Have you recently bought a Tesla or are you currently shopping for one? A reporter would like to speak with you; please reach out to PR@Edmunds.com by 3/13 for more details.
I just filled out my on-line Chrysler survey for new purchase and indicated the problem with tires. I am hoping they will call me back since I checked that off. I would suggest to fill that problem in the survey.
In regards to pushing the engine, I have now 1650 miles on it which is mostly highway. After 600 miles I started to push a little more, after 1,000 I started to open up a even more. Now, I feel the engine is starting to open up.
The old school says about 5,000 miles an engine will reach the full potential. My feeling is this engine might reach it a lot quicker.
My dealership suggest to be safe with oil change after 6,000 miles but do not go over 8,000.
Sorry, to tell you, they won't call you. I did the same thing and received no response. I hope you notified the dealer within the first week you got the jeep so you have it on record.
Nothing here. Dealer says there is nothing they could do for me but give me 45/tire on trade in for new tires and wanted 1100 for relplacements. They indicated that filling out the survey was the best thing to do. Guess they think passing the responsibility to someone else will win future business????
Michelin's own site rates the Latitude as touring tires and not good as off-road. Seems like the loyalty issue that jeep owners have should play a part with jeep/chrysler management. Wondering if we can find out how many off-road packages were sold with the on-road tires. I they get enough complaints in numbers, they should at least respond to make things right.
With regards to the dealer solution presented to you, I would not change the tire to the 45/tire as a last resort. After doing a lot of searching on the web, IMO, the two leading candidates for tires are the Cooper A/T 3 or the Hankook Dynamo R10. If Chrysler does not come to a resolution by late summer, I would then be left with no choice and purchase the new tires in order to ready for the winter and a possible Jeep Jamboree outing.
I am now noticing the Latitude's response on highway driving in the rain is starting to diminish in performance. This is partly due to the lower tread depth design. Before, I never had a problem in this situation with either the Firestone Destination A/T or the Goodyear Fortera Tripletreads.
Since this is my first Jeep/Chrysler product that I have owned, this is the only issue that has left me with a sour taste. Otherwise, I feel that overall, they are doing an excellent job.
I agree, that there has to be some way to find out the number of packages sold and for us to come together and present this to JEEP to make things right. I would take even a check, simply because I am afraid what they my offer.
The plot "sickens". Last Tuesday, 3/22/11, I was called in responce to my survey comments, and after a lengthy interview was instructed that I would receive an e-mail today, Wednesday, 3/30/11, authorizing me to purchase the proper tires, and to submit documented proof within seven days for a full refund of my costs. I was pleased, amazed, but suspicious. Today this same rep called to tell me that he had discussed this situation with the dealer, & others, and that he could not go against "the decision" not to adjust this situation. He did offer me an extended vehicle warranty, an offer I refused, as it has no value to me.
I don't know, does Chrysler hate it's customer base. Does Fiat see this as some sort of tax deduction. It sure isn't the way to conduct business on an ethical level and build a loyal customer base.
I am done with trying to convince Chrysler to do the right thing. I am going to contact the California Attorney Genreals office to see if they have any interest in pursuing this as a "bait and switch" violation. Also, going to write my elected representatives in Sacramento and Washington to see if they have any interest. (Pobably doubtfull.)
Also, I will be ready to express my frustration to one and all - I'll be a real Johny One note (till my wife tells me to cool it. :-) ).
Yes, I know I can replace the tires for about a thousand dollars, and be done with it. But "they" have taken our tax dollars to save their [non-permissible content removed], promised us a better business experience, and still playing the same old game. I am totally P.O.'d with this whole issue. Love the car, hate the company. 8-/
I understand your point and to shell out 1G in these economic times not exactly something that many of us are looking forward to. Writing to our elective officials, as you say would be doubtful at this time. Checking with our respective state and US Attorney Generals office is a good idea, again I think it is to early.
The problem as I see it right now, as far as I can tell, we might be a small base with this situation. We need others who have the same problem as us that have not voiced their displeasure now must do so. The best thing is keep the communication going with customer service and demonstrate that the whole concept with the Adventure Package and a Trail Rated certified 4x4 is that we need an aggressive tire as indicated on the website and the sticker. The old clause of specifications can change from time of purchase does not apply in our case. A Jeep 4x4er that does the on/off road driving expects that are getting that.
