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Haven't been back to this sight in awhile but learned one thing quick in catching up, Rocles and kcram need to find another sight to post their differences. This is not a Dodge or Ford sight. For all others wanting more info on the 1999 Silverado, I just got my new issue of Chevy Truck in the mail today and the following information is quoted (hope they don't sue me for copyright infringement): "Changes in the wind for the new "Silverado" Chevrolet include a two-inch longer wheelbase, 0.9 inch wider front track and 2.5 inch wider rear track on a new hydroformed, ultra-strong frame. The new engines, still called Vortec but not like former designs, do feature the LS-1 design block with a rugged iron casting. New cylinder heads with a straight and easy valve layout enhance durability, a primary goal of the new Chevy engine designs. Cleaner buring, tighter sealing, better breathing and quieter operation were clear goals. These engines, akin to the Corvette but tuned for truck performance, deliver 25 more horsepower in the 4.8L version that the previous 5.0L. The 5.3L will outperform the 5.7L by 10 horsepower. A 6.0L V-8 surpasses the former 5.7L HD V-8 by 45 horsepower. It's too early to speculate whether the 7.4L will continue in current Vortec form, but that looks like the program for the moment. All 1999 Chevrolet Silverado pickups will boast four-wheel disk brakes, a wise move, the rear brakes proportioned via electronic sensors that measure loading. Massive brakes with twin pison front calipers may deliver four times the pad life of former systems. This is a new truck; in every way that counts!" Lastly, a two page Chevy Truck ad that was in the inside front cover of the magazine had this to say: "IT'S TIME TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT ON RESALE VALUE. The highest resale value in full-size pickups belongs to Chevy. Period." I have a 1997 Silverado 5.7 V-8. Love it to death. Hit the gas and it moves, pronto! Cheers. Barry
Barry - the reason we have brought up the other trucks (Ford and Dodge) is because we are comparing redesigns. Comparatively speaking, GM has not done much that the average buyer will even notice. Even Dodge will go to OHC for the V6 and V8 engines in 2000 - just because the new Silverado is using modified Vette engines doesn't make it a better truck. Likewise the braking system and the reported gains in room. Until we can judge for ourselves as consumers, it's just promotional hype.
From the tact they're taking, it appears as though GM is only interested in giving current Chevy/GMC owners a new truck, but have made very little effort to attract Ford and Dodge owners. Do they really care about the diesel owner? What about the heavy-duty commercial user who prefers the strength of a solid axle 1-ton 4x4? And the intentional use of the 3-door extended cab on the Chevy compared to all the 4 doors is ridiculous. Dodge has already announced there will not be a 1999 Club Cab - all extendeds will be Quads.
As a truck owner, I see nothing from this new GM pickup that would make me look into it further. There is nothing they are introducing that doesn't already appear on another truck.
Your 5.7L Chevy might outrun me, but my Cummins turbo diesel will be in the next state while you refuel
kcram: Thank's for the reply, but, I had to look over my notes to see if I mentioned anything about outrunning you...... Didn't think so. All I'm saying is if you want to talk about Dodge's, go to Topic number 8 in this section of the Town Hall, or for Ford and Dodge's, that would fit in the miscellaneous truck questions under topic number 9. If you review your previous E-Mail's you were getting away from the 99 Silverado altogether, which is the focal point of this room, and if you're that turned off by the new design, go elsewhere. Personally, I look forward to them. They still look like a truck coming down the highway and not a bubble from radical redesigns.
Barry, Thanks for all the info i have heard rumors about most of what you said but,have not seen it on paper.I will be looking at one when they come out.
Your statement was: "Hit the gas and it moves, pronto!" My statement about being outrun was in *response* to that - never said "outrun" was your word.
If you don't appreciate feedback from the competition, so be it, but from the posts on most of the topics in the Pickups conference, competition is certainly welcome, and offers owners/fans of one brand the opportunity to get a complete perspective on what they own and what they may buy in the future. This topic board is to *discuss* the 1999 Silverado/Sierra; it is NOT limited to only those who LIKE the truck. When Edmund's tells me it's inappropriate to mention competitive vehicles, I will stop.
I have been following the developement of the Silverado from afar. An article here, a picture there, and then of coarse , the Jan. Auto show with its unvailing. What disapoints me is that the salemen can care less. I drove up to the local dealership the other day, and the saleforce were all standing there in a large group with nothing to do. I asked them as a group, "who here can help me with a question about a new truck". One of them stepped up with pride as if he was next up to bat and smiled and said "What can I do for you?" I asked him in a loud voice so they all could here, "what size are the new engines going be for the 99 Silverado". I knew the answer ans this was my test question to see if I should even waste my time with these ninnies. None of them could tell as they laughed and tried to convince me I needed a 98 off the lot today.
The fact that they are not comming out with 4 doors is a complete joke and make me wonder if GM is even living in the same world. GM has got it right about making the cab longer, but what about wider? Isnt that what all of us big people need anyways? When they say 3 on the bench, its a tighter squeeze in a chevy that the Dodge or ford? By 2-3 inches if I read the specs right?
I suppose it will all come down to pricing. If they are going to take the same hugh profits that they do on the SUV's, then they can keep there truck. The best "Car" I ever owned was a 94 ext cab chevy 1/2 ton. IT was so comfortable and powerful, but the kids grew bigger and I opted for an Astro. Now I am praying that this new 3.9 inche bigger cab is really an improvement. I need a back seat that I can put an adult in without embarassment. I like that Crew Cab short box, but with the Silverado improvements on there way for the rest of the line, why consider buying the old style until they upgrade.
