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Chevy Equinox No Start Problems

tps2tps2 Member Posts: 2
edited August 2018 in Chevrolet
2008 Equinox sport, the battery has completely discharged causing a no start situation. This has happened three seperate times in the last month. No indication of why or when this condition will happen. After the first two times our GM dealer replaced the alternator and it has happened one more time since then. Is anyone else having this issue? There have been quite a few in our city with this same problem according to the boosting company. GM doesn't seem to be sure of the cause or remedy.


  • northerner19northerner19 Member Posts: 7
    That's interesting you say that - I have an 09 and within the first 5 months (4000km) the battery completed died. Battery was replaced, and it's been running fine since. No other issues with the vehicle.

    How many months/weeks have you went before these episodes occurred?

    One other question for you.. O/T.. have you ever experienced a "popping" noise in the front end between 15-20km/h after a cold start? Some owners have experienced this sound and seems to be common with all models, but GM can't figure out what it is.

  • tps2tps2 Member Posts: 2
    We've had the Equinox since July, 2008 and 44,000 kms on it when this battery discharge began.

    Apparently GM has a bulletin on this, #02-06-03-008D, they refer to diagnosis of the battery and/or generator. My generator has been replaced and it has happened once since then. So, am seeking advice ...

    We haven't experienced the "popping" sound in the front end in our 2008 Equinox.
  • rvothrvoth Member Posts: 147
    I have a 2008 LT equinox and experienced the same thing with only 4800 km. The battery was replaced and had at least one cell that was shorting out and reducing it's capacity. The Voltage output on the dash was 13.8 to 14.4 volts operating normally so GM replaced the battery and all has been well, they must received a bad batch (poor quality) of batteries. Easy fix . :shades:
  • lady08lady08 Member Posts: 3
    As I went to drive my new 2011 Chevy Equinox for the first time (it had not been driven for 10 days since driving it home from the dealer, though I did move it once just to drive it into my garage), I first noticed the doors did not unlock using the keyless entry. I then unlocked the door using the key, then once inside I tried to start the ignition but everything was 'locked up', no lights, no nothing. Also, the key could not be released from the ignition. I'm thinking it has to do with the security system because I did see red flashing lights inside on the dash when I tried to open the locked door. After discussing this with the dealer service guy, he said the car needs to be towed back to the dealer. I also called the toll free Chevy number hoping they could tell me how to resolve this problem without the car being towed, but they could not so they connected me with Roadside Assistance who has scheduled a tow in a few days. Has anyone else had this problem?
  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    Don't have one of these but symptoms are familiar. Its not the security system, its the battery charge that is causing no start. There may be an unintended parasitic drain that is root cause.
  • lady08lady08 Member Posts: 3
    Thanks Ray80! We think you are right because the Hazard lights don't work either.
  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    Just to add a little info. Todays vehicles tend to use power from battery even when turned off. Extended periods of not running them and battery will lose its charge. Should be able to go 10 days though, unless the one time you did start it it was very cold and it only ran a few minutes .
  • lady08lady08 Member Posts: 3
    @Ray80, it turned out to be exactly what you said, 'battery drain'. The dealer recharged the battery and also repaired the battery drain problem which was a Recall Notice I received about the same time! Thanks again for your excellent advice!
  • jbonesjbones Member Posts: 1
    I've had mine a little over one month and have had it into the dealer 3 times now and is going back in again for software problems they tell me. First time they reprogramed the BCM to shut off interior lights that light up the CD slot, cup holders(GM letter said it could run battery down after a prolonged non-use). Second time BCM lost communication with rear liftgate and it wouldn't open. Third time, today the engine light came on after filling with gas and could not correct it with multiple removal and replacement of gas cap. Again dealer corrected the BCM. Now he wants the car all day to correct other software problems unknown to me. Now after reading blogs I fear what is to come. Grrrrr Have always been a GM person and now maybe I should have bought that Honda or Toyota.
