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Dodge Stratus



  • enetheneth Member Posts: 285
    Unfortunately, the designers put styling first, and as I recall, the very narrow engine compartment won't allow any of DaimlerChrysler's current V6 engines to fit. It is not likely D-C will be developing any new V6 engines for cars - they'll all come from Mitsubishi and Hyundai - and none of those will fit, either. So they'll likely go back to what they did in the 1980s when they had no V6 to put in the K-car derivatives - and use a turbocharger. Hopefully, they'll pay a little more attention to beefing up the 2.0 and 2.4L engines they turbocharge - they didn't do that with the 2.2 turbos back then and reliability was very poor.
  • ammerammer Member Posts: 1
    I recently bought a 1996 Dodge Stratus. 95k miles on it and in very good shape. The head gasket had JUST been replaced, so I assume I really shouldn't be having any other troubles with it? I don't keep it in a garage, so I don't think I should be getting that nasty A/C smell some of you are talking about. Just wondering what to expect out of it...
  • jessmakjessmak Member Posts: 3
    I am wondering what kind of experiences people are having with the 2000 Stratus? I am looking at a 2000 with 27,000 miles. Is this a good year? So far I have test drove it and I think it is a decent car. I am also wondering if it gets good gas mileage? I have heard both good and bad comments and I am open to other's experiences!

  • enetheneth Member Posts: 285
    By 2000, the car had a decent reputation. The Mitsubishi V6 is a better choice than either DaimlerChrysler 4-cylinder, and probably won't get much less in the way of gas mileage.
  • jessmakjessmak Member Posts: 3
    The car that we are looking at is a 4-cylinder. We are dealing with a Ford dealership, because we are trying to break a lease on our expedition. I really like the car, but I don't have many choices as far as the engine. I think this is the only stratus they have on their lot... and it seems to work with the financing to get out of our lease. Would you say to stay away from a 4-cylinder?
  • odie6lodie6l Member Posts: 1,173
    a 2.4ltr 4cyl 1998 stratus. And besides for the head gasket leak I love it. The only reason I am trading the stratus in of the 2001 Ford Escape because of my mother-in-law passing away we got her 1995 Grand Am. So since my wife has her 2000 Civic, we decides to get me a new vehicle.
    The 4cyl does seem to have alot of pick-up (I use 89 grade gas)and it does corner pretty well (got rid of the Michelin's for Goodyear Eagle GT2 tires), and it gets about 17/20 mileage. so I'm not complaining.

  • cruisingcruising Member Posts: 9
    My 2000 Startus ES has developed "squeaks" in the rear suspension. Car has 30,000 miles on it...runs great...it's just that you can hear the squeaks a block away. Anybody have a simialr problem...what's the fix. This is driving me nuts.
  • Karen_SKaren_S Member Posts: 5,092
    ....but I'm here to announce the new Dodge Stratus Owners club now available on Edmunds.com Owner's Club board. Please stop by and introduce yourself in Meet the Members and let me know how I can help build your club.

    I have linked this discussion into that folder, but it will always reside here in Sedans.

    Looking forward to meeting everyone!

