. Were you ever able to find a solution to this problem?
    I have 06 grand prix same problem & it was my resistor
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