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Dodge Stratus



  • vikes39vikes39 Member Posts: 4
    Basically the car is running, but very poorly and I am having a heck of a time diagnosing the problem.
  • joe3891joe3891 Member Posts: 759
    Big difference running or not. My daughter had bad plug wire on her 03, on warranty dealer changed one wire, miles less than 36K. Noticed it mostly at idle, would run idle rough at times. :)
  • amandasamandas Member Posts: 1
    I have a '01 stratus with 104,000 miles. Last week I got the oil changed and a couple days later the engine started knocking. It at first only did it when I started the engine and when it would idle. Now it does it all the time. What can cause this to happen? :confuse:
  • joe3891joe3891 Member Posts: 759
    Have you checked your oil dipstick to see how much oil is in the engine.
  • interstate10interstate10 Member Posts: 3
    I have a 1995 Stratus with a vexing intermittent problem. For large swathes of time, the car starts and runs perfectly. Then, all of a sudden, after driving it, out of nowhere, it decides not to start. I'll turn the key, and the engine will just crank and crank until it's blue in the face. This problem has occured twice, both at inopportune times and with no warning. If the car is left alone for a few hours, the problem magically goes away, making it embarrassing to call the AAA, because the tow truck driver ends up starting it right up.

    I have taken it to a couple of mechanics, and have gotten different suggestions, as no one seems to be able to re-create the problem. One said that it could be the cam shaft sensor. Unfortunately, the particular engine configuration I have requires that the entire distributor be changed in order to change the sensor. He wanted to charge me $900 just for the part, and he didn't even know for sure that was the problem. Great. I don't want to throw that kind of money into this unless I know it's gonna fix it. Is this going to be one of those problems where I just get something changed, drive it for a while and hope I don't get stuck--ad infinitum?

    This car has become a problem child; I don't know what to do with it. I don't drive it much anymore because I don't want to get stuck, so it sits parked out on the street, gathering dust, pine needles, and spiderwebs.

    Thank you in advance for any help you can give me.
  • rmansapitrmansapit Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 dodge stratus sxt sedan. Is there any lowering kits I can put on my car? Eibach discontinued there's.
  • affiredawgaffiredawg Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 stratus that does the same thing and I took it to the dodge dealership and they said the couldn't figure out what was wrong. I was wondering if you got yours fixed and if so what did they do?
  • laurie5laurie5 Member Posts: 1
    Pay close attention to the noise, see if it happens whenever there is no strain on the transmission, like breaking or letting off the gas some. My 2004 Stratus is making the same noise, the dealer told me it was slack in the transmission, and I need to take it back to be looked at by the tranny guy. I want a new transmission, after all, the noise is coming from inside the transmission, there could be damage.
  • dd718dd718 Member Posts: 1
    Hi All -
    This is my first post on the Stratus; have had many on the Durango! Anyway, my husband has a 2001 R/T and the ignition key won't come out. It started happening once in a while and now it hasn't come out for days. He was looking underneath for some switch but didn't readily find what he was looking for. Does anyone know where this switch may be that is defective and won't release the key?
  • lvr71lvr71 Member Posts: 1
    I was not given a manual, so I do not know how to use my key remote. Any tips?
  • tomsriverbudtomsriverbud Member Posts: 1
    has any one ever replaced the drivers side power mirror on an 2004 Stratus...Mine was damaged and needs replacment. What problems will I encounter ??
  • mattrobertsonmattrobertson Member Posts: 1
    Hi there,

    I am experiencing the same exact problem as the user in message #138. I haven't put a lot of money into the problem yet, except I did replace the ignition switch. I have the 1995 Dodge Stratus 2.4. I am getting really tired of having to replace the ignition fuse everytime i need to start my car. I have talked to people who think that the cellonoid in the starter might be bad? or that it might be a bad fuel pump? Does anyone know what is causing this problem and what I should do to fix it.

