GMC Yukon XL Normal Oil Usage?

styxzstyxz Member Posts: 1
We have an '07 Yukon XL that is using 2-3 quarts of oil every 3K miles. Our local service tech states 1 quart per 1500 miles is normal.

I have friends with similar (2007-2008), not exact, vehicles that don't use any oil and put more miles on than us.

We live on the great plains of ND (i.e. easy driving), mainly carting kids around town and driving to work (my wife's vehicle.) I use it occassionally to tow my aluminum fishing boat (couple times a year tops.)

Yukon now has 44,750 miles on it and this issue began around 30-35K.

We just had it serviced and no leaks were detected. The obvious smoking signs are not there for burning oil either. We are beginning a 1,000 mile check with the dealer to see if the oil use is "excessive."

Anyone else using oil like this, is it really "normal" and are there any thoughts out there regarding this.

Bottom line, it doesn't seem "normal" to me. Thanks in advance for your input!


  • kutndrykutndry Member Posts: 2
    Another person with the same problem! Your message center tells you that the engine oil is low - add oil, right? I have had my yukon in 4 times for this problem and actually GM knows about it . They have replaced the head gasket, rocker arms, lifters and it is currently as we speak in the dealer for perhaps replace the rings and pistons. I am actually looking for a COMPLETELY NEW ENGINE! I LOVE my truck and am not planning to get rid of it, but even though I have an outstanding relationship with the service manager, I feel very disappointed and feel like the engine has been "molested" if you will enough! It just turned 36K and this seems to happen every 2K. My guy said that after the lifter repair they usually don't have any more problems and that my vehicle has gone the farthest with this. He said that it is a BIG problem with the Chevy Suburban and the engines were "shared" at the plant on this one particular day of production. The Chevy dealer across the street is getting created motors and replacing them left and right.
    Mine used 1 1/2 quarts every 2K. 1 quart is normal, yes, but why then does the warning message come on? I hope you don't have to go as far as I have.....I really do LOVE my truck.....
  • headgame01headgame01 Member Posts: 15
    I am here to tell you that you are not the only one with the oil consumption issue. I have a 2007 Yukon XL with 68K on it. At about 38 K I started having oil usage issues. They replaced the PVC valve and also cleaned out the valve covers. This was supposed to fix the issue. But no it did not. Then they replaced the Heads and I then went through another cycle to test the oil usage issue after the 500 mile breakin. Nope still using oil. Then they wanted to do the rings. My service guy does not think that will help. But now I have noticed a whole bunch of metal on the plug magnet end when I change the oil. GM will not approve a new engine but I am in the process of going through my 4th oil consumption test and it is still using over 1 qt every 1000 miles. I am going to let them do the ring job. But if that does not fix it they say will not put a new engine in it. They will look at giving me a deal on a new one and give me a trade in allowance to cover me. (well see if that is a good deal or not.) I also know of a 2007 Avalanch at my dealer that is having the same issue. My service guy tells me that if there is oil blow by in the rings that it should be filing out plugs. Well mine and the other one does not do that either.

    I was told by GM (Heather) that they could not guarentee that replacing the engine would fix my issue and that the techs where looking for a solution. My guess is they do not want to spend the money. SAD SAD SAD. I have had GMs my whole life and now they wont take care of me. 100K power train warranty???? Don't make me laugh. What a joke.

    Unhappy with this situation. They should back their product a little more than this. Good luck on your truck but mine is never ending.
  • headgame01headgame01 Member Posts: 15
    Let me know if you get a new engine and how you did it. I have been asking for that for about 2 months now and have not gotten them to agree to it. They tell me that they cannot guarantee a new engine will fix it for me.

    I am ticked at them right now and would love any more new info to throw their way to get the new engine. I also love my Yukon XL but this is getting to be to much. Also my performance and MPG is not what it used to be.
  • 4kidsinatruck4kidsinatruck Member Posts: 2
    Just found the same with my XL. Dealer says "normal" to mine as well but a "friend" told me GM is coming out with a buletin end of April early May after the fix and the parts are tracked down. Looks like the lifters and rings are involved with it in the AFM engines. 2007 is the target year. Look for it!
  • kdl2471kdl2471 Member Posts: 10
    edited April 2010
    If you see a bulletin from GM about this will you please post it on here. We are getting the same run around at our dealership about this oil problem. I think our dealer is getting tired of seeing us, the last time I went in about this problem they changed the oil and added way to much oil so the light would not come on. All I hear is this is normal. My mother also has an 07 yukon xl and her add oil light has never came on.
  • yukonxlowner1yukonxlowner1 Member Posts: 4
    My experience is very similar to yours.