My friends who bought 87-88 Chevys are the happiest truck owners. The resale is so good because that was the first year of the new style. I bet that the 99-00 models will be even a better resale winner if you can cut through the MSRP bull and pick one up for %5 over cost like you should any new car (Truck). The wild card is that the older style truck are going to hit a rapid devaluation with the new line. Lets hope all these trade in keep down the pricing. For gosh sakes, these are VW beetles are they?
I bet there will be the biggest truck Giveraway in GM history in late 98. The they are going to have to bribe us a big bundle of cash to take home a 98 when those superior 99 are onthe showroom.
I was very excited to see the Infomercials on my local cable station showing a nice well done show featuring Cal Ripkin on the new silverado, at the end, they had a 800 you could call to get a free video and special information. All I got was a survey asking me basically how long I planned on holding out before I decide to by another truck. I responded Fall 99, being that I am waiting for the Silverado, I supposed this means to them that they arent going to waste any marketing money on me until the end of the year. I havent recieved the promised promotional video.
GM might just have something with the Silverado being that the Ford is starting to look so much like Dodge. I didnt know it was a ford the other day until I saw the name plate.
Is anyone out there allittle worried like me about buying on of these things before they get the bug out of it?
Okay, Chevy does have a higher resale value. Now do you want to know why? I'll tell you. Barry, Ford doesn't do as well due to the fact that they have a higher representation in fleets. A privately owned truck will always outsell one of my firm's trucks. I agree with kcram that these sites,(not "sights"),are for discussion. If you don't want to open your eyes then go back to the dealer and quote more promos as if they were the Bible. Chris, Not only do you talk too much, you can't see very well. Ford looks nothing like Dodge.
Wow. I'm going to have to agree with Christo on this one. Whoever designed the new Superduty fords had a picture of a Dodge in front of them the whole time. every time i get into a truck conversation around the break table or lunch room, the main topic is how Ford is using Dodge's successful "big rig" look. Look at them from the front and the only difference is subtle grill lines and a blue oval.
I'm kinda glad Chevrolet went with conservative styling. I'm very surprised people think just because the outside hasn't changed much, these Chevy's have nothing to offer. These trucks are going to be mechanically and electronically superior to anything on the road--( in the half ton class). Remember, Chevrolet hasn't done anything in the truck department since 1988. when those trucks came out, i feel they really jumped ahead of the field. their throttle body engines were getting better mileage than ford's sophisticated multiport engines. Dodge wasn't even a player then. Engineering technology advances exonentially every year. You like your "new dodge"? like your 97 ford? just wait. i think this new chevy will be awesome.
Check out the cover of the April edition of Truck Trend magazine and you can see the Dodge and Ford side by side. I think you're mistaking an increase in the grille size to allow more airflow into the engine as an attempt to mimic the Dodge. The Ford has a slight increase in the hood to accomodate the increased grille size, but it doesn't have the deep dropoff over the headlights that the Dodge has. Ford has maintained a similar headlight design to the 97 trucks. Dodge has a smaller, lower riding headlight. The bumpers don't look anything alike either.
Actually, the new Ford looks a lot more like the old Ford than the Dodge. If you look on page 66 of the April edition of Off-Road magazine, you will see a 1997 and 1999 Ford F-350 sitting side by side. The bigger grille and the bigger bumper are the only real differences. There is no doubt these two trucks are related. Although the new Ford Superduty trucks are significantly different than the 1997 heavy duty trucks, the changes in the exterior appearance really aren't as significant as you might think when you see the two trucks side by side.
If you look at the Dodge and the new Ford side by side, the differences are obvious everywhere. The increased grille size is about the only similarity. Does the new Ford look closer to the Dodge than the Chevy? Sure, but when was the last time the Ford and Chevy looked alike? As for the new Chevy, I'll be waiting. If the new trucks are as awesome as you say, I'm sure it will have no problem being named Motortrend Truck of the Year, like the F-150 was when it was introduced.
we'll wait and see on the awards. I know GM has the resources to put out a winner. Look at the Corvette. I'm not sure which magazine i read, but one named the corvette the best overall engineering buy for the money, compared to the likes of BMW and Lexus and such. I do worry about GM, in this instance, the lack of 4 doors. i don't what the hell they're thinking. The GMC version is supposed to have 4 doors, but if you are intent on differentiating your line of products, why make one less functional? we'll just wait and see.
as for the ford and dodge, i still disagree. I think the ford shows pronounced fenders, like the dodge, and boxy headlights, instead of "streamlined" versions like the dodge's, are the only thing that still give it an old ford look. I think the view from the side is very unique and nothing like the dodge. i like the new fords, despite my comparison with dodge, i think they are a great new fresh look, and from what i can tell mechanically awesome. but enough of that. this is the '99 Chevy, post, so lets debate that.
I'm not anti-Chevy. Chevy, Dodge and Ford all make good trucks. My friends who own Chevy full size trucks love them. The V-8s have a very good reputation. I think it is an interesting marketing approach to not tinker too much with the exterior appearance. Personally, I think the new Silverado looks pretty nice, at least what little I've seen of it. Chevy has also made changes to the engines, frames, brakes, suspension, etc. These changes will continue to make them a force, primarily in the half ton market. The addition of the four door, the V-10 and a better diesel can't be too far behind. I'm guessing 2-3 years. If they can improve the big engines, they will have a better chance of increasing some market share in the fleet area. Chevy, Dodge and Ford will continue to push each other, and that competition is good for all of us pickup drivers.