    Please resond or email me at robe2040@wlu.ca


  • conch64conch64 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 95 Stratus and the starter was replaced three weeks ago. The A/C just stopped cooling and blows hot air. The dash gauges don't work and the air bag light is on. The lights, turn signals work. Checked the fuses and they all look good. The radio works when it wants too, mostly never. The car only has 48,000 miles, driven by my wife 1 mile to work and the grocery store on weekends. The horn came on and wouldn't stop so had that replaced in the steering wheel after having to disconnect the battery to avoid the nieghbors ire.
    What is the high side A/C switch and where is it located? How should I proceed to troubleshoot the electrical? Thanks, Tom
  • hfish1212hfish1212 Member Posts: 14
    Has anyone's antifreeze turned to what looks like oil on a '99 V6? Mine did a few years ago around 72k (then flushed it of course). But now, at 95k, some of my freeze plugs are leaking and maybe 1 of the heads. Anyone ever hear of something like this? Or, any V6 thats had a freeze plug problem?
  • ycatsycats Member Posts: 1
    It's a solenoid in the column..............I had this problem on my '98 Grandprix GTP. My father-in-law showed me an opening/hole under the column....I would insert my middle finger up in there and press toward the front of the car. There should be a button in there that, once pressed, will allow you to slide the keys out.
    The car still had this issue when I traded it off. I didn't want to spend three-hundred dollars to fix it.
  • etmiletmil Member Posts: 1
    I recently hit a deer with my car. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find aftermarket hoods and body kits.
  • rks12122rks12122 Member Posts: 1
    have a 2000 Straus 2.4 engine it has stopped charging
    replaced alternator the new on is putting out 14.5 volts when tested but will not charge battery tried another used ECM but still have the same problem
    has anyone had this problem
  • luvmystratusluvmystratus Member Posts: 2
    i have a 2002 stratus and was wondering,. :confuse: ... my power on my heater is working funny it will not work on setiings 1-2 barely blow on 3 and on high on 4 dod you no what is causing this so i can replace it myself also does anybody else cd player skip when it cold and plays fine when it gets warm mine does this even with a new cd thank you :)
  • gonogogonogo Member Posts: 879
    Explain not charging battery, you don't read 14.5 V at the battery with DVOM. If 14.5 V to the battery then bad battery.
  • luvmystratusluvmystratus Member Posts: 2
  • jefurton86jefurton86 Member Posts: 2
    I have a 2005 Dodge Stratus SXT Special Edition. I've had it since May '05, and I hate this car. It's given me nothing but problems. The Chrysler tells me that I have pretty much one more problem until they begin the "buyback" process, but I need to know if anyone has any advice on how to kick start this little process, or if anyone has dealt with the same thing. Its my first brand new car, and it pisses me off that I've had nothing but problems with it. If anyone has a number or a person that I could get a hold of that'd be great!
  • levy2levy2 Member Posts: 1
    I have been driving this car for a few years now, and I have had numerous issues with it, and the most recent is with the RPM gague, the mileage gauge and the ABS brake light. The ABS brake light is on most of the time, but the brakes were replaced a little over a year ago, it will go off sometimes, but is usually always on. The Mileage guage and the RPM gague seem to be connected because they will simultaneously and randomly shut off, and then come back on. This happens while I am driving and I am a little nervous about the wiring, since I have had many problems with sensors and such before. Any ideas as to what exactly the issues is?
  • puppydogs03puppydogs03 Member Posts: 1
    2000 Dodge Stratus SE 2.0L V-6 91,000. has now started to act up. While going any distance or speed the engine will cut out but not shut off. This will go on for quit some time. However now instead of staying started will cut out and die. I can re start the car and continue on my way. This has become more frequent. My car starts back up every time. Have been told this is the fuel pump after having car diagnosed. I Have also had many comments that this may be a computer problem, but no check engine light comes on or may be my fuel filter. Any ideas?
  • jefurton86jefurton86 Member Posts: 2
    Sounds like the computer to me, I had a similar problem with my 1994 Spirit.
  • ralph13ralph13 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 Dodge Stratus V6 2.7 Litre. Bought it with 18,000 miles on it. Now at 32,000 miles, when coming to a complete stop the engine runs smooth for about 20 seconds then it starts to idle rough. It doesn't happen when the engine is cold, but only after it is warmed up. Is this common? Any advise would be much appreicated.
    Thank You,
  • outrunner1outrunner1 Member Posts: 2
    u have a bad relay in ur heater mine went out to thats all it was
  • outrunner1outrunner1 Member Posts: 2
    i'm looking in into performance upgrades for my 2002 stratuse se wut would give me the best bang for my buck?? also style upgrades(body kits,lights,etc) any suggestions?
  • patpat Member Posts: 10,421
    You might want to stop by our Speed Shop: Tuning & Modification board.
  • ripshadowripshadow Member Posts: 1
    well the motor finally let go in my 1998 stratus. I need to get a new wotor are there and low priced motor options out there. I currenty have a 6G73 motor...6cyl. 2.5L
    would lije to give car to my niece...17... and she does not need alot of power. is a change over to 4 cyl easy...or what should I do?
  • stratusboy3stratusboy3 Member Posts: 1
    i to have also ran into that problem as well i have a 2004 stratus 2.7 it only creaks when driving slow and when turning so i investagated and it was the rack and pinion i sprayed wd-40 towards where the rack connects in the trasmission stopped 4 a while and sprayed again i now my car vibrates alot over 75 mph between ;) 95 mph
  • rytylemieuxrytylemieux Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2004 Dodge Stratus ES with a 2.7 liter 4 cylinder engine. and when i stop at a red light or the car is running but in park the oil light comes on. I have never owned a car that does this. I purchased it as a program car. it had 36000 miles on it and now has about 37500, as you can see ive had it for about 3 weeks. anyway i am concered at the lack of difinitive knowledge of the dealership in town they want me to bring it in and have them suck 60 bucks out of me to tell me to change the oil. It was changed just before i purchased it. does anywone have any insight on this issue?
  • tmhewitttmhewitt Member Posts: 1
    I purchased a 2005 Dodge Stratus SXT in September 2005. I am not happy with the car. It drives good looks good and runs good. The only problem I am having is the gas milegage. It uses anywhere from $47 to $50 a week in gas. I took it to the dealership and they could not find anything wrong. This is my first brand new car too. Any suggestions?
  • posdodgeposdodge Member Posts: 1
    I have a 95 dodge stratus(hence the handle)with many problems. First off, sometimes it just won't start. The gauges come on but the car won't even attempt to turn over. The battery was checked to be good. Also sometimes the car just turns off (stalls) either right after starting or sometimes well after running for 30 mins when I come to a stop light or in stop and go traffic. And finally this problem just started, but after I start it and take off it idles very high. At first it was around 1600 rpms but lately it's been higher between 2000 and 2800 rpms at idle, just sitting there. And when I stop it takes awhile for the rpms to drop or sometimes they just vary from regular idle to about 1500 rpms. Any information anyone could provide would be greatly appreciated.