  • godspeedgodspeed Member Posts: 2
    Have or had the same issue with the failure to start with the IP 'CHECKING'. Dealer diagnosis problem and made some changes. This is before the service bulletin was released. Problem still happens but not as frequently. The problem with the key removal is not related to security, but the steering wheel position, where it is just tight against the ignition lock. Just move the steering wheel left or right. No tow needed.
  • nab66nab66 Member Posts: 4
    we bought a 2007 nox. have always been a GM family. have had nothing but problems. wheel bearings and a/c at 6K miles. replaced a/c twice more since then. in the shop 7 times for stabilitrak, 3 times for brakes, one EGR valve. rear defrost has never worked right, dealer says its fine. read hatch struts dont work worth a crap. have banged my head MANY times. the dealer said it is an engineering flaw. the dash has worked loose twice now, it squeaks all the time. now the turn signal doesn't shut off after turning. it only has 44K miles on it. I'm now trying to decide on a honda or subaru before something else goes wrong.....
  • dan235dan235 Member Posts: 1
    What was the recall notice on the battery? I have 2300 miles on my 2011 equinox and tonight the battery was dead for the second time since I bought the car. I had the car jump started 2 weeks ago and it ran fine until tonight I tried to start the car for the first time today and it wouldn't. It seems like I have an intermittent drain on the battery.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Is the dealer still working to fix this issue for you?
    GM Customer Service
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    I apologize for your experience and frustration. Can you please email me with your VIN, current mileage and involved dealer? I would like to look into your situation for you.
    GM Customer Service
  • mas29mas29 Member Posts: 1
    We have had our 2011 Equinox for just about 3 months. We have interior fabric pulling out from over the rear passenger window. It intermittently doesn't start....but you never know when. The first time it was about 2 weeks old. Not what I want in a new car. Then our BCM went out on a trip from Colorado to S.Carolina when the windshield wipers turned on high by themselves and could not be regulated, we lost our dim headlights, the security light went on and the tail lights stayed on even when the care was off. Ultimately we had to leave the car in Topeka and use a loaner from the dealer there to finish our trip. (If you live in near Topeka and need your Chevy serviced, the folks at Ed Bozarth Chev. rock!) We picked the car up, drove back to Colorado without incident and the next morning the Equinox did not start again. We had it towed to the dealer, (an hour away) got another loaner and after a week they told me there was nothing wrong with it. We picked it up, drove it home and when I went to use it two hours later....it didn't start. We tried it about a dozen times and then called GM Central for yet another tow. About an hour later, we tried it, just because we really couldn't believe it and it started. We canceled the tow because without a problem there is nothing the dealer can do. I have not received any recall letter re: battery drain. I'm intrigued to know more and welcome any input. Now I head out early for anything I need to do and hope my new car will start. This is obviously not acceptible. Gee, if GM can't figure this out, perhaps a bunch of cranky, unhappy Equinox owners can figure it out for them. Funny, the only other problematic car I've ever owned was a Chevy Lumina Van. I now think I've learned my lesson.
  • rocketbobrocketbob Member Posts: 23
    Same problem. I have a 2 month old 2011 Terrain that wouldn't start yesterday. I called Onstar and got a jump start. I drove to the dealer and the service rep immediately scheduled a BCM re program.

    The mechanic who was working on the car also told me the battery was low
    and wanted me to stay until he charged it. I was in a hurry so I said I would
    wait an hour. He came back a half hour later and said the battery was
    defective and had to be replaced. None in stock so I have to go back next week

    After talking with the tow truck driver, the service rep , the mechanic and
    several salesmen, they indicate dead batteries are common due to all the electrical equipment and computer modules on new GM cars drawing current even when vehicle is turned off.