Chrysler/Jeep/Fiat, should change their policy and make provisions to remedy this for the loyal customer base. With the Nissan Xterra they give you the BFG Rugged Trail TA as the on/off road OE tire. I am still wondering if Jeep is waiting for the release of the updated version of the BFG Rugged Trail TA as I have posted earlier (IMO, I never liked BFG before and the new one I have to wait for opinions on the siping) and my offer this as a solution.
As you, I love the JGC as well and glad that I did make the purchase. From my past experiences with other car manufactures, right now, the Chrysler/Jeep/Fiat is differently better to deal with than the other competition.
Seems like you would have a winner in small claims court. Bring in the documentation and I don't see how they can rule against you. I would see if you can sue Jeep and the dealer. They might just pay you off to avoid the precedent and hassle.
Yesterday. A loaded Laredo. Blue pearl with saddle leather int. Beautiful vehicle. Drove and rode wonderfully. No kidding, this thing is a peach to drive. Handles very very well also. I really like the car. Was a V6 with Quadra Trac II and the air suspension up/down kit. I guess called adventure II ?? Anyhow, all my impressions were positive EXCEPT for the engine response. It was mostly good, but there was a flat spot/hesitation that I didn't like, but definitely could live with, specially since new flash of control PROM may 'fix' it. It did not seem like a 290 hp engine either. I drove there in my Navigator, a much heavier vehicle with a 300 hp engine and I've no doubt I could dust the JGC with the Nav. Surprising.
FYI - although it was well equipped for off-road, it had the Michelin Latitude tires. The build date was August 2010. I think I'm going to pass on it, though it is tempting. SOme of the stories here thugh give me real p[ause. Buying this early build date of the first model year scares me, as does the Chrysler response to the OBVIOUS problem that latitudes are NOT all terrain tires.
BEST of luck to all you Jeepers. I loved my old 86 Cherokee.
The JGC that you test drove and described is the same configuration except for the color that I test drove and decided to purchase. My color, blackberry pearl.
Except for the tire issue, to date this is the best car I have owned. With regards to the V6, a lot of us found that by just shutting of the Hill Assist and getting the latest RRT will pretty much solve the problem. Also, as I have discovered, the sport mode and shifting will get the engine to come alive. With now almost 2000 miles of mostly highway driving, I am finding the the V6 really responsive.
For some strange reason, this is my second car, first with Jeep that has an early build date and it never bothered me. The first was an 2005 Nissan Xterra 2nd generation. I remember my father also had first build's and it never bothered him.
If you have not yet pulled the trigger, I would suggest to take another look. I have a friend that just brought the Hemi and let tell you, he can blow away a lot of other V8's.
Wow, based on Chrysler's opinion on what's appropriate for the off-road package tires, yuo could order a jeep in blue and have all jeeps come in black because black is still a paint that covers and protects the body.
It actually is printed in black & white on the window sticker & on the build sheet that the tires specified for that pkg are On-Off Road... not T-O-U-R-I-N-G! What don't they understand about the English language. If the pkg was meant to come with Touring tires it would have said that. Even they're own "Build Your Own" web site specifies On-Off road tires.
Keep after them... call Chrysler Customer Care and get a Sr case mgr working for you. Maybe we should contact one of the national news HELP organizations. Let them do a bit of research. :mad:
I guess yours is exactly like this one. I misquoted the color - it is blackberry pearl. Very nice. The engine probably runs better after breakin, yeah. And I have read here that the new flash does (or does not, depending on which post u read) improve driveability. The part that puzzles me is the Hill descent issue. I had read here it might perform better if that was off. So I asked salesman how to turn it off. He pointed out that off is the default and that you can't even turn it on unless you're in a 4WD mode. I was in Auto, then Sport and could not get the light to stay on (which would mean the hill control was ON) , so I'm puzzled what you all are referring to.
My father advised me to avoid first year cars. Not that I ever listened to anything he said! What REALLY bugs me though is this tire issue. Chrysler is pulling a fast one here no doubt. Good luck getting them to do anything. They're certainly not alone in this type of response though. My Lincoln LS had (well, still has at 130,000 miles) an issue with the auto HVAC system blowing cold air out center stack and warm air out driver's side. I escalated to the Ford district manager who, with thermometer in hand, agreed that it didn't work correctly and promised to fix it. That is the last time I ever spoke to him, as he refused to take calls from me after that. Nice, huh?