Since Chevy is coming out with a whole line of small block V8s based on the highly successful LS-1 and Ford is building a family of modular V8 with OHC technology, is Dodge coming out with any new motors? If so what are they and what kind of power are they going to produce?
You suggest that I talk too much? Maybe its that you read too much.
As for my comment that the Fords are starting to look like the Dodges. I didn't say that they look like them, but the they are "Starting" to. They are definetly trending that way. The Chevy is keeping is place as and I think will benifit from the distintion. Chevy is going to pick up more sales from the crowd who wants a truck that looks like a truck buyers.
Since when did Ford Look like Chevy? Try the early 90's. They were both pretty square werent they? And Ford was making those step sides too and they really looked like a chevy from the rear.
Maybe if I saw the Dodge side by side to the Ford Superduty, I would notice the differences, but when I was on the freeway last week, I say this beautify huge truck coming up on my left, I thought for sure it was a Dodge, as It passed, I was supprised to see it as a Superduty Ford with the dealers sticker still in the window. I believe Ford is simply chasing the styling that sells. Its my opinion so that makes me right!!!
Good point by Rocles about the fleet use of Fords bring down the resale value, but that could be countered by the fact that there are more fords on the road, so you need to work with a percentage. I could say that there are more Ford Trucks in the junk yards, but that doesnt prove that they are more prone to get into accidents or get junked.
I dont wear glasses, funny Rocles does and questions my eyesight?
So let me get this straight: you like the new design of Chevy or don't you? You ramble on entirely too much. That was my point. Your argument that Ford looks like Dodge reminds me of the clowns I ride with on the week-end. I own three motorcycles and only one is a Harley, yet people, who know nothing about bikes, think all three are H-D. Golly! I think the new Silverado looks like a S-10---yuck-yuck!C'mon!
What little Ive seen of the Silverado, I like, but I cant be sure if I'll go for one until I see one face to face and drive it. It also has to fit in my garage like the current extended cabs do.
Boy your a real mean spirited meany....
As far as rambling , what else is there to do. Nobody knows anything new about these Silverados. We are all just rambling and guessing arent we? And some of us are talking more about the Fords on this thread to boot.
I just pick up an issue of "pro". Its the small magazine they have laying around the Chevy dealership. Its supposed to look like an insider publication to the salse force, but the fact that they leave stacks of them for the public to pick up leads me to think that its a ploy to get at loyal buyers.
As far as your condensation about the public perception of Harley vs. Japanese look alikes. Are you trying to deny that every major manufaction of street cruisers isn't desparately trying to capture the look and sound of the HD? You know Rocles, 94 percent of the public doesnt ride motor cycles and dont really care about them, why are you upset that the general public falls victim to what Honda and Kawasaki has spent millions to do, make a HD substitute. By the way, nobody wants to talk about Harley in the Silverado Group.
Talk about rambling, yes I use allot more words than you, but in your short 10 lines of post, your magaged to sqeeze in...
Ford Dodge Clowns Your personal week end activities The number of motorcycles you own
Havent you figured out that I got you by about 25 IQ Points. Just because I dont use my spell checker doesnt mean I cant out debate you. And besides, by 95 Vulcan 1500 is bigger than anything you own on 2 wheels guaranteed. "Yuck Yuck Yuck" I know you used to get in allot of fist fights when you were in school, or maybe still do eh?
Is everyone else having as much fun as I am with this bully?
You know, there are some that agree that the Silverado does infact lean towards the restyling of the S-10. So whats so rediculous about that. I think that Rocles thinks that anyone that doesn't agree with him is a "Clown". His words not mine...
[non-permissible content removed] for tat, butter for fat, you kick my dog, I kick your cat. Enough already on the personal stuff. Let's all ramble on about the trucks, pros and cons.....
Thanks Brutus. The Ford-Chevy battle will rage on after we are all long gone. I think its great that we all have place like this to share our ideas and opinions,so here's mine. It all boils down to what you like in a vehicle. A lot of people here have complained that the new Chevy lacks radical styling changes. I agree but a truck that looks good in the driveway is not why most of us buy trucks. Several have complained that the Chevys have missed the mark by not going to overhead cam engines. Well give me a good reason why when you already have class leading power and efficiency not to mention reliability. Folks have complained about the lack of four doors. Well I don't think that will be the case for long. It's pretty simple if you need a four door by a Dodge of Ford. After all I see quite a few new Dakotas on the road and they don't even have the third door. If you look at the changes for the new Chevys how can you not like what you see. Even more powerful and efficient engines, 4 wheel disc brakes, an improved transmission with a tow/haul feature, a simplified electrical system, and an extended cab that is 4 inches longer. I think Chevy is right on the mark with a truck that is better overall and is not concerned with ground breaking looks.
Someone asked a few entries back whether Dodge was going to come out with some new engines. Well, the 318 (5.2L) will be history in the trucks pretty soon, to be replaced by a 4.9L V8 that carries slightly better specs. If the 318 is going the way of the dinosaur, then I would have to guess that Chrysler has something down the pipe to replace the 360 (5.9L) as well. As for the Cummins engine, we will have to see what happens after Chevy puts their new diesel on the market, because Ford's new Powerstroke already whomps on the current Cummins design.
I don't think Chevy can afford to design a large-displacement V8 (454-ish?) or V10 because of the CAFE requirements placed on them. Believe it or not, if Chevy doesn't sell more Cavaliers, Metros, Trackers, and other fuel sippers, don't expect to see a larger engine from the bowtie boys. They're using up all of their accrued credits now to make through this model year...