    What irritates me is that this problem must have been known for some time
    for a Service Bulletin to have been issued so why was the problem not fixed at the factory or addressed at the dealership when the car was
    delivered. It also leaves the question that whether the alternator is inadequate to put out enough current to run all the accessories and recharge the battery when the car is running!
  • osrvosrv Member Posts: 2
    Batteries are strange animals... unpredictable.
    It seems that no one knows how to troubleshoot problems any more. It's replace, replace, replace, at your expense.
    Try this.... Remove the NEGATIVE battery cable at the battery.
    Connect a battery charger to the battery. POS first and NEG last.
    Allow the battery to charge for one hour. If the charger has a working ameter, the meter will display about a 10 Amp charge at first, slowly diminishing to zero charge as the battery is charged fully. This is normal for a GOOD battery. Defective batteries either don't take a charge or show full in a few minutes.
    Disconnect the charger and re-attach the NEG battery cable.
    If your battery discharges, say over night, this usually means there is a serious voltage draw ( bad alt, partially shorted hot all the time wire/s), anything that will suck a battery down. If there is no voltage draw down, the battery is probably bad.
  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    You should not post your email addy in a message, to easy for spaamers to get ahold of it. Anyway, while Lady08 suggested it was a recall, it may in reality been a service bulletin. I know of one other case where the amient lighting did not shut off when it should have and caused the battery to drain. There is a service bulletin for that Sorry I don't have a number/
  • caskabcaskab Member Posts: 5
    Your other post mentions a GM service bulletin# regarding the battery drain problem.
    When did you receive service bulletin? Is there any service bulletin # associated with this I can reference to my dealership? How did the dealer repair the drain problem? I just had the same dead battery problem this morning with my 2011 Equinox!
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    If you will email me your VIN and question I will look into recall information for you.
    GM Customer Service
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Can you please email me your contact information (including a good number to reach you), VIN, current mileage, involved dealer, and a break down of what you are/ have experienced. I apologize for your frustrations.
    Have a great weekend.
    GM Customer Service
  • runoxrunox Member Posts: 156
    Yea, the batt charge is simple enough, but these new Noxes have fickle electrical systems driven by software programs. You cannot believe how many computer are on board. While the batt charge gets on the move temporarily, you have to have those computer reprogrammed.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    What is the status of your vehicle? Have your issues been resolved?
    GM Customer Service
  • rocketbobrocketbob Member Posts: 23
    Well, its been over 2 weeks and my new battery hasn't arrived. Just
    been getting automated phonecalls telling me it is on backorder. I am
    sure the dealer could go down to Canadian Tire and pick one up but
    GM probably wouldn't reimburse the dealer.