I would HATE to get a Hemi Jeep that gets pretty much the same gas mileage (13 19) as my Navigator (13 17) when it is about 2 feet shorter and 3/4 ton lighter. Gas is never getting any cheaper again, what with the policies now in place and the refusal to even drill in the future. It is insane. Also, though I do really like the Jeep, I have made a promise to myself that the UAW shall never get another dime of my money. So it would be hard to go back on that promise. Though there is that adjustable air suspension ...
The way the customer care indicated to me that an order for a change to happen, they did to receive more complaints, it seems to me, that they are beginning to get more and more calls with frustration building on both ends. The fact that they ask why I did not like the Latitude as an all-terrian tire could mean they are in the process of analyzing their nice mistake. At this point it is hard to say.
The New York Auto Show is coming up shortly and since I am in the tri-state area, my intention is to speak to somebody about this problem. A face to face meeting might help the situation. I was not planing to goto the show this year because I have a new 4x4 and do not need to see anything else. Now it is going to be a waste of time and some money, but let me make the best out of it.
I went back to look over the YouTube video's to review the footage of 2011 JGC that you can actually see the Latitadue's and the majority of the off-road demonstration occurred with dry conditions. When ever there was a mud or water a very short run. Even a car tire in dry conditions can handle that terrain. So, if this is what Jeep based their decision on, then they certainly missed some other fine points off-roading. On tirerack review, two 2011 Jeep owners complained about the Latitude performance in the snow where one almost lost total control of the JGC. Those missed points is what express my complaint with customer service.
Overall, I still like the 2011 JGC and I am proud to be a Jeep owner for the first time. Best for now.
Thank you for kind thoughts. Everybody loves the blackberry color. Like you, I really went after the adjustable air suspension and the fact it was available in the V6 sold me. No more premium gas which my old Suv needed.
The hill assist which you need is in the setup mode and the manual tells you how to work the electronic vehicle information system. By using the controls on the steering wheel you simple scroll thru the menus and check off the hill assist.
In short the drive by wire system in these V6 takes into account a lot of variables and by shorting off the hill assist, the V6 seems to move faster from a stop.
What ever your choice is going to be, I am sure you will make the best decision.
Hi All, Just purchased a new JGC Overland 4x2 :shades: (sorry I don't go into the off roading & live in Los Angeles) Just really liked the look of the vehicle, dark metalic gray has all of the bells & whistles but the blind spot & cruise control monitoring. Have not had a chance to set all of the apps yet but will this weekend. I had new Cherokee sport in '93 & a new JGC Loredo (26 package) in 2000 if this one serves me as well as those two did I will be a happy camper.
Hi, How long did it take for the manuals to arrive? I ordered mine and was told I would receive them in 2 to 3 days via ups but I have not received them yet. Also what software upgrade are you speaking off I have the 730N media center on my overland 4x2
This is just my opinion: I have 264 miles to date I'm going by the book 8k miles or 6 months any sooner just seems a waste of money, as for the break in keep it low until 500 miles and then increase.......best to be safe and help it a little to keep you happy for many miles to come.
Chrysler customer satisfactions department responded today to my request from the survey about my only negative complaint of the 2011 JGC, the tires and assigned a case number as well.
According to Chrysler as of now, the Latitude was selected by them as the tire to meet the requirements as set forth for Adventure Package. Therefore, at the present time, Chrysler is not going to due anything. When I mention if the powers in charge decide to check out the forums and witness with the own eyes the mistake in tire selection, they responded, if enough people complain, action might be taken.
They also asked me why I did not like the Latitude as an All-Terrian tire. My response was as follows: First, the tire tread depth brand new is 10/32, not good for off road adventures, snow and rain. Second, the tread design can not work well in deep snow or light mud. Third, in the rain, water does not evacuate as fast as mediocre all-terrian tires. And to top it off, the whole point of buying this package was not to spend any additional monies of an all-terrian tire.
I strongly recommend for us that got stuck with the Michelin Latitude tires to speak with customer service, state why it was an error with examples for Jeep to select the tire. I have spoken to customer service on other matters and each time I find the service better than other car manufactures.
I agree with you by going with the book. Between the transmission and the engine now that I just past 2000 miles, the V6 is fast enough for me and it is running nice.