    Owner's Clubs
  • s012adhs012adh Member Posts: 1
    A few weeks ago, I bought a new 2001 Dodge Stratus ES. I really like the car except for one small annoyance that occurs after having the car sit in the hot sun (outside temperature above 80 or so) for several hours. For the first minute or two after I turn on the AC (when the car's interior is hot because of the sun beating down on it for hours), I hear an occasional popping or cracking noise that seems to be coming from the front of the dashboard near the windshield. The sound seems somewhat similar to the "cracking" sound you get when you put an ice cube in a warm drink. After a couple of minutes, this noise is no longer heard (basically when the dash has cooled down some). Also this noise isn't heard if the car's interior isn't very warm or hot. Has anyone else experienced this problem? Does anyone know what the problem might be or how it can be fixed? Thanks!
  • moparmikeymoparmikey Member Posts: 3
    Sounds like air escaping through some crack in or around the windshield and dashboard. Have the dealer's service dept. check it out.
    I am ready to place an order for a 2002 Stratus SE for my son. Since we live in the desert,(Las Vegas) this problem would be of interest to us.
    My son's car is parked in thriple digit heat all day while at work. The car's interiors reach 159 degrees, so when you find out what's causing this problem, please advise as we can anticipate the same problem here in the desert heat.
    Also try turning the A/C to defrost to see if the problem amplifies itself. Problem maybe in defroster duct work..... Mopar Mikey, L.V.
  • katchoo77katchoo77 Member Posts: 1
    My thanks to you and this message board. I was wary of getting a used Stratus after reading the customer reviews at carreview.com. 99% of those were extremely negative. After reading how the V6 engine is more reliable, I'm more excited about the '95 ES I'm hoping to be in by the end of the week. The dealership is replacing the front struts for me already, so I won't need to worry about that for awhile. There is also a "mystery problem" the service guy is gonna fix that my salesman doesn't know the details on. I'm gonna find out what today. I'm taking it to my private mechanic today also to check for things that I don't know anything about, like engines and basically everything else. Things I noticed while test driving: AC button wouldn't stay pushed, windows didn't "glide", antenna stays up about 5 inches, and the battery in the keyless entry was dead. "Easily fixed" the salesman said. Hooray! Really looking forward to this car. My friends have dubbed it "the mansion on wheels". For a 7 year old car, it doesn't lack in look and style. I've been driving an '88 Plymouth V6 Voyager for many years now (160,000 miles) and she needs a rest. Can't wait to be able to drive places and not worry about breaking down (so much).

    So anyways, one question: can you buy seat covers for the back seat? I have a 70 lb. dog and I don't want her puncturing the leather. I've seen special "dog covers" for back seats in pet catalogs, but if I remember correctly, they were really expensive. I'm looking to spend less than $50 on this.
  • archgirlarchgirl Member Posts: 1
    I have a 99 stratus that I bought in April 2000 with 19K on it and it now has a little over 36K without a problem. I love the car. I commute to Boston a couple days a week for the summer and back and forth from NH to Erie PA 10 hours away a few times during the school year and the car has been able to handle it...and the gas milage is great. I get about 360+ miles per tank if I remember right. This is not a car to be over looked...its a great value and I recommend it to everyone I know looking for a car.
  • mundusmundus Member Posts: 1
    Greetings all. I am looking to get a 2001 Stratus Sedan ES in Black or Silver with a sunroof. I have been looking around the dealers in my area (Nashville) and they either have the color and sunroof but it is a SE 4-cyl (boo hiss), or they have the ES, but it is the wrong color. I know I'm picky, but if it was the cost of a candy bar, I wouldn't care so much. Anyway, it looked like I was going to have to order one to get what I want. A couple of dealers told me that if I want to order one that it is going to have to be a 2002 model. It is getting close to that time. I was wanting to take advantage of the current 1000 cash incentive on the 2001's. Does anyone know what the 2002's look like/cost/options? And does anyone know if there will be any incentives? I've looked on the web, but haven't had any luck. Appreciate any info.
  • kartezkartez Member Posts: 48
    I used to own a Neon but sold it for a brand new Passat. I've always thought that the previous generation Stratus handled better than comparable Ford or GM cars. I am just curious how the new Stratus handles. Could any one share their opinions please?

    Thanks, Kartez
  • schreff30schreff30 Member Posts: 2
    I also own a 2001 Stratus ES. I am experiencing the same popping noises from the dashboard. I notice the noises when I am turning the steering wheel. In addition, if you touch the molding (fake wood), it will make the same popping sound. I plan on taking it to the dealer to see what they say. I will let you know what I found out.
  • moparmikeymoparmikey Member Posts: 3
    Hi, I've just placed an order for 2002 Stratus SE with my dealer. He has no price info yet. The 2002 model production started up Monday, July 16th at the Sterling Heights, Mich. plant.
    There are no incentives yet, low financing or rebates. The dealers have plenty of 2001 Status' and DC extended the low financing and rebates on them until September. Perhaps after most of the 2001's are gone they might extend the incentives to the 2002 models. The ONLY changes are some new colors. Thats it. Since the 2001 was completely redesigned, DC will not spend much on the 2002 models. Las Vegas Mike
  • perolafperolaf Member Posts: 5
    Hi, I'm thinking of getting a 2000 ES. When first starting the test drive the brakes made an awful grinding sound, which disappeared quickly. The dealer says the brakes get a thin coating of rust after sitting a week or two. I also noticed a humming noise at about 55 mph. Are these phenomena normal?
  • lngtonge18lngtonge18 Member Posts: 2,228
    The dealer was correct about the brake noise. All disc brakes make a loud grinding sound as they wear off rust that has accumulated on them, especially if it has sat awhile after a heavy rain. The humming noise could just be the tires.
  • warzonectxwarzonectx Member Posts: 26
    how fast can the 2001 dodge stratus go can it go 120 or more. the old dodge stratus haves a 2.4 the
    new stratus es haves 2.7 and haves 200hp and the 2.4 got 150hp
  • schreff30schreff30 Member Posts: 2
    The humming noise you may be hearing at 55 mph may be a bad wheel bearing. I previously owned a 96 and 2000 stratus and had to replace wheel bearings on both vehicles. You should also notice this humming sound when you are driving at about 35-40 mph. As someone else suggested, it could be bad tires.
  • evandroevandro Member Posts: 1,108
    My '97 2.4l Stratus started to make a squeaking sound when I get on the drive way after a day in the salt mine.