    So far the old battery hasn't gone dead again and everything but the
    power seat memory seems to be working.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Can you please email me directly; just include your Edmunds name. Thanks! Have a great weekend!
    GM Customer Service
  • stirfry1stirfry1 Member Posts: 11
    We have a five month old equinox and have to have it charged twice in three past weeks from road side assistance. We are scheduled to take it to the dealers in two days.
    Is it a bad battery, a need to reprogram the computer, a short.
    I am nervous that the problem won't get resolved. Some told me I should have bought a honda CRV
    I hope the dealership doesn't give me a run around.
    A new car not starting sucks!
  • stirfry1stirfry1 Member Posts: 11
    We have the same problem and it sucks.
  • stirfry1stirfry1 Member Posts: 11
    I have the battery drain on our 2011 equinox, going to the dealer tomorrow.
  • stirfry1stirfry1 Member Posts: 11
    We have the same problem on our 2011, going to the dealer tomorrow.
  • caskabcaskab Member Posts: 5
    I had the same problem w/ my 2011 Equinox. It is the BCM (body control Computer Module) that needs to be reprogrammed. There is a GM TSB Tech Service Bulletin that has GM reprogram the module and recharge the battery. You will be fin after that!!
  • stirfry1stirfry1 Member Posts: 11
    Thanks for you post. I told the service person what you said, at the dealership, but they insisted that the TSB didn't exist and replaced the battery insisting it was a bad battery.
  • stirfry1stirfry1 Member Posts: 11
    For our 2011 they the dealer insisted it was a bad battery and replaced that. Time will tell now
  • caskabcaskab Member Posts: 5
    There is a GM update for this issue based on your VIN #. If battery dies again, then bring back to dealership (or go to another) & have them do a parasitic drain test to see if battery drain is occuring . If so, then a BCM reprogram is needed (along w/ recharging battery). Pre & post drain test showed a significant difference in milliamp draw before after the BCM reprogram on my 2011 Equinox.
  • stirfry1stirfry1 Member Posts: 11
    Unfortunately the no start happened again this a.m. when my wife went out to go to a medical appointment. No lights were left on and she didn't drive it over the weekend, used our chevy impala, which has never had a no start issue.
    It happened in November when we were out of state, the dealer loooked at it and couldn't find any thing wrong.
    GM is monitoring, still this is definately when I wished we had bought a different vehcile.........
    They had put a new battery in it after the second no start, saying it was the battery . Maybe time to trade in and go with a honda or toyota.....
    Bummer city as now if have to have gm roadside tow it into the dealer and without car for how long............ bummer......
  • caskabcaskab Member Posts: 5
  • stirfry1stirfry1 Member Posts: 11
    I told the dealer this information, and they insisted the problem was another, read that second, bad battery! So they replaced the battery.
    We are letting the car sit for a week or so and if you are correct that there is a battery drain, then it won't start, then we will go to a different chevy dealer for service. This dealership, won't consider this information.
  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    There is a TSB applicable to some 11's that deals with cabin lighting not turning off and causing drain. There is always some drain when not in use, long times without starting vehicle can cause troubles also.
  • stirfry1stirfry1 Member Posts: 11
    Thank you for your post.
    I took the car to another dealer's service department and they seem more open to possibilities other than another "bad battery" as cause of no starts.
    The G.M. customer service department have been very nice, monitoring the situation and communicating with me and the dealer service departments.

    PS How long of car not in use, sitting, is considered a drain where the car wont' start? Out of the 4 no starts we have had with the vehicle, two were where the car sat for a couple of days.
  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    I believe somewhere along the line I saw something that was meant for dealers and suggested they should start the vehicles on the lot at least once every 2 weeks. Of course as batteries age that time might get shorter, but a couple days and no start indicates a problem somewhere.
  • stirfry1stirfry1 Member Posts: 11
    The second dealerships service department has determined that the the BCM (body control Computer Module) needs to be replaced. This makes total sense to me and I am hopeful that this will stop the drain which was causing the car's batteries to "go Bad".
  • equinox2012equinox2012 Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2012
    I have a problem with my 2012 Equinox with only 4k on it. It wouldn't start after leaving it over the weekend. Should this BCM be replaced??
  • stirfry1stirfry1 Member Posts: 11
    Since the BCM was changed I have had no problem with our 2011 equinox, we have over 30,000 miles and very reliable.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello equinox2012,
    Our apologies that you had trouble starting your new Equinox over the weekend. As you're under warranty, are you planning on working with your dealership to get this addressed? Please keep us informed of your progress on this, and if you would like for us to check into anything further for you we can be reached at socialmedia@gm.com (include your name and contact information and the last 8 digits of your VIN with your inquiry).