    I have 2007 Yukon XL with oil consumption issue. It started at about 32K miles. I now have 40K.

    Dealer has been reluctant to confirm that it has an issue, but has replaced Right Valve cover in February of this year. This did not resolve the issue. The Dealer next step was to change the driver side valve cover now.

    Before I had the opportunity to schedule time to replace the left side valve cover on a trip to San Simion, CA my car started to misfire and I got a "Stabilitrack Service Light and solid engine light" on dashboard.

    This Monday I took my Yukon back to the dealer. To make a long story short...the dealer is now replacing the rings on my Yukon.

    I hope this correct that issue. :-(
  • headgame01headgame01 Member Posts: 15
    FYI Evertibe,

    They have just completed a replacement of Pistons, Rings, and Rod Barings. I am not sure if this will work but I will let you know if it does not. Unfortunately my windshield was broken during the being put back in and the bumper was damaged, so I am waiting to get those fixed by the dealer. I will let you know what happens.

    Hoping this work.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    I am from GM Customer Service. Please let me know if the fix your dealership is currently doing takes care of the problem or not. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • yukonxlowner1yukonxlowner1 Member Posts: 4
    I will not get my vehicle back until Wednesday of next week. I will post the exact work done and I will follow up with results.

    Although, I am pleased that "alot of work" is being done to my Yukon to correct this oil consumption issue... I wonder what impact this "engine overhaul" will have on life line of my vehicle?
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    I am glad that the dealership is trying to fix the situation with the oil consumption. I would think if they are fixing the vehicle for the better that it would prolong the life of the vehicle, and not hinder it. Thank you for getting back to me.
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • yukonxlowner1yukonxlowner1 Member Posts: 4

    There was a change in procedure to fix the oil consumption issue on my Yukon XL 2007.

    The Dealer/GM recommended to replace the engine instead of the valve cover and ring job.

    I picked up my vehicle on Wednesday. So far so good.

    I hope this fixes that problem and I do not continue to see any others.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    I am glad to hear that the vehicle is working much better. If you have any further questions please email me at Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • yukonxlowner1yukonxlowner1 Member Posts: 4
    GM Customer service,
    It seems to me like this oil consumption issue is real, and by the looks of this blog and many others that this is in fact happening to other GM and Chevy vehicle owners.
    Why is GM so hesitant to confirm that there is a problem with “high oil consumption “on certain vehicles? By now there should be a bulletin addressing this issue and a procedure to correct it.
    Instead, we have to endure months on wasted time and aggravation of having to argue and plead with service managers before we are forced to contact GM Customer Service directly before anything gets done.
    To add to my frustrations, I had to tolerate the service manager complaining of me opening a case with GM customer care when I picked up my Yukon. Very unprofessional!!! Not what I expected from GM.
  • coupdevillcoupdevill Member Posts: 4

    I have the above mentioned vehicle with about 94K miles that I bought used from a Chevy dealer in the Portland,OR area at roughly 46K. This Suburban has always burned oil and to degree I accepted it because it was used. But 2 things really get me, 1) the dealer never gave me a service history (my bad) and 2) I found out from my local Chevy dealer during a service that it had the transmission replaced, now I'm finding out that what I thought was just another issue I inherited is really a big deal.

    This is my 4th suburban in about 11 years, I have been a faithful suburban owner and I am now at a loss.

    My question(s):

    Is there an official Service Bulletin?

    Is their an official protocol set-up to deal with this issue?

    I use my Suburban for business and I cannot be without it for an extended period of time, with this vehicle at almost 100K miles I'll probably look for a new one in the fall, but not if i don't receive some type of explanation and resolution. Just seems like something else was kept from me by the GM family.

    Thank you for your help, please feel free to contact me at any time.

  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    I am not aware of an official Service Bulletin on this issue however I do not receive all the bulletins that are sent to service departments.