So what if one truck looks like another truck. We are forever influenced by the world around us -- especially within our particular profession or industry. Clapton influenced Hendrix. Hendrix influenced Clapton.
Personally, I've always been a Chevy man. But I admit that there has been at least one model from Ford AND Dodge in recent years, that with the right color, options, and body style, would be the preferred truck to own (for me, of course). My dad has always had pickups and currently owns Chevy 3/4 ton. I've driven all of 'em and even hauled heavy loads. But I'm not racing anyone and I doubt the torque fairy is watching over me. Nevertheless, some folks insist on keeping score.
Auto manufacturers advertise their products with themes of brand-loyalty and one-upmanship (have you seen the Cadillac ads lately with the pretty woman in the Caddy rebuffing the guy in the BMW 'cause he doesn't have NorthStar, OnStar, this, that, and the other?) How about Dennis Franz (playing a cop) pulling over a guy in a Mercedes because he's driving without enough horsepower. Too bad the consumer plays into this never-ending soap opera (is that redundant?). What ever happened to "baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet"? We are all free to choose, folks. Your neighbor may choose to persecute you for your choice. You may choose to ignore him.
CAFE regulations do not apply to trucks over 8500 lbs GVWR. This is why Ford and Dodge V10s are only available on HD 3/4 ton and 1 ton pickups. Chevy took a shot with the 454SS, but they also pre-planned the production number and sold BELOW a certain total amount per year, so that didn't affect the CAFE either. To place a big-block on the general options list of the 1/2 ton trucks would bring a manufactuter's CAFE WAAAY down...
All I know is I keep thinking a new ford driving down the street is a dodge. I drove alot of new trucks in the past 4 months, and I'm going to keep my 4x4 ford for dirty work. I did however just pick up a new 3/4 4x4 gmc 350 auto to tow our boat 150 miles to lake powell and to drive 20 miles one way up to my transmitter site at 10,000' . I was a front end man for years before getting into broadcasting and the gmc design is good off road. on It's first 1000 mile trip to cal. it got 15 miles mpg, and It rides great everyone has their opinions and this is mine. yes I am concerned about a new design so I will wait for a few years and if the new 3/4 seems dependible I'll trade this one in. dodges were nice but they hurt my back on bumps
Has anyone read the article in yesterday's USA Today about Chrysler's future lineup of products? It describes how their cars will look in 2000 and 2001 and mentions that the next generation Dodge truck will be more square and conservative looking. Hmmmm, a squared off Ford Superduty and this new Dodge make me wonder if Chevy knows what it's doing when it comes to conservative styling. Only time will tell!
I was told by my local GMC dealer that you can still by the 98 style truck in 1999 until they run out of inventory to build them. He said you can order either stlye in a few weeks. Has anyone else heard about this?
Shoot, the Dealers in my area still have huge inventories of new 1997's they can't sell much less 98's. So I'm sure you will have plenty of the old style around when the 99's come around (I heard not until August.) Unless, of course GM starts giving them away! Alex.
I had filled out the info sheet at for info on the 199 Silverado, just to see what it would be. This has to be the biggest waste of good paper I have ever seen. It's a cheesy form letter thanking me ofr my interest, and a packet of letter-size matte post cards showing each new model of Chevy pickup from the first to the 99; on the back of each is a few minor details of what was upgraded with that redesign.
No *information* on the 99 whatsoever. And talk about blowing your own horn - the card for the 1988 redesign touts the "introduction" of the extended cab and what an innovation it is - never mind that they were FOURTEEN years behind Ford and Dodge in building one.
"Like a rock" and their sales are dropping just like one, too.
kcram, if Chevrolet build such pieces of crap pickups as you seem to always point out then take a look at the responses posted on this site. People posting problems with there Fords out number Chevy and Dodge 3 to 1. It's a free country and you can gripe all you want but nobody is forcing you to buy a Chevy you do still have a choice you know.
They don't seem to be too interested in attracting me as a customer if they're that unwilling to provide information, and what they do provide is self-backslapping. Tell me what I need to know to make a fair choice. Tell me that your truck compares favorably to the others in this, that, and the other. I don't care what you did in the Arizona Proving Grounds - I don't live there. Make me want a Chevy in *my* neighborhood. That "info" packet I got just doesn't do that
Here's my $.02. I just got the 1998 Chevy Truck Brochure in the mail. I assumed that when I asked for the "1999 Chevy" brochure two months back (via their on-line site) I would get it. WRONG. Forgivable if it's the 99 info. Not for the 98.
It seems that everyone is sharing the same, frustrated feelings that I myself have had since seeing the first glimpses of the new 1999 GM pick-ups. How frustrated? My 1998 Dodge Ram Quad cab gets here the end of June. This pick-up is to start production this summer, but you can't find a peep of info as far as options and prices go. I can only suspect that they are WAY behind the 8-ball, and I for one am not willing to wait any longer. Besides, when the 99's do hit the floor, no one will be dealing for several months, and I'd just as soon not buy a first year anything. ( Ok, Ok, this IS the first year for the Quad Cab, but the powertrain is proven.) So, Maybe I'll look at the 2000's when they come out.
Well at least you guys got the information you requested. I was definitely int he market for a 1999 Silverado so I filled out the on-line information request more than a month ago and have yet to get a brochure on anything. No e-mail, no phone call, nothing. I guess Chevy just doesn't need my business. They sure aren't working very hard to earn it.