    Sarah, GM Customer Service
  • almaiunraie22almaiunraie22 Member Posts: 2
    I own a 2005 Chevy Equinox with 93K. In March I had a new key made because the old key was very worn and no longer would work in the ignition. Ever since I had the new key made, the vehicle does not want to start at times. There is no rhyme or reason for when it doesn't start. It will go weeks and start every time, and then it will have issues everyday for a few days. It seems for some reason to happen more frequently when it has rained, yes weird I know. I was told to leave the key in the ignition for 10 minutes to reprogram it, however, I have done that 3 times with no success. Everything else in the vehicle works while this is happening, the lights, radio, blinkers, etc. Its just that once you turn the key to where it should start, nothing happens. The battery was tested and was told it tested great. I appreciate any feedback. I notice it has been awhile since anyone has been on here, hopefully people are still following this!
  • ray80ray80 Member Posts: 1,655
    The programming of the key is for the security system which I believe should be a fuel shut off thing (shouldn't stop it from turning over). Perhaps the ignition lock cylinder is worn also, or there is another safety thing (brake transaxle shift interlock) were there may be an issue (part itself or wiring or its interaction with body control module)
  • djm2djm2 Member Posts: 712
    There have been major issues with the Equinox since the 2010 model. QUESTION: ----- Why wasn't the "re-call" performed prior to the delivery of the vehicle? ---- This is not acceptable behavior for the selling dealer and / or GM! ---- Where is the concern for the customer? ---- The Equinox is a beautiful vehicle. ---- Remember many people, like myself, read these postings on a daily basis, and we are potential Equinox customers. ---- I own a 2010 LTZ 2.4 Malibu that was purchased from an OUTSTANDING dealer, and outside of a software problem that the dealer took care of it has been trouble free for 48,000 + miles. ----- I almost purchased a 2010 Equinox! Thank God I did not make that BIG mistake. ---- I did not purchase the Equinox because it did not have a "power seat" on the passenger side of the vehicle? ----- GM's poor marketing of the vehicle in terms of accessories saved me a negative experience. ----- I would love to own an Equinox, when I trade either my Malibu or my 2007 XLE Toyota, but I will not purchase a vehicle that has these operational / poor quality issues, and in the process, do business with dealers and a manufacturer that have no respect for the customers after the sale. ---- I do not want to be stuck in my driveway or on the road with a new vehicle that the manufacturer knows has intrinsic operational problems. ---- Just some ideas to consider when purchasing a new or used vehicle. ----- Dwayne
  • tektatekta Member Posts: 1
    This appears to be a common problem according to the postings here. My Equinox has 18000 miles now and suddenly refused to start. Put the charger on it and behold, it started only to die again the following day. Had a jump start to get mr to the nearest auto repair shop. Tire Choice. they found that the battery was bad. This was confirmed by the AutoZone guy next door.
    The new battery was $175. Also a terminal was badly corroded, not sure where? Another $50 I was there almost three hours while it was fixed and came away with a bill for $375. Labor and parts.
    Now I am gun shy with this vehicle. When I asked how I could maintain the terminals, I was told, no can do as I would have to remove so much equipment before I could even see the battery. What I had come to believe was a reliable stylish and practical vehicle has been sorely challenged

  • nawlinsmamanawlinsmama Member Posts: 1
    Attn @gmcustsvc

    We are having the same no start problems on our 2011 Chevy equinox.
    Here is our Vin #2CNALBEC1B6227875
    Can you please check for service bulletins or recalls please.
    Shannon & Eugene
  • gumbingumbin Member Posts: 1
    I am having the same no start problem and it started around 65,000. The 'Battery Saver Active' and "Service battery charging system" lights have both come on and now I am getting a rotten egg smell.
  • tomwalttomwalt Member Posts: 14
    I removed my original battery and charged it overnight. Upon reinstallation the Nox won't start. I installed a new battery - same problem.
    So all I did was install a new (charged) battery.
    What works - radio and heater fan.
    What doesn't work - starter won't turn over or even click, key won't remove (key moves from ACC, Run and Start but not to off/remove), xmission stuck in park, no interior lights, no door locks, no warning gong for key in ignition and door open, can't open rear hatch.
    Dash lights say service soon when in run.
    Odometer reads correct mileage and battery voltage, but no reading for tire pressure, oil % remaining, etc. (just 3 dashes for readings)
    Any ideas? BCM is my best guess now.
    P.S. I did disconnect the alternator 12V lead - no change.
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