    There are published Engine Oil Consumption Guidelines and specific instructions to dealerships on how to properly inspect for excessive consumption and how to properly measure consumption over time. I apologize that the situation with the service manager wasn’t a better one. If you have any further questions please email me. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • gmcannoyedgmcannoyed Member Posts: 2
    I just purchased my used 2007 Yukon XL at the end of Feb/first of march. I've made one payment on my vehicle and it's already in the shop! I traded a new 2009 Trailblazer for this, and I am very disappointed that the dealership did not advise me of this problem before we purchased it. The sales manager drove this, he cleaned his stuff out of it when we signed the papers on it, so I'm sure he had to be aware of this issue of course being a GMC dealer, he should have been contacted by GMC. In the short time of having my truck (which I LOVE!!) I have added 4 qts of oil to it, in about 4k miles that I've put on it since I signed papers.

    I guess I should contact the dealership and ask for a service report on this truck to see what all has been serviced on it....well reported as serviced.

    I am really hoping I am not going to have to jump thru hoops like some of you have. I will NOT be a happy camper. I love Chevy/GMC products, but if they do not back their product properly....remember one thing.....word of mouth is the the best marketing tool so watch out! Make good on your product GMC! :mad:

    :lemon: ?????
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello Coupdevill,
    I appreciate that you have been such a loyal customer. I apologize that you are experiencing concerns with your vehicle. Can you please email me at so I can look into your situation further? Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello gmcannoyed,
    I apologize that you have had concerns with your vehicle. Can you please email me so that I can look into your situation further? You have to click on my name to get to my email address. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • headgame01headgame01 Member Posts: 15

    There are many of us that are unhappy. I know of the people that had the engine replacement, they are all happy. I know that the trouble with the 2007 Yukon, Yukon XL, Sunburbans, Avalanch, and so on. They where all built on or about the same day. This is obviously a bad engine batch. I have been through the PVC change with valve cover cleaning, New Heads, and now new Pistons, Rings, and rod bearings. The dealership wanted to replace the engine but GM will not allow them. I just got it back after the Piston replacement. If it still has oil consuption issues, I have been told they may offer a me some compensation and allow me trade in allowance on a new one. BUT, I would have been happier with with the new engine. It would have also been cheaper at this point for GM. Why can they not admit a recall on this. Some of the people I have know have had rods go though the block on their 2007 and they got hurt because of it.

    What are your thoughts? Heather my rep has not been much help. Let me know.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello Headgame01,
    I apologize that you are still experiencing concerns with your vehicle. Can you please email me your case number, so I can look into your situation further? You can find my email by clicking on my name. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • k2yukonk2yukon Member Posts: 1

    I have had the same problems with my yukon and am at he same place you were with the engine out and they are going to put pistons and rings in it, but they can't find the parts. I was just wondering if the gave u any information about the procedure number they were working under so i can get my dealer to to the same
  • gmcannoyedgmcannoyed Member Posts: 2
    I just emailed you. I hope some light is shed on this problem. This is crazy, the only thing GM is doing at this point is an oil consumption test....sorry that seems useless as a "fix" at this point. :mad:
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello Gmcannoyed,
    They have to do that test in order to see how much your vehicle is consuming, and whether it is/not within specs for the vehicle. That is just a step they have to follow to see what is going on with the vehicle. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • headgame01headgame01 Member Posts: 15
    I had to the same thing. (Oil Consumption test) They have to do this so they can confirm that the engine is using oil. I have been through 4 oil consumption test after they try one fix. I have had the PVC valve done with the clean out of the valve covers, New heads, and now the new Pistons, Rings, and rod barrings.