I wouldn't say I got what I wanted! I wanted information on the 99's and I got a crummy 98 brochure. Chevy needed to release the trucks at least 2 years ago ('97 model) to compete. I for one will buy a 98 2500 Quad Cab or 99 F-250 Ext. Cab. EVEN though I can get an Option 1/A from Chevy.
3436: Yes the old body style will be available throughout the 1999 model year with the old engines in 1500 and 2500.
I talked to my local Chevy Dealer on 5/22/98 and he put his regional Chevy rep on the speaker phone and here is what I heard:
- 1999 Silverados will begin production mid June with delivery to customer Sept-Oct time frame - 1/2 ton only to be built initially - 3/4 ton to begin production Sept-Nov. with customer delivery to begin Feb-Mar 1999 - New engines: 5.0L replaced by 4.8L V8 with +25 HP (255 HP) 5.7L replaced by 5.3L V8 with +10 HP (265 HP) 7.4L replaced by 6.0L V8 with +45 HP (300 HP) 4.8L V8 and 5.3L V8 available in 1/2 ton 6.0L V8 only available in 3/4 ton or 1 ton No torque numbers yet
The Chevy rep believes there could be delays with this schedule and was not confident Chevy dealers will receive any decent inventory until at least Jan 1999.
- New Frame: Front section: hydroformed rails are stronger and stiffer and improve ride and stability Mid rails: curved lip on inside edge are stronger: tubular cross members provide better torsional performance for more solid stable feel Rear section: straight rails: '98 model uses splayed rails
- Wheel base +2.0 in., Front Track +.9 in, Rear Track +2.5 in
- Transmission: Larger sump pan, heftier torque converter New touch button tow/haul mode: more aggressive shift pattern for trailering and hauling
- Brakes: Dynamic Rear Proportioning sense load changes electronically, twin pistons on front discs for additional strength
- Ext.Cab: Cab Floor Height -1.0 in Front bumper to back of cab +3.1 in. Driver's heel to back of cab +3.9 in. Front head room + .07 in. Rear leg room +1.1 in. Rear seat back angle +4.0 degrees 3rd door available in 1/2 & 3/4 ton No quad cab option Front seat belts mounted directly to seatback Odometer doubles as an engine hour meter Driver lockout protection: Can't power lock doors if keys are in the ignition Search feature:to locate truck, push button and lights flash and horn honk
1999 Crew Cab short box The short box is new for 1999 but will come in the old body style as will the Tahoe & Suburban until model year 2000.
My Chevy dealer is taking orders for the 1999 Silverado 1/2 ton but not the 3/4 ton. He is able to call up all the options on his computer and gave me a copy of all the options.
Dont take this personally but the 7.4L V8 is rated at 290hp (these are the Vortecs 1996 and up). So the increase would be only 10hp but with a 1.4L smaller engine!
i don't think the 6.0 is replacing the 454. It is replacing the 350 HD. in the new half tons, you can get the 4.8 or the 5.3 for v-8s. in the redesigned the 3/4 tons, you can get the 6.0 v-8. these are light duty 3/4 tons, like ford has.
In the current body style, which you can get at the same time as the redesign (for a while), 3/4 and 1 ton, you will still get the 350 and the 454.
when chevy redesigns their heavy duty line in a few years, the 6.0 will probably be the base engine, and there will be a redesigned big block to take the place of the 454.
danz28: Chevy and GMC dealers have not yet received pricing but expect to get it mid June.
The +45 HP is the new 6.0L compared to the old 5.7L. The 454 will not be offered in the new body style in 1/2 or 3/4 ton. The old 454 and 350 V8's will be available in the 1999 old body style 1/2 and 3/4 ton pickups.
Cdean: The 6.0L is replacing the 454 in the new body style pickups. The 454 is not available for now but is scheduled to receive an update sometime in the next two years and this new 454 is rumored to produce 500 ft. lbs. of torque.
My local Chevy dealer is ordering the 1999 Silverado 1/2 tons but the local GMC dealer has yet to place an order.
you are kinda contradicting yourself. you said the 6.0 is replacing the 454, then you said the 454 was going to get an update. if it's getting replaced, i wouldn't expect it to be around anymore to get an update. semantics. anyway, big block engines like the 454 have never been an option in the half tons, so i wouldn't expect an enormous engine like that to be available in the new body design, which for now is the light duty trucks.
i heard similar news from my local chevy dealer who spoke to chevy reps at a national sales convention. they didn't give out a whole lot of info, but they said the engine replacing the 454 would be in the 500+ ftlb range for torque.
I've heard the 454 doesn't fit under the hood of the new design anyway.
If I was going to own my next truck for 10+ years, and I was set on Chevy, and I needed the power of the 454, I'd muster up all of my patience and wait 12-18 months. Rumor has it that the 2000MY GMC will introduce the GM V-10. More power, better gas mileage, better emissions.
I have a source that tells me that a shipment of 20 experemental 99 GMC's are parked at his dealership's lot today. I'll check them out and let you know what I saw! Supposedly there are any and all configurations and colors to see.
in September as usual or before? Thanks.
in September as usual or before? Thanks.
E-mail me at
If you want one expect the price to jump up 2K over a 98 model and good luck on getting one, they expect them to go pretty darn fast.
There is some information about the changes at:
For all others wanting more info on the 1999 Silverado, I just got my new issue of Chevy Truck in the mail today and the following information is quoted (hope they don't sue me for copyright infringement):
"Changes in the wind for the new "Silverado" Chevrolet include a two-inch longer wheelbase, 0.9 inch wider front track and 2.5 inch wider rear track on a new hydroformed, ultra-strong frame. The new engines, still called Vortec but not like former designs, do feature the LS-1 design block with a rugged iron casting. New cylinder heads with a straight and easy valve layout enhance durability, a primary goal of the new Chevy engine designs.
