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Did you recently purchase a new Tesla, Rivian or Lucid vehicle directly from the manufacturer and willing to share how your experience compared to previous vehicle purchases made through a traditional dealer? A reporter would like to speak with you; please reach out to PR@Edmunds.com by 2/19 for details.
Mazda MPV Owners: Meet the Members
Please introduce yourself!
My name is Karen and I'll be your host in the Mazda MPV Club. Some of you may remember me? It hasn't been that long since Vans was my stomping ground. :-)
Let me know what discussions you would like to have included in this folder. Perhaps take a look at the already established Owner's Clubs for ideas? Anyone care to be a representative/Community Leader for the club? Let me know!
Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Owner's Club Host
My name is Karen and I'll be your host in the Mazda MPV Club. Some of you may remember me? It hasn't been that long since Vans was my stomping ground. :-)
Let me know what discussions you would like to have included in this folder. Perhaps take a look at the already established Owner's Clubs for ideas? Anyone care to be a representative/Community Leader for the club? Let me know!
Looking forward to meeting everyone!
Owner's Club Host
This discussion has been closed.
I'm Blondemom, a.k.a. Linda. I am a soon-to-be 40 year old mom of 2. I've been married for 19 years to my husband Jim, who I affectionately refer to as Saltandpepperdad, for those who don't know.
I've had my van for 14 months, and 34,000+ miles, and I've loved every minute. We train race horses for a living, but I live for coaching softball.
I'm married with an awesome wife and 4 good (most of the time) kids.
Our 01 MPV has 1900 miles on it. Of course I don't get to drive it very much.....
Hasta La Vista Baby!
I'm Alex from Ottawa, Canada. Our '00 MPV is 6 months old (well, it's 1 year old but it was on the lot of the other 6 months). It's Silver LX with Sports package (in Canada the packages are slightly different, so the van has US's 4 season, security and touring packages). Now it has 12,000 km and no major problems. The engine coolant seemed to be leaking but on inspection it turned out to be an air pocket in cooling system. Letting air out of the system cured the problem. Now the breaks are squealing and I'm going to have them looked at during next oil change.
Other than that we (myself, my wife and 4-year-old girl) love the van and all our friends are very positive about it (which is good, right?). The power issue is a non-issue :-) as the van cruises at 150 km/h with 6 adults on board with no problem at all and would go faster (please, don't tell RCMP :-)
I'm reading Townhall since May 2000 and it was the main source of inspiration while I was deciding on the van purchase. Thanks folks, you were (and are) incredible. Special thanks to javadoc, tboner, blondemom and many other members who seem to live on the Townhall all the time out of the van... :-)
My name is Joel and I purchased a Silver LX with Touring Package back in August 2000. It's been a while since I last posted but I visit the MPV message boards often. I currently have 7,800 miles on my MPV with very minimal problems experienced to date. This vehicle is definitely not the typical minivan and it definitely handles better than anything else in its class. Power is not an issue and mileage has been typically in the 21-23 mpg range (although I have noticed a 2-3 mpg decrease this winter possibly due to fuel additives here in Michigan).
I have been married for nearly 7 years to my beautiful wife (Shell) and have two of the greatest kids ages 3 and 5. I am a registered professional Civil Engineer who designs water and wastewater related projects in and around the Detroit Metro area. I enjoy spending time with my family and actively participating in the ministry that we attend.
Many of the posters here on the message boards helped to greatly influence our decision to purchase the MPV. My family and I thank each of you and we believe that our decision was a wise one.
On a side note, our MPV was officially inducted into the "scratch club" about four weeks ago when another vehicle hit a pothole on our wonderful Michigan freeways and launched a sizeable piece of asphalt onto the hood. Although we were traveling near 70 mph, thankfully, the asphalt caused only minor damage and avoided shattering the windshield.
Well, just thought I'd check in and I look forwarded to participating in this forum.
Like most, i have no problem with the engine's power and enjoy the van's handling characteristics and stereo. After 2000 miles (yes, we have used the van very little), mileage is still around 18.
My only concern is about the van's size. We have a 4 and 6-year old and are expecting a baby in 6 weeks. Before purchasing the van, we felt that there was sufficient room for five. After installing an infant seat this afternoon i am starting to wonder.
Howya doin' anyway?
Since you have already established the MPV Cruisers discussion, would you be interested in having it reside in the Club folder?
What other discussions would you like? I'll get a couple going, but please don't hesitate to suggest more!
Owner's Club
Owner's Clubs
Tues., Jan. 30th, 5-6pm PT/8-9pm ET
Ed Hellwig - Associate Editor, Edmunds.com.
Associate editor Ed Hellwig came to Edmunds with a diverse automotive background that included stints as a gas station grease monkey, automotive spy photographer, and ice rink Zamboni driver. Ed spent five years making sure he hated cold weather at the University of Colorado in Boulder where he somehow earned a degree in American history between beer runs and football games. Upon returning, he proclaimed "snow sucks" and forever pledged his allegiance to the Southern California sunshine. Prior to joining Edmunds, Ed toiled under the iron fist of Tom Lindamood at A&M Specialists, a press vehicle logistics company, as a road-tester and delivery driver. While tooling around in Bentleys and Porsches was less than grueling, Ed just couldn't shake the editorial urge and jumped at the chance to join the Edmunds team. He's now responsible for writing road tests, editing our "Future Telling" column, and assisting in performance testing.