    I asked a mechanic to check for any suspension component failure and he said that nothing was broken. In particular, the bushings were a tad dry, but not cracked.

    As he himself had had a Stratus, he told me that his made this noise too. Just in case, he added some silicon paste to the front suspension bushings. However, the noise persists.

    Should I get worried?
  • cruisingcruising Member Posts: 9
    I own a 2000 ES with 30,000 miles. I hear a metallic like sound from the frontend when going over bumps. Dealer claims what I hear are the front disc pads moving around in the caliper. Dealer tells me most expensive pads that Mopar sells will cure the problem as they are made to more exacting standards. Anybody else ever hear of this?
  • evandroevandro Member Posts: 1,108
    I do! It came to existence in my 2.4 97 when I replaced the pads at Midas. It really annoyed me and I noticed that if I was braking it wouldn't rattle anymore.

    Funny thing is that the right wheel seems to be the only one making the noise. I removed the front wheels at home and noticed that the rotors are kind of loose without them and that on the left side there was more play than on the right side.

    A couple of weeks ago I got those pads replaced and the noise is still there, though not as evident...
  • phases78phases78 Member Posts: 471
    a stratus. its the four banger, not my style, but she loves it. however its short on power, have any of you done any mods to increase hp at all? i have a 300m and i've done a few things to that, but im not sure where to start on a 4 cylinder engine..


    http://phases78.homestead.com/300m.html is my car if anyone cares to see it..

  • hunter39hunter39 Member Posts: 375
    In the front dash area are the plastics expanding and contracting. I have this same problem on my 2k Impala, the first time I heard it I thought I took a rock off the windshield but have heard it a few times more and so had several other Impala owners. I think the determination was expansion.