    I am now starting to experience an issue with the idle on my Yukon XL. I have to have another oil consumption test hear soon.
  • cotton3cotton3 Member Posts: 3
    I have a 2007 GMC Yukon XL which has been using oil since around 39,000miles also. I have made the voyage to the dealer every 3000miles since and it has used at least 1quart every oil change, now I'm up to 1 1/2-2quarts. They have tried multiple replacements, at least 5 different times with no success,some being overnight or up to 4days giving me nothing to drive in its place. I am now at 70,200miles and was finally forced to call the complaint line today to officially start a case. It is sad that GMC would not just go ahead and correct the problem. I love my Yukon but fear that the problem will not be resolved before the end of the warranty. It appears to be a widespread problem because I live in a small town and I know of at least 3others that are doing the same thing. When I go to the dealer the Technician will say "Now which one is this? ,What have we tried on it so far?"
    From what I am reading on here the only thing that will correct the problem would be a replacement engine!
  • hurldog65hurldog65 Member Posts: 5
    I would like to share with you a disappointing experience with one of the GM certified vehicles. My wife and i recently purchased a GM Certified 2007 GMC Yukon XL . After driving the vehicle for 2months approx. 2500miles, there was an onboard message to add oil, oil level low. The indication on the vehicle was 66% life in the oil at the time. I checked the cold level of the oil, and it was extremely low on the dip stick, as well as a deep brown color. I took it back to the dealer, and proceeded to have them look at it for diagnosis. About 1 and 1/2 hours later they come out and tell me the industry standard is that the truck can burn 1 quart of oil in that time frame and it is acceptable. Now, my wife transports 1 1/2 yr old and a 3 1/2 yr old and drives to work. That is what we use this vehicle for. No hauling or towing is involved, which then i would except the facts as they may be. After telling me about the quart of oil, they proceeded to tell me that they will watch my vehicle every time i bring it in. Does this mean i have to bring in my vehicle every 2500 miles for an oil change? I am not sure that this is the Image GM would like to have for there vehicles. After telling me this, he handed me a bill for my oil change as well. Which after some persuasion from myself, i was able to have him rescind the bill for the oil change.
    In conclusion, i believe that the oil change may have been missed upon final inspection of the vehicle before sale. I think that they may have billed it out correctly , but may not have performed it. With the oil level low, and the dark coloration, that is what i conclude. I would like to know if the customer should receive the print out of work completed on the vehicle for the GMCertified inspections. We did not receive anything of such nature. The gas tank was at about 1/8th capacity, which i know full is "recommended" and i did not expect full, but 1/8th? Also, the inside of the vehicle was the same as when we test drove it, not detailed or vacuumed once more. I do worry about other things that may not of happened in the preparation of the vehicle that i may have issues with later. I do like GM products, and have had several, one which i had purchased from this same dealer. After my experience, i don't believe i can go back to them for service or sale of another vehicle. I believe i can take my vehicle to any certified dealer for service during the warranty time. I spent a lot of money, almost 29500.00 to be exact on this vehicle, and was very disappointed in the evaluation, and treatment of the situation that had occured. To tell me they will keep an eye on it, yet charge me for an oil change that according to my vehicle said 66% life on one screen, and low level add oil on another. To me this sounds like they had no idea, and changed the oil to see if it will happen again. Not a very secure feeling for a huge investment to me and my family. I hope GM reads these posts, and will try to make things right. After reading some of these other post, my troubles may be just beginning. Good luck to all involved. Thank you for taking the time to listen to my complaint.
  • hurldog65hurldog65 Member Posts: 5
    To whom it may concern,
    I would like to share with you a disappointing experience with one of your GM certified vehicles. My wife and i recently purchased a GM Certified 2007 GMC Yukon XL from Amesbury Chevrolet in Amesbury,MA. After driving the vehicle for 2months approx. 2500miles, there was an onboard message to add oil, oil level low. The indication on the vehicle was 66% life in the oil at the time. I checked the cold level of the oil, and it was extremely low on the dip stick, as well as a deep brown color. I took it back to the dealer, adn proceeded to have them look at it for diagnosis. About 1 and 1/2 hours later they come out and tell me the industry standard is that the truck can burn 1 quart of oil in that time frame and it is acceptable. Now, my wife transports 1 1/2 yr old and a 3 1/2 yr old and drives to work. That is what we use this vehicle for. No hauling or towing is involved, which then i would except the facts as they may be. After telling me about the quart of oil, they proceeded to tell me that they will watch my vehicle every time i bring it in. Does this mean i have to bring in my vehicle every 2500 miles for an oil change? I am not sure that this is the Image GM would like to have for there vehicles. After telling me this, he handed me a bill for my oil change as well. Which after some persuasion from myself, i was able to have him rescind the bill for the oil change.
    In conclusion, i believe that the oil change may have been missed upon final inspection of the vehicle before sale. I think that they may have billed it out correctly , but may not have performed it. With the oil level low, and the dark coloration, that is what i conclude. I would like to know if the customer should receive the print out of work completed on the vehicle for the GMCertified inspections. We did not receive anything of such nature. The gas tank was at about 1/8th capacity, which i know full is "recommended" and i did not expect full, but 1/8th? Also, the inside of the vehicle was the same as when we test drove it, not detailed or vacuumed once more. I do worry about other things that may not of happened in the preparation of the vehicle that i may have issues with later. I do like GM products, and have had several, one which i had purchased from this same dealer. After my experience, i don't believe i can go back to them for service or sale of another vehicle. I believe i can take my vehicle to any certified dealer for service during the warranty time. I spent a lot of money, almost 29500.00 to be exact on this vehicle, and was very disappointed in the evaluation, and treatment of the situation that had occured. To tell me they will keep an eye on it, yet charge me for an oil change that accordind to my vehicle said 66% life on one screen, and low level add oil on another. To me this sounds like they had no idea, and changed the oil to see if it will happen again. Not a very secure feeling for a huge investment to me and my family. Thank you for taking the time to listen to my complaint.
    My only hope is that GM will protect people like me inthe long run to preserve the quality of there vehicles. It seems from these posts that others are having severe issues, and mine are just starting. Do you know of any protocol or recall on these engines?
  • mbed5623mbed5623 Member Posts: 1
    Mariah, I am experiencing the same problem. My last two oil changes are requiring 2 - 3 quarts of oil to be added before 5000 miles and before the computer oil life reaches the "change" level. Wife drives three little kids everyday to school and activities, no towing or heavy duty activity. I was about to take it in to the dealer and ask all the questions I have seen here and on other discussion sites. Is their anything I can say to the dealer to cut to the chase? I bought the full B to B ext warranty for an extra 4 years when I bought the car so I am still years within the warranty. Truth is I took the warranty because I was always a Honda/Toyota/Nissan buyer, was always worried about buying from the U.S. Big 3. Need the right thing done here or I may go back.