  • cardummiecardummie Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2000 Dodge Stratus and the blower resistor motor has gone out several times, which causes the heater to only work on high.
  • ahhchooahhchoo Member Posts: 2
    Actually, the mark-up will be about the same at the dealer as it would at any auto-repair shop. I'd try the auto-repair shops first.
  • ahhchooahhchoo Member Posts: 2
    The gas has to be either burning up to fast which I'm not sure what the cause of that would be or there is a hole in your line somewhere. Do you smell gas? If not i'd take it to an experienced mechanic to check the fuel pump or whatever they have to. If so then you can buy some for about $10... I had this problem in my old Plymouth.
  • gonogogonogo Member Posts: 879
    If you burn out the resistor shortly after replacing it, replace fan motor.
  • donpierce5donpierce5 Member Posts: 1
    I have a 2000 Dodge Intrepid 2.7 with the very same problem. You are in the beginning stages of sludge build-up. This particular engine is one of the very worst engines by Chrysler. Looks at your tail pipe and see if there is a trace of light blue/gray smoke. If so you're in for trouble because your just about out of time. I SUGGEST YOU DO A GOOGLE SEARCH FOR "Dodge 2.7 Sludge" and you'll be amazed at the number of reports of this problem. If you can, get rid of this car ASAP. It will require a new motor at $6100 to fix. And even then it's the same size motor as the last one. SO you very likely will experience the same problem down the road. Do yourself a favor and pull the oil light connector behind the dash and get rid of it ASAP. This problem is NOT fixable, itwill only get worse. Ask your mechanic, he'll tell you the same after he's done rolling his eyes about your situation.
  • geo097geo097 Member Posts: 1
    i have a 99 stratus ,2.5 v6 with 90,000 mi on it the car was running great then it just shut off(while driving ) and would not start(it would crank like it wanted to start) it was towed to the shop and it started right up the mechanic told me they got codes for a fuel pump and a distributor which they replaced with oem parts i got the car back after paying a very large sum for parts only to drive the car for about 10 to 15 miles when it did the same thing it would not start after it was shut off for about 20 minutes (i drove to the mall ) i waited about 30 minutes then it started again and i drove it back to the shop that did the work does anyone know what to look for it sounds like a sensor to me but i am not a trained machanic thanks george
  • nathan6nathan6 Member Posts: 1
    Hi, first time here hope you guys can help. I have a 99 2.4L stratus and i am looking for projector headlights for it, i have been all over the internet looking for these and i cannot find anything. So if anyone knows, i would love to know, price no object. Also if anyone knows where to find a cold air intake for my car that would be great.