Cleaner buring, tighter sealing, better breathing and quieter operation were clear goals. These engines, akin to the Corvette but tuned for truck performance, deliver 25 more horsepower in the 4.8L version that the previous 5.0L. The 5.3L will outperform the 5.7L by 10 horsepower. A 6.0L V-8 surpasses the former 5.7L HD V-8 by 45 horsepower. It's too early to speculate whether the 7.4L will continue in current Vortec form, but that looks like the program for the moment.
All 1999 Chevrolet Silverado pickups will boast four-wheel disk brakes, a wise move, the rear brakes proportioned via electronic sensors that measure loading. Massive brakes with twin pison front calipers may deliver four times the pad life of former systems. This is a new truck; in every way that counts!"
Lastly, a two page Chevy Truck ad that was in the inside front cover of the magazine had this to say:
"IT'S TIME TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT ON RESALE VALUE. The highest resale value in full-size pickups belongs to Chevy. Period."
I have a 1997 Silverado 5.7 V-8. Love it to death. Hit the gas and it moves, pronto!
From the tact they're taking, it appears as though GM is only interested in giving current Chevy/GMC owners a new truck, but have made very little effort to attract Ford and Dodge owners. Do they really care about the diesel owner? What about the heavy-duty commercial user who prefers the strength of a solid axle 1-ton 4x4? And the intentional use of the 3-door extended cab on the Chevy compared to all the 4 doors is ridiculous. Dodge has already announced there will not be a 1999 Club Cab - all extendeds will be Quads.
As a truck owner, I see nothing from this new GM pickup that would make me look into it further. There is nothing they are introducing that doesn't already appear on another truck.
Your 5.7L Chevy might outrun me, but my Cummins turbo diesel will be in the next state while you refuel
All I'm saying is if you want to talk about Dodge's, go to Topic number 8 in this section of the Town Hall, or for Ford and Dodge's, that would fit in the miscellaneous truck questions under topic number 9. If you review your previous E-Mail's you were getting away from the 99 Silverado altogether, which is the focal point of this room, and if you're that turned off by the new design, go elsewhere. Personally, I look forward to them. They still look like a truck coming down the highway and not a bubble from radical redesigns.
Your statement was: "Hit the gas and it moves, pronto!" My statement about being outrun was in *response* to that - never said "outrun" was your word.
If you don't appreciate feedback from the competition, so be it, but from the posts on most of the topics in the Pickups conference, competition is certainly welcome, and offers owners/fans of one brand the opportunity to get a complete perspective on what they own and what they may buy in the future. This topic board is to *discuss* the 1999 Silverado/Sierra; it is NOT limited to only those who LIKE the truck. When Edmund's tells me it's inappropriate to mention competitive vehicles, I will stop.
The fact that they are not comming out with 4 doors is a complete joke and make me wonder if GM is even living in the same world. GM has got it right about making the cab longer, but what about wider? Isnt that what all of us big people need anyways? When they say 3 on the bench, its a tighter squeeze in a chevy that the Dodge or ford? By 2-3 inches if I read the specs right?
I suppose it will all come down to pricing. If they are going to take the same hugh profits that they do on the SUV's, then they can keep there truck. The best "Car" I ever owned was a 94 ext cab chevy 1/2 ton. IT was so comfortable and powerful, but the kids grew bigger and I opted for an Astro. Now I am praying that this new 3.9 inche bigger cab is really an improvement. I need a back seat that I can put an adult in without embarassment. I like that Crew Cab short box, but with the Silverado improvements on there way for the rest of the line, why consider buying the old style until they upgrade.
My friends who bought 87-88 Chevys are the happiest truck owners. The resale is so good because that was the first year of the new style. I bet that the 99-00 models will be even a better resale winner if you can cut through the MSRP bull and pick one up for %5 over cost like you should any new car (Truck). The wild card is that the older style truck are going to hit a rapid devaluation with the new line. Lets hope all these trade in keep down the pricing. For gosh sakes, these are VW beetles are they?
I bet there will be the biggest truck Giveraway in GM history in late 98. The they are going to have to bribe us a big bundle of cash to take home a 98 when those superior 99 are onthe showroom.
I was very excited to see the Infomercials on my local cable station showing a nice well done show featuring Cal Ripkin on the new silverado, at the end, they had a 800 you could call to get a free video and special information. All I got was a survey asking me basically how long I planned on holding out before I decide to by another truck. I responded Fall 99, being that I am waiting for the Silverado, I supposed this means to them that they arent going to waste any marketing money on me until the end of the year. I havent recieved the promised promotional video.
GM might just have something with the Silverado being that the Ford is starting to look so much like Dodge. I didnt know it was a ford the other day until I saw the name plate.
Is anyone out there allittle worried like me about buying on of these things before they get the bug out of it?
Chris in Sacramento
I agree with kcram that these sites,(not "sights"),are for discussion. If you don't want to open your eyes then go back to the dealer and quote more promos as if they were the Bible.
Not only do you talk too much, you can't see very well. Ford looks nothing like Dodge.