  • cotton3cotton3 Member Posts: 3
    Yesterday I spoke with the District Manager who pretty much said there was nothing GMC could do at this point than to see if the top engine cleaner they used last week works. I ask how cleaning the engine will help with oil being held in the intake! What needs to happen is that they replace my Engine!
    I guess I will have to call and complain every 3000 miles when oil must be added to my engine or get a good lawyer since GMC is refusing to address this issue! They said my service department didn't recommend replacing my engine but my service department says they cant replace my engine without approval from GMC!
    My friends who also own a 2007 Yukon & a 2007 Suburban are also having the same problem with theirs! Come on GMC, just fix them!
  • kdl2471kdl2471 Member Posts: 10
    I just do not understand why GM does not issue a recall on these vehicles. I have been having this problem with my yukon for a year now. I was told last June to keep a log of when we had to add oil, how much oil was added, and the miles on the car when the oil was added. This goes on about every 2500 miles. Every time I would call the service department they would tell me just to write it down in the log. I carried my yukon back to the dealer in May because I am getting tired of this run around we are getting from the dealer. After they change the oil they come out and tell me that the next time the light comes on to bring it right back in to them, keep in mind that I live an hour away from the dealership and I get nervous driving a car that has a light saying add oil, they, the dealer, needs to document the oil problem. GM needs their documentation not mine, the service manager said that GM would not take my word on this. I am getting tired of this and the service department acts like you are an idiot when you tell them what is going on, along with the line "It's normal for this type of car to use oil", if that's the case then why isn't the yukon my mother owns doing the same thing. I really think that they are going to give me the run around until the 100,000 mile warranty is up.
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello Mbed5623,
    I did receive your email and did respond to your concern. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • snwiresnwire Member Posts: 5
    My 2007 yukon xl Has this same problem and I told my dealership about it around 55,000 miles and they acted like I was crazy they said that they couldn't imagine why it would burn oil. so after I mentioned it a few times around 95000 miles I started pressing when I found the service bullitin on it. I informed them of it and they set me up to have all the work done and then called and cancelled saying they had to have the oil consumption test and when I was about to go over 100, 000 they said they would extend it while they did the test. I just hope they actually do something about.
  • beasstbeasst Member Posts: 9
    I bought my 2007 Yukon XL with 48k on it. It had just come off of lease so I figured it should have been in great shape. Every thing was going great until I was driving a the Low Oil Light came on????? I mean I have all the fluids changed as soon as I got it so it should have not been burning oil like that. I thought it was maybe a fluke so I added oil to get it up to where it should be and I checked it again on yesterday and the oil was down another quart all ready???!!!???!!!???!!! This is crazy! Not to mention this Stabilitrak Light keeps popping on and off for no apparent reason. I need a contact at GM because I bought this vehicle for my family and I need to speak with someone who can fix the issue asap.