Did you ever get the stone/bug deflector for the hood or mud flaps yet? Last time when I was at the service department, I forgot to check them out. I wondering if the mud flap is a soft one as opposed to the hard ones that act like a shovel and become sometimes a problem in mud or snow. Thanx
It took 4 days for the manuals to arrive. If you do noy get them, call JEEP Customer Service and they will resend them.
The upgrade is a Radio Enhancement Upgrade (#RRT 11-026). You can call the dealer or Chrysler Customer Service to see if your VIN qualifies. I also have the 730N media center. I had the upgrade done but don't notice any difference. Sercvice rep at the dealer said it has to do with the fact that if the radio enters static mode then it won't drain the battery. I don't understand it.
The stone/bug deflector made by MOPAR for the JEEPS has a part number but is not yet actually available, according to my parts dept. I purchased a Weather Tech one made for the JEEP and plan on installing it this weekend. If I don't like the way it looks (or operates) I'll return it and wait for the MOPar one.
The mud flaps are available from MOPAR, and I am pretty sure they are the hard ones. I have the same concern as you about a possible problem in mud/snow. You also have to drill into the body to install them. If you look at the JEEP body in relation to the wheels, it seems most of ther benefit would come from the front mudguards. I think I'll pass on these for now.
I am more concerned about stone chips to the front of the hood and front bumper when driving on the highway. The hood deflector will help, but not for the bumper.
Thanks joe24, It has been over 4 days, I'll give it to Monday and if nothing then I will call Tuesday,I ordered a brochure 6 months ago and never got that either. Does anyone know where the build date is located?
I am considering purchasing a Grand Cherokee. I am impressed with the 2011. But I also am impressed with the new Ford Explorer. Could i get some feedback from those who have driven both? Thank you!
I have not driven the Explorer, but I considered it when deciding on an SUV. I decided on the JEEP because I do not need a third row seat, and I like the styling of the JEEP better (but that is a personal thing). It may be odd, but the hood of the Explorer looks like it was just slapped on and that really turned me off (unlike the JEEP hood/front/side/rear which, in my opinion, is really styles/integrated nicely). Also, I am really enjoying the V8 Hemi on the JEEP.
When I started my research a few months before my lease was up on getting a new SUV, I did look into to the Explore again. Instead I went for a Pathfinder, then the Explore did not cut it 3 years ago. GM then and now has nothing I like.
The deciding factor between the 2011 JGC had over the Explorer for was 1) The GC rides like a tank in a Mercedes body, nice and comfortable. 2) Ground Clearance, even if you do not get the air suspension unit in GC, you still get better clearance. 3) Styling was better than the Explorer and lot of other SUV in the range, at first folks thought that I got a BMW.
I did not mind losing the third row seat, it was actually a pleasure now that in the 2nd row nobody complains anymore. I have the V6 and I am fine with it. For me, I really wanted a better SUV to handle off-road situations and the winter when I need it, yet I have a very quite and comfortable interior.
The Explorer I went only once to if the improvements was worth it to me. With the GC I actually went for 3 test rides to make sure I was making the right choice. Pulled the trigger and purchased it as opposed to leasing this time.
This is my 2 cents, so go thru your requirements see what fits.
Thank you for the update. I am going to get a hood deflector this summer depending upon the reviews which was is better. Also, the mud flaps I going to wait until a third party provider has something I like.
Two problems with the Scotchguard clear film. First, after a period of time the unprotected paint discolors a little and the paint under the film does not. Second, the clear film starts to look bad from road stones. I bought the plastic hood bug protector and I am happy.
Hi, just picked up my JGC Overland with the v-8 two days ago in stone white with Black interior. So far, nothing but a head turner and is absolutely beautiful. Wonder what the software updat for the 730n stereo is. Can you let me know? otherwise, i love my new jeep! Had a 2010 buick lacrosse CSX model with all the toys. really nice vehicle but, living in NY and going thru the winter we just had, had to trade it in. Only 10months old but well worth it. So far the feep is awesome. Hope it maintains its credibility for the years to come!
I agree, I actually like the 2011 edge better than the explorer's look. Still, I think the Jeep just looks alot better period! And capability wise.... not even a question!
Thanks joeb24, the manuals did not arrive yet so if they don't arrive Monday it looks like a call on Tuesday, I see you have looked into the Morpar accessories, I was interested in the chrome side rails/steps......any thoughts? Does anyone know of any aftermarket ones available yet?