I'm kinda glad Chevrolet went with conservative styling. I'm very surprised people think just because the outside hasn't changed much, these Chevy's have nothing to offer. These trucks are going to be mechanically and electronically superior to anything on the road--( in the half ton class). Remember, Chevrolet hasn't done anything in the truck department since 1988. when those trucks came out, i feel they really jumped ahead of the field. their throttle body engines were getting better mileage than ford's sophisticated multiport engines. Dodge wasn't even a player then. Engineering technology advances exonentially every year. You like your "new dodge"? like your 97 ford? just wait. i think this new chevy will be awesome.
Actually, the new Ford looks a lot more like the old Ford than the Dodge. If you look on page 66 of the April edition of Off-Road magazine, you will see a 1997 and 1999 Ford F-350 sitting side by side. The bigger grille and the bigger bumper are the only real differences. There is no doubt these two trucks are related. Although the new Ford Superduty trucks are significantly different than the 1997 heavy duty trucks, the changes in the exterior appearance really aren't as significant as you might think when you see the two trucks side by side.
If you look at the Dodge and the new Ford side by side, the differences are obvious everywhere. The increased grille size is about the only similarity. Does the new Ford look closer to the Dodge than the Chevy? Sure, but when was the last time the Ford and Chevy looked alike? As for the new Chevy, I'll be waiting. If the new trucks are as awesome as you say, I'm sure it will have no problem being named Motortrend Truck of the Year, like the F-150 was when it was introduced.
as for the ford and dodge, i still disagree. I think the ford shows pronounced fenders, like the dodge, and boxy headlights, instead of "streamlined" versions like the dodge's, are the only thing that still give it an old ford look. I think the view from the side is very unique and nothing like the dodge. i like the new fords, despite my comparison with dodge, i think they are a great new fresh look, and from what i can tell mechanically awesome. but enough of that. this is the '99 Chevy, post, so lets debate that.
You suggest that I talk too much? Maybe its that you read too much.
As for my comment that the Fords are starting to look like the Dodges. I didn't say that they look like them, but the they are "Starting" to. They are definetly trending that way. The Chevy is keeping is place as and I think will benifit from the distintion. Chevy is going to pick up more sales from the crowd who wants a truck that looks like a truck buyers.
Since when did Ford Look like Chevy? Try the early 90's. They were both pretty square werent they? And Ford was making those step sides too and they really looked like a chevy from the rear.
Maybe if I saw the Dodge side by side to the Ford Superduty, I would notice the differences, but when I was on the freeway last week, I say this beautify huge truck coming up on my left, I thought for sure it was a Dodge, as It passed, I was supprised to see it as a Superduty Ford with the dealers sticker still in the window. I believe Ford is simply chasing the styling that sells. Its my opinion so that makes me right!!!
Good point by Rocles about the fleet use of Fords bring down the resale value, but that could be countered by the fact that there are more fords on the road, so you need to work with a percentage. I could say that there are more Ford Trucks in the junk yards, but that doesnt prove that they are more prone to get into accidents or get junked.
I dont wear glasses, funny Rocles does and questions my eyesight?
Chris In Sacramento
So let me get this straight: you like the new design of Chevy or don't you? You ramble on entirely too much. That was my point.
Your argument that Ford looks like Dodge reminds me of the clowns I ride with on the week-end. I own three motorcycles and only one is a Harley, yet people, who know nothing about bikes, think all three are H-D.
Golly! I think the new Silverado looks like a S-10---yuck-yuck!C'mon!
What little Ive seen of the Silverado, I like, but I cant be sure if I'll go for one until I see one face to face and drive it. It also has to fit in my garage like the current extended cabs do.
Boy your a real mean spirited meany....
As far as rambling , what else is there to do. Nobody knows anything new about these Silverados. We are all just rambling and guessing arent we? And some of us are talking more about the Fords on this thread to boot.
I just pick up an issue of "pro". Its the small magazine they have laying around the Chevy dealership. Its supposed to look like an insider publication to the salse force, but the fact that they leave stacks of them for the public to pick up leads me to think that its a ploy to get at loyal buyers.
As far as your condensation about the public perception of Harley vs. Japanese look alikes. Are you trying to deny that every major manufaction of street cruisers isn't desparately trying to capture the look and sound of the HD? You know Rocles, 94 percent of the public doesnt ride motor cycles and dont really care about them, why are you upset that the general public falls victim to what Honda and Kawasaki has spent millions to do, make a HD substitute. By the way, nobody wants to talk about Harley in the Silverado Group.
Talk about rambling, yes I use allot more words than you, but in your short 10 lines of post, your magaged to sqeeze in...
Your personal week end activities
The number of motorcycles you own
Havent you figured out that I got you by about 25 IQ Points. Just because I dont use my spell checker doesnt mean I cant out debate you. And besides, by 95 Vulcan 1500 is bigger than anything you own on 2 wheels guaranteed. "Yuck Yuck Yuck" I know you used to get in allot of fist fights when you were in school, or maybe still do eh?
Is everyone else having as much fun as I am with this bully?
Christopher in Sacramento
You know, there are some that agree that the Silverado does infact lean towards the restyling of the S-10. So whats so rediculous about that. I think that Rocles thinks that anyone that doesn't agree with him is a "Clown". His words not mine...
Personally, I've always been a Chevy man. But I admit that there has been at least one model from Ford AND Dodge in recent years, that with the right color, options, and body style, would be the preferred truck to own (for me, of course). My dad has always had pickups and currently owns Chevy 3/4 ton. I've driven all of 'em and even hauled heavy loads. But I'm not racing anyone and I doubt the torque fairy is watching over me. Nevertheless, some folks insist on keeping score.