    I like :lemon: Lemons :lemon: but only in my Lemonade!!!!
  • kdl2471kdl2471 Member Posts: 10
    Guess what everyone, my add engine oil light came back on again last night. This mess has been going on for over a year. I called to the dealer this morning, because I was told if it came back on again to contact them and set up an appt. and not add oil that they would have to add the oil themselves for a consumption test after I have had a log written down for over a year of when I had to add oil like they told me too. Well Rob in the service department tells me to go ahead and add the oil that there is going to be a recall issued in July to repair lifters. I can't wait to see if this happens or not. I really love my yukon, but I am really considering finding it a new home for it, this mess is getting aggervating and I'm tired of them acting like I'm an idiot at the dealership.
  • beasstbeasst Member Posts: 9
    OK, So I get a call from GM Customer Care this morning and I spoke with Yhel, the customer Rep. I explain the situation to her, as if they don't know about it and she tries to tell me my vehicle is out of warranty? LOL, Ummmmm NO. I explained to her that the parts mentioned fall under the Powertrain Warranty so it is under warranty. GM is soooooooooo defensive about this matter but I think I may just go ahead and get myself a lawyer to move this situation along, I don't have time to play with GM.

    I like :lemon: lemons :lemon: but only in Lemonade!
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello Beasst,
    I apologize that you are experiencing an issue with your vehicle. Have you had anyone diagnose the concerns on your vehicle? You can have an oil consumption test done at the dealership to see whether your vehicle is operating within specs or not. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • beasstbeasst Member Posts: 9
    edited June 2010

    Thanks and no need for an apology. I just hate it when the GM Reps get defensive and you are only trying to convey a real issue that you and others are having.

    I called the GM dealership near me and they explained that I would have to have the oil changed there and come back to the dealership every 1000 miles to have the levels checked. The service rep said that after 3000k the oil level was low they would do it again to see if it is happening every time.

    The problem is:

    1. I don't live near a GM Dealership
    2. Going back every 1000 miles will be a pain and very time consuming
    3. I don't drive my truck that much so going 3000 miles will take some time.

    The Rep also stated they could check my Stabilitrak while in was in the shop then they tell me I can't bring it in until the 12th of July?!!!

    Meanwhile my Stabilitrak is going BANANAS. This is CRAZY!

    Question: I bought my Yukon when it came back off lease, so that would mean GM did all the service on this vehicle, How can I get a history report from GM on my vehicle's service history? I want to see if these problems have been reported before and they are just on going issues.

    I love :lemon: lemons :lemon: but only in Lemonade
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello Beasst,
    The dealership it was leased from would have performed all the maintenance and fixed any problems that may have arised with the vehicle. They would have the detailed history report of what has been taken care of with the vehicle. If you want to email me your VIN I can look into what has been done with the vehicle. You can get my email by clicking on my name. As far as the oil consumption test that is unfortunately how they have to do it. I understand that you live far away from the dealership but, in order for them to determine how the vehicle is operating that is the test they have to perform. If you have any further questions please let me know. Thank you,
    Mariah GM Customer Service
  • rayfloydrayfloyd Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2010
    If it makes you feel better, I have a GM Certified 2008 Suburban LTZ that has the same problem at 34K miles. Brought it in to the dealer due to a rough idle, only to find out that it had oil in the #1 cylinder that foulded the plug. Today, the oil consumption test shows 2 quarts lost in 600 miles and is back to a rough idle. Dealer says they are waiting on a fix from GM, but nothing they can do about it now.

    I feel like I should not be driving a car that pollutes 2 quarts of oil....every 600 miles.
  • beasstbeasst Member Posts: 9
    WOW, 2 Quarts in 600 Miles, that is freaking crazy! Well I took mine into the shop today and was out of over 400 to have a senor in my right front tire fixed. I was told that was throwing my stabilitrak off. And I started the Oil Consumption test. The dealer told me that you should not use more than 1 quart between oil changes.