    Thanks Nate
  • sigmamansigmaman Member Posts: 7
    Its been a while since I've been on here. I own a 2004 Dodge stratus SE 2.7 V6 w/ 30K miles. Lately when I turn on the heat, theres this nasty musty odor that I can smell. Do I need to clear the vents out or are there any other suggestions?

    P.S. Yes my stratus also has the famous "creaking sound" when I turn my wheel espcially when slowing down to park and the oil pressure light also comes and my engine cuts off in stop and go traffic.
  • jim90jim90 Member Posts: 1
    I have purchased one of them and i hope your friend got 1. i got my sxt coupe for 18 flat from 24000. it rides nice the engine sounds sick def not ur average 4 cylinder and i find it surprisingly fast prob faster then my old 2.7 sebring sedan. plus all the compliments in the world get it there are no regrets.
  • bluebaby04bluebaby04 Member Posts: 1
    i have a 2004 4-cyl. dodge stratus sxt. i notice a very annoying whinning sound when driving on the highway after driving bout 15-20 mins after going 50-60....anyone know anything ? im scheduled to bring it in to the dealership next week, but was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem? thank you, happy new year everyone ! :blush:
  • jcwelsh83jcwelsh83 Member Posts: 3
    As far as I know, "Deck" just means your trunk is open. If it's not really open, then it's probably just a bad sensor somewhere.

  • jcwelsh83jcwelsh83 Member Posts: 3
    I think my '04 Stratus does the same thing that you are describing in yours. Mine only does it at about 65-75 miles an hour, and that's the only time I ever hear it. It sounds cyclical - the pitch of the whine goes up and down just a little.

    I took my car into the dealership for some other problems and I mentioned the whining and how it only occurred at freeway speeds. When I picked it up, they said they didn't notice anything. I couldn't believe they didn't hear it, so I asked them if they took it on the freeway. "Nope. But we got it up to about 50 on the road right out here." Uh, hello?. I didn't have time to let them take it for another drive, but I doubt they would figure anything out anyway.

    So, I don't have a solution, but I think I share your problem. Anyone have any suggestions?

  • goldycagoldyca Member Posts: 2
    My wife's car's heater only blows hot air when driving at about 45mph or higher. At idle or around town-cold air only. If the engine is warm and she comes to a stoplight, it will revert back to blowing cold air. Any thoughts?
  • raven9raven9 Member Posts: 1
    Hey everyone...I am new to this site. I have a 1996 Stratus with 150,xxx miles on it. It's not a bad little car at all. Was just wondering if anyone had a hood that is cheap and in good shape (Rust doesn't really matter as long as it's not rotted out...just needs to be straight and not smashed up) When I bought the car the lady had hit a guard rail at 20 mph and bent the hood up and rip/torn the bumper cover alittle bit other than that the car is perfect. Any help would be great.

  • tc1977tc1977 Member Posts: 2
    Hello, I have a 2001 Dodge Stratus SE with 116,000 miles on it. The car has been fairly good but every now and then I am getting a noise in the front end when slowing town. It sounds like a ticking sounds that slows down as the car slows down. If any one has any information available, I would greatly appreciate it.

  • tc1977tc1977 Member Posts: 2
    I would have the thermostat checked on it. Sounds like it is stuck or bad. Otherwise, if the car is low on coolant, that could be affecting it as well.
  • rdonovanrdonovan Member Posts: 5
    at 116,000 that ticking noise could be your front end unversal joints. The ticking sound increases with speed and decreases as you slow down. Being the car is front wheel drive, I would recommend replacing both left and right universals if you can afford it. This would give your car a new life and stop you from worrying about the side you did not replace.

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