    My wife is looking at a Stratus for 2002, I'm assuming that it is mostly the same as the 2001 is but it sounds like she should get a V6.
  • hazdazhazdaz Member Posts: 56
    Hey all,
    I have a `95 Stratus with the 2.5 V6 and have luved the car from the day
    I bought it (new). Now it has over 120K miles, but still looks (and for
    the most part) runs nearly new. However my car has developed a
    'creaking/clicking' sound coming from what appears like the stearing
    column as well as having a "strange" sensation when i turn (hard to
    expain the way it feels). Well, my worst fears were realized when the dealer told me I needed a new stearing rack - for $1600. No way am I paying that kinda money on a 6+ year old car and the fact that my car unfortunately has poor resale value. I am at the point where I feal like driving the car until it actually 'breaks' and then buy a new one - cuz $1600 is a large chunk of change that could possibly be spent on a downpayment on a new car. If I can get it fixed for less, then I would be willing to repair it.
    So my question is whether anyone else has had similar problems, and if so how much were you raped ... err, i mean charged for a new rack? I probably will try to get a quote from a local (non-dealer) garage, but figured I'd ask you guys to see what you think. I personally think its crazy that JUST the worn components can't be repaired/replaced, instead of replacing the whole darn rack assembly. Just goes to show you that 'modern' garages aren't "Repair shops" - all they know how to do is REPLACE whole components. (I can almost imagine 'Vern' under someones car saying "Well golly - this screw here is loose, I better tell the sucker, opps, i mean the car owner that he needs a whole new tranny")
    Any thoughts?
  • lngtonge18lngtonge18 Member Posts: 2,228
    Steering racks aren't made of replaceable parts. It is a sealed unit and can only be replaced as a whole. It is made up of a toothed rod that slides back and forth via a rotating pinion gear (thus the term rack and pinion). The rod and the gear are one complete component. You cannot take the rack apart to replace just the gear (you wouldn't want to anyway because if the gear is worn than the rod is too). What usually happens is the grease leaks out (or dirt and water gets in) through a torn dust boot and causes the rack to dry out and thus causes noise from metal to metal contact. The cost of replacing a steering rack is expensive partly because of how difficult it is to get at. They are usually stuffed into a very small area and it is very labor intensive. The rack itself is a precisely machined unit and as such is rather expensive, especially if its power steering. A manual steering rack for my 84 VW would cost around $400 just for the parts. Power steering is more complicated as it has hydraulic lines running into and out of it. So I would expect it to cost between $500-1000 just for the rack. The price you were quoted sounds reasonable enough to me but I would definitely get a second opinion. Anyway, I know it sounds ridiculous, but you can't just replace the worn parts. A rack must be replaced as a whole unit. If you are ready for a new car, I would just trade it in without them knowing the rack is bad as $1600 is a lot to spend on a high mileage car that has poor resale value. Good luck!
  • dtownfbdtownfb Member Posts: 2,918
    Definitely get a second opinion for the steering rack. You have to replace the entire rack. Try an independent service center. They can normally do the same work for much cheaper then the dealer. Plus your car is 6 years old. You no longer have any warraties with the car so get it fixed at the lowest price. At that age and mileage, another big repair could be right around the corner.
  • porkyporky Member Posts: 83
    A friend of mine owns a 99 Dodge Stratus and was involved in a front end collision. He struck another 99 Dodge Stratus that had lost control in icy conditions on a bridge/viaduct. It too had severe front end damage. NEITHER vehicles air bag had deployed. Both cars are totaled. They hit hard enough to snap the front axles on each vehicle, and more.

    Has anyone else had a similar incident where the Air Bag has not deployed in an accident??

    Thanks for any reply.
  • mak90mak90 Member Posts: 1
    In power rack & pinions there are triple o-ring high pressure shaft seals that wear out or get damaged from a worn P/S pump, causing loss of power while turning.(that strange sensation)
    The rebuilt rack's lifetime warranty requires replacing the P/S pump for the above reason.
    My friend just had a mechanic friend install a factory rebuilt rack in a '92 Camry for $150(part) plus $150(labor).(they didn't do the pump ~$50)
    Wait till you hear what they want to rebuild a front wheel drive, O.D. automatic transmission.
  • shefferbshefferb Member Posts: 1

    I'm a first timer here so bear with me. The summer of 2001 I bought a 1995 Dodge Stratus STD 2.4 off of a dealer. About three months afterwards it started to blow the ignition fuse repeatedly whenever I would attempt to start the car. I took it back to the dealer and they said that it was a bad fuel pump and that it was on the same fuse as the starter, so that is why it kept blowing the fuse. Well about a 1-2 months it started to do it again, back to service. They could get it to blow the fuse repeatedly and ended up rewrapping all the wires, this was about a month ago. Well low and behold it is doing it once again, it doesn't seem the dealers service guys have a clue, can anyone help me out here?
  • dtownfbdtownfb Member Posts: 2,918
    make sure the insurance company knows that the airbags did not deploy. If the accident caused that much damage to the front end, they should have deployed. This should be something the NHTSA might be interestied in hearing about.
  • zukuskyzukusky Member Posts: 1
    Has anyone had problems with the aluminum wheels on the Stratus R/T 2001.
  • crissy2crissy2 Member Posts: 3
    Thinking of buying a 2001 SE for my daughter. Have a few questions for you experts out there. Am considering this car for safety reasons, though I must admit I have concerns about quality control. Anything I should be concerned with? She'll be driving this car home from school and work some nights, so I'm looking for reassurance that this car is reliable. 4 or 6 cyl? Don't want her to have too much HP. She doesn't have a lotof driving experience. Does this car use a timing belt or a chain? How do I find a 5 star dealer? Where do I find their (the dealer)rating? Noticed the model has had several recalls already. Should this be a concern about what is yet to come?
    Have never bought a used vehicle, so I have some concerns. Thanks for your input.
  • yurakmyurakm Member Posts: 1,345
    Had to drive once a rental in snowstorm in January 2001. Was scared. The ABS worked too often. It was not a Dodge Stratus, though, but a Plymouth twin.