I briefly owned a 2011 JGC in Stone White with black leather. Fabulous vehicle except for the following: desperately needs the 8-speed tranny and also needs knee air bags as well as an audio system which can read .WAV files. Folks willing to lay down this kind of money are not willing to have bunged up knees and compressed MP3 files. Otherwise, great. The HEMI is super and would only be the better with a better tranny.
I too have a 2011 Overland, picked it up in early January. The 430n media center is somewhat of a downgrade from the 730n. The 730n is no longer being installed. Because of this, all of the Overlands with the 430n need a software update to get the Sirius Travel Link that all of us have paid for. I have been in contact with Jeep Customer Service literally every three weeks since picking it up. The answer is always the same... "next month you will get an update DVD to put into the 430n." Also, if you got the backseat TV like I did, don't bother trying to get the Flo TV activated... They told me my dealer should have notified me that they are discontinuing Flo TV service. Other than those things, the vehicle is great.
The radio software upgrade is #RRT11-026. You can call your dealer or Chrysler Customer Service with your VIN # to see if it applies to your JEEP. I am not sure what the upgrade does. Good luck with your new JEEP!
I have not considered buying the sidesteps, but it looks like they are available. Go to WWW.JEEPPARTS.MOPAR.COM or your dealer's parts dept. for more info.
I picked up my JGC in March and I believe it was built in February. On the window sticker, under "optional equipment", it lists the 730N Media Center for $305. So, I assume I have the 730N media center. Still, Chrysler told me to bring the JGC in for a radio software upgrade #RRT11-026.
I was surprised to see the $305. list price for the 730N on the window sticker. Back when I was considering ordering a JEEP, the price list price for the 730N was $465.
This Media Center thing, 430N versus 730N, seems pretty confusing to me.
Any 6' 5" tall people out there driving one of these. I went to the Denver Auto Show a couple of days ago, and found that being tall has become problematic for me with the new cars. I sat in a couple JGC, but was unable to adjust the seat, as I didn't have the keys to the vehicles. I currently have a 1997 Ford Explorer, and it has the perfect fit for me. It's what I enjoy the most about the car, but it's getting old, and it may be time to replace it. Living in Colorado, the new Explorers just don't have the off road capability that I now enjoy. The 2011 looks like my kind of vehicle, but not if I can't keep my head from being jammed into the ceiling.
The best place to look is at Jeep's own website under the title - for owners - then look for media centers. Their you will see the descriptions of the radio's as well as the downloadable manuals.
The best thing is go for a test ride at dealership and play with the seating positions. I have the 8-way seats and they adjust nicely for me. However, I am only 5' 6". But the GM at the dealership is around 6'2" and he just got in and out with no problem.
I am 6'2", 220 and have the 2011 Overland fully loaded. I have all kinds of head room even though I have the full moon roof which takes out some head room. I am sure you will find it very comfortable. My only issue to date is noise in the suspension that they are still trying to get rid of, otherwise it has been great and I have 6000KM on it (V6). I wish it had more balls off the line and through the mid range but until they get the new tranny I will just ride it in sport mode when the weather allows as this changes the shift pattern and gives you much better low end performance. One of the best looking rides out there.
I'm 6'6" and have no problems with space or headroom in the new Jeep. I have yet to pull the trigger on a 2011, but have test driven one a couple of times and remarked to my wife, "I cannot remember the last time I had this much space while driving". I have a 99 GCL now, but have my eye on the 2011's and am hoping for some end of year specials to get my new one. Good luck!
One thing I've learned driving for 25 plus years and being in the car business in the past is that everytime there is a new motor introduced like the Pentaster V-6, it is almost a gaurantee that there will be some sort of issue and it takes atleast 1 full year with a brand new engine to get all the bugs out! I've seen it with Ford/Lincoln mercury back in the 90's when they introduce a new 4.6L V-8 engine in the town cars. If a car came in the shop with a hesitation problem, Ford recommended to pull the whole engine out and send it back to factory to see what the problem was! Thats why I bought a 2011 with the Hemi V-8. This engine has been around a while, and has only been modified to be more fuel efficient! Sorry you have this hesitation issue but I'm sure it will be resolved soon. Its just to new to figure out quickly what the problem is. Anyway,Good Lock!