Owner's Club
Previously we had a '90 MPV and the 2000 MPV is certainly far more versatile! Very easy to carry large loads that the older version could not handle (rear seat didn't come out- at least not without tools).
We have pulled a tent trailer plus all the gear that goes with that sort of trip with no problems. Put 4 Pirrelli Winter Ice tires on this year and it certain has made a difference in the snow.
Anyway just love to drive it!
We already love it!
We finally took the plunge Sat 2/3. We went to an auction Sat where they had a couple of 2000 MPVs - 1 DX & 1 LX (with 24k miles). We were only interested in the LX which ended up going for $19.5K! I had dropped out long before that. I then surprised my wife (it's going to be her vehicle) & we went down looking at new ones. We ended up with a Rainforest Green Mica 01 ES with 4-seasons, roof rack & foglights. We are switching from a piece of junk - '91 Grand Caravan.
I've been lurking for 9 months in the various van groups and want to say thanks to all - especially you long-time posters (you know who you are) who helped me make up my mind (what's left of it)! Of course, Pat already had made up hers. She likes a minivan because it allows her to see traffic as she is um-built low to the ground shall we say? Her main reason for wanting the MPV is the roll-down windows in the doors! I have a few more reasons. I really like the handling, large amount of glass meaning no blind spots and, of course, the maneuverability of the 2nd & 3rd row seats. The awesome sound system is a great bonus! I had confirmed this was the van for me when we went to the Edmund's test drive track in San Francisco where we got to try out 7 vans. If you missed last year's event, go this year. It's a great experience.
Obviously, no real history yet. Took it out Sun for a short drive on the freeway. Runs great--no pulling to the left, lean or vibration. Very quiet & enough pickup to get on the freeway at a comfortable speed. We had compromised - she really didn't want leather (she believes it will be too hot in the summer) but wanted that color. I didn't want a fully-loaded unit, but did want 4-seasons & the upgraded radio & speaker system. She's happy & so am I. Will post again after next weekend. We will be traveling from San Jose to Mariposa (near Yosemite). That should be a reasonable test.
Would any MPV owners be interested in your own chat? Edmunds.com would be happy to set one up for you! Just let me know!
Owner's Clubs
Tuesdays: 4-5pmPT/7-8pmET
Thursdays: 5-6pmPT/8-9pmET, 6-7pmPT/9-10ET, 7-8pmPT/10-11pmET (This last time would be kind of late for East coast, but is available if you want it.)
The first scheduled chat would be March 6 or 8.
Let me know what time works for you!
Owner's Clubs
I'm a happy owner [since 2/10/01] of a Sand Mica LX. This is my fourth van since '86. Two Nissans, both of which I liked, and a '94 Voyager which I really liked but whose handling annoyed me.
So far I'm really impressed with my MPV. I find the acceleration more than adequate, and the handling is unbelievable. The thing tracks like a cat in any situation.
The only problem looming is a slight vibration from 55-70+. I'm starting the solution drill with checking the inflation. Even if I can't fix it, it's really pretty minor. Everything else is great.
And by the way, thanks to a lot of the names I've already seen on this site for steering me to the Maz in the first place. Look forward to talking and reading about the car in the future.
To become a member of the panel, please visit
Drivers' Opinion Panel
Owner's Clubs
Owner's Clubs
where have you been? It has been a long time. Well.... welcome back.
Owner's Clubs
Now if this caffiene headache would just subside and I can watch those MPVs that are for sale on ebay...
I figured we all could ramble on over here, and this way, we don't let the Odd owners think that we are having lots of trouble with our vans if they see the number of posts in our problems topic.
Neither of these is a reality, but what the hey, right? Well, if these two rides are going on the cheap, I'd wanna know. Haven't bought a vehicle on ebay...yet. I've been shopping for a Porsche for about a year online, and prices are pretty good there, usually.
I saw that they also have an Ody for sale on e-bay. (I contacted them about an Ody and they suggested I look at the MPV's, glad that they did.)
Oh to keep on topic here, I'm Colleen and have a 1 yo and a 2 yo. (I don't know if I like the MPV baby boom going on, I will be giving birth to a bouncing gall bladder probably next week does that count?)
. . . . Sorry, been watching soaps on my free day again.
I've changed my user name to reflect my van's username (what the heck, I have no life anyway). But fear never--I'm still as ruggedly handsome and boyishly charming as ever I was before [which I figure leaves me all the wiggleroom I'll ever need].
...actually, I'm only on one cup (from home) today, so I'm in withdrawls. The water cooler is empty, and the tap water is...well, lets just say that if the engineers won't drink it, neither will I.
This from the addict who guzzles a full cuppa every day--two on Saturdays. On Sundays I lose all control and drink THREE FULL CUPS!
Good grief, I'm such a hedonist.
RJ [or Bill--I'm easy]
Oh, and I secretly switched their usual Yuban sawdust, er, grounds, with some high-test Jamaican Estate coffee! I put the Yuban in a ziplock and filled the Yuban can with my Jamaican estate ground beans! Let's see their billable hours go thru the roof!! I see a banner month of chargeability coming!
Oh, to blacklx...I'd look you up if I were in PDX, but I won't be stopping there on my annual pilgrimage to D-land, sorry!
Topics? We don't need to show you no stinkin' topics!
My sister has an espresso stand does that help my case any?
Java, sorry you won't be going through PDX. Maybe next time.