    A neighbour get in couple of accidents on her Stratus. First time lost control on snow, spinned and hit a pole. The second time somebody cut her on highway, she stomped on brakes, lost control and totaled the car. On the other hand, she used to save on tires. Had Futura from Pep Boys on the wheels. And I do not like her driving style: she drove me once, and I'd rather avoid repeating...
  • paddler1paddler1 Member Posts: 6
    Fortunately for us a friend is a Chrysler mechanic. When we bought our 99 Sebring with 14000 miles on it he told us to beware the steering rack before the warranty was up. Sure enough we noticed the click and had the rack replaced under warranty. So far thats the only problem we've had. However, without the warning we probably would have gone past the warranty before the rack was bad enough to really worry us.
  • evandroevandro Member Posts: 1,108
    I put some of the pictures I took at NAIAS here. I didn't try to compete with marketing pictures, but I'm not proud of the photographic quality of my pictures either.

    Anyway, I focused especially on concept models and engines, for I love cut out engines! ;^)

  • dailyinspiritdailyinspirit Member Posts: 1
    Anyone w/ Stratus Notice how easily the stick shifts from drive to neutral?

    I have a used 04' Stratus SE w/ 24 k miles. The shifter goes thru the gears with realitive ease. Once driving down the highway my hand bearly hit the gear shifter and it went from drive to neutral at the slightest touch. Anyone ever notice how easily the shifter changes gears ? and Does going from drive to neutral w/out pressing the button present a problem or is this a normal function?
  • svevarsvevar Member Posts: 160
    The shifter is designed to move from Drive to Neutral without pressing the button - that's not a problem. Notice that you do have to press the button to do something that would damage the transmission, like shifting to reverse from drive while moving forward.

    The transmission selector shouldn't move too easily; it normally takes a little force. But simply brushing your hand up against the knob shouldn't do it.
  • dodgebridodgebri Member Posts: 1
    Hello, I have a 2001 Stratus SE, 4 cyl...It looks and runs great except for one thing; about 50% of the time when I brake and take a right turn (right turn only, not a left turn...) the "BRAKE" light comes on, a get a "ding" sound, and a few seconds later the light goes off. This is the same "BRAKE" light which illuminates when I put the e-brake on. I also get this when I brake straight on (i.e. - not turning, just braking to a stop) occasionally. The brakes work fine, there is plenty of "pedal" there. I'm no mechanic, but venture to guess maybe some sort of sensor?? Any thoughts would be appreciated! Thanks!
  • lngtonge18lngtonge18 Member Posts: 2,228
    Check the level of your brake fluid. There is a sensor that alerts you to low brake fluid via the emergency brake light. Your fluid may just be a tad low, but going around turns and coming to a stop shifts the brake fluid away from where the sensor sits on the side of the master cylinder reservoir. Adding some brake fluid should get rid of the problem. Or the sensor itself is bad. If you do need to add fluid, keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't go back down because then that means you have a leak somewhere. It is normal for the fluid to drop down some as you get low on pad life since the calipers are extended out further.
  • jal012773jal012773 Member Posts: 63
    My wife and I just purchased a 2004 Stratus R/T sedan. Beautiful car, good handling, good comfort. We have noticed an annoying whine in the motor that increases in volume with the reving of the engine. The dealer has put two new alternators on the car to fix the problem, but the whine is still there. The mechanic told me the whine is characteristic of the R/T. That seems strange considering it has the same engine as the other Stratus trim lines except the SXT. We have just over 1,000 miles on the car, it is our first Dodge, and so far, our last. Has anyone else noticed this whine in their Stratus? One of the mechanics told me it was a characteristic of this car.
  • lngtonge18lngtonge18 Member Posts: 2,228
    Are you sure the whine is coming from the engine and not the transmission? If you put the car in neutral or park and rev the engine, do you still hear the noise?
  • bronc1031bronc1031 Member Posts: 1
    Great car so far. The body and interior look sharp. Transmission sounds and runs great. Breaks are solid. Engine is clean...whole car is clean from top to bottom. Handles very well. Wow.