Very unusual thing happened today! First, I have 322 miles on my JGC Overland with the V-8 Hemi. I was parked in frt of my sons school today waiting to pick him up. The truck was idling and I noticed some white smoke from the rear blowing towards the frt. Not thinking much of it, thinking it was some dust blowing, then I saw it again and wondered if it was coming from my truck so I tapped on the gas pedal softly and a large cloud of white smoke surrounded my vehicle! I was stunned and shut the car off! Went in to get my son then after started the truck up again, Nothing. Checked all the gauges and everything was fine! Went home cooled it off and checked all the fluids, perfect! Took the jeep out for a 15min drive and again perfect! Anyone have any idea!!! This is really mindboggling! Called the dealer and left a meassage for the service mgr.
Hi, Like Mixinit I also purchased my Overland in March, has a build date of Feb 18th and window sticker shows a 730N as a $463 option. This vehicle was purchased new off of a dealers lot and was not a build it order. So unless you build to order I think it's hit ot miss as to what media center unit is installed.
The old school says about 5,000 miles an engine will reach the full potential. My feeling is this engine might reach it a lot quicker.
My dealership suggest to be safe with oil change after 6,000 miles but do not go over 8,000.
Michelin's own site rates the Latitude as touring tires and not good as off-road. Seems like the loyalty issue that jeep owners have should play a part with jeep/chrysler management. Wondering if we can find out how many off-road packages were sold with the on-road tires. I they get enough complaints in numbers, they should at least respond to make things right.
I am now noticing the Latitude's response on highway driving in the rain is starting to diminish in performance. This is partly due to the lower tread depth design. Before, I never had a problem in this situation with either the Firestone Destination A/T or the Goodyear Fortera Tripletreads.
Since this is my first Jeep/Chrysler product that I have owned, this is the only issue that has left me with a sour taste. Otherwise, I feel that overall, they are doing an excellent job.
I agree, that there has to be some way to find out the number of packages sold and for us to come together and present this to JEEP to make things right. I would take even a check, simply because I am afraid what they my offer.
I don't know, does Chrysler hate it's customer base. Does Fiat see this as some sort of tax deduction. It sure isn't the way to conduct business on an ethical level and build a loyal customer base.
I am done with trying to convince Chrysler to do the right thing. I am going to contact the California Attorney Genreals office to see if they have any interest in pursuing this as a "bait and switch" violation. Also, going to write my elected representatives in Sacramento and Washington to see if they have any interest. (Pobably doubtfull.)
Also, I will be ready to express my frustration to one and all - I'll be a real Johny One note (till my wife tells me to cool it. :-) ).
Yes, I know I can replace the tires for about a thousand dollars, and be done with it. But "they" have taken our tax dollars to save their [non-permissible content removed], promised us a better business experience, and still playing the same old game. I am totally P.O.'d with this whole issue. Love the car, hate the company. 8-/
The problem as I see it right now, as far as I can tell, we might be a small base with this situation. We need others who have the same problem as us that have not voiced their displeasure now must do so. The best thing is keep the communication going with customer service and demonstrate that the whole concept with the Adventure Package and a Trail Rated certified 4x4 is that we need an aggressive tire as indicated on the website and the sticker. The old clause of specifications can change from time of purchase does not apply in our case. A Jeep 4x4er that does the on/off road driving expects that are getting that.
Chrysler/Jeep/Fiat, should change their policy and make provisions to remedy this for the loyal customer base. With the Nissan Xterra they give you the BFG Rugged Trail TA as the on/off road OE tire. I am still wondering if Jeep is waiting for the release of the updated version of the BFG Rugged Trail TA as I have posted earlier (IMO, I never liked BFG before and the new one I have to wait for opinions on the siping) and my offer this as a solution.
As you, I love the JGC as well and glad that I did make the purchase. From my past experiences with other car manufactures, right now, the Chrysler/Jeep/Fiat is differently better to deal with than the other competition.
Best for now.
Anyhow, all my impressions were positive EXCEPT for the engine response. It was mostly good, but there was a flat spot/hesitation that I didn't like, but definitely could live with, specially since new flash of control PROM may 'fix' it. It did not seem like a 290 hp engine either. I drove there in my Navigator, a much heavier vehicle with a 300 hp engine and I've no doubt I could dust the JGC with the Nav. Surprising.
FYI - although it was well equipped for off-road, it had the Michelin Latitude tires.
BEST of luck to all you Jeepers. I loved my old 86 Cherokee.