Auto manufacturers advertise their products with themes of brand-loyalty and one-upmanship (have you seen the Cadillac ads lately with the pretty woman in the Caddy rebuffing the guy in the BMW 'cause he doesn't have NorthStar, OnStar, this, that, and the other?) How about Dennis Franz (playing a cop) pulling over a guy in a Mercedes because he's driving without enough horsepower. Too bad the consumer plays into this never-ending soap opera (is that redundant?). What ever happened to "baseball, hot dogs, apple pie, and Chevrolet"? We are all free to choose, folks. Your neighbor may choose to persecute you for your choice. You may choose to ignore him.
Unless, of course GM starts giving them away!
No *information* on the 99 whatsoever. And talk about blowing your own horn - the card for the 1988 redesign touts the "introduction" of the extended cab and what an innovation it is - never mind that they were FOURTEEN years behind Ford and Dodge in building one.
"Like a rock"
and their sales are dropping just like one, too.
They don't seem to be too interested in attracting me as a customer if they're that unwilling to provide information, and what they do provide is self-backslapping. Tell me what I need to know to make a fair choice. Tell me that your truck compares favorably to the others in this, that, and the other. I don't care what you did in the Arizona Proving Grounds - I don't live there. Make me want a Chevy in *my* neighborhood. That "info" packet I got just doesn't do that
I talked to my local Chevy Dealer on 5/22/98 and he put his regional Chevy rep on the speaker phone and here is what I heard:
- 1999 Silverados will begin production mid June with delivery to customer Sept-Oct time frame
- 1/2 ton only to be built initially
- 3/4 ton to begin production Sept-Nov. with customer delivery to begin Feb-Mar 1999
- New engines:
5.0L replaced by 4.8L V8 with +25 HP (255 HP)
5.7L replaced by 5.3L V8 with +10 HP (265 HP)
7.4L replaced by 6.0L V8 with +45 HP (300 HP)
4.8L V8 and 5.3L V8 available in 1/2 ton
6.0L V8 only available in 3/4 ton or 1 ton
No torque numbers yet
The Chevy rep believes there could be delays with this schedule and was not confident Chevy dealers will receive any decent inventory until at least Jan 1999.
Truckworld Online ( is a great source of information. Below is a summary of their 10 page report on the 1999 Silverado:
- New Frame:
Front section: hydroformed rails are stronger and stiffer and improve ride and stability
Mid rails: curved lip on inside edge are stronger: tubular cross members provide better torsional performance for more solid stable feel
Rear section: straight rails: '98 model uses splayed rails
- Wheel base +2.0 in., Front Track +.9 in, Rear Track +2.5 in
- Transmission:
Larger sump pan, heftier torque converter
New touch button tow/haul mode: more aggressive shift pattern for trailering and hauling
- Brakes: Dynamic Rear Proportioning sense load changes electronically, twin pistons on front discs for additional strength
- Ext.Cab:
Cab Floor Height -1.0 in
Front bumper to back of cab +3.1 in.
Driver's heel to back of cab +3.9 in.
Front head room + .07 in.
Rear leg room +1.1 in.
Rear seat back angle +4.0 degrees
3rd door available in 1/2 & 3/4 ton
No quad cab option
Front seat belts mounted directly to seatback
Odometer doubles as an engine hour meter
Driver lockout protection: Can't power lock doors if keys are in the ignition
Search feature:to locate truck, push button and lights flash and horn honk
1999 Crew Cab short box
The short box is new for 1999 but will come in the old body style as will the Tahoe & Suburban until model year 2000.
My Chevy dealer is taking orders for the 1999 Silverado 1/2 ton but not the 3/4 ton. He is able to call up all the options on his computer and gave me a copy of all the options.
then select Truck Tests
then select '99 Chevrolet Line-up
then select '99 Silverado
Dont take this personally but the 7.4L V8 is rated at 290hp (these are the Vortecs 1996 and up). So the increase would be only 10hp but with a 1.4L smaller engine!
Thanks for the info!
these are light duty 3/4 tons, like ford has.
In the current body style, which you can get at the same time as the redesign (for a while), 3/4 and 1 ton, you will still get the 350 and the 454.
when chevy redesigns their heavy duty line in a few years, the 6.0 will probably be the base engine, and there will be a redesigned big block to take the place of the 454.
Chevy and GMC dealers have not yet received pricing but expect to get it mid June.
The +45 HP is the new 6.0L compared to the old 5.7L. The 454 will not be offered in the new body style in 1/2 or 3/4 ton. The old 454 and 350 V8's will be available in the 1999 old body style 1/2 and 3/4 ton pickups.
The 6.0L is replacing the 454 in the new body style pickups. The 454 is not available for now but is scheduled to receive an update sometime in the next two years and this new 454 is rumored to produce 500 ft. lbs. of torque.
My local Chevy dealer is ordering the 1999 Silverado 1/2 tons but the local GMC dealer has yet to place an order.
i heard similar news from my local chevy dealer who spoke to chevy reps at a national sales convention. they didn't give out a whole lot of info, but they said the engine replacing the 454 would be in the 500+ ftlb range for torque.
If I was going to own my next truck for 10+ years, and I was set on Chevy, and I needed the power of the 454, I'd muster up all of my patience and wait 12-18 months. Rumor has it that the 2000MY GMC will introduce the GM V-10. More power, better gas mileage, better emissions.
I have a source that tells me that a shipment of 20 experemental 99 GMC's are parked at his dealership's lot today. I'll check them out and let you know what I saw! Supposedly there are any and all configurations and colors to see.