    2 Quarts in 600 miles is UN_SAT!

    Thanks Again.......... Mariah GM Customer Service
  • gmcustsvcgmcustsvc Member Posts: 4,252
    Hello Beasst,
    You're welcome!
    - Mariah GM Customer Service
  • rayfloydrayfloyd Member Posts: 5
    Back to rough idling today.

    Looks like I will be stopping by the dealer to fill up with oil and top off the gas.... and change a plug. What does a NASCAR pit crew rent for?
  • snwiresnwire Member Posts: 5
    Does GM have a spec that says you can go X-amount of miles before you burn a quart of oil? If so What do they say?
  • rayfloydrayfloyd Member Posts: 5
    :sick: According to #01-06-01-011F: Information on Engine Oil Consumption Guidelines (Jan13,2009) - the GM accepted rate of oil consumption for engines in cars and trucks (less than 8500 LB GVW) is one quart per 2000 miles. There are exeptions for non-agressive driving, towing, high RPMs, maintenance....

    2 quarts in 600-700 miles, I thought, would be a no-brainer qualification for a drastic fix for my suburban.

    Massive if you think about it. If GM sold 500,000 SUVs (a portion of all their business) and each burned 1 quart every 2000 miles, and with a driver having an average of 12,000 miles a year -- my math says we would have 750,000 gallons of oil somewhere we don't want. Throw in my 2008 suburban at 2 quarts every 600-700 miles, which I am trying not to drive, and GM and I would be responsible for over 8 gallons a year (at its current unfixed state).
  • rayfloydrayfloyd Member Posts: 5
    I think I am going to go to the dealer this week and try to negotiate on the purchase of a new suburban (not likely to have an oil leak). I may get a deal that works -which would be great, or at least I will then know what the new trade in value (damage to the value) is. Might come in handy later. :lemon:
  • rayfloydrayfloyd Member Posts: 5
    Scratch that. I want a GL450 - at least the cost is upfront. I think is an available domain name...
  • snwiresnwire Member Posts: 5
    Now that my oil consumption test is over my dealership realizes there is a problem. and it is scheduled to go in next week. hope they are able to fix it because I love my Yukon other than it's oil problem. My Yukons name is Yukon Ron
  • losingoilfastlosingoilfast Member Posts: 1
    Any update on the recall that you mentioned? I am taking mine in tomorrow and don't have the time for the run-around that other people have described.

    I will sell the car instead of going through endless oil consumption test bs.
  • kdl2471kdl2471 Member Posts: 10
    I carried the car back in on Tuesday because once again the oil light came on, also with the check engine light. My last post on this site was on June 21st and the car had 79550 miles on it and I was told to go ahead and add oil, which was 2 quarts, and then the bs about the recall was told to me. On Sunday the 11th the oil light came back on, the car then had 81005 miles on it. Well I had all I could take of this mess so I called there and told just add the oil from a sassy service manager. I got in the car and drove an hour to get to the dealership and told them I was tired of adding oil to go ahead and do the consumption test or whatever they were gonna to. On the way to the dealer my wife noticed when she was scrolling through the info system that in only had 389.1 engine hours on it and the car has 81000 miles and she like that don't make much sense to me. So she called her mother she has a 2007 yukon xl also, with 61000 and her engine hours said 1350. So when I got to the dealer I asked about this also and the service manager, very rudely and arragoantly said I guess you've changed your display out. I'm like why in the world would I want to do that and I wouldn't know how to do it. I told them that if that piece of junk had not been paid for I would leave it sitting in their parking lot. The car has been there for 2 days, I got a call yesterday that the engine light was a valve problem no covered under warranty and would probably be around $500.00 to fix. I told them to fix it because that baby is gonna find a new home when I get it back. This is my wife's car and she loves it, but I'm over it and tired of getting the run around from the dealership, while they wait for the 100000 mile warranty to run out.
  • headgame01headgame01 Member Posts: 15
    I would not pay anything for a Valve issue. There is a bulletin on the Valve stems getting nicks in them and that causes the leak. They replaced my heads to try to fix that. I also had the PVC replaced, the Valve covers cleaned out, and new rings and bearings put in. It appears they have now fixed my oil issue.

    But I would not pay for them to fix the Valves as that is not likely to fix it anyway. Because you are still under the 100K mile warrenty.

    Let us know how things go.
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