Except for the tire issue, to date this is the best car I have owned. With regards to the V6, a lot of us found that by just shutting of the Hill Assist and getting the latest RRT will pretty much solve the problem. Also, as I have discovered, the sport mode and shifting will get the engine to come alive. With now almost 2000 miles of mostly highway driving, I am finding the the V6 really responsive.
For some strange reason, this is my second car, first with Jeep that has an early build date and it never bothered me. The first was an 2005 Nissan Xterra 2nd generation. I remember my father also had first build's and it never bothered him.
If you have not yet pulled the trigger, I would suggest to take another look. I have a friend that just brought the Hemi and let tell you, he can blow away a lot of other V8's.
All the best and good luck.
It actually is printed in black & white on the window sticker & on the build sheet that the tires specified for that pkg are On-Off Road... not T-O-U-R-I-N-G! What don't they understand about the English language. If the pkg was meant to come with Touring tires it would have said that. Even they're own "Build Your Own" web site specifies On-Off road tires.
Keep after them... call Chrysler Customer Care and get a Sr case mgr working for you. Maybe we should contact one of the national news HELP organizations. Let them do a bit of research. :mad:
I guess yours is exactly like this one. I misquoted the color - it is blackberry pearl. Very nice. The engine probably runs better after breakin, yeah. And I have read here that the new flash does (or does not, depending on which post u read) improve driveability. The part that puzzles me is the Hill descent issue. I had read here it might perform better if that was off. So I asked salesman how to turn it off. He pointed out that off is the default and that you can't even turn it on unless you're in a 4WD mode. I was in Auto, then Sport and could not get the light to stay on (which would mean the hill control was ON) , so I'm puzzled what you all are referring to.
My father advised me to avoid first year cars. Not that I ever listened to anything he said!
I would HATE to get a Hemi Jeep that gets pretty much the same gas mileage (13 19) as my Navigator (13 17) when it is about 2 feet shorter and 3/4 ton lighter. Gas is never getting any cheaper again, what with the policies now in place and the refusal to even drill in the future. It is insane. Also, though I do really like the Jeep, I have made a promise to myself that the UAW shall never get another dime of my money. So it would be hard to go back on that promise. Though there is that adjustable air suspension ...
Best to you and thanks for the thoughts.
The New York Auto Show is coming up shortly and since I am in the tri-state area, my intention is to speak to somebody about this problem. A face to face meeting might help the situation. I was not planing to goto the show this year because I have a new 4x4 and do not need to see anything else. Now it is going to be a waste of time and some money, but let me make the best out of it.
I went back to look over the YouTube video's to review the footage of 2011 JGC that you can actually see the Latitadue's and the majority of the off-road demonstration occurred with dry conditions. When ever there was a mud or water a very short run. Even a car tire in dry conditions can handle that terrain. So, if this is what Jeep based their decision on, then they certainly missed some other fine points off-roading. On tirerack review, two 2011 Jeep owners complained about the Latitude performance in the snow where one almost lost total control of the JGC. Those missed points is what express my complaint with customer service.
Overall, I still like the 2011 JGC and I am proud to be a Jeep owner for the first time. Best for now.
The hill assist which you need is in the setup mode and the manual tells you how to work the electronic vehicle information system. By using the controls on the steering wheel you simple scroll thru the menus and check off the hill assist.
In short the drive by wire system in these V6 takes into account a lot of variables and by shorting off the hill assist, the V6 seems to move faster from a stop.
What ever your choice is going to be, I am sure you will make the best decision.
Best for now.
Just purchased a new JGC Overland 4x2 :shades: (sorry I don't go into the off roading & live in Los Angeles) Just really liked the look of the vehicle, dark metalic gray has all of the bells & whistles but the blind spot & cruise control monitoring. Have not had a chance to set all of the apps yet but will this weekend. I had new Cherokee sport in '93 & a new JGC Loredo (26 package) in 2000 if this one serves me as well as those two did I will be a happy camper.
How long did it take for the manuals to arrive? I ordered mine and was told I would receive them in 2 to 3 days via ups but I have not received them yet. Also what software upgrade are you speaking off I have the 730N media center on my overland 4x2
I have 264 miles to date I'm going by the book 8k miles or 6 months any sooner just seems a waste of money, as for the break in keep it low until 500 miles and then increase.......best to be safe and help it a little to keep you happy for many miles to come.