    However, I'm concerned about 2 things:

    1) 90k miles. Carfax looks clean. Again - runs great - and I want to keep it that way. What can I expect if I maintain it regularly? I don't have much of an idea on what type of maintenace its had other than from the dealership. Are there any maintenance issues I should focus on?

    2) Snow. There has been some concern by previous members on this forum about the performance of the 1999 Stratus in the snow. I live in Denver and commute to Wyoming once a month so this is a concern for me. Are snow tires an approptiate measure?

    Thank you for any responses in advance.
  • jal012773jal012773 Member Posts: 63
    I checked for the whine in both park and neutral and the whine was present in both. Payed closer attention, and the whine is barely audible once I have reached cruising speed, but any kind of acceleration increases the volume of the whine so much that it is very noticeable over the radio. I don't really know much about cars so any help would be appreciated. Could this whine have anything to do with the autostic, because the two cars we test drove before buying this one did not have either the autostic or the whine. The whine sounds more electrical than mechanical, if that makes sense.
  • p100p100 Member Posts: 1,116
    I just spent two days driving a new rental Dodge Stratus. The car had 2 miles on the odometer when I got it. I had mostly pleasant experience with the car, except for the following: The seatbelts are out of the way when you enter the vehicle and close the door and you must reach way behind the seat to grab the seatbelt. This was getting annoying. I got about 26 MPG overall on a mixed city/highway driving trip. The visibility over the front fender humps is not good and this can be a problem when turning in tight quarters. You can easily hit the curb because you cannot judge the position of the front wheel. The seat comfort is mediocre. Engine power is adequate for a large 4 cylinder, but not overwhelming either. I am used to driving 6 cylinder cars with a manual transmission and I immediately discovered this 4 cylinder car weakness: When accelerating rapidly onto a freeway around 70 MPH, the power is simply not there. Same in quick passing situations. You better plan ahead.
  • jal012773jal012773 Member Posts: 63
    The annoying whine in my Stratus R/T sedan is finally gone, along with the seat belt rattle and the hard shifts back to Park from Autostic. What fixed the problem? I traded the piece of junk in for a GM car. I have never been so disappointed in a car or it's manufacturer customer service. There will never be another Dodge/Chrysler product in this family again.
  • kitty44kitty44 Member Posts: 1
    I got my 2000 Stratus in December 2003 and was very happy with it; especially after my son exchanged the outdated cassette player for a new CD player as a Christmas present. Then in January a "film" developed on the windows that I couldn't get rid of. Then I began to smell antifreeze inside the car. A local car repair chain diagnosed the problem as a bad heater core. I was given two options: Fix it, $500 or bypass the heater and live without heat or defrost for $100. I chose the later, thinking it wasn't that cold in Las Vegas, but quickly found I did need the defroster. The Dodge dealer wanted $898 to fix it. Luckily, a co-worker's husband offered to fix it for $250 and the price of the part ($135). I get it back tomorrow and hopefully will enjoy driving it again. PS I agree with everyone else... the cup holders in the front are useless.
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    Consumers' Most Wanted Vehicles for 2004 Survey is posted and ready for your input!
  • pensfanpensfan Member Posts: 1
    I would like to find out if anyone else is having problems with this car. The problem I am having is after you start the car and let run for a few min, shut off the car and let it sit for 30 min. I get a noise on the restart of the car. The noise sounds like metal rubbing metal also like a pump is running dry.The noise comes from the rear of the car. When this happens the tac drops to 200 rpm and starts to run rough.

     I have yet to get the dodge dealership to fix this problem. They claim they could not get it to duplicate 5 times I took it in. On the 6th attempt they claimed it was a fuel pump making the noise.

    Since the last attempt to fix it I have had this problem happen 5 more times.

    I have also had a radiator replaced and my alignment will not stay in place.

    Other then that I love the looks and ride of the car. I got the car with every option you can get. I get a lot of looks in the car and when you wash and wax the car man does it stand out. I got the car for $21,000 msrp was $29,000.

    I have only seen a few of the cars on the road.

    Thanks for the help
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