According to Chrysler as of now, the Latitude was selected by them as the tire to meet the requirements as set forth for Adventure Package. Therefore, at the present time, Chrysler is not going to due anything. When I mention if the powers in charge decide to check out the forums and witness with the own eyes the mistake in tire selection, they responded, if enough people complain, action might be taken.
They also asked me why I did not like the Latitude as an All-Terrian tire. My response was as follows: First, the tire tread depth brand new is 10/32, not good for off road adventures, snow and rain. Second, the tread design can not work well in deep snow or light mud. Third, in the rain, water does not evacuate as fast as mediocre all-terrian tires. And to top it off, the whole point of buying this package was not to spend any additional monies of an all-terrian tire.
I strongly recommend for us that got stuck with the Michelin Latitude tires to speak with customer service, state why it was an error with examples for Jeep to select the tire. I have spoken to customer service on other matters and each time I find the service better than other car manufactures.
I hope this helps -- best for now.
Good luck with you JGC -- best for now.
The upgrade is a Radio Enhancement Upgrade (#RRT 11-026). You can call the dealer or Chrysler Customer Service to see if your VIN qualifies. I also have the 730N media center. I had the upgrade done but don't notice any difference. Sercvice rep at the dealer said it has to do with the fact that if the radio enters static mode then it won't drain the battery. I don't understand it.
The mud flaps are available from MOPAR, and I am pretty sure they are the hard ones. I have the same concern as you about a possible problem in mud/snow. You also have to drill into the body to install them. If you look at the JEEP body in relation to the wheels, it seems most of ther benefit would come from the front mudguards. I think I'll pass on these for now.
I am more concerned about stone chips to the front of the hood and front bumper when driving on the highway. The hood deflector will help, but not for the bumper.
It has been over 4 days, I'll give it to Monday and if nothing then I will call Tuesday,I ordered a brochure 6 months ago and never got that either.
Does anyone know where the build date is located?
Thank you!
The deciding factor between the 2011 JGC had over the Explorer for was 1) The GC rides like a tank in a Mercedes body, nice and comfortable. 2) Ground Clearance, even if you do not get the air suspension unit in GC, you still get better clearance. 3) Styling was better than the Explorer and lot of other SUV in the range, at first folks thought that I got a BMW.
I did not mind losing the third row seat, it was actually a pleasure now that in the 2nd row nobody complains anymore. I have the V6 and I am fine with it. For me, I really wanted a better SUV to handle off-road situations and the winter when I need it, yet I have a very quite and comfortable interior.
The Explorer I went only once to if the improvements was worth it to me. With the GC I actually went for 3 test rides to make sure I was making the right choice. Pulled the trigger and purchased it as opposed to leasing this time.
This is my 2 cents, so go thru your requirements see what fits.
Best of Luck
Best regards.
I was surprised to see the $305. list price for the 730N on the window sticker. Back when I was considering ordering a JEEP, the price list price for the 730N was $465.
This Media Center thing, 430N versus 730N, seems pretty confusing to me.
">link titlehttp://www.jeep.com/en/owners/quality/rer/">link title
Best regards.
The best thing is go for a test ride at dealership and play with the seating positions. I have the 8-way seats and they adjust nicely for me. However, I am only 5' 6". But the GM at the dealership is around 6'2" and he just got in and out with no problem.
Best of Luck.
I am 6'2", 220 and have the 2011 Overland fully loaded. I have all kinds of head room even though I have the full moon roof which takes out some head room. I am sure you will find it very comfortable. My only issue to date is noise in the suspension that they are still trying to get rid of, otherwise it has been great and I have 6000KM on it (V6). I wish it had more balls off the line and through the mid range but until they get the new tranny I will just ride it in sport mode when the weather allows as this changes the shift pattern and gives you much better low end performance. One of the best looking rides out there.
I'm 6'6" and have no problems with space or headroom in the new Jeep. I have yet to pull the trigger on a 2011, but have test driven one a couple of times and remarked to my wife, "I cannot remember the last time I had this much space while driving". I have a 99 GCL now, but have my eye on the 2011's and am hoping for some end of year specials to get my new one. Good luck!
Like Mixinit I also purchased my Overland in March, has a build date of Feb 18th and window sticker shows a 730N as a $463 option. This vehicle was purchased new off of a dealers lot and was not a build it order. So unless you build to order I think it's hit ot miss as to what media center unit is installed.